XII. OKANGEBUKG, C, THURSDAY, AUGUST 30, NO.€¦ · overcome by thesight öf ourhideous brown...

VXTBSmZMXEO XVBZTC THTJB3DAT, BY £DITQ£3 AXO PßOPEIETQBS. SUUSCIUPTION BATES. "**:eyear.$ Six months. AOTERTlSDJCi RATES. first insertion, per square..$1 Subsequent insertion. 50 Notices of meetings, obituaries and trib¬ utes of respect, same rates per square as or¬ dinary advertisomentj. Special contract made .with large advor- tirc-rs, with liberal deductions on above rates. Special notices in local column, fifteen cents per line. LOVE. ' .* £> I leaned out of the window, I smelt the white clover, Dark, darf was the garden, I saw not the gats; "Novy if there be footsteps, he come?, my one lover. Hush, nightingale, hush 1 Oh, sweet night¬ ingale, wait Till I listen and hear If a step draweth near, For my love he is late! ' Tbe skies in the darkness stoop nearer and nearer, A cluster of stars bangs like fruit in the tree, The fall of the water comes sweeter, comes clearer; To what art thou listening, and what dost thou see?" Let the etar-clusters grow, Let the sweet waters flow, And cross quickly to me. m. Son night moln^-that hover where honey bjoms'over From sycamore blossoms, or settle or sleep; You glow-worm». shine out, and the pathway discovor To him that comes darkling along tbo rough steep. Ah, my sailor, moke haste. For the time runs to waste, And my love lieth deep. rv. "fToo deep for swift telling; and yet, my one lover, Fve conned theo an answer, it waits thee to-night" By the sycamore passed he. and through *he white clover, Then all the sweet speech I had fashioned took fl'g't; Bat I'll love him more, more Thau e'er wife loved before, Be the days dark or bright. .Jean Ingelow. Cruise of the "Jemima." '- Charlie, my young brother, had been fagging at his studies; I had just passed the B. C. S. E., and was propor¬ tionately elate. We had earned our snmmer holiday, we thought; and nothing loth was I when Charlie, with a map in his hand, pointed out a spot on the Caitiness coast and exclaimed : "Here we arel There we'll gol What say yon, Frank?" u Very good choice. Plenty of ozone, fishing and boating; fashion at a discount. Where is the time¬ table?" A primitive fishing village.call it Clanhead.was quickly fixed upen ; * and after ihs usual delight of railway travebng we found ourselves in. a place richly endowed by nature, but minus an inn. *, A Highland cottage, however, proved a comfortable enough shelter; and after a night's rest and a hearty fish breakfast we strolled off toward ;.' the sea. In the one straggling street of Clan- head were yellow-haired children who stood in wide-eyed, innocent wonder, and stared at us. Perhaps they were overcome by the sight öf our hideous brown sand-shoes; or it might have been that tluy were bewitched by Charlie's handsome face- Charlie is the Adonis of our family; and I.well, I am an ugly young man with a marvelously wide mouth, eye¬ sight so near that I cannot pick up a sixpence without the help of my glasses, and an expression, to say the least of it, seared. - Such as we were, we stood the Jads' and lasses' scrutiny unabashed, plod¬ ding on till we perceived a middle-aged man leaning on a gate in, I imagined, ft dolce far niente condition. He turned, however, and moved to¬ ward us. «. Will ye no' be tafcin' a sail the . mornin', gentlemen?" M Just what we want," cried Charlie . "Aweel, tak ye the first turn to the reet an' it'll bring ye tathe head o' the cliff. Some way bock yell see the openin' to a ravine. Gang awa through the gap, an' ye'll soon be where the sea washes the cliff-foot Be ye canny, for the tide's high the noo, and the shal¬ lowest water there may droun' ye. In five minutes I'll be cjomin' roond wi' my boat an' my mate at your service." The boatman touched his cap and moved off; we made for the ravine, passed down it, and came suddenly upon the most magnificent expanse of rolling water that our eyes had ever feasted upon. Shortly, from, I suppose, some shel¬ tering nook under the cliff, came along our little craft, the "Jemima," with her mainsail spread and her ma ter at the helm, while Donald, his mate,kept watch at the bow. . With a "Yo hoy! Steady! Yo hoy!" she was "brought to," and in scrambled we, neck or nothing. We were scarcely seated before, emerging from the ravine, toiling on with the help of a crutch over loose earth and bowlders, came a girl with a sweet but very sad face. Evidently she was suffering in mind and body. "Ech.lIinny,IIinny!" said our boat¬ man, with a softened intonation. " Ye should na act sae, my dear. When gentlemen hire the ' Jemima' they dinna expect to tak' her master's fam¬ ily aboord. Gang awa' home aga'n, Mamie." " Oh, by all means, take your friend aboard, Mr.." "Ben is my na-r.e, s r, an' I thank .y6 for your kindness. Come, then, bairn! an', look ye, dinra trust to your crutch when ye step aboord. Should the boat luff, it may slip frae under ye Let me lay it deon at the stern, an. gi'e me your hond. Xow, steady, an in ye are " Ben guided the boat off, then turne I to the girl again. "Eh, my bairnie, not sae mickle as a sp?ck o' head-gear ! an' they bits o' fal-lal clothing dying aboot ye; ye'll cotch your death !.ye n aim hae my jacket on. Alebbe, sir, ye'll lie sa?kind as to haud the tiller whiles I dress her oop. There, now, Mamie, are ye no warmly buskit?" Off we were before the w'nd, our swelling mainsa:l hiding the man at the bow. The grand sea and sky threw Charlie and myself into ecstacies; Ben. used to su-.h scene«, was quiet, and, I thought, sad, while the lassie looked decidedly s'eepy. "Eh, mydoo," said Ben, "ye w<re oop wi' the birds; I marked ye wend- in' your way to the cliff by the first glint o' the sun. Ye's liken to a wraith, my dearie. Ye'se aye wanderin'. Aweel, lay doon your h ai awhile on my shoulder, an' be takin' a wee bit napthenoo." . With his disengaged arm Ben sup¬ ported the frail little body, and scon Ms charge was dozing a? restfully as any weary child. » As she elept I espied a wedding-ring on her finger, and "even in repose he» VOL. XII. face told * tale of mental and bodily suffering. Some heavy calamity, I thought, must have. fallen upon her. Her childlike confidence in Ben and his tenderness toward her were pa¬ thetic, and, altogether, my sympathy sympathy was won. Presently I ventured to ask if she were not an invalid, and returned Ben: "Oo, yes, sir; an' she is my only bairn. Pretty doo. She married owre early. An* a week after, Ta:n, her husband, sailed north wi' his crew fcr the "fishin*. Three months hae passel sin' the wofu' day, Lut nae word can we get of boat or men." j " Then you think the ve3sel." " Went doon, sir, is what you mean ? There is nae doot aboot it; for, miles awa' along coast, a p.'ece of her sail was washed ashore. But my lamb knowsna that; an' sae, i'stead o' puttin' on widow's weeds, she aye says we'se boun*to find him; an' she watches the sea an' questions every fi dierman she meets till it's ju$t pitifu' to hear her." "She is n?arly distraught," thought j I. Then I gave Ben a warning note regarding the imperative need of try¬ ing to divert her mind from her trou¬ ble. Also I proffered a word of advice about her lameness, which, it appeared, arose from some recent injury done to the muscles, and which I gathered, hal been treated in anything but a scientific manner. Bon was delighted to find that I was a doctor, and most grateful for my interest in him. Indeed, he was so earnest in pour'ng out his thanks when I volunteered to take Main e's ease in hand while I was at Clanhead, that the man at the tow (as he afterward owned} became an absorbed and sym¬ pathetic listener; for Mamie and he had been playmates, and he felt rather down-hearted. Ben told me, when Tarn carried her off. Deep in our subject, and entirely free from apprehension, we scudded pleasantly along. One moment all our thoughts were of healing; the next;.crash I crash!! crash!!! over our heads, under our feet, every¬ where! A swift glance at the mainsail, a wrench at the tiller, and a tremendous shout from Ben: "Bow, there, bow! are ye sleepin', mon?" The warning was too late! A large vessel was down upon us; our ma'n- sail pierced through by her bowsprit; our timbers were shivering under h^r bows. I heard shouting on the deck above us; I saw a man leap from t!ie vessel's side; I saw Mamie wake up in an agony of terror and throw her arms round her father's neck; I heard Ben say. "Nae dinna cumber me, but strike ye oot an' trust." 1 knew we were all in the water, for I saw Ben supporting his child as he swam vigorously toward the man who had leaped over. I saw Charley going down (neither he nor I -was a swimmer), I clutched at him fruitlessly; then some- confused cries of "Keep your heads up!" "Here's a life-belt!" "Catch this rope!" rind soon. Uufc-txxm Mro-rvrccs swuuOttl far away and undistinguishable; I knew that salt water was in my nos- trih and mouth ; there was singing in my ears, roaring in my bead; I felt a mad impulse to rise; I did rise; again, for a m rment only, I heard eager voices near me, and caught a glimpsie of the efforts that were being made to save us; in an agony I made an effort to keep up; it was futile; then, hiss ! hiss ! swish ! through my very brain ; after that, darkness, dense darkness! a clear consciousness that the hand of death was upon me; a cry from my inmost soul to heaven and. a strange, deep calm. * * * * * * The sun was going down in a flood of crimson glory. I lay upon a well- swabbed deirk all alone. "Where had I been? Where was I going? What had happened? I pinched myself and felt the pain; so I was still in the fie.Qb. I tried my voice."Hi! hilloa I somebody I" No one came. I sat up and took a specu'atlve survey. The vessel was taut and trim, and she smelled of tim¬ ber, but she was not of British build. As I cogitated.rather weakly, I must own.a footstep sounded on the deck, and along came a good-natured-looking seaman, fair and blue-eyed; he made his way to me and gazed smilingly down. " What s'iip is this?" queried I. A shake of the head. " Are you a German?" Two shakes of the head. "Speak, man, in some tongue or other, will you':" Tae word "sneak" he understood, and obeyed with energy. But no word of any language could I pick out from his strange jabber. Feeling, no d »übt, that my tin ler- standihg wanted arousing, he went away and shortly returned with six other men; some strong, fair and blue- eyed like himseif. the re t short *r, darker, but powerfully built, and all chattering the most unintelligible jargon. As they bent their energies to make me acquainted with something or other, I tried hard t > discover their nationalities, when happy thought!. came hitting through my brain the words. " Andthrn the b'.ue-ey^d Xorsenan toli Aiajaof hedaysef o d." " You are from Norway !" bawled I "And you," to tie darker men, "you are Swede5. Am I right?" " Ha! Norrowav! Xorge! Norge! Aa! IIa! Norrike! IIa! IIa!' The words were taken up like a refrain with boisterous satisfaction. Had I only raised my ey.s t > the vessel's Hag, I might have seen at first that she was called the "Jarl IJakon." But jus', the.i my wits were scatt red. They began, however, to disentangle thems lves. a id thoughts of Charlie, Ben and the rest crowded upon me. Wüe.e were they? Where was the lame girl? and where the "Jemima?" It was useless to question, so I rose up and with rather unsteady gat walked across t\e de :k and found my way to the captain's cabin. Ön one side lay Ben, with pain in every lina of his face; in the rapta'n's berth, locking absolutely dead, was Mamie; stretched out on a rug lay my brother. He. however, managed to moan out " lhavo !" when he saw me. I went to the girl's tide and felt her pulse. Then, "Where'sthe captain?" s id I to Ben's careless mate, Donald, who was standing by, the picture of helpless di -tress. "Here," came a ready answer from a mellow voice behind me. I turned. There stood a portly gray- headed man, with a trustworthy face. He spoke English; this was worth something just then. "Have you a wife.a lady on board, sir, who will carry out my instructions respecting this patient?" " A re yot^en, a physician ?" "I am a member of the College oT Surgeons, and am anxious to do my best in this emergency." j "I am heartily glad, sir. A lady. no; there is not one on board. Bat there is a man who would lay down ] his life for this child. He is burly, but docile; let him be her nurse." " Oh, her father ? But he is in sorry plight himself. I fear I shall find some broken bones when I have time to lo jk at him." " Xo, not her father.her husband." I glanced at Ben. '.1 kna\v,"said he; "there's areet bright siller linin' too oor clood, thank God!" " Bring him in," quoth I. He came, a young fellow having a splendid physique and six-feet-two in height, the very man who had leaped I from the side of the "Jarl Hakon" to j our rescue. I stretched out my arm in front of the berth as a warning or barrier. But Tarn had tact and caution. He stood mutely looking down on his ghostly young wife, then, in response to a touch on his arm, he bent his head to take my orders While Mamie remained unconscious J he was to keep his post quietly, using j the prescribed remedies; the moment she showed signs of consciousness he' was to vanish, I turned to Ben, who I found had broken arm. "SplintsI" said I to Charlie, who was on his feet by this time. " Go to I the captain for thin wood, and tools to shape it, also linen for bandages.a J sheet will do. Now, Ben, you are a Briton, I know; will you trust me to .see to that bone?" "Trust ye? Ay, sir; I ne'er wince at sic like. I'd be poorly off an' it werena set." That businei» was got through, and Ben had scarcely uttered a moan from j first to last, but cold perspiration stood on his forehead, and I was just dis- j patching Donald for a strong cup of tea to revive him when.a sudden knock on my arm. " I turned sharply. "Beg pardon, sir," whispered Tarn, as his great bulk rolled and stumbled into a dark corner beyond me. But Mamie'st eyes were wide open; the whiteness had gone from her face; her breath came thick and fast; she even triel to raise herself on her el¬ bow. " Father! father ! Te'sc form' my Tain!" Quaking with fear lest the remedy should be worse than