y 1990 2 n k w s i, k rr · /3TV^CV # «y VICTORIAN MARATHON CI.UB n k w s i, k rr rr r

# «y / 3 TV^CV VICTORIAN MARATHON CI.UB n k w s i, k rr rr r<; k and 44t.h ANNUM. RliPORT MARCH I V i e e 1990 $ 2- ISSN 10 .U)-87 I 7 0 Th^ minor divisions of the FMIL ZATOPEK 10 , 000 m Trophy are an aim :Vr^nnnl Fh^y a I I count (nr 1 ov^ra I ! Handicap, I t wo i Id not DO' , " . : b I h iviihcu! lb/ '/(i!. ir^mbe! ,ond supporter 3 >1 - n j . icr-K :• t prf*« hv rail a P *»s i OjbI.p . at ior* Nv VH |{ 0188

Transcript of y 1990 2 n k w s i, k rr · /3TV^CV # «y VICTORIAN MARATHON CI.UB n k w s i, k rr rr r

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# « y/3TV̂CV V I C T O R I A N M A R A T H O N C I . U B

n k w s i , k rr rr r<; k

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ISSN 10 .U) - 8 7 I 7


Th^ m i n o r d i v i s i o n s o f t h e F MI L ZATOPEK 1 0 , 0 0 0 m T r o p h y a r e an ai m

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RUNNING GROUPS. Any regular local running groups are invited to list where and when in our page. Send details to: VMC Office, 598 High St., EAST KEW 3102.

The VMC gets numerous requests from our members as well as newcomers to the running scene for training advice and running contacts.PERSON TO ASSIST with your requests is FRED LESTER, VMC General Sec., an A.F.T.C.A. Accredited Coach Grade 2. Fred coaches regularly on Sunday mornings at Stradbroke Park athletic track, corner Burke and Belmore Roads, East Kew, (Melway Map 45 K 40) from 10.00am, unless involved in a VMC competition.

Alternately, you are invited to send your queries by mail to the above address and we shall endeavour to deal with those or pass them on to people who may be able to assist, but only if a STAMPED SELF-ADDRESSED ENVELOPE is supplied.

V.M.C.MEMBERS ARE INVITED to form, or expand, established training groups near their homes or work places for mutual support and social enjoyment. The VMC Newsletter is ideal for making contact with others if you let them know how to get in touch with each other.

CONCERNING ALL WOMEN RUNNERS - REGULAR OR BEGINNERS:The V.M.C. has a Special Women’s Task Force to assist in the development of Women’s Distance Running, for mutual enjoyment, encouragement and good health. They are endeavouring to foster the development of locality groups for running and training together, eventually developing a WOMEN'S RUNNING NETWORK. V.M.C. Contact person is SHARON DESAILLY, Tel: 824 0871. If you are happy to act as a contact person in your area, tell Sharon.

REGULA RUNNERS, GREENSBOROUGH is a Women’s Running Group - all ages & abilities. Group meets on Wednesday 9.00am at Willinda Park, G ’borough.Beginners welcome, child minding provided. Distances and routes vary weekly. A Thursday group meets 9.00am at the rear of Sports Fair in G*borough to run for 1 - 1.5 hours.

OOBURG FUN RUNNERS. Meet for training at Harold Stevens Athletic Track, rear Basketball Stadium (Melway 18 A 9/10), Tuesday & Thursday 6.15pm. Fun runs most Sunday mornings 9.00am. Mail enquiries to 55 Woodlands Ave. PASCOE VALE 3044, or ring 386 9251.

PENINSULA ROAD RUNNERS. For people living in Mornington Peninsula area. Contact Ron Butko 787 1309; Ray & Mark Lewis 789 6109; Gordon Loughnan (059) 77 4892.

FERNY CREEK. Several groups meet at the cafe Mt. Dandenong Tourist & Mast Gully Roads corner (Melway 75 C 4) Sunday mornings from 8.00 to 9.00am for long runs, (13, 24, 27,33km circuits) - with some oldtimers who still think in Miles - in magnificent bush sur­roundings, a combination of road and forest tracks. Back to the cafe for breakfast and post mortems with the rest of the mob.

GARDINERS CREEK. Group meets near Blind Institute, opposite Kooyong Tennis Courts, 8.30am Sundays. Mixed standards, men & women.

* A WORD OF ADVICE * If you decide to run with any group, please spend a minute or two of your time BEFORE YOU START to find out the DISTANCE and PACE of any group of runners.There is nothing worse for a beginner or newcomer than to be left behind after the first 500m and struggle on to run beyond what is sensible for his/her level of fitness. If in doubt, start by running with the slowest group available.

CONVERSELY, regular members of any group need to be aware of newcomers and assist them to find their most suitable level within the group or make special provision. Generally, it is of greater benefit for most to start on their run at a gentle pace.

Among the most swoppable garments around the running scene -VMC LOGO T-SHIRTS & SIMSLETS, are available at $8 each, plus $1 pack & post. Send order with correct money to VMC Office (address above), or buy at our runs.At the moment we are short of large sizes beyond size 16.

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NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all 1989 FINANCIAL MEMBERS of the VICTORIAN MARATHON CLUB MELBOURNE INC. that the 44th ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING will be held on THURSDAY, MARCH 22nd,1990 at 8.00pm at ROBINSON HALL (Vic.Walkers Club Rooms), ALBERT PARK, rear of Basketball Stadium and facing lake.Business will include discussions on the ANNUAL REPORT and reports from Executive Officers of the Club, Election of the Committee of Management for 1990 and items of General Business brought forward from the body of the meeting. Refreshment will be served.

PRE-RACE ENTRY FORMS: Your attention is drawn to the PRE-RACE ENTRY FORM as below, specifIcally asked T o r when PRE-RACE ENTRY DATES ARE SET.

MINOR RACKS, where no such requirements are asked for, can be entered on the day at least 30 mi.n. prior to starting time. Races requiring Pre-Race Entrv are:


PLEASE NOTE that most of the above events also have Special Entry Forms, when we have obtained ■sponsorships. Please use those when possible.

AURA 50 MILES ENTRIES direct to GEOFF HOOK, 42 Swayfield Rd, M T .WAVERLEY 3149.

TO REDUCE ROUTINE OFFICE PROCEDURES AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE, IT IS MOST IMPORTANT that all enquiries, entries and membership applications are filled in properly and accom­panied by A STAMPED SELF ADDRESSED ENVELOPE as requested. No S.S.A.E. - NO REPLY ! !.


VMC MEMBERSHIP FEES 1990 BECAME DUE ON JANUARY 1st - $12 Seniors, $6 under 20.TO RENEW YOUR MEMBERSHIP and maintain advantages of continuous membership, follow the instructions on page 24, complete the form on page 23, and return to the VMC.REMEMBER to fill in the 4 self-stik labels with your CALL NAME (BILL, JACK,TONY), SURNAME, ADDRESS and POST CODE and return them WITH your new membership form AND membership fee so that you will receive your quarterly 1990 VMC Newsletters.


-----------cut here---------------------- cut here---------------------- cut here-----------MAIL RACE ENTRY FORM-VICTORIAN MARATHON CLUB MELBOURNE INC.-598 High St. E.KEW 3102.MAIL ONLY for Races ASKING SPECIFICALLY for EARLY ENTRIES ! BLOCK LETTERS Please !PLEASF ENTER ME FOR (Name of Event) ./.../....

SURNAME .•.-.............................. , . I N I T I A L S.... CALL NAME ....... .

ADDRESS ...................................

PHONE(Home) ..............................., . . . (Work) ....................... .

BEST TIME(last 3 years, nearest dist.) < .../.......

PLACE WHERE HELD ............................. NAME OF RACE ................ .

DATE OF BIRTH ... / ... / .... MALE / FEMALE (cross out inapplicable)


SIGNATURE OF ENTRANT ................................................ DATE . . . / ___ / .....

NOW TURN OVER AND SIGN DECLARATION AT BACK after checking correctness of above form. Don’t forget to enclose Stamped Self Addressed Envelope (230mm x 120mm , same size sr\ VMC Newsletter Envelope) for return oT race nformat.ion with cheque or money order payable to _ VMC - NOTE: Any additional copi>'^ of this Entrv Form must, also carry t,h<.- derjlr i>>»• n the reverse side. <>r cannot, t “'cented.

Page 4: y 1990 2 n k w s i, k rr · /3TV^CV # «y VICTORIAN MARATHON CI.UB n k w s i, k rr rr r

D E C L A R A T I 0 N

1. I, the undersigned, in consideration of and as condition of acceptance of my entry in the VICTORIAN MARATHON CLUB MELBOURNE INC* event named on this Entry Form for myself, my heirs, executors and administrators hereby waive all and any claim, right ot cause of action which I or they might otherwise have for or arising out of loss of my life or injury damage or loss of any description whatsowever which I may suffer or sustain in the course or consequent Upon my entry or participation in the said event.

2. This waiver, release and discharge shall be and operate separately in favour of all persons, corporations and bodies involved and otherwise engaged in promot­ing or staging the event and the servants, agents, representatives and officers of any of them, and includes but is not limited to Commonwealth and State Departments and Instrumentalities, medical and paramedical practitioners and personnel, and shall so operate whether or not the loss, injury or damage is attributable to the act or neglect of any or more of them.

3. I have read the rules and conditions of the event as stated in the declaration above and upon literature and other material distributed in connection with the event and agree to abide by them.


* I certify that I am parent/guardian of .....................

and that he/she has my consent to participate in this event.


(* complete if applicable)

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In view of declining figures in participation and membership of some established running organisations while others were gaining in appeal with a new approach, your executive officers decided to reduce the number of fixtures in the summer period as the numbers did not warrant continuation. This will receive further consideration in the coming period, but hinges largely on having more members on the Committee who are prepared to take on specific- portfolios and carry out administrative and/or organisa- « ional responsibi.1iti.es which are at present shared by too few.

. K irnbershi p dropped by 15% (465 down from 547) compared to 1988, participation ■' ’o v p’- h! slipped 6% (2855 down from 3055). The bright aspects were an increase of •‘ > K;rs and members (14%), and that actual participation of non-members rose in

'{MTyi] T ion to previous years. Our main events were well attended, but the lack of adequate and regular publicity combined with various calendar changes in the Fun Run and the official athletics bodies created a lot of confusion.

One of the greatest weaknesses in the running scene is the lack of progress in the creation of neighbourhood, social activity, workplace and similar groups. The Corpo­rate Cup organised through the Melbourne City Recreation department has given a lead as to what can be achieved in just one section of the community and has now extended the concept further through the Sunset Series. In other States, particularly NSW and SA, where central athletic bodies never had such a stranglehold as in Victoria, the actual de-centralised pursuit of community running is still well ahead of us. The regular appeal in our VMC Newsletter for community groups to advertise themselves is stagnating for want of use, it needs a new look and approach.

Financially, we are paying our way and are able to contain costs by careful bud­geting. Also contributing to this situation is the support of our sponsors in major events: D A V lb WARD, SFORTSCRAFT, BP AUSTRALIA, ASICS TIGER and RUNNERS WORLD. Thai nas enabled us to support in turn the outstanding men and women athletes who reper- sented Australia so well at Auckland and elsewhere, the Women Health Clinic and pro­mote handicapped athletes.

There has been a slight improvement in cooperation between various running orga­nisations, the need for which was stressed in our last Annual Report (VMC Newsletter March 1989). A three year plan has now been attempted by Athletics Victoria, a Fun Run Calendar of comprehensive nature is gradually taking shape. The next step is to have closer consultation between these bodies and involve the Dpt of Sport & Recre­ation, which in its turn needs to have personnel in liaison who maintain continuity of contact in our sphere for several years if there is to be any real progress.

Common involvement, Cooperation and Commitment are the key for the wellbeing of any sport or organisation serving many people. In the end it is up to each individual to make it work for one’s own satisfaction. You, the runners, need to want to make it work for you and play your part in making it work. It starts with such simple things as following the instructions for membership or race entry as asked for, being on time for your event and having your result recorded. Make it easy for everyone !!



2.Running Groups, Information 2AB.NOTICE OF AGM / Race entry Form 3.44th Annual Report4.Communications / Venues5.VMC 12k & 4k/ 8k & 2k TB November6.EZ Runners World 10k & 3k Fun Runs7.Runners World Midnite Run8.EZ 10,000m A - F9.EZ 10,000m G,W1 & 2, others 10/11.EZ Week Summary12.VMC 4 laps Princes Park

13.Other Peoples9 Fixtures14.Apartheid - A Personal Story15. cont.16. cont./ Athletic Postscript17. cont./ VMC 6 laps Princes Pk18.Honolulu Marathon19.WHAT DO YOU MAKE OF IT20.WORLD RECORDS

21/22.Cancelled due to lack of copy.23.VMC Fixture List & M ’ship Form24.VMC Club Information

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VMC NEWSLETTER is published for the infoimation of members of the VICTORIAN MARATHON CLUB MELBOURNE INC. and is part of the Annual Membership Fee. It is issued quarterly: AUTUMN (March), WINTER (June), SIRRING (September), SUMMER (December).

