Writing 'Fighting Warriors'

 :\1\ 1 Wattiotg Collection o t W ~ t l n ~ 6 [ the I1iami 12akes I1iddle School Students

Transcript of Writing 'Fighting Warriors'

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Wat t i o t g

Collection ot W ~ t l n ~ 6 [ the

I1iami 12akes I1iddle School Students

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Miami Middle



Pride Portfolio Contest Winner

Miami Dade County Public Schools

Middle School Division


1st Place

Mrs. Krane, Grade 8

This book is dedicated to all those people


my class who think I'm going to become a psychotic kille

when I grow up, and are probably right. Thanks for the encouragement,




you are.

You read about it in the newspapers, you hear about it on the radio, you even see it live on t.v. , but

somehow, you never think it'll happen to you. Well it has and let me tell you, it' s not a wonderful

experience. Murder. The media makes it all sound exciting and interesting and mysterious, and also

very fake. It was a scary experience and I hope dearly that I'll never have to go through it again. t wa

not a stormy, lightning filled night when it happened, though I must admit it did rain later. It was a

perfectly lovely day, just the perfect day for a picnic. Unfortunately, I was unable to take advantage


this day because of a little inconvenience called school. Walking to school, with the wind in my hair

and my Walkman blaring in my ears, I enjoyed the weather as long as I could. Cathy and Abby would

be waiting for me to join them at school. As the music filtered through the headphones of the

Walkman, it was suddenly interrupted by a news report, told by some guy with a real nasal problem. I

hated those guys and only listened a minute before flipping through the other stations and turning the

radio off. This is what I heard:

"Ahem, Ahem, please excuse the interruption of this program. The police department has sent out a

warning. Sniff. There is


escaped criminal from the mental ward


the penitentiary


the area


Broward. Sniff. The prisoner escaped about two days ago, and the guard was found unconscious on

the stairwell. This person is wanted for the manslaughter


8 people. Sniff. t is yet not known

whether or not--" . Wow, I thought. A real serial killer, right here in Florida. I ran off to tell my

friends. Nearing the school I saw them


a little group and pushed my way in.

"--and I said to Sam, no way , I mean, who does he think he is you know? I got my rights. And it was

only our 5th date too. He is such ajerk , I'm telling you." Cathy was saying as little murmurs


sympathy were muttered by the listeners. "The next time I see him I'm going to tell him



up. I mean it. No, really


serious this time. I mean can you believe--"

"Hey, you guys Guess what Ijust heard " I interrupted her, but that' s okay because if you don ' t she

doesn't stop talking. So like I was saying, I was listening to the radio, and there's a criminal loose "

"Is that all?" asked Danielle. "There are a lot


criminals in Florida why I heard that Shawn's

brother's, friend ' s, cousin was a--".

"Shut up Danielle, this isn ' t just any criminal. He killed 8 people and he's insane I put emphasis on

the last word to make sure Danielle got the importance


my message. Honestly, she can be so

annoying sometimes. Well, my remark had caused some excitement among my friends and we were al


I liked the response so I kept going, "Yeah, and he escaped two days ago from Broward"

"Broward? Dh please, that's the next county t has absolutely nothing to do with us." That was

Danielle talking. She was obviously trying to get me back for the earlier snub.


if it had been


Dade County, it might actually be a bit interesting, but since it's


Broward, I


really care,


"Shut up Danielle.

we're trying to hear what Anna has to say." said Abby.

Turning towards me she told me,


on Anna, just ignore her. She's jelous because she can never



interesting subject to talk about."

"Well, as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted," I started. Unfortunately the bell rang and

everyone scurried away like ants to their lockers or homerooms. Danielle threw me a triumphant glanc

and flounced away.

"Bye, Anna " called Cathy.

"Yeah, see ya


  yelled Abby.

Luckily, I made it to class without getting a detention.


truth, I sneaked in a few seconds after the

bell when the teacher' s back was turned, just in time for roll.

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"Okay folks. settle down now, settle down boomed the teacher, Mrs. Fields. This week is schedule A

week so that means you'll have periods


4. and 6. Hey you back there Yes, you sonny Quiet



you'll get a hitsquad. Don't give


excuses, just keep quiet when I m making

announcements, unless you're psychic or something, which I truly doubt, considering your test

scores. Excepting Lisa that is."

Lisa was the prize student. She got good grades, and was always getting awards for something or

another. Hmmmm, today I had 2, 4, and


That meant Geometry, History, and Reading. Those were

okay classes. I sighed and stared outside. Still a lovely day.


just wasn't fair to let a day like this go

to waste. To take my mind off it I looked around the room. Mrs. Fields had somehow come back to

the subject


praising his perfect student and Lisa was smiling happily. Next to me Eddie was

glowering and muttering to himself. He was the second best student with green eyes, brown hair and

hated Lisa. Then


course, there was Sunny, who ironically wasn


very sunny at the moment. She

was the only left handed kid


our class. She did have gold hair and blue eyes but


she could have

possible looked any angrier a storm cloud would probably appear over her head


her eyes would

have turned green with envy. She hated Lisa too, but for more specific reasons. t seems kind



but in 4th grade Lisa had pushed her off the swing set in a fight and she had never really forgiven her.

Not only that, Lisa was always seen flirting with Alan, a boy Sunny had a crush on. Everyone knew

she had a crush on Alan except perhaps for Alan himself. The bell rang for 1st period and we streamed



the class. Walking casually 1 met up with Abby and Cathy and we chatted cheerfully until we

sat down in our 2nd period class. Time went by quickly and the next bell rang. We were watching a



History, all about Vikings. Everyone was leaning on the edge


their seats to get a good look


all the gross, disgusting, but


a way cool, killing parts.


was really bloody and we weren't

disappointed. I thought I was about to throw up when lunch time came. Then my stomach quieted

down. After finally being called


line for lunch I felt like throwing up again when I saw the cafeteria

food. Somehow we got through that ordeal by ignoring the food and eating the snacks. I envied those

who had gotten the motivation to make their own lunch. After eating it was back to History. We

finished the film


the bell rang and the teacher shouted out our homework for us as we rushed out the

door. Reading. We were all utterly suprised to find that we had a subsitute teacher. She was very

skinny and probably about 28 years old. When she turned around we found that she was also Chinese

and used well·wom looking glasses. Her hair was cropped short and neat, hooked behind her ears.

"I know you' re probably all full


questions, class, and I m willing to explain the situation. I m sorry


say that Ms. Fioran is going to be absent for quite a while. She went on vacation to visit her family

in Europe and will probably be there for the remainder of the semester,


perhaps even year. So I

guess that means you'll just have to put up with me. Any questions? Yes, you back there."

"Are we going


do what we usually


""Well, Ms. Fioran didn't leave me a schedule plan so I assume for the time being, no."

Yes, you up front, do you have a question?"

"Uh, yeah, what was you name again?"

"I didn't mention it?" She looked confused for a minute and then continued with a strange smile on her

face. Miss Chang. My name's Ms. Chang. All right, no more questions? I d like to know your names

first and then we'll begin. Let s start from the ftrst row. Stand up and tell me about yourself,

don t



I turned since my row was near the end and started thinking. Why did Ms. Fioran just leave like that?

She always used to leave a schedule class plan and would tell us beforehand when she was planning a

trip. Oh well, don't look a gift horse


the mouth. No one else seemed to be. Ms. Fioran did have

friends in England anyways. I looked at her desk. ]t still had all her stuff on it, except for an open box

full of

new mechanical pencils. ] also saw her purse under her desk. f she left her purse she probably

had a family emergency or something. Maybe there was a death in the family. That happened to my

family once. The person in front of me stood up and said his name, and told about himself.

Reluctantly,] stood up behind him and said only my name. They all stood in silence waiting for me to

say more.

"Ahem, can you tell us about yourself, dear?"

"Not really." I replied.

"Okay, next person."

I sat down, relieved. Sometimes I hated these "explain yourself' things. They nearly never really


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anyways, so


the point? Finally it was






books. After what

seemed like an eternity although Ms Chang was a pretty good teacher. I heard the bell ring and

practically leapt for the


. When I got on the bus I slumped down


the seat near Cathy and Abb


We lived near each other.

What did you think of the new teacher?" Cathy asked me.

Okay, I guess. There's something weird about her though."




something wrong with all


the substitute teacher


All of the teachers as a

matter of fact.




son would want to teach school? Not me. I thought she was pretty cool,

though", said Abby,

I mean

, she


drone on like Mrs.



Yeah, I think so too ." said Cath

y Did

you see Eddie today?


is so cute. He looked like he wanted

to strangle Lisa


"Sunny too." I added.

At about that time all conversation stopped as we got off the bus at our stop .

That night at home my parents were reading the newspaper and remarked out loud about one

of the



my , look at this one.


a criminal on the loose in Broward. It says here that that criminal

was from the insane ward of the prison The person went insane when he or she was pressured by his

or her

parents to make good grades in Graduate School, but Harvard was too much for them and the

criminal went crazy and killed the better student and the teacher as well. That's a shock. The things


do today."

Anyhow it says that the prisoner was transferred here so that their parents could be nearer to the

criminal. There aren't any names here. Does


say anything else about it.". said my Mom.

See? I told her. You should stop telling me to do better at school or I might breakdown "

t was about 2 weeks later and we had already gotten used to having Ms. Chang as our teacher. Today



more radiant then ever having accomplished


Alan red-faced with continuos flirting.

Alan was blushing crazily and so was Sunny, but for a totally different reason. t was about that time

during lunch when some


the class was eating lunches that


brought from home. Inside the



whole gang was there. Cathy, Abby, Sunny, Eddie, Lisa, Alan, me,


a few others



For some spontaneous reason we had all brought our lunches As was saying, Lisa had just flirted,

Alan was


embarrassed, and Sunny and Eddie were just mad. Looking closely at Sunny,



glinting in her hand. It was a pocketknife. You know, the kind that


always hav

in their key rings? That kind.


was flicking the blade in and out and polishing its edge . Then she

carefully put il inside the pocket of her while windbreaker. Eddie was drinking out of a full water

boule. I



s Chang

in the hall and some people waved to her.


was wearing a black skirt suit

and had


usual glasses, but wired together with wire. She would probably have to get new ones

soon. She had a mechanical pencil behind her ear and stuck her head inside.


kids. What's going on?", she asked.


nothing Ms Chang." said Lisa, irrunediately taking charge, We're just having lunch here , don't

worry, we've got


Okay, just keep it down. I Don't want people to think that we've got wild animals loose in the

building, wait a minute, this is a school, guess they'll think that anyways, huh?"


laughed a bit

hysterically at her own joke but the others didn't notice since they were laughing too. didn't think


was that funny, but M


Chang had a way of making you laugh. A few minutes later the speaker said




report to the library, please." It sounded more like


order than a request. Lisa



to the bathroom for a sec, okay? said, Sunny. Her hand was in her pocket.

Eddie left the room too, saying that he wanted to get a drink of water. The bottle of water on his desk

was still full. Sunny came back and silently sat down. She opened a book to read. Suddenly Eddie ran

into the room, out of breath

t was terrible " he gasped. There was so much blood and, and, and it was just awful You've got



look "

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"Wait Eddie" said Cathy "What's going on?"


Lisa " he said, and ran au( of the room.

We all followed him into the library and around a few bookshelves. We stared at the mess on the floor.

Eddie was right, there was blood everywhere and


was Lisa's. Her neck was slit and she was lying

sprawled in a crooked position on the floor. Her eyes were staring up, helplessly. There were bruises


the left side


her neck. There was a tiny screw


her hair. We were aU speechless for a moment. I

ran to the office and the class followed me.

"There's been a murder "

We paused long enough to see Ms. Chang coming out


the girl 's bathroom and entering the office

through the teacher's lounge. She wasn't wearing her glasses.

"What's wrong?" she said, noting the look


terror on our faces.

"There's been a murder."

"What? " bellowed the principal, "I'l l punish whoever is pulling this sort of prank. We don't put up

with pranks here."

"Slow down and one person tell me what happened." said Ms. Chang.

So I did. We brought them up to the library to look and they were horrified, though I thought Ms.

Chang looked calmer than she should have been.

"Call the police immediately " bellowed the principaL "And all

of you

he said to us, "get to class,

you may be questioned later."

Mrs. Chang herded us up to class and we sat down talking


our seats in a state of confusion. I went

over to Eddie and said "How did you find her?"

"Huh?" he replied.

"How did you find Lisa? I thought you were going to get water."



urn, okay," he said, breaking down, "I was spying on her. I wanted to know what she was

up to this time. She cheated on the last test you know."

That explained part


the mystery, but there was still more to it. So J sat down next to Sunny and

asked if I could see her pocket knife.

"Sure" she told me, "Hey, wait a minute. How did you know I had a pocket knife? Only my dad


I'm psychic, take a guess Sunny," I rolled


eyes, some people "Anyways, can J see it?"

"Sure", she repeated fishing it out


her pocket and handing it over to me.

It was clean as new. I was still suspicious, but then I remembered something that made me realize my


"Never mind," I told her. "Sorry to bother you." I said.

Then I walked over to Ms. Chang.

"Are you all right?" I asked her with a note of

concern in my voice.

"Yes," she said,


just been a bit of a tough experience for



"Oh," I said, "Where are your glasses?"

"My glasses? I lost them by accident. Can you believe it? I sit down to have a nice lunch in the

teacher's lounge and look what happens. What a day "

The police did come and they searched the room and us for any other evidence.

