WTIA Weld Connect June 2016

WTIA Newsletter June 2016 | Page 1 WELD CONNECT WELDING TECHNOLOGY INSTITUTE OF AUSTRALIA JUNE 2016 Welding Technology Institute of Australia


Weld Connect is the official monthly e-newsletter of the WTIA, serving Australia’s welding, fabrication and manufacturing industry professionals. Our news and industry perspective is essential for working smarter, more creatively and more effectively within the welding, fabrication and manufacturing industries. Offering authoritative insight and proven ideas on global and domestic issues through a distinctly Australian perspective, Weld Connect links all facets of industry, inspires, educates, and celebrates member achievements.

Transcript of WTIA Weld Connect June 2016

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Welding Technology Institute of Australia

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CONTENTS03 WTIA CEO Update04 Victoria Division News05 New South Wales Division News06 South Australia Division News07 Western Australia Division News08 Queensland Division News10 Training&Certification13 Upcoming Events14 IIW Assembly & Conference

WTIA NATIONAL OFFICEBuilding 3, Level 3, Suite 520 Bridge StreetPymble, NSW 2073(PO Box 197Macquarie Park BC, NSW 1670) T: +61 (0)2 8748 0100E: [email protected]

CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICERGeoff CrittendenT: +61 (0)2 8748 0100E: [email protected]

CHIEF TECHNOLOGY OFFICERBruce Ham T: +61 (0)418 391 534E: [email protected]

QUALIFICATION & CERTIFICATION MANAGERAnnette DickersonT: +61 (0)2 8748 0170E: [email protected]

TRAINING MANAGERPaul JamesT: +61 (0)2 8748 0150E: [email protected]

MEMBERSHIP MANAGER & ADVERTISING INQUIRIESDonna SouthT: +61 (0)2 8748 0130E: [email protected]

EDITORIALSally WoodT: +61 (0)434 442 687E: [email protected]


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We are very pleased to have secured DCNS as the platinum sponsor for the event. A leader in naval defence and a major player in marine renewable energies, DCNS has been selected as the AustralianGovernment’spreferred international partner for the design of 12 Future Submarines for the Royal Australian Navy.

I’dalsoliketothankGoldSponsor EWM, Silver Sponsors BOC, voestalpine Böhler Welding, and KISWEL; and all our other sponsors, including ANSTO, Lincoln Electric, Build Australia, Kemppi, and DMTC.

Geoff CrittendenWTIA CEO

My focus this month has been almost exclusively on preparing for the 69th IIW Annual Assembly and International Conference 2016. As this edition of Weld Connect goes to press, we have approximately 600 delegates registered, and the WTIA team is doing everything possible to push this up to 700.


It is not too late to register for the IIW Annual Assembly and International Conference.

The premier event for the welding industry, the 69th IIW Annual Assembly and International Conference is being held at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, from 10 to 15 July. With a program full of informative, engaging presentations, an array of networkingopportunities,andtechnical visits that are sure to inspire,thisyear’seventissetto be the best ever.

I encourage all WTIA members to attend.

The conference promises to be an outstanding event, which will showcase both Australian and international welding and fabricating technology.

It will encourage multi-disciplinary discussion and debate, focused on the challenges and opportunities currently faced by all companies and individuals operatinginAustralia’sindustrial, welding, and fabricating sectors.

With representatives of more than 55 IIW member countries and various local and international technical experts in attendance, we hope that the event will generate new ideas, and foster new foster new business partnerships.

Dr Stuart Cannon will present thekeynoteHoudremontLectureatyear’sevent.Hislecture is entitled, ‘The Role of Welding Technology in the Performance of Warships Past, Present and Future’ and is sure to be highly informative and engaging. I urge all delegates to attend Dr Cannon’slecture.

A robust program of off-site technical visits and exciting social events will support an engaging lecture series.

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Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre.

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Built on the original Brifel and Electroswitch resistor brands, which have a manufacturing history in Australia dating backtothe1950s,FortressSystems is dedicated to the manufacture of power resistors for all industries.

WespokewithPhilNewman,Managing Director at Fortress Systems about their recent involvement with the WTIA.