the disease, I motioned Tarn out from his tading- place. I saw the girl's face flush violently; I saw her throw up her arms to clasp her husband's neck; I saw the young giant turn white and weak with i emotion ; then away darted I, never halting till I reachel the stern. Tyro as I was, I would rather have set half a dozen more bones than have stood out that meeting. The captain was there, and very soon we got into conversation. Here is the substance of what he told me. j- Ti-io J<*rl-II(»kon " -TreeGoing nplno trade between Bergen and Aberdeen. On her last homeward voyage she had picked up Tam and another seaman I who were beating hopelessly about in a small boat, half dead with thirst and exhaustion. Tarn's fine frame had 1 attlel through, and he was working his way back to Scotland; but his companion in peril had succumbed and was laid in a Norwegian grave. * ***** Mamie walked without her crutch before I left Clanhead, and Ben's bone ! was doing famously. I was in high spirits at ray success as surgeon on my own account. I had gained friends, I too. stanch and leal. Said Tam at j parting: I Ye'se gi'en me a bonny wife for a sickly ane, an' I'll ne'er thank ye enoo. sir." j 44 All right, Tam; you saved my life when you leaped from the 'Jarl Hakon,' you know, so we're more than quits. And look here, lad, if ever you want a friend, send to me." "Sae I will, sir ; an' 'uld ye e'er need an act o' reet willin' an' laithfu' service, ye'll send to me?" That compact was an honest one, and it will stand. The Chinese Bamboo. A bamboo, be it said, can be put to more u-e than any other thing of the vegetable kind in the world. What would our opposite neighbors in the Celestial empire do without it? It is employe I for nearly all conceivable, be¬ side some almost inconceivable pur- poses on land an I water.and even in the air; for kites are made of it, and so are the queer little whistles bound totho tame pigeons to frighten crows from the grain fiel is. It can be u ed in the whole cane, in strips, in segments or in threads ami no part comes amiss. The tu! ei are suitable for water-pipes, and to it answers for aqueducts; it is so strong that foot-hridgjs are con¬ structed of it, and light enough for rafts; so available that a whole house can be built of it.the frame, the thatch, the lattice-, the partitions; ami it furnishes material for thb tables and chairs, and some of the utensils and decorative articles; it is so hard that knives are m :de from thin slices, ;;n I I fo delicate that it may he carved into daintiest of boxes, and even thimbles and necklace^; so elastic that baskets are woven of it, so fi!>rous that it may be twis'ed into ropes and cordage. It supplies lining for the chests of tea, strands for lishing-nets, strips for fans, and canes stilt enoagh for oars and spears and pl.inquin-poles. It is one of the four things without which China would he China no longer.rice for fco I, tea for drink, silk lor wear, and bamboo for everything..Amanda P.. Harris, in Wide Aicake. *' IVasp-Waisted Vampire.', The military academy at West Point was formerly an object of attack by stump orators, anxious to excite popu¬ lar prejudice against an institution which in the (.rator's judgment was aristocra' ic. There is a story told of a cadet, named Joe Blankster, who si¬ lenced a stump orater in the days of " Tippecanoe and Tyler too:" While doe was home he went to a political meeting. The orator spoke of the tyranny of the government, of the President living in a great white palace and feeding off of a gold spoon, and of a place called West Point, where wasp-wa'sted vampires were educated at the expense of the people. "I'm one of thosj ' wasp-waisted vampires,'" said Joe, as he stepped upon the platform. Joe's waist could hardly be spanned with a horse's girth; and when th6 people taw him they laughed and said* " If that is a sampln we want more oi them.".Youth's Companion. The United States has paid its sol diers $7v/O.OCO,000 in pensions. OKANGEBUKG, S, LIFE ON A'ANTÜCKET SHOALS. Where the Fish Are Canght that Supply a IicrcoPart of the United States.Fishing With Trawls. A writer in the New York Sun ha* an interesting account of the visits paid by the city's fishing fleets in Kan- tucket shoals, and the way in which fish are caught. After describing the fishing smacks used on the cruise, and the manner of reaching Nantucket shoals, the writer continues interest¬ ingly as follows: As the tallow on the leal announces that we have struck the off-shore grounds the vessel heaves to, and the fish hues, two to a man, are thrown over. All sorts of fish are taken up. cunners, skates, dog fish, star- tisb, winkles and the like, and mayhap a little black rock or "ground keeper," as the sailors term them. Time passes, and it is evident that the school cod for which we are in search are not here. A shift is made. Likely enough then at the first cast of a hook a jerk is felt, and the fisher pulls his line handover hand, till in a moment a handsome gray-ba ked and white- bellied thirty-pound school cod is lying on the deck. All hands rush to the r lines, clam shells are thrown over with bits of bait to toll the fish, and the fun begins. The fish bite fiercely. As fast as one 1 ne is unloaded the other is found fa t, and the fish chase their impaled companh ns to the ve y surface of the water. One forgets the fog and the cold in the excitement of the hour. The tide has now turned, and is bearing us away to the north, and we are tsking the fish with us. Fingers soon grow sore from contact with the lines, and hard words are plentifully bestowed upon the straggling fish as they resist the efforts of tendo.- hands to pull them from the bottom. Thus the fishing goes on uninterrupted for hours, until at length an unusual swish of the water is heard und r the lee, and suddenly there shoots out of the fog and across our bow a mammoth ocean steamer, looming up in the mists like a moving mountain. She passes so near to us as to affright the most hardened of the crew. A slight change in her course and she would have crashed over our little vessil as though it was but a feather. As she vanished in the thickening gloom of approaching darkness fishing is suspended, the ves¬ sel is run into shoaler water and an¬ choret, and all hands but the cook be¬ gin the work of stowing away the day's catch. The lish are headed, gutted and washed, and after hours of hard labor are snuggly packed in tiers in pounded ice. Then after a delicious supper of hot bread and coffee and delicately browned fresh cod tongues, the crew, save the watch, find their berths worn out with labor. Six hours of slumber and the day's work is re¬ peated, often with the most discour¬ aging results. Sometimes in the height of thick fishing the biting will suddenly cease, and the old heads know that a halibut is about. A good halibu t will^briPir rrom ?iu to ^bu, but special pains ire required in hooking, playing and land¬ ing him. Liberal tiaits of menhaden are substituted for the clams, for the cod are frightened away by the ap¬ proach of the monster i'-t fish. Sud¬ denly " zip, zip," sings out one of the lines, and the fish runs away with the hook. The skillful angler knows bet¬ ter than to "snub" him too quickly, else he'll tear out. A halibut is very ganuy. He can be played almost to the surface, when he will make a sound, and the line whizzes through the sore creases in your hands till he gets tire I of running. At length he is brought to the surtace, ani a man en either side of his captor seizes the halibut's head with large gaff hooks, and sum¬ marily jerks him in on deck, where a "muddling" club is vigorously applied to his brain and his throat is cut. Some of these fish are very iarge and strong, weighing over 300 pounds. Hand lin'ng, as it is termed, is not the only means employed by the cod fishermen in capturing the'r prey. Trawls are extensively used, particu¬ larly in the winter. On some grounds the lish w 11 take a still ba t, while they will decline that from a bobbing hand line. Trawls were for years op¬ posed by the old hunkers in the busi¬ ness, but now the) are extensively used all along the coa t, especially in shoal water, where the school lisii come in for spawning purposes. A cod trawd is made of much lighter mate¬ rial than is employed for catching hali¬ but. A cod trawl consists of a " run¬ ner," or main line, 400 or 5'JO fathom s long, of the size of a lead pencil, to which, at a distance of a few feet apart, are "ganged" hooks small enough to be easily (swallowed by the fish. Each hook lias a line two feet long. Trawls are coile.l away in tubs for use, each hook being baited and la d in the center, so that the tub when fllleJ looks more like a tub of cord with a pile of fat sea clams in the center than a deadly lish trap. When set the trawl is simply stretched cut over the fish¬ ing ground, with an anchor at either end and large buoys attached to the anchors. A smack frequently carries from 2'-,000 to 35,000 hooks arrange I in this manner. The amount of ground covered by them and the great num¬ ber of hooks which the six men com¬ posing the smack's crew can tend show the advantage of the trawling system over hand lines. Then, too, some or all of the hooks ran be set in the morn¬ ing and hauled in before a gale springs up, so that a handsome fare of fish may sometimes be taken in a few hours, although the vess 1 may almost immediately after be driven off the ground by the storm. The men handle the trawls with great dexterity. The smack is an¬ chored, and the fishing wherries put out filled with the "gear" to be "wet." Each boat is managed by a man who rows off from the vessel till he is lost to view in the ever-present fog. The spinning t'de, another ever- present feature of Nantucket shoals, soon carries him well astern of the smack, and then he casts over his trawl buoy and lets down the head an- chor, taking care to have his sheath knife ready in case of accidents, for | the foaling of the traw), which is (ly¬ ing out of the boat as she is borne away on the tide, would upset the light" craft as quickly as a flash of lightning. The fisherman throws the trawl out with his right hand, using his thumb and forefinger or a stick. His strong arm keeps a shower of line and baited hooks in the air all the time until the bottoms of the tubs are reached, when he throws over his foot anchor, to which his boat is also moored, and then calmly seat'ng him¬ self in the stern, two miles from the smack in the cheerless fog, he unwinds a heavy halibut lin^ with a ten-pound sinker, and whiles away the time in the hope of taking one or two of these fish. It is in still, lonely and exposed positions, when cold winds and seeth* C, THURSDAY, ing tides make the fisherman's life one of dreariness, attended with constant danger, that tobacco comes to his solace. All the fishermen chew and iimoke without stint. By-and-bye the tide slackens and turns off at right angles, preparatory to running with its accus¬ tomed violence in the opposite direc¬ tion. A blast from a horn or a shot from a gun on board the smack warns the fisherman that it is slack water and time to haul on the trawl. He heaves up his anchor, and works with a will, coiling away- his trawl as he takes it in. Then, no matter how co'c* the day is, nothing: but warmth oi body is felt, for the mind is bent wholly on what the drawing of the lottery will bring forth Sometimes the hooks, as far as the eye can see under water, come upladen with han 1- some cod, haddock, pollock, and occa¬ sionally a halibut, livery hook gene¬ rally has something, for it is poor bot¬ tom indeed that cmhot furnish even a conger eel, a " krissr konnere " or a dogfish. Beautiful sponges and siielis come t) the surface, together with all the varied brie a brarof the bottom of the sea, for a trawl is a perfect scav¬ enger, picking up rocks and delaying work, so that the tide begins to run strongly aga'n, and the boat¬ man has to cut lo.ise and pull for his life to reach the smack. A horn is kept blowing en tin ves-.el till all tin boats have returned from their morning's work. Then dinner is eaten, gears are re-bai:eJ, fish ara dresscrl, and the " set" in the afternoon is re¬ peated. Boats are occasionally lo3t in this fishing, aöd nnn who havenrssed their smacks have been picked up by merchant vessels far out to sea. The work goP3 on unceasingly until a fare of fish is caught, and then comes the welcome order to take to the boat All hands shake out the sails with a will, every inch of canvas is spread, the relics of slaughter are scrubbed from the decks, arid the vessel is washed from stem to stern. The trip to Fulton market begins, and in a few hoars the flying craft runs clear of the fog and gets into civ¬ ilized weather oncj more. Making piissages and tin week in New York aro the fishermen's halcyon daj's, which he more than pays for when encoun- taring the dangers of. storm, tide, shoals and coll sions on the ever-shift¬ ing shoals of Nantucket. Drinks of All Nations. Ancient Egypt had a speries of wine and also a liquor called zythos, drawn from bariey by fermentation, resem¬ bling beer. That the people did not escape from intoxication is shown by drawings which have b:?en preserved of slaves carrying their masters home, and the like; but the effectsoJ: the two drinks were noticed to be different. Grecians used wine from Ihe earliest period, and history gives many tokens that thoy did so to excess. But the statement thaLth?y were fond of pour¬ ing salt water into it to improve the flavor raises a gentle suspicion that it differed from modernjwine. The like ini'erejnco is w"ffIfltltMcr^rrn dl n j that among the Bo Dans? the low-priced grades of wine sold at threepence for ten gallons, and that the magnates drank it by the gallon. But both the Grecians and Romans imported wine from Egypt. Who knows but this may have been the chief cause of in¬ temperance among them? Julius Casar's troops seem to have tarried, perhaps not the original idea of wine and malt liquor, but improved ways of making them, to Gaul and Brita'n; and grape culture and wine making throve in France because natural to the siiil and climate, while ale an I beer were so suited to English cond tions, and were so easily made