Yoredale News The Parish and Community Magazine … · Helen Callear, Ian Sweeney, ... 6.30 pm...

Yoredale News The Parish and Community Magazine For Masham, Healey, West Tanfield, North Stainley and Well with Snape Masham Police Station Circa 1900 June 2018 1

Transcript of Yoredale News The Parish and Community Magazine … · Helen Callear, Ian Sweeney, ... 6.30 pm...

Yoredale News

The Parish and Community Magazine For

Masham, Healey, West Tanfield,North Stainley and Well with Snape

Masham Police Station Circa 1900

June 2018


PARISH MAGAZINEMasham, Healey, West Tanfield, North Stainley and Well with Snape.

June 2018Volume 33 Number 6

Vicar: The Revd. David Cleeves, The Vicarage, Rodney Terrace, Masham, HG4 4JA (01765 689255) email: [email protected]: Revd. Nick Morgan 01765 635039 email: [email protected] & Youth Worker: contact Revd. David CleevesWebsite: www.mashamparishes.org

Churchwardens:Masham HealeyRobert Arnold 01765 689116 Anne Ramsay 01765 689278Jim Hunter 01765 689828 Delia Richmond 01765 658765Irene Saunders 01765 688306Cath Boshier 01765 688957 Well with Snape

John Knopp 01677 470204

West Tanfield North Stainley David Bryant 01765 635206 Scilla Kealy 01765 635253Christopher Bourne-Arton 01677 470385 Christine Waugh.01765 603802

Methodist Church: Minister: Rev. Dr. Pat Malham 01765 688556.

Leadership Team: Stewards:Masham West TanfieldJoy Rayden 01765 689310Steve Laugher 01765 689559 Mr Simon Abel 01677 470297Pauline Staton 01765 689175Janet Newey 01765 689302 SnapeNigel Wright 01677 427249 Graham Pentelow 01677 470904Pete Hammond 688568.Magazine Editor: Christine Greensit. 5 Chapman Lane, Masham HG4 4EE Telephone: 01765 689711. Email: yoredalenews@ gmail.comAdvertising. Lynn Simms. Email:[email protected] Telephone: 01765 689784 Material should either be posted or emailed to the editor who reserves the right not to include items if space is limited.Donations are always welcome. Please make cheques payable to'Masham PCC' and sent to the editor. Thank you.Closing Date for the July/August magazine is 10th June


From the Vicarage The Root Of All Evil? Religion can be one of the most destructive forces in human life. Hatred,violence, bigotry and intolerance are all too evident consequences of somepeople’s religious beliefs. Christianity, Islam and Hinduism have all hadtheir chapters of shame and hatred. So, as Richard Dawkins would argue,might we be better off in a world without religion?

At first glance Dawkins may seem to have a point, but wait a minute andjust look at the role of politics in our society. Regimes that claimed to haveabolished religion - for example Communist Russia, had their fair share ofpurges and death camps. While politics give us the means to function as agroup, religion gives us a window into what it means to be fully human, ourvalue and self worth.

Religion can be the most powerful force for good in our world, seeking toput a value on all human life, from the most vulnerable unborn child to themost fragile and elderly in our midst. In a world where greed, hatred anddespair flourish, religion can bring out qualities of sacrificial love and arespect for life, regardless of a person’s talents and economic worth tosociety. What we need is not an end to religion, but rather a society thatreflects God’s love and goodness.David Cleeves

From the RegistersBaptism22nd April Oliver Pratt at West TanfieldWeddings31st March Timothy Pattinson and Katy Thwaites at Masham28th April Mark Gales and Joanne Todd at MashamR.I.P.18th April Thanksgiving Service for Geoffrey Dodsworth at Well21st April Linda Moriarty at Masham

St Mary's, Masham Youth ChoirSt. Mary's Youth choir has spaces for two new children preferably in schoolyears 3 or 4 to start after the May half term. We are also in need of one

adult soprano to join the main choir. Details from Ann Rudd 01765689460 [email protected]


First Sunday 8.00 a.m. Masham Holy Communion after Trinity 9.15 a.m. Healey Holy Communion 3rd June 9.15 a.m. North Stainley Holy Communion

10.45 a.m. Masham Family Service 10.45 a.m. Well Holy Communion 10.45 a.m. West Tanfield Holy Communion

Second Sunday: 8.00 a.m. Masham Holy Communion after Trinity 9.30 a.m. West Tanfield Family Service 10th June 10.45 a.m. Masham Holy Communion

