
download[Yati-raja-vimsati. Twenty Sanskrit stanzas in praise of Ramanuja. With a commentary in Tamil

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Transcript of[Yati-raja-vimsati....




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L. D. BARNETT, M.A., Litt.D.


G. U. POPE, D.D.




Mussiis. LO^'GMANS & CO., 39, Patehnoster I.'ow ; Mr. BERNARD QUARITCH, 11, Grafton Street,

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Mb. henry FROWDE, Oxford University Press Warehouse, Amen Corner.


[All riy/its reserved J]







Of all the literatures of India, with the single exception of the Sanskrit, the Tamil is the richest, the oldest, and the most various. It is thus most completely representative of that ancient Dravidian culture which preceded the civilisation of the conquering Aryan immigrants, and doubtless contributed much to the literary and social develop- ment of the latter. Hence the oldest surviving works of Tamil literature bear a peculiar character ; though it would perhaps be too bold to assert them to be wholly independent of Sanskritic influences, the^" .hre both in vocabulary and in literary form distinctly different from the typical products of the classical Sanskrit literature.

The Hindu tendency to construct arbitrary and exaggerated systems of chronology is fully shared by the Tamils, who assign the beginnings of their culture to a fabulous antiquity, and trace the progress of their literature through three successive Sanghams or Academies. For the first two of the latter no historical basis can be found. As to the third, works are still extant which bear the names of several writers traditionally associated with it ; but there seems to be no suflBcient ground to accept the leo-end which has grouped together their names as those of contemporaries, especially as Nakkira Devar, the most prominent poet of the Third Sangham, can hardly be assigned to a date earlier than the fifth or sixth century, whilst there are reasons for believino- that the Kural, the famous collection of ethical and erotic verses attributed to the somewhat legendary " Tiru-valluvar " (popularly believed to have been a Paraiyar priest, but possibly a Jain), may have been composed some three centuries earlier.

Tradition traces back the origin of extant Tamil literature and science to the sa^e Agastyar (Agattiyar), who plays a prominent part in ancient Sanskrit mythology. A grammar of the Tamil language bearing his name, the Agattiyam, was formerly extant, which apparently was based upon the Paninian school of Sanskrit grammar. It has long since been superseded by the Tol-kappiyam, of which the author (reputed to have been a disciple of Agastyar) followed the principles of the Aindra Sanskrit grammarians. Upon the Tol-kappiyam was based the Nan-nul of Pavanandi, apparently a Jain ; this is an aphoristic compendium of grammar composed about the beginning of the thirteenth century.* Around these two works has arisen a copious grammatical literature. Mention may be made likewise of the Vira-soriyam, a grammar by Buddha-mitran

* The author of the ancient commentary upon the Nan-nul, traditionally believed to have been a disciple of Pavanandi, states that the latter wrote his work under the orders of a king SFya Gangan in Sanagai, who is evidently identical with the prince of that name who is shown by inscriptions to have been a vassal of Kulottuiiga HI. (see South-Indian Inscriptions, vol. iii., p. 122, and Epigraphia Indica, vol. vii., Appendix, p. 135).



(towards the end of the 11th century),* the commentary upon the latter by Peruu- devanar,t who is believed to have been Buddha-raitran's disciple, the treatises upon the art of poetry by Nar-kavi-rajar J and Aiyanar-idanar, and Amirta-sagaran's Yapp'- arungalam, a manual of prosody, with its commentary by Guna-sagaran (before the 13th century); all these writers were apparently Jains. In the allied department of lexicography the earliest known work is probably the Divakaram of Divakarar, whose son Pingalar supplemented his father's collection in his Pirigalandai (8th century or later, and quoted by Pavanandi). Another ancient lexical work is the Nemi-nathara of the Jain Guna-viran, Of considerable importance also is the Chudamani-nighantu of Vira-mandalavar (about the end of the 9th century).

Classical o-rammar is the norm {ilalckanam) for classical literature (ilakhii/am). Among the most interesting and characteristically Dravidian products of the latter are the Pattu-pattu or "Ten Poems," which with the exception of the first (IN'akkira Devar's Tiru-mrug'-attu-padai, a poem to a deity) are brilhant pictures of romantic scenes of love and war. Some of them may possibly be as early as the second century. To the same type and period belong the Ettu-togai, eight collections of verses by various poets, and the eighteen Klr-lcanahhu poems, among which are classed the Kural of Tiru- valluvar, the Nal-adiyar, a Jain anthology compiled about the eighth ceutury,|l and Poygaiyar's Kala-vari.H In this classical literature the Jains again took an active part from early times ; five or six Klr-hanalcku poems, if not more, are by Jains, as likewise are the five Kdvyams, romances in verse, of which the most famous are Sattan's Mani- mekhalai, Ilau-gov-adigal's Silapp'-adhikaram, and Tiru-takka Devar's Jivaka-chintamani. The Mani-mekhalai and Silapp'-adhikaram have been assigned to the second century ; the Jivaka-chintamani is probably not earlier than the tenth.** To the same period apparently belongs the Bharatam, a version of the Sanskrit epic in ven-bd metre by Perun-devanar.ft