ALL RUNNERS are invited to contribute letters, results, photos, comments, criti­cisms, etc. to the EDITOR, 1 Golding Street, CANTERBURY 3126, Victoria.

PLEASE NOTE that material submitted for publication is preferred to be typed single-spaced and not exceeding 1.5 pages of of A4 sheets, ideally less than 1 page. Articles MUST BE accompanied by name and address of the contributor, together with his or her signature. The Author of Such article shall retain full responsibility for its contents.

DEADLINE FOR COPY is the 1st day of the month preceding the month of publication. Earlier copy is preferred to ease pressure on editing and printing schedules.


VICTORIAN MARATHON CLUB MELBOURNE INC. 598 High St E.KEW 3102 (03) 817-1033AA: Neil KING, P.O.Box 254, MOONEE PONDS 3039 (03) 370-7555NSW AA: Alan BATCHELOR, P.O.Box N101, Grosvenor St, SYDNEY 2001 (02) 241-3538VAA: Greg MASON, Olympic Park West, Swan St, MELBOURNE 3002 (03)428 8195/8049QAA: Reg BRANDIS, QE2 Stadium, Kessels Rd, NATHAN 4111 (07) 343-5653AA-SA: Kath EDWARDS, P.O.Box 57, KENSINGTON PARK 5068 (08) 332-8022AA-WA: Bruce STRICKLAND, P.O.Box 208, WEMBLEY 6014 (09) 387-5599AAA-TAS: Noel RUDDOCK, 10 Reynolds Court, DYNNRYNE 7005 (002) 23-1976ACT .AA: Bill BAILEY, P.O.Box 351, BELCONNEN 2616 (062) 47-4171 HNT AA: Rick RALPH, P.O.Box 41710, CASUARINA N.T. 5792 (089) 85-3260VIC VETS: Peter COLTHUP, 14 Bakers Rd, N. DANDENONG 3175 (03) 795-1169SYDNEY STRIDERS: Phil CALDWELL, P.O.Box 300,THORNLEIGH 2120 (02) 427 6350Q ’Id MAR & RR CLUB: Andrew SEMPLE,P .0.Box 192, EVERTON PARK 4053 SA RRC: DES FOSTER (1 Sturt St) P.O.Box 6051,HALIFAX ST 5000 (08) 213-6115WA MAR CLUB: Jackie BAXENDINE, P.O.Box 660, S.PERTH 6151 (09) 450-4011ACT CC CLUB: Dave CUNDY, 33 Lawrence Cres,P.O.Box 144,KAMBAH 2902 (062) 31-8422 H A.I.S.: P.O.Box 176, BELCONNEN 2616 (062) 52-1111


OLYMPIC PARK: Swan St & Batman Av, Trams Princes Bridge, Trains Richmond 44 B 11TWO BRIDEGS: Alexandra Av, opp. Botanic Gardens, near Morell Bridge 44 B 12ALBERT PARK: Robinson Hall (Walkers) rear Basketball Stad., facing lake 57 J 3PRINCES PARK: Walker St. Pavilion, near Carlton FG, Royal Pde, trams pass 29 G 12BURNLEY BOULEVARD: K.Bartlett Res.,rear Burnley Hort.Coll.,Swan St.R’MOND 45 B 12POINT LEO: Red Hill Tennis Club,Red Hill-Pt.Leo Rd 190 J 4FISHERMENS BEND COM. YOUTH CENTRE: Opp. Bus Terminus & Shops,GARDEN CITY 56 H 2IX»1A1N : Birdwood Av, rear Shrine of Remembrance, 1.5km up St.Kilda Rd 43 K 12LYTROBE UNIV: Car Park 6, off Ring Road, 500m east Waterdale Rd entrance 19 H 7WERRIBEE Sth: St. Mary's RC School, cnr Whites & O ’Connors Rds 201 H 10WESTERFOLDS PARK:Porter St.T’STOWE 33 E 1/2 \\\ BUNDOORA PARK:Plenty Road 19 F 4BRIMBANK PARK:South of Keilor Park, enter from Calder H ’way/Cemetery Rd 15 B 8DEVIL BEND RESERVOIR: Graydens Rd, MOOROODUC 152 J 3COBURG TRACK: Outlook Rd,off Murray Rd, rear Basketball Stadium 18 A 10COLLINGWOOD TR:Heidelberg Rd,CLIFTON HILL; Crosscountry Course opposite 30 G 12DONCASTER TO:George St.33 J 11 \\\\ BOX HILL TR: Elgar Rd/Barwon St 47 C 7CROYDON T R :Norton Rd 50 K 4 \\\\ NUNAWADING TR:Burwood H ’way,E.B’WOOD 62 B 7MURRUMBEENA TRACK:North & M ’beena Rds 68 K 9 \\\ MENTONE TRACK: Second St 87 B 7FRANKSTON TR:Ballam Park 103 B 4 \\\\ SANDRINGHAM TR:Thomas St,HAMPTON 76 K 6SPRINGVALE TR:Ross Res.NOBLE PARK 80 E 12 \\\ KNOX TR:Rushdale St.SCOREBY 73 D


ABERFELDIE TR:Corio St.ESSSENDON 28 D 6 \\\ MELB.UNIV.TR: Top of 75A/ 2B D5/ 43 G3

This page is a SPECIAL SERVICE to all runners to facilitate their contacting other athletic organisations at home and interstate. All interstate addresses receive VMC NEWSLETTERS and are invited to let us have full information on their events so that we can keep our members and other runners informed in turn for their benefit.

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VMC 12km TWO BRIDflKS. 8-11-1989. Changeable, 21 Starters.01.BRUCE GRAHAM 27 38:5602.ANDREW COCHRANE 34 39:4003.MARK EDWARDS 31 41:4404.TARQUIN OEHR 38 41:4905.STEVEN MILLER 28 42:5106.TONY MANDILE 33 42:5207.ELIAS SAHELY 35 43:51

08.RAY POWLEY 33 45:3909.KEITH MACINTOSH 49 46:1310.MALCOLM BROWN 48 46:4911.PHIL MASON 29 47:0112.MARK HARVEY 33 47:0513.TONY KING 41 47:2014.JIM HOLDEN ?? 47:33

15.BRENDAN PEEL 21 48:3016.IAN PIGGIN 45 48:4917.PAUL GRAFEN 26 48:5818.STEVE HUGHES 27 50:0219.GRAEME McFERRIN ?? 50:2220.ROS POWLEY 33W 57:5721.VICKI JACOBY 28W 62:25

VMC 4 km TBO BRIDGES. 8-11-1989. 8 Starters.1.MARIO OORDEDDA 29 12:37 4.GRAEME HORSKINS 51 17:49 7.EPI KAUFMAN 26W 21:092.TOM CREBBIN 25 13:38 5.ROY SUDHOLTZ 57 18:32 8.PAT KAUFMAN 31 21:093.CAMERON STEWART 20 14:05 6.HORATIO DIAZ 44 18:58


It was a pooi' turn-out, partly due to a Corporate Cup run at noon on the same day and rather uncertain weather of intermittent rain squalls.

VMC 8km IWO BRIDGES. 22-11-1989. 28o,overcast,steady breeze, 30 Starters.01.GUS MACDONALD 31 26:27 11.NICK BYRON 29 29:45 21.ISA VIERULA(FIN)2 1W 33:0802.BRIAN JOHNSON 38 27:01 12.STEVEN STERN 30 31:02 22.ROB ROLLS 42 33:2503.PAT KAUFMAN 31 27:41 13.KEITH McINTOSH 49 31:22 23.TONY KING 41 33:3304.MARK EDWARDS 32 27:57 14.PAUL GRAFEN 26 31:43 24.WARRICK ERWIN 28 34:3705.GREG MANDILE 28 28:08 15.MARK HARVEY 33 32:00 25.PHILIP BOYLE 24 35:3206.TARQUIN OEHR 38 28:16 16.ANDREW MOORE 22 32:21 26.BOB ANKERLIN 48 36:2607.PAUL MUNDAY 31 28:23 17.GARY QUINN 28 32:27 27.JENNY McINNES 36W 37:07*08.ELIAS SAHELY 35 28:52 18.MAL BROWN 48 32:28* 28.JOHN FINNIN 28 40:1109.BRENDAN PEEL 22 29:18* 19.FERDEL CHRISTIAN 28 32:39 29.VICKI JACOBS 28W 41:1810.RAY POWLEY 33 29:19 20.BARRY LYNCH 42 32:51 * = Lucky Spot

VMC 2km TWO BRIDGES. 22-11-1989. 8 Starters.1.SEAMUS SCULLY 16 6:32 4.DION MILES 11 7:34 7.LEANNE HEALEY 24W 9:562.ANDREW BURGESS 23 6:34 5.RUSSELL ROLLS 14 8:20 8.JOHN ROLLS 44 10:273.ROBERT HORSBURGH 35 6:44 6.CHRIS LEVANGT 27 9:50

Race Manager TERRY O ’HALLORAN was assisted by HELEN BROWN, LEONI LOVEDAY, JOHN BROWN, PETER ANDERSON, MERV BECKETT, MAL COTHER and FRED LESTER. Thank you for a trouble free run. Visitor from Finland, ISA VIERULA, is in Australia to compete in major Triathlons for the the summer season.


A . I . S . - W A R D S Q U A D P R O M O T E S A U S T R A L I A N W O M E N D I S T A N CE R U N N E RS.

D A V I D W A R D of N a t i o n a l M u t u a l M e l b o u r n e (VMC m e m b e r a n d s p o n s o r over a n u m b e r of years) has c ome to the s u p p o r t of A u s t r a l i a’s le a d i n g w o m e n d i s t a n c e runners, 1500m upwards, t h r o u g h his g e n e r o u s d o n a t i o n to A u s t r a l i a n S p o r t s F o u n d a t i o n .

D a v i d W a r d ’s s u p p o r t e n a b l e s the e a r l i e r De C a s t e l l a - R e x o n a a s s i s t a n c e to be c o n t i n u e d .

R e c i p i e n t s w ill be a s s i s t e d to C o m m o n w e a l t h G a m e s T r i a l s in S y d n e y

1 5 0 0 / 3 0 0 0 m a n d M e l b o u r n e 10,000m. Fu n d s w ill be a d m i n i s t e r e d by Pat C l o h e s s y an d a u d i t e d by b y A S C A c c o u n t a n t , J ohn Barker.

The s q u a d m e m b e r s are: R e n a B r a d s h a w , Joy Terry, C a r o l e Conno l l y , S u s a n Hobson, S u s y Walsham, M i c h e l l e B a u m g a r t n e r , Sa r a h Colli n s , A n n Cross, A n n e t t e D w y e r an d J e n n y Lund.

(from AIS D i s t a n c e R u n n i n g Update, D e c . 89)

P o s t s c r i p t :D a v i d W a r d has si n c e r e c e i v e d T h a n k Yo u l e t t e r s from Sarah C o l l i n s an d S u s a n H o b s o n for h e l p i n g t hem to g a i n Ga m e s sel e c t i o n .

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VMC "RUNNERS WORLD" 10k EZ FUN RUN.PRINCES PARK 10-12-1989. Humid,windy.99 Starters.

