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    Rubus idaeus - L.

    Common NameRaspberry, American redraspberry, Grayleaf red raspberry

    Family Rosaceae


    Known Hazards None known

    HabitatsMoist neglected land, hedgerowsand woodland edges[7, 11, 244].

    RangeEurope, including Britain, fromIceland south and east to Spainand temperate Asia.

    Edibility Rating

    Medicinal Rating



    Bloom Color: Green, Yellow. Main Bloom Time: Early spring, Late spring,Mid spring. Form: Spreading or horizontal, Upright or erect.

    Physical Characteristics

    Rubus idaeus is a deciduous Shrub growing to 2 m (6ft) by 1.5 m (5ft) at amedium rate.It is hardy to zone (UK) 3 and is not frost tender. It is in leaf 11-Apr It is in flowerfrom Jun to August, and the seeds ripen from Jul to September. The flowers arehermaphrodite (have both male and female organs ) and are pollinated by Bees,flies, self.The plant is self-fertile.

    USDA hardiness zone : 4-7

    Suitable for: light (sandy), medium (loamy) and heavy (clay) soils and preferswell-drained soil. Suitable pH: acid, neutral and basic (alkaline) s oils. It cangrow in semi-shade (light woodland) or no shade. It prefers moist soil .

    Habitats Woodland Garden Sunny Edge; Dappled Shade; Shady Edge;

    Edible Uses

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  • 8/11/2019 www_pfaf_org_user_Plant_aspx_LatinName_Rubus_idaeus.pdf


    Edible Parts: Fruit; Root; Stem.Edible Uses: Coffee; Tea.

    Fruit - raw or cooked[2, 5, 7, 61]. Delicious when eaten out of hand, the fruit is also used in pies, preserves etc[183]. Root - cooked. The root, which should be neithertoo young nor too old, requires a lot of boiling[7]. Young shoots - peeled and eaten raw or cooked like asparagus[172]. They are harvested as they emerge throughthe ground in the spring and whilst they are still tender. A herb tea is made from the dried leaves[21, 46, 183]. Another report says that a type of tea made fromraspberry and blackberry leaves is an excellent coffee substitute[7].

    Medicinal Uses

    Plants For A Future can not take any responsibility for any adverse effects from the use of plants. Always seek advice from a professional before using a plantmedicinally.

    Antiinflamm atory; Astringent; Birthing aid; Cardiac; Decongestant; Oxytoxic.

    Antiemetic[13, 165]. The leaves and roo ts are anti-inflam matory, astringent, deconges tant, ophthalmic, oxytocic and stimulant[4, 13, 165, 222, 254]. A tea made fromthem is used in the treatment of diarrhoea, as a tonic for the uterus to s trengthen pregnant women, and as an aid in childbirth[4, 222, 257]. The tea has als o beenshown as effective in relieving painful m enstrual cramps[222]. The active ingredients both s timulate and relax the uterus[222]. They can be used during the las t threemonths of pregnancy and during childbirth, but should not be us ed earlier[238]. Externally, the leaves and roots are used as a gargle to treat tonsillitis and m outhinflammations, as a poultice and was h to treat sores, conjunctivitis, minor wounds, burns and varicose ulcers[238, 257]. The leaves are harvested in the s umm erand dried for later use[9]. The fruit is antiscorbutic and diuretic[7]. Fresh raspberry juice, mixed with a little honey, makes an excellent refrigerant beverage to be takenin the heat of a fever[21]. Made into a syrup, it is s aid to have a beneficial effect on the heart[21].

    Other Uses

    Cosmetic; Dye; Paper.

    A purple to dull blue dye is obtained from the fruit[168]. A fibre obtained from the s tems is us ed in making paper[189]. The stems are harvested in the summ er afterthe fruit has been eaten, the leaves are removed and the stems are steamed until the fibres can be s tripped. The fibres are cooked for 2 hours with lye and then handbeaten with mallets or ball m illed for 3 hours. The paper is light brown in colour[189]. A decongestant face-mask made from the fruit is used cosmetically to soothereddened s kin[7].

    Cultivation details

    Landscape Us es:Erosion control, Foundation, Ground cover, Massing, Rock garden, Seashore. Prefers a good deep well-drained loam y soil on the acid si de[1, 34].Dislikes very heavy soils[1, 200], light soils[4] and alkaline soils [200]. Prefers an open posi tion but tolerates s ome shade[1]. Plants crop les s well when grown in theshade of trees though they do well in the open on a north-facing slope[200]. Requires a position s heltered from strong winds[200]. Prefers a pH between 6 and6.5[200]. Raspberries are frequently cultivated in temperate regions of the world, both in the garden and commercially, for their edible fruit. There are many namedvarieties able to s upply fresh fruit from mid-s umm er to the autumn[1, 200]. High costs of picking the fruit means that little is actually sold fresh, m ost of thecommercially cultivated crops either being used for preserves or grown for the 'Pick Your Own' trade. All the cultivars are self-fertile[200]. This species has biennialstems , it produces a num ber of new s tems each year from the perennial rootstock, these s tems fruit in their second year and then die[200]. It is bes t not to growraspberries near blackberries or potatoes[18]. Plants in this genus are notably susceptible to honey fungus[200]. Special Features: Not North American native,

    Attracts butterflies, Inconspi cuous flowers or blooms .


    Seed - requires stratification and is bes t sown in early autumn in a cold frame. Stored seed requires one m onth stratification at about 3c and is bes t sown as earlyas pos sible in the year. Prick out the seedlings when they are large enough to handle and grow on in a cold frame. Plant them out into their permanent positions inlate spring of the following year. Cuttings of half-ripe wood, July/August in a frame[200]. Tip layering in July. Plant out in autumn. Division in early spring or just beforeleaf-fall in the autumn[200].

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