Yokogawa Generic 416MW CCPP Simulator Generic 416MW CCPP Simulator Version 3 Yokogawa Simulation...

Version 3 Yokogawa Simulation Page 1 of 6 A.B.N. 36 003 888 364 Yokogawa Simulation A Division of Yokogawa Australia Pty Ltd Tower A,112-118 Talavera Road Macquarie Park NSW 2113 Locked Bag 2024 North Ryde PO NSW1670 Australia Telephone: +61 2 8669 1300 Facsimile: +61 2 8669 1330 www.yokogawa.com/au/ Yokogawa Australia Pty Ltd Yokogawa generic 416MW Combined Cycle Power Plant Simulator

Transcript of Yokogawa Generic 416MW CCPP Simulator Generic 416MW CCPP Simulator Version 3 Yokogawa Simulation...

Page 1: Yokogawa Generic 416MW CCPP Simulator Generic 416MW CCPP Simulator Version 3 Yokogawa Simulation Page 2 of 6 ACTUAL PLANT SPECIFICATION The simulator replicates a 416 MW Siemens CCGT

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Yokogawa generic 416MW Combined Cycle Power Plant Simulator

Page 2: Yokogawa Generic 416MW CCPP Simulator Generic 416MW CCPP Simulator Version 3 Yokogawa Simulation Page 2 of 6 ACTUAL PLANT SPECIFICATION The simulator replicates a 416 MW Siemens CCGT

Yokogawa Generic 416MW CCPP Simulator

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The simulator replicates a 416 MW Siemens CCGT power station consisting of 2 gas turbines, 2 HRSG’s and 1 steam turbine controlled by a Teleperm ME control system. The simulator provides large-scale replication of the power station plant control room and plant behaviour. All major systems of the plant are simulated.


The Gas turbines have the following basic characteristics:

� Single casing

� Single shaft for Turbine and Compressor

� Two vertical combustion chambers

� Outlet temperature control by blade pitch adjustment.

� Exhaust Gas Flow 469 kg/s

� Speed 3000 rpm

� Load CMR 136.7 MW

� Flue Gas Outlet Temperature 562oC

The HRSGs have the following basic characteristics:

� Forced circulation

� Single Pressure

� Horizontal, convection superheaters

� economiser

� temperature control by feed water injection

� Evaporation Rate 63.29 kg/s (CMR)

� Superheater Outlet Temperature 530°C

� Economiser Feed Inlet Temperature 287°C


� single casing

� Single Flow HP Turbine having HP and LP stages

� Condensing Turbine

� Two main Stop and Control Valves

� Static excitation

� EHC governing

� Rated Output 142.7 MW

� Steam Flow 126.6 kg/s (CMR)

� Condenser Pressure 0.105 Bar (CMR)

� Circulating Water Throughput 8879 Kg/s

� Main Steam Pressure 66.5 Bar


• Siemens Teleperm XP

• Coordinated Controls including:

o Local Coordinated Control Mode

o Remote Coordinated Control mode


• The plant modelling is high fidelity meaning that all dynamic transients are realistic and follow the laws of physics. To the trainee, they appear to be operating a real plant

• The DCS HMI and logic are fully emulated which allows basic and advanced DCS engineering training to be conducted on the simulator

• The simulator allows training scenarios to be available at any time and the training program can be tailored to any of the many plant malfunctions and operating conditions which could be anticipated or previously experienced on a power plant.

• The simulator is supplied with an extensive training exercise system that allows objective trainee competency testing. The training exercise is fully configurable and an automatic scoring calculation is used for evaluating the trainee performance.

• 14 initial conditions (ICs) and 80 malfunctions are provided

• All the software runs on standard PC hardware.

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Yokogawa Generic 416MW CCPP Simulator

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The following is the typical hardware configuration. All computers are standard desktop PCs. The hardware configuration is very flexible and can be tailored to suit customer’s requirements.


Instructor Station/

Engineering Station

Gigabit Ethernet

Operator Trainee Station 1

with dual monitors

Colour Laser Printer

Operator Trainee Station 2

with dual monitors

Operator Trainee Station 3

with dual monitors

Instructor and engineering

station with dual monitors

Special Operator


Logic display and Field

Device Terminal with

dual monitors

Typical Hardware Layout


The Trainer's interface with the simulator is through the graphical user interface in the Instructor Station, the main functions the trainer can do are:

• Loading an IC (Initial Condition) or Snapshot: Introducing a Condition of plant, ready for a training session;

• Saving an IC or Snapshot: Saves a particular situation for continued running at a later date for the same trainee, or for use during some other training period;

• Setting the simulator to Run/freeze mode: Runs the simulator and so permit a trainee to perform operating situations, guided by the various monitoring and alarm systems; Freeze the simulator for detailed analysis of the plant status or pause in the training session;

• Applying malfunctions: Initiating a single event or pre-program a set of plant or equipment failure situations that a Trainee has to address and to take appropriate actions, so as to rectify poor operating or plant alarm situations;

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• Applying scenario: Introduce a pre-programmed operating exercise that forms the basis for a class training session;

• Backtracking: Go back in time, to allow a trainee to operate in a different manner from a previous time and to establish an alternative outcome;

• Develop automatic training exercises;

• Record trainee details and recall trainee history

Instructor Graphical User Interface

Malfunction Menus

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In 1998 Yokogawa Electric Corporation acquired TechComm Simulation of Australia. TechComm Simulation was a simulator manufacturer specialising in high fidelity replica Fossil Fuel Fired Power Plant training simulators. TechComm was established as Costec Pty Ltd in 1983 and had built simulators around the world.

The TechComm Simulation business was merged with Yokogawa Australia and operates from offices in Sydney, Australia. The simulator design and development group in Sydney supports all Yokogawa worldwide affiliates in the Power Plant Training Simulator and Services market.

Over the past 25 years the Yokogawa Simulator Group in Sydney has built an enviable reputation for the design and delivery of power plant simulators with a wide variety of control systems vendors in diverse locations such as Korea, Australia, Middle East, Singapore, Vietnam, Thailand, Mexico, Zimbabwe and Egypt.

For more information please contact Max Barry, Director Yokogawa Simulation Email: [email protected] Telephone: +612 8669 1302 Richard Porter, Simulation Group Manager Email: [email protected] Telephone: +612 8669 1333