Y O G A, S T R E S S & N A M A S M A R A N Dr


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Transcript of Y O G A, S T R E S S & N A M A S M A R A N Dr

Page 1: Y O G A,  S T R E S S &  N A M A S M A R A N  Dr

Yoga, Stress & Namasmaran

Dr. Shriniwas Kashalikar

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YOGA is integration of right and left parietal (cerebral) cortex i.e. right and left brain.

Inability to realize the unity of universe, inability to realize unity of different ‘pathies’ in medicine and inability to understand the interrelationship, interactivity, interdependence and complementarity in various fields of transactions such as agriculture, science, technology, industry, trade, culture, politics; is due to deficient development and disintegration between right and left brain.

This inability leads to mismanagement of stress and sectarian prejudices and fanatic bigotry, prevalence of injustice, exploitation, hatred and crimes in different forms.

Even if a person is intelligent in terms of memory, analytical thinking, and innovation

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and so on, i.e. (left cerebral development) he/she can be vicious, perverted and antisocial if not balanced and integrated with right brain.

Conversely; a person with excellent development of right brain but without integration with left brain is likely to be artist or a saintly individual but oblivious to social reality. Can NAMASMARAN be useful to integrate left and right brain and enhance stress management and blossom individual and global life?