Y I C FALL CLOTHINGf Cufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/03291/00512.pdf · 2009-05-12 ·...

I- svy M Y 4 k t r THE OCALA EVENING STAR THURSDAY OCTOBER 7 18 t 1 J EVENING STAR C L Kttiitfcr and R It Crr H Editor sad PaMlshen- C L 1ITTINGER Editor H It CARROLL Barium MwMf CLAUDE LENGLE We had a very pleasant call this S morning from the distinguished Journalist and candidate for the Unit ¬ ed States senate Claude IEngle He la making a tour of the state distrib- uting ¬ I bis literature containing the platform on which he is making the race The front page contains an ex- cellent ¬ V likeness of the candidate and the words A message to the dem ¬ ocratic people of the state of Florida from Claude LEngle candidate for n United States senator in the primar lee of 1910 Born in Florida raised in Florida stayed in Florida Believes- In the peoples right to rule the peo- ples ¬ ability to rule the peoples de ¬ termination to rule The pamphlet 1 contains some good wholesome read- ing ¬ and Is presented In that Inimita- ble ¬ style for which this gifted son of Florida IB noted Mr UEngle is mak- ing ¬ a personal campaign and present- ing ¬ his platform as printed to the t voter So far he has visited 37 coun- ties ¬ and will take In the balance when he will get his auto which the 4 J high waters over the state prevented- him using before and make the trip over again talking five minutes at each stop He Is securing In each county or district from one to five a volunteer distributors of his platform- His motto Is to see the voter and ask him He Is making an effective cam- paign ¬ He came in from Dunnellon- last night from where he visited all the mining settlements in that sec ¬ tion He will spend the day in Ocala t a maklnfa personal canvass His labors- are creating a fine impression He believes the only road to success along any line of procedure Is to get out and hustle early and late f The high school building is proving Inadequate for the pupils that are de ¬ manding admittance At present there are 14 pupils without seats and Mr Anderson and Mr Bullock appeared before the county board and request- ed ¬ that the board supply onethird of the money and the city the other to remove a partition wall In the west end of the second story of the east Me now used for a recitation room f to make room for the pupils The 5th ad 7th grades have had such an In- flux ¬ t that they too are crowded The situation Is this the Ocala precinct is badly handicapped by being In debt aid the revenue from taxation Is In ¬ adequate to meet of schools demands The millinery opening yesterday andtoday at the Geo A Nash store was a stunner and a hummer When- we called for points the bread winner J had gone to dinner and the two as- sistants ¬ were so busy trying on and selling hats we had to satisfy ourself t by looking around noting that all the prominent colors of the rainbow were represented in the female head gear In sight mixed up with all the shades of ribbons puffs braids feathers spangles etc that it set our mind in a whirl and we beat a hasty retreat remarking it was the limit and now It r was for the fair sex to go up against It and do the ttt t njfae f buy a hat from as varied lind 1 selection of millinery as ever entered our port 4Nathan and Sam Goldman are In Dunnellon arranging a fine stock of goods to be used as a part of the sale of the Globes new Immense fall stock These young men took a full page in the Dunnellon Advocate to let the public know the quality and low price J of the goods Editor Straub of the St Petersburg Times and a cartoonist of no mean ability In his paper of the 5th has one entitled Encouraging Home Indus ¬ tries The cartoon represents an aged citizen with a struggling youth over his knee The youth Is labeled Home Printer and the aged person r City Council In his uplifted hand the aged gentleman holds a paddle labeled Ocala Printers To the left are the words St Petersburg occu ¬ pation tax Is calculated to protect her Industries except printers etc The rest was unintelligible Now what we desire to know Is what did Cartoonist Straub attempt to delineate or por ¬ tray So far as we know there is no trouble among the newspaper frater- nity ¬ M In Ocala or among Its printers Will Editor Straub please explain S Mr Charles M Brown Jr formerly- an Ocala boy and who resided In this city until five years ago was in Ocala yesterday and today for the first time since removing to Miami Charlie as all of the older residents know him Is L looking well and has the same glad smile and hearty laugh He is travel- Ing Georgia and Florida for half a dozen furniture houses and in future will visit Ocala every three months 1 The Star hears with sincere regret- of the failure of the firm of Water- man ¬ x at Hall clothiers in Gainesville Georgia Mr R O Eagle of Jacksonville has arrived in the city and will assume charge of the A R Harper piano store Mr Eagle Is a fine salesman- and an expert piano tuner Mrs E came with her husband and they ex ¬ pect to make Ocala their home Attorney Beck who has been con ¬ fined to his room for a week with sickness Is again In his office ready- to attend to the wants of his clients Messrs John and Charles Rogers sons of Col R F Rogers of Lynne V were visitors to the city yesterday- Dr Thrasher a genial wholesouled f veteran ol