by a people raising an abundance of grain, that they soon became the na¬ tional beverages in preference to the mead and cider with which the ancient Britons had bean wont to regale them¬ selves. Barley is the basis of several drinks made in different parte of the world by processes juialagous to mod¬ ern brewing, but thoy are totally dif¬ ferent in their intoxicating effects. The discoverers of America found maize in use among the native tribes in making a species of beer called chica; and history indicates that the natives would have suffered less from intemperance if they had clung to their own drink than they have since adopting the strong liquors introduced by the whites. There are some unex¬ pected Si es of these beverages. In England, /ruce, fir, birch, maple and ash trees have in former years been tapped and the sap fermented for a drink. The willow.poplar, sycamore and walnut are said to yield palatable bov- t rages. Koumiss, of which descrip¬ tions were published during President Garfield's illness, is fermented milk, and is the basis of what may be called the koumiss cure, administered to in¬ dividuals at establisments maintained among the Tartars; bat doctors differ as to whether the treatment when tried by Americans or Englishmen effects a radical cure or only causes a temporary fatness. The drink is a favorite one among the Tartars and Circassians, aad they have a legend that the angel who succored Hagar in the desert showed 1 er how to make it, and the r- eipe has be?n handed down from that time. The t hinese mak- liquors, and mischievous ones.to indulge them f eely in their native drinks would not lie a hopeful experiment.from rice, from palm and even from mutton. Sake is a beor which has been long and widely used in Japan, and, though strong, is called wholesome; and the Japanese make other drinks from plums, from the juice of the plum or b'r h, and from the flowers of the motherwort and the peach. The Rus¬ sians delight in a quass made from bar- li y an 1 rye Hour. Several varieties of gras-, herbs or flowers, roots of sundry plants, the juices of the sugarcane, the aloe or the cavassa. and even of the potato and b?et are used among vari¬ ous tribes or nations as the basis of some favorite drink. To ) Late. Dr. Stephan, secretary of state, is director general of the German tde- graph system. On a recent tour of in¬ spection he entered an oiliee just as a cispatch was 1 eing received addressed to the operator. The director general demanded to see it. The operator tremblingly handed it over, but the good-humored director only laughed on reading: " Be on your guard, Stephan is on the rampage, he puts his nose into everybody's pie." He took his re¬ venge by dictating the following reply: "Too late.nose io already in my pie." The famous packet finer Great West¬ ern, now sailiug between San Fran¬ cisco and other Pacific ports, is already twice as old as ships usually get to be. She first sailed from New York to Liverpool forty years ago, and re¬ mained in tho Atlantic fleet; twenty- nine years* AUGUST 30, 1883. A WONDERFUL C lYEBIf. Charles Dudley Warner's Description of tlio Wonders of Lurny Cave. In a letter from Luray, Va., to the Hartford Courant Charles Dudley Warner says: In the vestibule of Luray Cavern, Virgin a, is a monster pillar, very highly fluted, about twen¬ ty-live feet in diameter, called Wash¬ ington's column. All the chambers and most of the objects in the caverns have been named, and genera'ly from the r resemblance to natural or arti¬ ficial objects. From the vestibule we enter a long narrow passage called the Vegetable garden, from its display of vegetable forms, very good imitations of potatoes, carrots and the like. We then enter the theatre, a great audi¬ ence hall, and thence to the fish mar¬ ket. Here hang along th^ walls as if for sale, hut perfectly sweet in this constant temperature, varieties of lish, a'most perfectly formed, even to the white bellies and the wiggle in the tail; one can identify the shad, the ba s, the perch, the mackerel, and the illusion is perfected by the trickling moisture, wliich gives a slimy fishy look to the objects. There is the Elfin ramble, fantasti¬ cally ornamented, six hundred feet long and three hundred in breadth, an 1 beyond that Pluto's chasm, a rift live hundred feet long, ten broad, and seventy deep, a dive into subterranean gloom. From this point wonders open on t very side. In the distance is seen suspended in air, projected on the ckirk- ness, a white specter. We pass on to a miniature lake, where the formation of crystals is still going on, to the bridal chamber, w.th its delicately veiled stalactites and stalagmites, and its long trailing arms of alabaster; to tin Giants' hall, with columns of Egyptian massiveness and sculpturings of Grecian fineness. And we here pass near other objects.Diana's Lath, Titania's veil, and the Saracen's tent, the latter a perfect representation of the fold3 of a conical tent, with the curtains drawn aside in front. Else¬ where is a throne with a hanging canopy. These objects require no aid of the imagination to make them out. Some of the most striking ef¬ fects are of hanging shawls, scarfs and lambrequins, in graceful folds, and some of them witn borders striped in colors. Illumined by placing candles behind them the illusion is beautiful. One of the great sights is the Cathe¬ dral, a vast, lofty apartment with gi¬ gantic columns and profuse roof orna¬ mentation. At one end is the stone organ, with its row of regular pipes. When these are struck they produce musical notes. Striking them in irreg¬ ular succession with a stick, the guide plays "Days of Absence" without missing a note, and a lively quickstep with only the loss of a note or two. There are elsewhere hollow, resound¬ ing shafts and thin, upright masses of alabaster, which sound like drums when struck. In one place is a vast fallen column, fifty feet long and four¬ teen feet thick. It once hung sus¬ pended with its great companions, and the place in the roof whence it broke off is still visible. It has lain prostrate so many ages that a stalagmite column has slowly grown up from the drip on one end of it. Drooping near it is an angel's wing of alabaster whiteness, [ ten feet high and seven broad, taper- ing like a wing, and finished on the sur¬ face with feather-like sculpture. Everywhere one sees masses of gi¬ gantic, glittering columns, the Tower of Babel, the leaning Tower of Pisa, the Sultana, the double column, a frozen cascade, and a hundred won¬ ders. There is a very good imita¬ tion of an elephant's head and trunk, the long neck and head of a camel, with the drooping lip. Through the hollow column it is said an ascent can be made to a chamber sixty feet above. Near this the eye is arrested by the retreating form of an alabaster lady, in party toilet Her head is hid by the jamb of the doorway, but, says truly a visitor, the rounded shoulders, delicate arms, shapely waist and long flowing skirt and train, profusely ornamented, are all there. It has been named "Cinderella Leaving the Ball." Beyond this, by way of the Bridge of Sighs, one comes to Skeleton Gulch. At the bottom of this, in a narrow trench, are several human bones more or less imbedded in the calcareous drip. I made out clearly an arm hone. From the amount of drip over these bones they have proba¬ bly lain here 200 years. Nobody knows who left the skeleton here orhisobject in leaving it here, but the notion gains ground that these are the bones of a character much heard of since the war, a fossil politician. One of the minor curiosities in the floor of one chamber is a bird's nest containing three small white birds' egg3, pebbles rounded by the action of water. The guide, who is a man of truth, swore that nest and eggs were found exactly as we saw them. When he asked me if I did not believe it, 1 told him I believed anything he said so long as I was underground with him and he wan the only man present who knew the way out. I understood the guide to say that the lowest point we descended in tho cave is 2<J0 feet below the entrance. I have nothing more to say of it except that I believe it is the most highly ornamented, fantastic, bewilderingly beautiful piece of work known to man that nature has anywhere executed unaided. But then we know very little more about the earth beneath us than about heaven above. Smallpox and Cream of Tartar. Dr. A. W. Cain, who lives in Ches¬ ter county, not far from Christiana, says he recently made a very interest¬ ing experiment, the result of which seems confirmatory of the theory of the famous English physician who first promulgated the eltieaey of cream of tartar as a smallpox antidote. The doctor very naturally conceived that if the drinking cream of tartar dissolved in water would almost immediately give relief to a person afllicted with smallpox, it would also dissipate the effects of vaccination which had thor¬ oughly taken. So procuring some vaccine virus from Dr. Plank, of Christiana, Dr. Cain vaccinate.! him¬ self and wife. Both vaccinations took finely. When the swo'.lings were &h, their height, and their arms son st, each drank a pint of wat t in which one ounce of cream of tartar had been dissolved. In a few hours the swell¬ ing and soreness had entirely disap¬ peared..Lancaster (Penn.) Inquirer. To cleanse br; «^..catch your ook agent, hold him vu£qc the pump and sponge him with a v"ar of sand soap. To destroy weeds.introduce your widow to a bachelor, and let natme take its coriTS*<~Ifarat7ion Iniepend* HUMOROUS SKETCHES. It Was the Girl. A traveling man, noticing a pretty girl alone in the car, went over in her direction, and smilingly asked: "Is this seat engaged, miss?" "No, sir, but I am, and he is going to get on at the next station." "Oh.ah.indeed.thankjs.beg par¬ don." and he pi ked up his feet, after stumbling over them, and went into the smoking car to be alone awhile.. Merchant-'! raveler. The Parajcol. Before marriage: " Excuse me, George. Did my parasol hurt you?" " Oh, no, my dear. It would be a pleasure if it did." After marriage : " Great heavens I There was never a woman under the sun that knew how trt carry a parasol without scratching a fallow's eyes out." " And there never was a man that knew enough to walk on the right side of a woman with a parasol." k*' There isn't any right side to a --vornan with a parasol."--Hartford (Conn.) Post. Circumstances Alter Cases. Not long ago as an elderly couple were out walking a lady on the opposite side of the street tripped and fell down. The old gentleman rushed across the street, raised his hat, and offered to assist her in any possible v ay. His wife followed him across at a slow pace, and witnessing his devo¬ tion to the stranger, she got mad, and shook her fist at him. "It's all right .it's all right," he whispered. " Yes, I know it is," she hotly exclaimed; " here an unknown woman hurts her toe, and you plow across the street to eat her up with kindness. The other day when I fell downstairs you stood, and laughed, and chuckled, and tickled your ribs, and wanted to know if I was practicing for a circus." Not a Fashion Editor. A young lady in the rural districts wrote to us asking advice about how to have a dress made. Now, we didn't know any more about a dress than a single man ought to, and didn't know what to say. J3ut we wanted to accommodate her, so we got a fash¬ ion magazine, copied a description of a dress, and sent it to her. Yesterday the queerest creature we ever saw bounced into our ollice. "Do you see this dr.s ?'' sh.) demanded; "I've worn it in here to let you see it. This i3 the thing you advised me to make. Look at it." Then she went on. She ha l cau?ed the dress to be mad? up, and worn it to the city, expecting it to be right in style, and found it to be a terror. Investigation showed that the magazine was of 1847. We hadn't observe 1 it before. Then there was only one thing for us to do. We told her that we were not the editor who wrote the article, and took her to th: ollice of tho literary editor, who.n we pointed out as the man. Then we fled the ollice. We hope we shall not see the literary editor for a few days. He is a man of violent impulse, an I some¬ body might get hurt..Boston Post. niuninjr a I?oy. A Detroit physician who had busi¬ ness on Wood!, ridge street yesterday had his attention called to a boy about twelve years of age who had picked up a cracked watermelon from a com¬ mission house and was eating it in the alley. " Boy, that melon isn't ripe," warned the doctor. " I didn't say it was," was the blunt reply. " And it's sour." " Well, I kin sweeten her, I guess." " You look out for the cholera mor¬ bus !" "I've had 'er, and the smallpox, too." "See here, boy," said the doctor, thinking to make a last appeal,." if you eat that melon you'll be dead in¬ side of twenty-four hours." " And you look a-here!" replied the boy, as he cut olf another slice with a piece of iron hoop," "you may chin and talk and scare all you want to, hut I'm no kid! I know what yer want, but yer can't have it I You can take this melon home for fifteen "cnts in cash, but yer can't scare me into let¬ ting it go for nothing ! You'd better I buy your melons in the reg'lar way and j save yer chin for next year's cam- I paign.".Detroit Fie: Press. Hrothcr Unrdnrr'N Recipe A communication from Josephu-t Jackson, an honorary member of the club residing in Washington, made in¬ quiries if brother Gardner had a recipe for telling a ripe watermelon from a green one. If so, the commis¬ sioner of agriculture wanted it at once and would send the club enough seed to raise live acres of Canada thistles. Yes, I reck< n I has a recipe dat nebber fa'ls," replied the old man. " When I i'eid.s d s need of a water- mllyon tonic I go 's down to de mar¬ ket an' looks around. In de fust place, pick fur a mellyon dat am well- built and well roofed over. Let y*»r mellyon he all body an' no legs. 1ml it on de tloo' :«n' press on it. Listen fur a cra-klin' noise. Den thump on it an' listen fur an echo. J)en roll it along an* sc;e if it seems chunky. Den ax (h; man if he am suah it am ripe. Den thtim it some m»\ Den remark dat you won't take it unless it am plugged If <le plug shows up red an'juicy an'sort <,' angelic, take de