In poetry of the Kdvyam type the most admired work of medieval and modern times is Kamban's adaptation of Valmiki's Ramayanam, with the appended Uttara-kandam by Otta-kuttar. The poetical abridgment of the Maha-bharatam by Villiputturar and

* See Epigraphia Indica, vol. vi., p. 334 foil., and Seshagiri Sastri's Report for 1893-4, p. 113.

I This writer must lie distinguished from the epic poet Perun-devanar, on whom see below. By an oversight the entries for the works of these two authors have been included under one heading in col. 70 of this Catalogue, where also the date assigned to Kulottunga's reign should be corrected to 1073 1118.

J I take this opportunity to supply an omission : the edition of Nar-kavi-rajar's Aga-porul-vi]akkani published in 1878, which is catalogued on col. 213 below, contains also Poyya-mojri Pulavar's Taujai-vfinan- kOvai.

See Indian Antiquary, vol. 36 (1907), p. 288. Both the Divakaram and the Piiigalandai are quoted in the Chudrimani-nighantu.

II See Madras Oovernment Epigraphist^s Report, 1907, p. 68.

% King Seiiganniin, the hero of this poem, lived before the 7th century ; he is mentioned in the DCvaram The poem itself, however, may be later.

See Indian Antiquary, vol. 36 (1907), p. 285 foil.

ft He mentions as his patron a Pallava king who gained a victory at Tell'-aru ; this is apparently Nfindi- varma or Nandi-pOtt'-araiyar, late in the 8th century (see Epigraphia Indica, vol. vii.. Appendix, pp. 108-9, ibid., vol. viii., pt. 5, Appendix ii., p. 20; Madras Government Epigraphist's Report, 1907, p. 65).


Piigarendi's poem on the legend of Nala are also much esteemed.* To the same period belongs Jayaii-gondun's Kaliiigattu Parani, a poem on the conquest of Kalihga by Kulottuiiga I (1073 lllSj. In most of these authors the influence of Sanskrit literature is apparent, as is also the case with the writings of Ativira-rama Pandiyan, believed to have been a king of Madura, whose date is assigned variously to the 12th and the 16th centuries.t The latter is the reputed author of the Naidadam (a version of the epic story of Nala), some poems on religious legends and cult, and the Vetti- ver kai, a little moral tract in prose.

In religious poetry Tamil literature is remarkably rich. The worship of Siva seems to have been indigenous to the South, though doubtless it has been locally influenced in various degrees by the Saiva cults of the North. The oldest extant Saiva poems in Tamil are the hymns ascribed to S'ana-sambandhar, Appar (Tiru- navukk'-arasu), and Sundara-miirtti,J collectively known as the Devaram, and the fine lyrics (Tiru-vachakam) of Mrinikka-vachakar, which form part of the Tiru-murai, a collection of Saiva poems codified by Nambiy-andrir Nambi about the eleventh century. || Of fairly ancient date is likewise the Kanda-puranam by Kachiy-appar of Kaiichi, which is said to have been composed in Saka 700. Still more popular is the Periya- puranam of Sekkirar, a voluminous poetical hagiology, which is apparently based upon Nambiy-andar Nambi's Tondar-tiruv-antadi, the third of his hymns in the Tiru-murai.t The scholastic theology of tiiis church seems to have taken its classical form (whether directly or indirectly is not clear) under the influence of the Saiva schools of Kashmir. According to tradition, the following great authors formed an unbroken spiritual

* There is much uncertainty as to the chronology of these poets. Popular tradition makes them all contemporaries, but can hardly be correct. It may be provisionally inferred from the data of tradition and fact that Kamban's period is about 1100, and this date is supported by the legend of his connection with the theologian Natha Muni (11th century). Otta-kiittar seems to be later. Pugarendi may be earlier, if any confidence may be placed in the legend that he was patronised by Vara-guna Pandiyan (9th century). Villiputtiirar again seems to be considerably later ; but all that is certain in his case is the information derivable from the verses bearing the name of his son Varandaruvar, which are prefixed to his poem. We learn thence that Villiputtiirar was later than the three poets of the Devaram (circa 7th 9th century), and that he found a patron in At-kondiin, a Koiiga prince who rendered valuable service to a Chola king Kandan ; but neither of the latter personages have yet been traced in historical records.

| He may be identical with the king of that name whose reign began in 1562-3 (Epigraphia Indica, vol. vii., p. 16).

