Yanai iufro subplenary

Uncertainty in Forest Carbon and Nutrient Budgets Ruth D. Yanai State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry Syracuse NY 13210, USA

Transcript of Yanai iufro subplenary

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 Uncertainty in Forest Carbon and Nutrient Budgets

Ruth D. Yanai

State University of New YorkCollege of Environmental Science and Forestry

Syracuse NY 13210, USA

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Quantifying uncertainty in ecosystem budgetsPrecipitation (evaluating monitoring intensity)Streamflow (filling gaps with minimal uncertainty)Forest biomass (identifying the greatest sources of uncertainty)Soil stores (detectable differences)


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Natural Variability

Spatial Variability

Temporal Variability

Knowledge Uncertainty

Measurement Error

Model Error

Types of uncertainty commonly encountered in ecosystem studies

Adapted from Harmon et al. (2007)

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Bormann et al. (1977) Science

How can we assign confidence in ecosystem nutrient fluxes?

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Bormann et al. (1977) Science

The N budget for Hubbard Brook published in 1977 was “missing” 14.2 kg/ha/yr

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Net N gas exchange = sinks – sources = - precipitation N input+ hydrologic export+ N accretion in living biomass+ N accretion in the forest floor ± gain or loss in soil N stores- weathering N input

The N budget for Hubbard Brook published in 1977 was “missing” 14.2 kg/ha/yr

14.2 ± ?? kg/ha/yr

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The N budget for Hubbard Brook published in 1977 was “missing” 14.2 kg/ha/yr

14.2 ± ?? kg/ha/yr

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Measurement Uncertainty Sampling UncertaintySpatial and Temporal Variability

Model Uncertainty

Error within models Error between models

Volume = f(elevation, aspect): 3.4 mm

Undercatch: 3.5%Chemical analysis: 0-3%

Model selection: <1%

Across catchments:


Across years:


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We tested the effect of sampling intensity by sequentially omitting individual precipitation gauges.

Estimates of annual precipitation volume varied little until five or more of the eleven precipitation gauges were ignored.

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The N budget for Hubbard Brook published in 1977 was “missing” 14.2 kg/ha/yr

14.2 ± ?? kg/ha/yr

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The N budget for Hubbard Brook published in 1977 was “missing” 14.2 kg/ha/yr

14.2 ± ?? kg/ha/yr

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Yanai, Levine, Green, and Campbell (2012) Journal of Forestry

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Don Buso HBES

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Gaps in the discharge record are filled by comparison to other streams at the site, using linear regression.









0 100 200





0 100 200 300





0 50 100 150





0 50 100 150




0 50 100

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Cross-validation: Create fake gaps and compare observed and predicted discharge

Gaps of 1-3 days: <0.5%Gaps of 1-2 weeks: ~1%

2-3 months: 7-8%Yanai et al. (2014) Hydrological Processes

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Net N gas exchange = sinks – sources = - precipitation N input (± 1.3)+ hydrologic export (± 0.5)+ N accretion in living biomass + N accretion in the forest floor± gain or loss in soil N stores

The N budget for Hubbard Brook published in 1977 was “missing” 14.2 kg/ha/yr

14.2 ± ?? kg/ha/yr

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Net N gas exchange = sinks – sources = - precipitation N input (± 1.3)+ hydrologic export (± 0.5)+ N accretion in living biomass + N accretion in the forest floor± gain or loss in soil N stores

The N budget for Hubbard Brook published in 1977 was “missing” 14.2 kg/ha/yr

14.2 ± ?? kg/ha/yr

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Tree Inventory

log(Height) = a + b*log(Diameter) ± errorlog (Mass) = a + b*log(1/2 r2 *Height) ± error

Nutrient content = Mass * (Concentration ± error)Sum all trees and all tissue types

Allometric Equations

and Nutrient Concentrations

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Monte Carlo


Yanai, Battles, Richardson, Rastetter, Wood, and Blodgett (2010) Ecosystems

Monte Carlo simulations use random sampling of the distribution of the inputs to a calculation. After many iterations, the distribution of the output is analyzed.

