WVU International Water Access - UC

WVU International Water Access WVU Engineers Without Borders 1 Alexis Zini Snr. Chemical Engineering West Virginia University

Transcript of WVU International Water Access - UC

WVU International Water Access

WVU Engineers Without Borders


Alexis ZiniSnr. Chemical EngineeringWest Virginia University


Outline● Clean water is a basic human right. ● WVU Engineers Without Borders (EWB) Initiative● Assessment Trip 2017● Preliminary Design● Return Objectives and Educational Goals

WVU Engineers Without Borders


Clean water is a basic human right.● Globally:

○ 1 in 9 people lack access to safe water○ Women and children are primarily

responsible for collection of water


● Uganda:○ 75% of diseases caused by a lack

of clean water○ 61% of Ugandans lack access to

clean water○ 75% of Ugandans do not have

access to sanitation facilities



Clean water is a basic human right.● Children:

○ Effect on education: 2% loss of body fluid = 20% reduction in mental and physical performance

○ School Life Expectancy in Uganda: 10 years



Outline● Clean water is a basic human right. ● WVU EWB Initiative● Assessment Trip 2017● Preliminary Design● Return Objectives and Educational Goals

WVU Engineers Without Borders


WVU Engineers Without Borders

Initiative● Partnership with Rwenzori Rural Health Services (RRHS)

○ 2016 EWB began search for international partnership○ Beginning of partnership with RRHS: January 2017○ Need for water access for village of Kabughabugha○ Total impact of 5 year partnership: ~ 2,100 people

● Purpose of Partnership○ Provide potable water to villagers of Kabughabugha○ Implement Sanitation and Hygiene education program○ Sustainability is key



● Kabughabugha, Kasese, Uganda○ Within the Rwenzori Mountain

Region○ Average salary per day: 2,000 UGX

= $0.56 USD○ Most villagers are subsistence



WVU Engineers Without Borders

Initiative ● Kabughabugha, Kasese, Uganda

○ Currently, individuals walk 0.75 – 2.5 miles (1.2 – 4 km) to retrieve water

○ Walk times range from 15 – 60 minutes ○ Most villagers make multiple trips to water

source○ Women and children are responsible for

obtaining water


Outline● Clean water is a basic human right. ● WVU EWB Initiative● Assessment Trip 2017● Preliminary Design● Return Objectives and Educational Goals

WVU Engineers Without Borders


WVU Engineers Without Borders

Assessment Trip 2017Current water access point at RRHS

Clinic in Kabughabugha village center

● Purpose of Assessment Trip○ Collect GPS data points at each water

access location and proposed pipeline route

○ Baseline water testing: coliform, pH, conductivity, and turbidity

○ Conduct one-on-one interviews with villagers

○ Identify local hardware stores and materials for use


WVU Engineers Without Borders

Assessment Trip 2017

Rwenzori Rural Health Clinic

● RRHS Clinic○ Multi-room clinic for female and

male wards○ Sicknesses of typhoid and many

STD’s presented○ Need for continued clinic expansion

and educational material


WVU Engineers Without Borders

Assessment Trip 2017Spring Source Tank


Outline● Clean water is a basic human right. ● WVU EWB Initiative● Assessment Trip 2017● Preliminary Design● Return Objectives and Educational Goals

WVU Engineers Without Borders


WVU Engineers Without Borders

Preliminary Design● Design for water access pipeline from spring source to RRHS Clinic

○ Approximately 1.25 miles direct pipeline to Clinic○ 3 primary storage and access points: Spring source and 2 storage tanks○ Additional phases to include expansion of pipeline beyond clinic

● WVU Independent Study (IS)○ Students returning from Kabughabugha held an IS class with Dr. Lian-Shin Lin○ Develop preliminary design and feasibility model of gravity flow pipeline


WVU Engineers Without Borders

Preliminary Design10,000 Liter Storage Tank &

15,000 Liter Storage Tank

Site of storage tank. Topographical mapping conducted to obtain land

gradient data.


WVU Engineers Without Borders

Preliminary DesignPipeline Route with GPS Location Points


Outline● Clean water is a basic human right. ● WVU EWB Initiative● Assessment Trip 2017● Preliminary Design● Return Objectives and Educational Goals

WVU Engineers Without Borders


Return Objectives

● Plan to return to Kabughabugha late 2018○ Return assessment trip with

moderate implementation○ Ensure GPS data point accuracy,

and begin working on pipeline dig○ Work with professional surveyor to ○ Conduct additional interviews with

villagers to assess lifestyle change


Educational Goals● Work with Clinic nurse to help

implement personal hygiene initiatives○ Identify locations for wash house

implementation○ Develop sanitation and hygiene

packet to provide RRHS Clinic staff


WVU Engineers Without Borders

Funding● Estimated $30,000 for pipeline implementation to Clinic● $14.30 per person in village

○ Water access for life● Raise funds for completion of pipeline and storage tanks – CROWD Funding

○ $500 – provide in depth training for village members○ $5,000 – provide one 10,000 L storage tank○ $7,000 – provide one 15,000 L storage tank




WVU Engineers Without Borders

Thank You


Outline● Background● Partnership● Assessment Trip 2017● Preliminary Design● Return Objectives and

Educational Goals

WVU Engineers Without Borders


Outline● Background● Partnership● Assessment Trip 2017● Preliminary Design● Return Objectives and

Educational Goals

WVU Engineers Without Borders