J Nana-sambandhar appears to belong to the 7th century, Sundaramurtti to the 8th or 9th. See Sundaram Pillai, Some Milestones in the History of Tamil Literature ; also Madras Christian College Magazine, vol. xiv., no. 5 (1896), p. 286 foil., Epigraphia Indica, vol. iii., p. 277-8, Indian Antiquary, vol. 25, pp. 113 foil., 164, South-Indian Inscriptions, vol. ii., pt. 2, p. 152 f.

His date is somewhere between 800 and 1000 a.d. He apparently is later than Sundara-murtti, ami he twice mentions a king Vara-guna Pandiyan, who is either the Vara-guna Varma who ascended the throne in 862-3, or his grandfather; on the other hand, his Tu-uv-cm-bavai is quoted in an in.scription of 1056-7. See Epigraphia Indica, vol. viii., pt. 8, p. 319, vol. ix., pt. 2, pp. 88-9; Madras Government EpigraphisCa Report, 1907, p. 64 foil., 1908, p. 66; South-Indian Inscriptions, vol. ii., p. 384.

II See Madras Christian College Magazine, vol. xiv., no. 5 (1896), p. 286 foil.

If The Periya-puranam was written under the patronage of Anapaya Cholan. An attempt has been made to identify this king with Kulottuiiga Cholan I., who reigned a.d. 1073 1118. See Madras Beview, 1904, p. 366 f . ; Indian Antiquary, vol. 36 (1907), p. 288; South-Indian Inscriptions, vol. ii., pt. 2, p. 153 f.


lineage : Mey-kanda Devar (author of the Siva-nana-bodham, about 1223 A.D.), Arunandi (author of the Siva-nana-siddhiyar, etc.), Marai-nana-sambandhar (author of the Saiva- samaya-neri, etc.), and Kottavangudi Uma-pati (whose Sankarpa-nirakaranam is dated Saka 1235, or A.D. 1313). A still higher antiquity is claimed for Tirukadavur Uyya- vandar, who is said to have flourished about Saka 1100. Of other medieval Saiva writings perhaps the most important are the Tiru-vilaiy-adar-puranam, a poetical account of the Saiva legends of Madura by Paran-jodi (born at Tiru-marai-kadu or Vedaranyam in the 16th or 17th century, and said to have been patronised by Ati- vira-raman), and the devotional poems of Pattanattu Pillai (perhaps of the tenth century), " Siva-vakyar," and Tayumanavar (about 1650). Pattanattu Pillai and Siva- vakyar are remarkable for the enlightened spirit of piety and disregard for orthodox ritualism to which they occasionally give expression. The modern lyrics of Eama-liuga Pillai are also very popular. The most influential of modern Saiva theologians is perhaps Siva-ilanar of Tiruvavadudurai (died 1785 A.D.), whose disciple Kachiy-appar of Tiru-tanigai wrote several poems on religious legends.

The Vaishnava church is likewise of great importance in the South. Its character- istic doctrine of VLnshfddvaitam, " qualified monism," is best known fi-om the Sanskrit works of the famous Ramanuja, said to have been born in the month Chaitra of Saka 939, who has been followed by a large number of theologians writing both in Sanskrit and in the peculiar form of sanskritised Tamil which in its extreme form is known as mani-pravalam. The chiirch, however, traces its doctrines back through Ramanuja to a series of earlier apostles, the Arvdrs, for some of whom it claims extreme antiquity ;* to them is ascribed the devotional literature codified in the Nal-ayira- prabandham.

Ethical poetry holds an important place in Tamil literature. Among the oldest classics are works of this nature ; and the moral tracts in prose and verse attributed to the somewhat legendary poetess Auvaiyar (traditionally believed to have been the sister of Tiru-valluvar) f have long been extremely popular. A favourite modern poem of similar character is the Niti-neri-vilakkam of Kumara-guru-parar, a Saiva monk.

In these and in many other departments the development of Tamil literature has been copious and vigorous. In modern times it has been reinforced by influences from without Hindu, Muhammadan, and European. The latter class includes the specifically Christian literature founded by the great Jesuits De' Nobili and Beschi, which is continually being increased by the various Catholic and Protestant communities of Southern India, and the abundant supply of modern educational works, fiction, and poetry which is based, more or less directly upon European and especially English models.

* Namm'-arvar and Tirumafigai-arvar perhaps belong to the 8th century or thereabouts. See Madras Government Epigraphist's Report, 1908, p. 69; Epigraphia Indica, vol. viii., p. 294.

t Verses ascribed to Auvaiyar are found in the Pura-nanuru and other anthologies of the oldest period. On the other hand, v. 40 of the Nal-vari attributed to her speaks of the muvar tamirum, i.e., the Devaram, and hence is not earlier than the 8th century. Evidently, then, there were at least two writers with the title " Auvaiyar."



