Yakko's World: Chapter 14.2

Welcome back to what I hope will be a faster moving part or two. So no recap for you. Let’s just get moving.


And the world goes to hell.

Transcript of Yakko's World: Chapter 14.2

Slide 1

Welcome back to what I hope will be a faster moving part or two.

So no recap for you. Lets just get moving.

Grandoo, whats Mom doing back there?

Well, grandkidlet, based on the sound. I think you are about to be a big sister.

But I already am the big sister.

You are going to be the big big sister. Shall we have cake now?

Yay! Cake.

Up first was Sumac who looks a lot like her daddy.

She is an Aries with 6/10/7/5/7.

Followed by Gingko who looks a lot like his Grandma Jo.

He is a Virgo 10/3/10/4/8

Then it was Picos turn to have at the candles.

Brudder huggle?

I wan cake.


Pico Warner also looks a lot like his parents but I think is more of a blend then his brother, Kor.

He is a Libra with 4/8/4/8/8.


You cant have cake, little tyke. At least not until you are bigger.

Wan cake.

Have this instead.


Be a good boy and potty for Momma.


Yes, Im your Momma.

I made a doody.

Good boy, Pico.

Heya, tyke, ready to learn to talk like a big boy?


Too bad!

NO! I talk Pico way!

He reminds me of his father when I hear him say that.

Gee thanks, hun. I didnt think I was this stubborn.

You pursued me with a single minded determination.

Yeah. Well I knew what I wanted. Hes just doing this to be a brat.

I not brat! I Pico!

This is not going to be easy.

Honey can you stop training the kids? The next one is on the way.

Dang! You made me miss becoming best friends.

If you dont pay attention to me, you will lose your best friends.


Between your legs.

Oh. Breathe honey. Youve done this before.

Not helping!

And weve got another son. And hes got your eyes, Kelvin. Your beautiful green eyes. Arent you pretty my baby, Ash.

It doesnt matter to me. So long as he and his mother are healthy, I am happy.

Have I mentioned I love you lately?

Nope. You were just threatening my manhood a moment ago.

Let me get this little one put to sleep then I will show you just how much I love you.

You call this showing me?

Its all youre gonna get with the kids around.


You can say that again.


After the birth of her latest baby, Burundi decided she needed to get away for a bit. And the clubhouse was apparently the only place she could think of to go. Not that I blame her, there is some nice eye candy there.

So youre telling me that youre some kind of awesome romance sim, but youve only woohooed one sim?

But I was probed. Twice. That counts right?

How about no.


I couldnt help but overhear that last conversation.

I wasnt trying to hide it.

But how many sims have you woohooed?

Thats none of your business.

Sounds like youve only had one lover yourself.

And if I have?

Id like offer my services to remedy that.

Hmmm I sense trouble within.

I dont thinks shes interested Mr. Fitzhugh.

Oh shes interested. She just doesnt want to admit it yet.

Oh my husband really knows what to do in a photo booth.

And the lullaby I just hears was gravy, Miss Fuzzy. Mmmm gravy on Miss Fuzzy. Want to give it another go?

Oh yeah.

Thats what I love about you, Miss Fuzzy. Youre so loving.

Hmmm I can smell her resolve weakening.

Rhys, youre hot. I admit it. But my husband is standing right here. Youve got to have more sense than that.

Hmmm So youre saying if your husband werent standing here.

Argh! I am not going into this with you. Ive got a business to run and Orkneys got perks to learn.

So later then.

Dammit Rhys!

Its probably a good thing that Fuzzy got back to the business. Archies shown up and that can only mean trouble.

Who is that? I must have her.

Hey Archie. Great to see you. Congrats on falling in love with unfortunate nose girl. Can you save me from a persistent romance sim?

I thought you were married to one.

Not him. Rhys Fitzhugh. Do it for Yakko.

But Id rather do you.

Not helping.

Well, yeah. Im a fucking bastard. Emphasis on the fucking.


I am seriously tempted to let these two go at it. Or at least she can have his babies. I want to see what this mix brews. I bet it wont be pretty.

What are you doing here? Are you here to lecture me some more?

