Year 1 - Academy Transformation Trust


Transcript of Year 1 - Academy Transformation Trust

As can be seen below, there is a flow-through from the quality text chosen to support our topics work for each half term, to the text types we use to explore reading and the pieces of

writing generated using developing SPAG skills. Evidence of writing and SPAG skills can be gathered from all children’s exercise books including homework and rough books.

Year 1 Quality Text

Can be done in any order

Text Types Reading Skills RS vocab builder/ ERIC/

reading fluency

Writing Skills

EMW: handwriting

SPAG Skills

Weekly spellings

Autumn 1


Main (link numbers to reading):

1.The 3 Little Wolves and the

Big Bad Pig F

2. The Great Paper Caper F

5. The Little Raindrop NF


3. The 3 Little Pigs F

4. Recycling NF

6. Materials NF

F:Traditional tales

NF: Problem solving

P: Free verse




Starting reading


4: Information retrieval

5/6: Solving problems

1/3: Stating predictions

1/2/3: Characters

2: Author assessment JD

All: Simple sentences using

patterned language, words and

phrases magpie-d from familiar


All: Finger spaces

All: Caps/full stops/?/!

All: Capitals for names and ‘I’

All: Plural noun suffixes/suffixes to verbs/

prefixes (negation)

All: Verbs and adjectives

1/3: Speech marks and bubbles

Autumn 2

Lost in


1. Man on the Moon F

2. A Journey Through Space NF

3. Space Poems P

4. Whatever Next! F

5. One Giant Leap F

6. Here Come the Aliens F

F: Adventure stories

NF: Recount/labels,

lists and captions

P: Rhyming couplets


1/4/5: Characters

3. Setting

1/2/5 Action

4.Stating predictions

1: Adventure story opening

3/4: Labels, lists, captions

1/4/6: Recount using adverbs

and time sequencing

4/6? Rhyming couplets

2: Alliteration

All: Nouns and adjectives formed with


All: Adjectives change to adverbs with


All: Words combine to make sentences

4: Adverbs/time sequencing


Spring 1


1. Pirates Love Underpants F

3. You’re Not a Proper Pirate:

Sidney Green F

4. Pirate poetry P

5. Real Life Pirate Legends NF

6. Captain Jack and the Pirates

2. Pirate Ships NF

F: Rhyming stories

NF: Biography/non-


P: Repeated verses

Interrogating facts and




1/3: Rhyming stories: class col-

laboration with individual rhym-

ing words—the ending 5:

A series of sentences to retell

events based on personal


6: Non-chron report with a se-

ries of sentence subject

Subordinating an coordinating conjunc-


3: Expanded noun phrases

Sequencing sentences to form short narra-


Please note: For Willow Class LTP, texts in green represent the main books from

which extended pieces of writing will be inspired; blue books are to read to the chn.

As can be seen below, there is a flow-through from the quality text chosen to support our topics work for each half term, to the text types we use to explore reading and the pieces of

writing generated using developing SPAG skills. Evidence of writing and SPAG skills can be gathered from all children’s exercise books including homework and rough books.

Year 1 Quality Text Text Types Reading Skills RS vocab builder/ ERIC/

reading fluency

Writing Skills

EMW: handwriting

SPAG Skills

Weekly spellings

Spring 2

Go Wild

1. Walking Through the

Jungle F

4. Calligrams P

5. Lifecycles NF

6. Rumble in the Jungle F

2. In the Rainforest NF

3. Amazing Animals NF

F: Rhyming narratives

NF: Instructions

P: Calligrams

1/6: Action

1/2/6: Setting

3/5: Navigating genres

1/6: Adventure stories—whole


1/6:Instructions for keeping


4: Calligrams

3: Statement, question,

exclamation, command

Present and past tense

Progressive form of verbs in

present and past: she is...he was

3: Comparative language

Commas in a list

Summer 1

One World

1. The Last Polar Bears F

3. Anna Hibiscus F

5. Home NF

6..The World of Cities F

2. (Non fiction cold tbd)

4. (Non fiction hot tbd)