The first steps towards the preparation of a catalogue of the large and repre- sentative collection of Tamil printed books in the British Museum were taken some twenty years ago, when the late Dr. G. U. Pope was commissioned by the Trustees to describe them. Circumstances, however, prevented him from bringing his task to com- pletion. I have accordingly revised or re-written his descriptions, and catalogued the numerous works acquired during the last fifteen years, whereby the original number of titles has been fully trebled. The titles for the books lithographed in the "Arvi," or modification of Arabic character commonly used for the dialect of Tamil Muhammadans, have been prepared by Mr. A. G. Ellis, until recently Assistant in this Department.

In the following pages the primary sounds of the Tamil language are thus trans- literated :

jy a

^ a

i) i


s. u

ES ra

0? ra

jS ri

^ n

ji/ ru

.finr ru

Off) re

QfO re

em/D rai

(VI? ro

G(2? ro

Qfosa rau

ear nj

eer na

^ na

ofl ni

bF nl


^22/ nu

.gar nu

Oasr ne

(Jsor ne

asBT nai

@) no

G@) no

Qsesm nau

The sound o'o is transliterated by the rough breathing, as uooQjrirtf., pa'rodi. The sign ^ is used to indicate our " etcetera."

As these are the only signs in ordinary use to express the variety of sounds in tlio language, transliteration is attended with some difliculty. For example, in Tamil words can represent according to its position either k or g, and in Sanskrit words it has to do duty also for kh, gh, and even h. I have therefore generally transliterated Tamil words

The compound ## is transliterated by eh. t The compound pro is transliterated by tj..

\ In transliteration no distinction is made between this sound and the pure dental is, as the latter only occurs initially and in combination with otlier dentals, where the sssr is never found.


in accordance witli their actual pronunciation, rather than the written letters, rendering ^a,u} as again, not alcam, ^l^ as adi, not ati; and in composition the doubling of initial consonants has been ignored, e.g., ^auQuni^Gn being rendered as aga-porul, Sanskrit words have generally been given in the usual Sanskrit spelling, e.g., urreoQuir^ih being rendered as hala-bodham. Where there is a considerable discrepancy between the results of these rules and the literal transliteration, the latter has been also given within square brackets in the General Index.

Names of persons are presented here in a form corresponding to the general Dravidian practice, Avhich puts first the name of the place of origin (sometimes also the tribe), secondly the father's name, and lastly the name of the person in question, with his titles. Thus, to take the case of a distinguished modern scholar, the name Sirupj}itfi Vairava- ndtha Ddmodaram Pillai signifies that the author in question is a person named Damo- daram, of the PilJai class, that his father was Vairava-nathar, and that the seat of his family was Siruppitti.* The form in which this name appears at the head of a title in the following pages is accordingly Damodaeam Pillai, Sirwpjpitti Vairava-ndiha.

* By the same rule the narce of the ancient pcet Peru-vayin Mulliyar seems to signify " Mujliyar, son of Peru-Yiiy."


Bkittsh Museum,

Jull/ 19, 1909.




[ Words enclosed in square brackets are added by the compiler. Titles or other additions are included in paren- theses when taken from some source other than the main title-page ; thus the parenthesis alone denotes that J the words are taken from the wrapper, an asterisk in the parenthesis that they are from a second or half title-

page, and a dagger that they are from some other place within the book. Omission of words at the beginning of a title is indicated by three small circles, omission in the middle of a title by three dots."]

'ABB ALLAH, Maulavl. See Valai-bIva Sahib. 0^rr(Lgeis)'%^Ss^^e9enimLa, [Torugai-lialiikat- vilakkam. An adaptation of the Hakikat al-salat of 'Abd Allah.] [1862.] 8. 14173. b. 33.

'ABD ALLAH ibn 'ABD al-KAEiU, of Bangalore. .SL&srQQTf'iir .jtj SiiQuiTm emseueDsSiu em&i^^Qiu s'iei- QiTSLD. [Vaidya-sangraham. A treatise on the medical art, chiefly in verse. Arranged for singing by A. Amirta-vachaka Dasai*, and edited by T. Ratna-sami Pillai.] pp. 4, viii. 88. Quik'H^ir [Bangalore, 1900.] 8. 14170. i. 72.

'ABD al-KADIE, Mauldnd Maulavl, Sdh'ib 'Alim, of Tinnevelli-pct. FFLnrr^njeisifreiDLO ^a e^tr mmetnix: er&sT^LCi, pm^S^^^eo ^sriigv/rtb. [Haklkat al- Islam, also called Iman-anmai Isliim-nanmai. A treatise on the principles of Islam.] pp. 174. 0