Actually, no. I wanted to return something I swiped from you a while back.


Your eyebrows. They were just laying around, I just couldnt resist grabbing them.

Youre weird. And thats saying something coming from me.

You have no idea.

So thats how you know everyone.

I thought thered be more, narf. Its just to simple.

Simple things are the hardest to do sometimes. Why do you think potty training is so hard?

Egad! I hadnt thought of that. I need to apologize to Miss Fuzzy.


Ive neglected her for hours now.

Dad-doo. I thought you were teaching Orkney things.

He got bored and wandered off to find his wife. You? I thought you had a family to take care of and you are decidedly less pregnant than when I saw you last.

Oh you know how it is. Have a baby need to get out of the house. Toddler training will make you crazy.

Dont I know it!

Hey RoseFyre, I didnt even know you were here.

Its a hot tub. I live in them.

Thats nice. But you might want to get out.


Okay but dont say we didnt warn you.

Narf! You tell her, Miss Fuzzy.

We have an audience, Orkney.

That just makes it more fun, Miss Fuzzy.

Miss, how are they able to get so high?

Hmmm? I am totally not watching. This is not how a hot tub should be used. Unless there is a Wally involved.

I really must ask them how they are able to perform such acts. It would be most educational.

I thought you were not interested in their antics.

Im not. But you have to admit, Orkneys a good looking sim.

Yes, he is. But hes a bit odd for my tastes.

Odd can be good. We like odd.

We who? It is only you and I here.

Figure of speech.


Mistress Warner. Please forgive my forwardness, but I must know.

Oh dear, here she goes.

Hush, Rose-dear. Just a moment ago, in that spa, you performed quite the daring act.

You mean woohoo.

Yes. Just that. How were you able to manage it in such a confined space?

Well, you just need to be flexible.

Flexibility. Thats it?

Well and having a ripped partner doesnt hurt things either.

In desperation to escape the conversation behind the clubhouse, Orkney called up as many simselves as he could to distract his wife. If nothing else, they could provide the amusement and not his love life.

Fuzzy was immediately dragged over into a conversation with Spencer.

You know that maid, Drea?

Yeah. What about her?

You know she got dumped by Onslow and has sworn-

Whoa, let me stop you right there. That is totally old news. So not interested.


Gotta go. Customers to take care of!

Right I am so not getting in the middle of that.

So does anyone need any help here? Or can I get back to my hot Hot tub and even hotter husband.

Nope, I think were good. In fact, let me help you cool down a bit!


Fuzzy went back to stalking Orkney while Yakko caught up with old friends. Im not terribly sure I want to know what those two found so funny. It probably had to do with simselves. Gods know that there isnt anything else that they really have in common.

You know what they say, Yakko.


Once youve gone with the hack, youll never go back.

So true! So true!

I hope to hells that they are talking about ACR. Because if it is another hack Well, were not going there and keeping this at a nice PG-13 rating.

Mmm that Adam Doran is hot!

Hes also gay, Katy.

But look at that facial hair. The strange nose. The red hair. Yum! I could go for a slice of that pie.


I can fix that.


Youre no fun.

So, um. Fuzzy. I wanted to say sorry.

For what?

Stalking you when I was a teen. I know that youre with my brother. But...

Its okay, Frank. You were a cute kid. And it was kind of flattering. However, Im glad you didnt try to do anything about the little crush you got otherwise things would have been very uncomfortable. I mean I would have hated to grind your fragile little psyche into dust.

Um. Yeah thanks for not doing that.

Egad! Are you done tormenting him. Miss Fuzzy?

I guess I am. Go on, kid. Skedaddle.

In fact all of you can go home! Out! I dont care if your head is not attached to your neck right, its time to leave.

So did you learn anything, son?

Narf! Other than Miss Fuzzy is lousy at customer service?

Nope. That was pretty much what you needed to know. My job here is done.

Great! Now we can go home where I can get some sleep!

You just keep thinking that.

Ahhh! Home sweet home. Theres nothing like it in the world. The place where you can drop off all of those random bouquets after a long week at the clubhouse.

