Surve…  · Web viewThis is a serious problem ... Encourage exchanges with Asia Pacific academic...

Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved 01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology Staff Environment Culture Teaching appearing to be valued as highly as research output Employing the best people not just people with Phd's Decreasing the casualisation of the teaching staff - you can get who is available not necessarily leaders and innovators in a field when teaching is staffed by casual employees 01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology Great academic staff: I am proud to be work in English department. They are cool people. Lovely admin staff and librarians. Part-time teachers need to be given year-long contracts. You don't have to pay them more, just ensure their security. 01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology Friendliness of staff; Location/Environment; Central Library More focus on research, including more financial support; Staff renewal; better senior management team at university level 01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology 1. Hard working people 2. A tranquil location that doesn't add to ones' stress levels 3. SOME (but not all) academics are really inovative researchers 1. Get rid of all the dead wood who contribute 50% energy and enthusiasm all the time and never publish or take up supervisory responsibilities (They make the rest of us work harder to carry their load. This is a serious problem in the Law School). 2. Less over-servicing of students - it creates a culture of dependance and wastes time. 3. Devote more energy on promoting and rewarding staff who conduct research. 01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology - the good relationship between students and staff; - the ambition to continually improve offerings; - the provision of high quality services such as health& counselling, staff training & development unit etc - a greater committment to inspire excellence in students right from their first year -> not be afraid of creating 'elites' in the sense of fiercely intellectual and intelligent thinkers; - min year-long contracts for part-time teachers -> a move away

Transcript of Surve…  · Web viewThis is a serious problem ... Encourage exchanges with Asia Pacific academic...

Page 1: Surve…  · Web viewThis is a serious problem ... Encourage exchanges with Asia Pacific academic ... (When I worked at Uni of Melb this was already the case there four years ago)3)

Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology


Teaching appearing to be valued as highly as research outputEmploying the best people not just people with Phd'sDecreasing the casualisation of the teaching staff - you can get who is available not necessarily leaders and innovators in a field when teaching is staffed by casual employees

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

Great academic staff: I am proud to be work in English department. They are cool people. Lovely admin staff and librarians.

Part-time teachers need to be given year-long contracts. You don't have to pay them more, just ensure their security.

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

Friendliness of staff; Location/Environment; Central Library More focus on research, including more financial support; Staff renewal; better senior management team at university level

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

1. Hard working people 2. A tranquil location that doesn't add to ones' stress levels3. SOME (but not all) academics are really inovative researchers

1. Get rid of all the deadwood who contribute 50% energy and enthusiasm all the time and never publish or take up supervisory responsibilities(They make the rest of us work harder to carry their load. This is a serious problem in the Law School).2. Less over-servicing of students - it creates a culture of dependance and wastes time.3. Devote more energy on promoting and rewarding staff who conduct research.

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

- the good relationship between students and staff;- the ambition to continually improve offerings;- the provision of high quality services such as health& counselling, staff training & development unit etc

- a greater committment to inspire excellence in students right from their first year -> not be afraid of creating 'elites' in the sense of fiercely intellectual and intelligent thinkers;- min year-long contracts for part-time teachers -> a move away

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

Work flexibilitySupport for workers

Better casual teaching rates, especially for marking

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

The students. Transparency in costs, equitable staff workloads, actually having a workload calculation that was meaningful and able to be compared, having a staff club or somewhere with decent coffee.

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology


more money for programsadditional staff to create room for research activitiesequitable workloads across the school

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

staffstrategic plan if it was more than just words on a pagepotential to be great

adequate human and financial and technological resources

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

close to the Tonsley Park redevelopment opportunitiesNear to Flinders Med: reflected publicity/profileNo other 'local' university

All Uni:More staff, to cope with increased student nos.More resources deveoted to 'bridging' students into uni, especially students with non-traditional, overseas or low achieving profiles

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

It exists (while other universities are sinking)Great library serviceNice r ange of topics

Personal and direct financial reward for academic publicationsSupport not suppression of inter-university cooperationBetter career path planning for graduates

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

research, social justice, community engagement a new XXXX, better mix of academic and vocational (eg soc science and teacher training), more support for research time

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

Teaching is valuedThere are clear and transparent HR processesThe physical surrounds i.e. the lake and the ducks

Give the IT systems back to the cavemen that you purchased them from ... Please, Word 2003?????Address issues of favoritismProvide staff with a clear and transparent workload policy ... preferably one that the HoS is able to explain to staff

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

It has as a long history of community engagement and history of being interested in social justice and equityIt is small enough for people to count and be known widelyIt's promotion system is very balanced and transparent

Treat all staff whether they are permanent, contract or casual with the same regard and respect.Provide more support and encouragement for early career researchersEmploy students to do casual work

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

TeachingResearchCommunity service

More time for research and for teachingMore staffWise management

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

Location, staff, size More academic staff, especially full time continuing; pay more attention to opinions of staff about teaching, especially offshore programs; focus on developing niche markets rather than copying what already exists at other universities

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

Excellent people (broadly, over the university). Quality researchers, student-centred teachers, committed students.

The research culture of my 'Department' needs to be addressed or else i'll be forced to move on. My Department is full of staff with very old-fashioned views on teaching (for instance, the use of ICT), and it's not only a research-free zone, it's actually anti research.

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

Access to research fundingFexible work arrangmentsPeaceful environment

Greater direct access to senior managmentMore transparent decision makingReduction of machiavellian politics in EHLT

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

1. The quality of the students' capacity to learn;2. Flexibility of working hours;3. Capacity to combine teaching & research work.

1. Meaningful recognition of diverse work contributions in promotion and related processes;2. Greater recognition of the work provided by part time staff and provide appropriate budgets that enable consistency from one year to the next;3. Remove the traditional dominance of the PhD qualification in promotion, research grants etc.

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

There are none. 1. Replace XXXX with someone who has experience outside Flinders, and an understanding of cost-benefit analysis.2. Improve the hiring process.3. Reduce the number of administrators and spend the savings on more academic staff.

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

Beauty of the campus, Staff, Library. Information Technology infrastructure, both locally and at the University level. Information Technology staff both locally and at the University level. Pay attention to the physical design on/in the buildings - cheap can still be stylish.

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

the staff the studentsthe campus

still find the communication throughout the uni could improve

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

colleaguesviewsclose to home

parkingREAL consultationless bullying

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

1. collegial atmosphere2. academic support offered to students3. cultural diversity amongst both staff and students

1. at a school level, develop new and innovative ways to approach teaching to inspire students2. provision of more time to assisting students one-on-one in topics

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

Its peopleDedication to positive student outcomesLocation

Increase in consultation (i.e. dialogue)with all staff before major decisions are madeDevelopment and implementation of a meaningful environmental planReview of on campus services, particular food provision

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

  More communication between management and staff

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

TeachingTreatement of staffTreatment of students

CommunicationMarketingAdministrative procedures

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

It still has some credibility as a university. It's up to you really if this continues to be the case.

Flinders could demonstrate leadership in delivering quality higher learning. Teaching needs to be more highly valued and supported.

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

The people that work herePosition of the UniVariety of courses offered

Better resourses to allow more student contact time when teaching.Senior management thinking about how the policies and decisions they make affect the everyday users.Better communication

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

ColleaguesWorking ConditionsProviding Guidance / Supervision / Training

Needs more decision makersMore cafesBetter pay

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

excellent student services great staff particular courses improved

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

Commitment to students, their learning and wellbeingLooks at local area and internationallyIt is a good place to work

A person should be dedicated to IT needs, for example to generate SET questionnaires/reports for all topics/teaching staff; to create interactive learning presentations with embedded films, links etc; to set up and test WebCT exercises.An automated SAM creation software should be created that is able to check if students are enrolled in a topic, copy relevant information from the university website/previous years. The end product should be made available to all students on FLO.Less paperwork in general.

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

Flexible working conditions for parents.Good superannuation benefits.Good disability services.

Reduce the cost of food, especially for students as it is all far too expensive.Provide a wider variety of food.The quality of food needs to be improved. We should not have to put up with sub standard food in our restaurant and eateries because there is no nearby competition.

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology


More opportunity to progress to a higher level.Architecturally better designed.

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

Its peopleIts purposeIts vision

increased levels of collaboration across work unitsimproved information about impact of services and service delivery (both internally and externally)

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

Its peopleWorking conditionsThe campus

Price and quality of foodcarparking

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

pockets of excellence, which cannot be named, according to the instructions

better student staff ratiomore emphasis on supporting excellence, rather than over resourcing marginal students/staff/programsALLOW explanation of survey answers-eg re coworkers--many responses are 'neutral' are because some are v good, some v bad.

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

Critical areas of research in my teaching area are promoted and acknowledged.There are good relationships between teaching staff and students.Former students tend to be very positive about their experiences at Flinders and tend to say so.

I would like to see more opportunities to reflect upon our teaching processes and make appropriate changes as a matter of course.Parking parking parking - often an issue for part time teachers at critical times of the day.

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

Its staff, Its location and teaching Why is that when staff require a pay rise the administration want to go to arbitration. Pay Disputes destroys staff morale. University must Reduce racism and sexism proactively instead of reactively. Greater indigenous prescene in curriculum across the university. The university has received an abundant of Aboriginal monies (CRCAH, Poche, etc) yet the only Indigenous strategic plan in the entire university is isolated to Yunggorendi's strategic plan.Align the uni holidays with schools holidays to ease the burden on students and staff. this is so basic but not realtiy at this university. This stresses students emmensely and is barometre by which staff and students measure how out of touch and unfamily friendly this university is.

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology


there is no sustainable process of replacing euipement with 'industry standard' equipment so our teaching tends to be locked in at the time where our current equipment was purchased wich can mean it is easily 10yrs out of date. There is not enough skilled resources available for all the new OH&S procedures to be implimented. This has resulted in a huge additional work load with no additional support.There is no ability in the finance system to 'save' money from year to year. I cannot leave $100 in the account for next year.

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

Commitment to equity and diversityStrong collegialityHistory of treating staff well

Getting control of student intakeA less overworked DeanWillingness to confront bullying

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

position, attitude to overseas students, library provide more training for tutors,

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

Teaching StaffStudentsSetting

Supervisors should have regular meeting with staff and inform them of what is going on. Appoint supervisors with leadership qualities, so staff will respect them. By not appointing managers who have no idea how to deal with staff.

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

There are individuals who doggedly do their best despite being continually hampered by the clumsy and unwieldy centralised structures.A beautiful campusCant think of a third

The understanding of leadership is minimal. Morale in the School of Education is at an all time low, thanks to 'dumbing-down' of courses and bullying tactics of XXXX. 1)Get rid of XXXX2) Sreamline processes 3) Get a new student system

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

The people who work here.The breadth of Study options and Research undertaken.The Location and magnificent grounds

Consolidation of policy documentation and regulations - always confusion as to 'what is current' and 'what is out of date'.Consolidation of IT systems both Uni wide and in collaboration with external systems.CAR PARKING FOR STAFF!!!

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

beautiful campus, some fantastic people, some great students 1) better on campus food! Seriously, how hard can it be to get food on campus that is not hugely overpriced and badly cooked. If Ping Pong / Kwikstix down by the FMC can provide good food for half the price that we can then there's something seriously wrong somewhere.2) less employment of friends of friends, family members or people owed favours by senior staff 3) career progression opportunities.

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

The staff CommunicationBetter food options and cheaper

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

hardworking administrative staff Better food for staff and students

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

Its staffDiversity of its courses

Better communication within work units

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

The good working conditions for staff, eg super, holidays, long service leaveBeing able to move around as a professional staff memberThe diversity of courses

The Uni needs to be more careful at the timing of introducing things such as curriculum (C2R2 change), as well as office reviews as well as potential merging faculties (new faculty!)Student areas should make sure they employ staff that care about students.The uni should have an international/national job exchange program for professional staff members.

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

Positive/friendly working environmentA stronger strategic visionLong needed change agenda underway

Resources - we are working our key staff into the ground;Greater capacity to reward contributions//good behaviour especially to the good corporate 'citizens';teaching loads growing at time we need to improve research productivity

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

Established as a recognised quality institutionits locationhas the potential for international reputation in some fields

Increased opportunity for semi permanent teaching positions - students are the future Becoming more adventurous in student programsReestablish itself as an edgy leader, rather than attempting to be a 'sandstone lite' copy

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

Excellent resources Excellent staff and alumniStudent support

Making more use of talented people who have ideas that could be used for the benefit of all - not enough is done to encourage people to use all their skills to benefit their department.

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

Good relationships between staffHigh quality teaching

Greater support for staff to write funding applicationsHaving leaders with a strong research track record (ARCs, publications), at all levels of management

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

High commitment to under-graduatesInnovative and progressivestrong image

I am prefectly happy with the strategies used by my school for evaluation and steady improvement. More could become unweildy and create discontinuity.

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

-passion for providing a high quality education-social justice emphasis-opportunities for all

-real consultation before decsions are made-understanding about implications of big level changes at the ground level-recognition for complex admin tasks undertaken in terms of promotion opportunities

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

1. Strong student focus2. New Vice Chancellor3. Professional development

1. Bullying by supervisors2. Supervisors should be evaluated by staff just like teachers are evaluated by students3. Management should be more transparent

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

The people, the beautiful campus, the working conditions. Better CommunicationBetter distribution of workloadLess meetings

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

There is a strong commitment to high quality teaching and to flexible options for students.There are opportunities to develop partnerships across schools and departments, and most people are open to that.There is a sense of support for new ideas or initiatives generated by staff, particularly as they relate to teaching. I am someone who enjoys change and working creatively, so I appreciate this.

I am an Early Career Researcher very committed to developing a profile as a researcher of quality in my field, and with industry partners willing to work with me. However, my workload from day 1 is such that I am expected to conduct research on top of a more than full-time workload of other responsibilities, primarily teaching in an under-staffed school. I am not opposed to hard work and I am able to work efficiently. However, my workload leaves me to either conduct research that is rushed and piecemeal, and therefore of substandard quality, or to work many additional hours to find ways of conducting research IN SPITE OF the system and not because I am supported by it. This works against all that we know about encouraging innovation. I don't even have time to read in my field any more. The university needs to become much more serious about supporting early career researchers by providing not only additional programs and seminars, but also the TIME and ROOM to develop research ideas and skills. It also means providing additional administrative support so that I don't spend so much time photocopying books of readings and completing other admin tasks for which my PhD is not necessary. This is the only way Flinders will shift towards more of a research culture and retain young academic staff in areas such as Education where there is a strong teaching focus. This is a major concern for me and the point that is most likely to see me move to another university. If I want to be a full-time teacher I have the option of working in a school for fewer hours and higher pay. I want to develop as a researcher and would benefit greatly from a workload that makes that goal realistic. There is also a lack of planning ahead and organisation in this school, perhaps exacerbated by the timelime for C2R2, that puts additional pressure on me and my colleagues. On the one hand I am encouraged to carve out days in my schedule devoted to research and writing (although this is difficult to manage), and on the other I frequently receive emails tagged 'URGENT' and requiring me to fulfill some administrative duty to a tight deadline that I could have planned for in advance if I had known it was coming. I want to remain committed to Flinders and contribute to the research profile of the university as well as my own profile, but I want to have the option of doing so without burning out after only a few years and without having to sacrifice any life outside of work. I recognise that this is a complex issue for the university, but with an aging academic workforce it is going to be very difficult for Flinders to

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

  It is time to stop talking about our greatest asset being our people and act as if we believed this.

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

It's hard to identify strengths - we're just an ordinary university struggling along with every other ordinary university. I can't think of anything we do particularly well, but as everyone says, Flinders isn't as bad as UniSA!

Better administrative support - our school's administration is largely disfunctional, although everyone is very nice.Reasonable workload expectations and honesty about what we are being asked to do.Better integration of parts of the university - humanities and sciences, academic and general staff, high level admin and academic staff - I have never worked at a university where I didn't know people across all sectors, and find Flinders very frustrating in this regard. A proper staff or university club is CRITICAL in this respect. Do I have to stop at three ways?

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

Good working relationships with colleaguesClose working with studentsStable working enviroment

Upgrade computersImproved technologiesImprove working with other staff from different areas of the University

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

1. its tradition of commitment to social justice2. the commitment many staff have to supporting and encouraging students3. the employment of Indigenous staff

1. stamp out downward bullying - make the workplace safe for all staff2. genuinely recognise and celebrate staff achievement3. involve staff in decision making around the issues that affect their daily work

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

- Commitment of staff- Good reations with students- VC's willlingness to shake the place up - we need it.

- Clearer strategy for what we shouldn't do - things get added but we don't stop doing anything (even if they are way past usefulness)- Better policy/procedure mix- Academic staff - when are they here?

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

1. Commitment of staff2. Flexibility of staff to embrace new ideas -C2r2 for instance- whilst this has been a lot of work for everyone we have all recognised this as an opportunity to improve our services, reconnect with being current and forward thinking. I'm sure this process will improve the skills, knowledge and undersandings of our students.3. Friendly and helpful - good library

technology for distance studentsSupport in researchincreasing staff levels so we can do our jobs well. I have so many responsibilties at times I feel overwhelmed. I take pride in my work and we are being asked to do more and more and every one I talk to agrees their work quality is starting to suffer and none of us want that to happen - we like it here - but we want the opportunity to do a first rate job

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

Attention to improving research quality has recently become a priority. Streamlining bureaucracy for academics so less of the day is spent on forms, responding to emails, etcMinimising information overload, which is becoming an increasing problem.Stop overburdening the most competent with extra administrative work.

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

StaffWillingness to work across boundariesAbility to change

More advice before action at apprpriate levelsLess corporate approachTimely decisions

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

Committment of staff to studentsFuture orientedEmbrace diversity

Stronger supervisorMore equitable workloadsBetter staff student ratio for all year levels

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

Flinders University's greatest strength is found within the staff. High quality staff is what makes Flinders a great place to work.

Greater communication from 'the top' and between faculties and departments.

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

A willingness to trial new programs.A willingness to experiment with teaching procedures.Acceptance of non-traditional (for example, mature-age) students.

More full-time staff.Improved training for casual academic staff.Improved management of courses.

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

  Leadership of the schoolClear workload formula and even distribution of workloadMore administrative support for academic staff

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

Its commitment to students and their welfare.Its commitment to staff, their needs and their welfare.Its size.

Improved staff/time managementMore funding directed at where the teaching is actually doneMore communication and inclusion as part of the organisation as a whole

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

willingness to change, professional development, proud of its achievements

change management, seeing School as part of other Schools not in isolation, communication on all levels of School staff

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

1.The ability and capacity to at times think outside the square2. The ability at times to understand and appreciate that research is not the only focus3. The students

1. To understand that university staff are multifaceted2. That it is not about living and working in a silo, there is a real world out there3. Encourage a strive for excellence and hard work ethos which is not present at all

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

Innovative, research oriented, vision in leadership Need more time for research, too much focus on teaching, more leave needed to be in line with other countries - 20 days a year is awful.

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

Genuine concern about students.Collaboration between admin and academic staff to deliver services.The people working here.

Quality of education is being sacrificed to budget concerns.Improve understanding and interest at the top levels of administration about the courses and the importance of culture within our school.Stop lowering academic standards in order to attract and/or keep students.

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

Taltented peopleGood community engagement and respectnice facilities

Value and respect employees -- not happening nowClear and objective teaching loads/expectations.REalistic workload expectations -- too much expected in terms of teaching, WIL supervision, administration, RHD supervsion and communicaty engagement plus research. This is unrealistic for an acceptable workload. Provide support where we need it. Academics need time for research, writing and developing quality course materials. We have already been told to expect higher teaching loads and marking for next year -- we've been working very hard to get through C2R2 and have taken on additional work and developing new topics on top of what we already do (1 have 3 brand new topics next year) and we are rewarded with 'expect to do more teaching and marking next year'. We still don't know how the teaching load is calculated or what is considered 'fair' just that we have to do more. University can't be serious about producing quality research without giving staff the time to do it. Teaching is still considered a priority in this school whereas research is less than secondary. We don't need workshops on how to increase your research output, we need the time to do it.

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

good working hoursrelaxed atmosphereinteresting work

better paybetter communicationmore concrete policies

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

Cooperative ethos; values the quality of teaching; beautiful campus The University should value more highly the originality and quality of work produced in the Humanities and the Creative Arts

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

no coment more attention paid to casual lecturers- which is my role

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

1. Students.2. Its 'current' standing in the community as a pillar of Educational accomplishment.3. Ethos of being a university that is not about money - but about supporting lifelong learning in our community.

1. Staff need to care more about the students - and not see them as 'nuisances' - without students we would be nowhere, people forget that.2. More flexible working arrangements. Being allowed to go home early on a day when staffing is ample and things are quiet will result in a staff member committing more when it is busy and all hands are needed on deck. 3. A more environmentally friendly mentality encouraged. e.g encouraging less paper wastage and for people not to put their air conditioners and heaters on when it is a mild 19-24 degree day.

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

The Programs of studyThe quality of the staffthe strategic direction and flexibility

Strategic leadershipconsistent communicationSkilled management of human resources

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

Phyical environment  

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

Its ability to cater for students from the Southern suburbsthe open spacethe view - relaxing and invigorating

The light rail connection from Tonsley is a must for this university (and the environment)The corridors in the Law School are dark due to the windows at each end allowing direct light in. This is not a welcoming space.The Law School courtyard needs a proper cafe

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

niche degrees, student engagement and support - especially mature students

more academic staff, more academic staff, more academic staff

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

location, remnants of good academic traditions, willingness to take teaching seriously

eliminate rule by self perpetuating cliques, eliminate managerialism and favouritism, eliminate belief that following DEWR policy prescriptions is good for universities

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

Innovation in Creative ArtsWilling and diverse studentsStaff Development and Training

More StaffMore StaffMore Staff

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

  Stronger focus on research. As it is at the moment, research is prioritized in words only, but when push comes to shove, those who have been successful in research are seen as arrogant or are punished for it, because, it is presumed, they must not have done enough teaching, etc.