Eddie was pulled out because he was the first witness and so was Sunny, for her pocket knife. When

they searched Ms. Chang's drawer they found a small knife there and a broken pair of glasses with

wire on them as well.

"What's this


asked the Police Lieutenant.

"Oh that," Ms. Chang answered.


a pencil sharpener. A Chinese thing. Those must be my other



glasses. I lost my newer ones."

That was when it all added up. I stepped forward and said in a clear, loud voice.

"I think I know who dunnit."

They looked


me for a while, taking my measure and then replied, "Go on." So I did.

"Well, it wasn't Eddie, because he didn't have anything to kill her with and besides, he came too late

after her, to actually kill, her. Lisa had a short fuse. We also know it wasn't Sunny since it would have

taken her forever to clean her knife of all the traces of blood and her windbreaker was white so blood

would have easily gotten on it. Not only that, but, she's left handed and Lisa had bruises with

fingerprints on her left side, so the person must have used their right hand to hold the knife and use it.

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So it couldn't e her . M


Chang is the one."

All the while I was talking M


Chang had been inching towards the door. The police saw her in time

though, and


oug ht her back.

"Wait a minute," said the police officer, "how do you know i['s her


"Well," I said, For one thing she doen't have new glasses, and for another she doesn ' t u



pencils. She only has mechanical ones. She also said that she was just sitting down in the teacher


lounge to eat her lunch, but we didn't see her bring one. Not only that we saw her coming out of



bathroom and then straight into the office through the teacher 's lounge. She al so arrived in the middle


the semester saying that she was taking Ms. Fioran


place and that Ms. Fioran was going on

vacation to Europe. Why would Ms. Fioran go to Europe for the whole entire year and leave all h


stuff here? Including her purse which probably has all her credit cards, money, 1.0., and driver's

license, I think she


the psychotic killer


been looking for."

"Good work, kid ." the Lieutenant told me, with a respectful glance . "We'll make a police officer out of

you yet."


saluted me and they struggled to get Ms. Chang out of the class.

"You I'll get all of you back for thi


just watch Ha, ha, ha   I'm not crazy? See? I'm just

misunderstood sometimes. Just misunderstood. Besides, that little pri ssy, stuck up, know it all girl,

deserved what was coming to her. Someone would have done her in anyways. I


spared them the

time to


it. I was smart too you know Smarter than any ofyou'U ever be. Ha " Then she broke

down in hysterics and started to giggle insanely. They escorted her out of the room. I hope they lock

her up tighter this time. M


Fioran was found alive in M


Chang's apartment. Since then, the school

has tried to keep it quiet about the murder. although much of the sc hool already knows. Now you

know it too, remember kids. there is a lesson to


learned from all this. Watch out for those subs



teachers. They'll take anybody nowadays



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Out of This World








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Battle for the Castle



Mrs. Green, Grade 6

One day I was walking down the street with my glove and baseball bat, when I heard a noise in

the woods on my right side . I saw a giant time machine. When I stepped inside


J found out it was

abandoned. After that I stepped in the cockpit and the thing staned to move and bang

The first thing I saw was a horse and knight. At that point, I screamed for all my life Ah After

that stepped outside and ran. But at that point I found myself lost. Then the sky looked as


a sea


black water l ew over a piece of land. Also, at that point, I saw a huge castle.


I was approaching. I

saw a moat filled with blood


sharks and vicious barracudas. Then boom


draw bridge fell. Then two knights dragged me to their dungeon and chained


up. I saw

a whole bunch of people in there. The dungeon had dead rats and a really, really, bad odor. The floor

was very moist. The room was as dark as night.


the morning a knight splashed a bucket


cold water on me and said get up and leave right

now, to see the king. Well , at that point, the knight took me to the king' s throne. The king said, Who

are you and what are you doing here? "I am David Unutic. I


trying to leave thi s time."


en the king said, You may leave now." Then I ran to the time machine and set the right

coordinates on the computer. Zap I was back in my own time and loving it.


conclusion, this was a weird adventure. But it is a little piece of the Middle Ages. To me, the

Middle Ages was a time


ruthJess killing and a fight over land. Also, a big fight



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My World



Mrs. Krane, Grade 8

f I had to make a world of my own,




unique, having its own


and style.


time is 3020, the year of reinvention.


people are different,


different from now

They have only 4 fingers, big heads. and are naked.


only thing is they



o y

parts. Onl

on their heads, they have big head


they have big eyes, little noses and mouths. They have no hair

and their ears are little antennas.


are well mannered civilized people that

don t

steal, fight ,




have work as

high-tech people in plants and laboratories all day . They do not worship anything. They live in very

complex homes


mechanical robots that do everything for them. Their transportation modes are

flying cars that move through the sky


do not live on land. They live in the sky (a blue colored sky).


houses float and the

cars fly .


have very low gravity which enables them to stay in the air. They


no seasons. I

is always the sane not hot but breezy. also they have no time span.


never changes (time that is).

They have no clocks and can t tell time.

They have no rock fonnation s but they have cloud fonnations which count the same as


s. They

do not eat or drink food. They only take one vitamin a day which counts as their

food source. Also. they never have to put gas in their car. They run on electricity from their own s


which is the color purple.


children go to school but only until they reach a certain level of





not have ages, they are all the same, but do not die.



can t

have heights either.

They are all the same height 5'8 . The are all the same weight, 115.


they are not this way they are



put in a laboratory as a rat. They are only allowed one child because they are allowed a

certain population.


they are overcrowded, some are chosen and sent to Nematode Island. That is

where they keep people who are not wanted.

As you can see this is a perfect society with strict rules you must abide by. If you don '



suffer the consequences.


would be nice to live in a society which


s rules and boundaries, but I

guess we

can t

so, until science goes a liule bit further, we must live here and keep on dreaming.

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Mrs. Krane, Grade 8

This object seems to have come from a jungle or a forest. It was carved y a native



region and was used as a weapon. Particularly an arrow. It was used for hunting. fishing. and

fighting other animals. t can e attached to a long



of wood.

This tool can


used for

carving into



skinning a dead animal.

Or could

t be

the egg of a dinosaur over one·thousand years old? It is a strange object It is a


brown color that looks like brown paper. But what is


Should we study this object?

Technology today probably can figure out just what this unusual object and the age origin.

But do we want to find out what


is? Could this have come from another planet, shot out into

space to land on Earth


creatures beyond our comprehension? How

w ll



able to tell? Might

we never answer all of these questions ?

So, thi s object could e anything. But I believe that


is an ancient tool used by the natives


the region from which it came.


Betty Forte

Mrs. Krane, Grade 8

t was a Saturday night and the girls and Jdecided to go to the movies.

We all were there but Daisy. We sat and waited for her outside. But we finally

decided she was not coming.

After the movies we went to her house to see what had happened. When

we got there, her house was dark. I thought she might have gone to her

boyfriend's house because they were having problems and she had told me the

day before yesterday she wanted to talk to him


she would end the



we decided to go to his house.

We walked to his house which wasn' t too far from hers. When we arrived at her boyfriend's

hou se, we saw some light. And we knocked on the door. His friend Jamie who loves Daisy (and

would do almost anything


go out with her) opened the door and invited us in.

Everything seemed so peaceful, a little bit too peaceful. So I asked him where is Daisy and



Marcos parents and he just gave us a mixed expression. Which was on his face since we

got there. We all got curious and we started to roam around the house but when we got back together

Brenda looked sick .

She told us


look in the bedroom so we went upstairs and there was Daisy and Marcos dead,

Marcos holding the gun.


started to imagine what could have happened and I told Brenda that

Marcos doesn' t even know how to load a gun and he has very bad aiming.

We all looked at Jamie and asked him what had happened and Jamie told us that they started to

argue Marcos got the gun and shot her right in the forehead while she was kicking and screaming and

then he shot himself.

But Brenda frustrated answered him by telling him Marcos parents never had a gun, Marcos

didn t

know how to load a gun and he was a bad aim. After what seemed like hours of nagging


finally confessed that he could not stand the fact that he d always wanted Daisy and that she and

Marcos had solved their problems. He also told us how he wanted Daisy for him and only him.









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Non-Existing Love

Janessy Pazos

Mrs. Krane, Grade 8

Love has been pretty non-existing for the past year


my life.

Although, J did experience the pain of heartbreak a little before.


felt as if

nothing else


my life had any meaning.


wanted to spend all my days with

him. Nothing made me see any different. How


loved him.


only he loved

me back.


had revealed to him that




love with him


nly to feel stupid. He told me he didn't love

me. That he just liked me.


felt like my world had ended. How could he say that?

Although, he still liked me, things were different. He didn't call as much, and expected me to sacrifice

precious things for him.

Even though


would've done it,


still felt cheated.

I confronted him one day. I went to his house and I told I felt like he didn't care. We got into a

great big fight. He ran out


the house and got hit by a car and died.

There it goes . .love hurts. Even hate.


told him how


felt. He got killed. Figures, huh? Yeah,

only to me.

The Continuation of

The Birthmark



Mrs. Krane, Grade 8

Alymer stood there in the illuminated room. He stared at the lifeless body of his poor wife. He

took his late wife's hand and knelt next to her. He began to feel his eyes become humid. He started to

cry on his wife's hand. He said, My dearest Georgianna, forgive me.


you can hear me from your

heavenly home, please forgive me.


shouldn't have let the birthmark upon your face disturb me. My

hate towards the mark resuhed


your death. I should have looked at your inner beauty. All I can say

is I m sorry.

He cried at her side for hours. He couldn't accept that his Georgianna was no longer with him.

His feeling


sadness began to tum into rage. His soul was darkened with anger. Anger that he felt

towards himself. He stood up and started destroying the laboratory. He smashed the glass tubes and

cylinders against the walls. He continued until there was no longer a piece


laboratory equipment


his sight. He suddenly realized that he would have to face the justice


the law.


decided to tum

himself in.

Two days had passed. Those days seemed like an eternity for Alymer from the darkness of his

jail cell. Alymer waited patiently for the date


his trial. He felt he had done the right thing for turning

himself into the law. I must be punished for the death of my late Georgianna, he said.

At last, the day


his trial had arrived. The trial lasted for two hours . At the end


the trial,

Alymer was sentenced to fifteen years


prison. Alymer said, Justice has been served.

The seasons carne and went. Time drifted away slowl


Finally, Alymer's sentence expired.

He stepped into the real world and once again felt the caressing


the wind and sound of birds

chirping. He was at last back in society.

A year passed. He met a beautiful woman named Angela. They were engaged to



Coincidentally, Angela had a similar binhmark to Alymer's late Georgianna. Yet, Alymer and Angela

were engaged to be married.

The night before the wedding, A]ymer wrote in his diary:

Tomorrow, I will marry the woman who will become my new wife. Her face holds the

resemblance o my late Georgianna.


will not let the image


her birthmark torment our marriage.




her with all my soul. Even though she may not seem perfect to other people, she is perfect to


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How the Cheetah Got His Spots

Kelly Alvarez

Mrs. Perkins, Grade 7

One day the king of the jungle, the lion, told all the animals that a volcano was about to erupt.

The lion (old all the animals in his kingdom to spread the word. He told all the birds to tell each other

the snakes to tell each other, eet. When the king told the cheetah to tell all the other cheetahs, he

decided to save himself. The cheetah decided to disobey the lion and save himself. The cheetah went

home, packed all his belongings and went as far away as possible.

The following day when the wild woke up, they found themselves in a deserted jungle. They

dido ( panic, but they were afraid. When they started for the river, the ground began to shake. The

volcano began to erupt. When the animals saw the lava,


was too late 0 run. The Java washed them

away, and killed them all.

After three days the lava was washed away by water. All the animals, including the

cheetah,came back. The king noticed that the cheetah was not in a group. The king called him up and

asked for his group. The cheetah confessed that he didn t warn the others about the eruption.

After the confession the lion thought for a while. He realized that one of his people disobeyed

his orders. The king decided that the cheetah must be punished. The king warned the cheetah to Slay i

the jungle,


he would come after him himself.

The cheetah was frightened and did as he was told. The lion thought for days. After about a

week and a half, the king finally came up with the perfect punishment. Everyone in the jungle knew

that t e cheetah hated all kinds


spots. The lion decided that he was going


give the cheetah's body

spots. The cheetah received is punishment. When the cheetah saw himself he went in his house for

about two years. After about two years, he came out and asked for forgiveness.

The moral o his story is never lie because you can get caught So try your best to help others

The Little

Gray Planet



Mrs. Krane, Grade 8

The little Gray Planet is a planet in the Little Gray Galaxy . It is the home world


the Little

Gray People. The grass isn't green and the sky

isn t

blue. Water on this planet isn t clear and there ar

no men


women, no one is black and no one is white. Their world is nothing like ours and


is muc

more beautiful than earth.

I love this planet dearly with all my heart. Its grass is red and the sky is gray, the water is

purple and the people are so beautiful that they are indescribable. Their planet is bigger than ours and

their sun


a white dwarf star. These aliens

don t



mate because they live forever, and they

have gained world peace and own half of their galaxy. They learned to use 99 of their brain and tha

is how they get their gray color.

The planet is surrounded by four moons that are all light blue and the moons are also inhabited

by the aliens. Animals on this planet are all different from ours and there are no endangered species.

There is one animal which is an ideal house pet. But, it is quite different from a dog: it can talk, and


can walk on two legs, it is the most beautiful animal I have ever seen. It is called a shape-shifter

because it can change its form into any animal it wants, but its natural state is a liquid.