01.COLIN OLIVER 19 TAS 32:06 34 MAL BROWN 48 41:18 67.RON PEARCE 42 46:3402.MIKE LETCH 41 W/C 33:01 35.GARY QUINN 28 41:22 68.DUNCAN EDWARDS 11 46:4903.STEPHEN MILLER 28 34:13 36.GREG SMITH 22 W/C 41:27 69.GEORGE KATSIKIS 16 46:5104.PHIL STEPHENSON 32 35:00 37.DAVID DICK 34 41:30 70.PETER McMAHON 27 46:5405.IAN GAINEY 37 W/C 35:11 38.JOHN PAGE 38 41:31 71.TONY vENGELEN 42 46:5706.RON MAHER 37 35:26 39.DENIS WATSON 44 41:47 72.CON DINOPOULOS 30 47:3107.RAY POWLEY 33 36:12 40.GARY CUTHBERTSON 27 41:56 73.STEVEN SAKKIS 30 47:4608.DIDIER MARTIN 33 36:21 41. TERRY BAILEY 38 42:09 74.GRAEME HOSKINS 51 48:0909.MAX BALCHIN 46 36:38 42.PETER GAVIN 40 43:18 75.MURRAY DOWDLE 44 48:1210.NICK BYRON 29 37:07 43.ALISTAIR NOBLE 34 43:19 76.GLENYS JARDINE 33W 48:3611.RUSSELL WEAVERS 35 37:23 44.ROBERT BENNETT 50 43:21 77.GERALD BURKE 49 48:3812.HERB BETAR 43 37:36 45.RICHARD TODD 41 43:24 78.JILL RICHARDSON 27W 48:4613.TONY MORGAN 45 37:42 46.NORM WILLS 39 43:31 79.DAVID JONES 52 49:0014.STEVEN STERN 30 37:45 4 7 .MARYANNE McKAY 30W 43:34 80.TONY COFFEY 32 49:2315.GEOFF SCOTT 31 37:48 48.SUSAN BYRON 24W 43:49 81.WAYNE SMITH 36 49:2716.AARON BAZLEY 16 38:01 49.BRIAN MOSS 23 44:09 82.ROS POWLEY 33W 49:4217.ADAM MoKAY 15 38:21 50.LES SPENCER 54 44:13 83.NICK TIDEY 20 49:4718.PETER SYPKES 36 38:21 51.ROBYN TODD 39W 44:18 84.BEN CHODZIESNER 54 50:0119.KEVIN BEECH 28 38:37 52.LEN HALLETT 40 44:31 85.CHRIS GRIFFITHS 40W 50:0820.ALAN BALLARD 43 38:46 53.MARV LARTER 46 44:35 86.NATALIE ROWAN 21W 50:5721.WAYNE TREUFELDT 30 38:49 54.KEITH CROWLE 50 44:40 87.LISA HIGGINS 23W 50:5722.TED ZGAINSKI 38 39:15 55.TINA TORPY 44W 44:47 88.RICK JONES 61 51:4823.MAL WELLINGTON 28 39:19 56.ROB HERNANDEZ 34 44:57 89.JOHN BECROFT 48 52:0524.STEVE TELEKI 36 39:25 57.PAUL EDWARDS 42 44:59 90.GREG ALLEN 25 53:0425.TOM PROSSER 53 39:36 58.KEN MOORE 50 45:08 91.HELEN BROWN 48W 53:3626.KEITH McINTOSH 49 39:38 59.BOB JOHNSTON 50 45:11 92.STEVEN LAZAR 31 54:0627.IAN U ’REN 38 39:51 60.BEN MORREY 61 45:14 93.PHYLLIS GOSBELL 51W 54:3028.DOUG SANDERPORD 32 40:04 61.PETER LANDY 45 45:22 94.ALI NAZIR 23 55:5929.JOHN GOSBELL 51 40:18 62.BRIAN GARVEY 52 45:42 95.RIKKI BEWLEY 43 57:2630.GRAHAM WRIGHT 51 40:22 6 3 .MARK CLOHESY 31 45:42 96.MERV BECKETT 58 62:1731.BARRY SAWYER 56 40:30 64.DAVE YEAMAN 54 45:54 97.LES CATIONS 32 63:5432.PAUL GRAAFEN 26 40:39 65.STEVE GRANGER 34 45:5533.MARK HARVEY 33 41:00 66.BRUCE GOODMAN 52 46:04

VMC "RUNNERS WORLD" 3km EZ FUN RUN.PRINCES PARK 10- 12-1989. Humid,windy.22 Starter’s.1.GRANT MORGAN 15 11:06 8.JAMES COPPLEMAN 9 15:50 15.ADAM WOOLCOCK 8 21:392.VINCE SURACELL 11 13:15 9.RUSSELL ROLLS 14 16:29 16.VIN MARTIN 38 21:413.RUSSELL U ’REN 10 13:25 10.RYAN VANENGELEN 11 16:32 17.SUSAN HERON 29w 21:444.ANDREW GOODMAN 24 13:35 11.ANDREW MARTIN 7 17:43 18.JACKIE BURKE 9W 22:455.MRCUS REES 11 13:42 12.DANIEL EDWARDS 12 18:12 19.SIMON DICK 5 26:266.DANIEL MARTIN 7 15:44 13.KATIE BURKE 14W 18:30 20.SANDRA DICK 34W 26:267.TREVOR McNAMARA 23 In: 46 14.JOHN ROLLS 44 18:43 21.HAMISH DICK 3 26:36

Race Manager FRED LESTER was assisted by HELEN VANDERNAGEL, BOB ANKERLIN, NIGEL THURSFIELDRICHARD & PAMELA SIMON, GUS McDONALI), GERRY CLARKE, JOHN NICHOLS, TERRY McCABE, JOHN BROWN, JOAN LOGAN, LIZ COPPLEMAN, as well as several public spirited bystanders. It was, as usual, pleasant Sunday morning run into the festive season. Thanks to all who helped to make it so


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VMC MHUNNERS W0RLD" 8km MIDNITE HUNtm ) BRIBC3SS 31-12-89 .Mlldvstill. 90, Starters .

01.PETER WILLIAMSON 25 25:13 30.CHRIS 0 ’DONOVAN 3331:44; 59.GEORGE TURNER 44 37:1502.IAN LEITCH 20 25:14 31.PAUL WILSON 21 , 31:47 : 60.BOB LOADER 61 i 37:1603.JOHN DUCK 37 2524 32.ROBERT WATERS 44 \ 31:48 61,JUDITH MCDONALD 15W 37:5:04.GERALD KEARNEY 33 25:,46 , 33.RIGER SAKER 41 31:55. 62.JOHN KERR 60 38:0005. GRAHAM WATKINS. 33 25:47 34.RON. SCHGLES 36 . 32:09 63.CYNTHIS HERBERT 47W 38:Of06.LEW HARVEY 40 25:53 35.KEN MUNROE 58 32:59 64.ALAN THOMPSON 43 38:0907.JOHN WILLIAMS 35 26:41 36.JIM KELLY 31 33:09 65.PHIL SODERSTROM 42 38:1108.ANDREW THOMAS 30 26:52. 37.Jll)Y FOLEY 37W 33:25 66.SIMONE THOMPSON ?W 38:1109.PAUL MARR 25 26:59 38.BOB BENNETT 51 33:36 ; ; 6 7 .MARG DUGUID , 53W 38:2210.PHILLIP BOWES 33 27:36 39.JOANNE BOURTS 22W 33:50 68.DAVE WINTER 36 38:4 311. CHRIS RAYMENT 2'i, 28:32 10.MAL BROWN 49 34:10 ■69 .HELEN WINTER 29W 38:4312.JOHN LEHNTER 40 28:24 41.PETER LALLY 42 34: 11 70.CHRIS 0 ’’DONOVAN 15 39: :38

13.BREDAN PEEL 2£ 29:29 -, 12.CRAIG JAMIE 32 :U: 13 71.JENNY BYRNES 35W 39: 1114.KEL COX 40 29:48 43.GLENYS FILLING 26W 34:13 72.liESLIE NEWCOMBE 29W 39:5-15..ALAN FOLEY 40. 29:59’ 44.PETER. BLACK 44 34:14 73.MARK HAWKIN 34 41:0616.ANN CROSS 24 W 30:10; 45.JOHN SMITH 54 34:16 74.JOY PETERS 35W 41:2017.TOOT KING 11 30:29'; 46.TRUDY BRENTNALLi35W 34:43 75. JUDY WINES 51W 41:2218.TERRY Mc( ABE 40 30:33 ' 47.JILL PRYOR 25W 34:44 76.CHARLIE vDENHAM 32 41:4219.LAVINIA PETRIE 46W 30:34 48.FRANK EDWARDS 42 34:45 77.JOHN BURROWES 54 41:4220.LINDA MEADOWS SOW. 30:34 49.NICK HOUSTON 23 34:54 78.KENT WALKLEY 33 42:2521.JOHN FAY 50 1 30:44 50.DENNIS ARDLEY 42 35:29 i79,DEBBIE WAYKINS 36W 42:5122.GREG BURT 31 . 30:44; 51,.KEVIN CASSIDY 29 35:32; 80.HELEN BROWN 84W 13:4323.CHARLIE .AMBROSE 28 30:51 ■ 52.MAL SIMPSON 49 35:32 81.JACK PILGRIM 57 43:5924.RON YOUNG 58 30:53 5 3. DUNCAN’ EDWARDS 11 35:37 82.JILL HEAD 45W 46:4525.LEIGH SIMPSON 14 30:56 54.TOM FAIR 47 35:42 83.MELVA BLACK 42W 47:3726.JOHN NICHOLLS i 43; 31:12 55.MARG BURROUGHS 46W 35:44 84.DEBRA BLACK 14W 47:4227.LYLE LARKIN 29 31:24 56.SYLV MANTHORPE 49W 35:46 85.IAN WEBBER 60 51:2528.ROD THOMPSON ; }6 31:29. 57.MARK GOSS .13 35:4929.RUSSELL FAIR 39. 31:38 58. ??? 35:50

VMC "RUNNERS WORLD" 2km MIDNITE RUN 31-12-1989. 25 Starters.1.TERRY CRESTBATCH 7:17 10.WARWICK DICK 8:20 19.DANIEL EDWARDS 10:382.PETER TAUBMAN , , 7:37 11. KIM TALBOT W : / ■ 9:05 20.LOUISE ROBERTS W 10:383.EDDIE STACK ■7:40 12 . RAY CARROLL : U..>i 9:05 21.JOANNE TURNER W 11:124.AMANDA GRAHAM W 7:55 13.SIMON FAIR 9:07 22,HEATHER MARSHALL W 11:185.VERA ROBERTS W 7:56 ' 14.JOHN BENCZE 9:32 23.CLAIRE THOMSON W 11:326.NICK MAGGIO , , , 8:09 15.CHANTELLE THOMPSON 9:37 24.RITA KERR W 16:447.GTEG DICK 8:16 16.SRAH FAIR W 9:51 255. JUNE LOADER W 16:448.GAVIN BLACK - 8:18 17.JOHN ROLLS 10:059.STEVE ELMS 8:18 18.DAVID WARD 10:18

This popular event, organised and managed by M r .RUNNERS WORLD (Neil Ryan) himself, was once again a great success. Especially the absence of drunks arid roaring vehicles contributed greatly to the socti^l related ^tmospher^;aippirig the peoj^fe >^ho like: to welcome the New Year as. another period of a healthy and peace ful life.

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PI Callname Surname Age Time PI Callname Surname Age TimeA DIVISION 29:20 / 14:: I T (29:00 / 14:00 Non VMC-Members) 7-12-89

Warm, still, humid. 20o. 17 Starters.1 STEPHEN MONEGHETTI 27 27:55.05 12 DEAN GIBLIN TAS 24 29:49.262 PETER BRETT SA 27 28:16.72 13 JONATHAN LUBOFSKY 28 29:52.553 MALCOLM NORWOOD 25 28:33.01 14 JOE MURPHY 34 29:53.704 JOHN ANDREWS NSW 31 28:34.88 15 NICK BROWN SA 29 30:26.275 ROB DE CASTELLA 32 28:38.37 dnf ANDREW LLOYD ACT 306 PAT CARROLL ACT 28 28:48.88 dnf JAMIE HARRISON N 257 GARRY HENRY 33 29:07.01 dns ADAM HOYLE ACT 268 MERVYN JOHNSTONE 22 29:26.03 dns DARREN WILSON 219 NICK DE CASTELLA 29 29:35.75 dns GERARD BARRETT ACT 3210 MICHAEL DALTON TAS 23 29:43.52 dns JOHN SHEEHAN 3111 BRAD CAMP 24 29:47.83 dns QUENTIN MORLEY ACT 26

B DIVISION 32:30/15:30 Qualifying VMC MEMBERS 6-12-89Warm, still, humid. 22o. 19 Starters.



C DIVISION 35:00/17:00 Qualifying VMC MEMBERS 5-12-89Mild,, humid,light breeze. 15o. 19 Starters.

1 MARIO CORDEDDA 29 32:09 12 ANTHONY DE CASTELLA 22 34:112 DARREN RIVIERE 25 32:12 13 ALAN BENNIE 42 35:113 DAVE BULLOCK TAS 24 32:22 14 DIDIER MARTIN 33 35:244 PETER COX 32 32:30 15 BRENDAN PEEL 22 35:245 LEW HARVEY 40 32:54 16 GRAEME DAVIS 40 36:196 GERARD GAUD 24 32:57 17 BERNIE RITZER 42 36:267 LAWRENCE MALONE 28 33:03 18 MIKE DALY 34 37:148 NICK BIDEAU 29 33:23 dnf STEVEN WILSON 249 PETER SHONE 44 33:43 dns IAN MINTER 3910 JASON BETHERAS 20 34:03 dns ROBBIE ZIERSCH SA 3211 MARK EDWARDS 32 34:05

D DIVISION 37:00/18:00 Qualifying VMC MEMBERS 6-12-89Warm, humid, 23o 19 Starters.

1 MIKE LETCH W/C 41 32:57 12 ANDREW WATKINS 27 37:532 JOE CAMPISI 32 34:15 13 BARRY WATKINS 50 38:013 MARK RITTER 20 34:28 14 ANDREW WALKER 38 38:254 JOHN TAPLIN 35 35:06 15 STEVEN STERN 35 38:435 LAWRENCE GLOVER 35 35:39 16 MICHAEL WHIMPEY 35 39:086 STEPHEN REID 21 36:25 dnf ADAM MACKAY 167 MICK WHITEOAK 44 36:43 dnf JIM DONOGHUE 358 NICK BYRON 29 36:45 dnf BOB FOWLER 359 JOHN WAITE 49 37:08 dns WARRICK ERWIN 2810 COLIN BARNES 32 37:35 dns TOM CREBB1N 2511 KEN EMERY 42 37:41 dns CHRIS COLLINS SA 40

E DIVISION 39:00/19:00 Qualifying VMC MEMBERS 5-12-89Mild, humid, fair breeze . 16o. 13 Starters.

