Writing Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan for Writing Class Students level : Second Baccalaureate Lesson objective : write a letter to a friend of yours from U.S.A informing about historical monument in Morocco. Time : 50mns Writing lesson main stages: 1. the prewriting stage : !. the writing stage ". the rewriting or postwriting stage #e$aluate% structuring and editing& : '. the final draft : Teaching materials: pictures about the Moroccan famous historical monuments Points to keep in mind : ( ha$e to )eep in mind and ma)e students aware that composing is a nonlin generating process whereby writers disco$er and formulate their ideas as they construct meaning. ( ha$e to )eep in mind and ma)e students aware that writing is an ongoing and that it goes through different stages. ( ha$e to )eep in mind and ma)e students aware that these stages are $alua learners to grow as independent writers in a pressurefree atmosphere with th the role of a guide% a facilitator and interested reader is necessary.


Writing Lesson Plan

Transcript of Writing Lesson Plan

Students level : Second Baccalaureate
Lesson objective: write a letter to a friend of yours from U.S.A informing him
about historical monument in Morocco.
Time : 50mns
!. the writing stage
". the rewriting or postwriting stage #e$aluate% structuring and editing& :
'. the final draft :
Points to keep in mind :
• ( ha$e to )eep in mind and ma)e students aware that composing is a nonlinear and
generating process whereby writers disco$er and formulate their ideas as they attempt to
construct meaning.
• ( ha$e to )eep in mind and ma)e students aware that writing is an ongoing process
and that it goes through different stages.
• ( ha$e to )eep in mind and ma)e students aware that these stages are $aluables for
learners to grow as independent writers in a pressurefree atmosphere with the teacher in
1. *enerating the topic of writing through prewriting acti$ities brainstorming% open
discussion% etc.
!. Ma)ing the purpose or the ob+ecti$e of writing suit the audience: to inform your friend
about the famous historical monuments.
". writing a first draft with the necessary components of a specific genre and
style #informal letter&.
• organi,ation
5. diting #or peerediting& the re$ised draft.
/. roofreading the re$ised draft indi$idually% in pairs or in groups.
. presenting the final copy according to the purpose and the topic
The pre-writing stage:
(n this stage i shall try to prepare students for the writing stage $ia eliciting ideas and
acti$ating necessary schemata. Actually% prewriting acti$ities aim at raising students2 interests
and alle$iate the an3iety of students when the writing will be assigned.
4irstly% ( will present some pictures about the famous Moroccan historical monuments
students are as)ed to guess the topic of the writing lesson.
hese pictures are:
8outoubia Marra)ech
After ma)ing sure that the students guessed the top cog the writing lesson% ( will represent
the picture and other ones if student )now the monuments names or not.
  hen% a class discussion about the historical monuments is opened to stimulate students
  ;e3t% ( shall gi$e the students a chart to fill in:
he name of the historical
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he purpose of this tas) is to ma)e students write in groups and write as many ideas as they
can < generating lists of ideas about the topic.
  hen% ( shall as) students to read what they ha$e written in the chart. Students are as)ed to
reflect on and discuss their classmates2 ideas and answers.
  (n fact% this discussion will help students to de$elop their ideas in a positi$e and
encouraging way.
  As far as ( am concerned% ( shall help students through gi$ing them appropriate information
about the monuments.
>ast but not least% ( will inform the students about the writing lesson ob+ecti$es:
• writing a letter to a friend of yours from U.S.A informing him about historical
monuments in Morocco.
Students are as)ed to ma)e a plan before starting composing. Students2 planes will be
compared and discussed in groups before the writing process.
hen% to generate ideas% students are as)ed to write as 7uic)ly as possible about the topic for 5
or minutes without worrying about correct language and mechanisms.
he purpose is to ma)e students write and )eep writing #disco$er writing&% as the te3t
will be re$ised later.
Students ha$e to )eep in mind that they are writing with a specific purpose to a
Specific audience:
• Specific purpose: writing to inform about famous historical monuments in Morocco.
• Specific audience: writing to a friend of yours from the United States of America.
Students ha$e also to )eep in mind the writing genre: descripti$e writing.
(n this stage% students may write either indi$idually or in groups to share ideas about the
topic. (n fact% the collaborati$e writing is $aluable as it in$ol$es other s)ills #spea)ing in
structuring and editing
(n this stage% students are as)ed to put what they ha$e written in a cohesi$e and coherent way.
Actually% students reread to re$ise% edit and get feedbac) from each other and from the
Students are as)ed to order and organi,e their ideas. hey should )now the order
through which they will compose. 4or e3ample% students may start their ideas with the ones
which tal) about the well)nown historical monument and% then% mo$e to the less famous
Students ha$e to organi,e their ideas ta)ing into consideration the format of their
writing: the informal letter.
Students should )now how to e$aluate their own language. *ood students ha$e to
impro$e their writing through:
• -hec)ing spelling
• -hec)ing punctuation
• -hec)ing capitali,ation
• -hec)ing the clarity of the te3t structure with an effecti$e beginning. Middle and end
• -hec)ing cohesi$e de$ices and transitions to organi,e content at the le$el of
 paragraphs and the whole te3t effecti$ely.
• -hec)ing sentences structures: compound<comple3 structures% the acti$e<passi$e% etc.
 Peer-editing and proof-reading:
his means that te3ts produced so far are e3changed so that students e$aluate each
other and ser$e as audience for each other.
he purpose of peerediting and proofreading is to ma)e students chec) and loo) for
errors concerning grammar% $ocabulary% mechanisms% organisation% style% etc.
As a matter of fact% the teacher is part of the writing process in that he helps students
with his comments mo$ing from one group to another. he purpose is to ma)e sure that
students are doing the tas) correctly. Mo$ing around the classroom will enable me to obser$e
how well students in general seem to ha$e gotten the instructional point. (f the there is any
confusion% ( should stop the class and clarify instructions or pro$ide additional e3planation.
The final draft:
in this stage% students should present the final copy which is a re$ised $ersion of the
different drafts produced in the writing stage. his final draft is supposed to be grammatically
correct% wellorgani,ed% coherent% appropriate in terms of purpose and audience.
4inally% students2 final copies are collected to be returned to them with my feedbac).