10.45 a.m. Snape Holy Communion 4.00 p.m. North Stainley Revive 6.30 p.m. Healey Evensong

Third Sunday: 9.15 am. Healey Holy Communion after Trinity 9.15 a.m. North Stainley Holy Communion 17th June 10.45 a.m. Masham Holy Communion

10.45 a.m. Well Holy Communion6.30 p.m. West Tanfield Evensong

Birth of John 8.00 a.m. Masham Holy Communion the Baptist 10.45 a.m. Masham Holy Communion 24th June 10.45 a.m. West Tanfield Holy Communion

4.00 p.m. North Stainley Revive6.30 p.m. Healey Evensong6.30 p.m. Snape Evensong

What’s going on at St. Mary’s, Masham?Singing for FunSpend an hour in the church, singing songs from the shows, musicals andpopular music, men or women, any age, always, as it says on the tin wehave ‘FUN’. We meet on the second Tuesday of the month at 1.15 pm until2.15 pm and then have a tea or coffee. The next date is Tuesday 12th June.Singing for Fun for children (7 and over)Music chosen to suit children, many songs chosen by the young peoplethemselves. We are next meeting on Saturday 7th July, note a timechange. 10.30 to 11.30 am, in the church. The emphasis again is on‘FUN’. We have a short refreshment break. All the adults are DBSchecked and we ask parents to sign a permission form or of course you cansit and enjoy the beautiful sound the youngsters make.Pie & Pint


An opportunity to share a meal, have a chat and put the world to right. Joinus for a Pie & Pint at the Bay Horse pub, Silver Street, on Monday 11 th Juneat 12 for 12.30 pm. £7.50 payable directly to the bar. Other food choicesare available. If you are thinking of coming along, please let Jim Hunterknow on 01765 689828.‘Pop-in’ Coffee morningA monthly Coffee morning takes place on the first Tuesday of the month, at11 am, in different people’s homes. The coffee morning moves aboutMasham, we also go out and about. Please get in touch with Mary Briggs,Pat Paddison or Lesley Hunter on 01765 689828 if you would like to knowmore about us.Coffee morning with songs from the Choir, Junior Choir and Singing forFun, music played on the organ and piano by Anthony Rudd.Saturday 16th June from 10.30 am to 12 noon. In the church – Offers ofcake welcome. Donations to the aisle development. Plans will be available.Barbecue To be held on Sunday 8th July at 12 noon, outside the church (inside if wet)Tickets are £7 per person, child ticket (3 to 16) £3 under 3 years no charge.Tickets available from Kate Cleeves and after church services from SocialCommittee. We are looking for help and raffle prizes for this event, pleasespeak to LesleySongs of Praise and an afternoon teaAugust 16th at 3.30 pm in the church – choose your favourite hymn.Harvest supper and entertainmentThis is advance information that the Harvest supper this year is takingplace at the Town Hall on Friday 21st September at 7.00 pm. £7 (Children£3, under 3 no charge) This will be a good evening of a Yorkshire ploughsupper and entertainment. Tickets on sale from Lesley Hunter, 01765689828.Autumn BrunchThe church Autumn Brunch is to take place on 27 th October, please put thedate in your diary. If you are having a sort out please note we will belooking for bric-a-brac and raffle prizes. Come along and bag a bargain! Formore information speak to Jean JonesMasham tribute to the Fallen Land Fit for Heroes 1918 - 2018A musical play by Jim Hunter/Musical Director Ann Rudd in St. Mary’schurch, Masham -Friday 9th November – 7.30 pm. Proceeds in aid of ex-service personnel charities

Social Committee - St Mary's Church.5

At the next Social Committee meeting we will be discussing our plans for2019 – if you have an idea you would like us to explore please speak to ourChair, Jean Jones or any of the Social Committee.WHO is on the Social Committee?Chair Jean Jones Vice Chair Lesley HunterSecretary Rosalind Arnold Treasurer Kate CleevesJenifer Bullen, Kay Bromhead, Pat Paddison, Lynda Maynard Glover,Helen Callear, Ian Sweeney, Basil Sturdy. Church Cleaning PartyTo keep the church clean and tidy help is always welcome on the FIRSTSaturday of the month at 9.30 am – we normally get away, the morehelpers we have, by 10.30 am latest.

METHODIST CHURCH SERVICES3rd June 10.30am Masham John Bailey

10.30 am Snape Joan Bailey10.30 am Tanfield Mrs D.Johnson6.30 pm Maple Creek Pete Hammond6.30 pm Snape Worship and Explore

10th June 10.30am Masham John Foster10.30 am Snape Graham Pentelow10.30 am Tanfield Rev.Dr.Malham-sacrament6.30 pm Ellington Rev.Dr.Malham-sacrament6.30 pm Snape Rev. Colin Lake

17th June 10.30am Masham Rev.Dr.Malham-sacrament10.30 am Snape Mrs E.Hogerzeil10.30 am Tanfield Mr F.Bell6.30 pm Snape Heather Garbutt

24th June 10.30am Masham Heather Garbutt10.30 am Snape Rev.Dr.Malham-sacrament10.30 am Tanfield Mrs J Peacock. Chapel

Anniversary6.30 pm Ellington Rev. David Emison6.30 pm Masham Kings Praise6.30 pm Snape Ruth Dent


Methodist NewsSaturday Coffee Morning is open in the chapel School Room each week from 10.30am to 12noon. A good place to refresh yourself on your way to orfrom your Saturday shop!

HOPE COMMUNITY PROJECTKnitting Project. We meet every Tuesday afternoon in the MethodistSchool Room from 2pm and 4pm. We are very lively and supportive groupand welcome new members whether experts or novices. There are plentyof experienced knitters to teach beginners or give advice on tricky patterns!If you want to know more, give Lynda a ring on (01765) 688170 or just turnup on the day! We have plenty of wool, needles and patterns to get youstarted. Many members are currently joining in the knitting of poppies toadorn the churches for Remembrance Sunday.Wednesday Drop-in is the place to go for a good cup of coffee (or tea!)and a chat. You’ll find us in the Methodist School Room from 10.30am to12noon every week.Thursday Club normally meets at Maple Creek from 2.30-4.00pm every2nd and 4th Thursday of the month. Everyone is welcome to join us forrefreshments, good company, speakers and music. This month’s sessions:June 14th Singalong: Songs from the Around the World 28th To be arrangedSunday Afternoon Drop-in is open every week at Maple Creek from 3.00– 4.00pm. If Sunday afternoon feels a bit empty, you are welcome to join usfor conversation, refreshments, and a good laugh – guaranteed to cheeryou up! Hope Community Garden The new season is well and truly under waynow, and we are looking for more volunteers to join the regular work partyon the first Saturday of every month, maintaining and developing thegarden. There is currently only one small plot available, so if you areinterested, don’t delay! Have you been down to see what’s going onrecently? Are the roses in bloom in the memorial garden? How are thesmall plots coming along? There’s only one way to find out – go and havea look! Spend some time just sitting on one of the benches and watchingthe world go by…. If you are interested in what it’s all about, or would like totake part in some way, Jim Hunter is the man to talk to – he can becontacted at the number below.The HOPE Community Garden is jointenterprise of Masham Allotment Association and HOPE CommunitySupport. If you would like to be part of this exciting project, or want anyother information about HOPE, please contact Joy Rayden on (01765)689310 or Jim Hunter on (01765) 689828


WEDNESDAY WELCOME CENTREOpen every Wednesday, 12.30-3.30pm

at Masham Methodist ChurchThe Wednesday Welcome Centre is now a year old, and is going fromstrength to strength. Have you visited us yet? We offer a simple caféserving soup, rolls, cakes and hot drinks, and a variety of activities fromdominoes to crafts, and singalongs to boccia (if you don’t know what that is,come and find out!). Our main objective is to provide good company, goodconversation and plenty of laughter, and we would love people to be talkingabout us so that those who would most benefit from what we have to offerwill know it is a good place to be. Most months there is something to celebrate. We had a lovely timecelebrating the Royal Wedding (some of us wearing hats or fascinatorsmade in a craft session, and sharing our own wedding photos). The bigevent of the month was celebrating our first anniversary. We were joinedby some of the people who were with us for our launch, and, of course,there was cake!June promises to be eventful as well. We will be having a craft session ledby some of the staff and members of Jennyruth Workshops and may behaving a visit from some of the younger residents of Masham. Watch thisspace….We are open to everyone, but offer additional information and support forpeople living with dementia through our contacts with Dementia Support,Carers Resource, Red Cross and others.If you would like more information about the centre, or would like tovolunteer, please contact Joy Rayden on (01765) 689310.