Aliens on the Little Gray Planet don t communicate verbally but speak telepathically, and they

have existed with this way


communicat ion for over a billion years. The Gray people don t walk

because their gravitational pull is less than ours. They float approximately six inches above the groun

These aliens believe that we are their brothers that were sent out into space one million years ago, and

inhabited the planet earth and evolved Earth and evolved into human form.

This is the Little Gray Planet that I visited, the Gray people are the most generous and caring

people alien


not that I have ever met. They have impressed


with their intelligence which far

surpasses that of the planet Earth. I hope that someday the planet eanh will change its actions, and

become like those little gray people. This is all I know about this little gray planet and I hope you have

learned something about



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Spanish is


to Me

1st Place Winning Entry

County wide Hispanic Heritage Contest

Christine Chang

Mrs. Krane, Grade 8

Language is important to every culture. We all have our own uniqueness, our own heritage,

and our own traditions and origins. Every country takes pride in all this, and we work to keep our

culture alive. Language is the heart


it Without language, we would all be unable to communicate

and share feelings, ideas, and concepts. These are all essential reasons why we should undertake

learning other languages. By doing this we will help to enrich their culture as well as our own.

Spanish is by far one of the most prominent languages in the world.

The most obvious reason of all for learning Spanish is,


course, how widespread and

universally used it is. Many countries around the world speak Spanish as a standard language. If you

simply unroll a map you will spot numerous countries that speak Spanish as an everyday part of their

lives, just as most of us speak English here in the United States. Miami has figuratively become a

stepping-stone to South America. Many of the countries we deal with here in Miami speak Spanish and

we have become an international trade center due to our location. f you plan on entering the business

world, Spanish is practically a must and will make you a professional. If people here learn Spanish

just think of all the possibilities. We would be able to travel, experience new lands, unique new foods,

arts, crafts, knowledge, and like in depth. Also, when traveling you are making yourself aware



world and the great diversity of our culture.

Another favorable point in learning Spanish is the advancement of knowledge. Knowledge is

important to everyone. We all wish to know more, to be more intelligent. Learning Spanish is helpful

to you anyway, whether it is for school, a business,


just for the fun of learning and conversing with

someone in a different language. It is also easy to learn. In fact, Spanish is said to be the easiest

language to learn. Besides, no matter where we are from we all like to express ourselves in some way.

Learning a new languages, and especially Spanish, will let you express yourself better with other

people of other nations instead of trying to force them to understand your language. With another

language, you will be able to spread your feelings and ideas throughout the world, instead of just

being confined to the few countries that speak your language. By far the most important reward you ll

get is that when you accomplish speaking

Spanish fluently and correctly, you ll be able to gain self

confidence and pride in what you can learn. Also, in doing this you ll discover that to a strong, curious

mind, the stars are the limit to what you can do.

The best benefit is the pure enjoyment and the friends you will make in learning Spanish. Have

you ever secretly talked to your best friend in a secret language and found out how much fun it was

that only you two could understand each other? It is the same with Spanish, but even more amusing.

You can travel without trouble and be able to do whatever and go where ever you want without the



a tour guide.


you like you can even just go out into the streets and converse with a Spanish

neighbor. In learning Spanish you are giving yourself more opportunities and no matter what you

decide to do with your knowledge of Spanish, I m positive it will be memorable.

For these reasons, I think that you have surmised how much


an advantage Spanish can be.

We live in Miami, Florida after all, and in Miami if you don t know how to speak at least some

Spanish, you re missing out on quite a bit. An enormous part of Miami s history has to do with the

Spanish language. Although we, in Miami, have all sorts


different race, colors, and tastes, there is a

majority of Spanish people and it is the Spanish-speaking community that has largely helped Miami

become what it is today. Learning Spanish may show our appreciation. Besides, while we are being

educated in our own heritage, why not take pleasure and delight in the diversity of others heritage? t

can only do us good. Spanish is a great language, and many other people, if not all, relish learning and

speaking it. I have absolutely no doubt that you will enjoy it, just as millions have before.

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The Deadly rt

Jennifer Gonzalez

Mrs. Krane Grade 8

It was a bright and sunny day, not the kind of day for a murder. Paul Samson was laying face

down on the ground. Laying next to him was James Tobin with a bullet in his arm. Joan Samson

opened the door to her husband's art gallery and screamed.


was a mess and in the middle of the

ground lay her husband shot twice and bleeding to death.

Joan checked for a pulse and tried CPR. It was no use, she looked over at James who was

now regaining consciousness and trying to stand up. She began to be filled with anger an yelled at him

repeatedly "This is all your fault " and "You killed my husband."

After the police came and took James to the hospital and the body away. Joan was questioned

by Detective Sipowtz. He had a good 2 years in the force. You could tell from the well-earned

wrinkles. As Joan walked into his office he set a tape recorder on his desk.


truly sorry about her husband's death Mrs. Samson," he said with sincerity.

"Thank you, but I


exactly know why you want to question Ruby and me. It ' s obvious James

Tobin killed my husband," she said boldly.

Why do you say that, Mrs. Samson? Do you know something the rest of us don't?" he said, full



"Yes, Detective Sipowtz. I know quite a few things." she said vigorously.

Over the next few hours she explained to him why she thought it was clear that James

murdered her husband.

Paul Samson owned an art gallery on Maple Ave. He was happily married to Joan for

years. James Tobin was an artist who was engaged to a woman named Ruby. James' art was


display on Paul's gallery. They formed a partnership, a bond. Although, lately James' art wasn't

selling so good. Money was low and James was away in a bad mood. James had a horrible temper.

When he got mad he just could not control himself.

"Is that all?" he asked.

"Well, ... no, no there's nothing else." she said quietly.

"Is there something you're not telling me? " he asked slowly.

"No, okay there 's nothing else " she said sternly.

After they finished he decided to interview someone close to James. Ruby. When they started

the interview he noticed she was nervous, stalling, and covering for her fiancee. Finally she broke

down and told the truth.


all my fault," she cried


it weren't for me Paul would still be here telling some corny joke. You

see it's hard trying to make it was an artist in another artist's shadow. Paul said my art was good and I

had a chance. He was the only person who believed in me and now look what has happened." she said

trying to control herself.

How did James find out?" Sipowtz asked.

"Paul wrote me a letter and James caught me reading it and snatched it away. The sad thing is I never

got to read the letter and Paul and I never got to talk about what happened. James has such a bad

temper. Paul was just such a great guy." she answered.

After talking more with Ruby he knew exactly what happened.

James had called a meeting with Paul to discuss their financial problems. In that meeting they

had started a heated argument with Paul to discuss their financial problems. In that meeting they started

a heated argument about everything including Ruby. When James pulled out a gun he had for

protection. He shot Paul. Then he tried to make it look like a struggle by shooting himself in the arm.





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Cary s Envy

Janessy Pazos

Mrs. Krane, Grade 8

Cary awoke. She was tired, yet very excited. She felt as if she was going to have a great

day."Kill kill kill ", is what she thought. She was hungry. She had a craving. She had an urge. The

taking of someone' s life for Cary was like opening a new gift for a child.

She put on her clothes. She kept it simple. A black tank-top and a black ankle length skirt was

what she wore. Her burning black hair, and piercing blue eyes were just some


her beautiful traits.

Cary hated her neighbor. She hated Elmer with a passion. Elmer was only


years old, yet he

was a smart, responsible person. Cary was not. She envied that.

It had just turned 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Cary was ready.

Elmer's parents weren't home. But Elmer was. Cary walked over to

Elmer's bathroom window and slowly crawled in. Cary walked into

Elmer's room to find him peacefully sleeping. Cary grabbed a shovel

from the utility room and carefully raised it above Elmer. Cary

smashed the shovel, into Elmer's face. Elmer crying and screaming

jumped out of bed. Cary chased Elmer into the garage, where Cary

grabbed the chain saw. Elmer was cornered. Cary was excited.

Elmer's head was not only hacked off, but it was put in the blender.

Neighbors had heard screaming so cops were on their way. Cary had

to make a run for it. Why did Cary do it? No one really found out. A

love letter written to Elmer from Cary, explaining how much she

loved him was left behind. Yet towards the end read the line: you are


whole, and when I m gone I will not be the only one". Cary was

found dead two days later, all because of a self-inflicted gun-shot to

the head. Or was it the little gray people from the little gray planet?

Who knows?



Gary Dalisay,

Yurack Garcia

Tyson Rodriguez, Danny Ledo

Mrs. Krane, Grade 8

As Dyan sat in her office, she was wondering about her lost glasses. Maybe she left them

hanging on her shirt and they fell off. But now as she sits in her office looking around and sees this

commercial about these special folding glasses. Like this (she thinks) I could put it on my pocket and


won t

get lost. Then she just kept on thinking about the prize, and where she could find them.

Until she finally decides to buy the glasses. The next day she finally goes to this store where these

folding glasses were. They cost $100, what a rip off. She talks to this guy about them. They re too

expensive. She pulls out her ray gun and melts the guy's liver. He decides to give her a pair. She

walks out with her new glasses feeling very proud.

After she walks out


the store with her new pair


glasses, a man comes up to her. He asks

where she got these glasses from. She says, "The planet Zargo." The guy looked at her funny, and she

melted his liver too. Now, everybody around her realize she's different and call the Ghost Busters.

All of a sudden this huge marshmallow comes running down the street Willard

Everyone screams. They run, panicking into each other looking for some food for him. He's going to

eat us someone screams. Soon the streets are empty and Willard begins to eat more people.

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The Monsters That Science and Technology Have




and Cloning

D mita Levy

Mrs. Krane, Grade 8

Mary Shelley's Frankenstein,


Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, the infamous mutants


movie and magic. These are what we usually think of when we hear the term

llliiiilaii l

genetic engineering, or the manipulation of Dioxyribonucleic Acid or DNA. These

are the monsters that science and technology have created?


its not science and technology, but rather fantasy and movie fiction. Have we as humans gone too

far? Are we playing God, and going against mother nature? There are a set


codes, blue prints, laid

down through time that prevent a peach from becoming a pear, but humans have broken that code.

They can now change it and actually create new forms of life. Are we on the verge of making the same

mistake Dr. Frankenstein, Dr. Jekyll, and those mad scientists have made?


have already seen the

answer. So when will the alterations and changes end?

Genetic engineering is defined as the method of changing the inherited characteristics of an

organism in a predetermined way by altering its genetic material involving the manipulation



When one can master the very substance that makes up life one can do anything. The Bible speaks



supreme being, God, who created the Earth in seven days. Scientists can create a civilization





little under thirty minutes. Humans have mastered many skills but we ARE pushing it

There are some things that should not be tampered with. Many religious fanatics and scientists alike

agree that creation MUST be slowed, or it will indefinitely lead to the extinction of the human race.

How? A "point dexter" working for a government office creates a super plague that can wipe out every

living organism in the world. He or she goes to grab a coke and knocks over the petridish. Instant


But genetic engineering is not all bad. In fact there are many branches

of the science that help

humans and animals alike. Take for instance cloning. Many say that it


"unrighteous in the face of the

Lord", but I see room for improvement, as long


we do not go too far with the art. Around the world

news has traveled that Dolly, the sheep, has been cloned using science. Now this


a major break

through. With cloning and genetic manipulation cows are being produced that can supply ten times

more milk than before. So, for now there are only moral, and not scientific problems with this

particular branch


genetic engineering. We humans are feisty creatures and you can bet in time

something will go wrong.

DNA tells the ceUCs that make up all living creatures when


reproduce and what

specifications to reproduce under. This is how it happens.


are made up


billions and billions


tiny cells that all know their job thanks to DNA. When you can change the plaqs like you would to a

building or model car the end result may not be the same


was preplanned. t


humans are

always trying to answer those age old questions, "Where did we come from, and why are we here?

Which usually leads to even more questions. We draw steps closer to solving the most complex

puzzle: Life. But what will happen when we solve it and nothing is left? Will we revert back to


primitive existence and start all over again? Questions, questions, questions. Will we ever find the

answer? Maybe ........ not.

Well if horrors and problems don't scare you, how does the sound of one-hundred million of

your tax dollars flushing down the drain sound. That's right one-hundred million of your tax money

is spent on giving spiders extra legs and two heads. So the monsters of science and technology are not

only abominations and deadly, but are also costly If that doesn 't scare you, you don't pay taxes.

Steven Spielberg's award winning motion picture "Jurassic Park" brought some interesting

questions to the minds


viewers. He based the movie on Michael Chrichton's best selling novel

about scientists that bring back sixty-five million year old dinosaurs and put them in a fantasy theme

park. Then the dinosaurs break loose and wreak havoc on the place. The point is, we are introducing

into an already unstable world things that DON'T belong. And then they end up rampaging and

destroying their habitat. How long it will be before extinction reigns. When will we stop? When will

the monsters that sciences and technology create find their place? Well t ~ y already have: On Earth.

They are in your homes now. You don't believe me? Take a look in the mirror.

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Learning from the Holocaust

Nisha upta

Mrs.Krane, Grade 8

We have to finish reading that stupid book about the Holocaust by tomorrow " Jenny sounded



she walked out


her English class with her two best friends, Sarah and Melissa.

"I know I cant believe she' s making us read that book


so boring " Melissa joined in on

Jenny's frustration.

