Www.powstrzymaj.pl Nationwide educational campaign „Stop drunk driver” The State Agency for...

www.powstrzymaj.pl www.parpa.pl Nationwide educational campaign „Stop drunk driver” The State Agency for Prevention of Alcohol-Related Problems

Transcript of Www.powstrzymaj.pl Nationwide educational campaign „Stop drunk driver” The State Agency for...

Alcohol prevention in hands of local communities. Polish system for solving alcohol-related problems

www.powstrzymaj.plwww.parpa.plNationwide educational campaignStop drunk driver

The State Agency for Preventionof Alcohol-Related Problems

12www.powstrzymaj .plOrganized by:Executor of activities:Krakows Academy of Prevention

The State Agency for Prevention of Alcohol-Related Problems

Partners:Transport Association of Psychologists In PolandSociety of Sobriety of Transport WorkersAssociation of Road Safety PartnershipHonorary patronage:Human Rights DefenderThe PoliceMotor Transport InstituteNational Road Safety CouncilPolish Red CrossTeam of the Conference of the Polish Episcopate. Apostolate SobrietyNational Chaplaincy Drivers

Stop drunk driver:2Accidents which could have been avoided:3 001 traffic accidents caused by intoxicated participants (8.3% of the total), 426 people got killed (12.7%), 3 523 persons were injured (8.0%)1/4 of accidents caused by intoxicated drivers aged 18 to 24 years8.917.980 sobriety checks were conducted3 times checks more than in 20103www.powstrzymaj .pl

Stop drunk driver:3Innovative approachTarget Group:The witnesses of a situation where someone is going to drive a vehicle after drinking alcoholWhy the witnesses were selected? Alcohol impact sober driver knows that drunk driving is forbidden and dangerous but after drinking alcohol he forgets about this and usually feels sober and more courageous.Statistics research conducted by National Road Safety Council has showed that 35% respondents were witnesses of drunk driving, 93% of witnesses were drunk drivers friends.


Stop drunk driver:4

Stop drunk driver:Campaigns objectives:To raise awareness on risks caused by drunk driversDistribution of knowledge how to effectively and correctly react in a situation of being a witnessIndication that reacting in such a situation is appropriate and socially responsibleIndication of the social and personal consequences of driving after drinking alcohol


The main message:

Respond whenever you are the witnessUse the number 112 (emergency number)

6www.powstrzymaj.plStop drunk driver:

6Stop drunk driver:PARPAs intention:To initiate actions taken by institutions responsible for road safety on nationwide and local level

The campaign tools include:educational materials (guidebook, leaflets, stickers)website www.powstrzymaj.plTV spots


Stop drunk driver:

www.powstrzymaj.pl8Campaigns achievements:Media interest (news media, social media)Experts and celebrities involvementLocal authorities interestRoad Safety Partner Award9Stop drunk driver:
