Web view-Wow Word. Day 9. Read . pp. 84-89-Answer CT questions-Wow Word. Day 10. Read all of A Trip...

I Survived The Battle of Gettysburg 1863 By Lauren Tarshis Novel Study Group: ____________________________ ____________________________

Transcript of Web view-Wow Word. Day 9. Read . pp. 84-89-Answer CT questions-Wow Word. Day 10. Read all of A Trip...

Page 1: Web view-Wow Word. Day 9. Read . pp. 84-89-Answer CT questions-Wow Word. Day 10. Read all of A Trip Back in Time and Q & A About the Civil War-Answer CT questions-Wow Word

I SurvivedThe Battle of Gettysburg

1863By Lauren Tarshis

Novel StudyGroup:


Page 2: Web view-Wow Word. Day 9. Read . pp. 84-89-Answer CT questions-Wow Word. Day 10. Read all of A Trip Back in Time and Q & A About the Civil War-Answer CT questions-Wow Word


Reading Plan for I Survived the Battle of Gettysburg 1863Day 1Read pp. 1-9-Do Character Chart for Thomas-Answer CT questions-Wow Word

Day 2Read pp. 10-19-Answer CT questions

-Wow Word

Day 3Read pp. 20-30-Answer CT questions

-Wow Word

Day 4Read pp. 31-40-Answer CT questions

-Wow Word

Day 5Read pp. 41-46-Answer CT questions

-Wow Word

Day 6Read pp. 47-57-Answer CT questions

-Wow Word

Day 7Read pp. 58-72-Answer CT questions

Day 8Read pp. 73-83-Answer CT questions

-Wow Word

Day 9Read pp. 84-89-Answer CT questions

-Wow Word

Day 10Read all of A Trip Back in Time and Q & A About the Civil War-Answer CT questions

-Wow Word

Day 11 Fill out Character Chart (as you go) Story

Map Begin

Text analysis

Day 12 Text


Day 13 Text


Day 14 Story

Pack due/book finished


Page 3: Web view-Wow Word. Day 9. Read . pp. 84-89-Answer CT questions-Wow Word. Day 10. Read all of A Trip Back in Time and Q & A About the Civil War-Answer CT questions-Wow Word

Critical thinking day 1: p. 1-9 Strategy: Visualization/ Cause and Effect1) Find a similes on p. 1 and p. 3_______________________________________________________________________2)

Cause:Thomas is a soldier

Effect:What effect is this having on Thomas?

What is the cause that he is fighting for?

3) Visualization: Sketch a picture of what you see in your reader’s mind on p.2-3.

4) Cause and Effect: Thomas takes care of his little sister. Cause:

Thomas is about to capture a squirrel when he hears Birdie sing and it runs away.

Effect:What effect is this having on Thomas?

Why does he need to capture the squirrel? Use evidence from the text to explain why Thomas can’t get mad at Birdie.

Page 4: Web view-Wow Word. Day 9. Read . pp. 84-89-Answer CT questions-Wow Word. Day 10. Read all of A Trip Back in Time and Q & A About the Civil War-Answer CT questions-Wow Word

Wow Words:_______________________________________________________________________________________

Critical Thinking Day 2. P.10-19 Strategy: Visualization/ Cause and Effect 5) On p. 11, Thomas talks about what happens to slaves that run away. Fill in the chart to explain.

Cause:Why do you think slaves would run away?

Effect:What is the effect if they are caught?

6) What is the simile on p. 18?________________________________________________________________________7) When Thomas went to get a drink, he heard sounds…Draw a sketch of the visualization you see in your Reader’s mind on p. 17-19.

8) Cause and Effect: Thomas cares for Birdie.Cause:

Why do you think he takes such good care of her?

Effect:What is the effect does that have on their


Page 5: Web view-Wow Word. Day 9. Read . pp. 84-89-Answer CT questions-Wow Word. Day 10. Read all of A Trip Back in Time and Q & A About the Civil War-Answer CT questions-Wow Word

Use 3 examples from the story that proves how much Thomas cares for her.

9) What is a Yankee?_______________________________________________________________________________

Wow Words:_______________________________________________________________________________________

Critical thinking Day 3. P. 20-30 Strategy: Visualization/ Cause and Effect 10) Write any personifications that you find._____________________________________________________________11)

Cause:Thomas threw the skunk at the soldiers.

Effect:What is the effect of his actions?

Why did he do this?Use evidence from the story to explain.

12) From what point of view is the story told?____________________________________________________________13) What side is the Union army on? __________________________________________________________________14) Are Thomas and Birdie with Northern or Southern soldiers? How do you know?_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Page 6: Web view-Wow Word. Day 9. Read . pp. 84-89-Answer CT questions-Wow Word. Day 10. Read all of A Trip Back in Time and Q & A About the Civil War-Answer CT questions-Wow Word

Wow Words:_______________________________________________________________________________________

Critical thinking Day 4. P. 31-40 Strategy: Visualization/ Cause and Effect15) Compare and Contrast the North and South’s opinion of slavery. Also, who had a better army? Include those facts.