Dade city passed through Ocala yesterday on his way to Lake Kerr to treat Mrs Ned Williams who has been greatly afflicted for some time The doctor went down the riv- er ¬ to Eureka and then overland Dr Thrasher is an enthusiastic Confeder- ate ¬ veteran and Is a conspicuous fig¬ ure at every reunion and It his wits health will permit he will be at Live Oak Oct 2021st J I F M McCutcheon and Miss Minnie J frardue who were married in Ihver hz ftess on the 3rd inst and have been topping at the Ocala House leave for California Thursday afternoon and other places of Interest Mr McCut cheea has been with the A C L rail ¬ way for the past five years Miss Pardue Is from North Carolina but al of late has been In Hernando Both x have lasts of friends who wish them w happtese- soaa sleet this evening r 1- i1 n v t X WILBUR JOHNSON Master Wilbur Johnson was taken sick with congestion of the brain Sun ¬ day and died Tuesday night All ef ¬ forts to save the boys life were un ¬ availing He was the son of Mr and Mrs C E Johnson The funeral ser ¬ vices were held yesterday afternoon from the North Main street home of the family the funeral being con ¬ ducted by Smith Roberts Inter ¬ ment In Greenwood Annex cemetery- Rev R H Barnett pastor of the Methodist church officiated The pall bearers were Messrs J N Tolar- A W Bridges R L Marsh Tom Dekle Will Marlow and Will Barco In the deep bereavement that has come to darken the home of the par ¬ ents the Star extends sympathy- The remains of Mrs A B Easlej of DeLeon Springs were brought to Ocala this afternoon for interment in the cemetery by the side of the baby of her sister Mrs Foxworth of Lake land Mrs Easley is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Samuel Cleveland U D C MEETING- The regular monthly meeting of Dickinson Chapter U D C will be held Friday afternoon at 3 oclock at the residence of Mrs J R Moorhead- A full attendance Is requested as there is business of Importance to come up before the chapter s Mrs A A Winter Secy AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE- A 22horsepower Buick touring car entirely renewed In all Its wearing parts newly painted and In fine shape for sale cheap Apply at the Star of- fice ¬ SWEPT OVER NIAGARA This terrible calamity often hap pens because a careless boatman Ig ¬ nores the rivers warningsgrowingr- Ipples and faster current Natures warnings are kind The dull pain or ache in the back warns you the kid ¬ neys need attention if you would es ¬ cape fatal maladies dropsy diabetes- or Brights disease Take Electric Bitters at once and see backache fly and all your best feelings return Af ¬ ter long suffering from weak kidneys- and lame back one U bottle wholly cured me writes J R Blankenship of Belk Tenn Only SOc a bottle at all druggists I Most women are troubled with kid ¬ ney complaint and you know very many serious and even fatal diseases result from these neglected kidney troubles If you will take DeWitts Kidney and Bladder Pills as directed- you may confident of good results Try them and see how really good they are Beware of Imitations pills that are intended to deceive you Be sure you get DeWitts Sold by all druggists HARNESS MENDED Harness of all kinds mended or new parts made where desired Also saw filing done Apply to J T Simmons at Tompkins ft Cobbs stables Fall colds are quickly cured by Fo ¬ leys Honey and Tar the great throat and lung remedy The genuine con- tains ¬ no harmful drugs Sold by all druggists Belle Meade Sweets SUIT Frill laid Chtctlite TITS ALL These Delicious Candles Can be Had Oily at the Court Pharmacy WHAT EVERY RAN KNOWS mow I + i2 IWlcvwy ass kaexl M JA- M CANDIES h best to t Wrli Her first cholceher last choicevand her choice- at all times MY FAVORITES wre otoosuwt slat eke tee leel ih pck+ h For Salt by T W s TROXLER W Y CI BLANGHARDCO- NTRACTOR AND BUILDER PLANS FURNISHED- ON 1 APPLICATION- P O Box 40 OCALA FLA Wf MUST ALL DIE IT IS MY TIME TO DIE YOUR FALL GARMENTS Work Guarantied and Prigs Right OCALA PRESSING CLUB- W F Marlow Proprietor THE COMMERCIAL BARBERSHOP Opou Ito the Lob of tbe Ocala Howe Offers the very beat service of skilled workmen with modern ap ¬ pliances Strictly sanitary Electric fans electric massages lot RUBIBK water at AH Tines VINCENT O DETTERiCH Maaager A l I A FIRE AT ZUBER- A Narrow Escape for the Two Big Lumber Plants- A telephone message was sent in to the Ocala Fire Department at 1030 oclock this morning from Zuber ask ¬ ing the chief to send help out as quick- as possible that the big mill was on fire Chief Hamp Chambers Messrs Ed Bennett J M Meffert Louis Lang Will Jeffcoat and several others went out in several automobiles with the fire extinguishers and made a quick- run opening their machines up after getting outside of the city limits Whei they arrived at the fire which was In the roof of the shinglecovered- shed over the planing mill department- of the Marlon Lomber companys plant the 200 men employed at the two mills had the fire practically out The fire had burned the roof almost- off the shed There was plenty of water and buckets and although the water pressure through the hose from the tank was insufficient the bucket brigade did the work The hose had sprung a leak and It was cut the end being placed in a hole from which the men could readily dip up buckets of water The plant planing