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

  Needs to be a policy for time and pay allocated for marking.

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

Understanding the necessity of embracing the future as it arrives ever day; 100% inclusion of all genders, races and religions; and the perpetual optimism that the future we build is up to us,so let's make it the right one!

Humanities is woefully under-funded. The north side of the lake requires:1) Wider course options with wider academic underpinning2) Improved and updated facilities to deliver innovative new courses instead of regurgitating the same core material the same tired way year after year.3) Expanded liaison with overseas institutions at all levels to allow international exchange of studies, deprovincialising some topics.

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

  more staff; shared leadership roles; succession training

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

  Upgrading of technology to keep pace with industry standards. Closer ties to industry. Higher community profile.

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

Outstanding teaching and learning practice.Supportive assessment processes.Valuing of staff members.

Accessible training and development.More consultation with regard to timetable.

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

Regional linksAtmosphereTeaching Staff

Support staff research ambitions betterFund conference leave much much more generously and fairlyStop bullying

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

Links with the southern metropolitan areaswork in the field of rural medicinegood opportunities to contribute to rural education and community development

1. no XXXX should not be able to vilify staff he does not find sufficiently compliant even when having a 'bad day'2. building a social environment of collegiality and trust in our school beyond immediate friends3. inexperienced staff would benefit from close mentoring by other staff in their school to achieve the goals they and the university have for them, in an environment where there is a clear and transparent workload staff can calculate for themselvessupport for staff who are struggling to

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

Excellence in teachingCommunity Engagement (nationally/internationally)Valuing People


01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

  A new XXXX is neededA new XXXX is needed

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

Location, people who work here and the students it attacts Greater inclusion in decision-making, valuing people who have different ideas and may be critical, raterh than ostracising them.

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

  The University must provide a safe workplace ie safe from the emotional abuse and sexual harassment that is being perpetrated by the XXXX leader.

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

collaboration amongst peerssupport/admin staffacceptance of all and sundry regardless of ability, ethnicity, religion etc

work load is HUGE (some are breaking under the strain of it all)modernise computers - some are very old and slow

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

magnificent settingeducational balanceacademically focused

greater collaborationmore support for leader(s)more positive support for one another

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

Academic and administrative staff, library services and flexibility working arrangements.

Seek greater understanding of the specific needs of disciplines; more support/mentoring for new staff; improve research services/support.

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

Commitment to Social JusticeResearch profileEmphasis on good teaching

Management of change needs to improveConsultation processes within School needs to improveDecision making processes within School need to be explicit

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

the campustraining programsupport (IT, faculty,etc...)

cross cooperation between facultiesIT sectionlibrary resources

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

access and equity traditionstrong research and teaching strengths in humanitiesstrong commitment to community

employ a broader cross-section of the communityupgrade teaching spacesemploy more staff

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

we are so rapidly eroding what was good about the uni that I'm at a loss to suggest strengths. C2R2 has turned what was high quality teaching into a push them through and get them out approach.

A required First Year Critical Reading & Writing topic must be implemented in the next three years or we risk eroding the standards of our graduates below that of a University. We need more space for teaching and more time for research. Hire professional administrators to run things and release academics from the load of admin they currently carry.

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

the lake walk and abundant tree/animal lifethe health food shopIT support teamthe Art Museum and City Gallery programflexible working hoursthe Caretakers are very helpful and friendly

environment / recycling policiesthe toilets are dirtythere is no hot water in the bathroomthere needs to be more communication and collaborative projects between and within faculties - this would create a more dynamic place for both learning and working

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

campus life location workload re-distributionstaff performance bonusbetter leadership from supervisors

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

staff, research, openness Greater communication would improve conditions.

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

Flexible and innovativeProfession and career orientedGood academic research/teaching mix

Encourage exchanges with Asia Pacific academic staffGreater mix of international/domestic studentsEven closer links with the professions

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

It is modern and innovative.Great location.Excellent teaching (I am a graduate of this university.

Improve communciation between the various organisational units.Consult staff before making decisions that impact on them.

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

Commitment to innovation in teaching and learningDeveloping and stregthening research cultureHigh quality facilities and staff

Disclosure of the workload formula so that we can work in our Course teams to distribute workloads more equitablyStaff consultation & opportunities for input in a more collaborative than control leadership apporachBetter pay and recognition for PTIs who are generally underpaid for the work and input they are asked to provide

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

Diversity Easy, relaxed atmosphereSupportive environment

Better team workIncreased staffImproved facilities

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

I like the fact that it has not become to diverse in its areas of expertise. It has specific area of excellences and is working to achieve improved performances. I also like the like it strategic links with the Southern area.

Better research outputBetter Research infrastructure and supportGreater understanding of the importance of research

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

Staff.Students.Facilities, grounds, buildings, views!

Every year funding to Schools should be increased, not decreased. Each year we are told we have to further tighten belts..!

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

Supportive. Positive. A foundation of democracy. More funding for libraray resources. A vast improvement of technology access and use in teaching in classroom and curriculum is needed. All older academic staff need to overcome their fears of new technologies through compulsory training so that they can be more efficient and affective course coordinators/teachers.

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

- Teamwork- leadership- diversity

- adoption of modern teaching methods- more opporunities for research excellence- collaboration between Schools

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

SizeRange of student backgroundsSupport for staff

Greatly improved and current technologyClear maximum student enrolment timeExpenditure on new technology that purchases full capabilities

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

ResearchTeachingBreadth of programmes

higher work ratebecome less bureaucraticimprove leadership

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

01. Faculty of Education Humanities Law & Theology

Committment to teachingCommitment of library staff to assisting students and staff

Heads of Faculty that take the time to understand the needs of staff in a modern university.Greater focus on how the work of staff could be supported by additional adminstrative resources (hiring of casual staff to undertake filing, some research and basical organisational matters, including photocopying).Additional funding for attendance at conferences and workshops.

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Diversity in available coursesThe view!!!! Community engagement - great for rural people


02. Faculty of Health Sciences

great campus, research achievement, attachement to FMC funded by the uni (we are self-funded hence high job insecurity), job security, better benefits (i.e super)

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

  Setting targetsmonitoring and evaluation of KPI'sSupporting cultural change

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

  Less 'silo' mentality - better communication

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

good locationfairly good reputation

incumbents should be encouraged to move on after a certain period - lots of people sitting in comfortable jobs who just don't seem to care anymore - perhaps this a low take-up of the staff development program either through lack of encouragement from supervisors due to unit staff/time constraints or lack of interest?higher admin provision to allow for flexibility and access to some of the so-called employment benefits such as study leaveimproved knowledge of the student admin system by research supervisors, especially professors

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

number and variety of students access to files at home (citrix unavailable to me despite supervisor permission)cross-faculty teaching opportunitiesa consistent and fair workload model

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

staff developmentinclusivestrong research pockets

reducing siloinggenuine career path for researchers

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

medical research fundingschool of medicine teachingstaff put up with a lot from senior management

more role for social consciencemore freedom to speak in publiceven minimal job security for researchers

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Reputation for excellence in learningProfessional and community collaborationResearch

Ensure quality casual teachers are employed, and their teaching is supervised initiallyIncreased flexibility for students in clinical placements

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Reputation of some programs and research groupsLocation

Walkability of campusBetter support/development opportunities for contract staff eg research-only academics

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

  Give more opportunity for non grant funded employment within research. Employ people for teaching mainly on their teaching merits.

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Location, views,facilities, great people.THe library is fantastic. Attention to work design and factors that lead to RSI injuries. It is rampant in my unit. Need a policy on the amount of keyboarding work allowed each day, opportunity for other work types. If there is a policy, is it being audited? Work intensity, unrealistic expectations, changing expectations, no control over workload and poor project management contribute. Also opportunities for promotion of Res A researchers would help morale. Opportunity to do service to community and university would help with promotion prospects.

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Beautiful campusStrong staff development opportunitiesFriendly staff

More clarity on decisions made by senior mgmtSome ridiculously short timelines for return of forms/admin/applications, when this seems to be the result of senior mgmt's previous indecisivenessGet lots of Interactive whiteboards - it's embarrassing to have explain the use of old technology

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Strong leadership at Uni Faculty and School levelAcademic autonomyflexible work hours

IT is archaicSturt building depressing to work in, not even hot water in women's toilets on 2nd floor in North Wing

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

People C2R2 should have taken another year

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

relatively small size, cooperation between departments there are ever expanding teaching loads in the school of medicine/health sciences. More staff and appointments are warranted, not just expecting the existing staff members to do more.

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

InclusiveSmall but outward lookingExcellent teaching

It enforces similar expectations for all staff, e.g. men start attending training activities, not just women.It becomes a place that develops early career researchers, not just recruits them and then takes the credit.It acts with integrity and consistency in promotions so that promotions are won by those who meet the criteria in substance, not just image.

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

1) Collegiality. I don't perceive elitism amongst staff, as can happen in other similar workplaces.2) Acknowledgement and sharing of workload demands.3) High quality teaching (but not supported by high quality technology).

1) More acknowledgement of the time and resources required to complete quality research - and true and honest appraisal of workload to enable this to happen.2) Funding for upgrade of resources.3) Better acknowledgement of the proliferation of academic roles outside of traditional teaching and research (eg increasing management, community engagement, and administrative roles performed at Lecturer B level) in enabling academic promotion. This would enable people with skills in non traditional areas (eg managing WIL programs) to be acknowledged for those skills, instead of having to relinquish them to more traditional teaching/research in pursuit of promotion and better conditions.

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

  More staff numbers to cope with the increasing workload.

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Culture is/has been progressive, outward-looking and innovativeBeautiful physical environmentFocus on rural and remote Australia

The University's policies and processes are strong on signing off requirements and correct form filling; and seem to have a 'belts and braces' approach to managing risk; but are not necessarily supportive of getting the thing done well or of balancing the cost of compliance for those who require the signoffs with the benefits of the clunky long-winded processes.Decision-making seems to require constant intervention to monitor progress through a long and rusty chain of command; the people who need the decision have no other way of tracking its progress or whether it has gotten lost. There seem to be people whose jobs are only justified if they are requiring compliance of others without really delivering their end.

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Two or three years ago I think that I could have anwered this. I would have focused on certain traditions and cultural characteristcs of this institution. Right now I can't. That might be because Professor Barber's distinctly new vision for Flinders is mid-way in implementation. It's too soon to know how well it will work in its own terms, but soon enough to know that it is eroding much of that old Flinders culture. Perhaps this is a necessary cost of necessary change, but I regret the passing. And it is essential to encourage the growth of a new culture which goes beyond the rather narrowly managerialist complexion of what we have seen so far.

I think that Flinders' best bet for survival, and perhaps even for a bright future, is as a niche and boutique institution. Some further specialisation in research is needed, and considerably more specialisation in teaching.

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

  more transparency in decision makingto think of itself as a business and sell it as suchto keep students as the focus of all we do

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Commitment to being socially accountable and justA friendly place to work and a relatively family friendly place to workLots of incredibly committed, hard working, creative and highly intelligent people who are really proud to be part of Flinders and do life changing work in our communities, and that makes me really proud to be part of the organisation that they are.

Managers need to be 'people people' or at least have some managerial strength rather than being promoted purely on their grants and publications.Our use of technology in teaching is dismal and too many academics think that's OK - we need to keep pace with society's use of technology and not assume that having lots of mature aged students means we don't need to be forward lookingThe people who are teaching us how to teach should be inspirational, motivational and high achievers and role models in the field of adult learning. As far as I have experienced, there is big room for improvement.

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

flexibility, resources, location teaching teams working together to be on same page, re tutorials and lecture material, teaching to the level of the students, building foundations for them to grown on in their work, rather than teaching to a doctorate level at first year.

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Rural community focusInnovative medical education programsOpen to new ideas

realistic expectations for staff outputs/hours of workSupport academics to limit hours to 55 hours per weekmay time to research

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Community engagementInnovative curriculum

Flinders tends to be Adelaide-centric. There cold be better acknowledgement of staff located elsewhere (eg professional development is generally more avaialble to staff in Adelaide)

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Potential to changeMedical Schoollocation

listening to feedbackResponding in a timely mannerEmbracing change

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

At this stage uncertain as Academic staff not on Executive committees rarly kept informed. Saff percived to be older thna 50 are seen to be on their way out - so ageism!!!!

ConsultCollaborate - involve staff in making decision - how can a Dean have total responsibility for a budget and School Board not informed.LISTENManagement by walking aroundNeeds to be a balance in weight given to teaching.PTI staff - outnumber FT acadmics - so much so that in calsses of 400+ the topic coordinator is the only FT academic

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Some staff are supportive of each other in teaching/research despite some managment attempts to sabotage this.The majority of students still achieve a satisfactory standard, but the standard overall has decreased over the last decade, not just in my faculty but across - increased staff-student ratios, lack of suitable facilities, lack of management interest in teaching are some of the reasons for this.

Use of collaborative approaches to teaching, research, administration and community instead of lip service only.Senior management to be aware of the deteriorating conditions of employment over time and more so, actively addressing these (increased workloads, lack of teaching facilities, lack of staff).

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Growing (here and interstate).Lots of opportunity for career development.Objective promotion process.

More consultation.More funding to employ more staff.Equitable access to space.

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

flexible work timeopen-ish to new ideas

better structure/supervisionbetter support of people on the ground by senior managementlimit growth to realistic goals

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

quality and skills of staffwillingness to changelocation

improved facilities at FMC for School of Medicine staffimproved technology for FMC based staffmore regular renewal of IT equipment

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Innovative, strong collegiality, support staff Better communication between Faculties, better access for people with disabilities, more support for research

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

welcoming to international studentsfriendly and helpful staffsupportive supervisors

more information sharingmore cross dicipline colaborationmore emphasis on communication

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

It is student-centred, thanks to it's staff.Cooperative, collaborative staff.

Get Sr Management to not micromanage.Do something about excessive workloads.Allow staff more time and resources to carry out high quality research.

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Innovative education - rapid response to changing society needsCollaborative collegiate approach to researchThe grounds

School of Nursing and MidwiferyEngagement with the rest of the universityWillingness to collaborate outside of their core business (nursing)Increase the expectations of their undergraduate students

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Excellent ethical HR section, Good working relationship with the unionsSenese of ethical actions with staff and students

Re-discover the values of humanism and the purpose of the University, outlined in Newman's great essay, lost over the last 20 years in the process of keeping up with the government's focus on economic rationalism

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Depth of Research being conducted.Opportunities available to both research and academic staff.Extent of online availability for students both internally and internationally.

Both Academics and Researchers to be more considerate towards their Admin staff.Offer more oppportunities to job share to assist staff taking leave or battling heavy workloads.Offer more training courses related to Admin staff needs.

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Cares for its staff. Has a good international and national reputation.Has nice grounds.

One of our managers could do with some training in 'people skills'. The head of our dept tends to 'micro manage'. He should 'let go' and let the 'under managers' take control and let them get on with their jobs without having to have a say in every decision.

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

staffworking conditionslocation

improve management training/skills - discard 1950's managementfairer recruitment (internal pathways for general staff)sames rules and opportunities for all staff - not just chosen few

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

1.Commitment of staff - willing to go the extra 'mile'2.Friendliness3.Quality of Activities/services

1.Better support for 'off-campus' staff (mail, finances, staff development)2.Less 'tiers of approvals'3.Cost and time effective administrative processes

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

The campus itself is attractiveMost staff are friendly and great to work withFlexible working arrangements

Sturt campus could do with a faceliftFlinders is behind other universities regarding some of the software we useIf we put more of a focus on the external program we could have a larger cohort of students worldwide (more flexible for the common man)

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

some staff members; ability to attend face to face as well as do things online; grounds

electronic teaching tools in all teaching spaces with easy complete access to the internet; separate out marking and preparation from teaching time in pay structure for casual teaching staff

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

1. Focus on student needs2. Flexibility for staff3. Always strives for the best

1. FURCS needs to look at the meaning of what a team is. There is a great divide between general staff and research staff (academic staff)- the FURCS senior management/director do not help this problem at all. It is an obvious problem but just gets sweeped under the carpet. 2. Focusing on the overall picture of the University- i understand that research is important but it isn't the only main focal point of the university. 3. Senior management to keep general staff in the loop about new projects and the happenings of the university. Particularly working at a country campus- we feel isolated at times.

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Innovative - looks foward not back.Great employer - recognises employees' needs outside of workInspiring people at high levels

Clearer procedures to compliment policiesMore inclusion of employees not based at Bedford parkMore status/recognition for non-academic staff

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Social inclusion (Equity of access for students from non-traditional education backgrounds)Attractive campus (in general)Broad curriculum

New dedicated School of Medicine building (not located in FMC)Improved IT support (any support would be better than the zero support currently received) from central IT services (eg ISD, CSC, DMC)Generational renewal of School of Medicine teaching acadmics (?packages & start again)

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

willingness to embrace change 1.Improving communication and leadership from 'middle management' (It is a shame that this survey doesn't have a level between Supervisor and senior management to comment on)2. Reducing the disparity between opportunities and freedom for academics compared to general staff in our unit.3. Embracing the opportunity for general staff to be considered on transferable skills rather than experience in a position or a degree-many of us have life and job experience that doesn't seem to be valued as highly. Higher than a HEO5 seems to be no degree=no promotion.

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Long history of teachingLong history of researchStaff well experienced

Better environment (repair and replacement of buildings and property) to teach and work in

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

1 - Democratic attitude (this is highly under-rated and should be given much better recognition, it's a large part of what makes working for this uni so good)2 - Quality staff 3 - Enthusiasm for innovation

1 - Better recognition of research-only academics2 - Better support/opportunities for fixed term research academics when funding expires3 - Lower % levies for external consultancy work or more direct benefit to the units generating this income

02. Faculty of Health Sciences


Opportunities for advancementFollowing university policy

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Social/Community FocusIncreasing indigenous focus (though this could be strengthened still)

Environmental wastage is enormous.1)Less printing - (Keep track of how much each staff member prints and review each month)2)Use of only 100% Recycled paper should be mandatory for the whole university (When I worked at Uni of Melb this was already the case there four years ago)3) I think the university should seriously consider doing some kind of efficiency audit. In my view there are people who are very slack in their jobs and for the others who work really hard it does seem a bit unfair that these people are getting paid to just laze around all day.

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

FacilitiesResearch objectivesInnovation

Increased Management TrainingLarger focus on teaching and teachersRe-evaluation of staffing needs

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Staff Development Opportunities,Flexible Worksing Arrangements,Staff Recognition

Extra car parking,External courses offered to undergraduate students,Healthier fresh food alternatives (Subway was a good start, how about a Boost Juice or salad bar as well?)

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

1. Social inclusion of students.2. Links with the south.3. Well attended grounds makes the University a nice environment to work in.

1. Lecture Recording should be mandatory, with a more user friendly system, better titles, a platform accessible, easy to subscribe to.2. Support for general staff that would like to further their education.3. (12345) Help desk needs to improve its knowledge on the University's Content Management System.

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

flexibility of staff creativity that we can put into our practiceopen to everyone, both students and staff

physical workplace improvementopportunities to have conversation among all staff (everyone is busy hence no time to talk)

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Care for peopleCare for environmentForward thinking

Bridging the gap between Academics and AdminWages in line with State Government??

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

The peopleLocationSpace

Slow down the rate of change - there is too much change going on in the School of Medicine the rapid expansion of the medical course, particularly the medical course and the NTMP over a greater geographic footprint. We are being reactive to get the systems in place, not strategic - there is no time nor process for being strategic, and we dont have the skills and tools, training and support. And are we reflecting on what we are doing & documenting, so we know for next time?Better forethought about use of spaces. The new HSLT building looks and is great - but students dont want to spend a lot of time there - it is isolated from other resources like cafes, Library, computer labs etc. This could have been a wonderful student centred resource, but misses the mark. Perhpas this building would have been better used if a a bit more of the course admin and eLearning support staff had moved up there instead. Become more of a hub of activity.Stronger leadership in the medical course and clearer processes and documentation of what is expected of academic staff at all levels who contributeBetter acknowledgement of, and review of workloads of general staff in School of Med

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Employees, link with FMC and Flinders UniversityGardens


02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Diversity, Opportunity, Size More interaction with other unitsMore structured staff performance reviews

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Flexibility, adaptability, most staff Stop wasting time and money on constantly changing the computer programs used by staff (Finance, Student 2, FLO). Staff should be replaced if they leave. University 'executives' stop making decisions without proper consultation with the people who will actually be doing the work.

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

  supporting beginning researchers better

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

innovativeequalityforward thinking

School:-stop bullyinglisten to staff with concernemploy appropriate lecturers

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Mature aged students, international students and acceptance of both Better management Better communication Transparancy of management

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

  More communication and transparency around creation of new positions and appointments

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

it's people accesslocation

improved business systems; cut the beauracracy;improve the facilities/buildings

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

-Range of course offerings-Location-Staff

-Add more carparks-Attempt to reduce environmental impact ie become as paperless as possible- Buy technology for the benefit of staff and operations rather than see it as another expense

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

extensive curriculum, high level of biomedical and mathematical teaching, tight connection to hospital at medical school

better funding of biomedical research, better involvement of students in research,more of new equipement/technology

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

FlexibilityQuality of staffOpportunities

More realistic time frames for some workMore opportunities for career developmentMore direction sometimes

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

innovative leadershipcommitted employeesengaged with the community

heirachical boundaries addressedimproved communication from managementincreased onsite presence of management

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

It cares for its staff and students Improve its exposure in the market place - UniSA and UniAdel are killing us in this area.Embark on senior academic recruiting exercise similar to UniSA's appointment of Researchh chairs - and then buld up research groups around them Facilities are substandard compared with UniSA - need to modernise the campus - it looks old and tired - Do we have a Blueprint for the next 10 years for major capital works

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

High quality of lecturing staffHigh quality of PhD studentsConvenient size

My unit is understaffedSenior management play politics instead of managingAdministrative burdens are excessive

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

The people I work with.Opportunities for students.Proximity to home.