TRAIDCRAFT IN MASHAMThere will be a Traidcraft Fair Trade Stall on Saturday 2nd June from 10.30am until 12 noon in Masham Methodist Church Hall.Foodstuffs, Crafts, Cards, Tea, Coffee, Chocolate and much more...

Blue Light Gallery: Until 6th July, well-known local artist Rob Bladesreturns to the Blue Light Gallery showing new watercolours of Mashamscenes together with Carol Archer exhibiting her popular oils andwatercolours of Masham and local Dales’ views. We are delighted towelcome Lorraine Garlick for the first time to the Gallery. The Blue LightGallery is open the same time as the Community Office: Monday-Saturday,10am-3pm. For more information about future exhibitions or if you wouldlike to exhibit, please contact The Blue Light Gallery at the Community


Office, 7 Little Market Place, Masham, HG4 4DY or call 01765 680 200 oremail: [email protected].

Corpus Christi Mass: at Jervaulx Abbey on Saturday 2nd June at 6pm.The Hambleton Circle, The Catenian Association invite you to a CorpusChristi Mass to mark the anniversary of the death of Adam Sedbar, the 23rdand last Abbot. Donations will be shared between the Upkeep of JervaulxAbbey and Aid to the Church in need. As this is an outdoor event, pleasebring waterproof clothing and a folding chair. For enquiries please contactAndrew Burrell on 07932 302140. By kind permission of Mr and Mrs IanBurden.

Masham Market Weekend and Farmer’s Market: returns to MashamMarket Square on Saturday 2nd with the Farmer’s Market on Sunday 3rd ofJune. On Saturday, Masham’s 750 year old market is filled with extramarket stalls, music and special events – all on Yorkshire’s largest marketplace. The Farmer’s Market is every 1st Sunday of the month until Octoberfrom around 8.30am-2pm. Farmhouse baking, bread, cured meats, organicveg, handmade fudge, plants, handmade walking sticks, soaps, honey,cheese, herbs and lots more. Come and eat seasonally inspired dishessold by inventive ‘kitchens’. Music and family activities make MashamMarket a great event for visitors of all ages. For more information contactNick Reed on 07939 136082. www.northerndalesfarmersmarkets.com.

Craft & Gift Fair: at Masham Town Hall on Saturday 2nd and Sunday 3rd ofJune from 10am-4.30pm. A range of quality crafts and gifts including handcrafted table lamps, bowls, clocks, greetings cards, knitted garments,cushions, fashion jewellery in latest designs, Dales paintings and muchmore. Free admission.

Keep the Faith – Northern Soul band: on Saturday 2nd of June atMasham Town Hall. Featuring Sarah Collins and her nine-piece NorthernSoul band Keep the Faith. Welcomed back after sold-out gig last year.Authentic arrangements of original songs providing a live Northern Soulexperience that is second to none. Doors open 7.30pm, on stage at 8pm.Tickets £12 available from Masham Community Office 01765 680200 oremail: [email protected].

Moo Music: Free taster session coming to Masham Town Hall onWednesday 6th June from 10-10.40am. Moo Music is moosical fun, suitable


for babies from birth to toddlers of pre-school age. We sing, we play and wemoove all to some very catchy original songs, specially designed to helpyour little one understand the world around them. Each week we discovera new theme from 'The Wild West' to 'Superheroes' to 'Down on the Farm'giving us fantastic opportunities to dress up and play a range ofinstruments. The first session is free of charge then the remainder of theterm is £4.50 per session. For more information please call Chantelle on01765 650151/07841 939722 or email: [email protected] .Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/moomusicripon/.

Food Safety in Catering Course (Level 2): on Thursday 7th June atMasham Town Hall from 10am-4pm. Free one day course covering allaspects of handling food safely including high/low risk foods, safe storage,sources of contamination, pests, food illness, staff hygiene and rules andregulations. Learners will build a portfolio during the day, and complete agroup quiz at the end of the course. For more information and to book, call01609 780780 or email: [email protected]

The Shout: at Masham Town Hall on Friday 8 th June at 7pm. A witty andemotional tale of Mountain Rescue folk seen through the eyes of localdalesman, producer and Mountain Rescue volunteer Pete Roe. Allproceeds will be shared between Swaledale Mountain Rescue Team andMasham Town Hall. Tickets £10. Tickets from Mashamshire CommunityOffice, 01765 680200 or email: [email protected].