mills dry kilns etc of the Marion Lumber Co are located far enough from the Sumner Lumber companys plant that the last mentioned would have been saved ev- en ¬ In the event of the total loss of the former which was on fire unless there had been a very heavy wind blowing directly towards the Sumner plant The friends of the two companies in Ocala are exceedingly glad that the property was saved The total loss will not exceed S200 GRAND EDUCATIONAL RALLY- To all Citizens Officials Patrons and Taxpayers The state education- al ¬ campaign committee has arranged- for three meetings in Marion county Several distinguished speakers wilt address and confer with the people- on various features of educational- work and interest The meetings are scheduled to be held at Citra on next Monday afternoon or night at Ocala- In the courthouse on Tuesday fore ¬ noon at 10 aclock and at Dunnellon on Tuesday night It is earnestly de ¬ sired that these meetings be attend- ed ¬ by every person feeling any inter ¬ est whatever in the educational up- lift ¬ of our county The list of speak- ers ¬ will include some of the most eminent educators in the Southern states The county board of public instruction has made an appropria- tion ¬ to defray the expenses of the speakers in Marlon county and Is hoping for very beneficial results Very truly yours- J H Brinson Supt HOSPITAL REPORT FOR MONTH OF SEPTEMBER Sept 1st there were 10 patients in the hospital During the month 21 patients were admitted Patients treated Deaths 2 Discharged 24 Sept 30th there are five patients now being cared for The following donations were made during the month Cut flowers Mr Wolf jelly and oranges Mr P L Durlsoe two quarts Ice cream Mrs Edwards graduate nurse buttermilk- Mrs Brinson electric lights city 50 pounds ice daily Ocala Ice Pack ¬ ing Co 25 pounds ice daily Florida Packing Ice Co Evening Star two copies of paper daily Ocala Banner two copies of paper dally L B McMeekin Head Nurse UP BEFORE THE BAR- N H Brown an attorney of Pitts field Va writes We have used Dr Kings New Life Pills for years and find them such good family medicine we wouldnt be without them For chills constipation biliousness or sick headache they work wonders 25c at all druggists YOUNG MEN WANTED Government Pays from 600 to 1600- a Year No LayOffsFreeS- cholarships are Offered Railway mail clerks postoffice clerks city carriers rural mail car- riers ¬ I wanted Examinations in the vicinity of Ocala soon Short hours salary twice monthly annual vacation and life po- sition ¬ Thousands of appointments are to be made Common education is all you need city and country people have equal chance and political in ¬ fluence Is unnecessary Free scholar ¬ ships during October and November No time to lose Write to Central Schools Dept 1006 Rochester N Y ID RATHER DIE DOCTOR than have my feet cut off said M L BIngham of Princevllle III But youll die from gangrene which had eaten away eight toes if you dont said all doctors Instead he used Bucklens Arnica Salve till wholly cured Its cures of eczema fever sores boils burns and piles astound- the world 25c at all druggists Messrs Parramore Halsell are prepared to do all kinds of repairing of furniture also upholstering All work will be first class and the prices exceptionally reasonable Mr Auger stein the portrait artist has made his I headquarters with these gentlemen- for his stay in Ocala His genuine oil portraits can be had for about the same price that the average picture- man sells his photos Give us a trial No 10 Fcrt King avenue- If people with symptoms of kidney- or bladder trouble realize their dan ¬ ger they would without loss of time commence taking Foleys Kidney Remedy This great remedy stops the pain and the irregularities strengthens and builds up these or ¬ gans and there is no danger of Brights disease or other serious dis ¬ order Do not disregard the early symptoms Sold by all druggists- A New York judge has fined a man for swearing at a telephone girl He called her a Dutch mutt Mr F G FItz Oneonta N Y writes My little girl was greatly benefited by taking Foleys Orino Laxative and I think It is the best remedy for constipation and liver trouble Foleys Orino Laxative Is mild pleasant and effective and cures habitual constipation Sold by all druggists Upon her return from her summers vacation your first act should be to call at the Court Pharmacy and buy your sweetheart a box of that delic- ious ¬ Bell Meade candy Sweets to the tweet you know v r 1 9 U 1 C FALL CLOTHINGf < 4 t 11 C t J ii Ii ii r- r The H B MASTERSCOMPANy2 r L o 1 p Offer to th e Public it 1 SH1 4- v t t > < x 2 Their excellent line of Fan and Winter Clothing and Furnishings for f > Y a- Men and Boys 4 j Our clothing department offers exceptional advantages this season j The selections have been carefully made the styles are correct the fabrics the best and only skilled workmen were employed In the making We have different graces the prices governing the quality strictly and our s guarantee accompanies each purchase + Mens and Boys Suits In the different stylish fabrics and cuts Boys Suits extra Pants In both knickerbocker and straight trousers Boys I Blouses and Waists I Our line of Stetson and Knox Hats for men are stylish and unexcelled q i In looks and wearing qualities A splendid line of hats and caps for boys and