"This really stinks " Jenny exclaimed. Sarah, however, remained quiet. She personally loved

the Holocaust unit they were doing, and enjoyed the book Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl. Of

course, She thought the Holocaust was a horrible event. She couldn't believe something so terrifying

had ever happened. But she knew it did. And that's why she swore to herself she wouldn't let

something like the Holocaust happen again while she was living. She didn't know why her two

friends didn 't take the Holocaust seriously.

"So who are you inviting to your party,


The two girl 's chatter had moved on to 'more

important' subjects, like the big party Jenny was throwing that weekend.

"Lisa, Kevin, Michael, Samantha .." The list seemed endless.

"How come you're not inviting Justin or Mae?" Sarah finally said something.

"Oh come on, Sarah You know I don't invite blacks to my house Ugh " Was Jenny's crude


"Yeah. You know her mom would kill her " Melissa always had to add something.

Sarah didn't understand this. Didn't you guys learn anything from the Holocaust unit? " She

noticed the looks of bewilderment she received. "You're discriminating against blacks, like Hitler did

with the Jews


already put blacks through slavery and segregation--we don't need a second

Holocaust Millions

of people, people just like us-died because of discrimination Don't you see the

lesson there is


learn from this horrible event "

"Sarah, what's gotten into you? " Jen was shocked.

"And what are you talking about ? " Melissa was speaking this time.

"During the Holocaust, Adolf Hitler led a group called the Nazi Party. He believed, and got

others to believe, that Germans were the "master race". He started ruling the world, and anybody who

wasn't German was to be executed. He killed people just because

of their race " Sarah was glad that

her friends were listening to her. Maybe she would get something through their heads. "Hitler made

the Jewish wear bright yellow stars on their clothing so they distinguished from the rest. They were

segregated. They had to use different stores, schools, restaurants, and bathrooms than the Aryan

people used.

Thi Tews

were treated like dirt "

"Soon enough, Hitler said that all Jewish people should be killed. Those who were lucky went

into hiding-like Anne Frank, the girl from the book we're reading.

Others were captured, killed, or sent to concentration camps. The ones at the camps were just waiting

until the day they were to go to the gas chambers and die. The Jews' lives were made miserable, and

for no logical reason Hitler's prejudiced acts were responsible for the death


millions of people "

Sarah waited a moment for her 'lecture' to sink in.

"And now you're saying you're not going to invite people of others races to your party How

would that make you feel ?


not like they can help what race they are. And anyway, what's wrong

with blacks? They're jus t as good as you are--some are probably even better I thought my friends

we're learning about the Holocaust "

Sarah caught her breath in the awkward silence that followed .

You know, Jen; Sarah has a very good point. We shouldn't be prejudiced. Look what

happened when Hitler was like that. Jen .


.. ," she paused to see Jenny hurriedly walking away.

"Jen, where are you going?"She called out

To rewrite my invitation list " Jenny called back.Sarah couldn't get the smile off her face. It

looked like her friends,had finally learned a lesson. One that they were going to live by. *

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Harriet Ross Tubman

Freedom Fighter

Jesus Lobo

Miss Pullum, Grade 7

Harriet Ross Tubman was born on 1820, in Maryland. She is an African American

underground railroad conductor who freed over 300 slaves. Two things that she did in her lifetime

were free the slaves and get respect from the people. One interesting fact about Harriet Tubman is

when she got hit over the head and until the day she died she suffered from black outs. Another

interesting fact about Harriet Tubman is she had to make


trips to save most of the slaves. All


happenings, good and bad, in Harriet Tubman s life have contributed to her source


creativity and

ambition to succeed. She died on 1913, leaving behind a wonderful memory of freedom to the world.

How Can Learning About Black History

Help People Of All Races Get Along



Mrs. Krane, Grade 8

How can learning about Black History help people of


races get along? That is what a lot of

people ask themselves and others well, there are quite a few answers to that particular question.

One answer to that question is that, once they learn that most of the invention that are

commonly found in homes, were invented by African-Americans, maybe they will appreciate African

Americans, more than they already do. Most inventions that people claim they could not do without

were invented by African-Americans. People


other races, now, do not understand that fact, once

they gain that knowledge that African-Americans invented some of the most commonly used

inventions, then maybe they will greatly appreciate the work and achievement of African-Americans.

That s how learning about black History, help people of all races get along.

Another way that learning about Black History, help people of other races get along, is that

they can learn about slavery and segregation. Then they can see the long journey we have traveled

from all of that emotional and physical pain caused by slavery and segregation.

They can also learn about the people who stood up for African-American rights. f t wasn t

for some


those great leaders such as Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks, etc., Blacks probably

wouldn t be free today. t all started with the African-American movement. If they wouldn t have

stood up for Afro-Americans and help make them free, Hispanics, and other races wouldn t have had

the courage to stand up for themselves. They saw what we did and accomplished through our

movements that they started their own. So other races should


grateful towards African-Americans

and what their ancestors accomplished for their freedom.

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Indian Fairy Tale




Chang, D'mita Levy

Nicole Rivera, Ashley Stack

Mrs. Krane, Grade 8

It was a beautiful day in India.


sisters, Ryka and Inga, were having breakfast together.




wish I had a baby " Ryka exclaimed.

Inga looked at her with a baffled expression.

"Why? Babies are just trouble " she said.


why did you have one?" Ryka asked.

"Because, at the end, I felt


like you did." Inga explained, then added, "And I 'm ready for

the adventure."

They both shared a laugh and finished their breakfast.

"Talking about adventure,


the baby?" Ryka asked, looking around. The baby was

nowhere in sight They searched the house ten times over and found nothing of little Yoda. They even

looked under Babar (the elephant's) feet.

"Oh, no Where is my Yoda, Yoda " said Inga.


should use the

power of our

shorts," said Ryka. It will help us locate


And so they


They combined their shorts' power and called upon the spirit


the great


Hilfiger and

found him in China practicing


a piece of a 2x4 plywood overhanging a clif f with




dear Lord " exclaimed Ala.


you see what he's doing? He has no bungie rope He

could have fall and break his skull, just like Barbara Gordon in Gotham "




is a Jedi, he must learn to control the force " cried Luke.

"What Let go of my baby you insane lunatic " yelled Inga.

"With that, she pushed Luke over the side and ran to catch her baby. But, unfortunately for

her, a big airplane carrying an atomic


from the U.S. was flying by, and he landed in the place

because they had their window open because the air conditioning wasn't working. Clinton and Sadam

were the pilots and

had just

stopped by McDonald's on their way to blow up Russia.

"Needs salt," said Clinton and he went to get the salt.

"No It needs ketchup," replied Sadam and he ran to get the ketchup.

Baby Yoda


himself over to the bag of McDonald's and strapped it to his parachute he would use to make his





a double-looper with the plane and


into the anns oflnga and (whoever

Ala is).


exclaimed Inga, hugging the baby tight. Then she sniffed the baby.


you smell

like McDonald's."



was all the way


the other side


the cliff watching Clinton and



go down in smoke, got up and said, "Did somebody say McDonald's?"






that fool Clinton


share his salt-less fries.


go get





sisters replied in unison and they started down the path. But wait Something

is in their way Why,


a great, big, cheeseburger

"Stop " cried the cheeseburger. "You may go no further. You humans have feasted on us for

too long. I am hungry now and it is my tum to eat you "



1 can help i t " cried the baby.

He jumped



Inga's anns

and started doing the


"Hey "

exclaimed Ala. 1 knew that baby looked familiar."

"Hey baby " said the giant cheeseburger. "You got some skills. How about you quit with

Blockbuster and start doing commercials for McDonald's?"

"Hey, I'd like that " But Blockbuster gives me free movie rentals. New releases, too " baby

Yoda exclaimed.


cheeseburger seemed deep in thought.

"Well, you could


just like the Taco Bell Chihuahua " said the cheeseburger with a glimmer

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in his eyes.

"Then, sure, why not?" said baby Yoda. I really admire the Taco Bell Chihuahua, and then I

could hang out with Godzilla " baby Yoda was clearly excited.

So, as baby Yoda, the cheeseburger, Ryka, Inga, and Ala (?) walked to his new McDonald's

location, baby

Yoda asked, "So, cheeseburger,


your name?"

Oh, I'm Francisco. And I'm not a cheeseburger, I'm a Big Mac, phenomenally. Phenomenal

Big Mac, that's me What is it that makes people drool over me? Is it the roundness


my buns, the

size of my pickle .. "

"Okay, you can shut up now " said baby Y oda.

He ended up working in the Gotham City McDonald's and fell in love with the ghost of Batgirl

(which is a whole other story )



Frank Diaz

Grade 6

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Dear Diary,

Diary Entry Ancient Rome

Mayrene Micheli

Ms. Alfonso, Grade 7

Before I talk to you about my life, let me introduce myself. My name is Matilus. I live


the city of

Rome, the capital of Italy. I have a dad who s a farmer, my mom who s a housewife, and my uncle

who s a merchant (store owner).

First, I am going to tell you about my country, Italy. The cities in Italy usually have a forum, a

Colosseum, aqueduct and a circus maximus. The houses are somewhat different from the ones in the

country called America. Italy s houses all face inward to the courtyard and the garden. There are

small rooms on each


the entrance hall (one


those is where my uncle s store is, but that s another

story). The houses have a kitchen, bathroom, a peristylium and a dining hall. The floor is brightly

colored, and the walls have beautiful painted pictures.

Now I am going to talk to you about Rome s people. You can recognize people by the way they

dress. Women wear tunics which they sometimes cover with a stoIa a toga or belt. Rich women wear

jewelry. The men usually wear a white woolen cloth wrapped around them.


my school the classrooms are very small. Only about eight people fit. The teacher sits in a chair in

the middle. Girls leave school




they can write and count, or they stay at home and are

taught by their mother.

My mother (as I said before) is a housewife. She stays a t home and she does the cooking and

cleaning. Sometimes I help her.

My father is a farmer. His farm has a yard, kitchens , a bakery, cow sheds, baths, triclinum, and a

barn. From that you can tell that we are a wealthy family . The only reason my dad is a farmer is

because he enjoys it.

My uncle owns a food store. Everyday carts bring in vegetables, fruits, wine and meat. Since my dad

is a farmer, he gives my uncle cheese, grapes, olives and grains. The money in Rome are gold pieces.


I ve

heard, in America, money is considered to be paper. Paper with faces and numbers. I really

don t

have anything else to write. I hate


keep you waiting. So good night.



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What Makes Me Laugh Most

Perly Ruiz

Mrs. Krane, Grade 8

Everyone laughs. Some people laugh at some things more than others. What makes me laugh

the most is when I am


my fourth period geometry class with Meghan and Marissa.

Meghan, Marissa, and I sit


the same table. Don't worry, we all do our work But we have

so much fun, especially with Meghan' s weird sense of humor. We spend our time talking, doing our

work, and acting stupid.

A lot of funny things have happened to us in that class. Such as what happened a few weeks

ago. We were doing our work and I asked out loud to myself, "What are complementary angles?"

Meghan said, "Angles that complement each other Oh Angle you are so skinny Oh, no you are

skinnier " Then for some strange reason Marissa and I found this hysterical. For the rest of the day

we couldn't stop laughing.

Another thing that has happened is that there used to be only three people at our table . There

was an empty desk next to Marissa. Well, one day we invented Juan Carlos Diaz Sanchez The XVI

1 6th). He is our new friend. He talks with us and does his work, too. Anyway, today Keaton was

passing out rulers and we said, "You forgot to give one


Carlos " And he put a ruler down for

Carlos e were cracking up.

Some other stuff has happened but I can' t write about

all of

them. There are too many. Some


the things you just have to be there for it to be funny, and some of the stuff is just stupid But that

is what makes me laugh the most.


ora Llera

Mrs. Krane, Grade 8

I had a dream the other night, a very strange dream. Thousands of bits of information merged

into one stream and painted itself


my mind. And I saw Sayia.

Sayia is not as big as Earth, but it is ...splendid. The sky is the most delicate shade of blue,

shot through with green and lilac. Mostly, Sayia is land. The oceans are smaller, and deeper; but the

water is so clear that you can see straight to the bottom. And that is fantastic. Plants of every color of

the rainbow--and a few that got left out--grow with translucent, almost crystalline leaves, mostly

scarlet and emerald and sapphire. There are small creatures, like pearl-colored fish, and larger, gold

ones that look at you from fathoms below with intelligent eyes.

The land of Sayia is as magnificent as the sea. The water breaks on beaches of white-and-gold

sand. The dunes slope away to meet a seemingly endless field


lakes and streams



water. The fields end in mountains that are covered with trees that look like willows with white bark

and dark-green leaved.

Sayia has few inhabitants. Small towns of earthen huts are scattered over the land, with white

roads that look like sand but are somehow more


part of the land. Their hair is pearly white, with



any of the most vivid colors, and full of light. Gravity is sort of .. optional for them. The sun

is pure white, and the moon silver. And there is a sort


secret signing in the wind.

Sayia seems to be beautiful. The people are the land and the water. Someday Earth will be

ready for Sayia.

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Dear Diary,

Diary Entry . Ancient Rome

Lisa D Souza

Ms. Alfonso, Grade 7

Wow, I like writing in this book. This diary was given to me by my parents, a week ago, on my 13th

birthday. This will be my first official diary entry. I have an older sister, and a younger brother. My

name is Leonara.

It s

fun being a Roman. We have many unique rituals and festivals. The only

negative part is that girls are considered less useful than boys are. Boys get to participate in many

things like the army, and have protection of many more laws than girls. Now I will tell you about my

average day as a 13 year old girl.