mellyon home. Dar am three chances outer live da", it ain't ripe, but you kin take revenge bydividin' wid you nay- bor if it am green.".Lime-Kilu. L'lub, Free Pr ss. A Social Hup. "I unders'and you w.t:* at a social hop at Mr. Brown's hut night," said one young man to another. " Yi s, I was there," was the hesi¬ tating reply. " Did von have a livelv time?" " Weif, I should smile.'" Who wa> present ontheoc: asion ?" "Oh, there was the old man. and the old woman, the daughter .Mary, she's my girl you know, the three brothers, and a neighbor or two." .'No more than that for a hop?" "If you'd seen us, you would have thought it was enough." " Why, what did yon do?' " I didn't do much if anything. I only went to see my girl, and the old man, you know, didn't like it, and hi walked in, and before 1 knew anything he hopped on to me. Then Mary hopped on to him, and the old lady hopped on to Mary, and the bays hopped on to the others, and the neighbors came in and I hopped on to my opportunity and got out." " It wasn't so awful slow aftt r all, was it?" "Was it? Well, look at my eyes and this arm in a sling, and this cat on my head, and these sewed«up places NO. 27. in my clothes, and then go up and take a squint at Mary and the old man* and the old woman, and the boys and the furniture. Slow? Slow?» Well, don't bill me for any more social hopa till the spring of 1998." The Farthqcakc that Canif from Pem e Im an Elephtu.t. Sam Wall, of Wilmington, Del., as mild-eyed a Celestial as ever sprayed a .linen shirt, visited the Philadelphia Zoo, and after having "heaplee fun" in the monkey house, stopped over at the elephant's home. A party of wicked lads beguiled the innocent flat- iron artist into conversation, and fin¬ ally persuaded him to give one of the elephants a ginger cake which they had dosed with red pepper. They then retired to watch for the result. Sam patted the animal's trunk softly with one hand, and remarked: "Eat'es muchee." The elephant closed iti eyes lazily, and reached out for the cake with its long trunk. Sam ga7.ed with placid satisfaction at the beast as it curled up trunk and poked the cake down its throat. Then the elephant's little eyes snapped viciously. Sam did not appear to notice this, and turned around to get another cake. As he did so the elephant reached out his long trunk and wound it about the luckless Chinaman's body. Then there was a whirl and the thud of a China¬ man's body twelve feet outside of the ropes. The keeper rushed to the scene, and promptly pulled Sam's head from a parrot cage, where he had been jammed, and carried him out for dead. At the door, however, Sam revived, opened Ids eyes and remarked: ".Muchee eartquakee." Then he got on his feel and walked reflectively to the station He took the next train for Wilming¬ ton, where he confidentially said to a friend: "Chinaman heaplee foollee alle same like Melican man. Me washee alle time now." How Spools are Made. In the manufacture of spools white birch is used exclusively. The wood is first sawed into pieces four feet in length and of nine sizes, varying by 11 sixteenths from an inch to an inch and a half square. It is then dried as thoroughly as it can be out of doors. Inside the factory it first goes to the rougher, where the strips are first cut into cylinders the length of a spool and the hole bored, the turning and boring being performed at one opera- tion, and the cutting off with a small circular saw at another, all on one ma¬ chine. These little cylinders drop from the rougher into a barrel, from whence they are removed to the rollers or revolving slated cylinders, in which the fine dirt and fuzz left by the saw and bits are removed. The pieces are then picked over by hand and all im perfect ones are sorted out to feed the ever hungry fires under the boiler. The next process is a more thorough seasoning of the blocks in a loft, and then they go to the reamer, where the center holes are made to the exact size required, wdiich cannot be done by the rougher on account of the shrinking of the wood a"ter leaving that machine. Until lately the reaming has been done by an ordinary reaming tool working in a lathe, the work being fed by hand; but a new machine has been recently put in which will ream the spools as fast as two boys can feed tneni into the spouts. At each oscil¬ lation of the shaft two spools are reamed, one at each end, the machine turning out about 240 per minute. The next machine is the finisher, which is an attachment to an ordinary lathe, fcy which the spools are turned into shape by one operation, at the rate of 1,000 to 1,500 per hour. There are eight cutting knives on this machine; one at each end, standing up perpen¬ dicular to the length of the spool foi trimming the end; one at each end, horizontally, for turning the outside of the flange; between these, two others, standing diagonally, for the inside of the flange: another, horizontally, for turning out the space between the two flanges, and a small circular chisel for cutting the finish on the top of the spoo1. The spools have now received their shape, and need only the finishing touches. These are given first by the polishers, which are the same as the rollers above, the friction of the spools against each other giving them the required polish. After remaining in this from four to five hours they are again sorted by hand and all imperfect ones re¬ moved, arter which they go to the em- bosser, a sort of printing machine, which stamps the number of the1 thread and some ornamental devices upon the head of i ach spool. They are then packed in stout sacks, accord- ing to tiie size of the spools.. Manu- facturer and Jin Uder. The Cowboy's Toy. A Valentine (Neb.) correspondent I says: This is the home of the cow- puncher. Here he stands, tall, well- formed, with muscles of iron and bronzed, generally handsome face, Ilighb jots a ways blue shirt and heavy rants, an immense white hat, at the hip a glistening revolver of the largest pattern, always lc::ded, and always ac- companied by a belt filled with car¬ tridges. Tins is the cowboy's toy. He plays with this as children play with toy pistols, and lire; it off wh .n- ever he feels 1 ke it. The night is merry with its general fu-ijlade. The cjwbo/ shoots dogs with it, shoots at stovepipe hats if they app ar tn the street, shoots at the ground in front of the "tenderfoot" and scatters the dirt over his polished shoes; he flourishes it in the moonlight, he plays tunes on it, he serenades witli it. The wind blew off a strang.r's stiff hat the other night, an uichin caught it and tosso I it into the air, twenty revolvers wero whipped out and the hat fell to the ground riddled with holes. I picked up a bullet last night which was lire I into the hard ground two inciies, just in front of the leading store. It was .fired "just for fur." The Plant or the Kissing Traditio», j The cultivation of that singular parasiti:: shrub, the mistletoe, for orna- mental purposes is recommended in foreign papers, and y Ming tree-; with mistletoe growing on them are offered for sal; it English nu-series. It is generally found on branches o.' apple trees, but it is not very particular in this respect and takes its habitation ako on different other trees. It may be raised from seed placed in the crevices of th s bark of young, healthy branches, or it may be proj agated by grafting, in wh'ch case a portion of the bark of the tre3 from which it h taken has to be cut witli the piece and firmly secured to the new position.- . American Garden. - ¦¦ -_ At Sotmar, in Germany, during a thunderstorm, a mother and her four children were killed by a single fia«b of lightning. ^>ECIAL. REQUESTS^ 1. All chanffift, jn advertisemcdte mtuf reach ii» cj£j*ridny. 2. Iuwriting to this office on business nlwrryy^ive yonr name and poetoffice ad¬ dress. 3. Articles for publication should be writ¬ ten in a clear, legible hand, and on only osi side of the page. 4. Business letters und communication^* to be published should be written on separata sheets, and the object of each dearly in- cheated by necessary aote when reqrijrecL JOB JPJR ITVTIlVGr DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DISP ATCH TERMS CASH. PHYLLIS. Th» shadows closed on the or: hard gloom*, The scent of the locusts filled the lane. Tb.3 light winds kissed the .mist-trees plume? And bore on their wings the 1033 of rain- Clouds in the red west dimmed tbe skies With fleecy fingers, cold and gray, Ap the BWeet-breitbecl kino with Juno'» eyes Came down the clover-perfumed way. And the shepherdess there, in the morning light, With red lips fashioned like Cupid's bow, Her clear gray eyes so tender bright, And white brow catching the sunset'u glow; I will hear her spea'c, when the lowinjr herd Is folded under the walnut trees, Soft as the note of a singing bird. And I'd g'.rs a thousand dollars ripht out or the office if I coa.d think of any rhyme fo r "trees'- except "breuze," but I can't; nil the same, I heard her voice; she hit a brmd'e cow over the hip with a cedar pa;", and said: 1' So, brute, t o! Huddup your f >oi! Stand o er 1 I'll spike your tail to the fence if yen strike me with it agnin I to, brute, eol". . Burlington Hawkeye. t ¦- - / ~1 HUMOROUS. "Why," exclaimed a tourist, "a donkey couldn't climb that hill," and then he added, " and. I'm not going to try it" When the hen with chickens at¬ tacked the small boy in his mother's yard the hen informed him she had him some time. " Wi e:e is my darling boy to-day ?" Oh, anxious mother, bark, He's stealing a ride on a street car gay Headed for a baseball park. .Evansville Argus. "Here, waiter, didn't I ask for new potatoes? These are last j ear's." Waiter."You wouldn't call.a baby born last year old, would you r".Eos- ion Transcript. Nearly four hundred persons were killed by the wind last year in this country. This Is a terrible record for an off year in politics..New York Commercial. She sang, "I want to be an angel," and he swore that site was one already. To this she blushingly demurred. Then he married her. Demurrer sust^ft4»efJr-'«s .Cincinnati Saturday Night. u What is a color guard, papa?" the good boy asked. A parasol and veil, my son," replied the worldly-wise father, and the little boy silently won¬ dered with such things..Buidette. Of the three cyclones in Michigan . this year none of them has carried a cook stove seven miles and tenderly sat it down at the back door of some poor but worthy widow..Detroit Free Press. r j "Isthat dog mad?" he asked tte boy as the animal dashed by. "I- reckon he is," replied the boy. " I juft see a butcher take a piece o' menu away from him and kick him six feet into the air." V A young correspondent complains \ that " there are too many lawyers in "*; the country." Oh, no, my boy; they ' ^ aren't too many lawyers. There aren't half enough clients, that's alL. Sawkeye. It's Lowell who asks, " What is so rare as a day in June?" is it not? Well, now, if he had only stopped to think a minute, he might have known the 29th of February was the answer to the riddle..Harvard Lampoon, A Brooklyn woman has been ar¬ rested charged with stealing an ac¬ cordion. A woman wicked enough to steal an accordion would do worse. She would even play on the diabolical instrument..A Shai"p. The curiosity of a child of flvo had been aroused by seeing a magnifying glass. " How many times does it mag¬ nify?" asked a gentleman, thinking to puzzle him. "As many times as you. look through it," was the quick reply. The old weapon used by David \o slew Goliah seems, looking at it in tbV light of these latter c ays, to knock theN^ romance all out of the great victory of \ the former. The "sling" slews giants and pigmies alike even unto this day, and people marvel nut thereat..Peck's Sun. A Peoria girl recently planted a lot of feathers with the hope that they would bring forth an early crop of spring chickens. Sli 2 is closely related to the young lady who wouldn't eat veal because she thought she could never afterward look a cow in the face..Dairy. A London oculist says that culture diminishes the size of the eyes. The gentleman is only partly right, it is the effect of culture. Look at the cultured Bostonian, Mr. Sullivan, for instance. He not only diminishes the size of eyes, but in most c:ises entirely closes them..Rochester Fzyrress. A pressed brick from the new city building in Philadelphia has been sub¬ jected to a hydraulic pressure of five hundred thousand pounds. If ever a man is smote with one of those brick, it will be useless for him to dodg?. It would knock him down if it didn't come within a rod of him..Hawkeye. In North Br.zil there are no pro feasional dressmakers, the finest ladies usually making their own costumes. When a man buys his wife a two-dollar dress he doesn't have to give her ten dollars to have it made. There are some things in North Bra il worthy of imitation in this country..Norris~ town Herald. " Yes," said Spillmnn, " I knew Mr. and Mrs. Brown well. I never saw another couple enjoy married life like they did. They lived together more than forty yiars, and never a cross word passed betwet n them." " Inch ei. what a remarkably congenial couple." " Yes, they were d"uf and dumb/'. Somercille Journal. Charles Franc's Adams, Jr., attacks the system which now preva Is in the colleges of making Creek and Latin the basis of a liberal education. Mr. Adams should rest his soul in patience. Baseball and boat rowing are rap dly supplanting Greek und Latin as the basis of a liberal collrge ed'ieatcn.-- Norristown Herald. European i tatht'r inns are cradually reducing their est m te* of the popu¬ lation of China. It used to pe not at over 400,CO.),000. Behm and Wagner reduce the r estimate for China and Corea from 434,.rj0J.O00 to jJ79,%0,0(L>. Peterson reduces his e timate bv 75- 000,000, making the p resent total" 350,- O00.C00. Cr. Happe:, inks otary, be¬ lieves this can safety? be reduced another 50,000,001». dr. nppsley, actingcommis^ioner ol; cu .tomp, thinks 250,000,00) more near v correct than 350 0)0,000. The loss&j by the Ta»p ng and Mohamme "an rebellions, and by ' the famine and pe t lence wh ch swept the provinces "of I hili. i haitiing, Shansi, Shensi an 1 Ilouan, are vari¬ ously estimated at from 61,000,(00 to 81,000,000,

