YEAR TRIP TO LA FOSCA SPAIN SATURDAY ND JULY …...Equipment and Clothing ... No student may take...

Raymond McGovern MA Headmaster St George’s School, Harpenden Academy Trust. Registered in England and Wales No: 8092358 Registered Office: Sun Lane, Harpenden, Herts, AL5 4TD. Tel: 01582 765477 Fax: 01582 469830 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Dear Parents YEAR 9 PGL TRIP TO LA FOSCA, SPAIN 2016 SATURDAY 2 ND JULY SUNDAY 10 TH JULY 2016 The Parents meeting for the PGL trip takes place on Tuesday 21 st June from 1900 in the Chapel. Students should attend with one parent. Please bring to the meeting: Your child’s passport and EHIC card A signed copy of the attached SG7A form The final details of the visit are: 1. Travel Departure: Meet at 11:15am in the Goddard Coach Bay on Saturday 2 nd July 2016. Please park in the school car park nearest Carlton road. Your main luggage and sleeping bag will go into the coach hold. Please carry on a small bag with a drink, packed lunch + tea, toothbrush and jumper/hoodie as well as your pillow. Be ready to give any medications to staff. We will enclose them in named zip wallets. The Coach will depart at 11:40am to Folkstone. We are taking the Eurotunnel and are expected in Calais between 16:55 and 17:15 (local time) depending on which train we board. We will then have the long drive through France (approximately 14hrs) overnight, with several driver stops and are expected in La Fosca for breakfast at 7am on Sunday morning. Students will be allowed to eat their packed lunches on the coach as we travel to Folkstone. We will stop at the services in France at approximately 19:00 (local time) for our packed tea. Students will also be able to buy food and drinks at the services. We will stop once more at another services at approximately 22:00 to use the toilets. Return: ETA is 14:10 in the Goddard Coach Bay on Sunday 10 th July 2016. We will be updating parents via text message (you will receive a message from “Parent comms) with a more exact arrival time by midday on Sunday. We depart from La Fosca at 19:00 on Saturday 9 th July and are expected at Calais for 10:50 on Sunday. Our itinerary expects us to be back at St George’s for 14:10. Students will have a packed dinner and breakfast provided by PGL. We will advise students to keep a small amount of money (euros) back for the return trip. Our accomodation address is: La Fosca PGL at Camping Kings Platja de La Fosca s/n 17230 Palamos Girona, Spain

Transcript of YEAR TRIP TO LA FOSCA SPAIN SATURDAY ND JULY …...Equipment and Clothing ... No student may take...

Page 1: YEAR TRIP TO LA FOSCA SPAIN SATURDAY ND JULY …...Equipment and Clothing ... No student may take part in the trip if they have been in close contact with an infectious disease in

Raymond McGovern MA


St George’s School, Harpenden Academy Trust. Registered in England and Wales No: 8092358 Registered Office: Sun Lane, Harpenden, Herts, AL5 4TD. Tel: 01582 765477 Fax: 01582 469830

E-mail: [email protected] Website:

Dear Parents



TH JULY 2016

The Parents meeting for the PGL trip takes place on Tuesday 21

st June from 1900 in the Chapel.

Students should attend with one parent. Please bring to the meeting:

Your child’s passport and EHIC card

A signed copy of the attached SG7A form The final details of the visit are: 1. Travel

Departure: Meet at 11:15am in the Goddard Coach Bay on Saturday 2nd July 2016. Please park in the school car park nearest Carlton road. Your main luggage and sleeping bag will go into the coach hold. Please carry on a small bag with a drink, packed lunch + tea, toothbrush and jumper/hoodie as well as your pillow. Be ready to give any medications to staff. We will enclose them in named zip wallets. The Coach will depart at 11:40am to Folkstone. We are taking the Eurotunnel and are expected in Calais between 16:55 and 17:15 (local time) depending on which train we board. We will then have the long drive through France (approximately 14hrs) overnight, with several driver stops and are expected in La Fosca for breakfast at 7am on Sunday morning. Students will be allowed to eat their packed lunches on the coach as we travel to Folkstone. We will stop at the services in France at approximately 19:00 (local time) for our packed tea. Students will also be able to buy food and drinks at the services. We will stop once more at another services at approximately 22:00 to use the toilets.

