Kofi Annan (research who he is!)


Year 7 2016 Autumn 1 Knowledge Booklet

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Year 7 2016 Autumn 1 Knowledge Booklet


Week 1:

Week starting 5th September

Subject 1 Subject 2 Reading 30 mins (every night)

Signed Off

Monday English Tuesday RS Wednesday Maths Thursday History Friday Science PE

Week 2:

Week starting 12th September

Subject 1 Subject 2 Reading 30 mins (every night)

Signed Off

Monday English Drama Tuesday MFL Wednesday Maths Music Thursday Geography Friday Science IT

Week 3:

Week starting 19th September

Subject 1 Subject 2 Reading 30 mins (every night)

Signed Off

Monday English DT Tuesday RS Wednesday Maths Art Thursday History Friday Science PE

Week 4:

Week starting 26th September

Subject 1 Subject 2 Reading 30 mins (every night)

Signed Off

Monday English Drama Tuesday MFL Wednesday Maths Music Thursday Geography Friday Science IT

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Year 7 2016 Autumn 1 Knowledge Booklet

Week starting 3rd October

Subject 1 Subject 2 Reading 30 mins (every night)

Signed Off

Monday English DT Tuesday RS Wednesday Maths Art Thursday History Friday Science PE

Week 6:

Week starting 10th October

Subject 1 Subject 2 Reading 30 mins (every night)

Signed Off

Monday English Drama Tuesday MFL Wednesday Maths Music Thursday Geography Friday Science IT

Week 7:

Week starting 17th October

Subject 1 Subject 2 Reading 30 mins (every night)

Signed Off

Monday English DT Tuesday RS Wednesday Maths Art Thursday History Friday Science PE


Week starting 5th September

Subject 1 Subject 2 Reading 30 mins (every night)

Signed Off

Monday English A Parent Tuesday RS B Parent Wednesday Maths A Parent Thursday History A Parent Friday Science PE B Parent

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CONTENTS PAGE: Pages 2–3: Homework timetable and reading parental check and sign off Page 5: Reading Log Page 6: English Page 7: Mathematics Page 8: Science Page 9: Religious Studies Page 10: History Page 11: Geography Page 12: French Page 13: German Page 14: Spanish Page 15: Art Page 16: Drama Page 17: Music Page 18: Computer Science Page 19: Physical Education Page 20: DT: Food Technology Page 21: DT: Design and Technology Page 22: DT: Graphic Page 23: DT: Resistant Materials Page 24: DT: Textiles

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Knowledge Booklet

Week Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun Book(s) read (title and author) Time spent reading

Parent comment/signature








Use this reading log to record the books you read and how long you have spent reading.

Reading Log “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.”

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A. English: Key characters in Greek Myths C. Key terminology

Zeus King of the gods and Lord of the weather. Married to Hera. Domineering and powerful. He carries thunderbolts and an eagle as his symbols. Fairy Tale a story involving fantastic forces and beings (as fairies, wizards, and goblins) ; a story in

which improbable events lead to a typically happy ending.

Hera Queen of the gods. Goddess of marriage and women. Seen as Hercules’ mother in the film but in Greek mythology his mother was a human being. Myth

usually a story that has been created to teach people something deep and meaningful; very often, myths will include supernatural beings (such as monsters, giants, dragons, etc.); were often used to explain events which people at the time didn’t understand (e.g. floods, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions). Hades Ruler of the Underworld - the Kingdom of the dead. Gloomy and frightening. Had a

helmet which made him invisible. Demeter Sister of Zeus and mother of Persephone – Goddess of the Harvest.


usually based on a true event from history; usually have a real hero at the centre and are set in fantastical places; stories which have been told over and over, sometimes for hundreds or thousands of years; usually has an important meaning or significance to the people of the area where it was first told.

Poseidon Lord of the seas from an underwater palace. Controlled storms, sea monsters and earthquakes.

Aphrodite Goddess of love and beauty. Had a magic golden belt which made her irresistible. Eros (Cupid) Son of Aphrodite - made people fall in love by shooting them with his golden bow. Moral a lesson that can be taken from a story or experience.