F: tales from different coun-


F: letter writing

NF: explanations

P: shape poems

1: Considering deeper


1/3: Impact

5/6: Themes

3: Solving problems

1. Letter writing

1/3: Explanations

3. Apostrophes for single


All: Revise all for Y2 Writing

Summer 2

Under the Sea

1. The Secret of Black

Rock F

2. Deep Sea Diary NF

3. The Storm Whale F

4. Under the Sea NF

5. Tiddler F

6. Acrostic poems P

F: Diary writing

NF: Persuasion text

P: Acrostic poems

2/4: Text layout/structure

All: Imagining

5: Formal/informal Language

1/3: Comparison text

2: Diary writing

1/3: Persuasion text about

looking after animals

6: Acrostic poems of sea


All: RAG rated sessions

Please note: For Willow Class LTP, texts in green represent the main books from

which extended pieces of writing will be inspired; blue books are to read to the chn.

As can be seen below, there is a flow-through from the quality text chosen to support our topics work for each half term, to the text types we use to explore reading and the pieces of writing

generated using developing SPAG skills. Evidence of writing and SPAG skills can be gathered from all children’s exercise books including homework and rough books.

Year 2 Quality Text Text Types Reading Skills RS vocab builder/ ERIC/reading fluency

Writing Skills

EMW: Handwriting skills

SPAG Skills

Weekly spellings

Autumn 1

All About Me

Main (;ink numbers to reading):

1. Funnybones F

5. Autumn Poetry P

7. Beegu F


2. I am the One and Only F

3. What Makes Me a Me F

4. Marvellous Me F

6. Where’s my Teddy? F

F: Retelling of a

familiar story


P: Acrostic (class col-



ICS and MAGPIE-ing

Start reading comprehension: 6 and 7:

Information retrieval

1 and 5: Inference

3: Yes/no relationships

2 and 3: Your personal opinions

7: prediction and adjectives

All: Accessing phonics and grammar

1/6: Write a re-telling of a

familiar story—opening

2,3,4: Explanations

5: Acrostic

Finger spaces

Caps/full stops/?/!

Capitals for names and ‘I’

Plural noun suffixes/suffixes to

verbs/prefixes (negation)

7: verbs and adjectives

1: Speech marks and bubbles

Autumn 2

Great Fire of


2. Great Fire of London NF

3. Flame poems P

5. The Nutcracker F

6. Nativity PC

1. Pumpkin Soup F

4. Fire Fighter NF

F: diary writing,


NF: chronological re-


P: shape poems/


1: Repetition

2: Imagining

2: Inferring and deducing

2: Stating predictions

2: Impact

4: Sequencing

1: Adjectives/recipe

2: Recount—diary writing

2: Chronological report

3: Shape poems/Calligrams

1: Nouns and adjectives formed

with suffixes

Adjectives change to adverbs with


Words combine to make sentences

Adverbs/time sequencing


Spring 1

Where in the


1. Wonders of the World NF

2. The Great Kapok Tree F

3. Come Home with Us F

4. The Map Maker’s Race F

5. The book of trees NF

6. Poetry

F: traditional tale from

another country

NF: labelling, sub



P: Shape Poems

2/5: Considering deeper messages

3: What could we magpie for our own


4: Sequencing and repetition


3:Use a familiar story as a

model to write a new story

1: Labelling, sub-headings

of wonders of the world

2: Persuasive writing—not

cut down trees and realise

the importance of trees—


4: Poem

Subordinating an coordinating con-


Expanded noun phrases

Sequencing sentences to form short


Please note: For Willow Class LTP, texts in green represent the main books from

which extended pieces of writing will be inspired; blue books are to read to the chn.

As can be seen below, there is a flow-through from the quality text chosen to support our topics work for each half term, to the text types we use to explore reading and the pieces

of writing generated using developing SPAG skills. Evidence of writing and SPAG skills can be gathered from all children’s exercise books including homework and rough books.

