You Can Be Active - Get Motivated Today

Most of us spend 40 hours per week at work

Transcript of You Can Be Active - Get Motivated Today

Most of us spend 40 hours

per week at work

Most of us

spend 6 hours

per day sitting

still at our desk

or chair

96% of


Australians have

1 or more risk factors

for health conditions

such as stroke,

* smoking,

* risky alcohol consumption,

* obesity,

* physical inactivity,

* low fruit or vegetable


* high blood pressure, or

* high blood cholesterol. such as stroke,

heart attack, diabetes,

some cancers,

arthritis, etc.

* high blood cholesterol.

75% have multiple

risk factors

Be more active

Every hour grab your workmate and walk a

lap of your office, walk a flight of stairs,

do some stretches

Turn on your timer

Set your timer

for 2 minutes.for 2 minutes.

You don’t even need

to put your runners on

or change your outfit!

Why 2 minutes?

* The first two minutes of exercise

your body uses sugars and fats in

your body for energy

* After 2 minutes your body uses


If you have 2 minutes to

check Facebook/Twitter

then you have 2

minutes to exercise. You

just need to learn HOW.

You can change your tomorrow by

moving for just 2 minutes today

It’s just

33easy steps

Make exercise


Find what motivates you:

- Play with your family

- Dance to music

- Walk around your

kitchen table while your

kettle is boiling

Be time efficient

- Incorporate squats into

your chores/work

- Do walking lunges/tippy

toe walking as you walk to

the letterbox

- March on the spot while

you’re on the phone/brushing your teethphone/brushing your teeth

It doesn’t need to be


No excuses!

Common Excuses:

– I’m too busy

– I’m too tired

I have an injury– I have an injury

– I’m uncoordinated

– I hate exercise

• Whenever your mind provides an excuse

argue back!

– 2 minutes of walking boosts your productivity and creativity – you’ll get your work done faster when you return to your desk

No excuses!

return to your desk

– 2 minutes of walking boost your metabolism and gives you more energy

– If you have a leg injury, exercise with your arms. If you have a back injury, do exercises sitting down.

– It’s just 2 minutes.

Team Up

Feeling unmotivated?

• Tell a workmate/neighbour/loved one how you’re feeling

and boost each other to take 2 minutes out of every hour

to improve your health

Still not moving?

Write down the thoughts that are stopping you

from moving

Common emotions are:o A 2 minute walk isn’t going to

shake off my weightshake off my weight

o What’s the point?

o I already have

arthritis/high blood


o People will stare/laugh at me

o I’m don’t want to be the first

one to do it

Next to each of your

thoughts/emotions write

down what you would say if

these words were being

Still not moving?

these words were being

written by your:

• husband

• wife

• child


• father

• best friend

Only you can make

the change to

protect your health

Your body will thank

you and so will your

family and friends

What are you waiting for?

We are

here tohere to

help YOU

So, please stand from your chair, walk to your

tea room, and take 3 deep breaths.

Or if you’re feeling up to a challenge, have a

dance and a laugh with your team!

Make the

change today,

not tomorrow


• Exercise comes with an element of risk so do not exercise if you experience pain, shortness of breath, dizziness, chest pain, etc.

• Contact an allied health professional or your doctor before starting an exercise program if doctor before starting an exercise program if you have a complex injury or health condition.

• Do what feels comfortable for your body. Even just walking around your living room every hour can make a difference.

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