“We joined the WTIA towards the end of 2015. We had recently started doing more in-house welding, particularly sheet metal enclosures. We knewweneededtoimproveourin-houseskillsandqualitysystems, but we needed some supporttoknowwhatweshouldbelookingtoachieve,andhowtogoaboutit,”saidPhil.

“SoIspokewithRobVernonattheWTIA.Hecameoutand spent half a day with us foraroundsixtoeightweeks.Rob helped us to understand what it was we needed to achieve, and what the options weretoachieveourgoals.Hethen helped us on a practical basistoimprovetheskillsofour guys, and helped us draft qualitydocumentation.”“Asaresult,we’veseena

massive improvement across our business.”

“Thisyear,asourskillsprogressed,werequestedhelp from the WTIA again. Aswe’draisedthebaronourqualitystandards,wewantedtotakeonworkthatrequiredcertificationtoAS1554.I’mpleasedtoreportthatwe’vejustcompletedourfirstjobincompliancewithAS1554,andI’mreallypleasedthatFortressisnowabletodothiskindofworkin-house.”

“IwasreallyquitesurprisedthatwecouldtalktotheWTIAand get the help we needed straight away, without having to golookingforit.I’vebeenverypleased with the entire process. Rob helped our business enormously,”saidPhil.


With expert engineering, conscientious personnel and a broad product range, Fortress has a range of experience in large projects.


Robert VernonCoordinator [email protected]

They pride themselves on delivering value to their customers, by starting every project with an in-depth understanding of customerrequirementsandexpectations. Their range of resistor products includes: Neutral Grounding, Dynamic Braking,MotorControl,LoadBanks,andHarmonicFilters.

For further information, visit: www.fortressresistors.com


The next Victoria Committee meeting will be held at ATTAR, and include a presentation on the common Non-Destructive Testing(NDT)techniques,including magnetic particle, penetrant dye, ultrasonic and phase array.• Date: Thursday 23 June• Time:4.30pm• Address:ATTAR,1/64-98

Bridge Road, Keysborough


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BillAitkenState Coordinator [email protected]

The July meeting of the New South Wales branch will feature a tour of the OnesteelSydneySteelMill.Thismillproduced425,000tonnesofbilletand342,000tonnesofsteelbarinthe2014-2015financialyear,withatargetof467,000tonnesofbilletand420,000tonnesofsteelbarthisyear.

Sydney Steel Mill site is a compactSteelworks,alsoreferredtoasa‘mini-mill’,andisakeycomponentofOneSteelSteel Manufacturing business. This site includes the Sydney Melt Shop, commissioned in 1992, which converts scrap steelbackintoqualitybilletsthat supplies the majority of Sydney Rolling Mills feed requirementsaswellasbilletfor the Newcastle Rod Mill.

The Danieli designed Melt Shop utilises an Electric Arc Furnace to produce ~90 tonne batches ofmoltensteel,alsoknownas heats, at ~1650°C. Each heat is alloyed at the Ladle TreatmentFurnacetorefinethesteelintotherequiredgradebefore going to the Continuous

Casting Machine to be cast into a127mmsquarebillet.

Commissioned in October 1994,SydneyRollingMillisa 16 Stand Danieli designed Millwithapeakoperatingcapacity of 95 tonnes per hour, with warm charged billets, or 78tonnesperhourwithcoldcharged billets.

The Rolling Mill is capable of producing a range of bar products, including reinforced bar,rounds,square,flats,angles, threaded and Y-bars, fence posts and a range of mining bolts. Depending on the product size, bar can exist the last stand of the mill at speeds up to 12.5m/s.

TheMillishighlyflexible,withconvertible stands that can be placed either horizontally or vertically.Thisconfigurationreduces the need to twist the bar from stand to stand. Additionally,theMillisequippedwithQuickChangeOverfacilities, allowing a change from one product to another in the mostefficientmannerpossible.

The Sydney Steel Mill site isaccreditedtoqualitymanagement system ISO9001, and environmental standard ISO14001,isACRScertifiedfor the production of reinforcing bar and Merchant bar as well as hosting NATA registered chemical and mechanical testing facilities.