1 ELIAS SAHELY 35 36:28 8 DENIS WATSON 44 38:472 ALAN BALLARD 43 37:27 9 KEITH LODGE 58 39:213 MALCOLM BROWN 48 37:49 10 STEPHEN MURPHY 28 39:554 JIM GRELIS 38 38:09 11 IAN PIGGIN 45 41:095 VIN MARTIN 38 38:10 dns ROB ANDREW 296 ANDREW BURGESS 23 38:14 dns IAN DOBSON 397 DOUG PETROFF 47 38:40

F DIVISION 42:00/20:00 Qualifying VMC MEMBERSOvercast, firm breeze . 13o. 12 Starters. 4-12-89

1 GEOFF HERBEN 37 37:42 8 ANDREW YEAMAN 16 39:412 RON YOUNG 58 38:17 9 GERRY RILEY 59 40:303 JOHN EYRE 54 38:26 10 PETER BLACK 44 41:084 TERRY McCABE 40 38:32 11 MICHAEL CUMMINS 45 43:335 TONY KING 41 38:53 dnf BARRY MOORE 406 GORDON STEPHEN 36 39:07 dns BOB ROLLS 427 KEN CHALMERS 37 39:18 dns HERB BETAR 43

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El Callname Surname Age Time El Callname Surname Age Time(3 DIVISION No Limit VMC MEfBSSS 4-12-89Overcast , firm breeze. 14o. 8 Starters


W1 DIVISION 38:0 18:00 / 11:00(3000m) Qualifying Open 7-12-89Warm, humid, light breeze. 21o. 17 Starters.

1 SUSAN HOBSON ACT 31 33:01.66 12 TANIA WARRICK 21 36:15.652 JENNY LUND QLD 28 33:12.35 13 RHONDA MALLINDER 31 37:41.713 TANI RUCKLE ACT 27 33:13.88 14 JULIENNE POGUE 19 37:06.354 CAROLE CONNOLLY Q 21 33:27.20 15 KAREN MUIR 23 37:13.735 JOY TERRY ACT 21 33:44.16 16 COLLEEN STEPHENS 40 37:46.536 ANNETTE DWYER NSW 29 34:00.50 dnf LAVINIA PETRIE 467 JOANNA CAMPBELL-SMITH T 18 34:37.70 dns KRISHNA WOOD ACT 238 SUZANNE MALAXOS WA 27 34:48.42 dns MAREE McDONAGH 229 MANDY DOVEY NSW 23 35:05.85 dns CAROLYN SCHUWALOW 2410 SUE MAHONY NSW 24 35:39.93 dns LIZ ROSE NSW 2611 CORAL FARR 26 35:46.36 dns KYLIE LUCAS 18

W2 10.000m W2 DIVISION NO LIMIT OPEN 4-12-89Overcast , firm breeze. 14o. 6 Starters.

1 EMMA RILEY 18 39:35 VCJR 4 ANITA BUTKO 14 42:052 JOANNE LAMBDEN 24 40:26 5 GLENYS PILLING 26 43:143 JANINE BISHOP 32 40:53 6 LINDA QUELCH 36 47:10

3.000m JUNIOR MEN "ROBERT DE CASTELLA TROPHY" 8:30/3:56 Qualifying 7--12-89Warm, humid, faint breeze. 21o. 14 Starters.

1 JULIAN PAYNTER 19 8:11.95 10 DAVID FORSTER NSW 18 8:43.822 PAUL PATRICK 18 8:12.59 11 BILL GRAAFSMA 18 8:48.703 ROBERT MITCHISON N 19 8:12.61 12 TRAVIS LONGMUIR 17 8:56.144 GLEN FRANKLIN 19 8:16.83 13 JOHN WEEKS 19 9:26.445 DAVID EVANS 19 8:18.27 dnf RODNEY BERKELEY N 196 DARREN ABBOT SA 18 8:19.19 dns SIMON SOSTARIC ACT 197 RUSSELL STOKES NSW 19 8:31.21 dns ANTHONY NEAL 198 ANTHONY HILL 18 8:31.83 dns BRETT CARTWRIGHT 169 DEAN ROSE TAS 19 8:33.01

MASTERS 1MILE ” WAL SHEPPARD TROPHY”4:40/4:30 Qualifying 7-12-89Warm, humid, light wind. 22o 5 Starters •

1 MALCOLM LYNN NSW 40 4:26.43 4 NEIL GRIFFIN 43 4:48.942 LEW HARVEY 40 4:37.87 5 PAUL DWYER NSW 43 4:58.073 JOHN LEHNER 40 4:44.05 dns PETER FULLER 40

3000m WALK INVITATION 14:30 Qualifying 7-12-89Warm, humid, slight breeze. 22o. 8: Starters.

1 STEVEN BEECROFT 18 12:04.08 AJR 7 MARK WALL 33 13:18.522 MARK DONAHOO 31 12:28.54 8 MURRAY DICKINSON 51 13:24.773 CRAIG BRILL 22 12:29.03 9 CELIA MASSIE-BERTI 23 14:03.124 DUNCAN KNOX 30 12:39.95 dns JEFFREY GOLLER 195 GARY SAUNDERS 22 12:42.46 dns MICHAEL BODEY 9-?6 ROSS REID 35 12:53.23 dns GREG ROBERTSON TAS i9

400m Hurdles SPECIAL INVITATION TRIAL 7-12-89Warm, humid, slight breeze. 22o. 6 Starters.


CORPORATE CUP 4 x 400m RELAY WOMEN CORPORATE CUP 4 x 800m REALY MENWarm, humid, light breeze,. 22o. 7-12-89

1 A.N.Z. BANK 4:34.14 1 NATIONAL MUTUAL 8:15.742 AUSTRALIAN CUSTOMS 4:37.73 2 B.P. AUSTRALIA 8:16.253 B.P. AUSTRALIA 4:55.26 3 MELBOURNE MIDDAY MILERS 8:37.914 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 5:05.32 4 A.N.Z. BANK 8:51.865 MANCHESTER UNITY 5:11.52 5 SHELL 8:54.28



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The V I C T O R I A N M A R A T H O N C L U B ’s 1989 BP E M I L Z A T Q P E K C U P 1 0 , 0 0 0 m S E R I E S a n d a s s o c i a t e d e v e n t s was a n o t h e r e x c i t i n g w e e k of t rack racing, all the m o r e si n c e M e l b o u r n e e n j o y e d s e v e r a l d ays of e a r l y summer.

C o m m e n c i n g on M o n d a y e v e n i n g w i t h the lower w o m e n ’s and m e n ’s d i v i ­sions, p e r s o n a l b e s t times s e e m e d to be the o r d e r of the day. 18 year ol d E m m a R i l e y a c h i e v e d a V i c t o r i a n C o u n t r y J u n i o r W o m e n R e c o r d a n d 13 year old D a n n y W y h o o n ran a fine s u b - 4 0 m i n u t e s for the t o u g h e s t track event, w h i l e s e v e r a l of the well p e r f o r m e d v e t e r a n r u n n e r s b a t t l e d for the lead.

The s e c o n d d a y saw a n o t h e r t ight race b e t w e e n 4 well m a t c h e d run n e r s in the MC" d i v i s i o n and a no less t i ght b a t t l e took p l a c e in the "B" d i v i s i o n on the t h i r d day. The l a t t e r was d e c i d e d by South A u s t r a l i a’s G r e g o r y Ly o n s by a full final lap s p r i n t from up and c o m i n g T a s w e g i a n C o l i n O l i v e r a n d M a l c o l m J o h n s t o n e of Balla r a t .The m a i n night, Thu r s d a y , saw the c r e a m of d i s t a n c e r u n n i n g from a w i d e r f i e l d of p a r t i c i p a t i o n in action. The i n n o v a t i o n of h a v i n g the C o r p o r a t e C u p r u n n e r s to f i e l d r e l a y teams on the track was a g r e a t s u c c e s s a n d sure c r e a t e d a t m o s p h e r e . The ones who f a i l e d to field t e ams w ill be s o r r y h a v i n g m i s s e d out on one of the best n i g h t s of a t h l e t i c s in M e l b o u r n e for m a n y years.

BP A U S T R A L I A s p o n s o r e d the w h o l e s e r i e s a n d a l s o p r o v i d e d the t r o p h i e s for the m a i n events. D L INE S P O R T S W E A R p r o v i d e d $1500, to be split 5 , 4 , 3 , 2 , 1 for the first 5 p l a c i n g s in the J u n i o r M e n 3000m, R U N N E R S W O R L D shops al s o put up $1500 for the W o m e n 1 0 , 0 0 0 m an d the VMC a l l o t t e d a f u r t h e r $1500 from the BP s p o n s o r s h i p for the M e n 10,000m.

The M a s t e r s M i l e for o ver 4 0 ’s was a q u a l i t y win in an e x c e l l e n t solo run b y M a l c o l m L y n n and the s p e cial 30 0 0 m W a l k saw S t e v e n B e e c r o f t br e a k the u n d e r 20 A u s t r a l i a n J u n i o r Record. This was f o l l o w e d by a s p e c i a l 400m H u r d l e s trial to give G o l d M e d a l l i s t D e b b i e F I i n t o f f - K i n g an d her C o m m o n w e a l t h Ga m e s team p a r t n e r J e n n y L a u r e n d e t t an o p p o r t u ­n i t y for s h a r p e n i n g up c o m p e t i t i o n .

The w o m e n’s 1 0, 0 0 0 m saw Sue M a l a x o s take a r u n - a w a v lead for 2 lapsand le a d t h r o u g h the first km in 3:15. Joy T e r r y and A n n e t t e Dw y e r gott r a p p e d into c l o s i n g up too fast as A n n e t t e led t h r o u g h 2km in 6:32 (3:17 km) an d Joy led t h r o u g h 3km in 9:51 (3:19 km) and then s e t t l e dd o w n to 3:20 p ace as Joy led t h r o u g h 4km in 13:11 and 5km 16:31. H o b ­son, R u c k l e and L u n d had m a d e c o n t a c t in m o r e l e i s u r e l y fashion, k e e p ­ing a w a r y eye on each other.

Sue H o b s o n n o w took the lead and q u i c k e n e d the pace for the next km in3:18 to re a c h 6km in 19:49 and D w y e r b a r e l y h a n g i n g on. The same 3:18 for the next km f o r c e d T e r r y to the back of the b u n c h an d a n o t h e r 3:18 by H o b s o n got rid of T e r r y and had the o t h e r two s t r u g g l i n g and losing ground. F r o m t h ere the ga p s t e a d i l y w i d e n e d b e h i n d Sue Hobson, t u r ning the 9th km in 3:21 (her slowest) and c o v e r i n g the final km in 3:05.The b a t t l e for s e c o n d place, some 11 s e c o n d s f u r t h e r back, went to J e n n y Lund. C a r o l e C o n n o l l y ran a s t e a d y p ace ri g h t t h r o u g h to p ick up J oy T e r r y a n d A n n e t t e D w y e r a n d f i n i s h a c o m f o r t a b l e fourth. M a n y of the r u n n e r s r e l i s h e d this o p p o r t u n i t y for top c o m p e t i t i o n an d a c h i e v e d p e r s o n a l b e s t times.

The m e n u n d e r 20 3 , 0 0 0 m was f i e r c e l y c o n t e s t e d b y the first six, a n d w i t h 500, 400, 300, 200 a n d 100 D o l l a r s at s t a k e for the fi r s t 5 p l a c ­ings, as a l s o in the w o m e n ’s a n d m e n ’s 10 , 0 0 0 m events, t h e r e was some e x t r a inc e n t i v e . The r e s u l t was in d o u b t all the w a y d o w n the ho m e st raight, s e c o n d a n d t h i r d c o u l d o n l y be s e p a r a t e d b y the p h o t o f i n i s h c a m e r a . (c o n t .)

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V.M.C. NEWSLETTER AUTUMN 1990 MARCH VOL.22 No.l(EZ Week cont.)T h e fi n a l e v e n t of the night, the M e n 1 0 , 0 0 0 m wa s a n o t h e r t h r i l l e r w i t h s ome u n e x p e c t e d twists. I n c o r p o r a t i n g the C o m m o n w e a l t h G a m e s s e l e c t i o n trial, the s t r o n g e s t f i e l d a v a i l a b l e in A u s t r a l i a h a d e n t e r e d the event. N o t a b l e s c r a t c h i n g , w e r e G e r a r d B a r r e t t , A d a m H o y l e a n d D a r r e n W i l s o n , f o r m e r m a j o r p l a c e g e t t e r s in the event.A f t e r the u s u a l fi r s t lap s c r a m b l e in a m o d e r a t e 68 seconds, S t e p h e n M o n e g h e t t i t o o k the l e a d a n d s e t t l e d d o w n to 2 laps in 65 a n d t h e n 66 to 67. 2 k m in 5:31 a n d 3km in 8:17 s t r u n g the f i e l d out as B r a d C a m p was d r o p p e d ; A n d r e w L l o y d l o s i n g c o n t a c t w i t h the leaders, R o b e r t d e C a s t e l l a b e h i n d the p a c k a n d Pa t C a r r o l l just h a n g i n g on.Two m o r e 67 laps a n d G a r y H e n r y a n d M a i N o r w o o d let go, w i t h o n l y P e t e r Brett, J o h n A n d r e w s a n d J a m e s H a r r i s o n h a n g i n g o n t o "Mona". Jo h n A n d r e w s let go a f t e r a n o t h e r 67 a n d the h a l f w a y 5km time was 13:52. H a r r i s o n c a l l e d it a d a y at this p o i n t a n d P e t e r B r e t t s t u c k to "Mona" to a l m o s t the 7km m a r k b e f o r e he too was left behind. S t e v e m a i n t a i n e d 68 sec per lap u n t i l the s e c o n d last in 67 a n d a 65 final lap w i t h the e n t h u s i a s t i c a n d r a u c o u s s u p p o r t of the n e a r 2000 s p e c t a t o r s .Al l c r e d i t to P e t e r B r e t t for a g u t s y s e c o n d p l a c i n g a n d a t h r i l l i n g b a t t l e for the n e x t th r e e p l a c i n g s b e t w e e n N o r w o o d ,A n d r e w s a n d R o b e r t d e C a s t e l l a as M a l c o l m’s 60 s e c o n d final lap was just too m u c h for the g a m e J o h n An d r e w s .