What are you staring at, Orkney?

This snowman. Theres something off about it, narf.

Its too nice.

Egad! Youre probably right. But I cant seem to make a mean one.

Orkney, its okay. Youre just too sweet to make a mean one.

Narf! But isnt that bad? Im not going to be a good head of the family if I am too nice. Dad-doos not nice.

But youre not your father.

I know.

You dont have to be your father. And if youre worried about not being able to kick ass when you need to. Dont. Just let me know when and where and their ass will be kicked.

Egad! Youre brilliant, Miss Fuzzy.

Of course, I am. Now lets go train some toddlers.

Narf! How many more times do we have to do this?

At least two.

Zot! Kill me now.



You know it.

Egad! I love you!


Is Lily coming? I invited her. Shes gotta be coming, right. I mean I like you Rose but

Whoa, chill out, Kor. Shes with Daddy. Hes just pointing out simselves that its okay to torment. Theyll be here soon.

Whew. I was worried. Now wheres Joss?

Hes right behind you. Along with a long haired guy.

Oh thats just my Uncle Oz.

Cool. You wanna play now?


Joss! You kneed me in the face!

Sorry! It got in the way of my adventuring!

It hurt!

I said Im sorry. I am so not kissing and making it better. Get someone else to do that. Like that Lily chick. Shes here now.

She is?



I am so getting out of here.

You dont have to leave, Rose.

Yes, I do.

Hiya Kor! Thanks for inviting me! Youve got a great house. Lots of fun stuff.

Uh, thanks!

Yeah. I can see right over the houses. I bet if you got a few more ladders you could climb all the way to the moon.

I guess so.

Whats wrong. Youre all quiet and sad.

Its nothing. Im gonna go find Joss.


So, youre Lily and Sakuras dad, huh?

Yes, and?

My wife didnt indicate that you were the family type.

Shes a simself, right?


Hmph. I should have guessed. Lets just say, that they only know one side of me.

So youre not a manipulative bastard?

I didnt say that. But I am so much more than just that.

I see.

Can we just play mahjongg and not have any drama? Ive got more than enough in my life right now.


No Problem.

Hey, Joss?


Can I talk to you?

I dont know. Can you?


Baby. So talk. Ill push. Whats go your panties all in a twist?

I dont wear panties!


I dont!

Keep telling yourself that.

I dont know why Im bothering asking you.

One, because Im your best friend. And two, because you cant talk to anyone else.


Let me guess, its about someone whos blonde and mean enough to make the boys cry.


Oooohhh do you like her. I bet you like her.

Not so loud! Shell hear! And can we stop with the spinning, Im gonna hurl.

Hmph, fine.

So weve stopped. Now talk.

Well, its about Lily.

Ive gathered that. Go on.

I mean I like her like her.

In that whole cooties way?


You, my man, have a problem.

Tell me about it. If I tell her shell beat me up. If I dont tell her

What? What will happen?

I dont know thats why I wanted to talk to you.

So basically you want me to be the love doctor for your life.


Well I aint doing that.


Cause. You gotta take control of your own life.

But can I at least get your advice on what to do.

Sure. Dont tell her.

But I want to tell her!

Then tell her. But let me make popcorn first.

You arent making any sense.

Sure I am. Youve got to do what you want. Im your friend so I can listen and offer my opinion, and I will offer my opinion. But in the end, youve got to have enough of a spine to do what you want. I am not into playing with dolls.

So let me get this straight. Youre not going to tell me what to do, instead you are going to sit back and laugh at me while I make a fool of myself so you can say I told you so later.

Pretty much. You forgot the popcorn.


So what are you going to do about Lily?

I think Ive got a plan.

And that is?

Im not telling.

How am I supposed to make popcorn if you dont tell me?



I learned from the best.

So Ive made sandwiches for all of the kids and there is cake in the fridge for later. I think were all set.

Sounds fine, Cee. Joss will be happy with the cake and Doc will be happy about the sandwiches.

And how is she?

Good. Pregnant.

Congrats, Oz.

Yes. Congratulations, Mr. Warner.

Rhys Fitzhugh! What are you doing here?