Home & Lifestyle Brocante: Saturday 9th of June at Masham Town Hallfrom 10am-4pm. Vintage and Antiques – china, antiques, vintage linensand textiles, handmade unusual gifts and home wares, up-cycled furniture,salvage, gardenalia and unique décor. Pre-loved and ready for a new life.Free entry. For more information visit: www.heartisanevents.co.uk oremail: [email protected]

Pram Praise: is a relaxed session of stories, songs and rhymes for youngchildren, parents and carers with comfortable chairs, carpet and cushions.Toys, tea, coffee and time to talk afterwards. Tuesday 12 th of June from2.30pm at Saint Mary’s Church, Masham. Finishes in time to collect otherchildren from school or Acorns. All Welcome. For more information pleasecall Kate Cleeves on 01765 689255.


Laughter Yoga: at Masham Methodist Church Hall on Tuesday 12th of June(and every 2nd Tuesday of the month) from 5.50-7pm. A simple, gentle andhealthy exercise that suits all ages and abilities. Come and connect withyour laughter for Happiness, Health and Wellbeing. No special clothing orequipment is required and it is available to everyone regardless of level offitness or previous experience. £5 (or donation). Under 16′s go free. Pleasearrive 10 minutes early as we start and finish on time. For more information,please call Tim on 07861 388307, email: [email protected].

Supporting Masham in the Community: on Wednesday 13th June atMasham Town Hall from 10am-1pm. A community event organised byMashamshire Community Office to showcase all the wonderful non-commercial, local organisations that offer support to the people of Masham.Come and find out more at this exciting and informative morning.Refreshments available.For more information, please contact the Community Office on 01765680200 or email: [email protected].

Faramach: at Masham Town Hall on Thursday 14th of June at 8.00pm.Teenage Scottish supergroup with big voices, a great energy andenthusiasm. A range of covers and originals. Tickets available fromMasham Community Office (01765 680200) for £5.

Father’s Day at Studfold: on Sunday 17th June from 10.30am-5pm, lastadmission 3.30pm. Enjoy Studfold's Award Winning Adventure Trail andexplore the ‘Great Outdoors’, discovering Studfold’s Hidden secrets. Makea Father’s day card. A beautiful and intriguing countryside experience forfamilies with young children. Find clues, secret boxes, swap treasure anddiscover so many countryside experiences along the way. Bring a picnic orhave a tasty snack at Studfold's Nidderdale Way Cafe. Suitable for allprimary and pre-school children and their parents and parents’ parents!Price £6 adult, £5 child, under 3 free. Free admission to Fathers andGrandads when accompanying their children. For more information, call01423 755 228. www.studfoldtrails.co.uk.

Julian Smith, MP, Constituency Surgery: on Friday 29th June from 3.30-4.30pm at Masham Town Hall. To book an appointment, please call 01756795898 or email: [email protected].


A Midsummer Night’s Dream: Saturday 30th of June at Swinton Bivouac.Doors open 4.30pm, show starts 6:30pm. Bring a picnic to enjoyShakespeare’s best-loved romantic comedy, complete with beautifulElizabethan costumes, a wonderful music score and enchanting woodlandpuppet creatures. Theatre for all ages. Adult £16/ Child £10/ Family £46.Tickets and information from Sinton Bivouac 01765 680 900.Crafted by Hand: returns to Masham Town Hall on Sunday 1st July from10am-4pm. Showcasing the best artists and craft makers from the North.Meet artists and makers, buy contemporary arts and crafts. Watch and tryyour hand at: Giant Knitting, Blacksmithing, Making a ceramic animal,Throwing a pot, Stamping jewellery, Weaving, Pole lathe turning, Lampwork, Glass beads Homemade refreshments. For more information visit:www.by-handevents.com. Sponsored by Masham Gallery and ArtisOn.

Junior Tennis Coaching: has already started at Masham Tennis Courts onFriday afternoons but it’s not too late to join. The 10 coaching sessions arefor Intermediate and Junior members to learn or improve their game foronly £15 plus annual membership with professional tennis coach ChrisWorwood. Juniors, 8-11 years, 4-5pm and Intermediates, 11-18 years, 5-6pm. For more information, please call Tom Johnson (Chair) on 01765603593. Visit www.mashamshiretennisclub.co.uk for more information andapplication forms.