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Repeated Calculations of N in Biomass

Hubbard Brook Watershed 6

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611 ± 54 kg N/ha

Nitrogen Content of Biomasswith Uncertainty

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Random selection of parameter values applies across all the trees and all the time periods in each iteration.

The uncertainty between two measurements can be less than in a single measurement!

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100 Simultaneous Calculations of N in Biomass in 1997 and 2002

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100 Simultaneous Calculations of N in Biomass in 1997 and 2002

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Accumulation Rate of N in Biomass

Distribution of Estimates

18 ± 5 kg N/ha over 5 yr

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C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 HB-Mid JB-Mid C7 C8 C9 HB- Old JB-Old

Young Mid-Age Old

Biomass of thirteen standsof different ages

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C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 HB-Mid JB-Mid C7 C8 C9 HB- Old JB-Old

3% 7% 3%

4% 4% 3% 3% 3%

3% 2% 4% 4% 5%

Coefficient of variation (standard deviation / mean)of error in allometric equations

Young Mid-Age Old

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C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 HB-Mid JB-Mid C7 C8 C9 HB- Old JB-Old

Young Mid-Age Old

3% 7% 3%

4% 4% 3% 3% 3%

3% 2% 4% 4% 5%

CV across plots within stands (spatial variation)Is greater than the uncertainty in the equatsions

6% 15% 11%

12% 12% 18% 13% 14%

16% 10% 19% 3% 11%

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Yanai, Levine, Green, and Campbell (2012) Journal of Forestry

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Net N gas exchange = sinks – sources = - precipitation N input (± 1.3)+ hydrologic export (± 0.5)+ N accretion in living biomass (± 1)+ N accretion in the forest floor± gain or loss in soil N stores

The N budget for Hubbard Brook published in 1977 was “missing” 14.2 kg/ha/yr

14.2 ± ?? kg/ha/yr

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Net N gas exchange = sinks – sources = - precipitation N input (± 1.3)+ hydrologic export (± 0.5)+ N accretion in living biomass (± 1)+ N accretion in the forest floor± gain or loss in soil N stores

The N budget for Hubbard Brook published in 1977 was “missing” 14.2 kg/ha/yr

14.2 ± ?? kg/ha/yr

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Nitrogen in the Forest FloorHubbard Brook Experimental Forest

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Nitrogen in the Forest FloorHubbard Brook Experimental Forest

The change is insignificant (P = 0.84).The uncertainty in the slope is ± 22 kg/ha/yr.

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Net N gas exchange = sinks – sources = - precipitation N input (± 1.3)+ hydrologic export (± 0.5)+ N accretion in living biomass (± 1)+ N accretion in the forest floor (± 22)± gain or loss in soil N stores

The N budget for Hubbard Brook published in 1977 was “missing” 14.2 kg/ha/yr

14.2 ± ?? kg/ha/yr

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Studies of soil change over time often fail to detect a difference.We should always report how large a difference is detectable.

Yanai et al. (2003) SSSAJ

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Power analysis can be used to determine the difference detectable with known confidence

Yanai et al. (2003) SSSAJ

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Sampling the same experimental units over time permits detection of smaller changes

Yanai et al. (2003) SSSAJ

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In this analysis of forest floor studies, few could detect small changes

Yanai et al. (2003) SSSAJ

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Net N gas exchange = sinks – sources = - precipitation N input (± 1.3)+ hydrologic export (± 0.5)+ N accretion in living biomass (± 1)+ N accretion in the forest floor (± 22)± gain or loss in soil N stores

The N budget for Hubbard Brook published in 1977 was “missing” 14.2 kg/ha/yr

14.2 ± ?? kg/ha/yr

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Nitrogen Pools (kg/ha)Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest

Forest Floor

Live Vegetation

Coarse Woody Debris

Mineral Soil10 cm-C

Dead Vegetation

Mineral Soil0-10 cm

Yanai et al. (2013) ES&T

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Quantitative Soil Pits0.5 m2 frame

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Excavate Forest Floor by horizonMineral Soil by depth increment

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Sieve and weigh in the fieldSubsample for laboratory analysis

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In some studies, we excavate in the C horizon!

