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  • 8/11/2019 You Know Your Country Is Broke When...pdf


    9/18/2014 You Know Your Country Is Broke When... | Zero Hedge

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    BaRRaCK OBaMa SeLF PoRTRaiT...

    Posted by : williambanzai7

    Post date: 09/18/2014 - 12:20

    Where art, golf and terror intersect...

    Janet Yellen Believes You Can GetRich By Going Into Debt

    Posted by: Phoenix Capital...

    Post date: 09/18/2014 - 13:29

    The fact Yellen believes in this stuff is telling.

    You wont hear the Fed talk about incomes or

    jobs because the Fed has no clue how to

    create either. But asset prices are easy to


    The REAL Reason Britain is Freaking OutAbout Scottish Independence

    Posted by: George Washington

    Post date: 09/17/2014 - 13:37



    You Know Your Country Is Broke When...

    Submitted by Tyler Durdenon 09/18/2014 16:40 -0400

    Greece Reality

    Submitted by Simon Black via Sovereign Man blog,

    Imagine coming home from work and finding that a group

    of men have broken into your house. What do you do?

    I have a gratified feeling that for an increasing number of our

    readers, the answer would be to draw their firearm and defend

    the home.

    But its safe to say most folks would call the police.

    This happened in Greece recently, as recounted to me in an

    email by a colleague who was visiting his family in a rural,

    seaside town in the countrys southern mainland.

    Theres recently been rash of home burglaries in the village a

    remarkable turn of events for a place accustomed to leaving

    windows and doors unlocked.

    In one instance, a local resident came home and spied a thief in

    progress; he immediately called the police to dispatch a unit as

    quickly as possible. And the police reportedly told the man,We

    havent enough fuel to come out there right now.

    It shouldnt come as a surprise to hear that public services are

    being cut back in Greece given how messed up their economy is.

    But protecting citizens against crime is supposedly one of

    the sacrosanct terms of the social contract.

    Citizens around the world have exchanged their freedom

    for security. Its a completely absurd trade. . . but

    nevertheless its happened.

    And in doing so, governments have essentially monopolized the

    security business. By and large, police and security are public

    services provide exclusively by the government.

    And supposedly the taxes that we all pay go to fund those

    services. . . ensuring that someone from the government will

    come and save us when the bad guys approach.

    Thats the promise, at least.

    But in difficult economic times, bankrupt governments

    routinely set aside promises theyve made to taxpayers.

    They slash pension (social security) benefits or use funky gorilla

    math to understate cost of living increases.

    They completely violate the sacred vow of maintaining a strong,

    sound currency.

    And they drastically reduce or even eliminate funding for critical

    services that people have come to depend on.


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  • 8/11/2019 You Know Your Country Is Broke When...pdf


    9/18/2014 You Know Your Country Is Broke When... | Zero Hedge

    Thu, 09/18/2014 -

    16:43 | 5231371


    09/18/2014 -

    16:49 |




    - 16:58 |


    Of course, this situation isnt unique to Greece. Every

    bankrupt nation reaches this point sooner or later.

    Recently in [bankrupt] Argentina, a single police officer

    was left in charge of an entire jail in the Buenos Aires

    area which was housing several dozen prisoners.

    The lone officer, who was clearly in over her head and

    poorly trained, heard suspicious noises somewhere in the

    building. So what did she do? She (a police officer) called

    the police.

    Argentine media has published a recording of the officers

    911 call, where the emergency dispatcher told the officer

    to get a colleague to try and stop by.

    Oh hey, I hope youre not too busy issuing parking tickets and

    providing security for thieving politicians would you mind

    making sure we dont have a prison break on our hands?

    But the police officers response really reveals just how

    desperate the situation is, I have only one vehicle to patrol the

    whole district.

    Again, these arent isolated events. This is a major trend that is

    due to befall any bankrupt government.

    Think about it: are we really so arrogant to believe that a

    bankrupt government can continue to borrow money

    forever without consequence?