Transcript of XII. OKANGEBUKG, C, THURSDAY, AUGUST 30, NO.€¦ · overcome by thesight öf ourhideous brown...

Page 1: XII. OKANGEBUKG, C, THURSDAY, AUGUST 30, NO.€¦ · overcome by thesight öf ourhideous brown sand-shoes; or it might have been that tluy were bewitched by Charlie'shandsomeface-CharlieistheAdonisof



SUUSCIUPTION BATES."**:eyear.$Six months.

AOTERTlSDJCi RATES.first insertion, per square..$1Subsequent insertion. 50

Notices of meetings, obituaries and trib¬utes of respect, same rates per square as or¬dinary advertisomentj.Special contract made .with large advor-

tirc-rs, with liberal deductions on aboverates.Special notices in local column, fifteen

cents per line.

LOVE.' .* £>

Ileaned out of the window, I smelt the whiteclover,

Dark, darf was the garden, I saw not thegats;

"Novy if there be footsteps, he come?, myone lover.

Hush, nightingale, hush 1 Oh, sweet night¬ingale, wait

Till I listen and hearIf a step draweth near,For my love he is late!

' Tbe skies in the darkness stoop nearer andnearer,

A cluster of stars bangs like fruit in thetree,

The fall of the water comes sweeter, comesclearer;

To what art thou listening, and what dostthou see?"

Let the etar-clusters grow,Let the sweet waters flow,And cross quickly to me.

m.Son night moln^-that hover where honey

bjoms'overFrom sycamore blossoms, or settle or

sleep;You glow-worm». shine out, and the pathway

discovorTo him that comes darkling along tbo

rough steep.Ah, my sailor, moke haste.For the time runs to waste,And my love lieth deep.


"fToo deep for swift telling; and yet, my one

lover,Fve conned theo an answer, it waits thee

to-night"By the sycamore passed he. and through *he

white clover,Then all the sweet speech I had fashioned

took fl'g't;Bat I'll love him more, moreThau e'er wife loved before,Be the days dark or bright.

.Jean Ingelow.

Cruise of the "Jemima."'-

Charlie, my young brother, had beenfagging at his studies; I had justpassed the B. C. S. E., and was propor¬tionately elate. We had earned oursnmmer holiday, we thought; andnothing loth was I when Charlie, witha map in his hand, pointed out a spoton the Caitiness coast and exclaimed :

"Here we arel There we'll golWhat say yon, Frank?"

u Very good choice. Plenty ofozone, fishing and boating; fashionat a discount. Where is the time¬table?"A primitive fishing village.call it

Clanhead.was quickly fixed upen ;* and after ihs usual delight of railwaytravebng we found ourselves in. a

place richly endowed by nature, butminus an inn. *,A Highland cottage, however,

proved a comfortable enough shelter;and after a night's rest and a heartyfish breakfast we strolled off toward

;.' the sea.In the one straggling street of Clan-

head were yellow-haired children whostood in wide-eyed, innocent wonder,and stared at us. Perhaps they wereovercome by the sight öf our hideousbrown sand-shoes; or it might havebeen that tluy were bewitched byCharlie's handsome face-

Charlie is the Adonis of our family;and I.well, I am an ugly young manwith a marvelously wide mouth, eye¬sight so near that I cannot pick up a

sixpence without the help of myglasses, and an expression, to say theleast of it, seared.-

Such as we were, we stood the Jads'and lasses' scrutiny unabashed, plod¬ding on tillwe perceived a middle-agedman leaning on a gate in, I imagined,ft dolce far niente condition.He turned, however, and moved to¬

ward us.«. Will ye no' be tafcin' a sail the

. mornin', gentlemen?"M Just what we want," cried Charlie .

"Aweel, tak ye the first turn to thereet an' it'll bring ye tathe head o' thecliff. Some way bock yell see theopenin' to a ravine. Gang awa throughthe gap, an' ye'll soon be where the seawashes the cliff-foot Be ye canny, forthe tide's high the noo, and the shal¬lowest water there may droun' ye. Infive minutes I'll be cjomin' roond wi'my boat an' my mate at your service."The boatman touched his cap and

moved off; we made for the ravine,passed down it, and came suddenlyupon the most magnificent expanse ofrolling water that our eyes had everfeasted upon.

Shortly, from, I suppose, some shel¬tering nook under the cliff, came alongour little craft, the "Jemima," withher mainsail spread and her ma ter atthe helm, while Donald, his mate,keptwatch at the bow.. With a "Yo hoy! Steady! Yohoy!" she was "brought to," and inscrambled we, neck or nothing.We were scarcely seated before,

emerging from the ravine, toiling onwith the help of a crutch over looseearth and bowlders, came a girl with asweet but very sad face. Evidentlyshe was suffering in mind and body.

"Ech.lIinny,IIinny!" said our boat¬man, with a softened intonation. " Yeshould na act sae, my dear. Whengentlemen hire the ' Jemima' theydinna expect to tak' her master's fam¬ily aboord. Gang awa' home aga'n,Mamie."

" Oh, by all means, take your friendaboard, Mr..""Ben is my na-r.e, s r, an' I thank

.y6 for your kindness. Come, then,bairn! an', look ye, dinra trust to yourcrutch when ye step aboord. Shouldthe boat luff, it may slip frae under yeLet me lay it deon at the stern, an.

gi'e me your hond. Xow, steady, anin ye are "

Ben guided the boat off, then turne Ito the girl again."Eh, my bairnie, not sae mickle as

a sp?ck o' head-gear ! an' they bits o'fal-lal clothing dying aboot ye; ye'llcotch your death !.ye n aim hae myjacket on. Alebbe, sir, ye'll lie sa?kindas to haud the tiller whiles I dress heroop. There, now, Mamie, are ye no

warmly buskit?"Off we were before the w'nd, our

swelling mainsa:l hiding the man atthe bow. The grand sea and sky threwCharlie and myself into ecstacies; Ben.used to su-.h scene«, was quiet, and, Ithought, sad, while the lassie lookeddecidedly s'eepy."Eh, mydoo," said Ben, "ye w<re

oop wi' the birds; I marked ye wend-in' your way to the cliff by the firstglint o' the sun. Ye's liken to a wraith,my dearie. Ye'se aye wanderin'.Aweel, lay doon your h ai awhile on

my shoulder, an' be takin' a wee bitnapthenoo." .

With his disengaged arm Ben sup¬ported the frail little body, and sconMs charge was dozing a? restfully asany weary child. »

As she elept I espied a wedding-ringon her finger, and "even in repose he»


face told * tale of mental and bodilysuffering. Some heavy calamity, Ithought, must have. fallen upon her.Her childlike confidence in Ben andhis tenderness toward her were pa¬thetic, and, altogether, my sympathysympathy was won.

Presently I ventured to ask if shewere not an invalid, and returnedBen:

"Oo, yes, sir; an' she is my onlybairn. Pretty doo. She married owre

early. An* a week after, Ta:n, herhusband, sailed north wi' his crew fcrthe "fishin*. Three months hae passelsin' the wofu' day, Lut nae word canwe get of boat or men."

j " Then you think the ve3sel.""Went doon, sir, is what you mean ?

There is nae doot aboot it; for, milesawa' along coast, a p.'ece of her sailwas washed ashore. But my lambknowsna that; an' sae, i'stead o' puttin'on widow's weeds, she aye says we'seboun*to find him; an' she watches thesea an' questions every fi dierman shemeets till it's ju$t pitifu' to hearher.""She is n?arly distraught," thought

j I. Then I gave Ben a warning noteregarding the imperative need of try¬ing to divert her mind from her trou¬ble. Also I proffered a word of adviceabout her lameness, which, it appeared,arose from some recent injury done tothe muscles, and which I gathered,hal been treated in anything but ascientific manner.Bon was delighted to find that I

was a doctor, and most grateful for myinterest in him. Indeed, he was soearnest in pour'ng out his thanks whenI volunteered to take Main e's ease inhand while I was at Clanhead, that theman at the tow (as he afterwardowned} became an absorbed and sym¬pathetic listener; for Mamie and hehad been playmates, and he felt ratherdown-hearted. Ben told me, whenTarn carried her off.Deep in our subject, and entirely

free from apprehension, we scuddedpleasantly along. One moment allour thoughts were of healing; thenext;.crash I crash!! crash!!! overour heads, under our feet, every¬where!A swift glance at the mainsail, a

wrench at the tiller, and a tremendousshout from Ben:"Bow, there, bow! are ye sleepin',

mon?"The warning was too late! A large

vessel was down upon us; our ma'n-sail pierced through by her bowsprit;our timbers were shivering under h^rbows. I heard shouting on the deckabove us; I saw a man leap from t!ievessel's side; I saw Mamie wake up inan agony of terror and throw her armsround her father's neck; I heard Bensay. "Nae dinna cumber me, but strikeye oot an' trust." 1 knew we were allin the water, for I saw Ben supportinghis child as heswam vigorously towardthe man who had leaped over. I sawCharley going down (neither he nor I-was a swimmer), I clutched at himfruitlessly; then some- confusedcries of "Keep your heads up!""Here's a life-belt!" "Catch this rope!"rind soon. Uufc-txxm Mro-rvrccs swuuOttlfar away and undistinguishable; Iknew that salt water was in my nos-trih and mouth ; there was singing inmy ears, roaring in my bead; I felt amad impulse to rise; I did rise;again, for a m rment only, I heardeager voices near me, and caught a

glimpsie of the efforts that were beingmade to save us; in an agony I madean effort to keep up; it was futile;then, hiss ! hiss ! swish ! through myvery brain ; after that, darkness, densedarkness! a clear consciousness thatthe hand of death was upon me; a cryfrom my inmost soul to heaven and.a strange, deep calm.

* * * * * *

The sun was going down in a floodof crimson glory. I lay upon a well-swabbed deirk all alone. "Where had Ibeen? Where was I going? Whathad happened? I pinched myselfand felt the pain; so I was still in thefie.Qb. I tried my voice."Hi! hilloa Isomebody I"No one came. I sat up and took a

specu'atlve survey. The vessel wastaut and trim, and she smelled of tim¬ber, but she was not of British build.As I cogitated.rather weakly, I mustown.a footstep sounded on the deck,and along came a good-natured-lookingseaman, fair and blue-eyed; he madehis way to me and gazed smilinglydown.

" What s'iip is this?" queried I.A shake of the head." Are you a German?"Two shakes of the head."Speak, man, in some tongue or

other, will you':"Tae word "sneak" he understood,

and obeyed with energy. But no

word of any language could I pick outfrom his strange jabber.

Feeling, no d ȟbt, that my tin ler-standihg wanted arousing, he wentaway and shortly returned with sixother men; some strong, fair and blue-eyed like himseif. the re t short *r,darker, but powerfully built, and allchattering the most unintelligiblejargon.As they bent their energies to make

me acquainted with something or

other, I tried hard t > discover theirnationalities, when happythought!.came hitting through my brain thewords." Andthrn the b'.ue-ey^d Xorsenan toliAiajaof hedaysef o d."" You are from Norway !" bawled I

"And you," to tie darker men, "youare Swede5. Am I right?"

" Ha! Norrowav! Xorge! Norge!Aa! IIa! Norrike! IIa! IIa!'The words were taken up like a

refrain with boisterous satisfaction.Had I only raised my ey.s t > thevessel's Hag, I might have seen at firstthat she was called the "Jarl IJakon."But jus', the.i my wits were scatt red.They began, however, to disentanglethems lves. a id thoughts of Charlie,Ben and the rest crowded upon me.Wüe.e were they? Where was thelame girl? and where the "Jemima?"

It was useless to question, so I rose

up and with rather unsteady gatwalked across t\e de :k and found myway to the captain's cabin.Ön one side lay Ben, with pain in

every lina of his face; in the rapta'n'sberth, locking absolutely dead, was

Mamie; stretched out on a rug lay mybrother. He. however, managed tomoan out " lhavo !" when he saw me.

I went to the girl's tide and felt herpulse. Then, "Where'sthe captain?"s id I to Ben's careless mate, Donald,who was standing by, the picture ofhelpless di -tress.

"Here," came a ready answer froma mellow voice behind me.

I turned. There stood a portly gray-headed man, with a trustworthy face.He spoke English; this was worthsomething just then."Have you a wife.a lady on board,

sir, who will carry out my instructionsrespecting this patient?"

" A re yot^en, a physician ?"

"I am a member of the College oTSurgeons, and am anxious to do mybest in this emergency."

j "I am heartily glad, sir. A lady.no; there is not one on board. Batthere is a man who would lay down

] his life for this child. He is burly,but docile; let him be her nurse."

" Oh, her father ? But he is in sorryplight himself. I fear I shall findsome broken bones when I have timeto lojk at him."

" Xo, not her father.her husband."I glanced at Ben.'.1 kna\v,"said he; "there's areet

bright siller linin' too oor clood, thankGod!"

" Bring him in," quoth I.He came, a young fellow having a

splendid physique and six-feet-two inheight, the very man who had leaped

I from the side of the "Jarl Hakon" to

j our rescue.I stretched out my arm in front of

the berth as a warning or barrier.But Tarn had tact and caution. Hestood mutely looking down on hisghostly young wife, then, in responseto a touch on his arm, he bent his headto take my ordersWhile Mamie remained unconscious

J he was to keep his post quietly, usingj the prescribed remedies; the momentshe showed signs of consciousness he'was to vanish,

I turned to Ben, who I found hadbroken arm.

"SplintsI" said I to Charlie, whowas on his feet by this time. " Go to

I the captain for thin wood, and tools toshape it, also linen for bandages.a

J sheet will do. Now, Ben, you are a

Briton, I know; will you trust me to.see to that bone?""Trust ye? Ay, sir; I ne'er wince

at sic like. I'd be poorly off an' itwerena set."That businei» was got through, and

Ben had scarcely uttered a moan fromj first to last, but cold perspiration stoodon his forehead, and I was just dis-

j patching Donald for a strong cup oftea to revive him when.a suddenknock on my arm.