My siblings and I all go to school. At the crack of dawn my whole family wakes up, and we have

ientaculum, a morning meal; like what you call breakfast.


normally eat prandium (bread) and fruit.

Soon after, we get ready for the day. My mom works at home keeping things clean, and preparing the

meals. My father has a


in business, and earns a lot of money You see, primary school is

mandatory, but after that, older girls can only get an education

if their family earns the above average

income level.

Regarding our clothing: First we wear our under clothes. We wear a strophium, a breast band, like a

bra. We also wear a subligaculumar; a loin cloth. Then we wear a tunic on top. They are usually

made of wool, linen,


silk. They come in various colors including: white, black, purple, red, blue,

green, and yellow. Tunics are gathered at the waist and again below the waist., with an object similar

to a belt.


walk to school where we learn: Greek, Latin, Literature, History, Arithmetic, Geometry, and

Astronomy. We are taught by the granmaticus; what you call a teacher or master. In school we use

wax tablets. These are edged boards with wax inside of them. We also use stylUS a sharp point made

of metal or bone which is used to inscribe in the wax tablets. During school at 12:00, we have a light

meal called aroun. This meal consists


cold meat, fish, bread and vegetables.

After school I do about an hour


homework, and then go to the cui ina (kitchen) and help my mom

finish cooking dinner. Dinner is also known as cena. This starts at 4:00 p.m. The courses continue

into the night. The meal is divided into three main parts. The first is called gustatio, a taster. During

this part of dinner, we have a variety


dishes made from eggs, fish, and vegetables. Oysters and

Snails are also very popular.


also have muslum, a wine mixed with honey. The second part



meal is called primae mensae.


have roast or boiled meats and poultry, usually sausage. The third

and last part


our dinner is called secundae mensae, when we have deserts and fruits.

See you next entry


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. Superman

M . ? ~ ~ n : : ~ ~ a ~ ~ 8


a bird, no


a plane, no it's superman. A legendary super hero who is also mild

mannered news reporter, Clark Kent. Everyone knows who Superman is, but does anyone know what

makes Superman, Superman? Well in the next few paragraphs, people are going to learn his physical

description , his personality, and some personal history.

Most people think that Superman


just flying through the air in pantyhose, but



Superman has many attributes like x-ray vision. Many


people say "Is there padding in his suit?",

but there's not, superman


very muscular. What do you think lets him leap over large buildings in a

single bounce?


very strong and fast.

Well Superman also has a very good personality. Did you really think that he got Lois Lane

because he looks good in glasses? Nope. Who doesn't like a guy who


a super hero and fights evil?

He is also very kind . That's why


hasn't killed Lex Luther yet.

In conclusion, Superman

is an

extraordinary individual. No one knows that Clark Kent is

Superman. Yeah right, like the glasses really make a difference. Well I hope that you enjoy my

information on Superman.

Koomana ~ ~

Faaiza Basit

rs. Krane, Grade 8

Welcome to Koomana That's what my planet is called. It's an interesting planet. All the

people are always in good moods. Except X12Z30. She is a hermit. She lives in a crater on the

deserted and of the planet. X22Z30 and never lets anyone near her hemisphere. Oh, well.Our

hemisphere is better anyway. The people on Koomana are cheerful and never age. Everyone is hatched

at a certain age and dies in exactly

60 years. I've only been thirteen for 2 years. We subhuman-like

people can mold our bodies. That's why everyone is happy. Everyone loves their features.




change them. It's fun. We don't use currency. We just do our share of work and get our share


food. Everyone is assigned to


do it whether we like it or not But everyone loves their jobs.

Life on Koomana is fun and carefree. No sickness, poverty, hatred or wars. There is even a definition


Koomana in Webster 93rd edition dictionary. Koomana- a small planet in the west 77th galaxy

where everyone is happy.

Gobble Gobble Gobble

Lauren Drzewicki

Mrs. Quinones, Grade 7

Gobble Gobble Gobble I hurry to try to run away from them killing me. Gobble Oh no they

almost got me. I know I'll hide in here, I said to myself. As I hurry to catch my breath I think. This

has happened to me at least 3 years in a row, they try to chop me in half. in this essay I'm going to

explain what happened


those 3 years.

1994-It's November again, I think to myself, "This year I'm not going to be the turkey to be cu

up" I said proudly. Suddenly out of no where I see this man trying to chop my head off. I gobble

frantically. Again the man picks up his


and tries to chop my body. Oh no, I think I'm going to be a

turkey dinner. I zigzag one way and then the other way. finally, the man gives up and kills Little Joe,

the youngest and chuckiest turkey


them all. they had a lovely feast that Thanksgiving.

1995- November rolls around. I'm eating breakfast when I remember today is Thanksgiving.

Big Bob and Little Bob are eating next to me.The man walks out with his ax. He walks over to a tree

and pretends to be cutting it down. The first time he lifts the ax,


runs He runs right towards me but

I just slip under his legs. I look up there


the ax. Joe doesn't move. I run this way and that and the

man swings his ax at me in every direction. I

jump in

to the bushes i where Big Joe is hiding. Big Joe

sees the ax and tries to run away but, the man gets him thinking it's me. So, as you can see being a

turkey is not as easy as you think.


a hard


being a turkey.

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Why I Want To Be A Teacher

Jessica Contreras

Mrs. Krane, Grade 8

Being a teacher is very special, as well as a tough job. I want to be a teacher because I love

kids and I want to educate the future.


wanted to be a teacher since the sixth grade, when I was

inspired by my math teacher Ms. Lipcon.

Being a teacher must be a wonderful job. You fill the

students' minds, teach them multiplication facts and

important history dates. Our world will always need

teachers, and I want to be a part of

that. I want to touch a

life. I want to be a mentor, a friend. Teachers remain



child's life forever. They might remember you as a nice

teacher, or a tough teacher, but they know they learned

something and you, the teacher, will know that as well.

Teachers make the doctors that make you well; the

lawyers that defend your rights, as well as Superbowl

athletes. I want to be a teacher that shows kids what life


about. Help them understand that you can do anything you

~ = ~ ~ ~ ~ ; = ; = = = = = = r ~ set your mind to. Teachers have always been special, and

. will continue to be.

I want to give kids the understanding


life; I want to be a part


a child's life. Kids these

days need special attention. Many parents work until very late, and the kids need someone there for

them or they may give up, and tum to trouble. Teachers need to help them, I want to help them, I

want to show them how life really is, and through classes, experiences and time,


day hope to do


It is for these reasons, I want to be a teacher. I feel that I can do this, I feel enough confidence

in myself to go through the years, of others educating me on how to educate others. I thank those who

have been in my life


teachers, and mentors, and to all those who believe I can accomplish my


Middle Ages

Sofia Barufaldi

Ms. Marquez, Grade 6

My baby sitter, as a going away present gave me a medium sized castle. When I got tired of the

castle, I put it in the attic. My baby sitter's name was Sabrina. A magical name, she used to say. In

a couple of days it would be my birthday and a package arrived. I was turning


When I picked up

the package there was a another that said not to be opened until November 7, 1997. November was

the day of my birthday, but today was the fourth


November and there were still four more days

until my birthday.

My birthday finally arrived. My best friend, Yoaritzia, was coming to my

house after school to plan our whole day and then sleep over. When we got

home, I opened all my presents. When I got to Sabrina 's present, which I had

left for last, I took it to my room. When I got to my room, I opened the gift.

Inside were little people on horses and a king with a queen. I went to the attic and

I brought the castle to my room. I noticed that


the castle there were little places

where the little toys Sabrina gave me fit exactly into place. I put them where they belonged. When I

put the last toy into place, I heard horses running by. I looked up and saw a castle. My friend

Yoaritzia was next to me. It smelled like trees, because back then there was no pollution and the air

was clean.


seemed that somehow by putting the pieces together, we went back in time into the

Middle Ages.

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Christina Galindo

Mrs. Green, Grade 6

I love my dog because she 's always there, I love my dog almost everywhere. I

love my dog because she has hair, I love my dog anywhere, I love her because she

always sleep I love her because sometimes she skips to eat, and that's good for me

because I won't have to feed her when asleep. I love my dog because she warms

me up in the morning, and in the night she's also snoring.

I warm her when she is very cold, that's my dog she's cute but very old.



to Tennessee

Christina Galindo

Mrs. Green, Grade 6

One day a boy named Geoffrey and his parents went to the mountains


Tennessee. When

the got there it was a beautiful view, when they got off the plane they headed straight to their hotel

(Howard Jonhson). Then they went to the best attraction in Tennessee, the Smokey Mountains.


was a very beautiful view. When Geoffrey got to the top of the Smokey Mountains, he got little cold

so he asked his mom for his Nike jacket, they started looking around. Geoff wanted too see through

the telescope, so he ran over to where the telescope was and started to look around.

What a pretty view, he said to himself.

Geoff, let's go, his mom said. He didn 't hear her from all the noise of the waterfall beside

him. His dad and mom had left. He didn't see his parents when he got off the telescope. He screamed.

Mom, Dad, where are you? but no answer. So he started to walk around. He went the

opposite way his mom and dad went. Then he went back to the hotel because his mom let him hold the

room key. He was only seven years old. So he got his plane ticket and went to the airport. When he

got to the booth, he gave the ticket to the lady at the counter.

This ticket is not for today, she said and asked him, Where are your parents?

I don't

know, he said. She told him to go look for his parents. So he did just that and went

to go find them. But he did not find them. They had gotten there at 4 o'clock p.m.and it was already

7:00 p.m. Geoff went looking around for his parents when suddenly a bear caught his attention. He

started running and the bear ran after him. He ran out


breath and stopped. Then the bear gave him a

hug. Geoff and the bear started walking together until Geoff slipped and fell under a waterfall. The

bear swung from a tree and into the water he went. Then he started looking for Geoff and found him

underwater. Geoff thanked him and gave him a hug. Next, the bear and Geoff started looking for his

parents again. Then Geoff stepped on a rattlesnake. So the bear, which Geoff named Ted, grabbed the

snake and threw it under the waterfall. Geoff felt really hungry. So he dressed up Ted like an old man

and they ate some dinner. After, they realized three hours passed that they were looking for Geoffs

parents. It was 10:30 pm and Geoff felt kind of tired. So they fell asleep on the Smokey Mountains.

The next morning they woke up and ate breakfast at the same resturant he and his parents had eaten the

day before. Geoff and Ted went back to the hotel where


parents had checked in To


surprise, his parents had frantically been searching for him.

They said, Where have you been?

Looking for you, Geoff said. His mom ran up to him and gave him a big hug.

I missed you, she said. So they spent the whole vacation together with Ted.When Friday

came they took Ted back to New York with them where they lived happily ever after in their backyard.

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Case of


Deadly Crush



Mrs. Krane, Grade 8

Investigator Jones came onto the crime scene looking for clues about who murdered Harris

Burg at the Miami Museum of Science. He went there with the rest of the 8th grade from Miami Lakes

Middle School on a field trip, but when everyone came out, he didn't. The museum janitor came

running out shortly after screaming that he had found a bloody Harris lying in the mouth of one



dinosaurs in the new exhibit. The janitor is now the main suspect


Harris' murder. There are no

other suspects.

This is my first case as a new investigator in the business. I know I shouldn't draw

conclusions now, but I

don t

think the janitor killed Harris. There is no motive. There is no reason

why the janitor would want to kill a boy that was just passing by. It must have been someone else.

And I m setting out to catch the killer.

The first thing I did was examine the crime scene. Harris was lying on his back. The

dinosaur's teeth were jutting out


his body. There was blood all around that area. His legs were

hanging out


its mouth. He must have been pushed off


the second floor railing onto the first floor

dinosaur exhibit.

That inspection didn't clear the jani tor's name, so I decided to view the body up close. I went

to the room they were holding him in before the autopsy started. I took a look at the blood-stained

body. I was trying to see if I had missed any clues. While I was doing this I found some small red

marks on his neck. They looked like blood spots, but I took a snapshot


them anyway.

At my office I reviewed all the facts of the case. I couldn't find any clues that would show the

janitor was innocent. I was about to give up when I found the snapshot I took of the red marks on

Harris' neck. I enlarged the photo and observed it well. Those red marks weren't blood, they were

strangle marks

That was the real break in the case The killer had tried to strangle Harris before pushing him


the second floor railing to his death. After observing the marks a little more, I found out they were

too small to be from the janitor 's fingers It had to be one


the kids from the field trip.

Shortly after, I announced this discovery to the media, the real killer confessed. A young girl,

Marissa Rivera, was obsessed with Harris. On the field trip, when everyone was leaving, she

confessed her love for him. He then told her that he didn't like her at all. She then decided that if she

couldn't have him, no one could. So she waited until everyone left and she surprised him and tried to

strangle him to death, but he was struggling too much, so she got him near the edge of the railing and

pushed him off.

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of the





Mrs . Krane, Grade 8

I m the newest detective in the department, I m still waiting for my fIrst case, when all



sudden, the phone rings .it 's my fIrst case. My job in the case is to fInd the heiress, Jayme Adams, I

also have to find the kidnapper or kidnappers. I arrive at the scene of the crime, the

Adam s


Lots of police and detectives are already there.