Keep Moving: For gentler exercise and movement at a steadier pace forthose of us challenged by age, weight, injury or indolence. Good company.Every Monday at 10am at Masham Town Hall. Just turn up.

Slimming World: Every Monday, either from 5-6.30pm or 7-8.30pm atMasham Town Hall. Just £9.95 on your first night then £4.95 a week.Contact Cate, Slimming World Consultant on 07834 897533.

Pilates: is easy on your joints, improves flexibility, can ease back pain andis great for toning muscles. It helps with concentration and improves focusas well as re-educating your spine to improve posture. Tuesday eveningsfrom 7.30-8.30pm at Masham Methodist Hall and two classes on Thursdaymornings from 10am-noon at Fearby Village Hall. Classes have amaximum of ten places and cost £36 for six sessions (six weeks). Firsttaster session costs £3. Please book your place by contacting Sueat [email protected] or call 07776 195694 for more information.Please bring a mat, clothing that allows you to move freely and a waterbottle.


Karumba Dance Fitness and Chart Hit Workout: every Wednesdayevening from 7.30-8.30pm at Masham Town Hall. Get fit and have fun witheasy to follow dance routines for all ages and levels of fitness. £4.50 perclass or buy 5 and get one free. For more details contact Karen: 07827994936 or email: [email protected].

Badminton Club: at Fearby & Healey Village Hall every Wednesday from8-9pm. We’re always looking for new or more experienced players.Rackets available to borrow. Pay as you go – £2.50 per week. Call 07808919541 for more information.

Rhythm Time: Fun music classes for your baby or toddler at MashamMethodist Church Hall on Thursdays from 12.30-2.30pm. A chance todevelop your child’s confidence, creativity, listening skills, language,numeracy and co-ordination. Free trial. Call Ami 07340 048804 for moreinformation. www.rhythmtime.net/am4.

Citizens Advice Session: Please note that there is no Citizens Advicesessions in June. Sessions continue on Wednesday 5 th of July at theCommunity Office and every first Thursday of the month, 10am-noon. Noneed to book, just turn up.

Mashamshire Tennis Club: Visitors who want to play tennis are welcometo use the Mashamshire Tennis Court for a fee of £10. Court access codeavailable from Mashamshire Community Office. Racquets and balls for hire.For more information please visit the websitewww.mashamshiretennisclub.co.uk or ask at the Community Office. Tel:01765 680200.

Mashamshire Swift Conservation Community Project: Swifts normallyarrive to spend their summer in Masham during May. Please help us tosave Mashamshire’s Swifts by recording how many arrive this summer, andwhere they nest. Swift numbers have declined by 50% over the last 25years. We aim to increase numbers by providing nesting places in Mashamand surrounding villages for these amazing birds. Please get in touch if youwould like to purchase a swift nesting box – already in place in St Mary’sChurch and the Primary School. Also pick up a survey form at theCommunity Office or email: [email protected].

Litter Action: Please help to keep Mashamshire free of unsightly andpolluting litter by joining the newly-formed Greener Masham Action Group.


Visit litteraction.org.uk/greener-masham to find out more and register tojoin.

Wheelchair: If you have a need, or an elderly relative or friend staying,please contact us and we can make arrangements to lend you a communitywheelchair for a donation. For more information, please call 01765 680200or pop into the Community Office, 7 Little Market Place. Email:[email protected].

Go on - have a £5 flutter£5 is all it costs to be included in Masham Sports Association's(MSA) 2018/19 monthly 100+ Club Draw. Your £5 covers you for the wholeyear & you automatically become a Social Member of the MSA.Every month from July to June, two lucky winners receive a £10 cash prizeeach, plus in December & June, an even luckier winner receives a £50cash prize! MSA needs to raise funds to keep The Rec looking as greatas it does, so please give us your support by buying a ticket.Tickets are available from: Broadley's Insurance Brokers, Derek Chapman,Tom Johnson, Viv Harrison, Dot Elliott & at the Club House onSaturdays...why not enjoy a bacon butty, a cuppa, afternoon tea &/or a pintwhile you're there!

Land fit for Heroes Friday 9th November 2018 In St. Mary’s Church,Masham at 7.30 p.m.Rehearsals, September, October, November 2018Looking for actors, singers, musicians, technicians, costumiers, sceneconstructors and painters, front of house. No previous experience required,lots of music, on stage chorus, enactment of significant events includingvotes for women. WW1 uniforms and memorabilia wanted. For thoseinterested forms will be available in the church and the community officefrom early July. For further information speak to Jim Hunter. 689 828

Carer's LunchCarers Lunch, 3rd Tuesday of every month, King's Head Masham,12:30pm, Lunch selected from menu. Come and Join Us. For moreinformation please call Louise Wilson 01677 - 470843. This lunch is opento carers and those cared for. It is an opportunity to meet other people andextend your friendship group.