" I turned sharply. "Beg pardon,sir," whispered Tarn, as his great bulkrolled and stumbled into a dark corner

beyond me.But Mamie'st eyes were wide open;

the whiteness had gone from her face;her breath came thick and fast; sheeven triel to raise herself on her el¬bow.

" Father! father ! Te'sc form' myTain!"Quaking with fear lest the remedy

should be worse than the disease, Imotioned Tarn out from his tading-place.

I saw the girl's face flush violently;I saw her throw up her arms to claspher husband's neck; I saw the younggiant turn white and weak with

i emotion ; then away darted I, never

halting till I reachel the stern. Tyroas I was, I would rather have set halfa dozen more bones than have stoodout that meeting.The captain was there, and very soon

we got into conversation. Here is thesubstance of what he told me.

j- Ti-io *» J<*rl-II(»kon " -TreeGoing nplnotrade between Bergen and Aberdeen.On her last homeward voyage she hadpicked up Tam and another seaman

I who were beating hopelessly about ina small boat, half dead with thirst andexhaustion. Tarn's fine frame had1 attlel through, and he was workinghis way back to Scotland; but hiscompanion in peril had succumbed andwas laid in a Norwegian grave.

* *****Mamie walked without her crutch

before I left Clanhead, and Ben's bone! was doing famously. I was in highspirits at ray success as surgeon on myown account. I had gained friends,

I too. stanch and leal. Said Tam at

j parting:I Ye'se gi'en me a bonny wife for a

sickly ane, an' I'll ne'er thank ye enoo.sir."

j 44 All right, Tam; you saved my lifewhen you leaped from the 'JarlHakon,' you know, so we're more thanquits. And look here, lad, if ever youwant a friend, send to me.""Sae I will, sir ; an' 'uld ye e'er

need an act o' reet willin' an' laithfu'service, ye'll send to me?"That compact was an honest one,

and it will stand.

The Chinese Bamboo.A bamboo, be it said, can be put to

more u-e than any other thing of thevegetable kind in the world. Whatwould our opposite neighbors in theCelestial empire do without it? It isemploye I for nearly all conceivable, be¬side some almost inconceivable pur-poses on land an I water.and even in theair; for kites are made of it, and so

are the queer little whistles bound tothotame pigeons to frighten crows fromthe grain fiel is. It can be u ed inthe whole cane, in strips, in segmentsor in threads ami no part comes amiss.The tu! ei are suitable for water-pipes,and to it answers for aqueducts; it isso strong that foot-hridgjs are con¬structed of it, and light enough forrafts; so available that a whole housecan be built of it.the frame, thethatch, the lattice-, the partitions; amiit furnishes material for thb tables andchairs, and some of the utensils anddecorative articles; it is so hard thatknives are m :de from thin slices, ;;n I

I fo delicate that it may he carved intodaintiest of boxes, and even thimblesand necklace^; so elastic that basketsare woven of it, so fi!>rous that it maybe twis'ed into ropes and cordage. Itsupplies lining for the chests of tea,strands for lishing-nets, strips forfans, and canes stilt enoagh for oarsand spears and pl.inquin-poles. It isone of the four things without whichChina would he China no longer.ricefor fco I, tea for drink, silk lor wear,and bamboo for everything..AmandaP.. Harris, in Wide Aicake.

*' IVasp-Waisted Vampire.',The military academy at West Point

was formerly an object of attack bystump orators, anxious to excite popu¬lar prejudice against an institutionwhich in the (.rator's judgment was

aristocra' ic. There is a story told of acadet, named Joe Blankster, who si¬lenced a stump orater in the days of" Tippecanoe and Tyler too:"While doe was home he went to a

political meeting. The orator spokeof the tyranny of the government, ofthe President living in a great whitepalace and feeding off of a gold spoon,and of a place called West Point,where wasp-wa'sted vampires wereeducated at the expense of the people."I'm one of thosj ' wasp-waisted

vampires,'" said Joe, as he steppedupon the platform.

Joe's waist could hardly be spannedwith a horse's girth; and when th6people taw him they laughed and said*" If that is a sampln we want more oithem.".Youth's Companion.The United States has paid its sol

diers $7v/O.OCO,000 in pensions.



Where the Fish Are Canght that Supply aIicrcoPart ofthe United States.FishingWith Trawls.

A writer in the New York Sun ha*an interesting account of the visitspaid by the city's fishing fleets in Kan-tucket shoals, and the way in whichfish are caught. After describing thefishing smacks used on the cruise, andthe manner of reaching Nantucketshoals, the writer continues interest¬ingly as follows:As the tallow on the leal announces

that we have struck the off-shoregrounds the vessel heaves to, and thefish hues, two to a man, are thrownover. All sorts of fish are taken up.cunners, skates, dog fish, star- tisb,winkles and the like, and mayhap a

little black rock or "ground keeper,"as the sailors term them. Time passes,and it is evident that the school codfor which we are in search are nothere. A shift is made. Likely enoughthen at the first cast of a hook a jerkis felt, and the fisher pulls his linehandover hand, till in a moment a

handsome gray-ba ked and white-bellied thirty-pound school cod is lyingon the deck. All hands rush to the r

lines, clam shells are thrown over

with bits of bait to toll the fish, andthe fun begins. The fish bite fiercely.As fast as one 1 ne is unloaded theother is found fa t, and the fish chasetheir impaled companh ns to the ve ysurface of the water. One forgetsthe fog and the cold in theexcitement of the hour. The tidehas now turned, and is bearingus away to the north, and weare tsking the fish with us. Fingerssoon grow sore from contact with thelines, and hard words are plentifullybestowed upon the straggling fish as

they resist the efforts of tendo.- handsto pull them from the bottom. Thusthe fishing goes on uninterrupted forhours, until at length an unusual swishof the water is heard und r the lee,and suddenly there shoots out of thefog and across our bow a mammothocean steamer, looming up in the mistslike a moving mountain. She passesso near to us as to affright the mosthardened of the crew. A slight changein her course and she would havecrashed over our little vessil as thoughit was but a feather. As she vanishedin the thickening gloom of approachingdarkness fishing is suspended, the ves¬sel is run into shoaler water and an¬

choret, and all hands but the cook be¬gin the work of stowing away theday's catch. The lish are headed,gutted and washed, and after hours ofhard labor are snuggly packed in tiersin pounded ice. Then after a delicioussupper of hot bread and coffee anddelicately browned fresh cod tongues,the crew, save the watch, find theirberths worn out with labor. Six hoursof slumber and the day's work is re¬

peated, often with the most discour¬aging results.Sometimes in the height of thick

fishing the biting will suddenly cease,and the old heads know that a halibutis about. A good halibu t will^briPirrrom ?iu to ^bu, but special pains irerequired in hooking, playing and land¬ing him. Liberal tiaits of menhadenare substituted for the clams, for thecod are frightened away by the ap¬proach of the monster i'-t fish. Sud¬denly " zip, zip," sings out one of thelines, and the fish runs away with thehook. The skillful angler knows bet¬ter than to "snub" him too quickly,else he'll tear out. A halibut is veryganuy. He can be played almost tothe surface, when he will make a sound,and the line whizzes through the sorecreases in your hands till he gets tire Iof running. At length he is broughtto the surtace, ani a man en eitherside of his captor seizes the halibut'shead with large gaff hooks, and sum¬

marily jerks him in on deck, where a

"muddling" club is vigorously appliedto his brain and his throat is cut.Some of these fish are very iarge andstrong, weighing over 300 pounds.Hand lin'ng, as it is termed, is not

the only means employed by the codfishermen in capturing the'r prey.Trawls are extensively used, particu¬larly in the winter. On some groundsthe lish w 11 take a still ba t, whilethey will decline that from a bobbinghand line. Trawls were for years op¬posed by the old hunkers in the busi¬ness, but now the) are extensivelyused all along the coa t, especially in

shoal water, where the school lisii comein for spawning purposes. A codtrawd is made of much lighter mate¬rial than is employed for catching hali¬but. A cod trawl consists of a " run¬

ner," or main line, 400 or 5'JO fathom s

long, of the size of a lead pencil, towhich, at a distance of a few feetapart, are "ganged" hooks small enoughto be easily (swallowed by the fish.Each hook lias a line two feet long.Trawls are coile.l away in tubs for use,each hook being baited and la d in thecenter, so that the tub when fllleJlooks more like a tub of cord with a

pile of fat sea clams in the center thana deadly lish trap. When set the trawlis simply stretched cut over the fish¬ing ground, with an anchor at eitherend and large buoys attached to theanchors. A smack frequently carriesfrom 2'-,000 to 35,000 hooks arrange Iin this manner. The amount ofgroundcovered by them and the great num¬ber of hooks which the six men com¬

posing the smack's crew can tend showthe advantage of the trawling systemover hand lines. Then, too, some orall of the hooks ran be set in the morn¬ing and hauled in before a gale springsup, so that a handsome fare of fishmay sometimes be taken in a fewhours, although the vess 1 may almostimmediately after be driven off theground by the storm.The men handle the trawls with

great dexterity. The smack is an¬

chored, and the fishing wherries putout filled with the "gear" to be"wet." Each boat is managed by a

man who rows off from the vessel tillhe is lost to view in the ever-presentfog. The spinning t'de, another ever-

present feature of Nantucket shoals,soon carries him well astern of thesmack, and then he casts over histrawl buoy and lets down the head an-

chor, taking care to have his sheathknife ready in case of accidents, for |the foaling of the traw), which is (ly¬ing out of the boat as she is borneaway on the tide, would upset thelight" craft as quickly as a flash oflightning. The fisherman throws thetrawl out with his right hand, usinghis thumb and forefinger or a stick.His strong arm keeps a shower of lineand baited hooks in the air all thetime until the bottoms of the tubs arereached, when he throws over his footanchor, to which his boat is alsomoored, and then calmly seat'ng him¬self in the stern, two miles from thesmack in the cheerless fog, he unwindsa heavy halibut lin^ with a ten-poundsinker, and whiles away the time inthe hope of taking one or two of thesefish. It is in still, lonely and exposedpositions, when cold winds and seeth*


ing tides make the fisherman's life oneof dreariness, attended with constantdanger, that tobaccocomesto his solace.All the fishermen chew and iimokewithout stint. By-and-bye the tideslackens and turns off at right angles,preparatory to running with its accus¬tomed violence in the opposite direc¬tion. A blast from a horn or a shotfrom a gun on board the smack warnsthe fisherman that it is slack waterand time to haul on the trawl. Heheaves up his anchor, and works witha will, coiling away- his trawl as hetakes it in. Then, no matter how co'c*the day is, nothing: but warmth oibody is felt, for the mind is bentwholly on what the drawing of thelottery will bring forth Sometimesthe hooks, as far as the eye can see

under water, come upladen with han 1-some cod, haddock, pollock, and occa¬

sionally a halibut, livery hook gene¬rally has something, for it is poor bot¬tom indeed that cmhot furnish even

a conger eel, a " krissr konnere " or a

dogfish. Beautiful sponges and siieliscome t) the surface, together with allthe varied brie a brarof the bottom ofthe sea, for a trawl is a perfect scav¬

enger, picking up rocks anddelaying work, so that the tide beginsto run strongly aga'n, and the boat¬man has to cut lo.ise and pull for hislife to reach the smack. A horn iskept blowing en tin ves-.el till alltin boats have returned from theirmorning's work. Then dinner is eaten,gears are re-bai:eJ, fish ara dresscrl,and the " set" in the afternoon is re¬

peated. Boats are occasionally lo3t inthis fishing, aöd nnn who havenrssedtheir smacks have been picked up bymerchant vessels far out to sea. Thework goP3 on unceasingly until a fareof fish is caught, and then comes thewelcome order to take to the boatAll hands shake out the sails with a

will, every inch of canvas is spread,the relics of slaughter are scrubbedfrom the decks, arid the vessel iswashed from stem to stern.The trip to Fulton market begins,

and in a few hoars the flying craftruns clear of the fog and gets into civ¬ilized weather oncj more. Makingpiissages and tin week in New Yorkaro the fishermen's halcyon daj's, whichhe more than pays for when encoun-

taring the dangers of. storm, tide,shoals and coll sions on the ever-shift¬ing shoals of Nantucket.

Drinks of All Nations.Ancient Egypt had a speries of wine

and also a liquor called zythos, drawnfrom bariey by fermentation, resem¬

bling beer. That the people did notescape from intoxication is shown bydrawings which have b:?en preservedof slaves carrying their masters home,and the like; but the effectsoJ: the twodrinks were noticed to be different.Grecians used wine from Ihe earliestperiod, and history gives many tokensthat thoy did so to excess. But thestatement thaLth?y were fond of pour¬ing salt water into it to improve theflavor raises a gentle suspicion that itdiffered from modernjwine. The likeini'erejnco is w"ffIfltltMcr^rrndlnj thatamong the Bo Dans? the low-pricedgrades of wine sold at threepence forten gallons, and that the magnatesdrank it by the gallon. But both theGrecians and Romans imported winefrom Egypt. Who knows but thismay have been the chief cause of in¬temperance among them?