Return: ETA is 14:10 in the Goddard Coach Bay on Sunday 10th July 2016. We will be updating parents via text message (you will receive a message from “Parent comms”) with a more exact arrival time by midday on Sunday. We depart from La Fosca at 19:00 on Saturday 9th July and are expected at Calais for 10:50 on Sunday. Our itinerary expects us to be back at St George’s for 14:10. Students will have a packed dinner and breakfast provided by PGL. We will advise students to keep a small amount of money (euros) back for the return trip. Our accomodation address is: La Fosca PGL at Camping Kings Platja de La Fosca s/n 17230 Palamos Girona, Spain

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Emergency contact numbers: UK – In the first instance please contact Mr McGillivray, emergency contact here on: 01582 716242 at School and, out of hours, Mr McGovern, Headmaster, on 07802 203712. ON THE VISIT - You can contact me, in an emergency on 07791 523806 PGL Campsite. The manager is Clare Applegate and be contacted on 0034972317457

2. Travel

We will be travelling on an Air Conditioned Exectuive coach which we will have the use of for the duration of our stay. The coach has reclining seats, a Toilet and a DVD player. We have two drivers who will share the driving in accordance with EU directives governing the number of hours a driver may work for. As we travel through France, we will be making a number of stops. Some stops will be for the drivers to swap, other stops will be at the services for students to disembark the coach. Seatbelts must be warn at all times. When travelling through France there must be a supervisory adult sitting next to each emergency exit on the coach. This is French law and the drivers are required to enforce this. For the outward journey on Saturday 2

nd July, students should bring a packed lunch and tea and snacks to see them through

to breakfast. Students will be allowed to eat on the coach.

3. Accomodation + Venue Our accomodation is in one of three tented villages which have communal spaces, picnic benches, undercover eating area, sports area and modern toilet and shower facilities. The modern steel framed tents sleep 4 and are equipped with solid frame beds and foam matresses. We will be organising the rooming and the activity groups which will be published on Monday 20

thJune to all students.

Further information on the resort can be found at. There is a large on-site swimming pool which will be staffed by PGL Life guards. The students will have designated swim times each day which will also feature aquafun games and activities. There is a supermarket on site which will be available to students at specified times. PGL have their own section of the Camping Kings campsite at La Fosca. To exit and enter the campsite other holiday makers have to show their passes. PGL staff patrol the site at night. The students will have to leave their tents if they wish to use the toilet during the night and paths are well lit. We will eat meals in PGLs cafeteria. A sample menu for the an evening meal may be: Choice of Tomato and Basil pasta bake, Breaded cod, Meat and Potato pie, Vegetables, Salad (lots of it!), Apple crumble and custard and fresh fruit (even more of it!).

4. Equipment and Clothing

Daily temperatues at La Fosca vary between 22

oC and 28

oC for the time of year we are travelling. At

night, temperatures typically range between 12-15 o

C.The average sea water temperature is 21oC for

this time of the year (fantastic for watersports!). There is a small chance of rain, so please pack a waterproof. Please see the attached PGL Kit list for overseas adventures. A few other helpful tips:

PGL have highlighted the importance of a ‘Rash vest’. These typically cost between £10-15 and should be made of SPF50+ fabric. A short sleeved rash vest would be most appropriate.

A Sun hat / baseball cap will be compulsory and will need to be worn during activity briefings on the beach each day.

Students are advised to bring a sleeping bag, but a sleeping bag liner would be sufficient. Students will need a sheet for their bed and a pillow + case.

Students need to bring a water bottle (which has your name on).

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A watch! Please check it is waterproof.

Students should have enough suncream (min SPF 30) to last the week. PGL operate a policy in which students who suffer sun burn have to stay in the shade for the whole of the next day and forfeit their activities.

Toiletries enough for 9 days (not 10 weeks!). Lip salve and after sun would be a good idea.