Prometheus One of the Titans, who was the creator of mankind and its greatest benefactor (supporter); he stole fire from Mount Olympus and gave it to mankind.

Propp’s Narrative Theory

a character theory for studying texts and media, which suggests that are 7 typical character types in a tale: Hero, Villain, Donor, Helper, Princess, Father of Princess, and False Hero.

Hercules Also known as Heracles, son of Zeus and a mortal woman, known for his strength. D. Tasks:

Persephone Daughter of Demeter – very beautiful, Hades fell in love with her and married her. 1. Copy out and look/cover/write/check to learn the information in section A.

2. Create a storyboard for a myth (from section B) using all the words in section E. B. Summaries of Myths 3. Learn the key terminology in section C.


Created humanity from mud and water, and gave them gifts and knowledge, but angered Zeus in a trick and so had fire confiscated from mortals. He defied Zeus and gave them back fire, but ended up receiving an eternal punishment from Zeus for himself.

4. Practice the spellings of each of the words below; section E 5. Write out definitions and a sentence using each of the words in the Vocabulary section (E).

6. Convert the information on this page to a story/speech/report on Myths, Legends and Narrative. Link your ideas carefully.

7. Revise for the end of unit test – your teacher will explain how to

Daedalus and Icarus

A story of a father and a son, who make a daring escape after being trapped, but the son comes to a sticky end when he doesn’t take his father’s advice.

E. Vocabulary

ancient disastrous individual nuisance sacrifice

Hercules and the Hydra

The second of Hercules’ twelve labours, he had to defeat the Hydra, a water monster, who grew more heads each time they were chopped off.

amateur existence lightning occupy sufficient

conscience hindrance mischievous privilege thorough


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Homework Tasks: Week 1

Make a colourful copy of the decimal place value chart in your Maths book.

Week 2

Write three decimal subtraction questions ready for someone else to answer.

Week 3

Memorise the names and the spellings of the 2D shapes ready for a quiz.

Week 4

Work out how old you are in SECONDS using the units of time chart. Show all working out.

Week 5

Research the names of numbers that are larger than the numbers shown here.

Additional homework will be set by your


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A. Science: Stages of growth and development of a foetus C. Changes that take place to the body during adolescence Ovulation The egg is released form the ovary Growth in height Hormones cause you to grow taller Copulation When millions of sperm are released into the vagina Sex organs enlarge They then start to produce the male hormone testosterone Fertilisation When the sperm and egg fuse to form a zygote Breasts develop In preparation to feed young if necessary Cell division The zygote starts to divide & grow to become an embryo Pubic hair grows Which helps prevent a build-up of bacteria in areas where skin folds

together as we sweat more Implantation The embryo attaches to the uterus wall At 1 month Embryo is 6mm long and has brain eyes & heart Mood Swings The new hormones in the body take a little time for the body to adjust to At 9 weeks Is now 25mm long and is now called a foetus At 3 months Is now 54mm long and is now looking more like a baby with arms

& legs visible Spots Your skin produces more oily substance called sebum which can block

pore in the skin At 5 months It is now 160mm long and can now be felt kicking Voice breaks The presence of testosterone in males causes muscle development one

of which are muscle around the voice box making it deeper At 7 months If born now is likely to survive with support from hospital Menstruation starts As the ovaries start producing Oestrogen and Progesterone the eggs are

released and the uterus breaks down if they are not fertilised At 39 weeks Is now fully grown 520mm and ready to be born D. Tasks:

1. Complete the meanings for the key words in section E. B. Male Reproductive Organ Female Reproductive Organ 2. Learn the labels of the male and female reproductive organs in section B.