Page 7: Web view-Wow Word. Day 9. Read . pp. 84-89-Answer CT questions-Wow Word. Day 10. Read all of A Trip Back in Time and Q & A About the Civil War-Answer CT questions-Wow Word

16) Who are the “rebels.” Why do you think they are called this?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________17) Cause and Effect

Cause:People in the North disagreed with slavery.

Effect:What action was taken as a result?

Use evidence from the story to explain. Use evidence from the story to explain.

18) Cause and Effect

Cause:Union troops marched to Fredericksburg, VA

Effect:What was the effect of this?

Why? Use evidence from the story to explain.

19) Draw a sketch of what you visualized in your reader’s mind on p. 35-40

Wow Words:_______________________________________________________________________________________

Critical thinking Day 5. P. 41-46 Strategy: Visualization/ Cause and Effect20)

Cause:Clem really wanted to learn how to read.

Effect:Clem was caught

Use evidence from the story to explain some of the things he did to learn.

Use evidence from the story to explain what happened as a result.

Page 8: Web view-Wow Word. Day 9. Read . pp. 84-89-Answer CT questions-Wow Word. Day 10. Read all of A Trip Back in Time and Q & A About the Civil War-Answer CT questions-Wow Word

21) Visualization: Draw a sketch of what you see in your reader’s mind when Clem is learning how to read.

22) Find a simile in the chapter________________________________________________________________________

Wow Words:_______________________________________________________________________________________

Critical thinking Day 5. P. 47-57Strategy: Analyze and Evaluate/Draw a Conclusion

Page 9: Web view-Wow Word. Day 9. Read . pp. 84-89-Answer CT questions-Wow Word. Day 10. Read all of A Trip Back in Time and Q & A About the Civil War-Answer CT questions-Wow Word

23) Analyze and Evaluate: Captain Campbell shouted for the men to proceed to battle. What words were said to make him change his mind? Use specific evidence from the text.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________24) Draw a conclusion: Why do you think Thomas turned himself in to the rebel soldiers?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________25) Analyze and Evaluate: Why do they decide not to kill Thomas? Use evidence form the text to support your answer.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Wow Words:_______________________________________________________________________________________

Page 10: Web view-Wow Word. Day 9. Read . pp. 84-89-Answer CT questions-Wow Word. Day 10. Read all of A Trip Back in Time and Q & A About the Civil War-Answer CT questions-Wow Word

Critical thinking Day 6. P. 58-72 Strategy: Draw a conclusion/ generalization26) Fill in the organizer with evidence from the text to draw a conclusion/ make a generalization that Captain Campbell was brave and courageous.

27) Analyze and Evaluate: Why were Thomas and Birdie excited to see black soldiers? Use detail in your own words to explain._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________28) Analyze and Evaluate: Why do you think the men were yelling “Fredericksburg?”____________________________

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Wow Words:_______________________________________________________________________________________


and Coura


Details from text

Details from text

Details from text

Page 11: Web view-Wow Word. Day 9. Read . pp. 84-89-Answer CT questions-Wow Word. Day 10. Read all of A Trip Back in Time and Q & A About the Civil War-Answer CT questions-Wow Word

Critical thinking Day 7. P. 73-83 Strategy: Draw a Conclusion/ Generalization, Analyze and Evaluate29) Fill in the organizer with evidence from the text to draw a conclusion/ make a generalization that Thomas is brave and courageous.

30) Write the personification on p. 77__________________________________________________________________31) Analyze and Evaluate: Thomas can’t figure out if he was injured in battle or if he was a slave again? Why do you think this was happening to him?_________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________32) What are 3 major things that happened in the Battle at Gettysburg?A)________________________________________________________________________________________________B)________________________________________________________________________________________________C)________________________________________________________________________________________________Wow Words:_______________________________________________________________________________________


and Coura


Details from text

Details from text

Details from text

Page 12: Web view-Wow Word. Day 9. Read . pp. 84-89-Answer CT questions-Wow Word. Day 10. Read all of A Trip Back in Time and Q & A About the Civil War-Answer CT questions-Wow Word

Critical thinking Day 8. P. 84-89Strategy: Draw a Conclusion/ Generalization, Analyze and Evaluate33) Draw a conclusion: Fill in the chart below to draw a conclusion of why Thomas and Birdie ended up where they were.