Stop saying 'there's no money'. It causes distress amongst staff. I know areas that need extra staff to help elevate the stress they are under but funding is a problem. There are only so many hours in the day that people can get their job done. Staff in off sites can have as many staff in an office as those on main campus.Acknowledge admin staff - they are the back bone of the University.

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

security, colleagues, reputation  

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Responding to opportunitiesDedicated staffStrategic plan to guide action

Greater appreciation of the value of admin supports to achieving organisational goals.Better analysis and planning of the impacts of changes on staff workload before implementation.Workload equalisation for admin staff too.

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Support of work life balanceteamworkGood reputation

Better communicationBetter pay and conditions for Research Officers, esp at lower levelsMore opportunities for career development

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Past research reputation.Past innovation in new courses, such as biotech.Openess and willingness of new senior management to address the idiotic decisions of recent past management.

Equality for research and general staff. Unis need good research output for national and international reputation, yet research staff are retained on short term contracts and discriminated against at what seems like every turn.Medical research infrastructure is old and decaying, and simply needs a cash injection.Senior research staff are retiring or leaving in droves, and there appears to be no succession plan for most, and no reason for good researchers to stay or move in.

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Place, people, position valuing staff, more communication and support

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

  Restructure allied health away from school of medicineimproved mentorship for new staff, including effective research guidanceRecognize senior clinical health care staff with appropriate wages and standing which match the industry standards

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

International recognition and associations. Building renovations and updates to improve conditions for staff and students. Updated technology and faster computer systems. Easier and quicker accessibility to procedures and policies which can be hard to find on internet.

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Strong leadership Clear faculty structureNice campus

IT within Bedford Park campusIT across uni sites, eg Bedford Park and NTProviding good HR to sites outside Bedford Park

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

LocationEnvironmental focusNursing programs


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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Amazing programsProducing life long learners that are excited about thier chosen career pathway

Clearer communication across all levelsPresentation of facilitySupport for staff to achieve all that is required

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

People, views, inclusiveness More money for our department, open windows, staff involvement

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

  Equipment upgrades

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

FlexibilityPositive work cultureMoving forward

Less bureaucracyMore receptive to changeBetter physical facilities and resources

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Development of staff, marketable research, reputation IT upgrades - the staff are great but the infrastructure needs improvement; greater valuing of research and teachning balance in staff

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Friendliness of University personnelStaff Development Programme

I think that a presence in the CBD is essential and the work done to establish that is great. Career path for researchers rather than an emphasis on teaching only

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

  Red tape is strangling productivityLess obsession with money and more with substance

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

transport, location, environment adequate staffingrespect for staffadequate technology

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Commitment to staffFlexible working hoursNice working environment

Nice to have more involvement with people on campus as we are located off campus

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Placing academics in rural and remote areas I am paid for one day per week: my average work for the University is at least 20 per week and I am still told that I have not done enough research to qualify for promotion. Those above me look even more exhausted and unfit and those with a past record of bullying have been promoted. If there were another University where I live I would run for employment there as soon as possible. So please:do not employ or promote staff who have a past history of documented and proven episodes of bullyingplease reappraise the unrealistic notion that anyone can excel in teaching, community service, research and administration and have a healthy balanced liferather than cultivating more policies and procedures cultivate a workplace of mutual respect and support by including in any promotion application a requirement that the person demonstrate how they have supported their supervisees and employees to fulfil their potential

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

LocationInclusive workplaceOpportunity to be the best I can be

Better IT infrastructure in the classrooms in Sturt buildingsBetter cafe facilities ie more healthy food

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

1. Separate remote IT support for non-Adelaide campuses is fantastic2. Innovative teaching methods3. I'm pround of Flinders University's research output

1. A bigger building / more office spaces (although I think it's on the cards already)2. More money so I can work more days per week in this job!3. Blank - I'm pretty happy with my School/Unit

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Good superannuation, leave conditions and reasonable flexible working hours

Stop micro-management.stop management feathering their own nests and their friends nests.Equality for ALL staff members.

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

  Let supervisors make decisions without senior staff interferring and changing their decisions.More consultation with staff before making decisions.Changing the attitude to staff, ie different rules for different people - makes an unhappy workplace

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Beautiful location.Encourages lower socioeconomic students to study here.Has a commitment to the wider community.

Some building facilities are outdated and uncomfortable for students (although new facilities are fabulous) and basic teaching equipment is still lacking.Planning for increased students numbers is ad hoc and there is little communicaton between Schools about changes to the curriculum. I don't know what other staff do - it would be helpful to have an index of other staff and their roles around the University so I know who to go to when issues arise. It would facilitate cross campus communication.

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

diversity of courseslocation

1) rolling out changes to curricula more slowly2) understanding current committments of staff in rolling out such changes and having flexibility about this3) better teaching and work facilities e.g. air conditioning/heating that is effective, upgrading computer software

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Committed, passionate staff.Good working environment - natural beauty + atmosphereReflection, striving to be better at field of work encouraged.

There are known bullies and harassing managers/heads at the university. Nothing is done about them despite many grievance processes and complaints.Focus on academic achievements eg ERA journals to the detriment of discussions of what is good quality research and meaningful outputs.International student courses eg IAP, seem to receive substandard resources and responses from university systems, eg poor IT equipment and support, poor room scheduling etc.

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

  Building and facilities

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Size and capacity to get to know staff across areas of academia and administrationResearch and links to the fieldthe structure of the faculty and linkages within it

Leaders being even more accessible. This would build staff connection, commitment and understanding of what is trying to be achieved with the changes

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

1.Staff - and their willingness to go 'above and beyond'2.Courses offered esp postgraduate coursework3.Campus

1. Continued commitment to reduce impact on environment ie Increase use of iPads/e-readers etc

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

InnovationGreat staffResearch

The university could give recognition to staff with lengthy periods of service, eg over 20 years, instead of the present NO recognition whatsoever.Management staff could listen to those who teach in specific areas when designing curriculum.Management should give more support to staff, especially those on contract, and follow correct HR procedure re extension of contracts.

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Student care and well being. Technology levels, Continual reviews/adjustments to overall running

Career paths for part time teachers, Acknowledgment ( verbal and financial ) of extra hours of marking/emails/student issues dealt with by part time staff,

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Unable to answer this question More accountability from higher level academics.

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Good reputation historically Location Provide topic co-ordinators with dedicated admin. supportReduce the number of middle and upper mangers

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

great medical school at the cutting edge;sets high standardsBats above its level with research

better use/acknowledgement and clearer expectations of staff with academic statusthis medical school was set up based upon staff with academic status and they have progressively been abandoned with changing Govt policies and a hospital whose standards and research is progressively deteriorating.a clear policy on staff withacademicstatus with better recognition of these staff

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

1. Large campus2. Research focussed3. Great views

1. More funding2.

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

That it has the potential to develop and grow and evolve in line with needs brought about by the changing environment both nationally and internationally.That the campus is located in a area that has the potential to grow into a learning centre in the southern Adelaide region.That we have some very effective leaders at present who are moving this university into the future where it needs to be to keep up with changes occuring in the education/work/social changes.

That planning takes into account student numbers so that workload for staff, from students, does not overwhelm all other activities and undermine some of the strengths that being a university, should be continued to be developed, such as in building research.Ensuring planning for the future, eg, any future changes to for additions of buildings/lecture theatres, take into account that the university is likely to continue to grow and building to incorporate the future needs would be useful. Also taking into account car parking, roads, etc., preferably while continuing to maintain this most beautiful campus the buildings are located on.Having little things, like all toilets functioning effectively, etc, makes a big difference to everyday work life, and and think these type of things should be assessed and updated if required.

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

with in the department good support and assistance Senior Management need to include staff.Senior Management need to be supportive to staff. Senior Management need to, not only 'talk the talk, but walk the talk'

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Creative people willing to create change - eg. NT Medical Program. Better communication with internal stakeholders, breaking down the silos and hidden agendas. More openess by ISD about what they do, how they do it and taking responsility.

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

1 Student support2 Staff support3 Quality and quantity of courses offered


02. Faculty of Health Sciences

InnovativeQuality of productGreat staff

Better communication between regions/areasBetter use/sharing of resourcesBetter lower level management

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

innovativeflexiblecognisant of need to deliver well

top level management seems disconnected from realitiesinadequate full time staff in clinical academic areasuniversity's relationship with hospital management is deteriorating

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Overall student satisfactionCourses offeredStaff satisfaction


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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

QualityInnovationSocial responsibility

Remember and promote that our primary customer is the wider community, not students. While we should do our very best to provide a high quality and enjoyable educational experience for students, we should not pamper to unreasonable demands. Our job is to produce high quality, competent graduates who will benefit the community across a very wide spectrum of fields and activities. The community does not benefit from poor quality, incompetent graduates. If such graduates originated from lower socio-economic status (SES) communities, both the graduates and their communities actually will be worse off than previously if the standards for graduation are not high. Furthermore, at the very least, on graduation, ALL students must be numerate and fully literate in the English language (including spelling, grammer and comprehension) - at least to upper secondary school level. The community is bewildered by innumerate, illiterate university graduates and thus subsequently (and maybe permanently) has very low regard for the university that allowed such persons to graduate. (NOTE: I make these comments from the perspective of a first-of-wider-family-to-university low SES background.)Greatly increase staff car parking availability (and maybe introduce individual allocated staff parking spaces) so we can come and go easily at any time and do our jobs with less hassle and considerably less time lost looking for a car park. This is extremely frustrating and very wasteful of our time and university resources. (NOTE: Public transport is NOT the answer!) Ascribe equal weight to teaching, research, community engagement and professional practice (service) as aims and values of Flinders University. The last of these (service) can get forgotten at times - maybe even in the strategic plan?While making full and appropriate use of electronic information technologies is sensible, it must not be forgotten that face-to-face human interaction in the same physical space is an invaluable (?maybe the best?) form of communication.

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

the employees less change for change's sake

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Community engagement.Partnerships with organisations outside the University.Contributions to research.

Better communication between staff in different areas of the school about what they're researching on. More collaborations across different schools & faculties.More involvement of higher degree students with the school's research activities.

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

(1) Talented Academic staff, (2) innovative approach to research, (3) good at promoting the university as a place to work and learn.

(1) increased collaboration with industry - in particular with the sciences. Not just work placements but true collaboration.

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

  Increased transparency e.g. academic workloadsIncreased commitment by colleagues to collaborative problem solving and strategic planning

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Locationssocial/class inclusivenessexpectation that we will keep on improving and modernising

more office spaceour leader spending more time here our leader reducing their outside commitments

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Commitment to social justice Not too bigGood staff

More inspirational leadershipMore gender and cultural diversity in the senior leadership - too many older, anglo saxon males in senior positions Being more socially accountability and more committed to equity (Flinders was more committed in the past) and less focus on commercialisation

02. Faculty of Health Sciences


Can not think of any - so we must be pretty good

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

The University is a great place to studyGreat people to work withEnvironment is good

The University looks good on paper but does not always follow through with its policies and procedures effectively enough.Customer focus needs to be better across the whole UniUpgrading equipment should not be as difficult as it is

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Its roots. Created as a reaction to entrenched academic traditions. (Unfortunately that culture no longer appears apparent.)Some truly creative and dynamic people.

I think processes are too long winded and innovation is not encouraged. There is a dominance culture rather than an ideas and opportunities culture. There are emerging ways that academci and research work are blending with project adn commissioned work and we need to be more responsive as to how to use this to build the University's future.

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

tremendous co-operation within the school of medicine, research output is good considering its size, very caring attitude to staff and students

Better fund research infrastructure, increase academic staff, improve research journal access in library

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Location and links to the Southern areaThe ability of people to just get on with the job no matter whatInclusive practices

Management - Uni level and School hearing and listening to genuine concernsWage parity with other unisAdvancement - Gender equal

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Location next to FMC as a teaching hospital.Not located in the city.Historically a good university.

Be more financially responsible in areas that matter - staffing level.sImprove relations with FMC/SA Health.Improve space requirements and update infrastructure.

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

  Casual employees are not remunerated highly enough for the time put in. Lesson preparation and marking time needs to be re-evaluated and appreciated financially.

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Multi discipline activitiessouthern suburbs locationstudent support

Senior staff achievements reviewedInter-university collaborationsFocusing in clear strengths of international standing

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

1) Flinders feels like a separate little community, which is close and friendly and which you enjoy being a part of. It feels as if it has a unique quality that other Universities do not offer and cannot compete with. It also offers ample job opportunities to previous students which really helps with gaining experience.2)It seems as if the courses offered at Flinders are of a higher quality than other SA universities.3) People tend to have reservations about coming to Flinders in the first instance, but once you have studied at Flinders, you cannot imagine studying any where else.

1)Upgrade technology (i.e. computers)2)Faster internet3)More clear policies and procedures in relation to job expectations and work processes.

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

  Need to employ another person who can cover for me when I am on leave or not well

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

The peopleRange of CoursesNow getting some new buildings which are specific for needs of areas

More people, work loads very high

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

  Training for supervisors, and consistency/ transparency re: workload, especially in relation to research

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

the open green environment; enthusistic, caring, highly qualified staff; forward looking; opportunities for collaboration

better balance between teachning and research; adequate time to pursue research;

02. Faculty of Health Sciences



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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

colloborationsupport for staff innovation

more realistic workloadssupport for promotion

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Commitment of staffPhysical beauty of campusLeave and conditions negotiated by unions (eg. flexible work, parental leave etc)

Employ more women and people of diverse backgrounds in senior management positions - we are going backwards in this respect.Have a greater focus on equal opportunity for both staff and students - this has also gone backwards in recent times (eg. reduction of Equal Opportunity Unit)Value staff more.

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Flexible working envioronmentRecognition by senior


02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Staff - peopleMulticultural environmentgood standing in the community

Career opportunities for staff without DoctoratesReview of facilitation within DEU'sSturt Campus upgrade to be more modern with facilities within tute rooms

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Multicultural atmosphereRespect for allBeautiful campus

Casual staff given 1)proper contracts,2) proper sick leave and 3)other conditions

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

research focuscooperationfriendly environment

more laboratory space improve security of personal belongingsmore internal fundings for research project

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Still relatively small, caring staff, comeraderie between staff Tea room or similar common room to get together more in a casual environment

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

location workloadsupervision

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Support for it's staff, great range of topics/lecturers, opportunity for staff to improve their skills

More funds for general stuff, opportunities for progression - as a non-degree employee, even though I have nearly 20 years admin experience, this is overlooked because I don't have the correct paperwork, and that's all I can think of at the moment

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

collegialityresearch teaching balance

a XXXX who is genuinely working for all the disciplines in the school. It is very challenging to remain positive in a school where one health discipline is systematically privileged above other disciplines in terms of staffing, workload, funding, budge management expectations, physical resource allocation and public discussion / discourse. It is like living in apathied South Africa. The worst thing about it is not being actively despised but but not even being genuinely even considered except as useful 'niggers'Restore genuine School Board meetings where input is sought from staff authentically rather than having to attend the Dean's Jonestown Rallies where we are preached at and told what to think

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Dont know Less change. More consolidation. Better management

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

ReputationCampus locationnon corporatise culture

More open channels of communicationMore attention to communication processes (more inclusiveness required)More flexibility towards change (flinders is very risk adverse)

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Giving all staff more work to do without consultation - excellent at thisRequiring staff to undertake excessive workloads in unreasonable time frames - excellent at thisMaking Decisions without consultation - wonderful at this!!

More staffReasonable and realistic workloadsgetting rid of XXXX and XXXX

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Small sizePositionStrong values

Increasing permenent academic staffIncreasing focus on quality teachingBuilding collaborative relationships with industry partners

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

1. Flexibility for staff in work hours2. A wide range of hihgh quality courses3. High quality medical and science research

1. More even teaching load between individuals2. Administration staff appointment to support teaching and research tasks in the unit3. Additional flow-on funding from teaching load

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Innovation, flexible learning, openness to change don't know

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

locationresearchstudent numbers

more staff toiletsconsultation with general staff

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Dedication of staff. Defined organisational structure. Clear decision making process.An understanding of goals and objectives.

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

  More money needed to keep up with technology and equipment. Also need a bigger working area

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

vision, innovation, encouragement streamline procedures moremore teaching staff

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

  Better broadband connections to rural campuses

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

1. Flexibility in small work groups (peer level flexibility) is good. 2. There is a sense of willingness to change by all staff - but direction is unclear and teamwork is under-developed. Opportunity can be missed. 3. It has lots of good people but not harnessed at full potential.

1. Needs more direct communications with top management in forums about strategic matters (school & faculty-level forums are being actively avoided at the moment with denials of requests at middle-management level to convey the message).2. At the Faculty, School and cluster/institute level, need to brainstorm and agree on strategies and set tangible goals with sufficient support. University-level strategies are vague at the unit level - what do they mean / translate to? What actions contribute to the strategies? - Not discussed and unclear. 3. We would love the VC's Townhouse meetings to be really a 'Safe Environment' to speak up, and this needs more time and perhaps in smaller groups (eg. VC and Faculty lunchtime meetings) - 5 minutes at the end is not enough.

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

The way it used to encourage low ses academics, the way it used to give a damn about students, and the way it used to respect knowledge, not just qualifications.

Identify and employ the best teachers, encourage PTTs that are effective, and give post doctoral academics some kind of pathway.

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

The location Buildings need to be maintained

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Social InclusionRecognition of DiversityInnovation

Higher Public ProfileJoint Academic / Clinical AppointmentsStronger Engagement with Industry Partners

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Quality of educationResearch OutcomesCollaboration with FMC

Work for uni but located in FMC - sometimes feel more part of FMC than uni.

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

1 - Flexibile work arrangements for staff2 - Pay and conditions

1 - XXXX is a bully. We have the highest level of turnover in the University. However nothing has been done despite formal complaints over many years.2 - Employ more entreprenuerial senior management staff, not those unwilling or unable to change3 - Implement a performance management scheme, and overhaul the entire Human Resource Unit functions

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

academic performance and relevance strong leadership

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Students-local and internationalEducators

There must be a greater proportion of permenant teaching faculty in undergraduate programs to maintain the best possible learning opportunities for students. especially in topics where 100% of teaching contact is via PTI; anything over 30% needs close scrutiny.Insidious ageism is rife and needs to be replaced by a stronger sense of collaboration, inclusion and recognition of the wisdom of those with prior experience.Executive decision making at all levels needs to be more transparent and inclusive.The senior management needs to made an attempt to establish informal visits and relationships with the staff at all levels and in all areas. not just turn up for photo opportunities.

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

locationprogressive researchersreputation

updated facilities (is happening now though so needs to continue)Regular cleaning including windowsimproved food options in the Sturt cafeteria

02. Faculty of Health Sciences


Resources RecognitionReward

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Continual staff support and developementFlexibility for workingGreat Team support


02. Faculty of Health Sciences

It's people...and again...and again!

Ensure that staff have flexible, computerised admin. systems that provide staff with the info to do their jobs Further physical redevelopment to rejuvinate and update tired buildingsAll staff to be updated with and use current technology

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Flexibility, staff development opportunities Less emphasis on level of qualification and more on skills possessed/level of experience in determining the roles/employment levels of staff.

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

  Develop closer working relationships with SA Dept of Health - make it easier for staff to get to DoH and back during day. Recognise the importance of collaboration with other schools

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Teamwork in departments. Commitment to fair practice. Student friendly.

More staff. More pay. Greater levels of supervision/guidance.

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Pursuit of high quality service; value its people; value the students Improve the collaboration; improve the support to research; improve the admin support to teaching.

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Historical commitment to equity Resources for change managementSenior managers answering emails and enquiriesReduce unnecessary admin eg Clusters are wasteful and serve no purpose

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Located in South AustraliaNear a hospital


02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Environment and groundsFlexibility of working as a PTIStaff Development opportunities

Recognition and communication with PTIsElimination of Masters Research and all current Masters students automatically upgraded to PhDA mechanism of objective assessment of future career opportunities here and how a PTI can meet that goal.

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

IT support unitMy boss


02. Faculty of Health Sciences

fairness space positive attitude ..

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Open to new ideas, commitment to Indigenous Health, and student centred focus

New Buildings, clearer pathways for career progression, mentorship program for staff

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Its peopleAbility to be dynamicResearch and teaching quality

Relief from teaching to do research and publishMore consensus and discussion before decisions are madeAppropriate time to implement major changes

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Support network for staff and studentsExcellent range of coursesgreat research and shows innovation in moving forward

Better finance training fo rthose involved with finance related roles and responsibilites.Uphold policies and procedures and make them more clear - very much down to personal interpretation. Make a clearer outcome for not following procedure.More feedback from HR about performace review and when they are to be conducted.

02. Faculty of Health Sciences


PayscaleReclassificationsless paperwork

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

1. Staff2. Research3. Collegiality

1. Deal with problem staff more effectively.2. Provide more support for OH&S and administrative burdens within labs and departments3. Provide more support staff not more managers

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

encouragement to improve knowledge and practical skills for both students and staff.


02. Faculty of Health Sciences

The university is becoming aware of its weaknessesThe university is becoming more open to organisational learning and change

Improved processes around recruitment/retentionGreater emphasis upon e-learning

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Environmental surrounds More academic staff to deal with the teaching load

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

  The University needs to spend some large amounts of money to upgrade major equipment some of which is nearly forty years old to support its current students, research and income generation.

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

its general staffbeautiful surrondshigh ethical standards and strong community engagement

cheaper food on campusbetter public transport to campusbetter parking

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Good peopleBeautiful and large campusGood environment

Increased funding and support

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

1. The commitment of the lower level staff to make quality things happen regardless.2. Admin works tierlessly and support is cheerfully given in low staff level circumstances.3. Library and technical (remote) support staff work hard given the limited system performance they have to use.

a. Senior staff need to be accountable for their performance and in touch with what is happening.b. Communication needs to be timely, responsive and relevant rather than citing a bureaucratic procedure that you did not find satisfactory when read it. Communication would help collaboration.c. Vitriole, bullying and internecine wars among high level academic staff need to stop in order for a quality outcome --> FOCUS back on the student outcomes has to be re-established.