3. Produce a timeline of stages of development from egg to death. 4. Redesign the sheet, splitting it into a boy’s side and a girl’s side. 5. Learn the stages of growth in section A, the spellings, definitions and stages. 6. Learn the changes that take place during adolescence in section C for a test. 7. Revise everything on this page for your end of unit test. E. Key terms Phonetic Meaning penis Pe-n-is reproduction Re-pro-duc-tion ovaries Ov-a-ri-es testicle Tes-ti-cle

erection e-rec-tion vagina Va-g-i-na menstruation Men-s-tru-a-tion puberty Pu-b-er-ty placenta Pl-a-cen-ta uterus u-te-ru-s


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A. Religious Studies: Key words, symbols and meanings B. World Religions Holy Communion


Symbol Name of symbol

Followers Place of Worship

Holy Books

Founder Symbol Something that represents or stands for something else, especially a material object representing something abstract.


The cross Christians Church Bible Jesus Believe Accept that something is true without proof.

Disciple A follower of Jesus.


The Star and Crescent

Muslims Mosque Qur’an Mohammad (PBUH)

Holy Communion

Christian sacrament when bread and wine are taken as the body and blood of Christ or as symbols of Christ's body and blood or as memorials of Christ's death.


The Star of David

Jews Synagogue Torah Abraham Moses

Sacrifice To give something up that is of value e.g. Christ offering his life.

Altar A table used as a centre of worship in Christian services.

Sikhism Khanda Sikhs Gurdwara Guru Granth Sahib

Guru Nanak Sin Immoral acts, to go against God’s commands.

Forgiveness No longer feel angry about or wish to punish someone.

Buddhism Dharmacakra Buddhists Vihara Tipitaka Siddhartha Gautama

C: Websites


Aum or Om Hindus Mandir Vedas unknown

D. Tasks: E. Stretch and Challenge: A. Design a logo for R.S. which shows the nature and importance of R.S at Bluecoat.

Use a WHOLE page of A4 and only use pictures and images Write a short 100 word paragraph which explains the decisions in your work

1 Find the Bible Passage – Matthew 26: 27-29. Write it down in the middle of a page. Explain each verse, symbolism and its importance for Christian beliefs.

B. Learn the key words symbols and meanings from section A; World Religions, for a test. 2 What is a Sacrament? Explore other Sacraments in the Roman Catholic tradition. Make a poster explaining what they are.

C. Learn the spellings and definitions of the words in section B.

3 Explain the difference between consubstantiation and transubstantiation

D Draw and write a storyboard to explain what happens at Holy Communion. 4. Research how two different denominations (groups of Christians) celebrate Holy communion. Choose one from: Roman Catholics, Church of England, Methodist, Orthodox,


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A. History: Key Words and Meanings B. Timeline – Romans Amphitheatre A place where Romans went to watch animals and people fight as entertainment. Often called

colosseums. 753 BC Romans belive their Empire

was founded. Conquest To take over land or people by armed force. 55 BC Julius Caesar fails to invade

Britain. Empire A group of nations or people under the control one country. 30-32

BC The Roman Empire is established.

Gladiator A slave trained to fight other gladiators or animals in amphitheatres. 43 AD Britain becomes part of the Roman Empire.

Londinium The Roman name for London. 61 AD Boudicca leads a revolt against the Romans.

Invasion Trying to take over a country or part of a country with an armed force. 70 AD Romans conquer Wales and the North.

Legacy Something that is passed down from ancestors or someone who came before. 122-128 AD

Emperor Hadrian builds a wall on the Scottish border.

Legionary A soldier in a Roman legion (a division of 3,000-6,000 men). 476 AD The fall of the Western Roman Empire.

D. Websites to support Homework Tasks: C. Map of the Roman Empire 1. 2. 3.

E. Homework Tasks: F. Stretch and challenge tasks 1. Create an advert to persuade people to join the

Roman army using words from section A. 1. Explain the impact of the Roman army (training and

techniques) on modern armies in the world today. 2. Create another form of the timeline in section B

using images and words to explain the dates. 2. Explain why people became gladiators and why they

weren’t all slaves. 3. Learn the countries in the Roman Empire from

section C for a test. 3. ‘The Romans have no impact on modern Britain so we shouldn’t

study them in schools.’ Explain how far you agree.