Year 2 Quality Text Text Types Reading Skills RS vocab builder/ ERIC/

reading fluency

Writing Skills

EMW: Handwriting skills

SPAG Skills

Weekly spellings

Spring 2

In the Forest

2. A Seed is Sleeping NF

3. Poetry P

4. Jim and Beanstalk F

5. I love this Tree F

6. Easter PC

1. Tree: seasons come,

seasons go NF

F: Spin on Traditional tales

NF: report

P: Haiku

All: Setting

5: Impact

1: Trawling for evidence

1: comparative language

Retelling from a different


Report: assemble info on a

subject, sorting and categoriz-

ing information; use compara-

tive language to describe and


Statement, question,

exclamation, command

Present and past tense Progres-

sive form of verbs in present

and past: she is...he was

Comparative language

Commas in a list

Summer 1

Heroes and


3. The Storm Whale F

4. Great Women who

Worked Wonders NF

6. Poetry P

1. Traction Man F

2. Superworm F

5. People Who Help Us NF

F: fantasy writing

NF: instructions /discussion

P: free verse

1: Imagining

1: Action


2: Rhyming

4: Trawling for evidence

3: Impact

1: Fantasy writing—inventing

own super hero (whole story)

5: Instructions—as though

they are a doctor etc

Free verse

Apostrophes for single


Revise all for Y2 Writing

Summer 2

We are


2. Just So stories F

4. Amazing Animals NF

5. Animal poems P

6. Night Zookeepers NF

1. Poo in the Zoo F

3. Dear Greenpeace F

F: Creation stories

NF: Explanations

P: Acrostic (independent)

1: rhyming

3/4:Solving problems

3: Considering deeper mes-


3: Your personal opinions

2: Myths—Creation stories:

eg. How the zebra got its


4: Explanations about animals:

why are they amazing?

5: Acrostic for ANIMALS

AfL RAG rated sessions

Please note: For Willow Class LTP, texts in green represent the main books from

which extended pieces of writing will be inspired; blue books are to read to the chn.

As can be seen below, there is a flow-through from the quality text chosen to support our topics work for each half term, to the text types we use to explore reading and the pieces of

writing generated using developing SPAG skills. Evidence of writing and SPAG skills can be gathered from all children’s exercise books including homework and rough books.

Year 3/4 Quality Text

NC: whole books

Text Types

Reading Skills Inc DWN: daily vocab building

inc morphology and etymolo-

gy/RS vocab builder/ERIC/

Writing Skills

EMW: Handwriting skills

SPAG Skills DWN inc synonym/antonym/


thesaurus/weekly spellings

Autumn 1

Ancient Greeks

Illustrated Stories from the Greek

Myths (Usborne Il-lustrated Stories)

N & NF: Short stories and

recounts of Greed mytholo-

gy (defining fiction from non


P: Creating Images (similes

and metaphors) & Calligrams

based on Greed mythical




Your personal opinions.

Trawling for evidence.


Considering deeper mes-sages.

Using skills to create ‘what mythical creature am I?’ ques-tions.

Planning drafting, writing, eval-

uating and editing. Proofread-

ing. Reading own work aloud.

Rich vocabulary linking with


Understanding & distinguishing

between fiction and non-


Revision of spelling rules

Word classes—noun/adjective/


Using root words/prefixes/



Autumn 2

Our World and


George’s Secret Key

to the Universe

F: stories with familiar settings NF: explanations P: continuing Creating Images using personification with a planet theme.

Retrieve and record info from non-fiction/ summa-rising main ideas from more than one paragraph

Language (technical)

Predicting (using evidence)

Yes/No Relationships What came first questions.

Using dialogue to create a

mini-play. Looking at the

difference between direct and

indirect speech.

Headings and sub-headings


Technical vocabulary.

Singular & possessive apostro-

phes—regular and irregular

Paragraphs: topic sentences

Headings and sub-headings


spoken forms

Spring 1

The Aztecs

Time Hunters:

Aztec Attack

F: Series/historical stories NF: Information Texts (instructions linked to Aztec games) No poetry due to extended poetry units in Autumn 1&2

Interrogating facts/opinions

Solving problems.

Themes (& genre)

Characters (linking expec-tations of each character).

Logical meaning making. Finding proof and explaining why.

Describing characters and

settings. Using direct speech.

Ordering paragraphs

Headings and sub-headings.

Commas after fronted

adverbials/Using and punctu-

ating direct speech/prefixes/

determiner a or an/

homophones/pronoun or noun

to avoid repetition

As can be seen below, there is a flow-through from the quality text chosen to support our topics work for each half term, to the text types we use to explore reading and the pieces of

writing generated using developing SPAG skills. Evidence of writing and SPAG skills can be gathered from all children’s exercise books including homework and rough books.

