Xo^ L^dship In the best a- ner and ro^^m aooo · Xo^ L^dship In the best a- ner and ro^^m aooo...

F^ ^^^^ ^^^^idla ^^^ ^ ^^^ ^&Auel• t^^ Sandoval, V^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^tain ga:u^ral ^ on .p ^^ -tf^uraa^ the f+^iiowl^aut:^^ was ^ , w^rern^ a 1-0 ._Q^. r^'t^m .Lo.^ ^:tJras:o, .^6^'^lo^"' Oo^.^;^ilm^ 0 ^" the 11.1.1a o^` b^ ^`ero^do t^io^^a Pro^r^;^oe of Te^;^^s ^.' ^:,,^d NOW .^^^I^.^.ppi^.es, ^.e^most ^a^^).^' appear ^^om;^^:ai,^t . 4al:ast p^.t^^.e^.o ro^1^08 s^,^o, a sin^.e yoUth who is aresi^.en`^ of `^h^^ vlula# Whi^.e I was in ^ owa home tod^ the said patrI410 ro^iges Xo^ L^dship In the best a- ner and ro^^m aooo ^.i^^ to ;^.^w And ^,sk for. Poralsoloo to we 4 o^>l^irla he was o^^ryi^^g In his bol'^o ^.^ing ctha he knew ^.^ of ^d and le^^p of ;^^ stlee% He ^.rew, 4 ' a anO, between these ^^:, o th^ r^d^ eta^.emaffi.^%s with W1110h the Sa^»^., patr^010 ^^o^^.^es ga^o denied the truth of ra^rOh^^$0^ be s^we^. that he had 1^.tt^:o ^'o. g^^o ^rIved and sai^:. (wheA 1. 4 certain small s^ Whic^. his fathc bador :^^^^I^;e4,, owed me^ wo:^ ^^eaklt^^ ^ that he ^011 k.^^^ ^ ^hU^ ^ said 4, ^an leal gor^^^ was a Uorlooo, I and al

Transcript of Xo^ L^dship In the best a- ner and ro^^m aooo · Xo^ L^dship In the best a- ner and ro^^m aooo...

F^ ^^^^ ^^^^idla ^^^

^ ^^^ ^&Auel• t^^ Sandoval,

V^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^tain ga:u^ral

^ on

.p^^ -tf^uraa^ the f+^iiowl^aut:^^ was

^ , w^rern^ a

1-0 ._Q^. r^'t^m .Lo.^ ^:tJras:o, .^6^'^lo^"' Oo^.^;^ilm^ 0 ^"

the 11.1.1a o^` b^ ^`ero^do t^io^^a Pro^r^;^oe of Te^;^^s

^.' ^:,,^d NOW .^^^I^.^.ppi^.es, ^.e^most ^a^^).^' appear

^^om;^^:ai,^t . 4al:ast p^.t^^.e^.o ro^1^08 s^,^o, a sin^.e

yoUth who is aresi^.en`^ of `^h^^ vlula# Whi^.e I was

in ^ owa home tod^ the said patrI410 ro^iges

Xo^ L^dship In the best a- ner and ro^^m aooo

^.i^^ to ;^.^w And ^,sk for. Poralsoloo to we 4 o^>l^irla

he was o^^ryi^^g In his bol'^o ^.^ing ctha he knew

^.^of ^d and le^^p of ;^^ stlee% He ^.rew, 4 'a

anO, between these ^^:, o th^ r^d^ eta^.emaffi.^%s with

W1110h the Sa^»^., patr^010 ^^o^^.^es ga^o denied the

truth of ra^rOh^^$0^ be s^we^. that he had 1^.tt^:o ^'o.

g^^o ^rIved and sai^:. (wheA 1. 4

certain small s^ Whic^. his fathc

bador :^^^^I^;e4,, owed me^

wo:^ ^^eaklt^^ ^ that he ^011 k.^^^ ^ ^hU^ ^

said 4, ^an leal gor^^^ was a Uorlooo, I and al

when ^^ son, Jw


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