So far, the facts are that there was a mysterious phone call, it was around 8 P.M 2 hours

before the kidnapping occured. Jayme's parents were home at the time .. they left at 9 P.M., they went

to a meeting. Two


Jayme's friends were at her house at the time


the kidnapping. They had been

watching movies with her, they say that there was a strange noise upstairs, so Jayme went to check it

out...then they heard a screm, so they ran upstairs to see what was wrong. When they got there, they

saw two men that were dragging Jayme to a truck. They said it was too dark, so they couldn't see

what the men looked like, however, they were able to tell that one of them had a slight limp, other than

that...they saw nothing else that could help.

I m

looking around

Jayme s

room, there is sign of a struggle, some furniture is turned


and there are blood stains on the carpet. The window is open, there are some traces of mud there. I go

outside to check out the premises .. there are truck tracks by Jayme's window. Suddenly, I hear the

phone ring .it 's the kidnapper, he wants a $250,000 ransom for her. The man s voice sounded

muffled as


he was holding something over his mouth to make it unrecognizable. I asked the Adams


they recognized the voice, they said that the way the man spoke was kind of familiar, but that they

couldn 't quite recognize the voice. The Adams want us to keep the ransom a secret from everyone else.

The next day, I go back to the Adamses' mansion .. there is a man there that I hadn t seen last

night, he is the groundskeeper. He still hasn't been infonned


what happened, and he s asking why

there's a whole bunch


police out there so, I tell him. He then goes outside to see what kind of

truck could have made the those tracks. Another guy arrives, he is a friend of the family ... he also

hasn t been infonned of what happened, I notice that the man has a sli hmm oh, well,

I can t really


to a conclusion without .

having any reason to think he might have

had something to do with the kidnapping.

However, I still decide to observe the friend

of the family. The groundskeeper tells him

what happened. The friend of the family

goes ... so, they want a $250,00 ransom for

her.. .? That s when I knew that the friend

was one of the kidnappers.

I asked the police to come in, arrest

him, and also to help me question him. He

then confessed that the groundskeeper

helped him in the kidnapping and that Jayme

was at the groundskeeper's house. Jayme

was found, the perpetrators were arrested,

case closed.

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Scratch Art


Bailyn Shum

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Childhood s End

Christine Chang

Mrs. Krane, Grade 8


the outermost regions


the galaxy, part


a tight cluster of stars, is a greenish

purple rainbow like planet, with the colors imprinted like the glassy swirls


oil on water. Most



planets near it look inhospitable, with little or no distinguishable life forms. There were gray planets,

blue planets, mud-brown planets, and fiery red planets planets surrounding it. As


shuttle light

sped towards the planet,


adjusted our oxygen suits, strapped on our ray-guns, and peered out the

window. We were in luck This planet actually had life forms on it. They were scurrying around,

looking like ants, until


got closer. We saw that these beings were only slightly shorter than an

average person on our planet. As we landed, the Head Commissioner


our ship stepped out and

began to read the right's treaty, to assure the inhabitants


that planet that we meant no harm and came

merely to observe.


now, quite a crowd had gathered around and were piping to each other in high

pitched voices.


had our protection shield up, for regulation policies, just in case the aliens were

hostile. Actually, they didn't really look like aliens, not the green skinned, rain drop eye type everyone

imagines they are. I described them in my mind to review the information I would write in the report to

send to the government about the "people". The ones here were friendly. Their physical appearance, I

noted, was different from ours. They had little holes all over their body, I assumed to let in some kind




perhaps, to keep air circulating because of how hot their planet was. I later, when inquiring

to medical examiners after it, that the holes were actually used to let in more hot air, which they needed

to survive and keep their temperatures constant. They didn 't seem to need water


liquid, because

their skin looked papery and dry, but surprisingly smooth. They had many legs, like a spider does, but

in more quantity and number. Those legs could probably used for digging. I saw one


them trip and

fall, and one of the delicate looking legs falloff. I was shocked and thought that it must be in great

pain, but to my surprise, another leg grew in its place, so quickly, it seemed as


the leg as never been

gone at all. The broken leg instantly disintigrated and dissolved into the sand underneath it. This

genetic advantage may prove difficult to our purpose, but no matter, we d find a way.


always did.

When stepping on this sand,


felt ourselves sinking and hurriedly activated the anti-gravity soles


our shoes. That was the reason for the dozens


legs, I assumed.


distribute their weight and

speed over the sand. Looking around, this planet had only a flat surface, only few dunes of sand

around and strange red palm tree leaf things that sprang instantly out of the ground. The medical

examiners later told us that their brains


central control area was where our stomachs were, in the

innermost part of their body, so that it would be protected. They thought it was ignorant for us to have


head so high up, where it would easily break,


we were to fall. What a tough time we had,

explaining that one Also, the hands


these aliens were wavy and long. There skin was a mellow

yellow, with tinges of orange, to match the desert. I suppose it was for camouflage.


would not

have been able to see them


not for our life-energy flare helmets that allowed us to see anything that

resembled living beings. I wonder what sort of predators they might have,


if there were any at all.

Using our speech modulator, the people


this planet told us that they had thought that they were the

only ones alive and were not even aware, could not comprehend the vastness


space and our

universe. What primitive creatures They also showed us their simple machines, simple compared to

ours that is.


them, those machines were very advanced and technical. The way they talked of

them, the machines might as well


been gods. Such egotistic behavior. That could be changed.

They kept their own servants, animals of different breed that appear to dislike their enslavement,

although it was hard


tell since they kept their many eyes and antennas to the ground. While the

medical examiners examined a few


their kind, we were shown around with "the best service they

had to offer." Best service? Where were the floating cars? The transportational walkways, and the

robot chief? Indeed these people thought far too much about themselves. They were far behind

humans in the evolution cycle. Humans were supreme beings compared to this. These aliens used

large, animals with shaggy, furred tops and legs, rough as elephant hide. The animals had a suction

cap mouth that they used to eat micro-organisms in the sand and two feet. Very useful. Finally, they

showed us an interesting piece


information about their planet. There was uranium here. The Head

Commisioner's formerly bored face, suddenly glowed with greed. His eyes turned luminously round

as tea cups and he gulped at the sight


so much uranium, the ultimate source


fuel. The aliens,

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sensing the difference in our attitude told us that they all knew of this substance which wasn t much

according to their description. Back at the ship the medical examiners told us that these aliens were

strong and supple they would be able to survive hard labor. The many legs could help in digging and

their skin adaptation would allow them to work under the harsh conditions

of their planets. Good we

thought. Now we only need ten or eleven more planets to allow humans any humans not only

trained ones to enjoy the universe. Tourists would flop to these planets and pay plenty to see these

strange creatures. The medical examiners assured us that we were ahead


these aliens and could

easily capture them. After all if one species is better equipped than another to survive then they must

make way for progress.

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The Skater


Mallory Mendez

Grade 6




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Michael Rojas

Mrs. Perkins, Grade 8

I wish I were in a world of life. a world with no hunger, no disease, and universal peace. Our

planet Earth has been in a state of depression for so long, the rest of the universe is laughing at us. We

have become too smart for our time. We have advanced from machine guns and rifles to atomic

bombs, all for our defense. But is our safety worth the lives






our happiness

for millions


starving children? I have read many books that contain places like what I have wished

for, and if you pisture it, you'll wish Earth was like it too.

Madeleine L'engle has written countless books with world that need no protection from

themselves. The worlds are clean and pure and have not some in contact with the evil fruits man has

feasted on. We have destroed lives and nature and abused our planet. But these worlds are in harmony

with the universe. We ve destroyed a world (and still are) that could become the envy of the universe.

A diamond in the rough.

Another author who has intrigued me with worlds of peace and tranquility is C.S. Lewis and

his land


Narnia. The animals are in peace with the humans and the world has not been infested with

the disease known as evil. Even when some wrong is done, good comes out


it. But


our planet,

evil brings more evil. But


we could control our wickedness and not try to have everything we want,

this world would begin to be polished into the diamond it was meant to be. Earth has pure potential

because we are the only planet within our solar system to sustain life. We have proved we are great,

but how great is a planet where its inhabitants blow up eveything on it, chop down its trees, pollute its

waters, infest its lands, and destroy

it s

natural beauty?

C.S. Lewis and Madeleine L'engle obviously feels the way I do and writes to leave a world of

chaos and enter total equIlibrium. f you use your imagination, Earth can be turned into a diamond

from the lump of coal we are. We are attempting to corrrect our mistakes and we hope we will never

need to destroy what's left

of Earth's beauty. Peace can be achieved, but until


is, I wish I were in a

world where no food was needed, no protection was needed, and no one had to fear anything else. A

world like Narnia. A diamond in the rough. Hopefully, in the near future, this will be planet Earth.

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Jackie Robinson Baseball Legend

Robert Morales

Ms. Pullum, Grade 7

Jackie Roosevelt Washington was born on January

31, 1919 in Cairo, Georgia. He was an African-American

athlete who played professional baseball. Two things that he

did in his life was coach at Sam Houston College in Texas,

and played professional baseball.

One interesting fact about Jackie Robinson is that he

was the first black man ever to play on a white baseball team.

Another interesting fact about Jackie Robinson is that even

though he played baseball for a living he was very versatile in

other sports as well. When Jackie Robinson started playing

for the Brooklyn Ddgers he was harassed and tonnented by

fans and players from different teams. However, by his

actions he showed true sportsmanship.

After only two years he won the National League Batting Championship and the Most Valuable Player

award. All


the happenings good and bad in Jackie Robinson s life have contributed to is source o

creativity and ambition to succeed. He died on October 24, 1972, leaving behind a wonderful memory

o sportsmanship and success to the world.

The Holocaust

Porfirio Bonet

Mrs. Krane, Grade 8

In my opinion, the Holocaust is one


the worst events in world history. I say that because

many people died. Many people were killed because o what they were. They sometimes made the

Jewish people work really hard before the Gennans killed them. In my essay I will explain more about

my reasons for believing that the Holocaust is one o the worst events in world history.

Eleven million people died during the Holocaust. Six million Jewish

people died. Five million gentiles died during that time. People must have



'l '-.

been taken out


the minute. Everywhere you looked there was probably

,,. dead bodies.

All o that killing was done for no reason. Hitler had all those people

killed because they weren t perfect. His idea


being perfect was that they

had to be tall, have blond hair, and blue eyes. He had Jewish people


anybody else who was not his ideal person killed. In my personal opinion,

~ ~ ~ l M M ~ ~ ~ I think Adolf Hitler was a very stupid man.

Sometimes, before killing the Jewish


other people Hitler would have

. f them sent to concentration camps. The camps were horrible. They tortured

the Jewish people there too. They tortured them by not feeding them,

beating on them, and on hot days they would make them wear sweaters and pants, and on cold days

thay would make them wear very little clothes


no clothes at all, then they would gas them so they

would die.

I hope you read my essay and understand why I believe that the Holocaust is one o the worst

events in world history. I gave you reasons about how many people died. How they killed because

they were Jewish


not perfect. Or how they sent them to concentration camps before they killed

them. That is why I think that the Holocaust is one o the worst events in world history.

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I Wish



Mrs. Perkins, Grade 8

I wish I were a human being. Being a hawk can be so lonely. I haven't seen any of my family

since I left the nest. Now I fly alone. But I can look down through the clouds. I can see what the

humans have done to their earth. I see them doing their human things, and they do some facinating

things Some


the things they do are marvelous. Something called "music" and another thing

"laughing". But some things are different. Not like music or laughing. Once I flew down and saw two

of them. They were in between two


these big stone boxes that humans go in and out of like bees in

a hive-buildings 1 guess. They used human facial expressions, but I got the feeling that they were .... 1

think it s called "joking". One of them took out a silver box and opened it. Inside was something green

with little pictures on it. Suddenly the other man took out


his pocket, something black and hand

sized. He pointed

it at

the first and there was a loud noise. The first man fell and I knew he was dead.

Another time, I flew over what I heard someone call a "zoo". There were animals there, but they

were ... strange. Lions near the gazelles and dolphins next to the fish. And yet all relied on the humans

for stale-looking food. And between the predator and prey, there were ... walls ... cages.

1 just

don t

understand. Some of the things that humans do are fantastic. And some of the things

I ve

seen would make people use the emotional expression


"crying". Hawks

can t

cry and I m glad.

Because some


those things would start me crying with no end. I found out the words for some


those things: kill, greed, cage, hunger, hunt, die, war, hate. I guess, on second thought, I d have to

say I m glad

I m

not a human. Hawks may be alone, and hawks might not have "laughing" and

"music", but they don t have words like "war" and "hate" either' guess, now,

I d

have to say

I m

sorry for humans. I guess, if I had the choice to be a human, I wouldn't take it. Rather than have

words like "greed" and "cage", welL I d rather be alone.

How the Cactus Got Its Prickles





Ms.Alfonso, Grade 7

One day a god called Truth sat on a rock.


he looked around he marveled at all the beautiful

things he saw. He was particularly impressed by the cactus, who stood erect and tall among the other


As the truth god admired the cactus, a porcupine passed by. The god laughed and made fun of

hte porcupine. He compared the smoothness


the cactus to the prickly skin of the porcupine, and he

laughed even louder. The porcupine took offense with the god's laughter. He became so angry that his

whole body trembled tremendously. As his body shook, his prickles flew off his body and attached

themselves to the cactus smooth skin.

When the porcupine realized what happened, he began to laugh. He laughed so hard that tears

rolled down his face. The god, Truth, looked at the cactus, and saw it full of prickles. He too began to

cry, but

of sadness. The cactus was so upset, that he ran away from the woods, and decided to live in

a place where no one would ever see him. And this is how the cactus got his prickles, and is only

found in the desert.