Year 3/4 Quality Text

NC: whole books

Text Types

Reading Skills Inc DWN: daily vocab building

inc morphology and etymolo-

gy/RS vocab builder/ERIC/

Writing Skills

EMW: Handwriting skills

SPAG Skills DWN inc synonym/antonym/


thesaurus/weekly spellings

Spring 2


Secret Diary of

Thomas Snoop

F/NF: Biographies/Diaries P: King Henry VIII & finding meanings


Impact Group presentation of histori-cal poetry. Understanding the meaning. Comparing historical settings. Picking out and understanding Old English words.

Plot planning and editing.

Organising paragraphs around

a theme.

Looking at old language and

determining meaning and gen-


Word families/expressing time,

place & cause with conjunc-

tions, adverbs, prepositions.

Simple, compound and complex


Summer 1

Myths and


A Midsummer Night's Fairytale: Shakespeare's classic play with a fairytale twist

F: Playscripts NF: Non-chronological re-ports P: descriptive poetry

Recognising themes such as ‘triumph of good over evil’

Navigating genres

Author assessment

Text layout/structure Understanding different writing types and the purpos-es of text/structure.

Describing settings. Writing

direct and non-direct speech.

Perfect paragraphs: topic sen-


Rich descriptions.

Present perfect verbs/

coordinating and subordinating



Fronted adverbials/using more

than one clause with subordina-

tion conjunctions

Summer 2


Harry Potter and the

Philosopher’s Stone

F: Stories with dialogue P: Humorous poems (Edward Lear) & Perfor-mance poems and poetry by heart, nursery rhymes No non-fiction this half term—longer Fiction unit.

Accessing phonics and grammar (clever use of nonsense words).

Making up own nonsense words and explaining intended origins. Using them in own poetry and stories.

Using dialogue, action and


Rhyme, alliteration, personifi-

cation and humour.

Simple sentences dictated by

adult including words and

punctuation taught so far.

What is a clause? What is a

phrase? Revisiting contrac-

tions—its and it’s

As can be seen below, there is a flow-through from the quality text chosen to support our topics work for each half term, to the text types we use to explore reading and the pieces of

writing generated using developing SPAG skills. Evidence of writing and SPAG skills can be gathered from all children’s exercise books including homework and rough books.

Year 3/4 Quality Text

NC: whole books

Text Types

Reading Skills Inc DWN: daily vocab building

inc morphology and etymolo-

gy/RS vocab builder/ERIC/

reading fluency

Writing Skills

EMW: Handwriting skills

SPAG Skills DWN inc synonym/antonym/


thesaurus/weekly spellings

Autumn 1

Stone Age

Stig of the


F: Adventure Stories (using narrative) NF: Instructions P – Syllabic Poetry— Haiku

USE FANTASTICS, STYLISTICS, ANALYTICS and MAGPIE-ing Yes/No relationships Setting Inferring and deducing. Using settings to devise what came first/last ques-tions. Links to adjectives. Beginning cause and effect.

Planning drafting, writing, evalu-ating and editing. Proofreading.

Reading own work aloud. Direct Speech

Rich, up-levelled vocab, sylla-bles, using contractions in clever

ways to fit Haiku poetry.

Ordering, beginning paragraphs/sub-headings.

Revision of spelling rules

Word classes—noun/adjective/


Using root words/prefixes/



Direct speech

Autumn 2


Chronicles of


F: Imaginary Worlds NF: Letters to Santa P: Continuing syllabic poetry - Tanka poems

Characters, Stating predictions. Language Author Assessment. Comparing character personal-ity traits; predicting what each character is thinking and feel-ing and what they might do next. Picking out the old-fashioned language and writing book reviews.

Continuing rich, up-levelled vocab, syllables, using contrac-tions in clever ways to fit Haiku


Describing settings, direct

speech, including action into a


Formal letter writing.

Singular & possessive apostro-

phes—regular and irregular

Paragraphs: topic sentences

Headings and sub-headings


spoken forms

Spring 1


Was Tutankha-

mun Killed?

F: Stories from Other Cul-tures—Egypt NF: Persuasive Writing - Who killed King Tut and why? No poetry this half term due to an extended non-fiction focus unit.

