Ymag - Window for Action Loving Professionals

Dear Readers Rejuvenation has generally been considered as a medical discipline focused on the practical reversal of the aging process. The world is full of stories of people trying various ways to rejuvenate them. An ancient Chinese emperor actually sent out ships of young men and women to find a pearl that would rejuvenate him. Is rejuvenation only of the body beautiful or can it be at a macro and micro levels of the way we live, behave and think? Time to have a relook, change the mindset and keep rejuvenating, consistently… whY not! Cheers, Rajiv Khurana Editor [email protected] 9810211256. #1 12 Action Ideas REJUVENATION 2-3 Career Rejuvenation Check Points 4-6 Rejuvenate Relationships 6 Rejuvenating Gratitude 7 Rejuvenating Thoughts 8-9 REJUVENATION - Quotes 10 In this issue… Y Window for action loving professionals 1 #28 July 1, 2014 Coaching Learning Advancing Sharpening Smartening © Advt. Pages 11-12


A monthly eMagazine focussing on igniting thoughts for actions amongst professionals of all kind.

Transcript of Ymag - Window for Action Loving Professionals

Page 1: Ymag - Window for Action Loving Professionals

Dear Readers Rejuvenation has generally been considered as a medical discipline focused on the practical reversal of the aging process. The world is full of stories of people trying various ways to rejuvenate them. An ancient Chinese emperor actually sent out ships of young men and women to find a pearl that would rejuvenate him. Is rejuvenation only of the body beautiful or can it be at a macro and micro levels of the way we live, behave and think? Time to have a relook, change the mindset and keep rejuvenating, consistently… whY not! Cheers, Rajiv Khurana Editor [email protected] 9810211256.


12 Action Ideas REJUVENATION


Career Rejuvenation Check Points


Rejuvenate Relationships 6

Rejuvenating Gratitude 7

Rejuvenating Thoughts 8-9


In this issue…

Y Window for action loving professionals


#28 July 1, 2014

Coaching Learning Advancing Sharpening Smartening ©

Advt. Pages 11-12

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Y Window for action loving professionals


Rajiv Khurana CMC, FIMC

Acronym developed by Rajiv Khurana

#28 July 1, 2014

R Read more. Make books your best friends. Use your smart phone effectively. Read eBooks. Else hear them.

E Exert. Persevere. Keep pushing hard and smart. No matter what! Take breaks in-between to have a review and relook. Start again.


Just let go. Forgive people who have done you wrong. Learn from the experience that they gifted you. Thrive on this experience. Focus on creating the future instead of wasting time on the post-mortem.

U Undertake something different. At least once a week. Kill the monotony of your life.

V Volunteer more. Associations in your profession, NGOs, Schools, Housing Societies….they all need help. Yours!

E Enjoy with an old friend. Walk down the memory lane. Re-enjoy the way you passed the time together. If nothing else, eat together for the old time sake.

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Y Window for action loving professionals

3 Acronym developed by Rajiv Khurana

#28 July 1, 2014

N Neutralize negativity. Cry out. Shout. Let go of your past follies and hang ups. Forever!

A Act on your body. Look after it well. Develop an exercise regime. Go to spa. Dance. Kick out the pressure and also the fat vigorously.

T Take help. See a counsellor, coach or even a therapist. Talk it out. Tolerate more. What may look big may not be big at all.

I Indulge. Occasionally. Keep your pocket in mind. Splurge if you may. Buy token gifts of appreciation for others. Small but meaningful.

O Organise yourself. Clean up the mess around you at home or workplace. Clean up your thoughts too. Mind servicing! Feel happy about the changes.

N Normalize life and keep destabilizing it often. Confusing! That’s what rejuvenation is all about. It’s dynamic. Never static.

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Y Window for action loving professionals


Acronym developed by Rajiv Khurana

#28 July 1, 2014

Re-assess your job, career orientation, priorities and goals


Examine what takes and/or wastes most of your time E

Jot down the important actions which generally skip your attention


Undertake re-examination of your other goals in life, viz., self-development, health, family, social and spiritual.


Value-facture your timeline. What do you need to Start, Sustain and Stop

V Car


r R




n C


ck P



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Y Window for action loving professionals

5 Acronym developed by Rajiv Khurana

#28 July 1, 2014

Entrap your readiness gap. Learn well. Learn fast. E

Normalize and improve relations with people who matter


Ask for help. Seek feedback and guidance. A

Transform your team playing and leadership skills. Influence effectively.


Initiate positive outlook. Help people to succeed. You will receive pleasant reciprocation.

I Car


r R




n C


ck P



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Y Window for action loving professionals


#28 July 1, 2014 Observe successful people and those who rose again from the brinks. Learn from them. Imbibe their strength.


New outlook for continuous improvement through regular monitoring and course correction.




r R









Rejuvenate RELATIONSHIPS John worked at a meat distribution factory. One day, when he finished with his work schedule, he went into the meat cold room (Freezer) to inspect something but in a moment of bad luck, the door closed and he was locked inside with no help in sight. Although he screamed and knocked with all his might, his cries went unheard as no one could hear him. Most of the workers had already gone and outside the cold room (freezer), it's impossible to hear what was going on inside. Five hours later, whilst John was on the verge of death, the security guard of the factory eventually opened the door and saved him. John then asked the security guard what he came to do there as it wasn't part of his work routine. His replies: "I've been working in this factory for 35 years. Hundreds of workers come in and out every day but you're one of the few who greets me in the morning and says goodbye to me every night when leaving after working hours. Many treat me as if I am invisible. So today like every other day, you greeted me in your simple manner "Hello" at the entrance when resuming for work, But curiously after working hours today, I observed I've not heard your "Good bye see you tomorrow". Hence I decided to check around the factory. I look forward to your greetings every day because to you, I am someone. By not hearing your farewell, I knew something had happened. Then I Sought and found you!