Julius Casar's troops seem to havetarried, perhaps not the original ideaof wine and malt liquor, but improvedways of making them, to Gaul andBrita'n; and grape culture and winemaking throve in France becausenatural to the siiil and climate, whileale an I beer were so suited to Englishcond tions, and were so easily made bya people raising an abundance ofgrain, that they soon became the na¬tional beverages in preference to themead and cider with which the ancientBritons had bean wont to regale them¬selves. Barley is the basis of severaldrinks made in different parte of theworld by processes juialagous to mod¬ern brewing, but thoy are totally dif¬ferent in their intoxicating effects.The discoverers of America found

maize in use among the native tribesin making a species of beer calledchica; and history indicates that thenatives would have suffered less fromintemperance if they had clung totheir own drink than they have sinceadopting the strong liquors introducedby the whites. There are some unex¬

pected Si es of these beverages. InEngland, /ruce, fir, birch, maple andash trees have in former years beentapped and the sap fermented for a

drink. The willow.poplar, sycamore andwalnut are said to yield palatable bov-t rages. Koumiss, of which descrip¬tions were published during PresidentGarfield's illness, is fermented milk,and is the basis of what may be calledthe koumiss cure, administered to in¬dividuals at establisments maintainedamong the Tartars; bat doctors differas to whether the treatmentwhen triedby Americans or Englishmen effects a

radical cure or only causes a temporaryfatness. The drink is a favorite one

among the Tartars and Circassians,aad they have a legend that the angelwho succored Hagar in the desertshowed 1 er how to make it, and ther- eipe has be?n handed down from thattime. The t hinese mak- liquors, andmischievous ones.to indulge themf eely in their native drinks would notlie a hopeful experiment.from rice,from palm and even from mutton.Sake is a beor which has been long andwidely used in Japan, and, thoughstrong, is called wholesome; and theJapanese make other drinks fromplums, from the juice of the plum orb'r h, and from the flowers of themotherwort and the peach. The Rus¬sians delight in a quass made from bar-li y an 1 rye Hour. Several varieties ofgras-, herbs or flowers, roots of sundryplants, the juices of the sugarcane, thealoe or the cavassa. and even of thepotato and b?et are used among vari¬ous tribes or nations as the basis ofsome favorite drink.

To ) Late.Dr. Stephan, secretary of state, is

director general of the German tde-graph system. On a recent tour of in¬spection he entered an oiliee just as a

cispatch was 1 eing received addressedto the operator. The director generaldemanded to see it. The operatortremblingly handed it over, but thegood-humored director only laughed onreading: " Be on your guard, Stephanis on the rampage, he puts his noseinto everybody's pie." He took his re¬

venge by dictating the following reply:"Too late.nose io already in my pie."The famous packet finer Great West¬

ern, now sailiug between San Fran¬cisco and other Pacific ports, is alreadytwice as old as ships usually get to be.She first sailed from New York toLiverpool forty years ago, and re¬mained in tho Atlantic fleet; twenty-nine years*

AUGUST 30, 1883.


Charles Dudley Warner's Description of tlioWonders of Lurny Cave.

In a letter from Luray, Va., to theHartford Courant Charles DudleyWarner says: In the vestibule ofLuray Cavern, Virgin a, is a monsterpillar, very highly fluted, about twen¬

ty-live feet in diameter, called Wash¬ington's column. All the chambersand most of the objects in the cavernshave been named, and genera'ly fromthe r resemblance to natural or arti¬ficial objects. From the vestibule we

enter a long narrow passage called theVegetable garden, from its display ofvegetable forms, very good imitationsof potatoes, carrots and the like. Wethen enter the theatre, a great audi¬ence hall, and thence to the fish mar¬ket. Here hang along th^ walls as iffor sale, hut perfectly sweet in thisconstant temperature, varieties of lish,a'most perfectly formed, even to thewhite bellies and the wiggle in thetail; one can identify the shad, theba s, the perch, the mackerel, and theillusion is perfected by the tricklingmoisture, wliich gives a slimyfishy look to the objects. Thereis the Elfin ramble, fantasti¬cally ornamented, six hundred feetlong and three hundred in breadth, an 1beyond that Pluto's chasm, a rift livehundred feet long, ten broad, andseventy deep, a dive into subterraneangloom. From this point wonders openon t very side. In the distance is seen

suspended in air, projected on the ckirk-ness, a white specter. We pass on toa miniature lake, where the formationof crystals is still going on, to thebridal chamber, w.th its delicatelyveiled stalactites and stalagmites, andits long trailing arms of alabaster; totin Giants' hall, with columns ofEgyptian massiveness and sculpturingsof Grecian fineness. And we herepass near other objects.Diana's Lath,Titania's veil, and the Saracen's tent,the latter a perfect representation ofthe fold3 of a conical tent, with thecurtains drawn aside in front. Else¬where is a throne with a hangingcanopy. These objects require no aidof the imagination to make themout. Some of the most striking ef¬fects are of hanging shawls, scarfs andlambrequins, in graceful folds, andsome of them witn borders striped incolors. Illumined by placing candlesbehindthem the illusion is beautiful.One of the great sights is the Cathe¬

dral, a vast, lofty apartment with gi¬gantic columns and profuse roof orna¬mentation. At one end is the stoneorgan, with its row of regular pipes.When these are struck they producemusical notes. Striking them in irreg¬ular succession with a stick, the guideplays "Days of Absence" withoutmissing a note, and a lively quickstepwith only the loss of a note or two.There are elsewhere hollow, resound¬ing shafts and thin, upright masses ofalabaster, which sound like drumswhen struck. In one place is a vastfallen column, fifty feet long and four¬teen feet thick. It once hung sus¬

pended with its great companions, andthe place in the roof whence it brokeoff is still visible. It has lain prostrateso many ages that a stalagmite columnhas slowly grown up from the drip onone end of it. Drooping near it is an

angel's wing of alabaster whiteness,[ ten feet high and seven broad, taper-ing like a wing, and finished on the sur¬

face with feather-like sculpture.Everywhere one sees masses of gi¬

gantic, glittering columns, the Towerof Babel, the leaning Tower of Pisa,the Sultana, the double column, afrozen cascade, and a hundred won¬ders. There is a very good imita¬tion of an elephant's head andtrunk, the long neck and head of a

camel, with the drooping lip. Throughthe hollow column it is said an ascentcan be made to a chamber sixty feetabove. Near this the eye is arrestedby the retreating form of an alabasterlady, in party toilet Her head is hidby the jamb of the doorway, but, saystruly a visitor, the rounded shoulders,delicate arms, shapely waistand long flowing skirt and train,profusely ornamented, are all there.It has been named "CinderellaLeaving the Ball." Beyond this, byway of the Bridge of Sighs, one comesto Skeleton Gulch. At the bottom ofthis, in a narrow trench, are severalhuman bones more or less imbedded inthe calcareous drip. I made out clearlyan arm hone. From the amount ofdrip over these bones they have proba¬bly lain here 200 years. Nobody knowswho left the skeleton here orhisobjectin leaving it here, but the notion gainsground that these are the bones of a

character much heard of since the war,a fossil politician.One of the minor curiosities in the

floor of one chamber is a bird's nestcontaining three small white birds'egg3, pebbles rounded by the action ofwater. The guide, who is a man oftruth, swore that nest and eggs werefound exactly as we saw them. Whenhe asked me if I did not believe it, 1told him I believed anything he said so

long as I was underground with himand he wan the only man present whoknew the way out.

I understood the guide to say thatthe lowest point we descended in thocave is 2<J0 feet below the entrance. Ihave nothing more to say of it exceptthat I believe it is the most highlyornamented, fantastic, bewilderinglybeautiful piece of work known to manthat nature has anywhere executedunaided. But then we know verylittle more about the earth beneath us

than about heaven above.

Smallpox and Cream of Tartar.Dr. A. W. Cain, who lives in Ches¬

ter county, not far from Christiana,says he recently made a very interest¬ing experiment, the result of whichseems confirmatory of the theory ofthe famous English physician who firstpromulgated the eltieaey of cream oftartar as a smallpox antidote. Thedoctor very naturally conceived that ifthe drinking cream of tartar dissolvedin water would almost immediatelygive relief to a person afllicted withsmallpox, it would also dissipate theeffects of vaccination which had thor¬oughly taken. So procuring somevaccine virus from Dr. Plank, ofChristiana, Dr. Cain vaccinate.! him¬self and wife. Both vaccinations tookfinely. When the swo'.lings were &h,their height, and their arms son st,each drank a pint of wat t in whichone ounce of cream of tartar had beendissolved. In a few hours the swell¬ing and soreness had entirely disap¬peared..Lancaster (Penn.) Inquirer.

To cleanse br; «^..catch your ookagent, hold him vu£qc the pump andsponge him with a v"ar of sand soap.To destroy weeds.introduce yourwidow to a bachelor, and let natmetake its coriTS*<~Ifarat7ion Iniepend*


It Was the Girl.A traveling man, noticing a pretty

girl alone in the car, went over in herdirection, and smilingly asked:

"Is this seat engaged, miss?""No, sir, but I am, and he is going

to get on at the next station.""Oh.ah.indeed.thankjs.beg par¬

don." and he pi ked up his feet, afterstumbling over them, and went intothe smoking car to be alone awhile..Merchant-'! raveler.

The Parajcol.Before marriage: " Excuse me,

George. Did my parasol hurt you?"" Oh, no, my dear. It would be a

pleasure if it did."After marriage : " Great heavens I

There was never a woman under thesun that knew how trt carry a parasolwithout scratching a fallow's eyesout."

" And there never was a man thatknew enough to walk on the right sideof a woman with a parasol."k*' There isn't any right side to a

--vornan with a parasol."--Hartford(Conn.) Post.

Circumstances Alter Cases.

Not long ago as an elderly couplewere out walking a lady on theopposite side of the street tripped andfell down. The old gentleman rushedacross the street, raised his hat, andoffered to assist her in any possiblev ay. His wife followed him across ata slow pace, and witnessing his devo¬tion to the stranger, she got mad, andshook her fist at him. "It's all right.it's all right," he whispered. " Yes,I know it is," she hotly exclaimed;" here an unknown woman hurts hertoe, and you plow across the street toeat her up with kindness. The otherday when I fell downstairs you stood,and laughed, and chuckled, and tickledyour ribs, and wanted to know if Iwas practicing for a circus."

Not a Fashion Editor.

A young lady in the rural districtswrote to us asking advice about howto have a dress made. Now, wedidn't know any more about a dressthan a single man ought to, and didn'tknow what to say. J3ut we wantedto accommodate her, so we got a fash¬ion magazine, copied a description ofa dress, and sent it to her. Yesterdaythe queerest creature we ever sawbounced into our ollice. "Do you seethis dr.s ?'' sh.) demanded; "I'veworn it in here to let you see it. Thisi3 the thing you advised me to make.Look at it." Then she went on. Sheha l cau?ed the dress to be mad? up,and worn it to the city, expecting itto be right in style, and found it to bea terror. Investigation showed thatthe magazine was of 1847. We hadn'tobserve 1 it before. Then there was

only one thing for us to do. We toldher that we were not the editor whowrote the article, and took her to th:ollice of tho literary editor, who.n we

pointed out as the man. Then we fledthe ollice. We hope we shall not seethe literary editor for a few days. Heis a man of violent impulse, an I some¬body might get hurt..Boston Post.

niuninjr a I?oy.

A Detroit physician who had busi¬ness on Wood!, ridge street yesterdayhad his attention called to a boy abouttwelve years of age who had pickedup a cracked watermelon from a com¬mission house and was eating it in thealley.

" Boy, that melon isn't ripe," warnedthe doctor.

" I didn't say it was," was the bluntreply.

" And it's sour."" Well, I kin sweeten her, I guess."" You look out for the cholera mor¬

bus !""I've had 'er, and the smallpox,

too.""See here, boy," said the doctor,

thinking to make a last appeal,." ifyou eat that melon you'll be dead in¬side of twenty-four hours."

" And you look a-here!" replied theboy, as he cut olf another slice with a

piece of iron hoop," "you may chinand talk and scare all you want to, hutI'm no kid! I know what yer want,but yer can't have it I You can takethis melon home for fifteen "cnts incash, but yer can't scare me into let¬ting it go for nothing ! You'd better

I buy your melons in the reg'lar way andj save yer chin for next year's cam-I paign.".Detroit Fie: Press.

Hrothcr Unrdnrr'N RecipeA communication from Josephu-t

Jackson, an honorary member of theclub residing in Washington, made in¬quiries if brother Gardner had a

recipe for telling a ripe watermelonfrom a green one. If so, the commis¬sioner of agriculture wanted it at onceand would send the club enough seedto raise live acres of Canada thistles.

Yes, I reck< n I has a recipe datnebber fa'ls," replied the old man." When I i'eid.s d s need of a water-mllyon tonic I go 's down to de mar¬

ket an' looks around. In de fustplace, pick fur a mellyon dat am well-built and well roofed over. Let y*»rmellyon he all body an' no legs. 1mlit on de tloo' :«n' press on it. Listenfur a cra-klin' noise. Den thump on

it an' listen fur an echo. J)en roll italong an* sc;e if it seems chunky. Denax (h; man if he am suah it am ripe.Den thtim it some m»\ Den remarkdat you won't take it unless it am

plugged If <le plug shows up redan'juicy an'sort <,' angelic, take demellyon home. Dar am three chancesouter live da", it ain't ripe, but you kintake revenge bydividin' wid you nay-bor if it am green.".Lime-Kilu. L'lub,Free Pr ss.

