WWI Begins

WWI Begins Ch 16 Sec 2


WWI Begins. Ch 16 Sec 2. A Europe Divided. 1914 – 2 Rival Groups Triple Entente Great Britain, France, Russia Triple Alliance Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy. The Great War Begins. Chain Reaction A-H declares war on Serbia Russia moves army toward border w/A-H - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of WWI Begins

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WWI BeginsCh 16 Sec 2

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1914 – 2 Rival GroupsTriple Entente

◦Great Britain, France, RussiaTriple Alliance

◦Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy

A Europe Divided

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Chain Reaction◦A-H declares war on Serbia◦Russia moves army toward border w/A-H Mobilizes toward Germany in anticipation of declaration of war

Germans view this as declaration of war◦Aug 1 – Germany declares war on Russia◦Aug 3 – Germany declares war on France◦Aug 4 - GB declares war on Germany

The Great War Begins

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Mid-August 1914, battle lines were drawn

Central Powers◦At first, Germany and A-H◦Later, Bulgaria and Ottoman Empire Hoped to gain land

Nations Take Sides

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Allies◦GB, France, Russia, Japan◦Italy Accuses Germany and A-H of unjustly starting war

Joins the allies

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The Schlieffen Plan◦Gen. Alfred Graf von Schlieffen◦German army would race west to defeat France

◦Then fight Russia in the east◦Speed vital Quickest route through Belgium Refuse to allow them to pass Germany invades

The Conflict Begins

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Schlieffen Plan works at first◦Aug 1914 Germans overran Belgium and moved into France

Sept. 3 – Germans on edge of Paris

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Battle of the Marne◦Sept 5◦Allies attack Germans northeast of Paris 2000 taxis used to transport troops from Paris

◦Sept. 9 – Germans order retreat

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◦Single-most important event of the war Defeat of Germans left Schlieffen Plan in ruins

Quick victory no longer possible Russians had invaded Germany

2-Front war

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Fall 1914◦War turned into long and bloody stalemate

Western Front◦Deadlocked region in Northern France

Bloody Stalemate Along the Western Front

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War in the Trenches◦1915 – Trench Warfare Miles of parallel trenches along Western Front

Offer protection Huge losses for small land gains

◦Miserable life Men slept in mud rats No fresh food Sleep nearly impossible

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“No Man’s Land”◦Space between trenches◦Men go “over the top” to cross Met by machine-gun fire Many die

◦Bombed trenches

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New tools of war kill thousands◦Machine guns◦Poison gas◦Armored tanks◦Larger artillery

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Feb. 1916 – German attack at Verdun◦300,000 die on both sides

◦Germans advance 4 miles

July 1916 - Battle of the Somme◦20,000 British die in one day

◦500,000 on both sides by November

◦British gain 5 miles

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Eastern Front◦German and Russian Border Russians and Serbs vs. Germans, Austro-Hungarians, Turks

◦More mobile than Western Front

Battle on the Eastern Front

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Central Powers gain the advantage◦Aug. 1914 – Germans force Russian retreat 30,000 Russians killed

◦Sept 1914 – Russians defeat Austrians Drive deep into Austria

◦Dec 1914 – Austria turns the tide 17-day battle near Limanowa Defeat Russians and drive east

◦Jan. 1915 – push Russians out of Austria

Early Fighting

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1916 - Russia’s war effort near collapse◦Russia not industrialized Short on food, guns, ammo, clothes, boots, blankets

◦Allies unable to ship supplies to RussiaRussia had only one asset

◦Huge numbers prevent Germans from focusing on Western Front

Russia Struggles