Cant a father enjoy watching his daughters play?

Not when the father is you. Does Marina know you are here and that you have kids?

I dont see how it is any of her business what I do. But yes, she knows I am married. She was at the wedding.

Youre married?

I just said I was.

But youre a romance sim! You dont want to get married.

Not that its any of your business, but I did. And so did she. And before you ask, it was her idea. I did not coerce her down the aisle for my own nefarious purposes.

So whatd you get out of this?

A chance to annoy Marina, a hot wife, and some cute kids. Any more questions that are really not your business or can we get back to playing.

No, I think Im done.

Good. By the way, I cant help but notice that you are looking pretty pregnant yourself. When is the baby due?

Not soon enough.

And when are you and Oman getting married and am I invited? I want to see Marinas face when she realizes the one man she wants she cant have.

Thats a bit up in the air, Rhys.

I see. So youre saying youve got worse commitment issues than a romance sim, Oman.

I wouldnt put it that way.

Hmph. I would.


Hmmm I think I win.


I win.

But I wasnt paying attention!

Thats not my fault. Besides you cant expect others to ignore the opportunity to get ahead because of your inattention.

Why do I think that you are talking about something other than the game?

I dont know, why do you? Sorry about the loss there, Oz. No hard feelings.

Nah its okay. I was paying attention and the luck didnt go my way. It happens.

That it does.

Heya Rose, didja have fun making a sandcastle?

It got cold. I decided I wanted to roast marshmallows instead.

Too bad we ate them all.

Joss, be nice.

No and my Mom says I dont have to be nice.

Ignore the boys here and sit down. Its whatd Id do.


What? Boys are icky.

But Im a boy.

Yeah, but youre Kor. Youre an exception.

What about me?

Youre icky, Joss. Ive seen the snot balls youve thrown at the teacher.

Thank you.

Um, Lily can I talk to you?

Sure. I guess.

Dont be a douche.

You dont even know what that is.

Neither do you. But the point still stands. Dont be stupid.

What did you say about me having to make my own choices?

Oh yeah. Good point.

Im waiting, Kor.

Sorry, Lily.

So, whatd you want to talk about?

You know youre my best friend, right?

I thought Joss was your best friend.

He is. Youre my best girl friend.


Well only if you want.

Let me think about it.

Okay. Can I get a hug?


Oman man, it was great seeing you. But Ive got to get going, Rose is starting to fall asleep on the swings.

No problem. I know that Kor was glad to see them. And dont mind Cee, shes just protective of her family.

Nothing wrong with that. Speaking of Cee


Dont punish her for someone elses sins.

Goodnight, Rhys.

I think that today went well.

Rhys was here.

Hes not all bad, Cee. I also think he likes you.

Thats nice.

Hun, whats wrong?

Dont call me hun.

Okay What is bothering you?

Its nothing. Its just Nothing.

It doesnt sound like nothing.

I guess I am jealous and I wonder whats wrong with me that a die-hard romance sim like Rhys can settle down and marry someone while you cant.


I dont want to go into it. Not tonight. Not while your brother is listening to every word we utter.


Way to not notice things, bro. I bet you wouldnt notice if Cee went into labor right now.

Ow! You had to jinx me!

I didnt mean to!

Where did Oman run off to?

Mama, why are you yelling! And whys Uncle Oz running away? Did he do something bad?



I dont think I can hold on much longer. Just spin and twirl, Cee. You can do it.

It took you long enough!


Here hold your little girl, Im not finished.

Youre not what?

Just hold her.

Twins again?


What do you want to name them?

What do you like?

Um. I like the name Cecily for a girl.

And for a boy?

You pick.


Cecily and Rowan. That sounds good to me.

And thats how you got your name, Rowan. Then your mother and father wandered off to find a bed so that they could have naked time leaving your saintly Uncle Oz to take care of the children.


Back at the main house, Lebanon was being traumatized by her mothers hand while Fuzzys attention was elsewhere.

Thats because Latvia can go potty on her own.

Ahhh the joys of being easily pleased. Its quite a refreshing thing.

Do I have to potty train this one? Do I?