EVENT DETAILSOnesteel Mini Mill • Date: Wednesday 6 July• Address: 22 Kellogg Road,

RootyHill• Duration: approx 2 hrs• Program:

• 6:00pm to 6:30pm: OnesteelPresentationalong with refreshment

• 6.35pmto8.15pm:Mill tour

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PaulBettisonChairman [email protected]

The WTIA exhibited at the Careers & Employment Expo, withBillAitken(WTIABusinessDevelopment Manager) and Gino Reviglio from SMENCO on hand to answer visitor questions.

The WTIA exhibition booth featured the Fronius virtual welding simulator. This gave kidsandadultsalikeachanceto really discover what welding islike.Thesimulatorprovedto be a popular addition to the stand, with expo visitors testing outtheirweldingskillsallday. Running since 2005, the Careers & Employment Expo provides the perfect platform for all organisations, employers, and educational bodies to showcase their careers and education opportunitiestothestate’scurrentandfutureworkforce.

This year, the event included free career development workshopsconductedbyexhibitors on a variety of topics, as well as a Career Advice Centre, manned by

professional career advisors, who provided tips on resume writing, how to interview effectively, and how to land the dream job.

With a dedicated day for the adult general public and thousands of senior high school leavers attending duringtheweek,theeventwas ideal for a whole range of industry and employers lookingtorecruit,aswellasfortertiary and vocational training organisations.

The event was also perfect for adults and mature age people lookingtoreskillandretrain.

The same event was also held inBrisbaneon27and28Mayat the Convention & Exhibition Centre. The WTIA also exhibited in Brisbane, with both events highly successful.

SouthAustralia’sleadingandlargestcareers,education,trainingandemployment event, the Adelaide Careers & Employment Expo was held on 20 and 21 May at the Adelaide Showgrounds.

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The West Australian Division met on

12 May at the South Metropolitan TAFE, Thornlie Campus.

This meeting was hosted byPeterAndrews,HeadofProgramsinManufacturingand Applied Technologies at South Metropolitan TAFE.

All of the members present at themeetingtookthetimetocongratulateMickCudmore,Manager at Nix Sheet Metal Engineering, on his re-election to the WTIA Council, which occurred during the Annual General Meeting in early May.


There is continued interest in the development of the National WelderCertificationRegister,especially with respect to welding standards and codes.

During the May branch meeting, some of our members shared that ASME IX: 2015

has accepted ISO 9606-1 for welderqualification.

Amid this continued interest, Geoff Crittenden met with members at the Australian Welding Academy (AWA) on 24May.ClayWilliams,CraigOlsen, and Joanne Olsen of AWA hosted the evening.

The National Welder CertificationRegisterwasdiscussed at length by Geoff, including some of its more practical aspects. The evening concluded with a tour of the AWA facilities.


The WTIA has partnered with Materials Australia for the upcoming event: Materials and Maintenance Advancements for Mining 2016.

The event will be held in Kalgoorlieon14October,andwill focus on the innovative use of materials and maintenance to support life extension on capitalequipmentandplantassets—a topic that is critical to the Kalgoorlie mining industry.

For more information, visit the Materials Australia website.


With the West Australia branch already having scheduled its meetings for the remainder of theyear,besuretomarkthefollowing dates in your diary: • Thursday 7 July• Thursday 11 August• Thursday 13 October• Thursday 10 November• Thursday8December

The Committee is investigating social events, as well as technical visits, with more details to follow as soon as possible.

The Committee has recently discovered that there have been some issues with email invitations. So, if you are based in Western Australia and that have not been receiving branch event invitations, pleasecontactLouisePetrickon [email protected].


Clay WilliamsWTIA WA Division Chairman [email protected]

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Warren RaisinChairman [email protected]

The‘ChainofResponsibility’laws were originally aimed at ClivePalmer,butthemajorplayers within the mining industry have come out on record saying that the laws have unintentionally caused a range of issues, manifesting in uncertainty for investors.

The Queensland Resources Council said some mining projects were already at serious riskofbeingscrapped–withtwo already understood to be indoubt–becauseoftheStateGovernment’senvironmentalprotection laws.

Adani Group has indicated that it may withdraw from the proposed $16 billion mining project in the Galilee basin, citing delays caused by environmental activists.

According to the Courier Mail, a recent survey revealed that the mining industry is losing faith in the Government, with a mere 13% preferring to do business in Queensland over other Australian states.