Smalls for AllThere will be a collection for 'Smalls for All', a charity which sendsunderwear to African countries. They send pants for all ages of girls,


women and boys - cotton and dark colours preferred and also children's teeshirts (boys and girls, any ages) as well as bras of any type and size. If you(or your daughters) have any old bras and pants which you wish to donateplease take them to Masham Community Office or [email protected]; Kay Bromhead.

Masham WI. Are holding a ‘Beetle Drive’ evening on Monday June 11th. AtMasham Town Hall. Starting at 7.15. The competition for this evening is ABeetle or A Beatle. You choose. We hope to see you there. Visitors alwayswelcome for a small charge of £3.50 . Tea,Coffee and Biscuits provided.Masham WI . Apologies for the change to programme listed.Jean Jones President 01765688671.

Mashamshire Community Officesupporting

Masham in the CommunityOn Wednesday 13th June at Masham Town Hall


A community event organised by Mashamshire Community Office toshowcase at least 25 wonderful non-commercial, local organisations that

offer support to the people of Masham. Come and find out more at this exciting and informative morning.

All welcome! Refreshments available.

For more information, please contact the Community Office on 01765680200 or email: [email protected].

Children Teens Special Needs Seniors Socially Isolated

NEWS FROM WEST TANFIELDMethodist NewsFood served in the Village Hall May 28th in aid of Chapel Funds.Lunch in the School Room 12.15pm Wednesday June 6th followed by a Domino Drive . A hot lunch and good company you can be assured of a warm welcome . Contact 01677 470961.


The Chapel Anniversary will be held on 24th June when the Preacher will be Mrs Jennifer Peacock .The service will be followed by lunch . All welcome . Names for the lunch to 01677 470961The Homemakers will meet in the School Room on Monday 18th June 7.30pm for a Craft evening.

Tanfield and District Flower ClubWe are having a trip to John Dalton's garden on Thursday July 12th. We allenjoyed his visit to the club this spring he gave us a super evening and toldus all about his garden. We leave West Tanfield for Carlise at 10am, itpromises to be a lovely afternoon, garden, afternoon tea, and a minidemonstration. Every one is welcome to join us, coach fare and entranceis £24.. Names to Pauline Staton. 01765689175 or Brenda Raw01677470557 Brenda Raw

NEWS FROM WELLWell Cycling Group – 7.00 pm start, meet at the bus shelter at thecrossroads in the village. Usually around 12-14 miles or so, but distancemay be shortened this month due to fading light, however, in the interestsof safety can all those riding please wear high viz clothing and have lightson their bikes. Tele 470426 for more information

Well Walkers – Longer walks of up to about 7 miles – Mondays 4th and18th June. Telephone 470305 for more informationShorter, easier walks of up to 4 miles to take place on Mondays 11 th and25th June, Tele 470426 for more information if you want to come along orknow of any shorter walks we could do or that you want to suggest. All walks meet 10.00 am from Orchard House or meet at the start of thewalk, everyone welcome. There is an email group for the walkers and walkinformation is emailed out to the group a few days before the walk happens

Well Ladies Coffee – Wednesday 13th June at Janet Bate’s, Fern Cottage,Church Street, 10.30 am

Wellies Craft Group –Tuesday 5th June at Antje Ream’s, everyonewelcome, you don’t have to be ‘crafty’ to join in. Just come and listen if youdon’t have anything you particularly want to do. Phone 470426 for venueor ask to be added to the email list for the group if interested


Well Parish Council – The next meeting of the Parish Council will be on Monday 4th June, 7.00 pm at The Institute

Well Village Website – www.wellvillage.org.uk, or email [email protected].

Village Email Contact Group – several emails a month are sent out to those on the list, if you want to be included or no longer wish to receive emails please contact the clerk on [email protected]. Your email address will not be disclosed to any other parties and kept confidential.

Defibrillator Code – the code for the defibrillator machine is C147 and is also on the side of the porch at The Milbank Arms is on the notice on the notice board across the road next to the bus shelter. Please let the Clerk know in the event of it being used so that new pads can be ordered.