Well, no you dont. But you might want to unless you want a stinky baby at your sons party.

What party?

The one Orkney is inviting people to now.

Oh my, Rhys is so hot when hes dancing with Orikes.

But isnt he married. And for that matter, arent you?

A girl can look!

Party in full swing, Orkney resumed his nightly festivities: Alien Watching.

While my attention was drawn elsewhere

Oman. I should have said something sooner, but I really like you. If Cee isnt willing to settle down with you, I would still be willing to.

Marina! What are you doing?

Im just letting you know how I feel.

Dont you think its a bit late for that?

Um. Maybe?

Ive got four children with Cee now. I am committed to her!

But Oman

But nothing. Im sorry I have to shoot you down like this. But I am not going to do this with you.

Oh Oman is so hot when he is rejecting another woman.


Im sorry, Marina?

Ooooh? I heard boinging. Thats got to be more interesting than this wall and potty here. Can you hold off the slapping until I can watch.

There will be no slapping, sort of Dad-doo-in-law.


However there will be kissing.

Ill pass on that. Watching your kids make out is a bit like watching your parents, something best done on an empty stomach.

Look. I know you still like Oman, Marina. But you need to understand one thing.

And that is?

I won. You lost. End of story.

Hmmm I wonder.

Are you done learning to potty? You are? Oh thank the director-person!

Why are you thanking me?

Because maybe if I do, then you will stop torturing me.

No dice. I only torture the sims I love.


Daddy! Story!

Jo, where did you hide the dictionary?

Its on the bookcase.

Why would you put it there? Jeez make me walk across the room. Shes so mean.

Is Mommy mean? Is she? Is she?

Hee hee, Mommy tickles!

Yes, Mommy does.

Facial and faction and fractal and fractionAnd fraudulent, fragrant, frappeFrankincense, Frankish and fraises, freshShoot, yadda yadda flamb.

Flamb! Daddy make boo-boo.

Yakko wasnt the only one to make a boo-boo.

I like to title this slide Oh Fuck! Since that is pretty much what I said when I zoomed over here after hearing the boing. Please count the number of things are going wrong. Just to give you a hint, look at the title of this slide. It isnt pretty.

However the biggie was this

Marina went in for a low level flirt and Oman accepted, right in front of Cee. Please bear in mind that at this point they are all uncontrollable and I havent had a chance to invite Marina over to flag her in the Friendszone since upgrading ACR. Also bear in mind that they are on the main lot

I cant ignore what happens on the main lot like I can with spare lots.

Cue my head hitting my desk repeatedly.

Oh god, I cant watch.

Marina. Please tell me you didnt.

I still want you, Oman. And I am willing to fight dirty to get you.

But I made my choice.

Yeah, well I am unmaking it! You lying, cheating bastard!



This isnt over Oman. This is so not over. But I cant deal with you the way I want to right now. Not with Marina and everyone else watching.

Please Cee

Just, no!

Mmmm, Oman is hot when hes getting his ass figuratively handed to him.

Come here and let me make everything all better.

Um. Id rather not. I dont want to hurt Cee any more.


Director-person, what just happened here.

You dont want to know, Oz.

Why do I feel like a horrible thing just happened that will have far-reaching repercussions?

Because you are strong in the force?

Or maybe I just know my brother.

That too.

Marina, now that you have caused lots of trouble for the evening, I think its time for you to leave.

Awwww, but I had Make Out with Oman cued up.

I know. But its time to go.

Thank you, Fuzzy.

No problem. Now dont get into any fights here and I wont have to send you home.

I promise that is not what I had in mind. But if you want to kick Omans butt, feel free.

Please, Cee. Dont sic Fuzzy on me.

Give me one reason not to.

I love you.

Hmmm Not good enough.

You dont hate me, do you, Michelle.

I think that men who cheat are worse than slime. They are greasy slime.


What is my bad apple toddler doing out here and who called the cops. Thats it. Partys over!

Thank goodness. Wheres Cee, I just want to go home.


Please Wakko let me have the cake, I just want something a little sweet in my life.

Hold it right there.