There is positive news for

the Queensland mining sector though. Demand for Queensland coal remains strong, with exports reaching a record new high of 216.7 million tonnes (Mt), a 3.9% increase on2013-2014,valuedat$23.5billionin2014-2015.

Coal exploration expenditure in Queensland was $160.7 million in2015,and$2058millionoverthepastfiveyears.Exportsfor 2015-2016 are reported at 161.6 Mt, with estimates for this year expected to reach 220 Mt.

Plus,thepetroleumindustryinQueensland exceeds $1 billion in production value.

Growth in coal seam gas in Queensland has been

Funding for proposed mining projects across Queensland is in jeopardy, withbanksrefusingtolendmoneyamidconcernsthatnewlyintroducedlawscouldmakebanksequallyasliableforenvironmentalclean-upsasthe mining companies themselves.

rapid over the past 15 years, peakingat1,634wellsdrilledin2013-2014.Thisgrowthwillsupport the more than $70 billion worth of investment in threeliquefiednaturalgas(LNG) projects. This means aquarterofglobalLNGsupply comes from Central Queensland, cementing Australia as a leading LNG supplier.

ThereissignificantpotentialintheLNGmarket,withgrowthin production estimated to increase LNG exports from $14.7billionin2012-2013to$57billionby2018.

References:• Courier Mail • LiveMint• Queensland Government

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Welding Inspectors play an important role in any effective weldingqualitycontrolprogram. A welding inspector is responsible for ensuring all necessary manufacturing steps have been completed and are compliant to the correct codes andspecifications.

It is important to note: IIW IWI B is the minimum qualificationrequirementsforWeldingInspectionPersonnelrecommended in AS/NZS ISO 3834andthisisalsocalledupinAS/NZS1554.1.


Careers in welding inspection follow an internationally prescribed training and qualificationscheme,cateringforprofessionalworkersintheindustry through to welding engineers who are responsible for reviewing all documentation and witnessing certain statutorytestingrequirements(to certify the weldment complies with Australian Standards or other codes).


A Welding Inspector performs, supervises or oversees all assigned welding and welding-related inspection activities. They can be responsible for

the satisfactory completion oftasksallocatedandtosignon behalf of the organisation where authorised.


The WTIA offers two levels of inspection courses:• The International Welding

Inspector Basic (IWI-B) • The International Welding

Inspector Standard (IWI-S)Both courses are offered all year around at various locations around Australia.

Entryrequirementsforthesecourses will depend on your qualificationsandexperience.


WTIA course presenters are International Welding Engineers or Technologists with many years of experience. These very successful courses have been supported by many major industry groups and hundreds of Australian companies.


Ifyouhaveanyquestions,please contact the WTIA on [email protected] or 02 87480150.FurtherInformationregarding course dates and locations is also available via the WTIA website.


One of the functions of the WTIA is to deliver a range of courses for professionaldevelopmentandformalqualification.AsanInternationalInstitute of Welding (IIW) Authorised National Body (ANB) and an Authorised Training Body (ATB) we are able to provide internationally recognisedqualifications.

International Welding Inspector - Basic (IWI B) 26 August in capital cities (depending on demand)

Exam enrolment closes on 15 [email protected]


IIW International Welding Specialist, (Module 1) Commences 25 July, Sydney

IIW International Welding Inspector – Basic 18July,Mackay

IIW International Welding Inspector – Basic 25 July, Adelaide

IIW International Welding Inspector – Basic 1 August, Brisbane

IIW International Welding Specialist (Module 1) Commences1August,Perth

IIW International Welding Inspector – Basic 8August,Sydney

IIW International Welding Inspector – Basic 8August,Perth

Welding Technology Appreciation for Engineers 16August,Perth

IIW International Welding Inspector – Standard 22 August, Adelaide

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There is currently an opportunity for people who hold an International Welding Specialist (IWS) diploma to gain an additional International Institute of Welding (IIW) qualification—theInternationalWeldingPractitioner(IWP).

