WRMaster Deed and Declaration of Restrictions for Wind Residences page 4 of 4CC Master Deed Pg 4 of...

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Transcript of WRMaster Deed and Declaration of Restrictions for Wind Residences page 4 of 4CC Master Deed Pg 4 of...

  • 8/18/2019 WRMaster Deed and Declaration of Restrictions for Wind Residences page 4 of 4CC Master Deed Pg 4 of 4


    orporat on to sconnect or cut-o t e water serv ce or ot er ut ty serv ce connect on o any n t w ere t e un t owner s e nquent   t e pa yment o as socratron u es , o r s pe c a as se ssments, or rea estate taxes, or mont y

    amortizations, or advances by the DECLARANT, or any other financial obligations of the unit owner to the DECLARANT and/or Developer. The water or other utility service connection sha ll only be resto red and re-connected

    upon full settlement of the delinquency. Further, the unit owner he re by expres sly waives his right t o obtain an i njunction or restraining order fr om the courts or other quasi judicial or administrative agency which will prevent the

    DECLARANT or Corporatio n f rom d is conn ecting or discontinuing the supply of utilities to the unit and the unit owner hereby holds the DECLARANT or Corporation free and harmless from any claims or actions for damages

    a nd DECLARANT or Corporation shall not be answerable for any civil or criminal liabili ty a ri sing from the exercise by the OECLARA.NT or Corporation of such rights as a r esult of unit owner 's de fa ult or delinquency.

    In addition thereto, if the member's unit in the Project is being leased and his default has lasted f or mor e t han thirty (30) days, the Corporationhas the right to demand and receive from the unit owner's lessee the rent

    from such lease; up to an amount s ffic  ent to pay the amountassessed including ir:lterest, if an . S uch p ay  ent   ren t to the Corporation sha l be su-rryclent discharge of su h l ea se a s b etwee n the le ssee nd the mer:nber to  he

    extent of the amount t6l5epaW:-ror this purpose, t he uni t owners of the Corporation hereby hind themselves to incorporate a provrsron to this effect


    the lease contract, If any, of thcir-urrirs-cn the Project. Notwithstanding

     su ch agreement, howcvcr.rhcfailure .of.tbe.lessee to pay the asscssmcm sha l not relieve the member of the liability to pay for such assessment. - _

    . It the Corporation


    compelled to file suitfor the collection of overdue asses sments, delinquent unit owners shall be liable for the expense of collection and att orney's fees equivalent to at least twenty five percent

    (25%) of the amount due but in no case less than P25.000.00, plus costs of suit.

    The Corporation may. in case of delinquency or default, take the following actions:

    (a) Post the names of delinquen t members in conspicuou s pl ac e(s) within the premises of the Projects.

    (b) Prohibit and/or prevent the removal of furniture, fixtures, equipment or other it ems f rom the af fe ct ed uni t o f d el  nt m  '1 9 : unt  assessments, dues and other liabilities of the del :L   nb r of the