Youre much too eager for my cake. You arent depressed are you?

Ummm No?

Nope. Youre depressed. I can smell it on you.


I dont eat depressed people. Gives me heartburn.

But youre a plant.

Just because Im a plant doesnt mean I dont have feelings. Go home. The cake will still be here when youre feeling better.

Orkney. The partys over. Im going to bed.

Just a little longer, poit!

Narf! Whered everyone go?

Fuzzy popped into her second trimester while working on a special project.

Then I managed to get her to max her science enthusiasm.

Its so pretty.

Egad! I see that the aliens have gotten you.

Well something a little strange did.

Is it going to eat its way through your belly? I hope not. I like your belly, narf!

Youre a loon.

Zot! Ive got it. We need to go outside and watch for aliens!

I thought that youve been doing that.

Not with you, Miss Fuzzy. I bet if I held on real tight while you were looking for them that theyd take me too.

We can try, I guess.

This isnt what I had in mind.

Narf. Its exactly what I had in mind. See I bet that behind that cloud is an alien waiting to swoop down and carry you away. But I wont let them. Not without me.

I wonder if they have fish tanks on alien ships.

Its a good thing I love you. Otherwise I would be worried about the piano that dropped on your head as a child.

Narf, howd you know?

Oh, Orkney.


Mr. . Fitzhugh, youve gotta help. Somethings wrong with Mama, she wont stop crying. And Uncakor just keeps pacing from room to room.

So what do you want me to do?

Anything! If I did something, I promise I wont do it again! Please dont let them send me away!

Whoa! Hold it, Im sure you didnt do anything. But Ill talk to your uncle and see what I can do. Okay?


So, I get this frantic phone call earlier today.


No. Your nephew. Seems that hes aware that somethings wrong and seems to think that it is his fault.

Its not his fault.

I know that.

Its mine.

Is this about what happened last night?

Yeah. How could Marina do that to me? She knew I was with Cee. That I was making my life with her. And then then

You dont need to tell me. I was there. I saw the whole thing.

But why would she do that?

Do you really want to know the reason?

Would I have asked the question if I didnt want to know the answer?

Most of the time I would say yes. You dont really want to know. But now, Im not so sure.

Thats because this is different. I didnt want to hurt Cee and yet Marinas actions toward me did. I need to understand why? Why would she do that?

This isnt going to be easy to understand. But Im going to say it.

Dammit stop with the preamble!

You gave Marina hope.


She didnt see you going any further in your relationship with Cee so she thought that she might still have a chance.

But Im living with Cee. I have four children with her. I dont see where she would think that Im not committed to Cee.

Thats because youre not committed to her.

I dont understand.

Maybe you dont. Im going to try to explain something about Marina. For all of her love of life and knowledge, deep down, she is a family sim. And she wants family sim things and thinks like a family sim. And so when you didnt get married to Cee that screamed to her that you werent totally committed to Cee.

But I am.

Then why dont you marry her.

I dont know if I can marry anyone.

But you can commit yourself to just one person? Laugh with them? Cry with them? Raise a family with them?


Then I dont understand why you cant say the words and wear the rings.

I just dont want to get hurt again.

And how are you feeling right now?

Like crap.

I would say that youve failed spectacularly by not getting married. Good job there. And by being so selfish you may have lost everything that you didnt want to lose in the first place.

So what can I do to fix it?

If I knew that, I wouldnt have had the problems that I did with Rhys.

So you cant help me.

Nope, youre on your own.

Thanks though.

For what?

For being a friend.

Cee refused to come out of the bedroom so in between diaper changes and feedings, Oman amused himself on one of Cees date gifts.

I probably shouldnt have spun on that so long. Oh, hell, Im going to throw up.

Oman was sick several times that day, so much so that it interrupted the training he was giving his twins.

Wanting nothing more than a nice quiet nap, he spread out a towel on the beach below the house.

However, he was not able to rest for long.

Oman. Can you come inside? We need to talk.


And that is where I think I will leave you.

Ive got the next part laid out and 20 or so slides written. But knowing me it will be next year before that update is out.

So until next time

Happy Simming!