    Bottom line: independence is key. You cannot rely on a

    bankrupt government to provide the services that they


    That goes for anything from providing basic security to insuring

    bank deposits to paying out Social Security benefits.

    They simply dont have the financial means to make good on

    their promises.

    And this is a reality thats important to recognize and

    prepare for before its too late.


    Your rating: None Average: 4.3 (4 votes)

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    - advertisements -

    Divided States ...

    What goes

    around comes around..see how you like it when you

    and your group of crooked cops break and enter without

    warrants...effin cops


    Home break-

    in? Mr. JC

    Higgins is on

    the sceneimmediately. The cops can take 20 minutes. Guess

    which one is more useful.


    For close



    "point and

    shoot" with 100% success there is nothing like a


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  • 8/11/2019 You Know Your Country Is Broke When...pdf


  • 8/11/2019 You Know Your Country Is Broke When...pdf


    9/18/2014 You Know Your Country Is Broke When... | Zero Hedge

    - 17:06 |




    - 17:07 |




    - 17:06 |




    - 17:11 |




    - 17:08 |


    Thu, 09/18/2014 -

    16:48 | 5231392

    Thu, 09/18/2014 -

    16:50 | 5231394


    Who cares what anyone can prove, just

    get rid of the body genius.


    there you go. In NJ such activities

    are hardly noticed.


    Again, the "law" in NJ is pretty clear. If

    he doesn't have a knife (aside from

    something that's easy to plant), you

    simply need a more expensive attorney. Not

    one of the sharper tools in the shed are you?

    Winston Churchill

    My throwaway is a ex police gun

    bought on the black.



    better to


    judged by 12

    than carried by 6


    Bullish for

    donkeys and saddle bag manufacturers, and donkey

    armor manufacturers.

    "Sancho! Fetch me the helmet of Mambrino whilst I mount


    Equality 7-25-1

    Set the back of



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  • 8/11/2019 You Know Your Country Is Broke When...pdf


    9/18/2014 You Know Your Country Is Broke When... | Zero Hedge

    Thu, 09/18/2014 -

    16:50 | 5231395

    Thu, 09/18/2014 -

    16:50 | 5231397

    Thu, 09/18/2014 -

    16:52 | 5231401

    Thu, 09/18/2014 -

    16:51 | 5231403

    Thu, 09/18/2014 -

    17:02 | 5231406


    the house on fire and shoot them as they come out

    the front. if unarmed, douse them with gasoline. You

    don't want them coming back, do you?

    If you don't have as much gas laid up as water, you're not



    911's a joke in

    yo town


    Oh, please Simon.

    Quit being so melodramatic. Cops call for backup all the

    damn time.



    Us cops today =

    modern day wpa works program. For the 1%



    protecting citizens against crime is supposedly

    one of the sacrosanct terms of the social


    your a fool.

    the gov't has no duty to protect anyone. try to sue the

    gov't for not protecting you... you will get nowhere.


    Watched a

    snatch and dash here yesterday.

    Food 4 Less store here in Phoenix, between monsoons.

    Couple of crackheads snatched some meat from the cold

    case. One small clerk dude, Braveheart in his own way, tried

    to stop them and they got into a scuffle. When a group of us

    customers made a move to intervene they booked on their

    shitty Walmart bikes.

    Clerk told me a moment later they stole his cellphone just as

    he was calling 9-11. I suggested we get into my car, follow at

    slow speed, (and run 'em over) and call the coppers with my

    cell when we spot 'em again.Instead he clocked out and roared after them in his own car.

    Road Warrior Interceptor type. Hope they don't actually

    "cross" his path. Anyways, TEN minutes later patrol car

    shows up.

    "When seconds count, police are minutes away." Ten in this


    At least we have open carry/ conceal carry here. Might get

    me one some day.