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

- Support services for students- Communications via email- presentations by visiting researchers

- Better IT environment- Clear boundaries within role- research agenda/focus dependent upon head of school rather than a multi d approach- More services avaiable at Sturt Campus

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Talented staff;Predominantly friendly helpful staff;Multi-cultural staff with diverse backgrounds therefore bringing wisdom, experience and various perspectives

Make the self service payroll system easier for casual staffBetter programming to allow for breaks ie more staffAbility to feedback to senior management

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

reputationcollaboration across groups

Provde a culture where the role of management is to support their staff who are the customers; recognition of successfulindividual staff researchers via funding; consult with key staff members who teach courses and bring in the core income that pays senior manaagement before increasing levies or making other decisions affecting teaching and funding; provide business support for individual units/researchers;

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

external programs  

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

STudent and staff support  

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Can changeFairly egalitarianNot stuffy

More residential and social facilities on campusBetter transport to the central areaBy social facilities, I mean cinema/pubs/shopping - it needs more of a town feel rather than a dry academic environment.

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

- teaching focus, - local (withing department) camaraderie, - wide range of activities seen as important to university life - not just research

- flexible teaching / research balance- more direct contact with middle and senior management staff- better awareness of job demands and tyime committments

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

1. Relatively small, but 'punches above its weight'2. Until recently was an excellent place to work and inspired loyalty amongst staff.3. Commitment to NT and rural SA

1. Improve communication between senior management and academic staff to the level it was 3 years ago.2. Reverse the lunatic restructuring of the School of Medicine (i.e. gratuitous addition of extra (3rd) tier of administration)3. Reintroduce meaningful consultation with staff - i.e. heads of department meetings, school board meetings, not 'town hall meetings' and newsletters.

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Its Culture and historyIts StaffInclusiveness

Career development/counselling for staff - I will be on contract for totla 3 years but would like to stay here beyond that

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

multiculturalresearchIT & innovation

recognition of workerslistening to workers opinions/views before decisions are made treating everyone equally

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

  Need to listen to Administrative staff more about running of systems, rather that telling them how things will run then complain when it when it doesn't workGive staff enough lead time when senior managment have made a decision to carry out a project; eg the recent Showcase; RDOs were given too little lead time to prepare and with minimal direction from Communication/Marketing, or from Flinders Partners or Office of Research- from an RDOs standpoint this was an example of the University having little or no real leadership or dierection - good idea but little information of what is required from any sourceGet the information on the Web pages up to date as there are too many areas that have incorrect or out of date information

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

flexible work optionssupportive culture

more opportunity for fixed term research staff to develop a career and be incorporated into the university

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Commitment to social justice; rural & remote programs; innovation & risk-taking

Stronger recognition of dispersed nature of it's campuses; improved ICT

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

small enough for personal contacts to overcome bureaucracystill has a decent reputation for researchdown-to-earth, unpretentious but still good quality

better workload distributionbetter sports facilities (swimming pool)better care of overseas students - especially english language tuition

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

General willingness of staff to contribute and cooperateHigh quality courses in prominent areas (e.g. Medicine and Law)Diversity of students in most courses

More staffMore flexible research fundingMore opportunities to take on and support PhD students

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Diversity of research interestSurrounds/locationFlexible employer

Better transport systemResearch meetings/seminars on more days of the week (they frequently seem to be on Wednesdays)Better food outlets

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

LocationSize Programs

More money for student resourcesMore money for teaching staff Finalise the EB

02. Faculty of Health Sciences


FinancialsHuman Resource SupportYoung Researchers

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Collaborative work across areas of the university.Links to industry.Professional development.

Workplace culture. Human resources is too detached from issues like performance appraisal and workplace culture.Fairness in distributing teaching work and enabling research. More opportunities for women & Less contractual work.More opportunities for undergraduates and postgraduates to interact, especially overseas students who need more support. English language skills can still be a real problem for o/s students.

02. Faculty of Health Sciences


Stronger management leadershipBuilding confidence and encouragement for admin staff at lower level of salary scale

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

It works towards continuous improvementMost people are approachableInnovative and modern

Bridging the academic/administrator divideTaking the views of administrators more serioslyBetter pay for administrators compared with govt sector

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

location and settingopeness to collaboration

more support for Aboriginal students - practical, economic, mentoring , work related studyA combined Aboriginal focus / network across faculties

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Respect for research and quality of teachingEgalitarian approach to staff and students from a wide range of backgroundsRespect for prior professional career and work experience in addition to academic history

Appreciation that implementing changes is extremely time consuming and sometimes of doubtful value.Recognizing the pressures on staff to achieve balance across teaching, leaderhsip administration and research - with a place for staff to choose areas of priority without prejudice.Genuine consultation on committees where decisions are influenced by members' opinions, rather than 'cooked up consultation' with decisions having been made in advance - disillusionment with committee structures and some decision making processes is high in this university.

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

open-mindednessDVCR listensstrategic plan excellent and implemented

more cohesiveness and sense of purpose in clustersbetter valuing of general staff with career aspirations

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

community engagementinnovationresearch

less wasted time on committeesbetter support servicesimproved funding

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Campus placement and environmentWorkable facultiesConcern for students

Additional parking Formal closure of enterprise bargainingA focus on Health and complementary/integrative haelth studies.Staff room facilities

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Socially responsible roleCommitment to equity in tertiary educationAdherence to espoused values

Sturt needs much better large teaching facilitiesFoster a greater awareness of skills in other areasA more dedicated approach to the manifest English language deficiencies of many international students

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Some great teachersProduce some great researchGood collaboration between Depts in most areas

Balance work loadsDeal with staff who are not performingEquity around work loads

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

  Improve collaboration between research groupsImprove support (space, infrastructure etc) for research in the School of Medicine

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

The peoplelocation and communication with Flinders MedicalClose collaboration with Medical centre centre

Adequate staffingClarification of relationship with SA PAthology- memorandum of understanding?!other resources

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Dedication to being socially responsibleWork in rural, remote and underserved populationsCollegiality

Just 3?More consistent leadership approachGreater use of technology to limit travel requirements between campusesStreamlining administrative processes

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Integrated approach to teaching research and medical facilitiesOpen access equitable approach to higher learningPleasant environment


02. Faculty of Health Sciences

  My School: better scholarship of teachingBetter consultation of staff in decision makingMore personal (any) contact from senior management with other staff

02. Faculty of Health Sciences

Continual new facilities/buildingsQuality people who work across well a large campusSuperannuation benefits

XXXX within my unit has been promoted twice without due process being followed and is the worst bully I have had the displeasure to work with in my 30 year career - demonstrates the culture of my unit that this attitude is seemingly supported and encouraged.Management are autocratic and do not involve staff in decisions that effect their work for example planning day appears to be lip service when team recommendations are ignored.Flexible working conditions have been abolished within my work unit.I am proud to work for Flinders University however find my current work environment to be completely at odds with the ethos of the university

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

casual informal relaxed Allow the staff to apply some academic standards and back the staff when it is applied.Ensure that the staff are held to a similar level when applying professional standards.

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

Views and design around the lakeOvals and open spaceEase of staff directory on website

New building to house all on one spaceMore renovations Update website, especially finding the right financial and HR forms/ policies.

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

Inclusiveness'Moving Forward'Location

Initiatives need to be completed - eg. timetabling system, space reviews, workshop reviews

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering


Better communicationRewards and recognition to staff an the abilty to reward your own staffMore business savy

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

Committed staffsize - not too big, not too smalllinks with external stakeholders valued

less duplication of activityrewards for staff whose performance is outstandingbetter use of project managment skills to plan for and resource change

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering


Effective restructuring at management levelBetter use of existing staffCommitting funds to clean up this place

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

The university has a pleasant physical environment.The university engages in innovative research.The university has rather reasonable employment conditions.

Reduction of hardcopy / paper waste, both inhouse and promotional.Staff being encouraged to form more dynamic working relationships / team building. An enhanced focus succession planning / career paths. Staff provided more opportunities for career progression / mapping.

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

site of the campushealth sciencesteaching

effective heating and coolingmore money for teaching equipmentmore academic staff

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

Managment, people and expertise Building maintenance, lab equipment & office space, infrastructure (car parks!)

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

Positive Work EnvironmentCommitted StaffGood Work/life Balance for Employees

Modernise the Physical Science Buildings (It is an embarrassment that students are working in a building that has not had a facelift since they were born!!).Promote the fact that our Science graduates are more 'workplace ready' than other Universities.Pay General Staff the same amount as Adelaide University to attract and retain staff (I know of at least one case where a bright, young employee left us simply because Adelaide Uni were paying more for the same job)

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

Community OutlookSupportive of staff and studentsLocation

Better CommunicationEveryone using the same software and diary systemsMore integrated communication using technology

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

Access to industry.Campus aesthetics.Reputation.

Training and guidance provided to supervisors and school management in area of strategic leadership.Programs to boost staff morale.

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

Dedicated staff.Sense of community.Great campus.

Fix badly leaking roof - is very unprofessional.Occasional poor communications with particlar central admin unit.Can't think of a third point.

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

dedicated staffservice to studentsengaged with stakeholders

more realistic timeframes for change ie C2R2better cross Faculty/department communication project/secondment opportunities for general staff

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

  By the Human Resources department supporting staff being bullied and intimidated by senior management (who have a history of this behaviour)rather than not respond at all and/ or never go back to the staff with the concerns and discuss what action (if any) has been taken.Listen to general staff suggestions on how to improve effciencies and quality of serviceTake a much more open minded approach to teaching and a more vocational edge- employ people to teach that actually have formal teaching training. Add more vocational topics to expand the jobs students can get, their are only a limited number of jobs for researchers so why not corner the markets that TAFE also teaches in

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

pace, improvement, people communication, fun, and understanding

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

1. Opportunity to use the smallness to focus on a discrete number of specialisations, within which it can become an internation leader.2. Location - it has cornered the southern suburbs.3. The VC has strong vision and character, as does the Head of SoE.

1. Give the Dean of SoE a budget, and more clarity about finances (down to individuals, including research Quantum) generally.2. Build an Office of Research that is actually helpful and not a hindrence .3. Support the strengths of the unit with more staff in the areas that are already successful rather than the traditional philosophy to build up in areas that someone thinks might work.

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

Diversity in areas coveredEnvironmental awareness

More awareness of understaffingGreater support of staff needs

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

  Recognise the value of general staffhave some structure general staff can work withResource the gap between the strategic vision and factory floor operationsResource relations with external stakeholdersBudgets, strategic planning, democratic workplace and decision making models that are taken seriously - it's impossible to get anything done in a transparent, clear, planned fashion.

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

The campus itself - we have space, environmental interaction, and a community

Funding at appropriate levelsRecognition of inappropriate management decisions so that those who make them are accountable, and staff don't suffer adverse effects due to incompetent managersImprove our environmental responsibility - the campus is our greatest asset, so why isn't it being taken advantage of?

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

Good research, friendly and helpful staff the chemical sciences building needs to be updated!! In summer it is over 30 degrees in offices and in winter the entire building leaks.

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

Excellent diversity of coursesOne of the best university campus in the worldStrong drive for both research and education, a really good ballance between the two

BiologyListening more to student feedback and ensuring that Lecturers who are falling well below standard are given training on how to improve their lecturing skillsCondition of the building, The biology building is old, and feels like it. Other universitys are just as old but constant improvement gives a more modern, clean feel to the buildings.ensuring that all staff are meeting their responsabilities. This includes being at work on time (extremely poor), being avaliable for students (poor) and not spending excessive time socialising in the tearoom/office/bar (serious issues for some individuals)

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

  ICT is starting to change in the university after many years of inactivity but the same people are expected to advise and deliver but staff are not being provided.

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

Strong engagement with external community (in specific areas)Efficient management structure

Greater engagement in research by a wider cohortGreater support/encouragement of individuals from senior management

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

compassionmulticulturalismstudent teaching

upgrade facilitiesmaintain facilitiesemploy more technicians & less Professors

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

SurroundingsSizeEsprit de Corps

More attention to Lecture Theatre MaintenanceLower Teaching LoadBetter research funding

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

It embraces cultural diversity.It embraces religious diversity.It aspires to be better than it is.

Greater awareness of actual stakeholders.Greater consultation between central administration and faculty-level stakeholders.

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

Family/work balanceFriendly atmosphere


03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

commitment of staff to doing a top job appointment of more staff to fulfill teaching commitments

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering


Keep us in the loopsFight for promotions to higher levelReward for knowledge, length of service

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering


School could improve by being located in one building.Better communication facilities (ie. computer software facilities)

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

1. Campus2. Reputation3. Some dedicated staff

1. Better training when starting a new position2. Better communication between departments and teams3. Better understading of roles and responsibilities for various staff and self. This is essential to be able to show initiative and understand the requirements of a position and the level of decision making capacity a person has. If a person knows what decisions they can make without approvals then this increases efficiency.

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

skilled peoplecommunityethnicity

better managersplan for the futureutilised skilled people in their area of expertise

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

technical staff better non accademic management[more professioal/less favourtism]equal oppertunities for technical staff[salary/promotion]

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

1. mid sized institution2. relaxed semi-urban feel to campus3. international students

1. appropriate housing2. increased part time teaching support3. greater number of honours and postgraduate students

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

Moving with the times.Most staff are committed to doing a good job.Location and aspect - beautiful.

Some older buildings and gardens need a face lift.Separate staff parking.More communication between faculties, buildings etc. i.e. Get together at least twice per year socially at the Plaza.

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

Beautiful CampusHas some great alumniGood alternative to Adelaide and UniSA

Improved admin e communication facilities eg ezines, Outlook and webmail, etcRefurbishment of old buildings requiresFunding for team building exercises rather than having to pay for self

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

teaching excellenceresearch collaboration across schools/unitsentrepreneurship

increased exposure of junior academics to teachingincreased collaboration within schoolgreater support/recognition for research support services

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

Its people: staff and studentsGrounds, environmentMix of disciplines

Much improved project managementMore moneyImproved research performance

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

1. The current VC and DVC-R are making serious effort to remedy the malaise that set in under the previous VC's damagingly risk-averse reign: we are small, and we need to take calculated risks, just to keep up with the larger universities. We are again using the agility our size and short history affords us, rather than pretending we can neglect this potential competitive advantage.2. Location, landscape, lifestyle. Flinders location (relative to the city centre, but also the panoramic, ocean and bush views) and large relatively uncluttered campus allows a relaxed lifestyle that Uni Adelaide and UniSA can only dream of. 464 acres is a competitive advantage we have not yet fully realised (and I don't just mean filling it up with buildings).3. We have a many talented staff who genuinely try to do their best, and who have great talents to bring to the table. Our challenge is to remove the impediments to excellence, which in some case means uncomplicating roles rather than necessarily reducing workloads. Are academic staff really the best people to handle administrative tasks? Or are they better empowered by allowing them to focus on their

We (like most Australian Universities) treat our highly-talented, highly-trained and internationally respected researchers with utter contempt. This must change. Some examples follow.1. When my wife received her PhD, she, with her supervisors support applied to be promoted from level A to level B. She was told by someone in HR in that process that just because she had obtained her PhD, she should not think that she was worth any more. Her PhD was obtained at Flinders. If we cannot take pride and place value in our own flag-ship product (the doctor), then we have some serious soul searching to do. That someone from in HR should ever say such a thing says that we have a serious culture problem, somewhere. A related symptom of this is the current habit of employing research staff on HEO5 (or HEO6 if you have a doctorate) instead of ResA and ResB as they used to be, resulting in about $10k salary reductions, and further entrenching the lack of value that our research staff feel.2. Research staff on rolling annual contracts, sometimes for more than 10 years, and who are producing the very research that makes this University credible are denied access to many benefits, including the

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

teaching and research with fewer distractions: Context switching costs time and brain-space, so let's keep it to a minimum.

same superannuation that the rest of us enjoy. Of course the ideal solution is to offer these staff some degree of security. The federal government is in many ways the guilty party here, but nonetheless, there are things that we can do as a University.3. We handle Long Service Leave for our contract employed research staff in a most disrespectful way. If a grant fails and staff are released, we count that as a discontinuity, when in fact it is a force majure. LSL for contract research staff should never be so easily denied. A related problem is that LSL comes from the current employer, even if someone has had employment for many years over many projects. LSL is already collected centrally from 2% levy on oncosts, and should be paid out from there, so that research groups should never fear (or refuse employment on the basis of) excessive accumulated LSL. My wife was forced to take her LSL at the end of last year or not be offered a contract. This cost us as a family about $5,000 in tax due to not being able to choose the timing, and having to take the LSL as a payout rather than the refreshing leave it is intended to be. This was compounded when the University then tried to claim that she had no continuity of service, because the LSL had been paid out, and thus tried to deny her pro-rata LSL for this year. I am sure that we are not the only ones affected by the failure of our policies and procedures to adequately protect contract staff, who I repeat, are one of the main sources of research output and hence credibility for this university. Fixing LSL procedures is a cost-neutral exercise that would go a long way to making our research staff feel valued and an attachment to this University, and thus provide us with a tangible competitive edge, especially when it comes to getting quality researchers to return to this university.

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

locationmost staffcourses available

extra staffcareer progression - you dont have to be 60 to be a manager/supervisor.managers as HOS, not academic staff

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering


reduce work loadsgreenerimprove public awareness

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

lots of variation within the building, many different medical areas of research

more staff so we stress less and can work more efficiently

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

The quality of people working in the UniversityThe enviroment.The diversity of courses.

Better salary to bring up to the other Universitys.Employing more staff to reduce the work load and allow better flexabilty.More consultation with staff.

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering


Improved/updated facilities.Less expenditure on new initiatives like the new Environment building and more on areas that need upgrading.

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

Excellence in teachingAwards for good teachingLovely location and spacious, vegetated grounds

More manageable workloadsLess administration loads on academic staff

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

TeachingSingle campusCommunitt atmosphere

Less fragmentation and competition between faculties and schools.More collaborative attitude of researchersSufficient staffing to deliver on teaching and administration

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

CollegialityHigh teaching qualityConcern for student wellbeing

Focus researchFund postdoctoral fellowsHire more indians (i.e. lower level admin and technical staff) and fewer chiefs (i.e. professors and high level admin/management staff)

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

Good Reputation in the maketIt's people (in the main)Good employer

More innovative leadership from the topMore inspiring leaders (work supervisors)Need to build more of a team work ethos & put words into actions. Easy to talk about it but actions speak louder than words.

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

1. Research2. People

1. Update the buildings, even just a paint job. ie. Bio, Physical Sci, Earth sci. Currently, not a good image for the University.2. Sorting out and making functional the buildings and property Division - Costs and errors in major works.3. Some extra funding for equipment updating etc.

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

- support for working parents- flexibility for staff- beautiful campus

- clean the windows!- share more information across faculties- more opportunity to expand skills (graphics, programming courses that arn't offered by SD)

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering


Update old areasParkingBetter advertising : latest radio ad is bad

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

quality teachingmodern facilitieskeen and enthusiastic technical staff

Ramp up marketing efforts to Southern regionInject more money into laboratories for practical teachingCollaborate more with external organisations and companies to hold events here

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

it is a friendly and collegial place staff to student ratios are way too low, more teaching staff are needed

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

Spacious campus (incl on-campus housing).Accessibility to non-school leaver students/alternative entry pathways.Some areas of research and teaching specialisations that are unique or the best in SA (eg forensic science, aquaculture).

Greater transport access (public transport, parking).Clearer communication between different sections of the University.Better signage around campus - larger (especially on roads), more of it.

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

  buildings are XXXX. Physical Sciences building leaks water through the roof when it rains. Very embarrassing for visitors/students to see several buckets down each hallway catching the drips and water hazard signs everywhere.Buildings and Properties Division are XXXX. Whenever I mention their name to anyone in the faculty there is much laughter in discussing how they bungled their latest job.

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

friendly and supportive attitude to studentsgreat grounds!

more resourcesless pressure to do more and more with less and less - this has to stop

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

Innovation, cooperation Have sufficient teaching staff in the SchoolSenior management being interested in the view of staffFair funding of teaching in our School

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

Excellence in TeachingCare of studentsDiligence of staff

Permanent receptionistMore equal allocation of workMore fun encouraged - music etc

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

Its inclusivenessIts physical locationIts staff

Better community engagementBetter cultural / social facilitiesBetter support for better performers

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

On site Childcare centreample parking if you get in early enoughbeautiful grounds

less division of IT funds to schools, more of a Faculty approach.

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

location, medicine, ? senior managers need better management skills in business and finance; investment in infrastructure for research needs to be continually maintained; removal of cumbersome administration that continually frustrate staff. More money goes to admin but staff don't see the real benefits an we just get overloaded with more paperwork which stifles good research. Also, how about an independent review of property services who are hard to deal with and act like dictators. We should have the choice to get a more fair deal from outside of the uni. At the moment we have to pay ridiculous prices to get things done. It looks corrupt!

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

  The University has a generally weak corporate governance system which is impeding organisational performance at practically every level.The University's risk management systems are Dickensian and have instilled a culture where no-one is prepared to take calculated risks because of the fear of failure. This culture will be a drag-anchor on the University's aspirations to innovate and compete more effectively with G8 universities.

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

Support staff for first year students (in sciences)Teaching staff working well as a team to the benefit of studentsWillingness to try new teaching methods

More staff (reduction of workload)Smaller first year tutorialsBetter supervision/training of sessional staff.