young men f 1 We have never carried a prettier line of neckwear than we are show- Ing w this fall with all of the latest effects to suit any taste I The line of dress and working shirts for all classes both men and r > > f1 boys Is a very complete one and from which you can make any selec- tion ¬ rl t i J desired With this line we have collars and curt d In all the styles- In I Hosiery we have a very strong line several priced and any style of J 1 < goods We ask you to try our warranted line of No fair Hosiery t- In Underwear you will find Just what you want of new seasonable > i y k r goods If you are traveling or contemplate a Journey call and look at the line of trunks suit cases and bags that we have In stock Gloves umbrellas- rain coats etc + Come in and let us fit you out We have everything you wilt need from head to foot I 0rt a A 4 Resp ct = fully E B e MASTERS COV Y 1 CARD OF THANKS- We take this method of thanking- the public through the columns of your paper for the liberal patronage- that has been extended us through the past season in our business as we have not been able to deliver cars as the entire country as a whole bought more cars than the Buick factory could produce We are just in receipt of letters giving- us a slight inkling of our 1910 pro ¬ duct assuring us of the fact that there will be no question In the fu ¬ ture that we will be cared for Our 1910 models will be ready for de ¬ livery the first of November and we have the assurance that if we should need 100 cars we can deliver the same Our models 10 and 17 will be continued but the horse ¬ power will be increased 20 per cent We will also have a model known- as No 18 practically the same as our No 17 only slightly a smaller car and will sell for about 1400 complete and we think this model will hold the rest of them for quite- a while We will also have a 600- a runabout 2cylinder opposed motor in front under the board cone clutch in fly wheel selective type transmission and double chain drive 30x312 tires and we want- to say to the public that so far as pulling through sand is concerned- this car has no equal Thanking our friends for past favors we are Very respectfully OCALA GAS ENGINE WORKS- Per J H Spencer- Mr J S McDonald formerly of Shell Pond Levy county but now a resident of Williston was In Ocala this morning on his way to South Florida to inspect that portion of the state Woodmen meet tomorrow evening A4 RO f- tw D I 3 a Ilf3 The Proof is in the BREAD If you are not using it now its a good time to begin We sell it exclusively in Ocala MARTIN CARN BEAUTIFY YOUR LAWN- Have f Your Lawn Mower Sharpened by the Very Latest Methods- We I have just received one of the famous Ideal Lawn Mower Grinders a machine especially built for the purpose of grinding Lawn Mowers which I y does the work perfectly If you will favor 111 iii your patronage we guarantee to give you back the Mower in better condition than the day you bough- tit it It will be sharp and stay sharp longer than old style way which is usually done by inexpe- rienced workman with a file or an emery wheel J M- z > 4 = j Next time your Mower needs sharpen r bring it in or notify us and we wiHv yt make it cut so nicely it will surprise yoj MARION HARDWARE CO J Mr Bolton one of Sumter countys foremost citizens and the only axe handle manufacturer In his county- was in town yesterday deeply Inter ¬ ested in the county site question He Is for old Sumtervllle first last and all the time Says It is the logical place because It Is centrally located and convenient for all and Is therefore- a booster for the new 35000 court house at that place GOOD FARM FOR SALE 143 Acres of Land Half a Mile North- of Oak 90 acres cleared and under good fence balance timbered one mile from- a subdistrict school a 6room two story house one stack chimney a splendid well of water good barn and outhouses The land is as good as can be found In Marion county for truck and general farming Terms reasonable D N Waldron Oak Fla FOR SALEA splendid Wellington upright piano nearly new perfect order J110 easy terms Several used organs for almost nothing Write or phone me 328 I have no store A M Lansford C R Kiuger the jeweler 1060 Vir ¬ ginia Ave Indianapolis Ind write- sI was so weak from kidney trouble that I could hardly walk a hundred feet Four bottles of Foleys Kidney Remedy cleared my complexion cured my backache and the irregularities disappeared and I can now attend to business every day and recommend Foleys Kidney Remedy to all suffer- ers ¬ as It cured me after the doctors and other remedies had failed For sale by all druggists iII iiii v r 4 1 1 r ri ir iN- N iiru l r Hudson 20 The sensation in motor cars for ChalmersDetroit There is no need to say anything for this car Write T S ABERNETHY Orlando FloridaDA- VID I I S WOODROW WM J SHERIDAN r Phone 165 PhaiM 13- 8WDODM1R SAND STONE C01PAST sY OFFICE IN HOLDER BLOCK OCALA FLORIDA 1 CRUSHED STONE CEMENT LAKE WEIR SAND COMMON SAND 1 We have a stone crusher at work In Ocala and are prepared to do all Y kinds of Cement Work Build Foundations make Cement Blocks Cexaeat Brick Build Sidewalks Artificial Stone Fences Stone Mantels We asks Blocks for Foundations foJiouso work which look better than brick aat the cheaper Warehouse and Crusher on Coast Line track north of FofkakTY A R- a Y y Y 1 t- tiTr i4Y