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Y Window for action loving professionals


One young man went to apply for a managerial position in a big company. He passed the initial interview, and now would meet the director for the final interview. The director discovered from his CV that the youth's academic achievements were excellent. He asked, "Did you obtain any scholarships in school?" The youth answered "no". “Was it your father who paid for your school fees?" "My father passed away when I was one year old, it was my mother who paid for my school fees.” he replied. “Where did your mother work?" "My mother worked as clothes cleaner.” The director requested the youth to show his hands. The youth showed a pair of hands that were smooth and perfect. “Have you ever helped your mother wash the clothes before?" "Never, my mother always wanted me to study and read more books. Besides, my mother can wash clothes faster than me. The director said, "When you go home today, go and clean your mother's hands, and then see me tomorrow morning." The youth felt that his chance of landing the job was high. When he went back home, he asked his mother to let him clean her hands. His mother felt strange, happy but with mixed feelings, she showed her hands to her son. The youth cleaned his mother's hands slowly. His tear fell as he did that. It was the first time he noticed that his mother's hands were so wrinkled, and there were so many bruises in her hands. Some bruises were so painful that his mother winced when he touched it. This was the first time the youth realized that it was this pair of hands that washed the clothes every day to enable him to pay the school fees. The bruises in the mother's hands were the price that the mother had to pay for his education, his school activities and his future. After cleaning his mother hands, the youth quietly washed all the remaining clothes for his mother. That night, mother and son talked for a very long time. Next morning, the youth went to the director's office. The Director noticed the tears in the youth's eyes, when he asked: "Can you tell me what have you done and learned yesterday in your house?" The youth answered," I cleaned my mother's hands, and also finished cleaning all the remaining clothes' “I know now what appreciation is. Without my mother, I would not be who I am today. By helping my mother, only now do I realize how difficult and tough it is to get something done on your own. And I have come to appreciate the importance and value of helping one’s family." The director said, "This is what I am looking for in a manager. I want to recruit a person who can appreciate the help of others, a person who knows the sufferings of others to get things done, and a person who would not put money as his only goal in life.” “You are hired.”

#28 July 1, 2014 Rejuvenating Gratitude

Contributed by: Pawan Mutneja, Advocate

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Y Window for action loving professionals


Because none of us have many more years to live, optimistically we are in mid life or 2nd half of life & we can't take along anything when we go... Spend the money that should be spent, enjoy what should be enjoyed, donate what you are able to donate, but don't leave all/much to your children or grandchildren, for you don't want them to become parasites who may be waiting for the day you will die!! Don't worry about what will happen after we are gone, because when we return to dust, we will feel nothing about praises or criticisms. The time to enjoy the worldly life and your hard earned wealth will be over !!! Don't worry too much about your children, for children will have their own destiny & should find their own way.... Don't be your children's slave. Care for them, love them, give them gifts, but also enjoy your moments.... Enjoy your money while you can. Life should have more to it than working from the cradle to the grave!! 40-year old like you, don't trade in your health for wealth by working Yourself to an early grave anymore. Becoz, your money may not be able to buy your health... When to stop making money? Or how much is enough....Lakhs, Crores, million, ten million...???


Thoughts for people in 40… 50… 60…

#28 July 1, 2014

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Y Window for action loving professionals


Out of thousand hectares of good farm land, you can consume only three quarts (of rice) daily; Out of a thousand mansions, you only need eight square meters of space to rest at night. One day passes without happiness, you will lose one day. One day passes with happiness, & then you gain one day. In good spirit, sickness will cure... In a happy spirit, sickness will cure faster.. In high & happy spirits; sickness will never come... Above all, learn to cherish the goodness around... and FRIENDS... They all make you feel young & "wanted".....Without them, you are surely to feel lost !! Stress means the gap between expectations & reality. More the gap, more the stress. Expect nothing & accept everything.... Don't believe in Tit for Tat rule... because we can't bite a dog who has bitten us...so don't spoil our level just to teach others..... Moral...... "Think twice. Act wise.." Learn to "LET GO".... Because You cannot have the next breath until you let go the existing one...


Thoughts for people in 40… 50… 60…

#28 July 1, 2014

Contributed by: Vivek Nanda

Page 10: Ymag - Window for Action Loving Professionals

One who does not forget Him, day and night, is continually rejuvenated. Singing Your Glorious Praises, my mind is rejuvenated. Hearing Your Sermon, all filth is removed. The Sovereign Lord King is my Beloved, my Best Friend. Through the Guru, I have met Him, and my mind has been rejuvenated. Sri Guru Granth Sahib

Y Window for action loving professionals


For the last third of life there remains only work. It alone is always stimulating, rejuvenating, exciting and satisfying. -Doris Lessing Shutting off the thought process is not rejuvenating; the mind is like a car battery -- it recharges by running. -Bill Watterson A great way to get rid of stress is, every once in a while, do something totally different and unexpected without any prior planning. ― Franklin Gillette Wear a smile and have friends, wear a scowl and have wrinkles” - George Eliot

Change is often rejuvenating, invigoration, fun... and necessary. -Lynn Povich

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#28 July 1, 2014

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Call these the handshake programmes or celebrating Learning and Development in ‘tasters’ menu’, these 3 hours customized inputs will help your people undergo sensitization through Coaching Learning Advancing Sharpening Smartening

at your place and time with the quality commitment of Rajiv Khurana, CMC, FIMC.

Visit us at thepersonnellab.com to know more about our consulting facilitation. Better call us at 9810211256 . Rajiv Khurana CMC, FIMC

[email protected]