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We can’t detect a difference of 730 kg N/ha in the mineral soil.

From 1983 to 1998, 15 years post-harvest, there was an insignificant decline of 54 ± 53 kg N ha-1 y-1

Huntington et al. (1988)

Yanai et al. (2013) ES&T

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Net N gas exchange = sinks – sources = - precipitation N input (± 1.3)+ hydrologic export (± 0.5)+ N accretion in living biomass (± 1)+ N accretion in the forest floor (± 22)± gain or loss in soil N stores (± 53)

The N budget for Hubbard Brook published in 1977 was “missing” 14.2 kg/ha/yr

14.2 ± ?? kg/ha/yr

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Net N gas exchange = sinks – sources = - precipitation N input (± 1.3)+ hydrologic export (± 0.5)+ N accretion in living biomass (± 1)+ N accretion in the forest floor (± 22)± gain or loss in soil N stores (± 53)

The N budget for Hubbard Brook published in 1977 was “missing” 14.2 kg/ha/yr

14.2 ± 57 kg/ha/yr

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Net N gas exchange = sinks – sources = - precipitation N input (± 1.3)+ hydrologic export (± 0.5)+ N accretion in living biomass (± 1)

The N budget for Hubbard Brook published in 1977 was “missing” 14.2 kg/ha/yr

14.2 ± 2.6 kg/ha/yr

Draw your budget boundaries to ask questions that can be answered with confidence!

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The Value of Uncertainty Analysis

Quantify uncertainty in our resultsUncertainty in regressionMonte Carlo samplingDetectable differences

Identify ways to reduce uncertaintyDevote effort to the greatest unknowns

Improve efficiency of monitoring efforts

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ReferencesYanai, R.D.,  N. Tokuchi, J.L. Campbell, M.B. Green, E. Matsuzaki, S.N. Laseter, C.L. Brown, A.S. Bailey, P. Lyons, C.R. Levine, D.C. Buso,  G.E. Likens, J. Knoepp, K. Fukushima. 2014. Sources of uncertainty in estimating stream solute export from headwater catchments at three sites.   Hydrological Processes. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.10265

Yanai, R.D., M.A. Vadeboncoeur, S.P. Hamburg, M.A. Arthur, M.A. Fuss, P.M.Groffman, T.G. Siccama, and C.T. Driscoll.  2013.  From Missing Source to Missing Sink: Long-Term Changes in a Forest Nitrogen Budget.  Environmental Science & Technology. 47(20):11440-11448.  

Yanai, R.D., C.R. Levine, M.B. Green, and J.L. Campbell. 2012. Quantifying uncertainty in forest nutrient budgets,  J. For.  110:  448-456

Yanai, R.D., J.J. Battles, A.D. Richardson, E.B. Rastetter, D.M. Wood, and C. Blodgett. 2010. Estimating uncertainty in ecosystem budget calculations. Ecosystems 13: 239-248

Wielopolski, L, R.D. Yanai, C.R. Levine, S. Mitra, and M.A Vadeboncoeur. 2010. Rapid, non-destructive carbon analysis of forest soils using neutron-induced gamma-ray spectroscopy. For. Ecol. Manag. 260: 1132-1137

Yanai, R.D., S.V. Stehman, M.A. Arthur, C.E. Prescott, A.J. Friedland, T.G. Siccama, and D. Binkley. 2003. Detecting change in forest floor carbon. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 67:1583-1593

My web site: www.esf.edu/faculty/yanai (Download any papers)

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Alternative spatial models for precipitation in the Hubbard Brook Valley

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Alternative spatial models for precipitation in the Hubbard Brook Valley