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I Wish

lex Conroy

Mrs. Perkins, Grade 8

I wish I were never into the realm of this world. A world of hatred, death, prejudice, and

misunderstandings . Our so-called society thrives off


anger, lust, and greed. This world has gotten

so bad that I have actually regretted being born into it. I would rather be anywhere else but here . This



fear, death, and destruction.

I cannot stand how this world functions. A never-ending cycle of insults, emotional, and

physical violence. I cannot understand why we must be this way. e base our lives around death and



our music, games, movies, books, and stories, almost nothing is considered

exceptional without some type of violence or evil scheme.

Not only is our entertainment negative, but many people s attitudes as well. n a world where

you step on someone s foot and they want to fight you is ludicrous. Simple misunderstandings turn

into huge ordeals. A slip of the tongue can turn a person s life inside out. People also enjoy treating

others as they do and they get the same in return except for the assorted few that aren t the same.



us live in fear of what is to some. A new World War? Paranoia in another factor I do

not like about this world. t makes them grieve to see people worrying all the time, always about

something. e also live in fear because we destroy ourselves. e attack each other in full-fledged

raids on one another s countries.


build bombs and set them off in our own world. It seems to me

pathetic that we would destroy the planet we ve lived on for so long. A lot of our technology is made

for destruction; guns, bombs, rockets. All


these can be useful, but are turned into weapons



I doubt we will ever see world peace. Not because we can t, but because the world is too ignorant to

see there are more important things to do than to annihilate one another.

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Golf Course

By Conrad Bonet

Grade 6


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Man or


Jose aracacha

Ms. Alfonso, Grade 7

This story begins on the day of Monday, at : 55 p.m. As usual Jose (me) went to face my

destiny. It was the time of day that I had to go to Mr. Cajacob's Class. He was an average sized old

timer, but his size or age was the least of my worries. His work was tiring and painful, his tortures,

near endless and terrifying. If you pit Mr. Cajacob against Hitler, Hitler would run home to his

mommy in shear terror.


you shrank him down to a microorganism, he'd make the Ebola virus look

like a skin rash. He's the face of pure evil, but something about him makes me look up to him. He

strikes fear into the hearts of men, his voice emits power and authority. When he calls my name, I

shiver, knowing one way or another that he'd call me "Dr."


some other name. I say "yeah", and he

yells at me. I'm not properly dressed, and he punishes me. I feel like an escaped convict running for

dear life. I love the moments when I can leave his class and I could say "it's over", but, at the same

time, I hate it. I have learned self-discipline and conduct in his class. I have lots


respect for him.

This man, this beast, is the one person who appreciates your talents. He terrifies me, but at the time he

inspires me. He teases me but at the same time he corrects me. So much fear, yet so much respect and

honor I have for him. Truly, this is one true educational wizard who casts spells on his students and

produces scholars from dullards.

Meet the Midgets



Mr. Cajacob, Grade 8

Meet the midgets, not your ordinary family. The midgets consist of Claudia, Julia, John and

their parents Mr. and Mrs. Midget. As you can read by their names the midgets are indeed actual real

midgets. They live in Tampa, Florida in a nice little house on 8 Sl place. They have a 100 pound

rottweiler, odd for such small people. The Midgets may be small, but they make up for it with big


Meet Claudia, the youngest and probably most reasonable Midget


all She is also the sole



their rottweiler, Tiny. It's her responsibility to take care of the pet by getting up early to feed

it and walk it. Her


doesn't end till she sleeps up to the next morning, rain or shine

Meet Julia, she is the middle one in the sandwich. Julia is about 5 years old. She loves to

spend her days at the mall, shopping for new looks. She is head of the cheerleaders, also beauty queen


her school, Baily Senior High. She wants to become a part


he Women's National Basketball

Association She has a serious illness she is a shop-o-holic. She can't resist looking and she must

purchase what she desires. She has all her credit cards maxed-out. I wonder what she would purchase

if she won the Florida Lottery? She would probably buy her own mall, and just about everything in it

Claudia (*editor's note: Julia?*) learned her lesson, one day she couldn't buy anything for one whole

week forbidden by Mr.


Meet John Midget, most likely to become 1st round draft first pick he is currently ranked first

in the state


Florida. He and his team, the Seminoles, have won many championships for their

college's history record. John is number 7 and plays "P.E.", that means he plays everything He

wants to be in the NFL to experience real teamwork and to be a part of the pro-level.

Meet Mr. Midget, he works as a lawyer. He has won many cases, including famous ones such

as 0.1. Simpson, he also defended Mike Tyson, even though he did lose that one, he still felt like he

won. He earns an income


about $20,000.00 dollars every six months. The midgets live in a


Meet Mrs. Midget, she adores all her kids. She cooks, cleans, and models the house. Mrs.

Midget makes dinner for the family everyday. She loves Mr. Midget so much that she even works with

him, as his secretary. She also takes care of Tiny, their rottwieler when Claudia is at school.

The midgets may be small but they make up for it with their big hearts. This was my family, I

hope you liked it

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Laila Zaidi

Mrs. Krane, Grade 8

My own planet would be called Paradisia. t would be a true Utopia, or perfect world. The

environment and life would be very similar to the one on earth. But with out all the violence, racism

and poverty.

Every being on Paradisia would be enchantingly beautiful. By that I mean all the Angle-like

life forms would get along peacefully no matter how they were like. All the people would have an

occupation and provide food and money for their family. Through there would no poverty or hunge

on my planet, everyone would have the opportunity to work for themselves.

The appearance of Paradisia can be recognized from miles away in space. This spectacula

glow shines to every comer of the galaxy. On the surface of the planet everything is slightly afloat

Nothing touches the group completely so the gravity level isn' t to high or low. The air and water ar

as clean and clear, it s like something ever before seen. The sun and sky are as clear as glass. Excep

the clouds seem to have a crystal like appearance.

The religion on Parasisia is solely based on the person. The God on my planet would be the

same God that you worship now. Also on my planet animals will be free to live life the way they

choose. With endless miles of rolling land they I will not be captivated. One exception to this will be

dogs, pigs, rays, and snakes since they will not be allowed on Paraidsia.

My Scariest Moment



Mrs. Krane, Grade 8

People always experience a scary moment in their lives. I myself have experienced scary

moments. Probably the scariest moment was when I came close to dying.

It happened when I was six years old. I went out to eat with my parents and my brother one

night. I thought t was going to be another family night out. Unlikely did I know that I was going to

experience the most frightening moment


my life.

At the restaurant, I ordered a small steak. My mom cut my steak into small pieces for me. I ate

normally. Then, I swallowed a piece too big. I started to choke. I didn't want to attract attention , so I

tried to drink some soda. It didn't work. I couldn't hold it anymore. I started to run around like crazy.

My mom started screaming. I thought my life was over.

Suddenly, my stepfather got up, grabbed me by the neck, and put his finger down my throat,

pulling the piece of meat out. I went outside and gasped for air.

I ve never forgotten that moment. For me, my stepfather was like a guardian angel that night.

I ve thanked God for allowing me to stay alive.

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The Unsinkable

egan Repine

Mrs. A Wilson, Grade 6

On her maiden voyage on April 1912 the Titanic left South Hampton, England carrying a total

o 2,223 people. It was the largest and most elegant ship ever. More than 1,500 o the 2,223 people

died after the ship struck an iceberg and sank on April 15 I believe that this catastrophe would have

been prevented


there were not so many mistakes that the crew o the Titanic made. I will talk about



the mistakes in this essay.

First o all, two o the mistakes were made by Captain Smith. He wanted for the ship to make

headlines in the news and he was

on pressure to dock the ship in New York in record time, so he kept

ordering to increase speed. He also ignored warning calls about the icebergs they were in the North

Atlantic Ocean. When they were finally close enough to see the iceberg the were going too fast to stop

or tum the ship, so the iceberg slit the side o the boat where the watertight compartments were. The

Titanic was proclaimed unsinkable because it contained 16 watertight compartments. The ship could

withstand four being punctured without sinking. The problem was that the iceberg punctured five.

Within 20 minutes, the captain knew it was going to sink.

He ordered to load the lifeboats. There was a problem because there were only 20 lifeboats

that could hold less than half the passengers that were on board. The reason for this was because they

thought that the ship would be cluttered


there were more than 20 lifeboats on deck, so they decided

to used the money to make the ship even more elegant. Because o this, first class woman and

children first while the third class passengers exists were blocked with gates so they could not get on

deck. Can you believe that the first class passengers thought they were being inconvenienced because

they had to get in the lifeboats?

The last thing that I will talk about is how the crew loaded the lifeboats. When the crew was

loading the lifeboats had a capacity. The first lifeboat had a capacity o 65 people but they only loaded

28. They did this with the remanding 19 lifeboats. The rest o the people had to stayed on board the

ship and it split in half. When the ship completely sank the people had to


to to float in the freezing

water. Only one o the lifeboats returned to rescue more passengers. About 65


the first class

passengers survived. A lot o innocent people's lives were taken that night.

n conclusion, I believe that this catastrophe could have been prevented i there were not so

many mistakes that were made. It is to be hoped that nothing like this will ever happen again.

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of the Missing




Mrs. Krane, Grade 8

Once upon a time a girl named Lisa came home from school to her backyard to see her parrot.

As she approached the cage all she saw a big hole on the top of the cage, and in the cage there was a

candy wrapper and a feather. At the time the three suspects she had in mind were her twin brothers,

her dad, and her mom.

She had her twin brothers in mind because they loved candy bars and torturing the bird. But,

when she approached her brothers their room was no answer. So she knocked on the door but there

was no answer. So she looked in the window from the outside to see that her brothers were not there.

At the time she knew it was not them because they had not been at home that day. They had been t

their grandmothers house all day .So then she knew it had to be her dad or her mom.

She thought it was her dad because her dad always hated her pets. She went to look for him.

She looked allover the house, but couldn't find him. Suddenly, the door bell rang and she went to

open the door to find that her dad was at the front door. She asked him were he had been and he said

he was at the library. So now she knew it had to be her mom.

When she went to talk to her mom. The door was closed. She opened the door furiosly. Her

mom asked what the big commotion was. Lisa said that her mom had stolen her parrot. Her mom

explained that she had been playing with the parrot. Lisa was relieved her mom had not stolen the





Mrs. Krane, Grade 8

Everyone one has a frightening experience at one point

in their lives. I have had my share of those, but only one comes

to mind. Ihad no idea whether what was happening was real or

just some frightful nightmare. I was so terrified.

The story starts out like this. I was at home watching

T.V. Ijust happened to be home alone, which usually doesn't

bother me unless something happens, like what happened to me

next. I looked up from the T.V. show. I saw something move



from the corner


my eye. I looked into the kitchen and out the

~ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' .

window which views my backyard. I now knew what was

i i i i i ~ ; = = ; ; j I I I


As I started in total shock at the frightening sight, I froze. When I snapped out


it , I ran to

my room and immediatly called the police, because I had seen two men n my backyard, break the

window and begin to break in my house. I guess they didn' t know someone was home, but I was.

After the phone call


the police, I began to calm down because I had everything under control, or so I


As I lay on my bed waiting for the police, all of a sudden, I heard my doorknob turn. I

freaked. Thank God my door was looked, but I still ran to my closet and hid in there. Even though I

was sure they would find me


they did get in. I eoudn't hear anything, but just then I heard a big

creek, and I knew they were inside.

I now was in a state


fright, I coudn't even feel my heart beating anymore. The only thing

that brought me back to life was the sweet sound of police sirens. It was about time I guess the

robbers didn't get away in time, because when I walked outside there were the two guys



backseat of a police car. The police asked me a few questions, and said I did a good job, and that I

should be proud. Maybe I should be, but I still always wonder what would have happened to me if I

didn't live so close to the police station.

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Loved Alone

Alex Conroy

Mrs. Krane, Grade 8

My first true love was in another state, of course, far far away. How much I miss her, even

though I

don t

know if she loved me or not. A beautiful tall woman with a perfect personality and


She was brill iant, I admired her day by day on my visit. She was never in any mischief, never

in any blame


wrongdoing. How many nights I did dream


her, just her by my side. I never knew

if she loved me. I felt as if I was loving alone, always wondering, but never asking.


became friends in the two weeks we were there. She and I became almost inseperable.

Still I wondered, does she.:. . Alas I continued on with the friendship in hope



happening or sparking between us, but all the time I loved alone.

Almost towards the end of my visit, four days left, I felt I was to dieif I did not say anything. I

wanted, needed to share my love. I could not bare loving alone. It was a hrrendous torment that I put

myself willingly through.

The third day I decided to tell her. I expected the worst, but found good news. I was not the

only one loving alone. For she felt the same way I did all along as well. We did not have much time

and decided to just spend time with one another. Holding hands I felt as if we were connected

somehow. The love moving through both


us, flowing swiftly. Then the last day, time to go. We

met outside and sadly, but slowly kissed goodbye. She turned to the car and didn't look back. The

trip home was not enjoyable, not at all.