The w e a t h e r h a d c o o l e d d o w n f r o m a v e r y ho t day, t e m p e r a t u r e s w e r e a b o u t 20 d e g r e e s d u r i n g the night, a n d a g r e a t a t m o s p h e r e p r e v a i l e dthr o u g h o u t . T h e p r o g r a m w e n t w i t h o u t a h i t c h a n d m a n y p o s i t i v e c o m ­m e n t s w e r e r e c e i v e d f r o m the p u b l i c in a p p r e c i a t i o n of the o r g a n i s a ­t ion a n d t e a m w o r k b y the V i c t o r i a n M a r a t h o n C l u b a n d o f f i c i a l s in c h a r g e of p r o c e e d i n g s .

WE O W E T H A N K S T O A B I G TEAM.V a r i o u s people, m e m b e r s of the V M C a n d s u p p o r t e r s of the runners, d i da m a g n i f i c e n t job in e n s u r i n g the s u c c e s s o b t a i n e d by a t t e n d i n g to the u n s p e c t a c u l a r b u t m o s t e s s e n t i a l t a s k s such as l a p - s c o r i n g , t ime c a l l ­ing, f i n i s h r e c o r d i n g , c h e c k i n g a n d i s s u i n g c o r r e c t c o m p e t i t i o n n u m ­bers, m a r s h a l l i n g for an o r d e r l y p r e s e n t a t i o n of events, etc. S e v e r a l w e r e too m o d e s t to list th e i r names, but we h a d the f o l lowing:

J O H N BROWN, D A V I D CRAIG, K E N EMERY, G E R R Y RILEY, J O A N & P E T E R LOGAN, IAN M I N T E R , S T E P H E N ROACH, K E V I N FALLO O N , B E R N I E CARLS O N , J O H N NIC H O L L S , K E N MUNRO, D A M I E N L O U G H N A N , R O B E R T J A M IESON, B I L L BAXTER, D A N I E L P E R L S T E I N , A N D R E A KING, R O B L A W RENCE, G E R R Y & M A U R E E N RILEY, C O L I N & D O T B ROWNE, B A R R Y C A L L A N A N , P E T E R SHONE, B I L L BOXER, J E N N Y McINNES, M A L COTHER, N E I L RYAN, P A M E L A & R I C H A R D SIMON, S A N D R A KERR, P A U L MUL R A N E Y , J I M DUGGAN, SA M H I L D I T C H , A N D R E W THOMAS, N I C K TAPLIN, A A R O N KEEFE, A N D R E W O R M E . A p o l o g i e s to people, w h o s e n a m e s we d i d n o t o b t a i n .

K e y p e o p l e w e r e P e t e r Booth, a s s i s t e d by T r e v o r V i n c e n t , w h o k e p t the i n f o r m a t i o n flowing; Val & Les A r m s t r o n g on the e l e c t r i c r e s u l t p r o ­cessing; B r u c e M c A v a n e y g i v i n g e x p e r t b a c k g r o u n d a n d c o m m e n t a r y to the s p o n s o r s an d t h e i r guests; the A t h l e t i c s V i c t o r i a o f f i c i a l s a n d s t a f f e n s u r i n g p r o c e d u r e s in line w i t h IAAF r e q u i r e m e n t s a n d the spons o r s ,B P A U S T R A L I A , D L I N E S P O R T S W E A R a n d R U N N E R S W O R L D w h o m a d e it all p o s ­sible .

Sports Technology lor Active lifestyles


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VMC 4 LAPS(13km) PRINCES PARK FUN RUN.21-1-I990, Cool,warmi i ig u p . 115 Starters.01.BRUCE GRAHAM 27 42:14 38.KEN MUNRO 58 52:42 75.ROZ POWLEY 33W 61:24*02.SAFET BADIC 28 42:15 39.GERRY RILEY 59 52:51 76.DAVID JONES 52 61:3403.RICK PESTELL 31 42:43 40.KEVIN CASSIDY 29 53:01 77.GRAHAM BISHOP 45 62:0204.BRIAN RULE 26 43:15 41.JOHN RASKAS 42 53:26 78.MARG BURROUGHS 46W 62:3205.JOHN PHILLPOTTS 41 44:18 42.MARK MOLONEY 31 53:37 79.MICHAEL LOH 25 61:3406.g a r y Mc Al l i s t e r 28 45:20 43.PETER REES 37 53:41 80.JOHN BECROFT 48 63:0907.IAN GILBERT 41 45:35 44.MARK REDDAN 16 53:43 81.TONY BACON 35 63:2508.RAY POWLEY 33 47:21 45.GEORGE MORGAN 38 53:46* 82.ANNETTE BIRD 40W 63:2809.JOHN ALLAN 37 47:59 46.BARRY WATSON 54 54:01 83.JOHN STUART 48 63:3710.LAWRENCE GLOVER 35 48:00 47.MICHAEL HAY 25 54:16 84.GLEN STACY 66 64:2711. MAL GIRDWOOD 44 48:03 48.ANDREW TUNNE 31 54:29 85.KEITH ATKINSON 33 65:1412.BRETT COLEMAN 15 48:16 49.TONY ANDERSON 49 54:35 86.STEVE RUSH 63 65:2313.RAY HUNT 38 48:49 50.HARRY HILDEBRAND 26 54:42 87.BILL BAXTER 52 65:4214.KEVIN BEECH 28 48:55 5 1.TREVOR MARSH 28 54:46 88.LORRIE BISHOP 42W 6 o : 4 415.PETER SYKES 37 49:09* 52.PAUL, HODGE 22 55:08 89.MICK JONES 61 66:3616.PETER BOULTON 28 49:10 53.PETEK GAVIN 40 55:12 90.GARY BACON 33 67:11*17.GREG LOVEJOY 47 49:12 54.CRAIG EDWARDS 27 oo: 15 91. DARYL m S S 17 67:2018.GORDON MUIR 20 49:34 55.CHRIS DENSHAM 45 55:16 92.BRIAN MOSS 23 67:2019.TERRY McCABE 40 49:53 56.LEONIE SULLIVAN 25w 55:16 93.SANDRA KERR 14W 68:0020.KEVIN HADINGHAM 41 50:05 57.JOHN PAGE 38 55:44 94.ANNE CALLAGHAN 52W 68:0021.COL JERRAM 45 50:26 58.CHRIS RICH,ARDS 24 55:51 95.GORDON BURROWES 54 68:2622.IAN WILLS 39 50:28 59.PETTER APPELT 38 55:5 i 96.ROBYN McLAGHLAN 33W 68:3523.ROBERT HANSEN 45 50:28 60.STEVE WHITE 35 56:31 * 97.JEFF BRIGGS 44 68:3524.BLAIR DARRAGH 23 50:38 61.PETER RAY 41 57:00 98.CHARLY WARR 56 69:0125.STEPHEN BROWN 29 50:44 62.ANDREW HAYDEN 28 :>7:27 99.BILL WADDELL 30 69:1126.BARRY SAWYER 56 50:46 63.FRED HARRISON 47 57:31 100.GRAHAM JENKINS 44 70:3427.DOUG SANDERFORD 32 51:03 64.MICHAEL RYAN 29 57:4 'o 101.CHRIS GRIFFITHS 40W 71:3628.GREG TRAINOR 31 51:08 65.DAVII) CAMPBELL 31 57:52* 102.PETER, McGREGOR 32 71:5129.JOE RECORD 48 51:21 66.CHERYL RULE 27W 57:54 103.MARG BRISTOW 53W 72:3330.ADRIAN BARKER 24 51:22* 67.VIC MOSS 36 58:09 104.MERV BECKETT 58 73:1231.MIKE WALSH 38 51:36 68.D .HAMILTON-RITCH1ti 58:41 105.RIKKI BEWLEY 43W 73:3832.PETER QUINN 40 51:38 69.PAUL DAVIES 40 59:01 106.JOAN JERRAM 43W 75:3933.ISA VIERULA 21W 51:39 70. GLENYS JARDINE 33lv! 59:22 107.BILL McGLAULIN 37 7o: 5434.LAURIE McINTYRE 30 51 :40 71.JOE SKIM 42 59:56 108.WYNE GRAY 27 76:3735.TERRY STOKES 35 51:47 72.PAUL FISHER 2 1 60:32 109.LES CATIONS 32 t 7:0336.ANDREW McGREGOR 26 52:13 73.WARRICK DICK 46 61 : 18 110.BRUCE WATSON 29 85:0037 GLYN COX 39 52:17 74.JOHN BACON 65 61:21

VMC 1 LAP (3.2km) PRICES PARK 21-1-1990, 13 Starter•s.I.RACHEL GIBNEY 17W 12:48 4.BOB WHITE 59 14:22 7.SANDRA TAKR 18W 17:082.GEOFFREY VISSER 12 13:16 5.JOHN HERON 33 14:54 8. LOUISE GIRDW(..X)D 12W 20:533.JAY PH1LLP0TTS 9 13:17 6.JUSTIN FRETHER 13 16:45 PHILLIP MeGEE 13 (2 laps)41:32

Joint Race Managers FRED LESTER & MAL COTHER were assisted by MOOSE O ’CALL\GHAN, DENIS WAT­SON, GEORGE EDMONDS, KEVIN FALLOON, GARY COLEMAN, JAY PHILLPOTTS, JEFF VISSER, as weel. as several bystanders.We were treated to a great battle as Salet Badic.' rebuffed Bruce Graham’s ever.v move t.o take the lead until the last. 5 meters. Visiting Finnish triathlete Isa Vierula was well ahead of other female competitors as she was in her Two Bridges run before Xmas.

Some of our regular participants around the city runs snapped at the conclusion of the

MELBOURNE CITY SPORTS "Sunset Series". pgge u

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OTHER PEOPLE’S FIXTURES - Events of Interest to Members, notified to us.

1990 WINTER FIXTURESVAA: MAY 5 Road Relays, Sandown / MAY 19 8km CCC, Ballarat

JUN 2 10k Road Ch, Caulfield / JUN 10 Country MARATHON, TraralgonJUN 24 Olympic Day 10k FR,A.Pk/ JUL 1 Half-Marathon, Frankston JUL 14 16km CCC, Brimbank Pk / JUL 28 12km CCC, BundooraAUG 18 CC Relays, Brimbank Pk / SEP 15 15km Road Ch, Fishermens BendOCT 14 MELBOURNE MARATHON, Frankston

VRR: 1st SAT. EACH MONTH - 8k & 4k Tan Time Trial 7.30am, Government House Dr.MAR 4 12km Yarra Bend Park, 8am / MAR 25 Angela Taylor 10k,5k Carlton FGVICTORIAN ROAD RUNNERS: JOHN GROVES 609 3424w, 439 2843H.

CORPORATE CUP: Teams event only for organisations & Government departments. First found MAR 7 (Wed,lunchtime), then 6 more every fortnight thereafter. Contact MELBOURNE CITY SPORTS for entries on 658 9526 (Michael, Paul, Richard).




NSW: APR 25 ANZAC MARATHON & HF-Marathon, SYDNEYJUN 17 Sussan Women’s 10km,Sydney /

AjC.T:First Sunday of each month - WOMEN’S HEALTH CLINIC JOGALONG 6kmUsually on "DEEK’S DRIVE" Stromlo Forest, 9.00am Start.

MAR 31 3.3km CC Haig Park (Anthony Perry 546 301) /APR 7 Mar.Eve 10km.APR 8 CANBERRA MARATHON / MAY 20 CANBERRA HF-Marathon (Dave Cundy 318422)



W.A.: APR 1 Darlington Hf-Mar / APR 22 Women’s 10km ClassicMAY 6 Bunbury MARATHON / MAY 13 15km State ChampionshipJUN 3 10km State Championship / JUN 10 Wanneroo 20 MilerJUL 1 Perth Hf-Mar Champ / JUL 27 PERTH MARATHONAUG 5 12km State CCC / AUG 26 City to Surf Fun RunNOV 4 ALBANY MARATHON / DEC 31 New Year’s Eve run 8km

COBURG: Fun Runs 1988: Sundays 9.00am, $2 p. person, Tea & Coffee provided, 4km laps, choose your own number of laps, all ages welcome. (Melwayl8 A9) Athletic Track. Also a year-round program catering for all kinds of distances.Enquiries to 55 Woodlands Ave, PASCOE VALE SOUTH 3044

NOTE TO ALL INTENDING COMPETITORS: (Most Championships require up to 6 weeks pre-entry!!)Because of the increased costs and time involved to satisfy all participants, it is IN YOUR INTEREST to send all enquiries by mail, plus a Stamped Self Addressed Envelope for a reply, entry form and any other information.


