Y7 Life 07 parts of diet

Diet and Digestion Learning Objectives : • To understand the main parts of the human diet. Starter : • What did you have to eat yesterday? • Is what you have eaten good for you?

Transcript of Y7 Life 07 parts of diet

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Diet and Digestion

Learning Objectives:

• To understand the main parts of the human diet.


• What did you have to eat yesterday?

• Is what you have eaten good for you?

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Why do we need a balanced diet?

Food provides us with the energy and materials required for: growth development repair reproduction

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What is a balanced diet?

We need the right amounts of nutrients in balance to maintain good health and organ functions.

Food provides us with energy to: maintain healthy weight have a strong immune system be healthy enough to work and learn be happy

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The Seven Food Groups

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Nutrient Role in Body Examples








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Carbohydrates give you energy. We usually talk about 2 types of

carbohydrates: simple - sugars complex - starch

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Lipids (Fats)

Used to make cell membranes Stored to insulate organs - protection &

keeping warm Source of energy Essential for fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E) Some make prostaglandins & hormones Long-chain omega-3 fatty acids in fish oils

protect us from heart disease

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Use to make enzymes, hormones, antibodies, haemoglobin, muscles, cells membranes, collagen and elastin in connective tissue, bone.

Used for growth and repair of tissues.

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Summary video

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VitaminsRole in Body Examples of Foods

B group - coenzymes, aid processes eg respiration

cereals, wholemeal bread, leafy greens

A - dim-light vision, epithelial tissue, immune system

liver, green veg, orange fruit & veg

C - helps make connective tissue & absorb Fe in food

citrus, blackcurrants, kiwi fruit, peppers, potatoes

D - helps absorb Ca & deposit it in bones, protects against cancer & heart disease

oily fish, eggs, liver, made in skin when exposed to sunlight.

A,C,E - antioxidants, protect DNA & against cancer & heart disease

E: nuts, wholemeal bread

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MineralsRole in Body Examples of Foods

Fe - making haemoglobin red meat, spinach

Ca - hardens bones & teeth, helps blood clot, nerve conduction, muscle contraction

milk, cheese, yoghurt, broccoli

Na & K - nerve conduction & heart function

Na: table salt

K - bananas

P - make cell membranes & ATP for bones

cheese, pork, tuna, nuts

Mg - bones green veg

I - thyroxine table salt, seafood

Zn - insulin meat, cereals, nuts, milk

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Indigestible plant matter, such as cell walls - adds bulk to food and takes up water in the gut. Helps us pass faeces easily.

Soluble fibre helps lower blood cholesterol levels

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Makes up 70% of us - blood plasma is 90% water.

Needed for transport in the body. Needed for sweat, tears and urine.

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Some foods have been described as super foods, they are rich in several nutrients

Suggest why super foods are good for you and what effects they may have?