You can contact your parents so they know where you are and you can extend your time out. You can...

The social, economic, jobs and threat impacts of the use of ICT By Chloe King

Transcript of You can contact your parents so they know where you are and you can extend your time out. You can...

The social, economic, jobs and threat impacts of the

use of ICT

By Chloe King

•You can contact your parents so they know where

you are and you can extend your time out.

•You can take photos and videos and share them

with family and friends and upload them on

Facebook or you tube.

•You can listen to music or the radio out loud or

with head phones in which you cant do with an

mp3 player.

•You can browse the internet and download music

or apps or games.

•If you are bored you can play games.

•Some phones have a built in sat-nav.

•You can talk to people who live in a different part

of the country.


•If you want a newest mobile phone out they

cost a lot of money.

•If you have a contract phone or have to top

up all the time its expensive.

•Your phone may be stolen or cause you to be


•If you are focusing on your phone and not

concentrating you might get knocked or run


You can talk to your friends for free.

You can upload your photos and videos to

let your friends see them and you can tag

them in photos.

You can talk to many people at the same

time but you cannot do that on a mobile


You can catch up with old friends and

meet new people that have the same

interests. This would be difficult to do and

would cost a lot without the internet.


•You are not always sure who you are talking


•Cyber bulling can make peoples lives

miserable and make them cry.

•It can be addictive.

•You could ignore your parents and not do

house work and get in trouble.

Online banking has became very popular as

you can do all of your banking at home and can

transfer money to different accounts, but this

has resulted to many people worrying about

there account thinking that many other people

can access there account.

E – commerce has changed the way you can

shop instead of going to shops you can go

online and buy most things this helps people as

not everyone has time to go out but they have

time to buy things online as it does take much

time. If what you buy is not what you want in

the end you can send it back just like going to

an ordinary shop.


Ebay /Amazon has changed the way that the

internet works as many people would usually go

out and have to go to many different shops to

find something for your every need, whereas

know you can just go on these websites and buy

most things as you can search things it doesn’t

take long to do. On the websites you can also bid

on things or buy them automatically by bidding

on them you can get the best price for the things

you need.

ICT has affected jobs as it has created many

jobs such as technicians, programmers, web

designers and developers this has helped

people come into new jobs as they need to

keep making new technology and keeping the

computer to the best that it can be. Some of

the jobs created are to make new programs for

the computer some to fix the computer when it

is broken or that there is a problem and others

to make new computers with more technology

on them.


The invention of the computer was not a

good thing for everyone because as well of

creating jobs it also put many people out of

a job due to the new technology it has on it.

Many computers will get a virus as viruses

can be attached to files that have been sent

by another person this will affect your


Identity theft due to people having personal

things on there computer people can get your

bank codes and card details and they can use

then as they have committed identity theft.


Cyber bullying is where people get bullied

on social sites due to personal problems this

is unfair.

Corruption of backup data even if you have

backed up your data it can still be corrupted

this will get rid of all your work so you have to

start it all over again.

Hard drive failure where your computers

hard drive will not or does not work .