Transcript of Y I C FALL CLOTHINGf Cufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/03291/00512.pdf · 2009-05-12 ·...

Page 1: Y I C FALL CLOTHINGf Cufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/03291/00512.pdf · 2009-05-12 · I-svy M Y 4 THE OCALA EVENING STAR THURSDAY OCTOBER 7 18 k t t r 1 J EVENING STAR C


svy M




EVENING STARC L Kttiitfcr and R It Crr H

Editor sad PaMlshen-


H It CARROLL Barium MwMf


We had a very pleasant call thisS morning from the distinguished

Journalist and candidate for the Unit¬

ed States senate Claude IEngle Hela making a tour of the state distrib-uting


I bis literature containing theplatform on which he is making therace The front page contains an ex-


V likeness of the candidate andthe words A message to the dem ¬

ocratic people of the state of Floridafrom Claude LEngle candidate for

n United States senator in the primarlee of 1910 Born in Florida raised inFlorida stayed in Florida Believes-In the peoples right to rule the peo-ples


ability to rule the peoples de ¬

termination to rule The pamphlet1 contains some good wholesome read-


and Is presented In that Inimita-ble


style for which this gifted son ofFlorida IB noted Mr UEngle is mak-ing


a personal campaign and present-ing


his platform as printed to thet voter So far he has visited 37 coun-


and will take In the balancewhen he will get his auto which the

4 J high waters over the state prevented-him using before and make the tripover again talking five minutes ateach stop He Is securing In eachcounty or district from one to five

a volunteer distributors of his platform-His motto Is to see the voter and askhim He Is making an effective cam-paign


He came in from Dunnellon-last night from where he visited allthe mining settlements in that sec ¬

tion He will spend the day in Ocalat a maklnfa personal canvass His labors-

are creating a fine impression Hebelieves the only road to successalong any line of procedure Is to getout and hustle early and late

f The high school building is provingInadequate for the pupils that are de ¬

manding admittance At present thereare 14 pupils without seats and MrAnderson and Mr Bullock appearedbefore the county board and request-ed


that the board supply onethird ofthe money and the city the other toremove a partition wall In the westend of the second story of the eastMe now used for a recitation room

f to make room for the pupils The 5thad 7th grades have had such an In-


t that they too are crowded Thesituation Is this the Ocala precinct isbadly handicapped by being In debtaid the revenue from taxation Is In ¬

adequate to meet of schools demands

The millinery opening yesterdayandtoday at the Geo A Nash storewas a stunner and a hummer When-we called for points the bread winnerJ had gone to dinner and the two as-


were so busy trying on andselling hats we had to satisfy ourself

t by looking around noting that all theprominent colors of the rainbow wererepresented in the female head gearIn sight mixed up with all the shadesof ribbons puffs braids feathersspangles etc that it set our mind ina whirl and we beat a hasty retreatremarking it was the limit and now It

r was for the fair sex to go up againstIt and do the ttt t njfae f buy a hatfrom as varied lind 1 selection ofmillinery as ever entered our port

4Nathan and Sam Goldman are InDunnellon arranging a fine stock ofgoods to be used as a part of the saleof the Globes new Immense fall stockThese young men took a full page inthe Dunnellon Advocate to let thepublic know the quality and low price

J of the goods

Editor Straub of the St PetersburgTimes and a cartoonist of no meanability In his paper of the 5th has oneentitled Encouraging Home Indus ¬

tries The cartoon represents anaged citizen with a struggling youthover his knee The youth Is labeledHome Printer and the aged person

r City Council In his uplifted handthe aged gentleman holds a paddlelabeled Ocala Printers To the leftare the words St Petersburg occu ¬

pation tax Is calculated to protect herIndustries except printers etc Therest was unintelligible Now what wedesire to know Is what did CartoonistStraub attempt to delineate or por ¬

tray So far as we know there is notrouble among the newspaper frater-nity


M In Ocala or among Its printersWill Editor Straub please explain

S Mr Charles M Brown Jr formerly-an Ocala boy and who resided In thiscity until five years ago was in Ocalayesterday and today for the first timesince removing to Miami Charlie asall of the older residents know him Is

L looking well and has the same gladsmile and hearty laugh He is travel-Ing Georgia and Florida for half adozen furniture houses and in futurewill visit Ocala every three months

1The Star hears with sincere regret-

of the failure of the firm of Water-man


x at Hall clothiers in GainesvilleGeorgia

Mr R O Eagle of Jacksonville hasarrived in the city and will assumecharge of the A R Harper pianostore Mr Eagle Is a fine salesman-and an expert piano tuner Mrs Ecame with her husband and they ex ¬

pect to make Ocala their home

Attorney Beck who has been con ¬

fined to his room for a week withsickness Is again In his office ready-to attend to the wants of his clients