NEWS FROM SNAPESnape Churches Together LunchThis will be on Sunday 3rd June at 12.00. Tickets will be £8 / £3 child. Allwelcome. Please book through Hazel on 470005 or Alison 470204 byWednesday 30th May. Donations of salads and puddings welcome.This is in aid of St Michael's Hospice, Harrogate.

Snape Open Gardens Saturday 30th June and Sunday 1st July 10.00am to 4pm both days.A variety of gardens will be open, most are wheelchair accessible.Refreshments in the institute form 10.30am to 3.30pm.Admission £3, children free. Dogs on leads welcome.This is a fund-raising event for Well and Snape Churches.For further information and donations of help or food, please contact JanetSeel on 470823 or the Knopps on 470204 The Snape Textile Group are organising a coach trip to the Woolfest on Saturday 23 June 2018. The Woolfest, which is held at the MitchellsLakeland Livestock Centre, Cockermouth, Cumbria, is an annual festivalcelebrating all aspects of natural fibres - their sources, uses and products. There are over a 100 stalls, exhibitions and demonstrations throughout theday. There will be a stunning array of individually designed products, yarns,spinning and weaving equipment, and the animals themselves!The trip will leave Snape at 8.30 am and should return around 6.30 pm.


The coach will cost approximately £10/£12 depending on the numbers going. The admission fee for the Woolfest is £10 (no concessions).Please make contact with Sarah Lowe (Tel 01677 470444) for further details and/or to book a place.

Snape Table Top SaleTable Top Sale 10 am to 1 pm in Snape Institute on Saturday 2 June. Come along and bag a bargain from one of the many stalls at this event in aid of the regeneration of the playing field. Entrance is by donation. There will be coffee and biscuits/cake and a raffle.

Methodist NewsOn the 10th of June the chapel will be celebrating its 60th ChapelAnniversary.During the month of June the morning services will be based on Jonah aswill be the whole of the Methodist churches across England if they so wish

Craft and chat ........Tuesday 5th & 19th June 2-4pm. A friendly groupwhere you are invited to go along with your own craft and chat togetherover a cuppa too. Do come along.

Under 5's..............each Wednesday from 10- 12 noon. This friendly groupmeets each week with mums, grans, careers and under 5's with each weekbeing slightly different. Do come along .

Youth Club..........on Thursday 7th and 21st in the Institute. 7-9pm forsecondary school aged young people. They plan something different eachtime and the ones in June are hopefully going to be both planned outdoorevenings.

Sunshine Corner........Friday 8th & 22nd June from 3.30-5 pm. This afterschool club welcomes all primary school age children. Each time we havea variety of games, crafts and fun, based around a biblical story.

Coffee morning........Saturday June 30th from 10-12. A free, friendly coffeeand catch up.

NEWS FROM NORTH STAINLEYThe North Stainley Prayer Breakfast Club meets on the first and thirdThursdays of the month at 9am in The Staveley Arms. Join us at 9am for a


breakfast roll and cup of tea or coffee for £5, a chance to chat and catch upwith local news, and then praying for our local community. All welcome.

Music CircleThe next Music Circle will be on Friday 15th June at 7.30 at Holmtree House. All welcome. For further details contact Brian & Scilla Kealy on 01765 635253.

Bishop's Visit

On Sunday 8th July at 10 o'clock Bishop Helen-Ann is coming to take a service for us at North Stainley. Do hope as many as possible will come to welcome her. Please note the timing for this service.

NEWS FROM HEALEY AND FEARBYThank you.Mrs Ella Mason would like to thank everyone for their help and support afterher recent stay in hospital. This has been much appreciated by thefamily.

The Friends of Kell Bank would like to say a big thank you to everyonewho attended, helped organise and donated food towards their Family FunDay at Bellfields, Masham on the Tour De Yorkshire Day. The event wasvery successful raising £700 for Kell Bank School and £800 for MacmillanCancer. We hope to see you all at the Sheep Fair…….

FROM THE EDITORI would like to take this opportunity to say a big 'thank you' to all thosevolunteers that contribute and help distribute this magazine. I wouldespecially like to thank those volunteers who go out in all weathers to makesure that you all get the magazine each month. My thanks also go toMasham Community Office who have become an important part in thedistribution. I would like to remind everyone that next month's edition is ajoint July/August edition. Chirstine Greensit.


Masham Market Place C1900.