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

Quality of TeachingNew CoursesGood Senior management

More Innovation/Uni grantsEnhance Education Research

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering


Provide additional resources (equipment, technical support, postgraduate stipends) to developing research programs/building research capacity within the SchoolRealistically provide time for high quality research to be conducted instead of an expectation of research output within a framework of heavy teaching workloads

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

It's staffLocationReputation

More space to accommodate staff and phd studentsImprovements to signage - wayfindingMore funding for maintenance of buildings - eg painting, cleaning

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

My coworkersWillingness to collaborateHelp from support staff

Access to scientific equipmentNot going back on agreements for support

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

1. Friendly working environment for students & staff.2. Beautiful position and surrounding grounds.3. Loyal hard-working staff both general and academic

My School is currently evolving and undergoing many changes. I feel it will be constantly improving.The University website, especially the individual School areas could be improved.Course information via satac etc could be improved.

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

  Better Technical Infrastructure Support for ResearchBetter workload management and more recognition of the work that we doMore scholarship funding and support for Ph.D studentsMore space devoted to teaching and resaerch labs.

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering


better communicationinteraction between schools unitsperformance management does it occur?

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering


03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

communication, campus  

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

I adore the team environment in my research lab and also my supervisor. The general environment, grounds etc. Supportive atmosphere

There is limited funding support for early career researchers. Very limited guidance and support for early career researchers submitting grants. Training on how to write grants, managing students etc.

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

Attractive campus, good location for students based in the south;Generally caring staff with supportive attitudes and willingness to help towards students, in spite of the efforts of some to be otherwise;

Greater sensitivity to the needs of industry and enterprises in SA generally, and in southern areas in particular;The university is very effective at grabbing the money from full-fee international students, but provides negligible support to ESL students and the teaching staff who have to battle with very substandard English in both written and oral communication;Current processes for the recognition of staff who perform well are totally skewed - the bulk of grant and award recipients are good application writers, not necessarily good at their job of either research or teaching.

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

Supportive of studentsLocation and campusGenerally friendly and supportive staff


03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

Quality of staff, environment Difficulty to find information about anything, needs to be quicker at adapting to research/teaching trends, must provide clear career paths for postdocs

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

Beautiful SettingHigh quality of gardenersGood overall facilities

1. Replace bean-counting work equalisation, with workload allocation through consultation2. Get an independent external body to oversee the quality of education we provide. 3. Get an independent external body to oversee the quality of research we do

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

technical support staffteaching excellenceresearch excellence

more technical support staffupgrade building infrastructure

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

1. Great working conditions2. Great people3. A commitment to the strong programs

1. Appreciate general staff!!!2. Improve OH&S support for all3. Improve environmental outcomes - what about recycling, solar, water collection??

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

Diversity, innovative, unique programs not offered elsewhere in SA or internationally

Our physical facilities are very outdated and in poor repair. Laboratory spaces do not have air conditioning or fume hoods, adequate plumbing or powerpoints or offices even appropriate furniture. Even the common spaces (corridors, toilets, lecture theatres and classrooms) are in poor repair. It can sometimes be embarrassing to bring in visitors from other Schools or outside the University.

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

location, modern, size (not too small not too big) collaboration, inclusion and fairness

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

Location, research focus, good employer Made larger for more collaboration amongst researchers, not enough human geographers!Tougher requirments to gain undergraduate degrees - student culture, due to the times I guess, is generally not as focussed on learning as the staff which is demoralisingMore recognition of innovation in community engagement

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

New visionNew planFocus on environment/new School of Environment

More continuing positions/less casualisationFocus of quality researchInternational focus

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

Interdisciplinary cooperation, interaction with schools/industry/peak bodies, taking the second tier of students and turning most of them into graduates we can be proud of.

Reduction in administration (staff, monitoring and paperwork).Shift of admin staff from central to units to support academic staff.Return to paper vs email (have one person have a photocopier collate documents rather than expecting many people to print).

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

small sizepost graduate educationnon-urban location

more resourceshigher staff turnoverbuilding improvements

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

Its hardworking staffIts students

Academic staff in my AOU (CAPS) are massively overworked, every one of my academic colleagues works on average at least a 50 hr week. Many are in on weekends and public holidays, hire more staff.More funds for purchase of small pieces of equipment for use in undergraduate teaching. Equipment for many of the teaching laboratories is old, outdated and often fails during undergraduate teaching. Not a good impression for the students.Upgrade the Physical Sciences Building.

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

Some good researchersGenerally good facilitiesGenerally good support staff

Ensure that individuals with no management experience or a lack of general common sense are prevented from running schools.Focus more attention on ensuring that the quality of 'teaching' that is delivered is of the highest quality. Particularly avoid having people lecturing who are not capable teachers.Focus on the quality of research that is happening to ensure that there are worthwhile projects for graduates to negage with

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

1. Nice work environment 1. Employ more academic staff & less admin2. More resources for research infrastructure3. Extra sponsorship of science topics

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

The beauty of the campus Permanent research positions

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering


Better pathways for promotionBetter induction of new staffClearer workload information

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

Environmental FocusImproving focus on staff developmentFlexible working arrangements

Building Maintenance Informing staff/ students of issues that affect them promptly

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering


1.Review the Buildings and prorties division!2.Implement and resource a renewal program for older buildings!3.Try to improve communication from the top floor!!

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

  Research staff should be valued equally with teaching staff.

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

its locationmy work collegessuperannuation

listen to the workersmonitor managementmaintain staff to service equipment and other services on offermonitor that the right people are chosen for the job

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

Its physical surroundsfriendly staffgood students

transparency of spending budgettransparency of teaching loads of all staffbetter support o PhD students

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

wide range of subject choiceseasy to communicate within other schoolslocation

staff moralimproved equipmentcommunication

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

Research, innovation, commercialisation Providing a more positive environment, more encouragement and less criticism, more support for ECR's

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

Generally, excellent staff.The overall feel of the University is inviting.

More recognition of the casual staff/sessional teachers.More emphasis placed on quality teaching/student satisfaction.High retention at first year does not translate to quality teaching - the standards in first year are dropping and there is a quantum leap required of the students in second and third year to produce quality graduates.

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering


better pubcheaper foodmore air conditioning

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

A nice, large campus with lots of space.The willingness to try new things

Reward teaching as well as researchImprove undergraduate degree programs so that students see the benefit of coming here rather than to the other universitiesMore money must be given to the schools in order for staff to offer high quality courses which require smaller class sizes and more time for student feedback

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering


more maths staff

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

Researchers - there are some excellent researchers here.Students - we have some wonderfuly bright students at this University.The Vice Chancellor and Deputy Vice Chancellor -Research are bringing overdue fresh energy to this University.

Need to find new ways to reduce teaching loads so that research activities - especially with industry - are more easily pursued.Need to give the whole building a massive face lift - it makes a negative impression for visitors to see the old buildings which desperately need refurbishment.Car Parks - lack there of especially for visitors again makes collaborative work with external partners difficult if they cant find a park!

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

1. Breadth of courses offered (though this may be at risk due to restructuring)2. Commitment to research3. Location - one campus promotes better dialogue/collaboration between Schools.

1. Placing higher value on the role that teaching plays within the University.2. With the restructuring, there was little to no dialogue between higher management and academic staff. There also needs to be equitable treatment across all disciplines and understanding that a one-size-fits-all approach is not applicable to some 'sub-units'. 3. Better treatment and value placed on casual/sessional/short term staff.

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering


1) More collegial mentoring in research2) More time for quality teaching (new approaches to 'efficient' teaching often results in lower quality/effective outcomes)3) Reduce administration so as to focus on teaching and research

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

Its visionIts valuesIts leadership

More teaching resourcesCreating more research time and opportunityBetter capital equipment qcquisition process

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

It retains the true ethos of what a university should be, along the lines of Peter Karmel quote; expeimenting boldy, inspiring achievement, being part of social progress etc etc, rather than a marketing/numnbers game focus of other uni's in this state.The friendly and warm atmosphereThe willingness of people to work across schools and faculties

My unit and allied school are in the ealy days of establishment, so there is much room for growth, which is being met with enthusiasm and goodwill.

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

excellence in researchexcellent in teachinggood campus setting out of city crowded

Integrated system of information across the university.Resource sharing across the universityGive more values and attention to international students.

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

Surroundings are aesthetically pleasing.Separated from 'noise' of city.Faculty/staff are express genuine interest in the well-being of students.

There needs to be more attention given to 'campus life'. Students are here more than 9-5. Postgraduates often work odd hours. International students are forced to go off-campus for much of their social life. This campus should be active 9-5 year-round, and 9-midnight during while courses are in session.1. Develop social/intramural activities and groups.2. Bring a convenience store on campus.3. Promote University through 'cheap' advertising (i.e. clothing). The lack of students wearing clothing with 'Flinders' logo is shocking!!

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

The staff, the hillside location (views) and the students More attention to the appearance of the place (less rubbish & litter)

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

1. Outstanding teaching2. Single campus location3. Collegial working environment - about to disappear as managerialism and corporate models invade and destroy 40 years of organic development of spohisticated work environments.

1. Bring Faculty and School management into the 21st century. Get rid of hierarchical top-down management that operates for its own convenience and power rather than supporting staff, especially regarding the incorporation of more advanced management styles during a period of 'absorption' or 'asset stripping'.2. Focus on role of university in community perception rather than a blinkered flawed focus on ARC funded research and publication in A/A* journals. If all teaching was stopped for a semester and all research was stopped for a semester, what would matter more, what would cause the greater PR stink, what would result in long term damage to reputation, particularly in the eyes of the community and overseas students?3. Understand how to develop reputation, identity - it is family and friends together with the SATAC Guide that determine course choice by u/g students. Generate word of mouth rather than useless corporate advertising and promotion. By all means focus on reasearch but that will not ensure survival.

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

Marine and aquaculture coursesLaw and arts degreesEnvironment

streamline middle managementConsult with staff at coal faceGive credit to staff

03. Faculty of Science & Engineering

The Biomedical Engineering program Known for innovative teaching and nationally recognised teachers (through national awards) Size, location and flexibility of campus

More students studying the course we offer (under-grad) Greater post-grad student presence More car-parking spaces

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

- not a money making machine (offers students a different interesting alternative)- treats its employees with dignety

- more support from marketing to reach our target market

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences


More effective leadershipLess uncertainty

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

Its front line staffIts locationIts commitment to equity

Stop changing everythingRetain people with corporate knowledgeTrust the staff to get on with things

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

social values, collegiality, environment better change managementless power taken from departmentsbetter recognition of teaching

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

Flexibile working hours. Getting rid of staff who contribute nothing but think they do.

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

ITThe StaffThe Students

Investing in post-doc research fellow positions in Social Sciences.

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

1. University's working conditions are generally great, although the implementation varies across the University and even within work groups, depending on individuals.2. Location3. We do great things here!

I have worked in a number of positions in this University. I see the great potential within the School I am currently employed, however, as a General staff member I feel that my supervisor is lacking and some other General staff are lacking. There are also some deficiencies in the performance of some staff in this School, that are not appropriately addressed or resolved. If good/exceptional performances were rewarded and/or acknowledged, this could potentially improve performance generally. It would also be a good idea to provide opportunities for General staff to take up/be given/encouraged to work elsewhere in the Uni. Much of the poor performance here relates to a lack of breadth of work experience and understanding of workplaces within the University and generally. Performance should be rewarded above longevity. I am staggered that some of the people I work with see training and development as 'punitive' rather than an opportunity or indeed a necessity for advancement and innovation.

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

My colleagues and I have a strong commitment to 1. our students2. supporting each other3. to ethical practice

1. The current administrative load is exceptional - I am anticipating it will ease over the coming 12 monhts once C2R2 is bedded down.2. I do not believe senior management fully appreciate the level of intensity this involves and the time commitment it has taken

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

  More resources please. I'm overwhelmed by workload - which has been the direct result of the ridiculous pace of change set by a XXXX who is clearly a sociopath, and really couldn't give a damn about the welfare of his staff or his students. I used to enjoy working here. I used to be proud to work here. Now I just feel sick every morning when I realise it's a work day.

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

- Dedicated staff, - By reinstating an appropriate number of teacher hours per topic. The restructrure destroyed the integrity of teaching in my field, rendering it superficial by slashing content by 1/3. Pedagogy was never considered during the process.- Halt the hiring of administrative staff-

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

Outstanding PeopleQuality ResearchEnvironment (Location)

Change could be thought through betterIncreased investment in and application of Technology, particularly ITMore career options for non-academic staff

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

Small sizeNice peopleMedical School

More listening to the peopleMore realistic expectationsMore fun

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

Excellent library resources and staffFlexibility in work hoursExcellent IT infrastructure recently

Better management - older people need to retireUtilise talents of staff - now much neglectReal transparency in decisions, information, funds

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

It doesn't get in your way if you want to do something (of course that doesn't mean it helps either)Good physical environmentfellow staff

More leadership, less managemnet by e-mail and 'policy'More delegationLess form fuilling more support for key objectives of teaching and learning

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

International studentsStron teaching skillscommittment to research

Mentoring schemes - especially for international students.Improved technology for tute rooms in LWCM (computers)Smart boards in tute rooms

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

1. A commitment to quality education outcomes on the broadest scale possible.2. A diverse student body that is committed to learning in a collaborative manner.3. A commitment to research that advances the cause of humanity and community wellbeing.

1. To continue to break down old and new 'silos'.2. To be more welcoming, and to understand the needs of overseas students and those with learning disadvantage.3. To engender a passion for quality research undertakings and outcomes.

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

Friendliness Committment to students and communitybeauty of the campus

More $$ to attract quality staffA common room that staff feel wlecome inThe ability to move staff on who are not productive,

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

  Not hiring Admin people just because they have a degree.Rewarding long term efficient staff with upgrades.

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

balance & relationship between teaching and researchcommitment to access, equity and transparencydiversity of its student demographics and (more limited) staff - dynamic learning environments reflect c21st world.

improve administrative support and target it better (eg. HEO 3 career path/progression)Provide on going collective access to research assistance for staff who are active & productive researchers (eg. at school or discipline level)improve academic office accomodation! - better book shelves (adjustable), desk space (bigger), paint walls (mine are grey concerete), support variety technologies - Ipads/laptops and desktops

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

The beautiful campusRelaxed atmospherePeople enjoy being here

Senior management should acknowledge that it is impossible for all academics to be great in research AND teaching AND community engagemnt - and hence should stop demanding the impossible from us.

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

Engagement with students in the Business SchoolSupport for student issues and resources available to support learning.Its reputation and Academic standards

Insisting that academic standards are not lowered to accommodate the needs of students from diverse backgrounds but encouraging and supporting students in meeting high standards of study and ethics.Fixing the constant leaks in the Law Commerce Building roof.keep looking for new ways to improve learning and teaching.

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

1. Diversity of staff and students2. Some excellent research initiatives3. Many examples of outstanding teaching ability

1. Manage rapid and overwhelming change much more effectively2. Reduce level of bureaucratic inefficiency3. Address poor performance instead of avoiding it

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

  Better support for research, more academicc staff on tenured employment, fewer admin staff, more transparency and less politics!

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

Small sizeCollegialityResearch focus

More resourcesMore flexible attitude to staffing

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

location, variety of courses, environmentally pleasing campus more professionalism from certain staff members, a stronger stance on team work, dealing better with bullying within the work place

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

  My school is working on improving its relationships with the various professional bodies connected to degrees/specialisations we have - it must continue along this path.

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

Small and friendlyExcellent health sciences and a few other bits (eg psychology)

support research better

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

flexible work arrangementsupgrading of buildingstechnology

greater communication withingreater collaboration with others schools/unitsbetter professional development

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

Focused on studentsStaff are available to help studentsGreat campus

More feedback given on assessmentsSmaller class sizesMore time training casual academic staff

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

(1) generally provides flexible working arrangements for staff(2) has nice campus grounds(3) direct access via public transport

(1) Middle-managers recruited from outside of academia with 'real-world' management skills, experience and the ability to foster entrepreneurialism.(2) Career opportunities, real* professional development, and retention incentives for general staff.(3) Encouragement of innovation and use of ICTs, and recruitment of teaching staff with ICT skills.

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences


broader research base

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

General staffLocation

More focus on teaching, less focus on research. Some staff aren't meant to do research, some staff aren't meant to do teaching. More appreciationg and recognition of the outstanding work of the general staff.

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

Restoring a balance between research and teaching (research previously under-valued)Good work conditionsGood reputation domestically and internationally for my school

School - more resources to reward demonstrated quality teaching and research performanceUniversity - greater accountability for staff and schools not performing well. It is disheartening to be working hard and seeing co-workers who don't share the same work ethic essentially be awarded for lack of performance. Essentially it has been my experience that the good/competent staff are almost punished by workload as they are given the more difficult jobs that other, less performing staff, are not trusted to take on.

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

co workers commitmentquality of co workers and supervisers

greater consistency and transparency in faculty decision making

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

Talented, hard-working staffAttracts talented students (though not all)Beautiful, spacious location

Mentoring all staff interested in improving research productivity, regardless of career levelLeadership that listens (not just goes through the motions of appearing to listen)Really valuing high quality teaching and placing emphasis on and rewarding teaching excellence

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

1. A fairly solid reputation.2. A pleasant campus.

1. A true, genuine commitment to valuing quality teaching (and offering quality teaching!)2. A greater recognition of the need to achieve critical mass.3. Greater respect for academic staff - supported by actions, but simply motherhood statements.

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

Commitment to community engagement;Flexibility of learning approaches in meeting the needs of a range of students; andCommitment to social justice

Consultory and kindly approach to change management;Valuing general staff who are workign in non-teaching research jobs and providing opportunities for their career development especially re developing their own research pathways.Opportunities for and valuing of true collaboration both with the university and with community partners.

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

The staff (acad and gen).It's in Adelaide.The grounds.

Better flow of information/ideas both UP and DOWN.Underlings to have input into selection of a new supervisor.Supervisors who know and care about what their underlings do.

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

Environment - physically appealing location Engagement - with an international and global society, national collaborations and wider communityExperience - notable research in key areas

Clear and concise communication from my immediate supervisor on matters relating to work projectsTimely communication from him to School Managers and other involved staffConsultation on matters that affect the team

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

natural settings, well respected, quality teaching look more carefully at people's job descriptionsstop changing the organisation every two seconds and get on with teaching our studentsupgrade the cleaning/maintenance service, dead insects on every stairwell, windows never get cleaned

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

Excellent teachingGood facilities

Replace arrogant senior managersReward staff appropriatelyListen to staff

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

Small and more flexibleCommunity basedGood teaching and research

More equitable teaching allocationHigher quality PhD applicationsImproved staff recruitment

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

Staff commitment to their work, especially staff at lower levelsAbility to serve the southern region of AdelaideTeaching commitment to students

Be more realistic with demands on teaching staff.Simplify procedures, reduce administration.Only accept students who understand the rigours of a commitment to study, especially those who have no previous experience in formal learning.

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

It is not (yet?) destroyed by economic rationalism and new managerialismIt has a coherence of location and focus that other SA universities lack which COULD become its strength.It could position itself in SA as the university with PERSONALISED tuition and student experience.

Listen and value the contribution of experienced dedicated staff ( both academic and general) Recent changes to administrative and financial accountability structures devalue the talent and trustworthiness of staff

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

1. Commitment to a shared strategy for development2. commitment to raising teaching quality3. beautiful campus (not too shallow for you?)

1. Local staff workload scheme should reflect the stated expectations of the University 2. more tailor-made assistance on career development3. more communication on policy development and implementation that grows out of strategic plans/vision, etc

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

Dedicated academics, location and ground maintenance, development of systems/software

Communication between Faculty/School, consultation between Faculty/School, Staff meetings between Faculty/School

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

varied student bodydedicated staff

Stop the current trend toward increased middle-management and administrative staff - it is leading to duplication of tasks. In the past year administrative procedures have become cumbersome, and lead to delays in academic innovation.

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

Family friendlyWorkplace is relaxed and enjoyable (generally - not all depts)

Make lower level general staff feel more valued by not waiting to implement changes until sr appts are made. This leaves general staff 'hanging', not knowing what's going on and feeling of MUCH less value than sr staff. More focus should be put on 'managing people' skills when making appts; i.e., many people 'inherit' staff when they are promoted because of their research, and many of these people have no clue how to handle people. This can make the workplace miserable for the lower level staff.When promoting someone to a position where they will be supervising their peers, check how their peers feel about them. They may be good on paper, and they may interview well. That doesn't mean they're good people managers; nor does it mean they have the vision to improve processes.

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

1)Appears to be innovative ie Nanotechnology school2)Encourage students to undertake Higher Degrees3) Appears to be some cross-fertilization across the schools ie medicine & social sciences.

1) Fairly remunerate & enable the Head of the Unit to have the power to make decisions for; has become very bearacratic over the last 12 months2) Consider the ethics of taking so many international students who have very poor english & understanding of our society, yet are paying very large fees, with an unspoken expectation of staff to 'pass' them because of it..3) More support for PhD students in terms of how they might secure future employment in the university. There certainly seems to be a need for more teaching staff!

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

Commitment to students & their needs Change management in faculty of social & behav sciences has been hopeless. When processes & priorities change, everyone needs to know about it.

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences


Universal technology - everyone using the same systems.

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

student diversitystaff commitment to studentsthe persistence of a scholarly approach among many staff despite the predations of managerialism

More attention to workload issuesUpgrading buildingsmaking change more transparent

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

cimmitted academics, diverse student population, strong, if under-resourced, student learning facilities

the teaching load does not allow adequate time for research, there should be more support available for applying for research funding, parental leave should be more generous to compete in the sector

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

Innovative ResearchInnovative teachingLocation: less distractions like the city shops

More Kiosk Food bars Facilities and eateries everywhere.Loan computers for undergraduates who are in financial need.Able to better cater for international students who do not experience a campus life at Flinders in the City: Too restrictive access, usage and resources Many student Complaints

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

The committment of the people at uni who are unafraid of change, willing to embrace 'best practice', policies in general are good - just not adhered to, those people who understand the real world and that students are our customers and just turning up to work does not constitute being a good employee

Racial and sexist behaviour to students should not be tolerated, agressive and unequal application of policy depending on country of origin should not be tolerated by the Dean, an effort should be made to recruit people from ouside the uni to bring new ideas, admin staff should be rotated around the faculty to prevent them having obscene amounts of power over students and the culture of the area.