5. Health and Dietary concerns

No student may take part in the trip if they have been in close contact with an infectious disease in the 5 days before we depart. The child may not travel if they have been unwell with a flu like illness in the week before travel unless they have had 48 hours completely free of symptoms before departure. Students with particular medication needs should ensure they have adequate medicine for the duration of the visit. If a child uses an epipen please provide a second one for staff to keep on the coach. All parents should have given in a SG7A for their child for the current year and should have returned a reply slip detailing dietary needs. Parents should also return the SG7A update form at the Information Evening itself. I have given PGL all of the medical and dietary information that we currently hold in school, please let me know if there are any additional requirements. Jean Lambert, the school’s First Responder is preparing the medical kits that meet the requiements of the group.

6. Itinerary and Activities

A Typical day at La Fosca will consist of: 0700-0815 Get up, breakfast, briefings for the days activities. 0815-1215 Morning activities on the water ( see attached) 1230-1400 Shower, change, lunch and rest. 1415-1715 More water sessions and extended activities 1800-1900 Dinner, free time. 1900-2100 Evening Entertainments. Beach Olympics, evening excursion to Palamos, Girona

or Playa d’Aro, Talent shows, Sports and Beach walk. 2100-2230 Supevised time in the Indoor recreation centre. This area includes Disco, Pool

tables, Air hockey and seating areas. Food is also available here.

On one of our days we will have our day excursion to Waterworld (Lloret de Mar). The Waterworld website can be found at (the videos of the rides are worth a watch!) Students will take lunch with them to the park and we will have a centrally staffed meeting place for students to leave their bags and towels. PGL staff recommend that students wear a t-shirt over their swimming attire as we will be outside all day.

The activities include: Canoeing, Kayaking, Windsurfing, Paddle boarding, Bodyboarding, Snorkeling, Dinghy Sailing, Catamaran Sailing, Banana Boat and Sport and Team games. Activities each day will depend on the weather (eg. Wind). Typically, students will get to sample all of the watersports available during the week. Further details can be found at: Students will be wearing buoyancy aids for all watersports, except for Snorkelling. Upon arrival, students will be fully briefed on water safety. PGL are able to bespoke and staff activities in line with a students swimming ability and confidence in the water. They use three measures of swimming ability; Non-swimmer, Water Confident and able to swim 50 metres.

7. Insurance Students are covered under the School’s fully comprehensive travel cover and we have additional cover through PGL. All PGL staff are fully qualified and experienced in first aid. Palamos hospital is 10 minutes drive away from La Fosca. Please be aware that personal items, eg mobile phones and

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cameras, are subject to a £50 excess claim. Parents should check the conditions of their household insurance if appropriate. However, students are advised not to bring expensive items on the trip.

8. Mobile phones, cameras and electrical items

You will see from the PGL Kit List that they have requested that students do not bring Mobile phones and other electrical equipment. I have spoken to PGL to clarify this request further. They would be happy to allow students to have a mobile phone and camera but they are to be brought at the students own risk and no responsibility for loss and damage can be passed onto PGL. The PGL staff in La Fosca request that there are no phones at meal times, briefings and during activities. Students should not bring laptops, tablets or speakers. Students should be reminded that mobile phone ‘roaming’ charges will be significant. Students can charge their phones at the charge points in the village and in the shower blocks. Students should bring a plug european adapter.

9. Spending money

Students will only need money for snacks / souvenirs and we recommend a maximum of €40-50 spending money. They will have a chance to buy drinks and snacks at the services on route, from the on-site supermarket and during the excursions to the hypermarket and the local town evening trip.

10. Withdrawal

Any student who wishes to withdraw from this point onwards is likely to lose all money paid, unless it is for a certified medical reason which is covered by the school’s visit insurance. A student involved in a serious disciplinary incident in School might, even at this late stage, lose their place on the trip.

11. Discipline

Students on foreign visits are ambassadors for the School and for their country. Behaviour will be exemplary at all times. This applies especially during periods of free time that will be given at the camp. Student conduct on St George’s School trips has always been exceptionally good, and we do not expect any problems from the students in the party this year. Nevertheless, we have attached a “Code of Conduct” which we will be expecting, and ask that you join us in making your child well aware of what we expect and what consequences they might face if they fail to live up to that standard. In periods of free time under “remote supervision” at the Waterpark and in the local town there will be a strict requirement that they stay in groups of at least 3.