Your personal opinions.

Interrogating facts/opinions.

Logical meaning making. Linking all of these skills to the e-book Was Tutankhamen Killed? Children will back up their questions with facts from the text explaining why.

Perfect paragraphs: topic sen-

tences. Describing setting/

action and including narrative

Describing characters.

Persuasive writing—varied

sentence starters and ordering


Commas after fronted

adverbials/Using and punctu-

ating direct speech/prefixes/

determiner a or an/

homophones/pronoun or noun

to avoid repetition

As can be seen below, there is a flow-through from the quality text chosen to support our topics work for each half term, to the text types we use to explore reading and the pieces of

writing generated using developing SPAG skills. Evidence of writing and SPAG skills can be gathered from all children’s exercise books including homework and rough books.

Year 3/4 Quality Text

NC: whole books

Text Types

Reading Skills Inc DWN: daily vocab building

inc morphology and etymolo-

gy/RS vocab builder/ERIC/

reading fluency

Writing Skills

EMW: Handwriting skills

SPAG Skills DWN inc synonym/antonym/


thesaurus/weekly spellings

Spring 2


Indian in the


F:Stories in familiar settings P: List Poems, Kennings & poetry to perform & non-sense Poetry (limericks) No non-fiction due to ex-tended unit spring 1.

Navigating genres


Themes Linking setting and themes to limericks and picking out com-edy genre. Comping genres and themes of books read so far this year.

Plot planning, rich descriptions

of setting and characters.

Creatively combining words to

create kennings.

Word families/expressing time,

place & cause with conjunc-

tions, adverbs, prepositions.

Simple, compound and complex


Summer 1

Amazing Bodies Horrid Henry

F & P – Plays and Dialogues (direct and indirect speech) Studying play script & in-venting Horrid Henry poems using direct speech to com-pare the two. NF – Formal and Informal letter writing (persuasive writing).



Solving problems

Text layout/structure Continuing on from Kennings and describing nouns to look at impact and how language can be interpreted dramatical-ly. Writing a persuasive letter

Comparing direct non-direct

and play script speech.

Recreating Horrid Henry

stories as a playscript.

Headings and sub-headings.

Organising paragraphs around

a theme.

Present perfect verbs/

coordinating and subordinating



Fronted adverbials/using more

than one clause with subordina-

tion conjunctions

Summer 2

All About Art

13 British Artists

Children Should


F: Biographies NF: Chronological reports. P: Calligrams & playing with form (and words).

Considering deeper mes-sages

Accessing phonics and grammar

Trawling for evidence. Skim and scan for information, years, dates, important facts. Understanding terms and ter-minology and how to deduce a best fit if unsure. Looking for root words to help understand harder words.

Writing in the first / second /

third person.

Chronological repots based on

a painting or painter.

Being creative with adjectives

and adverbs.

Simple sentences dictated by

adult including words and

punctuation taught so far.

What is a clause? What is a

phrase? Revisiting contrac-

tions—its and it’s

As can be seen below, there is a flow-through from the quality text chosen to support our topics work for each half term, to the text types we use to explore reading and the pieces of

writing generated using developing SPAG skills. Evidence of writing and SPAG skills can be gathered from all children’s exercise books including homework and rough books.

Year 5/6 Quality Text

NC: whole books

Text Types

Reading Skills Inc DWN: daily vocab building

inc morphology and etymolo-

gy/RS vocab builder/ERIC/

reading fluency

Writing Skills

EMW: Handwriting skills

SPAG Skills DWN inc synonym/antonym/


thesaurus. Weekly spellings

Autumn 1


War Horse &

War Poetry

F: Short historical story NF: Non-chron WW1 related P: WW1 poetry/study of a poet—Wilfred Owen.



Reading comp re. authorial

intent with text layout/

impact/language used

Character profiling /prediction

Interrogating poetry

techniques, eg. Imagery and

considering deeper meaning

Inference cards

Non-chron: Eye-catching headings/

Subheadings/present tense writing.