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

Student focused, adaptable, good links with public service Better management,

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

  I feel so overwhelmed... so disempowered. Top level management seems completely divorced from the workload and morale impact of rapid radical change. And what have we gained? Disgruntled students and harassed staff. Good people are leaving, taking their organisational knowledge with them. To the students we appear disorganised and unprofessional. Well done, we've certainly changed our image.

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

Colleagues a disciple levelDiversity of student cohortCommunity engagement

Finding appropriate Deans to leadUnderstanding devolved budget responsiblitiesUni senior manager stop decrying low ARC success

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

  Reviewing career progression opportunities for post-doctoral fellows. Providing staff with decent shower facilities would help people who like to exercise either before, during or after work hours! Healthy staff = happier and ultimately more productive staff!

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

overall friendliness, library, mentoring, listening and acting on issues, recognising contributions

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

  1. VALUE PEOPLE - look after your investment in academic staff - last time I did this survey I was upbeat and happy about working at Flinders. This time I am NOT upbeat, not happy and feel very under-valued by my School.2. Ensure BULLIES are NOT rewarded for bad behaviour - it is NOT rocket science!3. Enable more open democratic debate, discussion and intellectual opinion to be expressed by all members of staff, especially in relation to 'what we actually teach to actual students'. When Opinion is stifled by BULLIES, and they are rewarded - -- again it is not rocket science, that you loose a big chunk of motivation to contribute to the university in a positive way.

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

Medical School; Dept of Psychology; Good Car-Parking facilities Smaller intake of poorly-prepared students;Less pressure to give inappropriately high gradesfor poor quality student performance;Offer voluntary separation packages to 'burnt-out' ( and/or functionally redundant)staff

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

Recognition of the diversity within the academic roleCommitment to community engagementApplied research

Senior Management at faculty levelCommunication and greater engagement with staff about direction and changeSenior management recognition of the diversity within Faculty and a capacity to work with this complexity

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

Good innovative courses constantly updatedVery good to staff - tends to keep the best staffServes a large student body well

University needs to be much more careful with external appointments. Some of these have been very bad and severely affected the good workings of parts of the University .

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

  Having some clear processes and proceduresHaving some leadershipHaving a supervisor who knows anything about the employees they are responsible for.

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

Commitment to learning and research ToleranceCommitment to decent working relation

Greater recognition of the work and achievements of staff;Fewer cumbersome policies and associated paperwork; Easier financial system and more trust

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences


Better integration between staff and students

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

Its people (students, general support staff and teachers) are its greatest asset.The library is well-resourced.The campus itself is quite pleasant.

More resources must be provided to staff and students at both undergraduate and postgraduate levelPolitics and International Studies MUST be given increased funding and elevated status within the universityFacilities must be improved. No upgrades have taken place. Classrooms are dreadful, AV/IT equipment is of a poor standard an is difficult to useThe university as a whole needs to reinvigorate itself; senior leadership (XXXX) needs to listen to staff and students - not just token gestures labeled 'consultation'; campus culture must be improved and energised. More money must be put into student welfare and services; food on campus should also be improved and service staff for FlindersOne should have greater customer training

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

a community atmosphere is a long-standing feature of Flinders which we need to preserveit's loyal teaching staff

providing more autonomy to senior academics who have over long periods contributed substantively to the research, education and community outreach aims of the universityavoiding increasing workload of academics by thrusting major changes to curriculum structures on them with short turn-around times

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

1. socially progressive history2. good collegiality in our unit3. lovely views

1. return Heads of Departments2. stop the endless restructures that involve centralised control for deans and then failed searches and interim deans that are not on campus enough to catch up with what needs to be done3. equalise the workloads, especially teaching workloads, across the different parts of each faculty.

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

Its staffIts physical environmentA general respect for students (although there are exceptions to this generality)

1. University and Faculty: By being more open to critiques of the neo-liberal marketisation of universities and not assuming that these broader trends are a good thing and that all staff will agree with them and by attempting to work with staff to strategise around these ideologies and demands rather than imposing them upon us without critical reflection2. Uni and Faculty: Committing to autonomy and decision-making at the local level as much as possible rather than to adding more layers of administrative regulation and placing decision-making further up the hierarchy3. Greater support for students who are struggling - with literacy and academic life in general4. More comprehensive public transport services

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

  Less change for its own sakeMore focus on teaching and research

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

Historically innovative; small enough to be a genuine community; collegial management

Move away from the managerial model (which is a total and complete disaster in my Faculty); greater focus on things that are innovative and done well; get back to a flat management structure.

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

friendly helpful staffrelaxed atmosphere


04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

1. The recognition that people should be appointed on merit rather than gender (Although female, I think we have a reasonably good gender balance and have moved beyond twentieth century approaches and attiudes. There are other important issues to focus upon now rather than the - often self-serving - gender cliches).2. The ability of workers to cooperate among themselves irrespective of the quality of middle management. The good will towards Flinders among its 'workers' is one of its greatest strengths but shouldn't be taken for granted by management. 3. The quality of its teaching on a beautiful campus. Greater resources are needed for off-campus quality teaching.3+ Flinders Press and its excellent service.

1. Removal of ageist attitudes reflected in informal discrimination (and stereoyping) of mature workers (which although unlawful appears to be somewhat pervasive - and presumably not in the best interests of the University.) 2. Improved change management practices - particularly at the Faculty level3. Breaking down of some of the hierarchical, non-consultative attitudes within management at the Faculty level.

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences


more resourcesbetter studentsmore staff

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

commitment to diversity in student profileInternational students are welcomed and valuedstaff are exceptional

marketing could be more innovative by universitychange in our unit has been non-inclusive successful income generating programs not understood and supported

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

co-workers, friendliness, gardens career path for general staff, reward for work done above the call of duty, real consultation with workers (general, technical and academic) and ditch the pretence consultation by the executive level

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

easy going atmosphereflexible

more consultationmore care to OHS

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

They bring in overseas studentsPay academics lots of money for little work

Departmental secretaries run the offices and if it wasn't for them the academics would not be able to do their teaching properly.Look closer at who they employ. Have other staff at interviews other than just academics, they forget that secretaries run the departments more than the academics.

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

1. pro-student orientation and high value placed on teaching2. my school/unit and its leadership3. very active VC with a vision; approachable DVC(A) and promising new DVC(R)

1. review and revise ethics committee procedures

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

hard-working staff (mostly); collegiality; good teaching programs more transparent and efficient administrative processes; reducing length of teaching term by 25%; improving the marketing of our courses and activities, incl. website.

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

Attractive Learning EnvironmentSupport for staffInnovative approaches to teaching (particularly recent C2R2 exercise)

More ResourcesYet More ResourcesEven More Resources

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

closeness of all faculties and services on 1 campushas some innovative fields driving the university successlocation of the university (metropolitan)

-social and behavioural sciences faculty (international studies school): greater research funding for postgraduate and early-career researchers in the form of research funds, travel allowance for conference and field work and conference attendance, new co

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

1. Certain areas/schools have developed a vibrant and productive research culture. 2. In at least some schools, the teaching and admin workload for staff is reasonable, allowing time for good quality research to be conducted.

1. The student culture could be improved by encouraging more students to use public transport and/or carpooling to get to the university. This would promote more time being spent on campus (as well as improving the environmental contribution made by the university). 2. Postdoc and postgrad researchers would benefit from access to (small) internal grants to support research that is not necessarily directly linked to their primary research area (i.e., work done on their own time that is outside of the scope of their thesis or the grant they employed out of).

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

Accessibility to students from diverse backgrounds Keeping paceCourage to changeIdentify and encourage talent amongst general staff

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

  Communication sideways and upwards/downwards.

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

1. Some staff work extremely hard.2. Students are of excellent quality.3. Excellent Library.

1. Accurate and precise feedback about job performance.2. Supervisors to support academic staff.3. Power of supervisors reduced.

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

flexibility of working hourslocationa young institution

better communications across all levels of staffkeeping documents updated on the websiteshaving consistency across proceduresNOTE: I returned to this section because there was no section provided for 'other comments'. I take this opportunity to mention that it would be a great benefit to general staff who work in a unique and small unit to have a mentor who will give support for work related tasks, as feedback and suggestions builds confidence and re-assures the general staff that they are on the right track. This type of support is lacking in the University.

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

equity of accessbroad range of courses available to students across a range of disciplinesits staff

building is very old and the facilities are below par - ssn and sssbetter communication - often we are not informed about changes small or large better pay and conditions - we are one of the lowest paid universities in the country, this discourages good people applying for positions and encourages people like myself to move elsewhere as an early career academic

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

Quality teaching Research opportunitiescollegial atmosphere

Better communication from the top downInternal building improvements (aircondtioning)

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

1 Community feeling3 beautiful landscaping2 good public perception (particularly south of Adelaide)

2 Better food variety at outlets away from Plaza1 putting aside 'politics of change' and all pulling in one direction

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

Teaching is good.The IT support in SABS is really good. The uni punches above its weight in research for a non-sandstone uni.

Replace XXXX of XXXX.Reintroduce collegiality at school and departmental level.Reintroduce consultation and honesty in management.

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

1. We offer an excellent range of courses and programs for domestic students2. We offer excellent flexibility/benefits to our staff (for example, very good leave and super entititlements). I believe, however, that this is being abused by many staff.3. We have the potential to engage an enormous number of international students, and to position ourselves favourably on a national and international stage.

1. Staff members who cannot, or will not, do their jobs, should quite simply be dismissed. I see staff, on a daily basis, who seem to feel it is their right to ignore the responsibilities of their positions, ignore the needs of other staff members and students, and create unmanageable and uncomfortable working environments for those around them. These attitudes go unchecked because there are no consequences for bad behaviour or incompetence. Staff have realised that it doesn’t matter if you are rude, incompetent or manipulative, because it seems to be virtually impossible to dismiss a permanent member of staff. In the private sector, and in well-managed public and government organisations, staff cannot hide behind frivolous complaints to the union, nor can they treat their superiors with such disrespect. If a staff member cannot, or is not doing their job, they are given three warnings and then fired. Having worked in several different areas of the University, it is clear that this does not happen at Flinders. 2. Skills sharing needs to be enforced, not encouraged. The incredible flexibility afforded to staff at Flinders becomes an unmanageable problem when skills are not shared within Schools and teams. Too often duties are ignored because a staff member is on leave, or works part time, and no-one else in the office seems to know how to do their job. The people most affected by these situations are our students. 3. International students need to be embraced, as they are a vital part of our University. Unfortunately, many staff in my School/Unit seem to view International students as an inconvenience and annoyance. Without International students, our Faculty would cease to afford the resources and facilities that we have, and those that we need to improve and upgrade. More effort needs to be made to improve the attitudes and understanding of staff – far more than a question about diversity on a job application. If there are genuine problems with International students, these need to be addressed, rather than just complained about. For example, many staff seem to bemoan the English skills of International students as a whole, but additional programs to assist International students prior to the commencement of their degrees do not seem to be available/promoted. The attitude of many staff is negative and inappropriate, and I think needs to be addresses as a first step to increasing the number of International students studying at Flinders.

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

The Medical School Some quality academics and administratorsReasonably friendly people throughout

The University could benefit from wiser leaders (clever people as Leaders are not always wise). My unit could benefit from eschewing the business model (of a low academic standard degree factory just to get students). Students should not be pandered to as if they were McDonald's customers.

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

high quality teachingstudent friendlyforward thinking

more and better designed physical space for teaching and research

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

The new Education & Health Sciences building are outstanding and really add to the development of the university. Academic independence is excellent.Staff development courses can be outstanding, although some courses are a little bit self-congratulatory.

Get rid of the dead wood. Too many old, lazy & complacent academics. A lot of outstanding young academics have jumped ship as there doesn't seem to be much reward or opportunity for them to stay. A number of high quality young level A, B & C academic have been forced to leave because there are not enough options or incentive in terms of academic promotion and postdoctoral positions. (Not that I consider myself outstanding, but I have peers who I think have talents that have been unrealised or not sufficiently supported). One recent position for example was filled with an older individual who has really under-performed. Meanwhile 2 younger candidates who didn't even make the short-list have gone onto appointments at prestigious top 50 international universities from right under the Flinders' nose. There seems to be an ingrained culture of complacency and establishment, which is a far cry from the dynamic, innovative and risk-taking university I first came to know over a decade ago.There needs to be a greater sense of intellectual community - more seminars, public lectures etc. It adds to collegiality, encourages critical discussion and scholarly collaboration internally. It could also be used at a larger level to welcome new students into the university community. For example, an esteemed public panel debate with large groups of high school students invited along. The panel could be formed across disciplines and debate/discuss big picture questions. For example, 'What is the meaning of life?' or 'What will Australia look like in 100 years?' with a panel comprised of representatives from philosophy, history, sociology, law, biology, medicine and information technology. This would be much easier, cheaper, rewarding and direct than a ill-conceived & impotent marketing campaign.The university is too isolated from services and transport. Hopefully the DTS will address this. There needs to be greater stringency of academic standards. Too many plagiarism cases are being ignored. Too many illiterate students are putting together a degree. We are wasting the students time and the staff's.

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

Our research performanceMotivated and talented staff


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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

Diverse. Welcoming. Rigourous. Need a lot more tutors to cope with students from diverse and challenging backgrounds (e.g. refugees, international CALD students)and their needs. I.e. much smaller class sizes. More flexibility in assessment for this group of students, i.e. achieve final competencies, but in early years of courses have 'equivalent' rather than identical tasks which draw on their strengths and enable them to reach expected levels at a slower pace, even if this adds an extra year to their course - perhaps a pre-entry year? AND a basic writing topic which is compulsory for every student in every undergraduate course - this has been standard at other universities (e.g. Uni of Canberra) for decades and relieves individual lecturers and tutors of this task, as well as maintaining university-wide standards.

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

People friendlyExcellent security staffEncouraging to employees

More consultation with the workers at the coalfaceWork reviews should be done on a regular basis - in my dept. they haven't been done for years - hard to know if you are doing well or not - have to assume since we are not fired we must be o.k.Sick leave should be used for doctor's/dentinst appts as well as whole days.

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences


04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

Emphasis on quality teaching and researchStrong links with the community

Better marketing within and outside AustraliaIntroducing scholarships to attract more studentsDecentralising rather than centralising matters

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

Student access to academic staffFocus on the application of theoryon campus student accomodation

structured framework to encourage staff input.Creation of processes to encourage strong team work and cooperation within and across disciplines.Increased focus on early identification and support for 'at risk' students

04. Faculty of Social & Behavioural Sciences

Reasonable size. Good teaching, positive non-cynical attitude. Bring in changes only after: 1. identifying an obvious need, 2. thorough consultation of its immediate and long term impact on all staff, and 3. the change decided upon have proven efficacy. University should be run rationally on proven procedures not whim of administrators.

05. Library Great working Conditions, Fair and respect for everybody None its great

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

05. Library The university grounds are pleasant and well kept. Many of the lecturers are excellent and very professional in their fields. Flinders is an excellent research library with resources available from the Medical and Law Library's.

There needs to be more opportunities for hard working staff to progress to higher levels, I have continually suffered 'performance punishment' and I'll be leaving next year. The communication between senior and lower level staff is often poor and problems with bullies and disruptive staff tend to be ignored. The university's policies on student and staff behaviour are clear but tend to be ignored, with senior staff failing to act or taking too long to solve issues. I believe there is quite a lot of corruption and too much bureaucracy in the university which is leading to low staff morale and declining student satisfaction.

05. Library Compassion  05. Library great library library staff helpful

supervisor fair and thorough 

05. Library Helpfulness towards students, collegiality, cooperation between staff and management

More staff resources, greater permeability between general and academic staff, improved career paths for talented staff

05. Library Possibilities of innovationProviding access to lower socio-economic groupsPosition in the south of Adelaide

The Student social services on campus are poor.There are few opportunities to feel excited about being on campus and participating in campus activities.

05. Library Small enough to be flexiblePragmatic and practical in achieving thingsLoyalty

Better technologyIncreased marketing for the uni (visible)Bigger city focus

05. Library Permanent employment, very good employment conditions, flexible work routines

Able to move departments more readily, more challenging work, more variety

05. Library   Upgrade of some facilities, although this is in the pipeline.05. Library 1. Support

2. Intelligence3. Commitment


05. Library ResearchGreat teachingLibrary services

More involvement from front line staffmore job flexibilityLearning different skills

05. Library Timely service, opportunities for advancement, good managers At least two staff on at all times (library)05. Library 1). Attitude of can do and innovation, not being stuck in history and old

modes of doing things2). Potential for a campus feel (if developed further) that can enhance a feeling of community3). Staff who care about what they are doing

1). More opportunity given to lower level staff, to lessen the feeling of the 'have's' and 'have nots'

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

05. Library - The staff- The strength of our work in the health sciences- the new direction and focus that the VC has brought to the organisation

- A greater focus on strategic planning, project plans, measurement and evaluation of initiatives rather than just 'giving it a go'- Focusing effort on the 'strategic few' rather than a scatter gun approach- reevaluating our staff makeup in terms

05. Library Good teaching with a practical focus.Staff very willing to listen to students. Diversity of staff and students.

Better marketing - we have great courses and programs but no one ever hears about them! As an example of what we should be doing, look at any of UniSAs marketing campaigns over the past 5 years.Consolidated ICT - the fact that ICT is spread over several sectors and departments allows problems to be shuffled from one area to another without being dealt with. For example, the wireless problems which were identified in 2008 but only ever fixed by mid 2010!Better teaching staff to student ratios - It concerns me that the university plans to increase its total number of enrolments, but that the strategic plan does not mention anything about improving or even maintaining staff to student ratios. These have dropped considerably in my time at the university and I think that it should be a key concern of the university.

05. Library great peoplefriendlymulticultural

better gender balancemore meetings/opportunities to contribute viewsmore support for further education

05. Library Good community engagement, quality research and good accessibility to new students from a wide range of backgrounds.

I personally could do with another PRD/annual review, even if it's perceived I'm doing OK, as we missed a year. Nothing else major springs to mind, other than stressing the importance of meeting the needs of the students, so it was good to see a large survey for students earlier this year.

05. Library   More communication between different units05. Library 1. Commitment to social justice.

2. Clean, green, spacious campus.3. Staff attitudes are very positive.

1. Add shopping village / hotel/ entertainment complex.2. More parking close to Registry/ Library/ Humanities.3. Continue to remove barriers between general and academic staff.

05. Library - Predominately single site- Broad range of programs- Broad mix of student demographice

- Embrace technological change to improve service, stop trying to fit the 'old ways' into new stystems.

05. Library Variety of services, solid academic staff, community environment More management procedures, better workflow management and more oversight

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

05. Library Innovative, Modern and Accepting 1. Latest Information Communication Technologies in all public areas, such as the library.2. More guidance and tutorials for students who are not familiar with online learning and technology.3. More responsibility with the seniors in each unit leading to less pressure on their team members.

05. Library Friendly staffbeautiful environmentSome excellent teachers and researchers

More understanding of the impact of change on staff and providing supportmore understanding from managers about the reality of work/life issues and dealing fairly with working parents rather than promoting people who can work 24/7

05. Library equal opportunityexcellent working conditionsinnovative

the need of more parking and allocated parking for staff using a swipe card and boom gates.more security presents within the library building (security cameras)subsides provided for eateries

05. Library CommunicationHigh quality serviceEthical treatment of students and staff

Don't know

05. Library InnovativeCaringEnvironment

More fundingMore spaceMore expertise

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

05. Library small, removed from the city and thus less distractions, feels safe and in a beautiful environment, excellent Medical School,

more opportunities for interaction between staff and students, more Chinese speaking staff, making all involved at Flinders feel valuable and special (esp. the students so they take back a positive image of Flinders)by featuring our students in a student journal telling of their achievements, this would be very prized by students from offshore but also Australian students to show their parents (class photos, students who got top scores, short articles on academic strategies, etc.) NOT where the best discos are, etc. the journal should emphasize the academic merit of studying here and give accolades to those who do well, also tips for job interviews and stories of successful graduates and how they have achieved their successes ; more town and gown interactions (somehow showing the students where they could land up working and what is expected of them and how they can prepare for the reality of contributing to work and society and succeeding in their careers); try and have more positive stories in the newspaper (Advertiser) telling how Flinders helps its students succeed. (lots more to say here but I'll leave it at that)

05. Library 1.It's an attractive and well-maintained campus, so it's a pleasure to work in this environment.2. Size? - being a small/medium size institution, you feel you know or know of lots of people in other areas. Gives a sense of cohesion.3. Ethnic mix of the student population gives a nice feel to the place - there seems to be a lot of diversity.

1. This unit could benefit from some restructuring as many of us feel that the staffing situation is tight. We feel under pressure with daily tasks with not enough thinking time to plan or reflect on how things are done.2. At times I think this unit places too much emphasis on being seen to follow the latest trends and not enough on consolidating our core functions. This puts staff under considerable stress because we feel we are being pulled in all directions to keep up.

05. Library Innovation, Research, Vibrancy More Funding,Less Government regulationsClearer future direction of Government policy

05. Library It's contribution to research.Some of the people it has produced in fields of research, the arts etcThe staff who maintain it on a daily basis.

More equitable treatment of the staff More respect for ideas and suggestions from staff who have a knowledge of what works and what doesn't work.Developing a greater sense of team spirit and more open communication

05. Library Approach to change, staff development opportunities, work environment.

More job opportunities.

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

05. Library 1)An understanding of its staff and students. 2)An ability to manage it under ongoing external pressures.3)The ability to keep striving for the best.


05. Library Accountability between supervisors and employees, function of the library in addressing student needs, communication in email format about upcoming plans relating to the university's function.