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A. Geography: Key Words and Meanings B. Key Features of maps Physical Geography

The study of the natural world, the landscape and the processes that take place. The plants, animals, soil, rivers, flooding, sea, coasts, glaciers rocks, weather, climate, climate change, volcanoes, earthquakes, volcanoes, pollution. Globe and


Human Geography The study of people and the way they interact with the planet. Population, cities, villages, the way people live, poverty, energy resources

Environment The world around us. The air, the soil, the water.

Contour lines

Landscape The visible features of the land. It will include lots of landforms.

landform A natural feature eg a hill, a cliff, a river and volcano. Continent A large land mass that is divided into many different countries. There are 7. Eg Europe – find the others.

Location Where something is. Eg The city is located on the coast. The farm is located near the road.


Latitude and longitude

Imaginary lines drawn onto the globe. Lines of longitude go from the north pole to the south pole. Lines of Latitude go horizontally around the earth. Eg The Equator

Websites to support Homework tasks: (National Geographic for Kids) Scale

Tasks: Stretch and challenge


a. Learn the spellings and definitions of the words in section A for a test.

e. Use an atlas to learn the names and locations of as many countries and capital cities in Europe as you can. Test yourself here:

b. Create an advert to encourage people to visit one country in the British Isles including 5 details of physical and human geography.

f. Learn the key features of maps and research the symbols used in OS maps for: churches, rivers, motorways, hospitals, woods, schools, railway line, railways, post office, and campsites.

Grid References (4 fig and 6


c. Create a map of your local area using map symbols and a key.

g. Create, by drawing, an ordnance survey map for your local area.

d. Find a photograph of a landscape (or use the one on G04S). Sketch it and add detailed labels to show the physical and human features.

h. Read a synopsis of the book Longitude by Dava Sobel: A true story of a genius who solved the greatest scientific problem of the time, and write a 150 word response to it.


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A. French Super verbs: C. French months, days & seasons Avoir (to have) Être (to be) Janvier Lundi Printemps J’ai – I have Je suis – I am Février Mardi Eté Tu as – you have Tu es – you are Mars Mercredi Automne Il/elle a – he/she has Il/elle est – he/she is Avril Jeudi Hiver Nous avons – we have Nous sommes – we are Mai Vendredi Vous avez – you have Vous etes – you are Juin Samedi Ils/elles ont – they have Ils/elles sont – they are Juillet Dimanche B. Key vocabulary Aout Et Zéro Onze Septembre Aussi Un Douze Octobre Mais Deux Treize Novembre Très Trois Quatorze Décembre Assez Quatre Quinze D. Homework Tasks Toujours Cinq Seize 1. Translate and look/cover/write/check to learn the

key vocabulary in section B Qu’est-ce que…? Six Dix-sept 2. Create a set of flashcards for the super verbs and /

or the numbers/months/days/seasons Qui…? Sept Dix-huit 3. Revise what we have learnt this term Quand…? Huit Dix-neuf E. Challenges How…? Neuf Vingt 1 Make a crack the code activity using French

numbers (written out as words) Dix Vingt et un 2 Write a 100 word description of someone (either

real or imaginary) in French


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B. German Super verbs C. What we are learning this half-term sein – to be haben – to have Week 1 Greetings, names, numbers.

Ich bin – I am Ich habe – I have Week 2 Alphabet, colours Du bist – you are Du hast – you have Week 3 More numbers, months, birthdays Er ist – he is Er hat – he has Week 4 Where I live Sie ist – she is Sie hat – she has Week 5 Describing yourself Wir sind – we are Wir haben – we have Week 6 What I have Ihr seid – you (pl.) are Ihr habt – you (pl.) have Week 7 Revision & Assessment Sie sind – you (pol.) are Sie haben – you (pol.) have sie sind – they are (note small “s”) sie haben - they have (note small s) D. Homework Tasks Explain the difference between: Sie, sie, sie, du, ihr