WW1 poetry using figurative

language/deeper meaning

Short story: Building cohesion within

and between paragraphs. Linking

ideas across paras using adverbials of

time, place, number or tense

choices. Variety of sentence struc-


Revision of noun/adjective/


adverbial with comma/


Intro: Modal verbs/semi-


hyphenated words

Autumn 2


Code Breakers

and Anne

Frank’s Diary

F: Diaries NF: Persuasive writing – propaganda P: Sound effects poet-ry (link Music) Poetry reading for World War Assembly

Exploring first person diaries—

Anne Frank’s diary extracts

and children’s personal


Explore propaganda: message

and audience/interrogate face

and opinion

Diary writing: colloquial language/

first person/chron order/self-

reflection/past tense

Persuasive writing—propaganda

Onomatopoeic vocab plus vocab

leading to sound effects

Relative clauses

Parenthesis with brackets,

dashes and commas

Correct direct speech

Layout devices eg bullets/


HAPS: interchange of formality

in recount

Spring 1




Thieves of Ostia

Roman Myths

F: Myth NF: Recount and letter of complaint P: Shape Poetry

Explore Roman myths:

navigate genres.

Investigate recounts: event/

chron order/logical menaing


language to embellish

Myth: Building cohesion within and

between paragraphs. Linking ideas

across paras using adverbials of time,

place, number or tense choices. Vari-

ety of sentence structure.

Recount: Roman soldier

Passive and active

Use of commas to avoid


Formal and informal speech/

reported speech

Colons to mark boundary and

intro a list

As can be seen below, there is a flow-through from the quality text chosen to support our topics work for each half term, to the text types we use to explore reading and the pieces of

writing generated using developing SPAG skills. Evidence of writing and SPAG skills can be gathered from all children’s exercise books including homework and rough books.

Year 5/6 Quality Text

NC: whole books

Text Types

Reading Skills Inc DWN: daily vocab building

inc morphology and etymology/

RS vocab builder/ERIC/

reading fluency

Writing Skills

EMW: Handwriting skills

SPAG Skills DWN inc synonym/antonym/


thesaurus. Weekly spellings

Spring 2


Escape from


F: Play script NF: Slavery debate/discussion texts P: Volcano poetry – story poetry

SATS style questions: focus =

trawling for evidence and


Interrogate playscript

Expressing opinions in

discussion texts/structure of

discussion text

Playscript: with focus on layout

and conventions

Discussion texts: expressing both

sides with a conclusion including

personal opinion. Volcano poetry

Subjunctive form


Semi-colons within lists

Past and present progressive


Summer 1


Tim Peake


F: Science fiction story NF: Journalistic report/Autobiography P: Choral poetry

How do authors solve problems

in sci-fi?

How do we know it’s sci-fi?

Features of an autobiography:

facts/opinions/first person/

succinct key moments

Investigate newspaper reports

from 1969/conventions/text


Science fiction story: Building co-

hesion within and between para-

graphs. Linking ideas across paras

using adverbials of time, place,

number or tense choices. Variety

of sentences structure.

Write own autobiography

Journalistic report

Revision for SATS of all of the

above followed by RAG rating of

SPAG Y5 test which informs final

weeks of SPAG sessions

Summer 2

Amazing Bodies

Harry Potter

and the

Chamber of


F: Imaginary worlds stories NF: Instructions for potion P: Redacted poetry

Comparison of book and film


Discussion of yes/no tension

relationships: Potter/Malfoy +


Explore examples of redacted

poetry and how the artwork

then reflects the theme.

Fantasy story: Building cohesion

within and between paragraphs.

Linking ideas across paras using

adverbials of time, place, number

or tense choices. Variety of sen-

tence structure.

Instructions: commands and im-

perative verbs—link to Science


Imperative verbs

AfL RAG rating based sessions

As can be seen below, there is a flow-through from the quality text chosen to support our topics work for each half term, to the text types we use to explore reading and the pieces of

writing generated using developing SPAG skills. Evidence of writing and SPAG skills can be gathered from all children’s exercise books including homework and rough books.

Year 5/6



NC: whole books

Text Types

Reading Skills Inc DWN: daily vocab building inc

morphology and etymology/RS

vocab builder/ERIC/

reading fluency

Writing Skills

EMW: Handwriting skills

SPAG Skills DWN inc synonym/antonym/


thesaurus. Weekly spellings

Autumn 1

Early Islamic


I am Malala

F Tales from other cultures – Early Islamic harvest story NF: Flashback stories and formal letters for persuasion P: Dialogue poems



Explore tales from other

cultures: Islamic Father and Son

harvest story.