A Social Hup."I unders'and you w.t:* at a social

hop at Mr. Brown's hut night," saidone young man to another.

" Yi s, I was there," was the hesi¬tating reply.

" Did von have a livelv time?"" Weif, I should smile.'"Who wa> present ontheoc: asion ?"

"Oh, there was the old man. and theold woman, the daughter .Mary, she'smy girl you know, the three brothers,and a neighbor or two."

.'No more than that for a hop?""If you'd seen us, you would have

thought it was enough."" Why, what did yon do?'" I didn't do much if anything. I

only went to see my girl, and the oldman, you know, didn't like it, and hiwalked in, and before 1 knew anythinghe hopped on to me. Then Maryhopped on to him, and the old ladyhopped on to Mary, and the bayshopped on to the others, and theneighbors came in and I hopped on

to my opportunity and got out."" It wasn't so awful slow aftt r all,

was it?""Was it? Well, look at my eyes

and this arm in a sling, and this caton my head, and these sewed«up places

NO. 27.

in my clothes, and then go up andtake a squint at Mary and the oldman*and the old woman, and the boys andthe furniture. Slow? Slow?» Well,don't bill me for any more social hopatill the spring of 1998."

The Farthqcakc that Canif from Pem e Iman Elephtu.t.

Sam Wall, of Wilmington, Del., as

mild-eyed a Celestial as ever sprayed a

.linen shirt, visited the PhiladelphiaZoo, and after having "heaplee fun"in the monkey house, stopped over atthe elephant's home. A party ofwicked lads beguiled the innocent flat-iron artist into conversation, and fin¬ally persuaded him to give one of theelephants a ginger cake which theyhad dosed with red pepper. They thenretired to watch for the result. Sampatted the animal's trunk softly withone hand, and remarked: "Eat'esmuchee." The elephant closed itieyes lazily, and reached out for thecake with its long trunk. Sam ga7.edwith placid satisfaction at the beast as

it curled up trunk and poked the cakedown its throat. Then the elephant'slittle eyes snapped viciously. Sam didnot appear to notice this, and turnedaround to get another cake. As hedid so the elephant reached out hislong trunk and wound it about theluckless Chinaman's body. Then therewas a whirl and the thud of a China¬man's body twelve feet outside of theropes. The keeper rushed to thescene, and promptly pulled Sam's headfrom a parrot cage, where he had beenjammed, and carried him out for dead.At the door, however, Sam revived,opened Ids eyes and remarked: ".Mucheeeartquakee." Then he got on his feeland walked reflectively to the stationHe took the next train for Wilming¬ton, where he confidentially said to afriend: "Chinaman heaplee foolleealle same like Melican man. Mewashee alle time now."

How Spools are Made.In the manufacture of spools white

birch is used exclusively. The woodis first sawed into pieces four feet inlength and of nine sizes, varying by

11 sixteenths from an inch to an inchand a half square. It is then dried as

thoroughly as it can be out of doors.Inside the factory it first goes to therougher, where the strips are first cutinto cylinders the length of a spooland the hole bored, the turning andboring being performed at one opera-tion, and the cutting off with a smallcircular saw at another, all on one ma¬chine. These little cylinders dropfrom the rougher into a barrel, fromwhence they are removed to the rollersor revolving slated cylinders, in whichthe fine dirt and fuzz left by the sawand bits are removed. The pieces arethen picked over by hand and all imperfect ones are sorted out to feed theever hungry fires under the boiler.The next process is a more thorough

seasoning of the blocks in a loft, andthen they go to the reamer, where thecenter holes are made to the exact sizerequired, wdiich cannot be done by therougher on account of theshrinking ofthe wood a"ter leaving that machine.Until lately the reaming has been doneby an ordinary reaming tool workingin a lathe, the work being fed byhand; but a new machine has beenrecently put in which will ream thespools as fast as two boys can feedtneni into the spouts. At each oscil¬lation of the shaft two spools are

reamed, one at each end, the machineturning out about 240 per minute.The next machine is the finisher,

which is an attachment to an ordinarylathe, fcy which the spools are turnedinto shape by one operation, at the rateof 1,000 to 1,500 per hour. There are

eight cutting knives on this machine;one at each end, standing up perpen¬dicular to the length of the spool foitrimming the end; one at eachend, horizontally, for turningthe outside of the flange;between these, two others, standingdiagonally, for the inside of the flange:another, horizontally, for turning outthe space between the two flanges, anda small circular chisel for cutting thefinish on the top of the spoo1. Thespools have now received their shape,and need only the finishing touches.These are given first by the polishers,which are the same as the rollersabove, the friction of the spools againsteach other giving them the requiredpolish. After remaining in this fromfour to five hours they are again sortedby hand and all imperfect ones re¬

moved, arter which they go to the em-

bosser, a sort of printing machine,which stamps the number of the1thread and some ornamental devicesupon the head of i ach spool. Theyare then packed in stout sacks, accord-ing to tiie size of the spools..Manu-facturer and Jin Uder.

The Cowboy's Toy.A Valentine (Neb.) correspondent

I says: This is the home of the cow-

puncher. Here he stands, tall, well-formed, with muscles of iron andbronzed, generally handsome face,Ilighb jots a ways blue shirt and heavyrants, an immense white hat, at thehip a glistening revolver of the largestpattern, always lc::ded, and always ac-

companied by a belt filled with car¬

tridges. Tins is the cowboy's toy.He plays with this as children playwith toy pistols, and lire; it off wh .n-

ever he feels 1 ke it. The night ismerry with its general fu-ijlade. Thecjwbo/ shoots dogs with it, shoots atstovepipe hats if they app ar tn thestreet, shoots at the ground in front ofthe "tenderfoot" and scatters the dirtover his polished shoes; he flourishesit in the moonlight, he plays tunes on

it, he serenades witli it. The windblew off a strang.r's stiff hat the othernight, an uichin caught it and tosso Iit into the air, twenty revolvers wero

whipped out and the hat fell to theground riddled with holes. I pickedup a bullet last night which was lire Iinto the hard ground two inciies, justin front of the leading store. It was

.fired "just for fur."

The Plant or the Kissing Traditio»,

j The cultivation of that singularparasiti:: shrub, the mistletoe, for orna-mental purposes is recommended inforeign papers, and y Ming tree-; withmistletoe growing on them are offeredfor sal; it English nu-series. It isgenerally found on branches o.' appletrees, but it is not very particular inthis respect and takes its habitationako on different other trees. It maybe raised from seed placed in thecrevices of th s bark of young, healthybranches, or it may be proj agated bygrafting, in wh'ch case a portion ofthe bark of the tre3 from which it htaken has to be cut witli the piece andfirmly secured to the new position.- .

American Garden.- ¦¦ -_

At Sotmar, in Germany, during athunderstorm, a mother and her fourchildren were killed by a single fia«bof lightning.

^>ECIAL. REQUESTS^1. All chanffift, jn advertisemcdte mtuf

reach ii» cj£j*ridny.2. Iuwriting to this office on business

nlwrryy^ive yonr name and poetoffice ad¬dress.

3. Articles for publication should be writ¬ten in a clear, legible hand, and on only osiside of the page.

4. Business letters und communication^*to be published should be writtenon separatasheets, and the object of each dearly in-cheated by necessary aote when reqrijrecL




Th» shadows closed on the or:hard gloom*,The scent of the locusts filled the lane.

Tb.3 light winds kissed the .mist-treesplume?

And bore on their wings the 1033 of rain-

Clouds in the red west dimmed tbe skiesWith fleecy fingers, cold and gray,

Ap the BWeet-breitbecl kino with Juno'»

eyesCame down the clover-perfumed way.

And the shepherdess there, in the morninglight,

With red lips fashioned like Cupid's bow,Her clear gray eyes so tender bright,And white brow catching the sunset'u

glow;I will hear her spea'c, when the lowinjr

herdIs folded under the walnut trees,

Soft as the note of a singing bird.And I'd g'.rs a thousand dollars ripht out orthe office if I coa.d think of any rhyme fo r

"trees'- except "breuze," but I can't; nilthe same, I heard her voice; she hit a brmd'ecow over the hip with a cedar pa;", and said:1' So, brute, to! Huddup your f >oi! Stando er 1 I'll spike your tail to the fence if yenstrike me with it agnin I to, brute, eol". .

Burlington Hawkeye. t

¦- - / ~1HUMOROUS.

"Why," exclaimed a tourist, "a

donkey couldn't climb that hill," andthen he added, " and. I'm not going totry it"When the hen with chickens at¬

tacked the small boy in his mother'syard the hen informed him she hadhim some time." Wi e:e is my darling boy to-day ?"

Oh, anxious mother, bark,He'sstealing a ride on a street car gayHeaded for a baseball park.

.Evansville Argus."Here, waiter, didn't I ask for new

potatoes? These are last j ear's."Waiter."You wouldn't call.a babyborn last year old, would you r".Eos-ion Transcript.Nearly four hundred persons were

killed by the wind last year in thiscountry. This Is a terrible record foran off year in politics..New YorkCommercial.She sang, "I want to be an angel,"

and he swore that site was one already.To this she blushingly demurred. Thenhe married her. Demurrer sust^ft4»efJr-'«s.Cincinnati Saturday Night.u What is a color guard, papa?" the

good boy asked. A parasol and veil,my son," replied the worldly-wisefather, and the little boy silently won¬dered with such things..Buidette.Of the three cyclones in Michigan .

this year none of them has carried a

cook stove seven miles and tenderlysat it down at the back door of some

poor but worthy widow..Detroit FreePress. r j"Isthat dog mad?" he asked tte

boy as the animal dashed by. "I-reckon he is," replied the boy. " I juftsee a butcher take a piece o' menu

away from him and kick him six feetinto the air." VA young correspondent complains\

that " there are too many lawyers in "*;the country." Oh, no, my boy; they


^aren't too many lawyers. There aren'thalf enough clients, that's alL.Sawkeye.

It's Lowell who asks, " What is sorare as a day in June?" is it not?Well, now, if he had only stopped tothink a minute, he might have knownthe 29th of February was the answer

to the riddle..Harvard Lampoon,A Brooklyn woman has been ar¬

rested charged with stealing an ac¬cordion. A woman wicked enough tosteal an accordion would do worse.She would even play on the diabolicalinstrument..A Shai"p.The curiosity of a child of flvo had

been aroused by seeing a magnifyingglass. " How many times does it mag¬nify?" asked a gentleman, thinking to

puzzle him. "As many times as you.look through it," was the quick reply.The old weapon used by David \o

slew Goliah seems, looking at it in tbVlight of these latter c ays, to knock theN^romance all out of the great victory of \

the former. The "sling" slews giantsand pigmies alike even unto this day,and peoplemarvel nut thereat..Peck'sSun.A Peoria girl recently planted a lot

of feathers with the hope that theywould bring forth an early crop ofspring chickens. Sli 2 is closely relatedto the young lady who wouldn't eatveal because she thought she couldnever afterward look a cow in theface..Dairy.A London oculist says that culture

diminishes the size of the eyes. Thegentleman is only partly right, it is theeffect of culture. Look at the culturedBostonian, Mr. Sullivan, for instance.He not only diminishes the size ofeyes, but in most c:ises entirely closesthem..Rochester Fzyrress.A pressed brick from the new city

building in Philadelphia has been sub¬jected to a hydraulic pressure of fivehundred thousand pounds. If ever a

man is smote with one of those brick,it will be useless for him to dodg?. Itwould knock him down if it didn'tcome within a rod of him..Hawkeye.In North Br.zil there are no pro

feasional dressmakers, the finest ladiesusually making their own costumes.When a man buys his wife a two-dollardress he doesn't have to give her tendollars to have it made. There aresome things in North Bra il worthyof imitation in this country..Norris~town Herald.

" Yes," said Spillmnn, " I knew Mr.and Mrs. Brown well. I never sawanother couple enjoy married life likethey did. They lived together morethan forty yiars, and never a crossword passed betwet n them." " Inch ei.what a remarkably congenial couple."" Yes, they were d"uf and dumb/'.Somercille Journal.

Charles Franc's Adams, Jr., attacksthe system which now preva Is in thecolleges of making Creek and Latinthe basis of a liberal education. Mr.Adams should rest his soul in patience.Baseball and boat rowing are rap dlysupplanting Greek und Latin as thebasis of a liberal collrge ed'ieatcn.--Norristown Herald.

European i tatht'r inns are craduallyreducing their est m te* of the popu¬lation of China. It used to pe not atover 400,CO.),000. Behm and Wagnerreduce the r estimate for China andCorea from 434,.rj0J.O00 to jJ79,%0,0(L>.Peterson reduces his e timate bv 75-000,000, making the p resent total"350,-O00.C00. Cr. Happe:, inks otary, be¬lieves this can safety? be reducedanother 50,000,001». dr. nppsley,actingcommis^ioner ol; cu .tomp, thinks250,000,00) more near v correct than350 0)0,000. The loss&j by the Ta»p ngand Mohamme "an rebellions, and by


the famine and pe t lence wh ch sweptthe provinces "of I hili. i haitiing,Shansi, Shensi an 1 Ilouan, are vari¬ously estimated at from 61,000,(00 to81,000,000,