34) Analyze and Evaluate: What was the real story about what happened to Clem? Use details from the text to describe.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Critical thinking Day 9. Read A Trip Back in Time

35) What is the estimated number of people who died in the Civil War?_______________________________________

Where did Thomas and Birdie End


Details from text

Details from text

Details from text

Page 13: Web view-Wow Word. Day 9. Read . pp. 84-89-Answer CT questions-Wow Word. Day 10. Read all of A Trip Back in Time and Q & A About the Civil War-Answer CT questions-Wow Word

36) About how many people were held as slaves in 1860?__________________________________________________37) How long did the Civil War last?___________________________________________________________________38) Draw a conclusion: in your own words-what started the Civil War? How did it end?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________39) Write the 4 most interesting facts about Gettysburg:1) 2) 3) 4)

Character Chart: I Survived: The Battle of Gettysburg 1863

Character Personality Traits

Relationship to Thomas

Protagonist or


Has this character evolved?




Page 14: Web view-Wow Word. Day 9. Read . pp. 84-89-Answer CT questions-Wow Word. Day 10. Read all of A Trip Back in Time and Q & A About the Civil War-Answer CT questions-Wow Word



Captain Campbell

Page 15: Web view-Wow Word. Day 9. Read . pp. 84-89-Answer CT questions-Wow Word. Day 10. Read all of A Trip Back in Time and Q & A About the Civil War-Answer CT questions-Wow Word

Story Map: I Survived Gettysburg 1863 Setting:

Conflict (Problem):

Solution (how conflict is solved):

Theme of the story:

Make a conclusion about the story:

Make a generalization about slaves in Revolutionary America

Compare and Contrast: I Survived Gettysburg with Molly Pitcher and Dangerous Crossing.

Questions I Survived Gettysburg


Molly Pitcher Dangerous Crossing

How are the stories similar?

How are the stories different?

What is one theme all 3 have in common?

What is a conflict all 3 have in

Page 16: Web view-Wow Word. Day 9. Read . pp. 84-89-Answer CT questions-Wow Word. Day 10. Read all of A Trip Back in Time and Q & A About the Civil War-Answer CT questions-Wow Word

Vocabulary: I Survived Gettysburg 1863Vocabulary

WordDefinition Picture

1) looming p.11

2) peering p. 11

3) bellowed p.14

4) vicious p. 18

5) reveille p.25

6) regiment p. 26

7) rummaging p.34

8) bayonets p. 48

9) wincing p. 49

10) bugler p. 68

Page 17: Web view-Wow Word. Day 9. Read . pp. 84-89-Answer CT questions-Wow Word. Day 10. Read all of A Trip Back in Time and Q & A About the Civil War-Answer CT questions-Wow Word

11) faltered p. 76

Text Analysis: In the stories I Survived Gettysburg 1863, Dangerous Crossing p. 279, and Molly Pitcher p. 329, all of the protagonists overcome a significant obstacle. Use the RACER strategy to explain what the obstacle was in each story, providing an example from the text for each obstacle.You must have:

An intro, body, and conclusion Good transition words for each new paragraph 3 examples from the text to support your text analysis______________________________________________________________________________________________



















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Exceeds the standard

Meets the Standard

Approaching the Standard

Improvement Needed

Story pack was turned

in completed

on time

Story pack turned in on time

Work was neat Student effort

exceeds expectations

Story pack turned in on time

Work was neat Student work

meets expectations

Story pack was late OR

Story pack was incomplete OR

Work is sloppy

Story pack was late

Story pack was incomplete

Work is sloppy Minimal effort


Reader mastered

the strategies


All questions were answered correctly ANDindependently

Student displays mastery of the strategies taught.

Most questions were answered correctly

Student needed some clarification

Student displays a good understanding of the strategies taught.

Some questions were correctly

Student needed clarification of the strategies taught

Student needed clarification

Several errors indicate the student needs re-teaching of the strategies taught

Student needed assistance throughout the novel study to understand the strategies taught

Page 20: Web view-Wow Word. Day 9. Read . pp. 84-89-Answer CT questions-Wow Word. Day 10. Read all of A Trip Back in Time and Q & A About the Civil War-Answer CT questions-Wow Word

Text Analysis

Student exceeded expectations by using more than 3 examples from the text

Student exceeded expectations on PA writing rubric

Student followed all directions for text analysis independently

Student incorporated 3 examples from the text

Student met expectations on PA Writing Rubric

Student needed some clarification for text analysis

Student had less than 3 examples from the text

Student is approaching standards on PA Writing Rubric

Student needed clarification throughout the text analysis

Student did not include examples from the text OR

Student is missing intro, body, and conclusion

Student need improvement based on PA Writing Rubric

Student did not understand the text analysis

Running Record: Student

reads with fluency

Student reads with excellent fluency

Student understands the passage

Student makes 1-2 mistakes on running record

Student understand the running record

Student makes 3-4 mistakes on running record

Student has difficulty understanding the passage

Student makes 5+ mistakes on running record

Student did not understand the passage

Rubric for Story Pack