Xeta Safeshops inspiratiebus presentatie

An OmniChannel Environment in HyperTimes

Transcript of Xeta Safeshops inspiratiebus presentatie

An OmniChannel Environment in


Who’s Sven

Founder – Consultancy ( r ) Etailing

Managing Director – Board member Belgium RMB – T4U

A changing world

“Uber, the world’s largest taxi company, owns no vehicles. Facebook, the world’s most popular media owner, creates no content. Alibaba, the most valuable retailer, has no inventory. And Airbnb, the world’s largest accommodation provider, owns no real estate. ”

Customer Experience

80% of CEO’s believe their brand provides a superior customer experience.

8% of their customers agree.(Bain & Company)

The right company culture

The right people with the right skills on the right place

The right processes



• 123 years of retail experience• Fashion accessories & Creative haberdashery• 120 Bricks & mortar shops• BELGIUM – LUX & GERMANY

Know Your Customer

Know Your Customer

10 Commandments for Customer Centric (R)etailing 1. Know your customer2. Automate customer engagements3. Personalize the customer experience at every

channel4. Empower sales associates and improve the store

experience5. Surrender to self-service6. Embrace online communities, social media, and

customer-to-customer relationships7. Listen to and Nurture thy best customers8. Adapt branding to customer segments9. Integrate systems, channels, supply chain, and 10.Join the ‘3rd’ Screen revolution



ServiceAccess & Ease


Excellence Design

Customer Demands

Competitor Monitor

Campaign Performance


Real Time Data

Valuable product information

Way to eCommerce

It’s a Culture Change… It’s not only about Digital… Better understand and target your

(potential) Customers. Listen to your Customers . Better understand and improve Business

processes . Every interaction is a Touchpoint. Bridge all touchpoints.


ThanksE: [email protected]: 0473 54 10 65 T: ballysven