Thisqualificationcanbeachieved through recognition of prior learning and experience, withoutfurtherstudyrequired.Those people who already hold an IWS diploma can apply for theIWPqualificationsimplybysubmitting an application for assessment.


successfullygainIWPqualificationviathisrouteare:• HoldanIIWInternational

Welding Specialist (IWS) diploma; and

• Validwelderqualificationcertificates(suchas AS1796Certificates)inmore than one process or more than one material; and

• Atleast3years’experienceas a plate or tube welder.

If you do not have an IWS diploma,theIWPdiplomacanbe gained via the standard route, which includes a training course and examination.

For information, contact Annette Dickerson,[email protected].

Get Ahead of the Curve: Enrol Today

IWE & IWT Qualification: A pipeline to career successIn conjunction with the University of Wollongong, the WTIA (Welding Technology Institute of Australia) is set to launch a newly restructured training course, which will seegraduatesobtainagloballyrecognisedweldingqualification.

RecognisedbytheInternationalInstituteofWelding(IIW),thishighlysought-afterweldingqualificationis International Welding Engineer (IWE) or International Welding Technologist (IWT), depending on theapplicant’sprerequisites.SuccessfulcompletionwillenablestudentstoapplyforinternationalcertificationasIWEorIWT.

Why IWE & IWT Qualification?Coveringallaspectsofwelding,IWEandIWTqualificationsprovidearaftofbenefits:Highersalarypotential, stronger employment demand, and better job stability.

Earlyenrolmentwillputyouaheadofthecurve,boostyourcareerandearningpotential,andmakeyouthe preferred candidate for large-scale pipeline projects around the globe.

Visit the WTIA website: www.wtia.com.au Email: [email protected]



TheWTIAwouldliketoremind members of changes to the IIW International Welding Technologist (IWT) qualificationpathway.

Individuals are now eligible toundertaketheIIWIWTqualificationviarecognitionofprior learning and experience, including: an IIW IWS diploma; and at least six years of experience (in the past eight years)workingasaWeldingTechnologist, after gaining anIWSdiploma.Previously,accesstotheIWTrequiredan Associate Diploma in Engineering.

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TRAINING & CERTIFICATIONTo express your interest in becoming an Approved Training Body, please send an email to [email protected] with the following information:1. Name of Organisation2. RTO Status, including RTO

Code (if any)3. Scope of current training4. Which courses expressing

interest in conducting5. In which city/regional area/

state would the courses be conducted?

6. ContactPerson,including:• Title within organisation• Email address• Business phone number• Mobile phone number• Website

Expressions of interest will remain open until 31 July 2016.

Organisations which have expressed an interest will be contacted with additional information.


Tomakeaccesstointernationally recognised weldingtraining,qualificationsandcertificationsmorewidelyavailable to Australian industry, the WTIA is launching a programtoexpandthenetworkof authorised training centres in Australia.

Organisations wanting to offer courses designed to prepare students for the International institute of Welding (IIW) qualificationsareinvitedtosubmit‘ExpressionsofInterest’to become an Approved Training Body (ATB).

Authorised Training Bodies are responsible for the administration and facilitation of IIW courses. As the only IIW Authorised National Body (ANB) in Australia, the WTIA is authorised to assess and approve training organisations as ATBs.

TheIIWqualificationsandcertificationsarerecognisedworldwide throughout the 59 member countries of the IIW.IIW courses that ATBs may be authorised to offer include:• Welding Coordination

Personnel:• International Welding

Engineer• International Welding

Technologist• International Welding

Specialist• International Welding

Practitioner• Welding Inspection

Personnel:• International

WeldingInspector–Comprehensive level

• International Welding Inspector–Standardlevel

• International Welding Inspector–Basiclevel

• Other:• International Welded

Structures Designer

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Whetheryouneedtobrushuponskillsacquiredyearsago,orwanttotryyourhandatsomethingnew,there’ssuretobeaneventforyou. For further details on any of the events or examinations listed

below,[email protected]+61(0)287480100.