12. Photography

Students should not be using their cameras and mobile phones in a way which offends the privacy of others and photographs are explicitly forbidden to be taken in the tents at any time. We intend to use the School’s digital cameras to take pictures of students during the visit. A selection of these may be put on the School website, although students names will not feature. If you do not want your child’s picture to appear on the website please let me know.

It only remains for us to thank you for your support, prompt payment and return of paperwork. Participating in this visit in addition to myself will be Miss Roberta Wilkinson, Mr Tom Bensley, Mrs Amy Elwin, and Miss Laura Hicks. We are all really looking forward to this educational visit. Yours sincerely

BM Cullis Assistant Headteacher / Trip Organiser Encs

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TRIP TO PGL LA FOSCA - CODE OF CONDUCT All students taking part on the trip must observe the following.

Listen and act upon instructions given by any adult member of the group. This includes the coach drivers and all PGL staff.

Fasten seat belts on the coach.

No chewing gum at any time. Dispose of litter in bins provided.

Listen to the safety instructions on board the coach and eurotunnel and do not disturb other passengers by noisy behaviour in public areas.

Cross roads carefully. Remember to use crossing points such as traffic light crossings whenever possible.

Be punctual at all times. Take note of any timings given. Bring a Watch.

Respect the privacy of others.

Respect others. Stay in your own tent after lights out. After lights out there must be no noise before 6.30 am the next morning. Do not use your cameras and mobile phones in a way which offends the privacy of others. No photography of any sort can be taken in the tents. Students may only enter their own tents.

Always stay in groups of at least three pupils during remote supervision at the Waterpark and during evening excursions.

Remember to wear appropriate clothing. Do not wear inappropriate clothing which may offend.

Be polite and courteous to everyone you meet. Do not use bad language.

Ensure your mobile phone is switched off when asked to do so.

DO NOT BRING OR ATTEMPT TO BUY ANY OF THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: Alcohol, tobacco, e-cigarettes, drugs, knives, lighters, laser pens, bangers, fireworks, illegal substances or any other item identified by staff on the trip.

Minor misconduct overseas would be dealt with on the trip by means of loss of privileges, withdrawal of free time, setting additional work tasks or community service. Serious misconduct would result in severe sanctions being applied. Serious misbehaviour may also preclude pupils from taking part in other School trips, or lead to an exclusion from School.

BMC/June 2016

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Please complete both sides of this sheet and bring it to the Information Evening on Tuesday, 21st June 2016 and hand in to a member of staff

PGL LA FOSCA TRIP TO SPAIN 2016 Student’s Name: ……………………………………………………………………………………………… Tutor: ……………………………………………… House: …………………………………….


DECLARATION: I have received and understood the details of the above visit. I agree that my child:

can participate in the visit and activities described;

can be transported in the private vehicles of staff/volunteers supervising the visit;

is in good health and fit to participate in the activities described;

can receive medical treatment as necessary. I undertake to inform the Group Leader as soon as possible of any changes in medical circumstances. I acknowledge the need for my child to behave responsibly and agree to the establishment’s procedures in this respect. EITHER A I confirm that all details held by the School on the SG7A for this academic year (and of which I have a

copy) are still correct OR B Please note the following changes to the details held by the School on the SG7A for this academic

year (and of which I have a copy). _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ These changes are *for this visit only/permanent* (delete as appropriate) (in which case I have altered my copy of the SG7A and understand that you will do the same). Signed: ______________________________________________________ Date: __________________ (parent/guardian)

Page 8: YEAR TRIP TO LA FOSCA SPAIN SATURDAY ND JULY …...Equipment and Clothing ... No student may take part in the trip if they have been in close contact with an infectious disease in

Please complete both sides of this sheet and bring it to the Information Evening on Tuesday, 21st June 2016 and hand in to a member of staff

PGL LA FOSCA TRIP TO SPAIN 2016 Student’s Name: ……………………………………………………………………………………………… Tutor: ……………………………………………… House: ……………………………………. Tick which of the following applies:

My child has no dietary needs □

My child has special dietary needs as follows: □

Tick which of the following applies:

My child is a non-swimmer □

My child is water confident □

My child can swim 50 metres unaided □

(This information is required by PGL to aid their planning and supervision of activities. Students who are non-swimmers will be allowed to participate in all activities except for Snorkelling).