05. Library 1. Lovely campus grounds and location. (Apology if this is not what the survey is referring to.)2. Managers choose appropriate staff, so the staff in my unit are all get along well, so it's a pleasant/friendly work environment. Probably the best I've ever worked in.

I feel my school/unit is socially isolated, i.e. there's no contact between us and other schools/units. There are 100s of staff on campus, but I only know those I work with. Could there be more social functions to get staff to mix more?

05. Library Student diversitySkilled and committed staffCommitment to continuous improvement


05. Library They believe in doing the best for the students  05. Library Focus on students' needs

Diversity & flexibility of people and approachesCommitted Staff

Having more staff to split up day-to-day work.Ways to recognise those committed to the core roles.

05. Library (1)The Library staff and the new Library facilities - eg coffee shop and computer facilities. A very welcoming, helpful and comfortable environment. (2)Physical surroundings - great gardens attracting wildlife/birds. Need more Italian Stone Pine Trees - perfect for our climate.(3)Medical Research(4)Drama Centre

(1) Improved access/egress for staff from Circulation area to the outside of Library in an emergency - an OHS issue(2) Acknowledgment that non-professional staff play an important part in the functioning of this uni. They deserve accolades too - not just the professional or academic staff.(3) Environmental - make use of wasted storm water: 1000s of litres are wasted (eg water running down to Car park 1), More rain water tanks needed.(4) Car park 5 is atrocious! Car parks too narrow - not to Australian Standards. Need signs to indicate Car park 5 is ONE WAY!!!(5) Bring back showing the movies in Matthew Flinders Theatre at lunch times and after work

05. Library SuccessTeam workWelcoming


05. Library A familiar and respected 'brand'It's staffIt's students

More innovation Focus policies and procedures on improving customerserviceMore empowerment for staff

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

05. Library 1. the views from the campus 2. its diversity of students and courses offered3. sense of space ( large campus), location in Adelaide ( out of town )

1. PLEASE IMPLEMENT environmentally aware workplace policies and, turn off the computers in the libraries over night ! waste of power !2. install solar power on vast roof spaces3. new buildings must be energy efficient

06. Academic & Student Services Division

Timely service to students Better computers, faster and more reliable.Online transcript orders and payments.

06. Academic & Student Services Division

friendlygreat campusgood family work life balance

Need online order forms, in particular, to order and pay for transcripts - this will stop problem of students ordering through cashiers, etc.More advertising of University to encourage students to come hereStudent services to have dedicated receptionists to help students with their general queries

06. Academic & Student Services Division

  Better technology. We need more disk space and for the network connection to not keep dropping off. If these issues were to be fixed I feel I could be more efficient in completing my work.

06. Academic & Student Services Division

1. There are a lot of great staff working here.2. Quality of teaching - I think our degrees are valued by employers3. Good flexible work arrangements (eg I have used the maternity leave provisions and they were excellent)

1. Need better communication between faculties/departments etc (I mean real communication, not just 'flinders-in-touch' pieces)2. Staff need to feel valued. Not signing the EBA yet and making us one of the lowest paid unis in Australia doesn't help me feel valued!!3. This uni needs to work on it's managers. I am lucky to have a brilliant manager, but have seen lots of areas where the managers are bullies and/or ineffective at their job and there seems to be no accountability. Staff turnover in these sections are high and no one does anything about it, often they just leave rather than complain, and if they do raise issues nothing seems to be done.

06. Academic & Student Services Division

progressivecontinues to look at ways of doing things more effectively & efficientlyIsn't afraid of change

Resources to enable even further innovation in deliveryFurther collaboration across areasMaybe nap shots or information sessions on different areas of the University (?? different teaching specialties, service areas, current or new research etc??)

06. Academic & Student Services Division

- variety of course offerings- flexible working arrangements- EO policies & procedures

- increased sensitivity from Senior Management towards change management processes and their effect on staff- complete the enterprise bargaining negotiations!- encourage innovation, not just in teaching & research, but in management styles and wor

06. Academic & Student Services Division

students, staff, collegiality better change management communication from senior management;

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

06. Academic & Student Services Division

Commitment of staffCommitment to students

More staff, more staff, more staff!!!Greater cooperation between facultiesLess time spent negotiating with faculties to do things in semi-sensible ways

06. Academic & Student Services Division

Loyalty of staff, innovative research, ability to adapt to change Increased resources, regular unit meetings, improved / closer performance appraisal process.

06. Academic & Student Services Division

student focussed supportive supervisionreal career paths, planning and supportperformance rewards

06. Academic & Student Services Division

teachingresearchteaching facilities

recognition when bullying and harrassment is occurring and STOPPING ittraining for management to ensure they know how to lead / manage/ communicate with their teamRecruitment of staff suitable to a management position

06. Academic & Student Services Division

Offering more popular courses in 2011More of a community within the uni which makes students feel a part of somethingOur Research is recognised world wide

Updated technology (students have more up-to-date software!)More space - cramped conditions don't helpstaffing - which means more money so it probably won't happen

06. Academic & Student Services Division

community, surroundings, practical learning 1. more funding (hahaha)2. greater understanding of who is responsible for certain procedures (better communication between departments)3. liaising with general staff (lower in the ranks), in regards to policy and procedure changes, and how they specifically affect these staff and students.

06. Academic & Student Services Division

Campus, potential, staff Run more like a business, better resourced, realistic strategic goals

06. Academic & Student Services Division

1. Location - great environment to work in2. Great flexibility in job role3. Friendly and helpful colleagues

1. More social events should take place within the unit2. More effort should be made to communicate with other units

06. Academic & Student Services Division

1. location2. flexibility towards staff working hours3. student system (Student Two)

1. cohesive team spirit2. communicating verbally3. parking arrangements

06. Academic & Student Services Division

Location, facilities, views and accessWillingness of all staff to assist deal with enquiriesAmbience - people walkin around smiling

More team building

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

06. Academic & Student Services Division

great working conditionsReputed for treating employees fairlylook after the employees well

More consultation processMore open to suggestionsHave clearer signage

06. Academic & Student Services Division

Beauty & location of the campusOn-campus facilitiesAttitude of MOST of the staff

1) The University needs to be much more environmentally aware of its requirements. For example, the energy required to heat/cool the newest buildings are ridiculous in this day and age. 2) Many offices would like to have Friday drinks on-campus. There are just no adequate facilities for it now that the tavern is gone. This would go a LONG way to improve the staff morale.3) MACO power trip. Processes they have in place are ridiculously inefficient. It makes other offices not want to comply with their requirements. Its bureaucracy gone mad!!

06. Academic & Student Services Division

Ease of parkingView and the grounds are pleasantLarge range of courses offered

Building needs to be refurbished

06. Academic & Student Services Division

beautiful campusaccessible academic staff

more staff for the workloadbetter integration of enquiry management system and student 2

06. Academic & Student Services Division

Its peopleDiversity of offeringsLocation of main campus

More input in to budget planning processesMore visible identification as an areaAdditional administrative support

06. Academic & Student Services Division

pathway options to university / preferred coursehigh level niche coursesaward winning academic staff

clearer directive coming from Senior Management so that cross faculty/ school cooperation is increasedbetter and more consistent support services for students studying in the city (resources, enrolment support, SLC support)Up to date IT equipment and applications. Running off microsoft office 2003 when microsoft office 2010 is available is one example.

06. Academic & Student Services Division

Work life Balance for staff.ProgressionJob satisfaction

TrainingMore guidance on performanceUpdated technology

06. Academic & Student Services Division

Location (Adelaide, SA), Quality of Programs, On Campus Student Housing

Communication, Legislative compliance vs Best Practice Focus, Community Engagement.

06. Academic & Student Services Division

Social inclusionattractive environment

Better communication across faculties and servicesBetter onsite staff training especially in how to teachTeaching staff more responsive to students

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

06. Academic & Student Services Division

Its staff/peopleQuality of its Programs/DegreesAmbition - aspiring to improve

Formal appraisal/feedbackGreater cooperation/communication with other unitsBetter technology

06. Academic & Student Services Division

High quality, adaptive services to studentsgreat diversity of studentspeaceful location

My unit is excellent; could always do more with more resources (staff, space)

06. Academic & Student Services Division

-It's location, away from the city-Student Services provided -Beautiful grounds

-Utilising technology more eg. allowing students to email assignments/essays instead of physically handing them in-More emphasis on professional development and funding going to training by external providers-More social activities wit hstaff to i

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

06. Academic & Student Services Division

Flexibility, customer service, medical school Better use of systems. Implement products that aren't 'off the shelf products' and don't take 3 plus years to have an important sysstem change implemented. Have an in-house systems team to develop in-house programs that enable fast turn around of 'important/efficient' changes to be made without waiting years. More funding for IT services.Enforce appropriate disciplinary action for misconduct (for both staff and students) rather than the approach of 'It is unacceptable, please do not do it again'. This approach resolves nothing and gives students/staff power over management/academic staff they should not have.Ensure equality for Domestic and International Students. International students seem to have 'acceptions' to some rules and have some separate policies to the general. It is possible to treat all students the same and offer the same policies whilst maintaining a culturally sensitive environment.Whilst the University has amazing parental leave policies and return to work policies for families etc there is no consideration for people who do not choose to have a family, people who are homosexual (ie: a male couple) or people who cannot have a family for medical reasons. Carers leave for some employees is considered another form of annual leave days which is wrong and does not provide equality in the workplace. If there is a carers leave policy for mothers/fathers and a maternity leave policy for expecting mothers, then there should be a leave policy to take into consideration people without families who barely have sick days and give 100% at all times. If people taking maternity leave can take a year off without question, then why can't a person apply for a year off without pay to go travel/work overseas? It is still a year off, causing strain on a department and yet is is not allowed. Equality for all staff could be improved.

06. Academic & Student Services Division

the policies and procedures in place have the best intentions. a supervisor that is willing to enforce policies and procedures. a supervisor that acknowledges and takes action on problems within the unit. requires structure and management.

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

06. Academic & Student Services Division

1. excellent teaching 2. strong student centred focus.3. quality of many courses

1. Better change managenent - investing time in communication and engagement with staff about change (whether is organisational change or policy initiatives).2. Greater focus, when making major decisions, on strategic goals. Proposals such as the mergers between EHLT and Social and Behavioural Sciences come across as opportunistic (i.e EHLT exec dean about to retire) rather than based on clear organisational or academic criteria (i.e. how will this deliver better outcomes that fit into the strategic directions of the University).3. Better recognition or workload stress on staff (both academic and general staff). Asking staff to do too much in short time periods affects the quality of work, leads to error and generates work as task need to be done again or mistakes have to be corrected.

06. Academic & Student Services Division

Location - travel time to hope is excellent.Beautiful campus - green trees and surroundings (grassed areas to eat lunch and enjoy the views)Provides a satisfactory work/life balance and the opportunity to be flexible (maybe more so in other areas than my current one)

Ability to take advantage of the flexible working arrangements that the university offers in my current work area.A bit more social interaction - feel very isolated at times because it is a very quiet working environmentGet the EB agreement in place so we are better prepared for what lies ahead for salary/working conditions

06. Academic & Student Services Division

As an employer, a great working environment (encouragement of work-life balance and its support for workers with families)

Clearer career paths within unit (Central Administration)

06. Academic & Student Services Division

The site/location. (1)Having a greater commitment to change and improvement.(2)Providing professional development opportunities beyond those provided by Staff Development. As an example, in the last five years I have been unable to obtain any support for further study, including study leave, being told it was 'not relevant for this position'(in fact, it was). Any professional organisation meetings,information sessions,etc must be taken in my own time. Not the way to build an informed, educated and engaged workforce!

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

06. Academic & Student Services Division

1. The type of students it attracts2. The high level of regular staff commitment to the University and the students (excludes most senior management)3. Various academic and research units that constitute the jewels in the crown - particularly the med school

The University could be improved if:1. The XXXX, XXXX immediately desisted from completely eroding the strong sense of collegiality for which this University was once well known and loved and which once attracted such a high level of loyalty from staff and students alike. The net result of current work practices, systems, appalling change management processes and so forth has eroded confidence and loyalty and led to staff looking in earnest for positions eleswhere.2. Staff are expected to contribute an exceedingly high level of output but are devalued in every way, in terms of financial renumeration and reward for the work they do, in respect of the contributions they are not given the opportunity to voice in the change management processes as a result of the secrecy that surrounds decision making and the abolition of staff representation on committees such as the Resources Committee, etc.3. The change management process the University is currently undergoing is indicative of XXXX having read every book on ethical change management and then assiduously avoided any and all practices that are deemed to be ethical, productive and empowering for staff,3. Openess, empowerment of staff, inclusion in decision making processes, recognition in terms of staff remuneration and reward (it is appalling that the XXXX is doing his utmost to ensure that Flinders staff are kept way behind their counterparts in other universities in the Enterprise Bargaining process), any practice indeed that assists staff to feel valued, appreciated and involved in their university would now be an improvement to the current regime. 4. It is deeply embarrassing to have a University extolling its virtures in the new sustainability centre and research but in practice refusing to upgrade existing buildings and practices to ensure that it practices what it pretends to value. Again, a modicum of ethical and responsible management would improve outcomes and loyalty,5. When units or areas are under review look beyound the dollar value of prospective change and note what would be lost and the long term damage that financial considerations only will do to the University. The current regime is ludicrously short sighted, greedy and self-aggrandising.

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

06. Academic & Student Services Division

Professionalism Communication Flexible working arrangements Orientation Job descriptions

06. Academic & Student Services Division

Bedford Park campus,University-Flinders Medical Centre connection,as a relatively young University no long history of certain traditions

better collaboration between the different units,regular performance reviews,more accommodation for students on campus

06. Academic & Student Services Division

Its potential and its reputationThe strengths of individual staffThe closeness to its students

Be more courageous and innovativeBe more entreprenurialAllow individual sections to develop and run their own budgets

06. Academic & Student Services Division

  Senior management to be seen amongst and around the University community in genuine supportive roles and not just for photo opportunities

06. Academic & Student Services Division

diversity in student populationenvironmentpotential

better office acommodation for my teammore student housing on campus

06. Academic & Student Services Division

beautiful campusmany excellent staff

Senior management needs to pay better attention to equal opportunity issues rather than paying lip-service. Bullying occurs often, by people in high level jobs, and while the HR process goes through all the right motions, the outcome is usually poor for the lower-ranking staff.

06. Academic & Student Services Division

  Executives to get out and about amongst the campus community to know what is happening

06. Academic & Student Services Division

Good Leadership at Executive levelSome very deducated and enthusiastic staff

Employ a section manager who has good staff management and interpersonal skills.Provide a work space that is not so cramped and noisy. Our area is small and like a call centre. This is not conducive to producing highly productive mentally stimulating work.

06. Academic & Student Services Division

Student learning centre facilities providing more computers after hours access

06. Academic & Student Services Division

Loyalty of the staff that work hereCampus surroundings are lovely

Consistency of processes and procedures across faculties. Too many 'silos' and people building their own empires to the detriment of quality of service.All staff to realise we are working together to achieve goals - it's not an 'us' and 'them' situation.Offer more external study options. This will provide greater flexibility for students who have other commitments and may not be able to study full-time and/or attend campus.

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

06. Academic & Student Services Division

overall friendliness of staffmajority of staff are keen to do a good jobmajority of staff keep to assist and make a pleasant working environment

better working environment - old building = old heating and cooling systems that do not work and are very uncomfortable e.g. gloves, hat and scarf should not be needed indoors!If staff are performing poorly or inconsistently, do something about it - managers should manage and not dodge the issue even when it is awkward

06. Academic & Student Services Division

  Greater team interaction and spreading of responsibilities

06. Academic & Student Services Division

its focus on equity; the quality of its courses; its non-heirarchical, consultative decion-making process

be explicit about what Flinders is about; have a clearly defined focus that ALL staff are aware of; don't sell itself short in the community

06. Academic & Student Services Division

great environment, excellent teaching staff (most), good super need to review performance of staff in management regularlly, listen to voice from operational staff, implement of

06. Academic & Student Services Division

Overall reputationSense of communityCampus

Better branding & profilingMore accommodation on campusGetting faculty & academic staff out of their offices/buildings to interact with central admin staff

07. Building & Property Division

HistoryStandards Location

Work as team.Hands on training for emergencies not just fire ward training.Use the individuals outside skill eg. SES, CFS,

07. Building & Property Division

Image, flexibility, friendliness Better work environmentCounselling of poor performersHR to be more agressive with poor performers

07. Building & Property Division

energetic executive leadershiplocation and environmentcollaborative culture

significant improvement in procedures and policy for business activitiestreat the uni like the big business it isensure that executives are business skilled

07. Building & Property Division


07. Building & Property Division

Location & services availableSenior Management Changes and strategic planning of the University

Streamlining processes and giving existing staff the required training to implement that same processes. Some staff need more direction and focus than others, they should be made to do the training and learn. Better workloads for Project Managers.University Wide room booking system that is fair that all Schools/Units abide by. That is to say all rooms are Flinders University Rooms and should be shared they are not School/Unit owned rooms

07. Building & Property Division

Students, money,staff better understanding supervisors

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

07. Building & Property Division

Great surroundingsNon-discrimonatory policiesCommitment to research programs


07. Building & Property Division

many of the academic staffGreat setting with parking.Cleaner than a city campus

Get rid of racist, misogynistic managers. I was disappointed at the pressure that was put on a pregnant co-worker to resign because of her pregnancy.While some people may suggest that political correctness can be excessive a manager using terms like nigger to address a person of aboriginal background at best seems insensitive at best I am flabbergasted that the university tolerates such behaviour.

07. Building & Property Division

Research,committment to the future andDedicated staff

communicationreview staff classificationsClearly define resposibilities of staff

07. Building & Property Division

CommitmentCultural diversityFriendliness

Growth withinOffice space requirement improvements in the unitRecognition/retention

07. Building & Property Division

n/a n/a

07. Building & Property Division

  Employing more permanant staff and less contractors

07. Building & Property Division

the groundsthe peoplethe location

better communication between departmentsgetting the rite people in the jobgetting rid of the dead wood

07. Building & Property Division

Staff commitmentStaff commitmentStaff commitment

Upgrade staff work areasPay staff at top of Universitys instead of the above.

07. Building & Property Division

  commitment to staff

07. Building & Property Division

Good standing in the communityGood place to work inFlexibility and freedom to suit the individuals needs

More staffMore fundingMore space

07. Building & Property Division

location, 'natural' environment and work improve collaboration, improve facilities and staff/student services (e.g. the quality of food is poor) and planning for the future

08. Financial Services Division

Strategically well placed to growAdjusting to a changing environment positivelyPrepared to invest to succeed

Take a more systemic and business approach to cost managementCorporatise the managmeent of high volume and low to medium value discretionary expenditure on goods and services

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

08. Financial Services Division

- pleasant campus- good reputation

- financial system overhaul, $5m over 5years- Overall Systems overhaul (data wharehouse etc etc)- Increased Corporatisation/Centralization

08. Financial Services Division

Staff commitmentteaching reputationexternal committee members

less 'red tape'more staffreduction in topics

08. Financial Services Division

Good staff / colleaguesFlexible work conditions and support of work-life balancePrepared to be innovative

More communication / info sharing

08. Financial Services Division

Great LeadershipGood working conditions - super, leave etc.Beautiful grounds

I would like to see more general staff act and dress in a professional manner some staff act and dress like the studentsBan smoking anywhere on campusMake Supervisors/Managers deal with personality challenged staff - Supervisors/Managers dance around these staff and expect the rest of us to deal with their constant obsessions etc. This can be draining when you constantly have to put up with them on a daily basis and they don't have to try and make an effort.

08. Financial Services Division

Well known brandingLocationIn media - you hear a lot of 'developed by Flinders University'

People in positions that decisions will impact - talk to these people first and listen.When decisions are reached advise people before implementing.Better staffing of areas that could improve performance at base level. (ie procurement)

08. Financial Services Division

1. Good benefits for staff (superannuation, flexi-time, etc)2. Good reputation within the community.3. Provides options for staff to move to different departments.

1. Need a reliable supervisor.2. Need to recruit for the right people, not just someone who is available straight away.3. Supervisor needs to communicate better with the team.

08. Financial Services Division

InnovativeStaff entitlements & working conditionsGreat phyiscal environment in the hills

More admin staffMore socially interactive activites for staffStaff exchange between CA & faculties

08. Financial Services Division

Staff commitment, FU presence Aus wide eg Rural Campuses, Community involvement

Quicker to react to opportunities particularly regarding funding.

08. Financial Services Division


Better parkingBetter food NA

08. Financial Services Division

Flexibility, good staff and nice surroundings. No advice.

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

08. Financial Services Division

Attractive CampusGood working conditions?

Better external courses / short coursesBetter at dealing with problem staffMore cohesiveness rather than central vs faculties

08. Financial Services Division

Very good staff benefits and stable employment prospects.Good reputation.

Improved communication between Central Administration and Faculties - there seems to be an 'us and them' perception.Improved communication between Senior Management and Administration before implementing policies or changes to ascertain impact on administration of implementation.Additional resources when implementing new systems.

08. Financial Services Division

Work / Life balance - enables parttime workflexibilty - work from homelocation - southern suburbs employer, close to home

Interaction being the schools/unitsCommunication between unitsIT infrastructure and software

08. Financial Services Division

Attractive to staff with location, superannuation & very flexible working conditions.Good Senior Management who will make changes.Committed staff with lots of experience.

Develop the finance systems to include budgeting.Extract more information from the data we have for performance indicatiors and decision making.

08. Financial Services Division

  Staff should be treated equally regardless of their supervisor or area they work in

09. Human Resources Division

campus view and locationgood conditionsclose to home

improved performance management processbetter technologymore theoretical approach to change - its too fast and unresourced

09. Human Resources Division

Large employer which caters for the southern area of Adelaide. More staff are required to manage heavy workload at peak times.