Messrs John and Charles Rogerssons of Col R F Rogers of Lynne

V were visitors to the city yesterday-

Dr Thrasher a genial wholesouledf veteran ol Dade city passed through

Ocala yesterday on his way to LakeKerr to treat Mrs Ned Williams whohas been greatly afflicted for sometime The doctor went down the riv-er


to Eureka and then overland DrThrasher is an enthusiastic Confeder-ate


veteran and Is a conspicuous fig¬

ure at every reunion and It his witshealth will permit he will be at LiveOak Oct 2021st


F M McCutcheon and Miss MinnieJ frardue who were married in Ihver

hzftess on the 3rd inst and have beentopping at the Ocala House leave forCalifornia Thursday afternoon andother places of Interest Mr McCutcheea has been with the A C L rail ¬

way for the past five years MissPardue Is from North Carolina but

al of late has been In Hernando Bothx have lasts of friends who wish them

w happtese-

soaa sleet this eveningr1-

i1n v t X


Master Wilbur Johnson was takensick with congestion of the brain Sun ¬

day and died Tuesday night All ef¬

forts to save the boys life were un ¬

availing He was the son of Mr andMrs C E Johnson The funeral ser ¬

vices were held yesterday afternoonfrom the North Main street home ofthe family the funeral being con ¬

ducted by Smith Roberts Inter ¬

ment In Greenwood Annex cemetery-Rev R H Barnett pastor of theMethodist church officiated Thepall bearers were Messrs J N Tolar-A W Bridges R L Marsh TomDekle Will Marlow and Will BarcoIn the deep bereavement that hascome to darken the home of the par ¬

ents the Star extends sympathy-

The remains of Mrs A B Easlej ofDeLeon Springs were brought to Ocalathis afternoon for interment in thecemetery by the side of the baby ofher sister Mrs Foxworth of Lakeland Mrs Easley is the daughter ofMr and Mrs Samuel Cleveland


The regular monthly meeting ofDickinson Chapter U D C will beheld Friday afternoon at 3 oclock atthe residence of Mrs J R Moorhead-A full attendance Is requested asthere is business of Importance tocome up before the chapter

s Mrs A A Winter Secy


A 22horsepower Buick touring carentirely renewed In all Its wearingparts newly painted and In fine shapefor sale cheap Apply at the Star of-




This terrible calamity often happens because a careless boatman Ig¬

nores the rivers warningsgrowingr-Ipples and faster current Natureswarnings are kind The dull pain orache in the back warns you the kid¬

neys need attention if you would es ¬

cape fatal maladies dropsy diabetes-or Brights disease Take ElectricBitters at once and see backache flyand all your best feelings return Af¬

ter long suffering from weak kidneys-and lame back one U bottle whollycured me writes J R Blankenshipof Belk Tenn Only SOc a bottle at alldruggists


Most women are troubled with kid ¬

ney complaint and you know verymany serious and even fatal diseasesresult from these neglected kidneytroubles If you will take DeWittsKidney and Bladder Pills as directed-you may confident of good resultsTry them and see how really goodthey are Beware of Imitations pillsthat are intended to deceive you Besure you get DeWitts Sold by alldruggists


Harness of all kinds mended or newparts made where desired Also sawfiling done Apply to J T Simmons atTompkins ft Cobbs stables

Fall colds are quickly cured by Fo ¬

leys Honey and Tar the great throatand lung remedy The genuine con-


no harmful drugs Sold by alldruggists

Belle Meade Sweets

SUIT Frill laid Chtctlite


These Delicious Candles Can be HadOily at the

Court Pharmacy




+ i2

IWlcvwy ass kaexl M


h best to t WrliHer first cholceher last

choicevand her choice-at all times

MY FAVORITESwre otoosuwt slat

eke tee leel ih pck+hFor Salt by












Work Guarantied and Prigs RightOCALA PRESSING CLUB-

W F Marlow Proprietor


BARBERSHOPOpou Ito the Lob of tbe Ocala

HoweOffers the very beat service of

skilled workmen with modern ap¬

pliances Strictly sanitary Electricfans electric massageslot RUBIBK water at AH TinesVINCENT O DETTERiCH Maaager

A l



A Narrow Escape for the Two BigLumber Plants-

A telephone message was sent in tothe Ocala Fire Department at 1030oclock this morning from Zuber ask ¬

ing the chief to send help out as quick-as possible that the big mill was onfire Chief Hamp Chambers MessrsEd Bennett J M Meffert Louis LangWill Jeffcoat and several others wentout in several automobiles with thefire extinguishers and made a quick-run opening their machines up aftergetting outside of the city limits

