Xeo4 - Rilheva Platform at Forum TLC 2013 EN

“Competitiveness and Sustainability. Projects and technologies in public utility networks” Bologna, 6-7 November 2013 From Big Data to Big Performance Cloud Platform & Business Intelligence 3.0 Eng. Massimiliano Cravedi General Manager Xeo4 s.r.l.

Transcript of Xeo4 - Rilheva Platform at Forum TLC 2013 EN

“Competitiveness and Sustainability. Projects and technologies in public utility networks” Bologna, 6-7 November 2013

From Big Data to Big PerformanceCloud Platform & Business Intelligence 3.0

Eng. Massimiliano Cravedi General Manager Xeo4 s.r.l.

“Competitiveness and Sustainability. Projects and technologies in public utility networks” Bologna, 6-7 November 2013

We’re here to make them Speak

“Competitiveness and Sustainability. Projects and technologies in public utility networks” Bologna, 6-7 November 2013

Not us, obviously.

For that we wait for the coffee break ;-)

“Competitiveness and Sustainability. Projects and technologies in public utility networks” Bologna, 6-7 November 2013

We’re here to make hardware speak

“Competitiveness and Sustainability. Projects and technologies in public utility networks” Bologna, 6-7 November 2013

Many devices speak

We Translate

“Competitiveness and Sustainability. Projects and technologies in public utility networks” Bologna, 6-7 November 2013

How many hw do you have in your company?

All these hw express data.

We gather these data, and we translate them into

Usable information.

“Competitiveness and Sustainability. Projects and technologies in public utility networks” Bologna, 6-7 November 2013

To optimize your systems managements.

With which result ?

Keep in mind: 30

“Competitiveness and Sustainability. Projects and technologies in public utility networks” Bologna, 6-7 November 2013

We Translate hardware data

into cloud language

“Competitiveness and Sustainability. Projects and technologies in public utility networks” Bologna, 6-7 November 2013

each hw has proper features.

each data has its own language.

We need to discover a

universal hw data language.

“Competitiveness and Sustainability. Projects and technologies in public utility networks” Bologna, 6-7 November 2013

Cloud languageis the universal one

“Competitiveness and Sustainability. Projects and technologies in public utility networks” Bologna, 6-7 November 2013

a hardwareless platform

For overall hardware

“Competitiveness and Sustainability. Projects and technologies in public utility networks” Bologna, 6-7 November 2013

a platform to gather and use data


Suitable for any hw

a pure SW platform, in the cloud.

“Competitiveness and Sustainability. Projects and technologies in public utility networks” Bologna, 6-7 November 2013

The universal cloud language

“Competitiveness and Sustainability. Projects and technologies in public utility networks” Bologna, 6-7 November 2013

Fashion retailalready speaks our language

“Competitiveness and Sustainability. Projects and technologies in public utility networks” Bologna, 6-7 November 2013

We’ll discover how Cloud platform supports systemic energy

consumptions reduction.

Realize how we use energyto understand how to save it,

by educating people

to vituously manage it.

“Competitiveness and Sustainability. Projects and technologies in public utility networks” Bologna, 6-7 November 2013

Energy Audit

1 month continuously

Monitoring system setup

feed-back actions

Audit Report

Consumptions and fees



distributions definition

Energy counters survey

Measure and monitoring

devices installing

Data analysis and

relationship among energy


«baseline» consumptions


Energy Performance


saving actions


Monitoring, system control

System tuning

Saving actions execution

“Competitiveness and Sustainability. Projects and technologies in public utility networks” Bologna, 6-7 November 2013

Sundays & HolidaysEnergy consumption on closing days

Sunday Aug 11 Thursday Aug 15

Sunday Aug 25Sunday Aug 18


“Competitiveness and Sustainability. Projects and technologies in public utility networks” Bologna, 6-7 November 2013

Open days - typical energy curve


“Competitiveness and Sustainability. Projects and technologies in public utility networks” Bologna, 6-7 November 2013

Projected saving

Sundays & HolidaysAction: Insert closing days in annual calendarResult: 2912 kWh / year = 582€ / year




Basics consumption & peaksAction: Reduce the number of ON devices during closing hours Result: 7800 kWh / year = 1560€ / year

HVACAction: Define a policy with min/max temperature during cleaning hours, launch ours, early morning, late evening.Result: 6000 kWh / year = 1200€ / year

TOTAL Total Saving: 16712kWh / year = 3342€ / year

TOTAL SAVING 20% +...?

“Competitiveness and Sustainability. Projects and technologies in public utility networks” Bologna, 6-7 November 2013

A really beautiful P.O.D.

“Competitiveness and Sustainability. Projects and technologies in public utility networks” Bologna, 6-7 November 2013

Beauty increases as

the number of elements in harmony increases.

We use a web cloud platform to gather

many data.

one hardware: just one data source.

no hardware: unlimited data source.

“Competitiveness and Sustainability. Projects and technologies in public utility networks” Bologna, 6-7 November 2013

By crossing all these data sources, we achieve

a better info dashboard

more time, cost and performance efficient.

“Competitiveness and Sustainability. Projects and technologies in public utility networks” Bologna, 6-7 November 2013


“Competitiveness and Sustainability. Projects and technologies in public utility networks” Bologna, 6-7 November 2013

30is the saving rate using a web cloud platform system management that makes

hardware data speakto reach max effectiveness.

“Competitiveness and Sustainability. Projects and technologies in public utility networks” Bologna, 6-7 November 2013

Talking hardware data

“Competitiveness and Sustainability. Projects and technologies in public utility networks” Bologna, 6-7 November 2013