1. Weekly: complete the English meanings of the vocab

C. Key vocabulary Faul Freundlich Lustig Launisch Kreativ laut

Einen Computer Einen iPod Einen Fussball

2. Create a set of flashcards for the super verbs and / or the numbers.

Muiskalisch ich heisse . . . Sportlich ich wohne in . . . intelligent

Eine Gitarre Eine Wii Eine Schlange

Eins zwei drei vier fünf sechs sieben acht Neun zehn elf zwölf dreizehn vierzehn Fünfzehn sechszehn achtzen neunzehn zwanzig

Ein Handy Ein Keyboard Ein Skateboard

3. Produce a powerpoint slide on what you have learnt in German this term.

E. Challenges 1 Make a crack the code activity using German

numbers (written out as words) Rot blau Gelb Braun Schwarz weiss

Lila orange gr ün 2 Write a short description of someone (either real or imaginary) in German


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A. Spanish Super verbs: C. French months, days & seasons Ser (to be) *permanent Estar (to be) *not permanent Enero Lunes Primavera Yo soy – I am Yo estoy – I am Febrero Martes Verano Tu eres – you are Tu estas – you are Marzo Miércoles Otoño Él/ella es – he/she is Él/ella esta – he/she is Abril Jueves Invierno Nosotros somos – we are Nosotros estamos – we are Mayo Viernes Vosotros sois – you are Vosotros estais – you are Junio Sábado Ellos/ellas son – they are Ellos/ellas estan – they are Julio Domingo B. Key vocabulary Agosto Y Cero Once Septiembre Además Uno Doce Octubre Pero Dos Trece Noviembre muy Tres Catorce Diciembre Suficiente Cuatro Quince D. Homework Tasks Siempre Cinco Dieciséis 1. Translate and look/cover/write/check to learn the

key vocabulary in section B Que es…? Seis Diecisiete 2. Create a set of flashcards for the super verbs and /

or the numbers/months/days Quien…? Siete Dieciocho 3. Revise what we have learnt this term Cuando…? Ocho Diecinueve E. Challenges Como…? Nueve Veinte 1 Make a crack the code activity using French

numbers (written out as words) Diez Veintiuno 2 Write a 100 word description of someone (either

real or imaginary) in Spanish


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Your work must be submitted on plain A4 paper. It must be well presented and completed to the best of your ability.

It should take you between 30 – 60 minutes. To challenge yourself further you can choose to do an extension task as well.

Edge to edge A drawing that fills the page. that fills the page.

Shape A two-dimensional enclosed space built with line.

Proportion The size relationship between different elements. E.g. height compared to width.

Linear Using line only. 1. Art Key Words. Learn the key words and definitions in section A Detail The smaller areas of your artwork. 2. Media Lists. Write down a list of media that can be used to make a line drawing. E.g. pencil, pen, pastel. Scale The size of an object (a whole) in

relationship to another object (another whole).

3. Mark-making sheet. Create a mark-making sheet. (See teacher/Go4S for worksheet)

Texture How an object feels to touch. EXTENSION HOMEWORK TASKS Control How carefully you work with a specific

media. 1. Find 2 examples of shoe drawings online that you like (or use the ones attached to Go4S); one linear (line) and one tonal. Print these out and describe in full sentences why you like these images.

Quality of line Lines can be thick, thin, straight, bumpy, heavy, faint etc

2. Complete a linear drawing using a medium from your list other than pencil.

Media The material you are creating your artwork with. E.g. Pencil, oil pastel, paint.

3. Complete a good quality shoe drawing using mark-making textures.

Tone The lightness or darkness of something.

Form A three-dimensional geometrical figure. Tonal bar A gradual scale that shows light, mid-

tones and dark. Tonal range Using the full tonal range helps to make a

drawing look three-dimensional. Mark- making The different lines, patterns, and textures

we create in an artwork using any media. Composition Where you place objects on the page.