09. Human Resources Division

it's reputation better recognition of General StaffClassification of General StaffMore money for staff resources

09. Human Resources Division

Good employeesBeautiful campusSense of commitment from staff

More staff to undertake projects

09. Human Resources Division

Flexibility for staff to developSome excellent supervisorsGood working environment

Improve performance of under-performing staffEngagement / flexibility with other areasDevelop new initiatives to prevent stale-ness

09. Human Resources Division

Support and caring for staffPhysical environment (ie space, views, not crammed in)

Improve research performance (including getting grants)Retain excellent staffImprove infrastructure (building refurbishment, space)

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

09. Human Resources Division

Many staff passionately believe in their work here.Great flexible employment provisions/policies.A caring, supportive ethos for staff and students.

Improved performance management system, with a review system that provides feedback more than once a year and where supervisors annually confirm that all staff reporting to them have been part of this system (and have had at least one face-to-face review).Career development of direct reports is a part of the performance review of all supervisors, as is succession planning.

09. Human Resources Division


Provide degrees that guarantee jobsPut students before researchShare resources

09. Human Resources Division

1. Conditions for staff, eg leave, superannuation2. Gardens - Beautiful, like being part of the Botanical Gardens.

1. Having area goals/objectives.2. Implementing career planning opportunities for general staff, eg job shadowing, mentoring opportunities,

09. Human Resources Division

Environmentally conscious, structured, nice people More staff, more carparking, better quality food

09. Human Resources Division

This University has integrity - in its course offerings and teaching for students; as an employer and in its research activity. There is nothing false, no 'spin' about these things.

My Unit could provide a better service to the University if we had more resources (staff members. We are all keen and 'customer-focussed' but there is a physical limit to what is possible.This would also go some way to further eroding the arrogance that some academic staff still display towards 'general staff'. We are all here to utlimately achieve the same goals.

09. Human Resources Division

1. Open to change - not attached to tradition2. Inclusive - of regional staff, staff and students with disabilities or injuries, students and staff from different cultures3. Performance review and strategic planning, on an organisational and individual level.

1. Better teamwork and collaboration - not taking things personally - being more professional and objective. 2. Better facilities - office, training room, more modern building would be good. 3. More integration with Central Administration and Senior Management, because sometimes we feel isolated.

09. Human Resources Division

Its people.Employment conditions and benefits.The area I work in, particularly my work colleagues - great people who work well as a team and individually.

Supervisors/Managers acknowledging the high workloads of staff and addressing the situation before staff health is affected. For example, assuming that the work undertaken by a staff member who resigns or reduces their hours will just be absorbed by the remaining staff.Address the negativity that some staff have (which is probably a result of heavy workloads or an inability to cope with the changes the University is currently undergoing)because while this can be tolerated for a period of time even the most positive person is eventually affected.Improve work/life balance.

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

09. Human Resources Division

DiversityInnovationRespect for cultures


09. Human Resources Division

Location and accessability of the University The name and all that it relates toThe ideals of the university that staff and students endorse and are proud of and being a part of at this university.

Communication and understanding of roles. Allowing supervisors in their areas to be made responsible for supervising and having the knowledge of procedures and policies.Support hard working loyal staff who do their upmost but never get any recognition and who often get far more put on to them work wise because they do a good job and others get opportunities that some could never even dream of and often I think because of the department not wanting to lose that staff members imput and knowledge in keeping it all going smoothly.Some areas in the university do not experience an increasing workload and less and less staff, it would be great to have more equity in staffing and workloads whilst those who will stay until the job is done and do a fantastic job will gain personal benefit and in most cases that will be more than enough to keep the employee happy with the situation it does not throw a good light on the university.

09. Human Resources Division

The reputationenvironment of the universityapparent energy level and commitment to the future

Staffing levels Upgraded IT systemsgreater Campus life - amenities especially in the catering area

09. Human Resources Division

Supportive staffBeautiful CampusCaring for students

Bullying at this University by some members of senior management is not well managed.We need more sense of community on campus.We need to continue to support students well with their academic and their personal development.

09. Human Resources Division

  Building is tired and needs upgrading, particularly toilets.

10. Information Services Division


Move to new area or upgrade facilitiesProvide adequate resourcesOffer redundancies (too many old staff not able to understand or keep up with technology)

10. Information Services Division

New strategic leadership in my area.Enough staff actually care about what they do to make a difference.

Merging of backend staff that support the faculties.More support staff.Better IT hardware for students

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

10. Information Services Division

nice environment to work in get the staff to stop wasting time. Improve the ability to get rid of unproductive workers - it's virtually impossible for a boss to sack anyone.

10. Information Services Division

ConsultationOpen CommunicationStrong Leaders

All CA in one buildingCentralising ICTBreakdown the division between individual Facs & CA

10. Information Services Division

  There is a common joke that you can't get fired from the Uni even if you ae completely useless, they just bounce the person around from area to area. Perhaps manditory supervisor and management training days need to be held across campus to ensure people are managed correctly, and you are not punished as a manager for standing up and trying to do the right thing.

10. Information Services Division

  focus on a more social vibe on campus for students and afterhours for staff

10. Information Services Division

locationpotentialroom for growth

IMPROVE THE ENVIROMENTAL FOOTPRINT OF THE UNIVERSITY.More staff in my area.Carefully access technology not just go for it because it is new.

10. Information Services Division


upskillingmore staffdecreased workload

10. Information Services Division

education knowledge learning communication sharing being open

10. Information Services Division

  Include staffing provision when implementing new technologies

10. Information Services Division

  Modern facilities

10. Information Services Division

Spacious and well-kept grounds.Location and accessibility.Ability to grow.

Stronger leadership.Less nepotism, cronieism & favouritism in senior management & admin.Centralise to eliminate duplication.

10. Information Services Division

It's employees,It's potential,The VC's being open to change and improvement.

Establishing a common goal and committing to it.Acknowledging the hard work and achievement of staff.Delivering sufficient funding to projects to achive the best possible outcomes.

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

10. Information Services Division

video delivery of lecturesflexible hours for staffgood standard of academic teaching staff

more emphasis/budget in event recordingsmore lectures being captured, streamed and down loadable for studentsclear job descriptions

10. Information Services Division

Superannuation benefitsFlexible working hours

Building maintenance could be improvedAdditional office space should be providedMake people more accountable for their time

10. Information Services Division

Situated in a prime location with lots of spaceVery Pro WomenSupportive of staff in relation to working hours

More office space - staff have been crammed in for years. Our requests for relocation to larger working area have been ignored and staff numbers grow each year. More buildings needed.Another entry/exit point to/from the University is desperately needed - too much traffic congestion.

10. Information Services Division

Good employment conditionsGood reputation for students

Better pay for employees

10. Information Services Division

Ability to offer work placementsStudents appear to enjoy studying at the uni

Better Management at highest level - too many chiefs, too many 'deals' to managment level - not consistant

10. Information Services Division

Increasing flexibility and willingness to change.Willingness to not let organizational structures obstruct goals.

Training / selecting supervisors to be supervisors, rather than promoting based on technical competence.Enforcing performance standards (to deal with under-performing staff).Giving the PVC ICT sufficient power (once appointed!) to enforce collaboration, cooperation and consistency between units than manage information and ICT.

10. Information Services Division

Executive LeadershipLocationReputation

My Division could be improved by:better Communicationbetter Leadershipbetter Planning

10. Information Services Division


guidance,direction and planningbudget controlstronger policy and procedures

10. Information Services Division

the general stafflocation

Modern management trainingPeople managersStop treating staff like idoits

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

10. Information Services Division

These staff surveysTown hall meetings Attempts to try and improve the University

1/ Audit on whether performance review is being done in areas - I have not had a performance review in 5 years but ensure I do one with my staff every year.2/ Senior Management need to attend the same training as supervisors and require re-training to ensure the way they manage is meeting the university's strategic direction.3/ Performance review framework needs to be re-done it is too cumberson and objective - introduce an area of 360degree feedback.

10. Information Services Division

resilience practices random acts of kindnessresearch

technical budgets too tighttoo few techniciansstaff the city presence properly!!

10. Information Services Division

  - More staff development training - Centralised help desks- feedback on how well I'm doing

10. Information Services Division

As an employee I believe the strengths are:1. Concern for the people who work here2. Ability to compete successfully against the larger Universities within the smaller budgets available3.Adapt to change when required

1. The ICT Review needs to be moved along and an appointment made in the CEO/Deputy VC role ASAP so that stronger governance can be implemented2. Implement simpler PRD processes with methods of performance evaluation with stronger governance behind policy and procedures3. Maximise the Uniwide ICT resources along the plans submitted to the VC by the Acting CIO ASAP

10. Information Services Division

  more fundingbetter management of projectslong term out look and planning

10. Information Services Division

1 Location2 Potential of its quieter achievers- not well utilised3 Its still a 'University' - for the moment

1 Consultation 2 Need mechanism to leverage the quiet staff at expense of the outspoken - extensive skills & experience remain untapped?3 Accommodation

10. Information Services Division


Faster delivery of new technologies.Move forward to more modern management principles.Recognition of general staffs input to Universities success.

10. Information Services Division

  get the restructure right

10. Information Services Division

Location Make management accountable for their actions in the same way staff are.Listen to the people who are employed in an area on projects and its requirements

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

11. Other small to medium sizereasonably innovativebecoming more agile

better and more structured change managementmore resourcesneed more time to think, rather than to be constantly doing


11. Other Innovative in research, committed to teaching real* focus on green credentials, better on-campus services (food etc)11. Other Health Research Strong Leadership11. Other Community Awareness

Competent Staff (well, some anyway)Commitment to Aspiring Acheivement

Trust the staff you have, remove some of the 'new' policies/restrictions.More open Communication/Consultation with staffUpdate/renovate some of the older buildings instead of building new ones.

11. Other values, staff, Council Increased focus on performanceSimplification of processReduction of duplication and unnecessary administration

11. Other Its staff, the Library, location More staff and a greater commitment from senior management to achieving expected outcomes of the particular team

11. Other integrity to the preparation of students and gradsfriendliness and collaborative culture among staffcommitment to the whole lives of staff (better than other unis)

technology needs to be upgraded, and made consistent across uniengage! communicate success! don't hide that light under a bushel!social culture on campus - event space - food

11. Other 1. It's size2. commitment of staff3. connection with community

1. additional staffing resources

11. Other Some of the staff here are excellentThe DVC-AThe VC

More personell to handle the workload of Lecturers.In a grievance situation, have some comeback to false claims made.Better management of poor performers i.e. HR need to support managers/areas with stronger remifications for low or unsuitable work standards

11. Other   1. Increase the amount of fully online delivered topics.2. Improve the design and delivery of fully online topics by providing more support resources for teaching staff, ie. educational designers that work closely with academics to interface ever increasing amount of technology with learning.3. Collaborate with other Universities in the use ICTs, especially those ICTs that are used to support learning. ePortfolis, Online marking, Learning Management System.

11. Other Location, Strategic intent, Staff commitment Better information management and coordination between Teams.

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

11. Other Friendlinesssense of purposethe team with which I work

More consideration of change managementClearer governance structures; especially wrt budgetary mattersMore flexible definitions of academia

11. Other Opportunities to work in different areas if you are willing/able to be flexible/creative about your employmentWork/life balance policiesGood, committed people

Equality across all areas. Myself and those I know who have worked in different areas of the University find experiences vary dramatically.

11. Other Trying to help othersBeing different from Adelaide UniSize

Provide more staffEmploy and apy for high quality staffreward high quality achiving staff

11. Other Its staff and its attitude to its staffSocial inclusion agendaSize (not too big)

More student centric focusFocus on the quality of learningGreater investment in IT

11. Other Excellent library (with an abundance of resources)Beautiful campusExcellent (and understanding) supervisor

More flexibility for working parentsNeed more funding for extra staff

11. Other The fact that its not focussed on performative outcomesI don't feel somone is always looking over my shoulderI have a good degree of freedom to carry out my role well

Better cross faculty communication and interactionMore up to date IT - ie I am still using Microsoft Office 2003Better public transport to the campus

11. Other 1. Good colleagues2. ?3. ?

1. Removal of present supervisor.2. Genuine support from senior management to end supervisor bullying.3. A more balanced workload with less teaching.

11. Other LocationCross-discipline courses

Better communication and cross-org unit support.

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

11. Other 1. Nice/courteous/understanding/reasonable colleagues and co-workers. Staff in general.2. Grounds are always well maintained.3. More (time) flexible than private industry.

1. Implement environmental initiatives, such as rainwater catchment from roof space which could be used for non-drinking purposes E.g watering of grounds, toilet/sewer, supplement the Lake?2. Access to infrastructure to make our work more efficient. Manual processes take up 30-40% of workload, so if this can be automated it will allow focus on improving service generally.3. I understand that a review of ICT is happening, in any case I feel that the IT facilities for the University are sub-standard. I also feel that some of the people providing IT services lack understanding at times. Both infrastructure and service need to be reviewed. Systems are compartmentalised, there seems to be no resolve in breaking that psyche. Removing restrictive access to technology is one component that could improve efficiency within the University. The other I believe is an ISD cultural issue that needs to be addressed.

11. Other Effort by research investigators and academics.Location setting.

1. Could we please eradicate the myna bird on the grounds. Seriously. It is driving off the native birds. International students love seeing our native birds. 2. There is a bias against men in Central Administration. This had become entrenched. There is now opportunity to do something about it. Please.

11. Other Beautiful campus, friendliness of staff, unique course offerings. The Head of the Unit could be replaced with someone who is prepared to listen to staff, treat everybody equally and has a vision for the office that could be shared.

11. Other Research, teaching and courses offered Beter use of ITImproved communinity engagement activitesCohesive approach

11. Other People, research, physical location Communication, cross faculty collaboration11. Other Large,green and attractive University

Close to shoppingPleasant to work

Being kept informedHaving perhaps back up staff if staff need to go away for family committments

11. Other friendlyflexibleapproachable

more staffaccess to more equipmentmore exposure

11. Other Socially responsbile and ethicalCommitment to caring for staffCommitment to quality teaching

Increased staff resources Stronger central control over IT servicesStronger control over academic staff conduct

11. Other Leadership improved access by public transport

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

11. Other Community Engagement intentionsFamily friendly working conditionsResearch


11. Other People,Location, andFlexibility.

IT - consistency of hardware and applications Uni wide,Move towards paperless offices, andStaff Development.

11. Other PracticalIndustry focusCommunity Engagement


11. Other Appreciating and facilitating cultural diversityA marked improvement has occurred in my department/area in the past few months and with the appointment of the current DVC(R).

Senior management could talk with rather than at employees and could actively listen.Performance review appears to be used only for those people performing well - not for those who need to perform better.Rebranding is just promotion but if we don't have the product to promote it is a little wasted - spend more time and money getting the product right and the University will virtually sell itself.(I would also like to say - and there is no provision anywhere else to say it - that there should be a completely open area to expand on several issues raised in completing this questionnaire where I have stated neutral in a response but wanted to explain why and haven't been given the opportunity. Also I strongly agree that my co-workers are excellent in every way for the most part but there is no where to say that a few of them could do with having a performance review which would steer them closer to their goals or assist them to grow further in their jobs. I also wanted to talk about equipment, especially technology but again only the tickboxes which don't cover adequately what I wanted to express. The IT crew at Flinders are the best I have ever worked with and I have worked at a few large organisations. They are helpful, courteous and fix problems almost as soon as they occur and they never blame the user. However they are hampered especially in our office with us having Mac computers but needing to use Citrix desktop - causing a myriad of problems that would easily be dissolved with a change to a PC environment - this has been especially visible with the change to Outlook).Please, if you wish for us to provide useful information in your next survey allow space to respond if the tickboxes don't allow us to accurately indicate our situation.

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

11. Other 1.Free of unnecessary tradition provides more scope for looking to the future.2. Strong and capable leadership team3. emotional investment from staff

1.University - being a leader in environmental responsibility would provide many benefits2. IT services consistent, less localised, less liable to break down.3. Creation of a communication structure across the whole University.

11. Other Working conditions (pay/super/flexi etc)Engagement with the wider communityPeople

Better communication across the universityBetter linking of all projects across all of the portfoliosBetter people management and feedback on performance

11. Other 1. Decentralisation - fine tuning policies and practices to meet different needs, rather than 'one size fits all'.2. Strength within each Faculty


11. Other peopleattractive campus

additional staff resourcesprovide recognition/thanks to staff for good work

11. Other Capacity for innovation.Productive and loyal staff.Enthusiastic leadership at the University level.

More inclusive and consultative change management.Better career pathways for general staff unable to access the academic promotion system.Ensure appropriate respect for achievements and capabilities of current staff in addition to extolling the benefits of new staff recruitment.

11. Other Research expertiseTeaching expertiseCourse offerings

Quality ICT support (to sector standard)Communal break-out, multi-purpose areasA small number of staffing changes

11. Other aims to improve academic standing; engagement with environmental issues; community engagement

greater funding, greater recognition of achievements, greater visibility on campus

11. Other Has all programs offered catering fee paying International Students Career progression should be considered by management. Some staff have been at a certain level for quite some time and never been created new level position.

11. Other The loyalty of the staffLocation of the campus (Bedford Park)Vision of the VC

More flexibility of work hoursMore opportunity to job share or work part-timeMore (some) opportunity to take a flex day

11. Other Development, Student Support and Staff Support Letting staff know what's going on with development/changes in roles sooner rather than later.

11. Other campus communityquality of teachingcareer opportunities for early career researchers

more international expertisemore collaborative reesarch projectsbetter technology

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

11. Other Laid back approachWelcoming for studentsLocation

Develop better/clearer proceduresUpgrade technologyHave more professional approach

11. Other CoffeePendopoParking

Change ManagementExternal auditingHigher Incentives

11. Other LocationStaff spiritFlexibility

Use of current technologyNot fixing things that don't appear to be broken Provide more parking

11. Other peopleloyaltygreat ideas

more constructive feedbackmore recognitionmore forums to workshop improvements

11. Other Staff benefits (Leave & Super)Opportunity to improve

More staff resourcesBetter long term planningEvaluation of existing projects

11. Other innovationcampusgym


11. Other Diversity in people, places and capacityFlexibility and people orientedFantastic stories about our research and teaching in alumni and students

Resource allocation - staff more than budget, and stop penny pinching

11. Other its position; its independence; its setting privacy and not having to listen to other workers all the time11. Other Areas of quality in research and teaching

Commitment to its core strengthsSingle campus promotes better sense of community

A revised brand which is relevant and indicative of who Flinders isIncentives for those who promote innovation and seek to implement new and improved practicesBetter cross unit and University communication with a clearer indication of expected roles and services to provide one another

11. Other   The University needs to take an overall look at general staff classisfaction levels as at present they are too varied.

11. Other Commitment to continual improvement.Values it's heritage but strives for and welcomes innovation.Values it's staff.

Lifting it's profile in the Public sector.Making the public aware of the successes of past Flinders students.

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

11. Other Overall environment of the University, employees (I work with staff with good work ethic, conditions for workers (eg super, leave conditions).

I use couriers alot and they are very expensive - has the University ever thought of having their own courier, our pay does not compare favourably to other Universities for the same level, staff generally on the same pay level are working at very different levels throughout the University - this is obvious when looking at job vacancies.

11. Other n/a n/a11. Other willingness to embrace new opportunities

good staff in generalcampus location and lifestyle

increased budget would allow for more and better marketing, more staff to help with the workload and raise our profilebetter links between the departments

11. Other Location,culture Renervations11. Other People - staff have a strong work ethic and commitment to the uni

(although both seem to be diminishing fairly quickly)Increased staffing to handle increased work load, maintain high standard of delivery and allow time for thinking/innovation.Leadership - I'm fortunate to work in an area with leaders that I respect and consider mentors (having worked in many positions over 13 years at the Uni, I've found this to be rare) - leadership skills need to be given higher priority in assessing management performance.Increased commitment to inter-school/faculty collaboration

11. Other not sure not sure11. Other 1. Reputation for friendliness

2. Beautiful campus3. Strategic plan provides positive direction for the future

1. Faculties need to be more aware of how to communicate what they do to students2. Support for a more vibrant on-campus culture3. More transport options

11. Other great working conditions, location, size Better understanding of adminsitrative requirements, interdepartmental communication, team building.

11. Other Good leadership, good working environment, conditions of employment Nothing comes to mind.11. Other Its relationships with students, graduates and staff.

Its response to students' educational needs.Its capacity to innovate and reinvent itself.


11. Other 1. the staff2. the courses on offer3. the accessibility to information


12. Not Given - Small Group

  handle change betterensure funding is sufficient to cover all salary and oncosts for a position

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Area Q141 List the three greatest strengths of this University Q142 List three ways this University or your particular School/Unit could be improved

12. Not Given - Small Group

commitment to underprivileged/working class studentscatering for southern regiona (usually) compassionate attitude towards students

academic standards should be raised by raising the TERsmany students have a need for improved literacy/numeracy/oral expression and this needs to be catered for - there are nowhere near enough services in these areas managers need to be given more training and inservice

12. Not Given - Small Group

We know students' namesWe like studentsWe love teaching and research

Upgrade our teaching rooms which are currently equipped with 1970s gear (Law Commerce Building)More places for us to eat on the hill.Forget the City Campus (4 hour travelling time for some staff)

12. Not Given - Small Group

  1. Implement environmental initiatives, such as rainwater catchment from roof space which could be used for non-drinking purposes E.g watering of grounds, toilet/sewer, supplement the Lake?2. Access to infrastructure to make our work more efficient. Manual processes take up 30-40% of workload, so if this can be automated/reduced it will allow focus on improving service generally.3. I understand that a review of ICT is happening, in any case I feel that the IT facilities for the University are sub-standard. I also feel that some of the IT services lack understanding at times. Both infrastructure and service need to be reviewed. Removing restrictive access to technology is one component that could improve efficiency within the University. The other I believe is an ISD cultural issue that needs to be addressed.

12. Not Given - Small Group


less emphasis on corporate managerialismexpress appreciation for huge workloads undertaken by staff