Year 2 Celebration of Work

Year 2 Celebration of Work Week 4 Learning Grid What another amazing week of work Year 2 have completed! Thank you so much children and parents for all your continued efforts and perseverance. I was also impressed with the different ways that the Daily Report Card is being completed. See a few examples below: Year 2’s work at home and in school has been amazing this week! In English Year 2 have completed some fantastic work about owls. They have written some fantastic noun phrases and extended sentences using conjunctions. You can see the evidence of this in the English sections below. In Maths this week, Year 2 have great at subtracting two two-digit numbers. They have shown this through jumping on a number line and answered word problems too. Well done Year 2! Keep it up! The animal prints in the snow belonged to a fox!

Transcript of Year 2 Celebration of Work

Page 1: Year 2 Celebration of Work

Year 2 Celebration of Work

Week 4 Learning Grid

What another amazing week of work Year 2 have completed! Thank you so much

children and parents for all your continued efforts and perseverance. I was

also impressed with the different ways that the Daily Report Card is being

completed. See a few examples below:

Year 2’s work at home and in school has been amazing this week!

In English Year 2 have completed some fantastic work about owls. They have

written some fantastic noun phrases and extended sentences using conjunctions.

You can see the evidence of this in the English sections below.

In Maths this week, Year 2 have great at subtracting two two-digit numbers.

They have shown this through jumping on a number line and answered word

problems too. Well done Year 2! Keep it up!

The animal

prints in the


belonged to

a fox!

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The rainbow colours Levi has chosen to show what ‘alleluia’ means to

him are beautiful. Rainbows can be a symbol of hope for better

times. What a wonderful piece of work!

Amazing R.E. work Levi!

In this piece of work Solihom has created storyboard for the

baptism of Jesus and written the story too.

Great work Solihom!

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Tina has written about what she likes about her country and drew

some lovely pictures too.

Fantastic work Tina!


Ozioma has completed her History work this week and used the

word bank to help her fill in details about what herbs Mary Seacole

to help heal soldiers.

Well done Ozioma!

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Ebenezer has completed the table about his knowledge about

plants filling in the sections about what he knows and what he

would like to know.


Great job Ebenezer!


What an interesting subject Eva decided to write about in her


Fantastic work in computing Eva!

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Fredah’s presentation is beautiful. She has set out her subtraction

calculations really clearly and they are very accurate.

Fantastic work Fredah!

Destiny’s work in Maths is super. His number line is correct with

the biggest number at the end of the number line of and he is

jumping backwards in tens and ones correctly.

Great work Destiny!

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Some fantastic Maths work using the inverse of subtraction. I like

the way he has used different models to represent this.

Brilliant Maths Emmanuel!


Jakub has done great subtraction using a number line. His jumps

show how confident he is with mental subtractions and show an

awareness of number bonds.

Well done Jakub!

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Well done for using capital letters for place names. Fantastic

poster Anaiah. I love your owl drawing too!

Great effort Anaiah!

Noah has labelled the different body parts of a Barn Owl correctly

and then written some great noun phrases about them. He has

remembered to separate his two adjectives with a comma every

time too!

Fantastic work Noah!

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Jayden has written some fantastic different sentences types and

remembered to improve his work using green pen.

Excellent work Jayden!

Joshua J has completed some fantastic matching work in English.

He matched all the adaptions to the correct owl body parts.

Amazing work Joshua J!

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Gideon has used the information from the Manchester Evening

News and knowledge he obtained earlier in the week to write a

great description of the lost owl, Tyto.

Fantastic work Gideon!

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Dieudonne has used the suffix - ment suffix correctly in this piece

of work. I particularly like the way Dieudonne read and improved

his work.

Fantastic phonics Dieudonne!

Great phonic work Josue!

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I loved your challenge sentence. It really is an achievement to win

Gold Star.

Great work in Phonics Kenna!


Well done for thinking that spotting means you might see an owl

and jotting means you write things down. What a great response to

the challenge question!

Great reading Chantal!

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Super reading from Daria. She figured out that Snowy Owls eat

lemmings and ptarmigans!

Well done Daria!

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Kenny has practiced his spellings and I really like the way he has

improved his work and gone back and made ‘t a clear ascender.

Great effort Kenny!

In this picture Augustine has been practising his spellings by

finding them in this crossword. I really like the way he has used

different colours and crossed out words as he has found them.

This is another great strategy for checking that you have found all

the words.

Great work Augustine!

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Samuel has completed some great work in DT.

Well done Samuel!

Keep sending in your fabulous work and your Daily Report Cards!

Hopefully we’ll all be back in class together soon.