Whei they arrived at the fire whichwas In the roof of the shinglecovered-shed over the planing mill department-of the Marlon Lomber companysplant the 200 men employed at thetwo mills had the fire practically outThe fire had burned the roof almost-off the shed There was plenty ofwater and buckets and although thewater pressure through the hose fromthe tank was insufficient the bucketbrigade did the work The hose hadsprung a leak and It was cut the endbeing placed in a hole from which themen could readily dip up buckets ofwater

The plant planing mills dry kilnsetc of the Marion Lumber Co arelocated far enough from the SumnerLumber companys plant that the lastmentioned would have been saved ev-


In the event of the total loss of theformer which was on fire unless therehad been a very heavy wind blowingdirectly towards the Sumner plantThe friends of the two companies inOcala are exceedingly glad that theproperty was saved The total losswill not exceed S200


To all Citizens Officials Patronsand Taxpayers The state education-al


campaign committee has arranged-for three meetings in Marion countySeveral distinguished speakers wiltaddress and confer with the people-on various features of educational-work and interest The meetings arescheduled to be held at Citra on nextMonday afternoon or night at Ocala-In the courthouse on Tuesday fore ¬

noon at 10 aclock and at Dunnellonon Tuesday night It is earnestly de ¬

sired that these meetings be attend-ed


by every person feeling any inter ¬

est whatever in the educational up-


of our county The list of speak-ers


will include some of the mosteminent educators in the Southernstates The county board of publicinstruction has made an appropria-tion


to defray the expenses of thespeakers in Marlon county and Is

hoping for very beneficial resultsVery truly yours-

J H Brinson Supt


Sept 1st there were 10 patients inthe hospital During the month 21patients were admitted Patientstreated Deaths 2 Discharged 24

Sept 30th there are five patients nowbeing cared for

The following donations were madeduring the month Cut flowers MrWolf jelly and oranges Mr P LDurlsoe two quarts Ice cream MrsEdwards graduate nurse buttermilk-Mrs Brinson electric lights city50 pounds ice daily Ocala Ice Pack ¬

ing Co 25 pounds ice daily FloridaPacking Ice Co Evening Star twocopies of paper daily Ocala Bannertwo copies of paper dally

L B McMeekin Head Nurse


N H Brown an attorney of Pittsfield Va writes We have used DrKings New Life Pills for years andfind them such good family medicinewe wouldnt be without them Forchills constipation biliousness orsick headache they work wonders 25cat all druggists


Government Pays from 600 to 1600-

a Year No LayOffsFreeS-cholarships are Offered

Railway mail clerks postofficeclerks city carriers rural mail car-


I wantedExaminations in the vicinity of

Ocala soon Short hours salary twicemonthly annual vacation and life po-


Thousands of appointments are tobe made Common education is allyou need city and country peoplehave equal chance and political in ¬

fluence Is unnecessary Free scholar ¬

ships during October and NovemberNo time to lose Write to CentralSchools Dept 1006 Rochester N Y

ID RATHER DIE DOCTORthan have my feet cut off said M LBIngham of Princevllle III Butyoull die from gangrene which hadeaten away eight toes if you dontsaid all doctors Instead he usedBucklens Arnica Salve till whollycured Its cures of eczema feversores boils burns and piles astound-the world 25c at all druggists

Messrs Parramore Halsell areprepared to do all kinds of repairingof furniture also upholstering Allwork will be first class and the pricesexceptionally reasonable Mr Augerstein the portrait artist has made his

I headquarters with these gentlemen-for his stay in Ocala His genuineoil portraits can be had for about thesame price that the average picture-man sells his photos Give us a trialNo 10 Fcrt King avenue-

If people with symptoms of kidney-or bladder trouble realize their dan ¬

ger they would without loss of timecommence taking Foleys KidneyRemedy This great remedy stopsthe pain and the irregularitiesstrengthens and builds up these or ¬

gans and there is no danger ofBrights disease or other serious dis ¬

order Do not disregard the earlysymptoms Sold by all druggists-

A New York judge has fined a manfor swearing at a telephone girl Hecalled her a Dutch mutt

Mr F G FItz Oneonta N Ywrites My little girl was greatlybenefited by taking Foleys OrinoLaxative and I think It is the bestremedy for constipation and livertrouble Foleys Orino Laxative Ismild pleasant and effective and cureshabitual constipation Sold by alldruggists

Upon her return from her summersvacation your first act should be tocall at the Court Pharmacy and buyyour sweetheart a box of that delic-


Bell Meade candy Sweets tothe tweet you know


r1 9 U 1C






J iiIi iir-r


Lo 1


Offer to the Public it1

SH1 4-

v t t > <x 2

Their excellent line of Fan and Winter Clothing and Furnishings for f>Y a-

Men and Boys4 jOur clothing department offers exceptional advantages this season


The selections have been carefully made the styles are correct the fabricsthe best and only skilled workmen were employed In the making Wehave different graces the prices governing the quality strictly and our sguarantee accompanies each purchase +