Page 16: y 1990 2 n k w s i, k rr · /3TV^CV # «y VICTORIAN MARATHON CI.UB n k w s i, k rr rr r

'■•!. * " . Ni-'WSi .K ITFR ,i i i

A 1 ' A R T H E I I) i M « i '.»»<! 1

S. AFRICA i ) n a > , ..- - m a

The heroic Watsons:IN 1975, four South A frican rugby-playing brothers — G avin, R onnie, C heeky and V a len ce W atson — sw itch ed clubs.

They forsook the rich, white, big- tim e rugby club with its m anicured g r a ss p la y in g fie ld s and top facilities and joined a poor un­known club of black and coloured players who played on a dirt ground with a tin shed as its one facility.

It was like the four VFL-playing Daniher brothers tossing in their lucrative contracts with Essendon Football Club and playing in the dirt, dust and heat of a local league in the Northern Territory.

The significance of their m ove was not lost on anyone in the co u n tr y . As th e f ir s t w h ite sportsm en to m ake that change, they were the forerunners of non- racial sport in South Africa.

The reaction to their m ove was am azing.

The head of the South African Rugby Board, Dr Danie Craven, swore he would have them banned for life. The South African D efence Forces surrounded the ground upon which the four played their first gam e with their new club. The th en -M in ister of S port, P ie t Koornhoff, in an ironic precursor to sanctions, called on the white com ­munity to revile and isolate the brothers and boycott their busi­ness.

Having been through the sports system in South Africa, and now dedicating their energies to ach iev ­

ing a non-racial dem ocratic society in their country, the brothers see each rebel tour as a setback to their efforts.

South Africa w as a seething m aelstrom of riots, strikes and police crackdowns in 1975. It was against this background that the four, all strong Christians, m ade the decision to sw itch to a non- racial club. The segregation of apartheid w as undertstood to m ean blacks were prevented from ap­pearing at whites-only sporting venues. The Watsons turned the country on its ear by reversing the “offen ce” .

The governm ent ordered them not to play the widely-publicised first gam e with their new tea m ­m ates. It did everything but arrest them in an effort to stop the gam e. More than 55,000 people cam e to the ground in Port Elizabeth, the country’s fifth-largest city. The gam e was broadcast on national radio.

were far more serious threats to the efforts of the brothers.

They found them selves followed, detained for little or no reason, their telephones tapped and their m ail tam pered with. This still hap­pens today.

Four years ago, three of the brothers, Ronnie, Cheeky and V alence, w ere ja iled pending charges of arson, fraud and at­tem pted murder. A bomb blast had ripped through their m oth er’s house in Port Elizabeth, alm ost killing a black man. The police claim ed that the Watsons had ar­ranged the bom bing them selves in order to claim the insurance, be­cause they were facing bankruptcy over the failure of the business.

At the time, Gavin, the only one of the brothers who had been able to provide a clearly unassailable alibi, adm itted it was the m ost serious threat to the four crusading brothers ever mounted by the South African authorities. Two of

* IVe see ourselves as the catalyst to bringing white sports people over to non-racial sport 9The brothers ran a sports store

and a m en ’s clothing store in Port Elizabeth. After that first gam e, their white clientele deserted them. The stores, however, becam e well p atron ised by the black and coloured community.

However, the econom ic sanctions against the stores eventually took their toll and they went out of business. But by this tim e there

their closest black friends were tortured to testify against the brothers.

Yet Gavin m aintained that he and his brothers were confident the trumped-up charges would be ex ­posed for what they were. In the m eantim e, the three incarcerated Watsons kept faith, converting a m ass murderer and a hom osexual prison captain to Christianity in the process.

Their confidence had not been m isplaced. Although the trial judge acquitted only Ronnie and Cheeky, an in co m p reh en sib le d ecision . Valence was soon freed a Her a n

appeal. T h e s h a m t r i a J is n o w

openly conceded as a moi on th; South African j u d i c i a l \

Article by John

Van Klaveren, of World Vision

Australia's media unit, who visited

South Africa.

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'•).< . Nl-WSi ,RTTER

S. AFRICAA i m W N 1990 MARCH V O L . Z 2! :s( >. j

example to a nationAbout two years ago, the South

African security forces tried again. Ronnie was in a hotel room in Botswana when a gunm an burst in and fired two shots at him. Ronnie dived to the floor, the first shot passing overhead and the second m issing him as he closed with the g u n m a n , who turned out to be a So u t h AiYii a n counter-insurgency agent. Ronnie overpowered t he agent and turned him over to the Botswana police. The would-be a s­sassin was tried, convicted and is c u r r e n t lv s e r v i n g a fiv e-y ea r prison sentence for attem pted m ur­der.

Even though they are “getting a bit long in the tooth” , the Watsons still play club rugby, affiliated with the non-racial South African Rugby Union. But m ost of their efforts go towards helping to build non-ra.cial sporting structures, trying to win over more white sports people to non-racial sports bodies and show ­ing the white com m unity the injus­tice of the apartheid system . And the white com m unity — the sam e one which angrily denounced them as traitors 14 years ago — is starting to listen.

The Watsons have started an organisation called Concerned Citi­zens, getting across the m essage of the possibilities of a non-racial dem ocracy. In order to lift the level of aw areness, they organise “tours of pain and su ffering” into the townships and the squatter cam ps for the affluent whites, m ost of whom have never even been close to where the people who are the victim s of racism live.

“ We see ourselves as the catalyst to bringing white sports people over* to non-racial sport,” Gavin told me. “Rugby Board head Dr Danie Craven said 14 years ago that he would ban us for life, but now he has gone to Lusaka to talk to the ANC about form ing a non- racial sports body.

“ It has resulted in people com ing over (to non-racial sport) and strong debate within racial bodies about a change of tactics. They are com ing to see that apartheid is unprofitable for them.

“ M any people all over the country are beginning to raise strong objection to apartheid and a r e m obilising against it. Sim ilar organisations have been started in Joh an nesb erg, P reto ria , Cape Town and Durban by other’s who have talked to us and adopted our approach.”

So the news of the latest rebel tours (international rugby and English cricketers) saddens t he brother’s. But all four speak on t he issue with forceful eloquence

“ We reject the rebel tours to ta lly ,” G avin sa y s. “ Sports people are still governed by the legislated law s of apartheid. The sta te of e m e r g e n c y in e ffe c t nullifies the norm al rule of law. The se c u r ity p o lice g o v ern South Africa, not the courts.

“With apartheid still entrenched in the system and the people in South Africa being ruled by a reign of terror, with no recourse to the courts of law, for sports people to com e here is bolstering the South African governm ent.

“Many sports people have been detained, m any have been forced to flee into exile and m any have died. Many of the players in the non- racial organisations play wdth shot­gun pellets in their bodies because if they go to a doctor to get them taken out, the doctor* has to report it and the secu rity police com e a.round and detain them.

“ If a sportsm an from another country com es to South Africa, he com es into a situation where more than ever before apartheid has been entrenched by the barrel of a gun. By sports people com ing here, they further entrench the apartheid system . The victim s of apartheid — basically 90 per cent of the people — abhor* these tours.

“ T ou rin g as an in d iv id u a l changes nothing. They are clearly stating their position as regards the victim s of racism : they are sup­porting the governm ent. The op­pressed people see the rebel sportsperson as som eone who does iot care about human rights.

Apartheid has been recognised as a crim e again st hum anity. Why would s p o r t s people support such a

• Gavin Watson pictured with the families of his three brothers who were imprisoned on trumped-up charges for almost a year.

governm ent and its law s?“ The r a c ia lly - b a s e d sp o r ts

bodies are su b sid ised by the governm ent and the security forces play within them. They are an extension of the governm ent. You have only to see how m any captains of the Springboks have been Broederbond m em bers (the secret A frik an er le a d e r sh ip organis- a tion ).

“The governm ent gives a 90 per’ cent tax rebate to com panies which finance rebel tours for sports bodies. So the tours are virtually subsidised directly by the govern­ment. How can they differentiate sport from politics? It is virtually governm ent money paying for the rebel players to com e over*.

“The sporting bodies are 98 per cent white, with one or two blacks in as windowr dressing, the token blacks. Contrary to South African Cricket Union publicity, cricket is not becom ing integrated. They go to a black township, give aw ay 200 bats to som e school children, en suring it gets a big PR treatm ent around the world. It costs them virtually nothing.

“In effect it ’s a lie. Even their own executive m em bers have said to us: ‘We know it’s a lot ofwhitewash; wre knowr w e’re kidding ou rselves.’ It’s designed to present a justification that the players on these rebel tours can rely on. The governm ent feels it needs inter-

Continupd on next png?.

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Heroic Watsons (cont.)

national tours to try and keep links with the international community and propagate its policies.

’’The victims of apartheid are extremely upset at these tours. They feel they only prolong the situation in the country.” The Watsons believe the sporting boycott has been successful.

’’Many people have gone to see the ANC in Lusaka, formally and informally, and they are beginning to look for strategies of how to normalise the South African situation and remove apartheid from the sporting scene. When these rebej tours take place they neutralise the people who are wanting change. The rebel sports people are quite unaware of the damage they are causing in South Africa.

While the racist sports leaders say they are seeking some change, it is total window dressing. It’s easy to talk, to say,’we want to change1, and then not change. What we want to see ay the bottom line is action. We cannot take people like Craven and Ali Bacher seriously until they do change.

It’s like when we decided to be non-racial sportsmen. We didn’t just say it, we ran onto a rugby field and actually played a game of rugby with a non-racial club.Now we are saying the same thing to Craven and Bacher: stop lying to the world and let’s see some action.

We want to see genuine attempts to form a non-racial sporting body, one that is anti-apartheid. They have got to speak to the leaders of the non-racial bodies and form non-racial unions. At the moment they are speaking but they aren’t acting; while they are speaking they are also arranging rebel tours. So where is their sincerity ?

They realise rebel tours damage the anti-apartheid position they claim to be tak­ing . They are hypocrites. The individuals coming here are certainly not helping u s ; they are making our job harder, because when we get out there to influence the white sports people to join the non-racial bodies, it is still very comfortable for them. They are still getting international competition.

The idea is to make apartheid unprofitable and make their position uncomfortable by isolating them and in that way persuading them to come over to the non-racial side. By joining a rebel tour players help finance a racial sporting body and endure its viability for another couple of years.”

An Athletics Postscript:

It is rather sad to find parallels to the ’Rebel Tours’ in distance running ranks, the most international and non-racial activity of all. The woolly headed thinking among some is examplified by a letter sent out under the auspices of the IAU (Inter­national Association of Ultrarunners), appealing for support of 100km runners to par­ticipate in an ’’International 100km Championship” in South Africa :

’’...The IAAF Crosscountry & Road Running Committee ’’given the contact the sport (of ultrarunning) has had with South Africa, did not feel that ultrarunning currently merited IAAF World Championship Status.” The IAU feel this decision is not in the best interests of the IAAF or Ultrarunning.

The ten runners who ran in South Africa (out of a total Non-South African ultra- running population of probably near to 15,000) have been disciplined by their national federations. The IAU sees no reason why those elite 100km runners who did not go to South Africa should also be punished by the IAAF by the postponing of IAAF World Championships status.

The IAAF’s jurisdiction over ultrarunning is supported by the IAU - but jurisdic­tion also implies responsibility for development. To many ultrarunners, the only effects discernable of IAAF jurisdiction have been negative. First the IAU 100km Championships was denied the right to use the word ’’world”, and only allowed to sub­stitute the much less powerful ’’international". Such a vague title has little appeal to sponsors. The money available to the sport at the highest level is consequently reduced, making truly global championships that much more difficult to achieve. Now further development of the 100km championships is halted.

What has the IAU to offer to the elite 100km runners to persuade them that they should not compete in South Africa? There is no ” World” Championships, merely an ’’international” Championships - it hardly has the same ring to it ! There is now no prospect of an IAAF 100km Championships in the near future. So an elite 100km runner

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Postscript(cont)who competes in South Africa has very little to lose compared with an elite track athlete or marathon runner.

When the IAU strives to persuade ultrarunners that they should stay within the IAAF framework and resist the offers of large sums of money from the South Africans what evidence of IAAF interest can we point out? The decision to defer/postpone the awarding of an official IAAF Championships to Ultrarunning undermines our own posi­tion of support for the IAAF. It makes it seem less credible to ultrarunners that the IAAF has the sport’s best interests at heart, and really wish it to join the family of Athletics..."

