Yearly Plan Science Year 6

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Transcript of Yearly Plan Science Year 6


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Theme : Investigating The Living Things.

Learning Area : 1. Interactions among living things

WeeksLearning objectiveLearning outcomeSPS/MSVocabulary/CCTS/SANV

1.1 Understanding that some animals live in groups and others live in solitaryPupils

State that some animals live in groupsState that some animals live in solitaryGive examples of animals live in groupsGive examples of animals that live in solitarySPS:Observing Classifying Making inferences Communicating

MS:-Solitary menyendiri Safety keselamatan Cooperation bekerjasama Competition persaingan

CCTS:Grouping and classifying Camparing and contrasting AttributingMaking conclusion

SANV:Having an interest and curiosity towards the environment

Explain why animals live in groupsExplain why animals live in solitaryState cooperation is a form of interaction among animals

1.2Understanding that competition is aform of interaction among livingthingsPupilsState that living things interact with one another in the environmentSPS:ObservingMaking Inferences CommunicatingInteraction interaksiCompetition persainganLimited resources sumber terhadTerritory wilayah


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Theme : Investigating The Living Things.

Learning Area : 1. Interactions among living things

WeeksLearning objectiveLearning outcomeSPSVocabulary

1.2Understanding that competition is a form of interaction among living thingsState that the competition is a form of interaction List the factors that animals compete forGive reasons why animals competeList factors that plants compete forGive reasons why plantscompete with each otherMS Draw specimens andapparatusHandle specimens correctlyand carefullyClean science apparatusBreeding pembiakanMate pasangan Defend mempertahankan Space ruang Shelter tempat perlindungan

CCTSGenerating ideasRelatingComparingand contrasting

SANVBeing thankful toGodBeing cooperative

1.3Understanding the responsibility of human beings in protecting endangered speciesPupilsGive examples of extinct animalGive examples of endangered animalObservingPredictingMaking InferencesCommunicatingRafflesia bungapakmaHornbill burung enggang Conservation

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Give examples of endangered plant Explain why certain animals or plants are facing the threat of extinctionSuggest way to prevent animals and plants from extinctionMS -pemuliharaanProtection perlindungan Endangered terancam Extinct pupus Excessive berleluasaThreat ancaman Logging pembalakan Consume menggunakan Enforcement - penguatkuasaan

CCTSGroupingandclassifying Attributing Relating SANVHaving an interest andcuriosity towardsthe environment Appreciatingthe balance of nature Being kind-hearted and caring

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Theme : Investigating The Living Things.

Learning Area : 1. Interactions among living things

WeeksLearning objectiveLearning outcomeSPSVocabulary

1.4 Knowing the impact of human activities on environmentPupils

Give examples of environmental destruction caused by humanExplain how human activities cause environmental destruction.Predict what will happen to the Earth if human activities are not controlled.PredictingClassifyingObservingMaking InferencesMaking Hipoteses

MSDraw specimen andapparatusBalance of nature keseimbangan alam

Illegal loging- pembalakan haram

Illegal hunting- pemburuan haram

Landslide-tanah runtuh

Flash flood- banjir kilat

Pollution- pencemaran



Destruction- kemusnahan


Being thankful toGod

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Being cooperative

Having an interest and curiosity towards the environment.

Theme : Investigating Force and Energy

Learning Area : 1. Force

WeeksLearning objectiveLearning outcomeSPSVocabulary

1.1 Understanding that push and pull are forcesPupils

State that push and pullObserving Communicating ClassifyingPull-tarikan Push-tolakan Force-dayapalm-tapak tangan

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are forcesState that force cannot be seen but its effects can be observedMaking InferencesMSUse and handle science apparatus and substancesCCTSGrouping andclassifyingMaking conclusionSANVHaving interest andcuriosity towards the environment Being cooperative

1.2 Understanding the effects of a forcePupils

State that a force can move a stationary object. State that a force can change the motion of an objectState that a force can change the shape of an object

Observing Communicating Experimenting PredictingControlling VariablesMSUse and handle science apparatus and substances Handle specimens correctly and carefullyDraw specimens andapparatusSpeed-kelajuanStationary-pegunMoving-bergerakTwist-pulasPress-tekanCCTSComparingand contrasting Groupingand classifyingMaking conclusionSANVBeing cooperativeBeing honest and accuratein recordingand validating data. Being fair and just

Theme : Investigating Force and Energy

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Learning Area : 1. Force

WeeksLearning objectiveLearning outcomeSPSVocabulary

1.3. Analysing frictionPupilsState that friction is a type of forceDescribe the effects of frictionDescribe ways to reduce frictionDescribe easy to increase frictionObserving Communicating Making inferences MSUse and handle science apparatus and substancesFriction-geseranAerodynamic oppose- bertentangan Effect-kesanReduce-kurangkan Increase- menambahkan Surfaces in contact- permukaanyang bersentuhan

State the advantages of frictionState the disadvantages of frictionConclude that friction occurs when two surfaces are in contactDesign a fair test to find out how different types of surfaces affect the distance a trolley moves by deciding what to change, what tokeep the same and what to measurePredictingObservingMSUse and handle scienceapparatus and substancesCCTSAnlaysingRelatingComparing andcontrastingSANVRealising the science is a means to understand natureBeing flexible and open mindedBeing thankful toGod

Theme : Investigating Force and Energy

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Learning Area : 2. Movement

WeeksLearning objectiveLearning outcomeSPSVocabulary

2.1 Understanding speedPupils

State that an object which moves faster travels a longer distance in a given timeState that an objectwhich moves faster takes a shorter time to travel agiven distanceState what speed isSolve problems using the formulaExperimenting Controlling variables Predicting Communicating Using space- time relationship Measuring and using numbersDefining operationallyInterpreting data

MSUse and handle science apparatus and substances Clean science apparatus Store science apparatusCCTSComparingand contrasting SequencingMaking conlusionsSCNVBeing systematicBeing cooperative Appreciating the contributionof scienceand technology

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Theme : Investigating Materials

Learning Area : 1. Food preservation

WeeksLearning objectiveLearning outcomeSPSVocabulary

1.1 Understanding food spoilagePupilsDescribe what spoilt food isIdentify characteristic of spoilt foodState thatmicroorganisms can spoil foodState the conditions for microorganisms to growObservingMaking inferences Experimenting Communicating Classifying PredictingMS:Draw specimens and apparatusMedium - keadaan

1.2 Synthesising the concept of food preservationPupilsDescribe ways to preserve food.Give examples of food for each type of food preservationGive reasons why each way of food preservation is used

Observing Communicating Making inferences ExperimentingDryingpengeringanPicklingpenjerukanHeating-pemanasan Vacuumpacking- pembungkusan vakumCoolong- pendinginan Freezing- penyejukbekuan Bottling- pembotolan

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Canning-pengetinanSmoking- pengasapanSalting-pengasinan

1.3 Realising the importance of preserving foodPupilsGive reasons why we need to preserve foodMaking inferences

Theme : Investigating Materials

Learning Area : 2. Waste management

WeeksLearning objectiveLearning outcomeSPSVocabulary

2.1 Understanding the effects of improper disposal of waste on the environmentPupils

Identify types of waste in the environmentIdentify sources of waste State the improper ways of waste disposalState the proper ways of waste disposal

Observing Classifying CommunicatingHarmfuleffects-kesan burukWastedisposal-pembuangan bahan buanganCCTS: AttributingGrouping&classifyingMaking conclusion

Describe the harmful effects of improper waste

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disposalDescribe how waste is disposed in a local area Suggest ways to improve waste disposal

Theme : Investigating Materials

Learning Area : 2. Waste management

WeeksLearning objectiveLearning outcomeSPSVocabulary

2.2 Understanding that somewaste can decayPupilsState the certain waste can decayGive examples of waste can decayGive examples of waste that do not decayState that microorganisms can cause waste materials to decayObserving Classifying Communicating PredictingMaking inferencesDecay-reputHarmful-merbahayaSeparate-asingkan

State the advantages of waste decayingState the disadvantages

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of waste decayingPredict what will happen to human and the environment if waste do not decay

Theme : Investigating The Earth and Universe

Learning Area : 1. Eclipses

WeeksLearning objectiveLearning outcomeSPSVocabulary

1.1Understanding the eclipses of the moonPupils

State what eclipses of the moon isState the position of the Moon, the Earth and the Sun during the eclipses of the moonExplain why eclipses of the moon occurs

Observing Communicating PredictingMaking inferencesDefining OperationallyEclipse-gerhanaPosition- kedudukan Partial eclipse- gerhana separa Total eclipse- gerhana penuh

1.2Understanding the eclipses of the sunPupils

State what eclipses of the sun isState the position of theObserving Communicating PredictingMaking inferences

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Moon, the Earth and theSun during the eclipsesof the sunExplain why eclipses of the sun occursPredict the scenario on the Earth during the eclipses of the sunDefining Operationally

Theme : Investigating Technology

Learning Area: 1. Machine

WeeksLearning objectiveLearning outcomeSPSVocabulary

1.1Understanding simple machinesPupilsExplain what simple machine isState types of simple machinesGive an example for each type of simple machineObserving Communicating ClassifyingLid-penutupWheel and axle-roda da ganderLever-tuasWedge-baji Pulley-takal Gear-gear Inclined plane- satahcondong Screw-skru

1.2 Analysing a complex machinePupilsIdentify simple machines in a complex machine Conclude that a complex machine is made up of moreExperimentingObservingMaking inferencesWheel barrow-kereta sorong

than one simple machineGive examples of complex machines

1.3Appreciating the invention of machines that make life easierPupilsPredict how life is without machinesExplain how machines can make our life easierDesign a machine to solve a problemCommunicatingObservingPredictingMaking inferencesExperimentingEncouragepupils to reuse materials and recycle materials