Year 7, unit 2, lesson 5. Do you know how …? Checking your homework. Activity book, ex. 1, p.23....

Year 7, unit 2, lesson 5. Do you know how …?

Transcript of Year 7, unit 2, lesson 5. Do you know how …? Checking your homework. Activity book, ex. 1, p.23....

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  • Year 7, unit 2, lesson 5. Do you know how ?
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  • Checking your homework. Activity book, ex. 1, p.23. Ivanovo Russia 08.10.12 Dear Jack, Thanks for your letter. I want to tell you about my school day and after-school activity as you ask me about. My school day is very busy. It usually begins at 8 am and finishes at 3 or 4 pm. I have 5-6 lessons every day. I am a sporty person, too. So, I have to train three times a week after school. When I do not go to my sport classes I try to spend time with my best friends or I take up my hobby, playing computer games. What are you busy with after your classes? What do you usually do together with your friends? Hope to hear from you soon. With love, Olga
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  • Checking your homework. Reader, ex. 3, p.16-17. 1) They liked to construct various things which could fly ( a kite for example) when they were children. 2) The Wright brothers made a better kite because they worked together.(B) the brothers organised their work properly. (D) the brothers made necessary drawings of a kite. (E) &noreask=1& FWright_Brothers.jpg&pos=0&rpt=simage&lr=50&nojs=1 Wright Brothers (see Linguistic and Cultural guide)
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  • S.B., ex.1, part 1, key: Do you know how to cook? S.B., ex.2, p.38 For example: - Can you windsurf well? No, I cant. But I can play chess perfectly. Can you play chess perfectly?
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  • Ex. 3, p.38, Activities at the English lessons. During the lesson we often listen to tapes, ask each other questions regularly and speak out eagerly on what we have heard. Sometimes it is a simple story, sometimes it is a dialogue in English or a conversation. They are not very long but they are always very interesting. We speak English a lot, but we also read various texts from our textbooks. During the lesson we also write spelling dictations, learn new words and grammar rules and do exercises. Twice a month we have our reading lesson. At this lesson we speak about what we have read and discuss interesting episodes from our Readers. Sometimes we work with computers. We play games and make our projects with the help of computers. I never get bad marks in my English because I always prepare my homework well. I like my English lessons very much and come to them with pleasure. Tell us what you can do at the lessons. Tell us how well you do all these activities. If you work with computers at the lessons, tell us what your favourite activity is and what you usually use your computer for.