Yeshey Jungyey Rumtek Controversy

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Transcript of Yeshey Jungyey Rumtek Controversy

  • 8/2/2019 Yeshey Jungyey Rumtek Controversy


    Damch Wangd was my uncle and he is my father's elder brother. What I can remember clearly

    about his death is that it happened in Bhutan, in Thimbu actually. It happened in the property whichbelonged to the [Karmapas'] monastery then, we [the Karma Kagy] had a property there, which

    was donated by the king of Bhutan to the Karmapa. So there was a property and there was a shop

    being run. And I think he had visited Bhutan in connection with some official work for the Karmapaonly. And my father was the attentant [of Mr Wangdu], and of course there were one or two other

    people with him. But my father clearly accounted how he expired: He was dictating a letter to bewritten, and I don't remember if it was my father or somebody else writing, but my father was

    present. He [Damch Wangd] was walking around and dictating the letter to be sent to the

    government. And of course while he was dictating he was walking around the room and probably hewas thinking. The my father remembers that all of a sudden he stopped talking, he wasn't saying

    anything any more. So they found this really amazing and when they looked for him, he had beenfalling on the ground. Ok, so then it was a stroke actually, he was of course known to have high

    potention and he had a quite stressful period of time, because after the death of Karmapa things

    were not so easy for anybody, there was a big vacuum. So the responsability was very high on himand all the four Rinpoche [the Kagyregents] were very young, so there had been many projects

    started by the 16th Karmapa, which were just begun. So th question was how do we carry on? So

    with the presence of Karmapa nothing is difficult, everything is easy, but without him it was ofcourse difficult after the death of Karmapa. There was the stupa which you have seen to be

    built...which contains the vital organs of the Karmapa which he left behind, the relicts. This one hadbeen built by my uncle. So they were the ones who built it in fact. All that was there, the pressure

    was there and that time already begun the [Karmapa]controversy. When the funeral [cremation ofthe late Karmapa] was going on, something fell of the fire, was it the . heart, yes. And then what

    happened was that Situ Rinpoche was the clothest to that so that he was supposed to have picked it

    up. And then, you know there were so many people and in the hush hush then everything wascompleted, ok? What happened was that by the evening the general secretary wondered where was

    the heart, the leftover, the relict of the Karmapa. Then Situ Rinpoche had taken it with him and[Damch Wangd] said: I like to ask you to give it back, because it needs to be kept by the

    monastery, its our only thing left, we need to enshrine it properly. Situ Rinpoche replied: I will

    take it with me and I will built a very nice stupa! So that was, what I was told by my uncle, the16th Karmapa general secretary. Damch Wangd said: No, no, no, nothing like that, it belongs to

    the monastery, it should remain here, you know about religious things, what you want me to do, Iwill do, but it will stay here, no way! And he took it back and carried it away. From then on, and

    this is, if you remember in the controvery, Situ Rinpoche has told sometimes that the heart fell to

    him and that was an indication that he is the one wh would decide who was the {rencarnation of thelate] Karmapa, in fact that was not the case. In fact my uncle, the Donye, the ADC was there present

    when it fell, so it never fell to Situ Rinpoches hand, ok? So thereaftere these works were going on,the Delhi monastery was started, the Gyalwa Karmapa Internationa Buddhist Institute, all that

    pressure was there.An important thing is when you do this kind of gold work [to golden the relicts' stupa], when youdo it in the traditional way, when you are plating the gold on a object, you have to consume alcohol,

    becase you mixgold with mercury to get it in a liquid form and then you polish the object [thealcohol is supposed to avoid that the body absorbs the mercury] , in this particular case my uncle,

    the general secretary was working on that Since it is igh potenton [my uncle suffered from], all

    that was added, but nobody realized that, noody took any action, you know, that's basicly why I sayhe died from a stroke and there was no involvement of Topga Rinpoche anyway in that!