Tonal Drawing Linear Drawing


Shadows Mid-tones Highlights


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A. Drama Key Words B. Ancient Greek Timeline

Still Image / Freeze Frame

Still Images and Freeze Frames are both a form of Tableau. With freeze-frame, the action in a play or scene is frozen, as in a photograph or video frame. 776 BC

The first Olympic Games.


Thought-tracking helps inform an audience about a character. You see it in action when: a character speaks out loud about his/her inner thoughts at a particular moment in the drama, or a character speaks out loud about his/her inner thoughts during a freeze frame/still-image.

750 BC

Early Greek Culture. Homer writes the epics The Iliad & The Odyssey.

Greek Chorus A company of actors who comment (by speaking or singing in unison) on the action in a classical Greek play. 490 BC Greeks defeat Persian invaders at

the Battle of Marathon.

Greek Messenger

A character that comes on stage and tells other characters (and the audience) about action that has happened in the play off-stage. This was often used to inform about bloody battles that couldn’t be shown on stage.

450 BC Athens becomes a powerful city

and controls an empire.

Narration A technique whereby one or more performers speak directly to the audience to tell a story, give information, or comment on the action of the scene or the motivations of characters.

440s BC Greek theatre thrives in Athens.

Many famous Greek plays are written

Myth A traditional or legendary story, usually concerning some being or hero or event. Often concerned with deities or demigods and explains some practice, rite, or phenomenon of nature.

432 BC The Parthenon in Athens

is completed.

Amphitheatre An open, circular or oval building with a central space for the presentation of dramatic events surrounded by tiers of seats for spectators. Originally built on hillsides.

431-404 BC War between Athens and Sparta.

Sparta defeats Athens.

Improvisation Performance work that you create yourself and then perform. There are three main types of Improvisation: SPONTANEOUS, POLISHED and PARALLEL. 146 BC Romans conquer Greece.

End of Greek Empire. Homework Tasks: Each fortnight choose from the relevant a or b task

1.a WRITING A POEM: Create an eight line poem that tells the story of Theseus in the Labyrinth.

Or 1.b CREATIVE WRITING: Write your own Greek Myth, inspired by other stories from Ancient Greece that you might research.

2.a Learn the key words in section A Or 2.b Learn the timeline in section B and research more key dates. 3.a DESIGN/RESEARCH: Research a Greek God and make a mask

for them. (Hand in research & mask) Or 3.b PLAYWRIGHTING: Write an extra scene for the end of the Theseus

story – what happens after Theseus became King? EXTRA CHOICE HOMEWORK

This can be done to replace ANY of the other homework tasks: Research, Design and Make a scale model of an Ancient Greek Amphitheatre.


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Keywords: Elements of Music Treble Clef Notation / Keyboard Notes

Pitch means the highness or lowness of the sound.




Tempo means the fastness or slowness of the music.

Dynamics means the loudness or so/ness of the music.

Duration means the length of each sound.

Attack and Decay

means the way the sound starts and stops.

Texture If all the instruments are playing at once then the texture is thick and if only one instrument is playing then it is thin.

Silence is the opposite of sound. F

Timbre is the word given to the sound of each instrument.

Extended Learning / Homework

The Elements of Music Learn and understand the elements of music. (set week 1, due week 2).

Must - Use the elements of music keywords to complete the sentences.

Should - Listen to a piece of music and describe the way the 3 elements are used.

Could - Describe how the music might be different if you changed one or more of these elements?

Musical Code Learn and understand how to read, perform and record ideas using

Must - Work out the note names and write the hidden words in the story. Should - Write out any other words that can be spelled using treble clef notation.

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staff notation, focusing on the pitch names of notes in the treble clef (set week 3, due week 4).

Could - Write your own story using some words that can be spelled using treble clef notation.

Once a Man Learn and understand how to read and perform a 5 note melody (set week 5, due week 6).

Must - Sing and perform “Once a Man”, Using your right hand, perform your pentatonic melody on a keyboard.

Should - Using your right hand, perform your melody in time with your partner using the correct fingers. Compose new lyrics for a verse to fit the rhythm. Could - Using your left hand (chords) and right hand (melody), perform your melody using the correct fingers with fluency. Take a leading role in your group e.g. organising rehearsals or counting in.

