WW 2 Leaders and Technology They made a difference!

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General Douglas MacArthur In charge at the Philippines asked to leave to Australia “ I will return!”

Transcript of WW 2 Leaders and Technology They made a difference!

WW 2 Leaders and Technology They made a difference! Admiral Chester Nimitz Used Convoys, Radar, Sonar and depth charges General Douglas MacArthur In charge at the Philippines asked to leave to Australia I will return! General George Patton Outspoken General who took over as General at Morocco, a decisive change in success. Did not participate in Operation Overlord for calling a soldier a coward and being relieved by Eisenhower. Later won the Battle of the Bulge. General Dwight D. Eisenhower Started at North Africa In charge of D-Day Technology that made a difference! RADAR RAdio Detection And Ranging SONAR SOund NAvigation Ranging Depth Charges B-25 Bomber (Mitchell) Medium altitude plane used for bombing and was equipped with an M4 Rifle B-29 (Super Fortress)Bomber High altitude bomber Advanced for its time Pressurized cabin Remote control machine guns Electronic fire control system Fat Man and Little Boy P-40N War Hawk Single engine, single seat, good agility at high speeds, tight-turning at high speeds used a low altitudes. Did not turn as quickly as the Japanese Zero at low speeds but was quicker at high speeds. Fighter Planes of WW2 American Curtiss P40-N War Hawk Ceiling 38,00 Speed 378 British Supermarine Spitfire Ceiling 39,00 Speed 398 mph German Messerschmitt Ceiling 35,00 Speed 378 Japanese Mitsubishi A6M (Zero) Ceiling 33,00 Speed 533 American P-51D Mustang Replaced the Curtiss P-40 N Warhawk Ceiling 41,00 Speed 703 Generally considered to be the best Fighter Plane all-time Weapons American M1 Garand Semi Nazi MG 42 Maschinengewehr Machine German Karabiner 98 Kurz Bolt British M1903 Springfield Bolt American Flamethrower American GrenadeGerman Grenade