To which one can only say that the above reasoning displays a complete indiffer­ence to the rights and lives of non-white South Africans, an attitude that making money sanctifies striving in sport and a churliness associated with immaturity in adults. One wonders whether it has ever occurred to the IAU that a clear statement against Apartheid in Sport (and participation in it) would not demonstrate that they also had the sport’s best interests at heart.

Maybe Australian ultrarunners could point this out to their peers through their representative on the IAU Executive, Tony Rafferty !!

VMC 6 LAPS (19km) FRINGES PARK FUN RUN.4-2-1990. Cool.raining. 15o. 103 Starters.01.PAUL JAMES 29 64:52 33.TERRY DAY 36 79 48 65.JOE SKIM 43 90:32

02.BRIAN SIMMONS 34 65:10 34.TERRY McCABE 40 80 33 66.BILL NOONAN 47 90:4003.JOHN DUCK 37 65:25 35.JOHN RAATH 32 80 48 67.RICHARD TODD 42 90:48

04.STEVE HEMY 27 67:22 36.ANT MONTEMURRO 31 81 06 68.ANDREW TUNNE 31 90:5605.PAUL QUILTY 29 68:09 37.MIKE KENNEDY 36 81 19 69.GLENYS JARDINE 33W 91:0206.PAUL HARDY-SMITH 25 70:25 38.KEN EMERY 42 81 20 70.RUDY LOMBARDI 26 92:3707.REG MARTIN 35 71:48 39.GERRY RILEY 59 81 20 71.VIC MOSS 36 93:5208.PETER STONE 44 72:24 40.TOM PROSSER 53 81 53 72.PAUL BRIGLIA 49 94:2509.JOHN ALLAN 37 73:36 41.DENIS WATSON 44 81 57 73.BOB JOHNSTON 51 94:36*10.JOE PAGNOCCOLO 26 73:36 42.BARRY WATSON 54 82 06 74.NICK TIDEY 20 95:1511.LAWRENCE GLOVER 35 74:34 43.TROY McKINNA 14 82 12 75.BERNIE GOGGIN 52 95:4012.GRAEME HEWITT 44 74:44 44.GEORGE MORGAN 38 82 14 76.GLENYS FRASER 30W' 95:4513.CARLOS FLORES 35 75:40 45.DENNIS O ’HEHIR 36 82 15* 77.HARRY HOPKINS 33 95:5114.ANDREW REID 29 75:48 46.JIM DONOGHUE 36 82 18 78.DAVID JONES 52 96:2715.BRETT COLEMAN 15 75:49* 47.PHILLIP DESOUSA 22 83 43 79.GLENDA MURPHY 37 96:2716.KEVIN HADINGHAM 41 76:50 48.ISA VIERULA 21W 84 02 80.PHIL SODERSTROM 42 96:3417.PETER ROWLAND 35 76:52 49.TREVOR PHILLIPS 38 84 15 81.KEAN ALBUEY 60W 97:0118.ALAN BALLARD 43 76:55 50.DAVID COOK 37 84 36 82.ROB GOODWIN 43 97:1619.PET1jK BOULTON 28 76:58 51.KEN CHALMERS 37 85 42 83.BEN CHODZIESNER 54 97:4820.NICK BYRON 29 76:58 52.ANDREW MARTIN 24 86 10 84.JHON STEWART 48 97:5721.KEVIN BEECH 28 77:02 53.GERALD ST.JOHN 45 86 19 85.PETER HASSELL 50 99:2622.TONT MORGAN 45 77:27 54.DEAN KELLY 29 87 42 86.JOHN HERON 33 99:4523.GLEN WESTERN 35 77:33 55.LINDSAY CLINCH 30 87 44 87.JIM CLARK 46 100:2224.PETER SYKES 36 77:41 56.MAL GRIFFITHS 45 88 12 88.JOHN BECROFT 48 100:30*25.LAURIE McINTYRE 30 78:25 57.JIM GRELIS 38 88 20 89.ANNETTE NUNN 34W 104:5226.PETER RYAN 42 78:37 58.JOHN MORRIS 48 88 41 90.JEFF BRIGGS 44 104:5227.BARRY SAWYER 56 79:10 59.ROGER WEINSTEIN 39 88 41* 91.CHARLIE WARR 56 105:5728.CHRIS FOLEY 27 79:12 60.TREVOR MARSH 28 88 41 92.GORDON BURROWES 54 110:0229.ELIAS SAHELY 35 79:14 61.CHRIS DENSHAM 46 88 46 93.MERV BECKETT 58 114:5330.DENNIS BOWERS 55 79:15* 62.NEIL CAMPBELL 40 88 47 94.RIKKI BEWLEY 43W 115:2531.DAI BEDPORD-LEE 29 79:23 63.GARRY BELL 36 89 28 95.COLIN WILCOCK 36 159:4832.IAN U ’REN 38 79:43 64.DAVID CAMPBELL 34 90 15 W/C.IAN GAINEY 78:23 due

* = Lucky Spot to mechanical problems.

VMC 1 LAP (3.2km) PRINCES PARE. 4-2-1990. 15 Starters.1. GRANT MORGAN 15 11:39 6.RUSSELL ROLLS 14 14:: 25 11.DAVID SMITH 12 21:512.BRADLEY JONES 13 12:58 7.TREVOR McNAMARA 23 16:: 02 12.DAVID MARINUS 10 21:533.ANDREW GOODMAN 24 13:51 8.ANN CAMPBELL 39W 16:: 16 13.AARON WRIGHT 14 27:004.BRUCE GOODMAN 52 14:02 9.ADAM CAMPBELL 11 16 : 49 14.PHILLIP McGEE 13 27:035.GERALDINE DUNLOP 26W 14:09 10.JOHN ROLLS 44 17 :03 15.LEA NUNN 39:42

Joint Race Managers MAL COTHER and FRED LESTER were assisted by VIN O ’BRIEN, PETER BLACK, LAWRENCE MALONE, MAL BROWN, GRANT MORGAN, GARY COLEMAN, DAVID SMITH, AARON WRIGHT and BRADLEY JONES. Several of these pitched in after they finished the short run to keep up refreshments to the runners in the longer run, which was much appreciated.

Page 17

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VOL.22 No.1

from John Smith.

(A heavy pile landed on your editor’s desk - neat photocopies of cuttings out of the Honolulu Advertiser plus a handwritten list of some 90 Australian finishers)

AFRICAN RUNNERS FINISH 1-2-3-4-5 is the headline to hit you when opening the pile. Simon Robert Naali from Tanzania broke away from three-time Honolulu winner, Kenyan Ibrahim Hussein, at 12 miles and finished unchallenged over 2 minutes ahead. 1978 Commonwealth Games Champion Gidamis Shahanga of Tanzania almost caught Hussein, the times: 2:11:47, 2:14:02 and 2:14:05. Suleiman Nyambui of Tanzania 4th in 2:15:47 is also well known and 5th another Tanzanian, Agapius Masong, in 2:16:40. Defending Champion, Gianni Poli of Italy was 7th, 2:16:01, and Keith Brantly was first American in 2:20:35. Swede Kjell-Eric Stahl, "Iron Man" of Marathon running, was 11th overall and 1st 40+ in 2:25:24. A bout of flu in November stopped him from adding to his pre­vious 62 sub-2:20 Marathons (at the age of 43) !!Carla Beurskens of Holland made the women’s race her fourth win in this event, miss­ing last year’s event through a stress fracture that put her out for 3 months, break­ing continuity. Her time was some 12 minutes ahead of the next and only 49 secs out­side her previous record of 2:31:01, mainly due the boisterous wind. It is worth noting that Carla resumed training after her injury only in February with as little as three minutes of running per day! She gradually built her weekly totals up to 80 Miles (130km) and then to 200km by the time she competed in the Chicago Marathon in November, then took 2 weeks off and prepared for the Honolulu Marathon on the 10th of December.Naali’s coach Ernest Saria, the Tanzanian national coach, said that Naali trains only 100 - 110km a week, considerably less than most world-class marathoners, partly because of his job and the need to support his family. According to Saria, Naali has no sponsors of any kind. The victory was worth $US 29,000 to Naali: $10,000 first, $9,000 in time-incentive awards and $10,000 for breaking the course record.Here is a list of Australian finishers:60.BRUCE GILHAM 18 2 45:03 1852.PATRICK AUSTIN 50 3 48 1479.CLIVE DAVIS 48 2 47:32 45+2 1877.PETER JANOVSKY 29 3 48 46

147.GLENN CHURCHES 34 2 54:13 1994.ANN JOHNSON 33 3 51 13197.ALBIE KENNY 42 2 57:23 2082.DAVID KENNEDY 46 3 52 50205.IAN FOURNIER 42 2 58:07 2139.ALLAN STANBROOK 60 3 53 51230.HARRY DAVIS 47 3 00:13 2155.SYLVIA KELSO 43W 3 54 13308.THOMAS HILL 47 3 05:27 2201.BEDE NORTON 53 3 55 04311.BOB DARBY 38 3 05:34 2277.BILL JOHNSTON 40 3 56 27375.NATASHA COSTELLO 41W F19 3 08:53 40+2 2425.JOHN SHEPHERD 47 3 59 12417.EUGENE O ’REILLY 31 3 11:09 2477.DAVID HOLLERAN 33 4 00 11511.FRANK SMITH 37 3 14:28 2519.GRAHAME KERRUISH 50 4 01 21530.RAY DEAN 44 3 15:18 2522.CHRIS STEPHENSON 33 4 01 23549.JOHN ANDERSON 50 3 15:57 2847.MICHAEL HODGSON 50 4 09 23592.JOHN SMITH 54 3 17:42 2848.JIM WEEKS 61 4 09 23597.SANDRA REDSHAW 26W F32 3 17:52 2931.KEN WEEKS 59 4 11 33606.KEVIN MCDONALD 38 3 18:03 2958.MERV COOPER 58 4 11 59649.JOHN GRIFFITHS 51 3 19:39 3035.DOROTHY SIEPMANN 46W 4 13 30656.GRAEME HARVEY 34 3 19:56 3040.PETER MUIR 60 4 13 45659.TONY BRIDGES 42 3 20:00 3091.TONY MARTIN 61 4 14 51727.BOB CORDEROY 44 3 22:29 3295.MICHAEL HAYES 26 4 19 01810.GREG REID 47 3 24:47 3385.ERN WARNER 56 4 20 27862.CLAIRE BOWKER 48W F59 3 25:42 45+2 3468.GEORGE SODBINOW 59 4 22 15869.KEN SAUNDERS 57 3 25:57 3661.MELISSA JOHNSON 20W 4 26 07874.BILL THOMPSON 48 3 26:02 3662.PETER JOHNSON 53 4 26 07876.CHRIS BROWN 46 3 26:04 3717.PHILIP SODERSTROM 42 4 27 07880.JOAN BOLTZ 48W F60 3 26:10 45+3 3785.MAXINE BINNING 51W 4 28 14940.PETER BROWN 28 3 28:17 3811.ROBERT BURGESS 41 4 28 34971.HELEN CHARTERS 32W F68 3 28:58 3867.KEN INGERSOLE 36 4 29 301013.RUSS FORRESTAL 40 3 29:53 3940.RICHARD PHILLIPS 51 4 31 031043.WILLIAM BURRIDGE 64 3 30:44 60+8 4568.WANDA FOLEY 43W 4 43 201049.NOEL DARR 52 3 30:49 4597.ALBERT GRIFFIN 57 4 43 471242.CHRIS WOOLGAR 45 3 35:37 4892.MARILYN DAVIS 44W 4 49 221275.JOHN FLETCHER 46 3 36:27 5050.PAM LLOYD 40W 4 52 171312.BRIAN BENNETT 38 3 37:29 5051.BRIAN HOLLIDAY 41 4 52 181392.BILL TURKINGTON 55 3 39:06 5063.ELLWYN MISKIN 60W 4 52 27 60+61403.IAN BENECKE 36 3 39:18 5064.STAN MISKIN 64 4 52 271408.BRUCE HODGES 46 3 39:24 5390.FRED CASSADY 69 4 57 531443.ERNIE HATTON 51 3 40:10 5495.KEN PRICE 41 4 59 531510.MARK FOLEY 36 3 41:29 5518.STEPHEN GRANT 31 5 00 271531. WAYNE GOLDSMITH 28 3 42:09 5582.WARREN HURT 49 5 02 231532.BRAD BOYLE 29 3 42:09 5887.FRANK PEARSON 70 5 11 031605.PETER SMITH 51 3 43:21 6130.JOE GIRAHDI 42 5 17 471665.JOHN FLANAGAN 46 3 44:31 7487.YOSHIKO UOZUMI 53W 5 56 231750.MARK HUNTER 33 3 46:20 8474.PETER LANGTON 49 6 36 521809.SANDRA BRETT 40W 3 47:09 8908,JOHN DRIVER 54 7 01 43Also noted: Olympic Champion Frank Shorter 3rd in 40+ with 2:38:25, John Driver was NOT the last runner and got his picture into the paper ! A big black mark though against the organisers for having age groups 7-12 and 15-19, a vehicle for self seeking adults to big-note themselves at tne risk of youngsters’ health !