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Year 7 Computer Science Unit 1 – Using Computers

Key facts: Common File types

Vocabulary doc ppt jpg html mp4 mp3 pdf

A document format used by Microsoft Word A presentation format used by Microsoft PowerPoint A common picture file format The file extension for pages on the Web A multimedia format commonly used for Videos An audio coding format for sound or music files An format for document viewing and exchange


File a specific piece of data held on a computer system that has a name

Folder a virtual location where programs, files, and other folders can be located

Shortcut key a combination of keys that, when pressed simultaneously, perform some task that ordinarily requires use of a mouse

File extension the suffix at the end of a filename that indicates what type of file it is

Email messages sent electronically over a computer network Attachment a computer file sent along with an email message Search engine a computer program that is used to look for

information on the Internet Social network an online platform that allows users to create a

public profile and interact with other users on the website Online profile a social identity that an Internet user establishes

in online communities and websites Privacy settings the part of a social networking website,

internet browser, piece of software, etc. that allows you to control who sees information about you

Cyberbullying Using technology to bully someone Virus a program or piece of code that is loaded onto your

computer without your knowledge and runs against your wishes and has a detrimental effect

1. Organise your school email by doing the following: -Organise your contacts -Find out the email addresses for your friends and teachers -Create folders for different emails 2. Create folders in your Home area for all your subjects. 3. Find out the minimum age you must be to use these social networks: -Facebook -Twitter -Instagram 4. Look up the ‘Malicious Communications Act’ and make a list of the main points. 5. Create your own manifesto of what’s acceptable and what’s unacceptable to do with computers at home VS at school.

Key facts: Useful Shortcut keys

Open file explorer Show Desktop Save current file Copy Paste Cut Undo

Windows + e Windows + d Ctrl + s Ctrl + c Ctrl + v Ctrl + x Ctrl + z

Websites to explore – Excellent Internet Safety resources – Learn about keeping safe - Links to all topics at KS3 – lots of useful learning resources – revision quizzes for each topic


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A. PE Keywords and Definitions B. Muscles Definition Aerobic Endurance/ Stamina

The ability to sustain prolonged physical or mental effort

Deltoids Pectoralis Biceps Abdomen Quadriceps Trapezius Triceps Latisimus Hamstrings Gastronemius

Muscular Endurance

The ability of a muscle or group of muscle, to work continuously/for a long time without tiring. Number of sit-ups I could do in 30 secs.

Body Composition/ Somatotype

The percentages of fat, bone, water and muscle in human bodies.

Flexibility The range of movement possible at a joint. Speed the differential rate at which an individual is

able to perform a movement or cover a distance in a period of time or how quickly an individual can move.

Muscular Strength

The amount of force a muscle can exert against a resistance.

Agility The ability to change the position of the body quickly and with control.

Balance The ability to retain the centre of mass above the base of support when stationary (static balance) or moving (dynamic balance).

Coordination The ability to use two or more body parts together.

Power The ability to use strength at speed. Power = Strength x Speed.

Reaction Time The time between the presentation of a stimulus and the onset of a movement.

C. Tasks: 1. Learn the key words and definitions in section A 2. Create a set of flashcards for these keywords and definitions 3. Learn the spellings of and define, including their position in

the body, the muscles in section B


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Year 7 2016 Autumn 1 Knowledge Booklet DT: FOOD TECHNOLOGY

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Year 7 2016 Autumn 1 Knowledge Booklet DT: DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY

Year 7 2016 Autumn 1 Knowledge Booklet

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Year 7 2016 Autumn 1 Knowledge Booklet DT: GRAPHICS

Year 7 2016 Autumn 1 Knowledge Booklet

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Year 7 2016 Autumn 1 Knowledge Booklet DT: RESISTANT MATERIALS

Year 7 2016 Autumn 1 Knowledge Booklet

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Year 7 2016 Autumn 1 Knowledge Booklet