    Alex, Reporting from Arizona


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  • 8/11/2019 You Know Your Country Is Broke When...pdf


    9/18/2014 You Know Your Country Is Broke When... | Zero Hedge

    09/18/2014 -

    17:09 |


    Thu, 09/18/2014 -

    16:55 | 5231411

    Thu, 09/18/2014 -

    16:59 | 5231420

    Thu, 09/18/2014 -

    17:01 | 5231423

    Thu, 09/18/2014 -

    17:03 | 5231425

    Go back tomorrow and look at his bumper and hood.

    Fresh scratch marks or blood?


    it's not just

    happening in greece...



    CHS:"In one instance, a local resident came homeand spied a thief in progress; he immediately called the police

    to dispatch a unit as quickly as possible. And the police

    reportedly told the man,We havent enough fuel to come

    out there right now.

    Bridgeport Ct in the 1990's. Cops would answer a call and go

    to the address...after that took care of business they would

    sit there and wait for the next call. Not enough money to


    ....not sayin' that's such a bad thing either.

    Bangalore Equit...

    "I have a

    gratified feeling that for an increasing number of our

    readers, the answer would be to draw their firearm

    and defend the home."

    Listen. I like Simon. But trust me locks are too easy to pick

    and expect the unexpected. You have to plan for your

    deepest state of REM sleep.

    Get a simple wireless remotely activated sensor. Put the

    motion detector in "YOUR" strategic location(hallway, doors,

    you figure it out) and put the receiver next to your bed.

    Muffle the reciever with a towel so only you can hear it but

    make sure it's loud enough to wake you from deep REM.

    Don't guess, test it.

    Loaded, at the ready weapon, in close reach. Quickly pull itunder your sleeping linens and pretend as if you are asleep.

    Confirm your target is not friendly and fire.



    I should also



    Instead he

    clocked out

    and roared after them in his own car. Road

    Warrior Interceptor type.

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  • 8/11/2019 You Know Your Country Is Broke When...pdf


    9/18/2014 You Know Your Country Is Broke When... | Zero Hedge

    Thu, 09/18/2014 -

    17:03 | 5231429

    Thu, 09/18/2014 -

    17:08 | 5231447

    "As the ligatures or strings do knit together the joints of all

    the parts of the body, so doth ligeance join together the

    Sovereign and all his subjects, quasi uno ligamine. Glanville,

    who wrote in the reign of H. 2. lib. 9. cap. 4. speaking of the

    connexion which ought to be between the lord and tenant

    that holdeth by hone saith, that mutua debet esse domini et

    fide litatis connexion ita quod quantum debet omino ex

    homagio, tantum illi debet dominus ex dominio, prter solam

    reverentiam, and the lord, (saith he) ought to defend his

    tenant. But between the Sovereign and the subject there is

    without comparison a higher and greater connexion: for as

    the subject oweth to the King his true and faithful l igeance

    and obedience, so the Sovereign is to govern and protect his as between the Sovereign and subject there isduplex et reciprocum ligamen."

    "ligeance is the mutual bond and obligation between the King

    and his subjects, whereby subjects are called his liege

    subjects, because they are bound to obey and serve him; and

    he is called their liege lord, because he should maintain and

    defend them."

    "The term citizen as understood in our law is precisely

    analogous to the term subject in the common law and the

    change of phrases has entirely resulted from the change of

    government The sovereignty has been changed from one

    man to the collective body of the people and he who before

    was a subject of the king is now a citizen of the State."

    State v Manuel 20 NC 122 129 quoted in US v Rhodes

    ergo, there is no state, there are no citizens.


    Just completed

    my Concealed Weapons Permit training. The

    Instructor said "If your feel threatened...shoot to kill...not in

    the leg or arm.....cause if you don't kill the are

    the one that will end up in jail. "

    Buck Johnson

    When it happens

    in the US it will be catastrophic. Because we aren't

    prepared for when those checks stop coming or the

    police decide either not to come or to participate in the mob

    rule. As a nation we are a third world one with a first world

    facade. Once we are shown we are third world, all hell is

    going to break loose.

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