JULY 2016

69th IIW Annual Assembly and International Conference 2016Melbourne, 10 to 15 JulyWiththethemeof‘FromConcept to Decommissioning: the Total Lifecycle of Welded Parts’,the2016IIWAssemblyand Conference will be the premier welding event for the year,includingexpertspeakers,technical visits, and a full social program. For more information, visit: www.iiw2016 com



Materials and Maintenance Advancements for Mining Kalgoorlie, 14 October In conjunction with Materials Australia, the WTIA will present a seminar on the latest materials and maintenance advancements for mining processing and asset management. The innovative use of materials and maintenance to support life extensiononcapitalequipmentand plant assets is critical to the Kalgoorlie mining industry. Theminingindustryrequires

constant advancements in design, technologies and products to support safe, reliable,andcostefficientoperations as mining plants approach the twilight years of their intended producing life. For more information, visit: www.materialsaustralia.com.au


IIW International Welding Inspector Basic (IWI B),leadingtoWTIACertifiedWelding Inspector (CWI): 26 August 2016.

IIW International Welding Inspector Standard (IWI S),leadingtoWTIACertifiedSeniorWelding Inspector (CSWI): 3 November 2016.

IIW International Welding Specialist (IWS) and WTIA Welding Supervisor AS 1796 &AS2214Theorypapers:9November 2016.

WeldingSupervisor–AS1796Certificate10and/or&AS2214Codes: 9 November 2016.

WTIACertifiedQualityControlWelding Coordinator (CQCWC):examinations arranged according to training schedule.

For information on training, email [email protected].


69th IIW Annual Assembly & International Conference 10 to 15 July 2016Melbourne, Australiawww.iiw2016.com

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The WTIA is honoured to host the 69th IIW Annual Assembly & International Conference in Melbourne from 10 to 15 July 2016, the premier event for the global welding and fabricating industry.

PlymouthUniversity,amaster’sdegree in Offshore Structures fromCranfieldInstituteofTechnology and a doctorate in Naval Architecture from Brunel University in London. Hisresearchrangesfromthebehaviour of ships in a seaway to determining the residual strength of a ship structure following weapons damage.

During his employment at DSTO he has been involved in a variety of structural investigationsonthefleetinbeing and has advised the DMO on projects such as the ArmidaleClassPatrolBoats,the Air Warfare Destroyer and theAmphibiousships.Hereceived a Chief of Defence Force Commendation for hisworkinvestigatingthecircumstances that lead to the lossofHMASSydney.

Dr Cannon is a Fellow of the Royal Institution of Naval Architects, a Fellow of Engineers Australia and aCharteredProfessionalEngineer.

HeisamemberofLloydsRegister of Shipping Technical Committee and a member of the International Ship and Offshore Structures Congress Naval Vessel Design committee.


Dr Cannon is an AdjunctProfessorinthe National Centre for Maritime Engineering and HydrodynamicsattheAustralian Maritime College –UniversityofTasmania.In2014hewasawardedtheVice Chancellors Award for outstanding contributions by Adjunct and honorary position holders.


It is not too late to register for the IIW Annual Assembly and International Conference. With a program full of informative, engaging presentations, anarrayofnetworkingopportunities, and technical visits that are sure to inspire, thisyear’seventissettobethe best ever.


Dr Stuart Cannon will present thekeynotelectureatthe2016InternationalConference.Hislecture is entitled ‘The Role of Welding Technology in the Performance of Warships Past, Present and Future’.

This lecture pays tribute to thelateProfessorEdouardHoudremont,andwasfirstgivenin1959byProfessorBastien of France. The lecture was then incorporated into the Opening Session of the IIW International Conference.

Dr Stuart Cannon holds the position of Research Leader: Naval Architecture in the Maritime Division of DST Group.Heisresponsiblefor research programs in PlatformSystemsAnalysisandPerformance,AdvancedMaterials and Fabrication methodsandNavalPowerandEnergy. Additionally Dr Cannon is responsible for all surface platform research in support oftheRAN’ssurfacefleetaswell as the future surface ship acquisitions.

Dr Cannon is a trained naval architect who specialises in the surface warship performance. Hehasabachelor’sdegreein Nautical Studies from

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Welding Technology Institute of Australia

For further information about advertising in Weld Connect, please contact:Donna South on [email protected] or +61 (0)2 8748 0130


Advertise with the WTIA Today

WTIA is happy to offer you and your business the opportunity to promoteyourproductsandservicesdirectlytothedecisionmakersinthe welding and fabricating industry . We have a range of cost effective advertisingandeditorialpackagesavailable,inbothWeldConnectandthe Australian Welding Journal.