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- THANKS TO THE ABC for the fresh breath of intelligence and sanity in sport on the air in the form of ELAINE CANTY.

Whether interviewing, reporting or discoursing on aspects of sport, whe manages to retain respect and fairness between people at different levels.

She makes you realise that Sport, after all is said and done and the heat of emo­tion has subsided, is a basic meeting ground of human endeavour and aspirations forthe mutual benefit of all who take part in it.

- THE RA-RA-RA MERCHANTS with ill-informed opinions, in typical "UGLY AUSTRALIAN" style, made commentary a travesty in many Commonwealth Gaines events. They virtually swamped the occasional good reporting of others to the detriment of viewers and lis­teners .

Worst offenders were in Boxing, Weightlifting and Swimming, not necessarily in that order. The exciting skills and tactics in Lawn Bowls got lost in cliches and trivia which would have set even the most rabid Footy fan’s teeth on edge !

Exceptions to the above were those in the media who had done their homework and marshalled their information in a professional manner to give listeners and viewers a better appreciation of the quality performances they were witnessing.

- ANDREW LLOYD FINALLY HAS PROVED HIS ABILITY under pressure on the track, but itlooks as if luck did play a part. Running in a pack of four some 40m behind 2 runners who were chasing the leader a further 40m ahead, few would have put money on Andy for a medal, much less for gold. With about 5 laps left and the gap not widening oneresolute Kenyan in the bunch begun to chase taking the others with him to close thefirst gap with 2 laps to go.

Then there was a chance for bronze and rounding the last bend even silver a chance. But once in the straight, with the leader fading fast, Andy began to think of gold and made it a reality in the last stride.

- AUSTRALIAN ATHLETES ROSE TO THE OCCASION and exceeded quite a few expectations. Our men and women Marathoners were right in there, the others had their successes. Only shadows were on the strength of our middle distance runners on the track. There appeared to be a general lack of tactical appreciation or even a proper evaluation of their own strengths and weaknesses.

On a number of occasions there was a lack of assertiveness if not even a certain amount of self-doubt. This caused a negative approach, to put it mildly, leading to bad positioning in finals and even not getting through the heats.

- IT WAS GREAT TO SEE JOHN WALKER make another appearance before the Melbourne fans after the Games and make up for his unfortunate fall in the Auckland 1500m by one of the best 3000m seen at Olympic Park for a long time. With a 56 second final lap and dragging 3 more competitors through under the 8 minute mark, he gave an exhibition what middle distance running is all about. Speed, stamina, judgment of pace and positioning in the field.

- CAN'T HELP BUT MAKE THIS APPEAL for more VMC members and supporters to come forward and assist the Club in many ways. There has been quite a drop-off in articles, ideas and letters over the holiday season, hence the missing two pages.

We need people to distribute fixture lists and race notices at the various venues and runs as welI as having more information where people can find others to train with.

If you can make any spare time available, there are a number of routine jobs such as addressing latters to send out notices, assisting at our office for a couple of hours per week, compiling statistics, etc.

Even filling in your membership forms when you renew and making sure you fill in the labels for your VMC Newsletter postings are contributing to saving time and ex­pense, as well as freeing your Secretary to attend to more pressing tasks.

Helping the Club to run better is helping you get more out of your running.

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MEN:TUOm 9.92200m 19.72400m 43.29800m 1:41.731000m 2:12.181500m 3:29.46 1 MILE 3:46.32 2000m 4:50.81 3000m 7:29.855000m 12:58.39 10000m 27:08.23 20000m 57:24.2 1 Hr 20.944km


25000m30000mH O m H400mH3000mS4x100

1:13:55.8 1:29:18.8

12.92 47.02 05.35 37.83



4x200 1:19.38

4x400 2:56.16

4x800 7:03.89

4x1500 14:38.8 20kmW 1:18:40.0 30kmW 2:07:59.8 50kmW 3:421:38.4 2 Hrs 28.165km


6.06m 8.90m 17.97m 23.06m 74.08m 86.74m 87.66m

DECATH 8847pts


241217 10 11 23 27 16 20 2218 01 01 22 22 16 31 03 11
























10.44//8.01/715.72//2.03//46.97//14.33//46.56//5.00//65, MARATHON BP 2:06:50 BELAYNEH DINSAMO(ETH) ROTTERDAM

WOMEN:100m 200m 400m 800m 1500m 1 MILE 2000m 3000m 5000m 10000m 20000m 30000m lOOmH 400mH 4x100

1705 08 25 0829 1018 16 22063031






















4x200 1:28.15

4x400 3:15.17

5000mW 20:45.32 5kW Rd 20:32.75 lOOOOmW 42:39.2


__ _ JACKIE JOYNER-KERSEY(U S ) SEOUL 23/2412.69’ 7 1.86"/ 15.80 / 22.56 / 7.27 / 45.66 / 2:08.51MARATHON BP 2:21:06 INGKID KRISTIANSEN (NOR) LONDON 21.04.85




HEPTATH 7291pts












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VICTORIAN MARATHON CLUB MKIJTOIRNE INC - FIXTURE LIST - 598 High St. E.KEW 3102* Indicates changes from previous listings. Tel:(03) 817 1033 Tue,Wed,Thu 12-2pm.

MAR 18(Sun) 12k & 4k "FALLEN COMRADES",DOMAIN 8.00am(Map43 K10) $5 ($3 VMC Memb)4k-$1.* 28(Wed)VMC ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING, ROBINSON HALL, ALBERT PARK LAKE, 8.00.pm* APR l(Sun)15k & 5k,ALBERT PARK, 9.00am (Map57 J3) $5 ($3 VMC Memb) 5k-$2.Refreshmt.

16(Mem)VMC 16km EASTER CHAMPIONSHIP Latrobe Uni. 9.00am(Mapl9 H7) $6 ($4 VMC Memb) 3.1km Parent & Child 11.00am, $1 each.

* 25(Wed)25k & 5k ALBERT PARK,9am,(Map57 3) $5 ($3 VMC Memb) 5k-$2. Refreshment.MAY 27(Sun)"RUNNERS WORLD" VMC MARATHON CHAMPIONSHIP, FISHERMENS BEND, 10am.

(Map56 H2) $10 ($7 VMC Members) Mail Entries close MAY 13.After MAY 13 LATE FEE $16! (10k-$3, enter on day!)


Burnley 9am(Map45 B12) Trophies, Awards and Spot Prizes.* Mail Entries close MAY 28. After MAY 28 LATE FEE $12! Refreshments.

16(Sat)VMC 50 Miles AUSTRALIAN TRACK CHAMPIONSHIP,BOX HILL(Map47 C7)Early entry!! 17(Sun)VMC 50 M ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP, PRINCES PARK(Map29 G12)Early Entry! 288 9739

JUL 15(Sun)"SPCKTSGRAFT QUEEN OF THE LAKE" WOMEN 10km, 9.00am,ALBERT PARK(Map57 J3)$6 ($4 VMC Members) Mail Entries close July 2. After JULY 2 LATE fr'EK $10!

* AUG 4 (Sat)VMC "BP KING & QUEEN o.t.MOUNTAIN" 30k/15k, 12noon,Red Hill(Map 190,J4)$6 ($4 VMC Members) Mail Entries close July 22.After JULY 27 LATE FEE $10!

26(Sun)32/4km COAST ROAD CHALLENGE,BRIGHTON BATHS 8.00am(Map67 C10)$5 ($3M) 4k-$2.* SEP 9 (Sun)VMC 10km OPEN ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP. Venue to be announced.

OCT 28(Sun)10k & 4k DAYLIGHT SAVING RUNS,WESTERFOLDS PAEK,8.00am(Map33 F3)Porter Street Entrance.

NOV 7/21(Wed)12k-4k / 8k-2k TWO BRIDGES 6.30ptn(Map44 B12)$2 & $4; Short run $2.DEC 10-13 S U L ZATOPEK TROPHY 10,000m Track Series, Olympic Park.

16(Sun)EMIL ZATOPEK OPEN 10km & 3km FUN RUNS,PRINCES PARK 9.00am; 10k-$6; 3k-$3. DEC 31(Mon)"RUNNERS WQRLD"MIDNITE RUN 8k & 2k,TWO BRDGES,Stroke of Midnight,$5 & $3.

NOTE: Where Mail Entries required use Mail Entry Form(Page 2A) of VMC Newsletter, or send Stamped,Self Addressed Envelope with request for forms to above address.

Normal Entries taken on Day, 30 mins prior to listed Starting Time!

------ cut h e r e ---------------------- cut h e r e --------------------------cut h e r e -------


SURNAME ................................... I N I T I A L S.... CALL NAME ......................

REG.NO............ CLUB .....................................................................

ADDRESS:No ....... STREET ..................................................................

TOWN OR SUBURB .................................................. POST CODE ...............

TELEPHONE: HOME ................................ WORK ......................................

DATE OF B I R T H ___ / ____/ ........ OCCUPATION/INDUSTRY.....................................

MALE/FEMALE(delete inapplicable) I CAN HELP THE CLUB WITH .............................

To assist the Club rostering on some Race Days , I can make myself available on :

1)................. 2).................. 3)................. (Check with fixture listdates and show preference, otherwise you will be called on at random)


BILLET VISITOR(S)......HAVE ENDORSED LICENSE(Truck/Bus) ................................

HEREWITH $12.... (Senior), $6..... (under 20) and SSAE for return of information.

Dated:--- /..../...... SIGNATURE .................................................

Make out Cheque or M/O to VMC and post to 598 High St, E.KEW 3102. Include Stamped Self-Addressed Envelope if you require a reply. No S.S.A.E. - NO REPLY

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# 1/ ^ V ^ f V w H A T I S T H E V . M . C . A B O U T ! ? !

VICTORIAN MARATHON CLUB NELBOURNE INC.,598 High St,E.KEN,3102, 817 1033 T0,NEfTH 12-2AUSTRALIA’S FIRST ROAD RUNNERS Founded 1946 Affiliated to Athletics Victoria

The VICTORIAN MARATHON CLUB is a unique Road Runners organisation within the world of athletics. It is a club which caters for the newcomer to running, the experienced regular athlete, the young and the old, men and women, boys and girls. It represents a bridge as it were between the highly organised and the more casual approaches in competition, leaving it to the individual how much or how little pressure he/she likes to apply. We see the Club as a mutual support between runners as individuals without having to live up to outside expectation or prejudice.

The ACCENT WITHIN THE CLUB is on enjoyment of running through whatever participants see as their own particular pleasure, thus achieving individually or jointly what they set out to do to their fullest personal satisfaction. We do not place expectations on anyone beyond asking runners to take a turn at performing some of the minimum chores required to conduct our events smoothly and for everyone’s satisfactory conclusion.

This mainly involves ensuring that runners do not lose their way , that everyone can find out his or her final place and time and how they compare with each other or their own previous performance.

THE CLUB MAINTAINS A PROGRAM throughout the year with the aim of enabling runners to test and improve their fitness at varying distances, and, where possible, cater for different stages of fitness by offering a choice between a long or a short race on each date. Anyone can join the VMC at any of our events; if they wish to just have a run without becoming members, they may do so at a $1 surcharge in the main race,EXCEPT FOR SPECIAL EVENTS.

These SPECIAL EVENTS: The VMC MARATHON, HALF-MARATHON, 50 MILER, EMIL ZATOFEK SERIES and some other nominated events, because of their importance and the high degree of organisation, require EARLY PRE-RACE ENTRIES (2-3 weeks ahead or as advertised) and, in the case of the EMIL ZATOFEK 10,000m, MEMBERSHIP AND TIME QUALIFICATIONS.

Variations in entry fees occur because of differing organisational costs, number and value of prizes, provision of refreshments and other facilities. Early Entry conditions apply in sponsored events, due to the need for publicity, printing of programs and subsequent requirements of efficient processing.

Basically, the VICTORIAN MARATHON CLUB aims to keep organisational and technical details to the minimum essential to conducting its events satisfactorily for all. We like to stick to our Club Motto "WITH A MINIMUM OF FUSS" ! We also aim to co-operate with all distance running organisations - local, regional and national.

MEMBERSHIP FEES are $12 per year (senior), $6 per year (Under 20), including insurance and covering the CALENDAR YEAR (JAN 1 - DEC 31). Your membership fee entitles you to receive our quarterly NEWSLETTER, carrying results,events ahead, information, articles and comments from our own members and other sources. Post the completed MEMBERSHIP FORM (overleaf), together with correct fee, to the SECRETARY,V.M.C. ,598 High St.,E.KEW 3102.

All Enquiries must be accompanied by S.S.A.E. (Stamped Self Addressed Envelope) of maximum standard size (235mm x 120mm) for a reply and/or return of information !


VMC NEWSLETTER is obtainable at most race fixtures as well as at:VAA OFFICE, Olympic Park No.l, Swan Street, MELBOURNE 3002, 428-8195.RUNNERS WORLD,600 High St,E.KEW 3102,817-3503 £ 340 Glenhuntly Rd,E'WICK 3185, 523-8585 ROCKY'S SFORTSFOWER,Cnr Warrigal Rd & Burwood H ’way, BURWOOD 3125, 288-8916.