Mens and Boys Suits In the different stylish fabrics and cuts Boys

Suits extra Pants In both knickerbocker and straight trousers BoysI

Blouses and WaistsI

Our line of Stetson and Knox Hats for men are stylish and unexcelledq

iIn looks and wearing qualities A splendid line of hats and caps for boys

and young men f1

We have never carried a prettier line of neckwear than we are show-



this fall with all of the latest effects to suit any tasteI

The line of dress and working shirts for all classes both men and r >>


boys Is a very complete one and from which you can make any selec-


¬rl t i J

desired With this line we have collars and curt d In all the styles-


Hosiery we have a very strong line several priced and any style of J 1 <

goods We ask you to try our warranted line of No fair Hosieryt-

In Underwear you will find Just what you want of new seasonable >i y k r


If you are traveling or contemplate a Journey call and look at the line

of trunks suit cases and bags that we have In stock Gloves umbrellas-

rain coats etc +

Come in and let us fit you out We have everything you wilt need

from head to footI 0rt a


4Resp ct=fully




We take this method of thanking-the public through the columns ofyour paper for the liberal patronage-that has been extended us throughthe past season in our business aswe have not been able to delivercars as the entire country as awhole bought more cars than theBuick factory could produce Weare just in receipt of letters giving-us a slight inkling of our 1910 pro¬

duct assuring us of the fact thatthere will be no question In the fu¬

ture that we will be cared for Our1910 models will be ready for de¬

livery the first of November andwe have the assurance that if weshould need 100 cars we can deliverthe same Our models 10 and 17will be continued but the horse¬

power will be increased 20 per centWe will also have a model known-as No 18 practically the same asour No 17 only slightly a smallercar and will sell for about 1400complete and we think this modelwill hold the rest of them for quite-a while We will also have a 600-a runabout 2cylinder opposedmotor in front under the boardcone clutch in fly wheel selectivetype transmission and double chaindrive 30x312 tires and we want-to say to the public that so far aspulling through sand is concerned-this car has no equal Thanking ourfriends for past favors we are

Very respectfullyOCALA GAS ENGINE WORKS-

Per J H Spencer-

Mr J S McDonald formerly ofShell Pond Levy county but now aresident of Williston was In Ocalathis morning on his way to SouthFlorida to inspect that portion of thestate

Woodmen meet tomorrow evening

A4 RO f-


I 3

a Ilf3

The Proof is in theBREAD

If you are not usingit now its a goodtime to begin Wesell it exclusively inOcala





Your Lawn Mower Sharpened by the VeryLatest Methods-


have just received one of the famous IdealLawn Mower Grinders a machine especially builtfor the purpose of grinding Lawn Mowers which I y

does the work perfectly If you will favor 111 iiiyour patronage we guarantee to give you back theMower in better condition than the day you bough-

titit It will be sharp and stay sharp longer thanold style way which is usually done by inexpe-

rienced workman with a file or an emery wheelJ M-

z >

4= j Next time your Mower needs sharpen

r bring it in or notify us and we wiHv

yt make it cut so nicely it will surprise yoj

MARION HARDWARE CO JMr Bolton one of Sumter countys

foremost citizens and the only axehandle manufacturer In his county-was in town yesterday deeply Inter ¬

ested in the county site question HeIs for old Sumtervllle first last andall the time Says It is the logicalplace because It Is centrally locatedand convenient for all and Is therefore-a booster for the new 35000 courthouse at that place


143 Acres of Land Half a Mile North-

of Oak90 acres cleared and under good

fence balance timbered one mile from-a subdistrict school a 6room twostory house one stack chimney asplendid well of water good barn andouthouses The land is as good ascan be found In Marion county fortruck and general farming Termsreasonable D N Waldron Oak Fla

FOR SALEA splendid Wellingtonupright piano nearly new perfectorder J110 easy terms Several usedorgans for almost nothing Write orphone me 328 I have no store A MLansford

C R Kiuger the jeweler 1060 Vir ¬

ginia Ave Indianapolis Ind write-sI was so weak from kidney troublethat I could hardly walk a hundredfeet Four bottles of Foleys KidneyRemedy cleared my complexion curedmy backache and the irregularitiesdisappeared and I can now attend tobusiness every day and recommendFoleys Kidney Remedy to all suffer-ers


as It cured me after the doctorsand other remedies had failed Forsale by all druggists



4 11 r

ri ir iN-N iiru l r

Hudson 20The sensation in motor cars for

ChalmersDetroit There isno need to say anything for this car

Write T S ABERNETHYOrlando FloridaDA-



S WOODROW WM J SHERIDAN rPhone 165 PhaiM 13-




We have a stone crusher at work In Ocala and are prepared to do all Y

kinds of Cement Work Build Foundations make Cement Blocks CexaeatBrick Build Sidewalks Artificial Stone Fences Stone Mantels We asksBlocks for Foundations foJiouso work which look better than brick aatthe cheaper Warehouse and Crusher on Coast Line track north of FofkakTY A



Y 1 t-

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