Interrogate formal letters: 2 ad-

dresses/ language/sign off/layout

Inference inc task cards


Own poems read aloud: Harvest

Formal letter writing: inc subjunctive form for


Flashback stories: Intro horizontal planning.

Building cohesion within and between para-

graphs. Linking ideas across paras using ad-

verbials of time, place, number or tense

choices. Variety of sentence structure.

Dialogue poems: layout

Revision of noun/adjective/


adverbial with comma/


Intro: Modal verbs/semi-


hyphenated words

Autumn 2





F: Genre fiction—historical survival genre NF: Information text: Year in the Life of a Penguin and recount P: Power of Imagery: Frozen (use Ted Hughes Snow is Snow)

Navigating different genres

Features of an information text—


Imagery in poetry—similes, meta-

phor, alliteration, personification;

setting, impact, language

Skim and scan/Proof reading

Writing a survival story: Building cohesion

within and between paragraphs. Linking

ideas across paras using adverbials of time,

place, number or tense choices. Variety of

sentence structure.

Intro non-fiction recount shape of writing

Info text—Life cycle of a penguin

Imagery poetry: Frozen

Relative clauses

Parenthesis with brackets,

dashes and commas

Correct direct speech

Layout devices eg bullets/


HAPS: interchange of formality

in recount

Spring 1




F: Choice of 9 story journeys NF: Chronological report/ journalistic writing P: Free form poetry

Character profiling/Hotseat the

author (for authorial intent/


Features of chron report: past

tense/5Ws/quotes and speech/


snappy headlines/subheadings/


Chronological report (see left for criteria)

Breaking news (either topic related or

dependent on current affairs TBD)

Intro sentence formula sheets

Free form poetry

Passive and active

Use of commas to avoid


Formal and informal speech/

reported speech

Colons to mark boundary and

intro a list

As can be seen below, there is a flow-through from the quality text chosen to support our topics work for each half term, to the text types we use to explore reading and the pieces of

writing generated using developing SPAG skills. Evidence of writing and SPAG skills can be gathered from all children’s exercise books including homework and rough books.

Year 5/6 Quality Text

NC: whole books

Text Types

Reading Skills Inc DWN: daily vocab building inc

morphology and etymology/RS vo-

cab builder/ERIC/reading fluency

Writing Skills

EMW: Handwriting skills

SPAG Skills DWN inc synonym/antonym/


thesaurus. Weekly spellings

Spring 2



The Explorer

F: Graphic novels NF: Explanations/debate following balanced argument writing P: Narrative poem

SATS style qs including critical read-

ing skills: underlining, notes, high-



Compare and contrast 2 tellings of

the same story

Return to one of their own stories,

up-level and change into graphic


Balanced argument regarding global

warming and effects on our location

Subjunctive form


Semi-colons within lists

Past and present progressive


Summer 1


Bodies George’s




F: Dilemma story NF Non-chronological report P: Classic poems

Interrogate dilemma story: dilemma

happens quickly and leaves reader

waiting to find out how it’s solved

Non-chron focusing on critical read-

ing: underline/note-taking

Classic poems: FANTASTICs etc

Book reviews—recommending books

to peers with justifications/author


Dilemma story: Building cohesion

within and between paragraphs.

Linking ideas across paras using

adverbials of time, place, number or

tense choices. Variety of sentence


Non-chron: Eye-catching headings/

Subheadings/present tense writing.

Revision for SATS of all of the

above followed by RAG rating of

SPAG Y5 test which informs final

weeks of SPAG sessions

Summer 2


Bodies cont

F: Classic fiction/significant author: Shakespeare/Dahl NF: Instructions for medicine and biography of S or D P: Classic narrative and oral poetry

Themes and conventions of play-


Trawling for evidence

Presenting personal opinion: based

on response to text and how en-

gaged children are

Consider the deeper meaning

Write a playscript with focus on

layout and conventions

Instructions: commands and imper-

ative verbs—link to Science write-



Imperative verbs

AfL RAG rating based sessions