Rachel Caruso

Mrs. Krane, Grade 8

Everyone has a toy that was a childhood favorite. When I was a child I would have to say my

favorite toy was my blanket. I know a blanket isn't really a toy but I used to play with it and it made

me happy. HIs name was Blanky. blanky was my favorite toy because he made me happy,



me sleep at night and it was the only memory I had


my grandmother. My favorite toy was very

special to me.



all, Blanky was given to me by my grandmother the day I was born. I was brought

home wrapped in Blanky. I remember his soft material in my new skin. Since blanky was the first

toy I ever had, it was my favorite. I kept it through my childhood years and he always brought me


Next, Blanky is my favorite toy because he was a great ncessity during my childhood years. When I

was about 3 years old I became scared

of the dark. I had a hard time falling asleep and the only way I

could was if I was holding Blanky. Blanky brought me protection. I do not know how the blanket

could be protecting, but the warmth


him made me feel safe. I do not know how I could have gotten

through the night without Blanky.

Finally, Blankey is my favorite toy because he was given to me by my grandmother. It was the first

and last gift my grandmother ever gave to me. Shortly after I was born my grandmother died of a

heart-attack. f I would have gotten to know my grandmother better, I know I would have loved her,

because she gave me only one thing, and that thing is my favorite possesion. That shows how perfect

my gradmother would have been for me. Blanky is my favorite and only memory of my grandmother

which is why he is so special to me.

In conclusion, Blanky is very important to me. He makes me happy, he helped me get through the

night when I was young., and he reminds me of my grandmother. Even though Blanky is not a real

toy he is still special to me and brings me the same feeling a toy WOUld happiness. I have had Blanky

since the day I was born, and I still have and love him to this day. I know I will cherish Blanky


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The Unexpected uest

Tyson Rodriguez

Mrs. Krane, Grade 8

I saw him walking into the shadow of the house. A tall, built man, and as he was walking

away he turned and said Death has come and vanished.

Hey Sarah, I yelled over the noise. The beautiful blonde walked over to me and we kissed.

What are you doing here? she asked. Chris and I go far back I replied. Oh she said. We started

dancing and I noticed a couple


other people I knew.

I saw Tony and Steve. Steve, as usual, was showing off his muscles to the girls with his

sidekick Tony tagging along. Mary was admiring him and making fun of

him at the same time. I also

saw Charlie dancing alone. There was about 25 people at the party. We were all having a great time.

The party went on for quite some time, until about midnight. After that, everyone had left except

Sarah, Steve, Tony, John, Chris and I Or so we thought.

Later that night, a big storm hit and knocked out all the power. John and Chris let us stay over

night so we wouldn't have to drive home in the storm. Sarah and I slept in John's room while John

and Chris slept in Chris 's room. Mary slept in their parents room and Steve and Tony in the living

room. Everybody was sleeping well until about 1 30 a.m.

Aaaaahhhhh was all I heard. There was mumbling but I couldn't make out what was being

said. I told Sarah to stay in bed as I went


see what happened. Tony immediately rushed over to me

and hid behind me. The living room looked like a ritual was taking place there. An undistinguishable

figure lay on the ground with candles completely surrounding it. By then, everybody was in the living

room. Somebody pointed a flashlight on the figure and the girls screamed in disgust.

A person that looked like Steve was lying dead on the floor. His face was mangled until it was

unrecognizable but his body didn't have a scratch on it

One thing that really caught my eye was a

message written in blood on the floor. t said Death will come upon us all. Apparently, I was the

only one to notice it so I decided to keep it a secret not to frighten anybody more than they already


The girls were crying and John and Chris were trying to calm them. I decided we need to get

out of here.


all went to John's room to get away from the horror that came upon Steve. We all

thought we should go to the police first. Then, I asked Tony what he thought. There was no response.

I looked all around for Tony but he was gone. I started to call for him but a shattering noise

interrupted me. Chris and the girls stiffened up and John and I went to check it out. It came from the

kitchen John said.

As we walked into the kitchen, we both gasped in horror. A flashlight was focused in on

Tony s body somehow hanging from the ceiling. He seemed to have been strangled to death. A candle

lit the space on the wall which had another message written in blood there. t said Soon my friends,


We ran back into John's room and told them of what we saw. They were all astonished.

Everybody went ot their rooms quickly to get their things. As we were about to leave, Mary said she

had to use the bathroom.We were all taling about what had happened when we notice Mary had been

gone a while.

This time, Chris and I went to see what was keeping her. As we neared the bathroom, we saw

a tall man running down the hall towards Chris's room. We got to the bathroom and opened the door.

Mary s body fell on us. Chris ran down the hall in fear and into his room. Mary s head was wet so I

guessed she had been drowned. I then heard a scream coming from Chris's room.

I ran to his room knowing in my head the same fate fell upon him as the others. Well, I was

right. His throat was slit in a rush. A message scribbled on the wall in blood read Death is near. I

rushed back to Sarah and John.

I found Sarah shaking violently and John was nowhere to be seen. Sarah said he ran away

when he heard Chris's scream. She really wanted to leave. Sarah and I ran outside and into my car. I

turned quickly and saw Steve.

I saw him walking into the shadow of the house. A tall, built man, and as he was walking

away he turned and said Death has come and vanished.

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As you read, you found out Steve was the killer. You re probably wondering how he did it.

Steve was mad at his family because they had problems. He went crazy seeing everybody have fun at

the party. When the party ended, he killed Charlie and put him in the basement. Tony found Charlie s

body which looks like Steve but his face was too mangled to tell a difference. Since it looked like him,

everybody thought it was him and he had a good disguise. He then killed as many as he could. After

he vanished into the shadow, he was never seen again.

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Scratch Art

y Tatiana Cantillo


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Jennifer Ray

Ms. Marquez, Grade 7

Once in a far off place, there lived a princess named Crystal who represented the darkness. She

had a husband named Corlius, master of all magic. Along came her secret lover named Lethal, master

of weapons. Every night the princess would sneak out and go to whare Lethal lived. One night she

made a loud sound that awoke Corlius. Corlius was furious to see her with Lethal. Smoke arose from

under Corlius.

He said, "How dare you sleep with my true love?"

Lethal responded, "She is the one I love, and no one can come between us."

Corlius said, "Then it s a fight to the finish."

The next day the sky was red as the blood of a soldier. Corlius arrived first than Lethal. He probably

got scared.

Someone screamed out, "Lethal " Corlius turned around and saw Lethal l

a distance. Corlius smiled, but not for long. Corlius

didn t

win, Lethal did.

The moral


he story is love is a dangerous game

Date: 1/21198

Dear Journal,

My Feelings

About •




Mrs. Krane, Grade 8

Love is a word used all over the world, in many languages and many places. Some people

think that love is the greatest thing in the world, while others think it just sucks. Many people can't

even decide if they love love or if they just hate it That is the way I feel. Sometimes I hate it and

sometimes I love it. What do I think of it now? You're about to fmd out

Love is not such a great friend of mine right now. All I think it is now is a curse. It raises

people's hopes about true love and has them wishing on shooting stars and singing love ballads. At the

end of this daydream, all hopes are diminished and everyone goes back to his


her depression.

That's how I feel right now. I was disillusioned by love and now I can see clearly. I see that

love was just a big waste of time. I hope everyone can see through this charade like I can.



I ll probably change my mind in just a matter of time, but for now I m holding my ground on how I

feel about love.

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and Wonder of Words





Bryan Lemus

Ms. Alfonso, Grade 7

The year was 1825, London.


the middle of a vast plain of grass there was a beautiful farm

owned by a rich and illustrious family- the Spensors. The family consisted


mother and father, four

children, and an antediluvian male which was the father


the mother.The daily life


the Spensors

was not a very exciting one, but today things were different. Sir William




Mrs. Spensor,

was celebrating his

9 th

birthday by inviting half the town to his idea


a party. As soon


it was dusk people began to arrive at the Spensors. The party was not as bad as I thought it would be.

The music was very nice, the food was wonderful, and the service great. As the night progressed more

and more people began to dance. Everybody was happy, especially Sir William


As for myself, I

met two new friends which I played with all night long. The hours flew by, and when I noticed it was

already 11:00



At that time, my mother, Mrs. Spensor came up with the worst idea she could have thought of

she wanted me to go up in front


everybody, and say a few nice words to Sir William II. I totally

disagreed, knowing I would be too nervous to talk in front of what must have been at least 200 people,

but no matter what I said my mother was completely determined to make me do it. She said


would be

a very nice way to show Sir William II how much I loved him-not that I did at all. I finally gave up and

told her I would.

It was hard at first, but I drew up all my courage, patted Sir William n on his shoulder, and

asked him, Dear Sir William, if you would please come with me to the front of the ballroom. He said

yes, and began to follow me. When we got there I tapped on a wine glass with a fork. The piercing,

sharp sound traveled through the ballroom announcing my toast.

With the thought that 200 people were staring


me, my legs quivered as


they were made


pudding, my heart pounded rapidly, but finally, I said, On behalf


all my brothers I, Bryan Spensor

would like to say that Sir William II has been a great and positive influence toward us.

He s

a great

man thaL .... I continued on for about another two minutes. A perpetual voice talking about his great



humor, excellent personality, and a bunch


other lies. But now I had come to the end and I

needed just one more word. One word to sum it all up, but the only words coming to my mind were

not nice, words such as knave, futile, and decrepit. Finally, the word came to me and I began the last

line. So, I d just like to thank you for being the wonderful, grandfather you are, for the word

person, due to my nervousness, had been interchanged with father forming a new word that

everybody thought I had made up-grandfather.

From that day on, it became popular to refer to the father


either your mom or dad as your

grandfather. And from this word, in the many years to come, there would evolve other words such as

grandmother, grand dad, grandpa, and grandma.

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The Steal

The Silver


udith Rodriguez

Mr. Cajacob, Grade 8

It had been exactly one year since the Roberts did their steal and now it was the time to make

the next one. They still hadn't gotten over what that man at customs had told them about their Turkish

rug. Now they were in their room discussing where to go next.

I think we should go the Spain said Mrs. Roberts. I think its time we got a sword for our

room. One of those with silver and gold on the handle. You know there are some that even seem to

have an eye she concluded.

You know, sweetheart, I believe you' re right, but we need to be very careful, swords are

dangerous. Fine we'll go to Spain.

During the next week the Roberts took all of their money out of their account and got caught up

in some reading about swords and their meanings. They booked a flight to Toledo, Spain. Once there

they went to their hotel. The hotel was beautiful, filled with exotic flowers and it had pointed arcs

everywhere they went. It was almost like a castle from a story. Its rooms were exquisite in detail and

encompassed all


their thoughts. It felt like they were bewitched.

This is incredible, we'll never want to leave this room least of all the hotel. You know I think

we should just sit back and enjoy life 's simple pleasures, said Mrs. Roberts.


think so too, but I still think we should look for a sword, replied Mr. Roberts.

Mrs. Roberts nodded her head in agreement. The next week was bliss for them. The sky was

gray and full


torment it was symbolic


lay ahead. The Roberts walked out


their hotel that same

morning of disaster. They made their way through the busy streets of Toledo towards towards the

museum. When they reached the outside


the museum they stood there gaping at the magnificent

way the museum was decorated. They walked hand in hand, this was one


those moments that they

had to hold on to, to cherish forever. Ans so the tour began, with the guide and a group of people

behind hem. When they reached a large crystal box supported by a short, snake-like columns. The

group noticed the box contained two swords. Then everything seemed to happen at once. Two men

took out guns and fired a shot into the air and told everyone to get down. The two security guards

came running toward the men. t was a horrible confrontation. Then Mr. Roberts scooted over to the

box, but before his attempt one

of the armed robbers shot the box making glass shatter everywhere.

One of the swords fell to the floor and Mr. Roberts grabbed for it without being seen. He struck one


the men with the sword. The man cried out


pain grabbing his partner's attention. His partner

only saw blood when he went to shoot at Mr. Roberts. He was thrown to the ground by a police

official, thus Mr. Roberts was saved and also foiled the robbery. In recognition

of his bravery the

museum manager honored Mr. Roberts by giving him the weapon with which he saved the day, the

sword with a silver eye in the middle. On their way back home Mr. and Mrs. Roberts couldn 't contain

their happiness over their new steal.

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Mr Wiggle

Adolfo Jiron

Mr. Cajacob, Grade 8

The last time I checked toy manufacturers aren't producing Mr. Wiggle, but I can still capture

the moments we shared. I can still remember him like the back of my hand. It all began



Christmas of 1984. My parents were decorating the Christmas tree, when, suddenly, my Grandma

bursted. She was the one that really kept the holiday spirit within her. My Grandma would bring me,

my brothers, and my sisters exciting presents that seemed like they never lost their value. But this

Christmas she gave me the best present any boy could ever have. She gave me


. Wiggle. Many of

you don't even know who or what Mr. Wiggle was. That didn't matter he was close to three inches,

had light skin, and a banana for a nose. He dressed in a pair of overalls. He was also my best friend.

Mr. Wiggles helped me in everything, he was my arm when I couldn't reach the cookie jar. He was

my shield in the pouring rain, he was also my comforter in times


trouble. Mr. Wiggles wasn't

perfect, he liked mischief, but who doesn't. I still remember the day my butt was red hot all because


Mr. Wiggle s desire to go outside

It all started on a rainy April day, my mom and dad were sounds a sleep in their room. I was

watching television, I think it was the ever popular Sesame Street. Mr. Wiggles was besides me all


a sudden with great force he blurted out "lets go out and play I agreed that it was extremely boring. I

went to my room and reached out for my Mac and my umbrella. I then hurried down the stairs and

opened the door. I jogged to the sandbox, I held up my umbrella so Mr. Wiggles wouldn't get soaked.

Thunder crashed and there, by the door was my father, he held a belt. He told me- to get n fast. After

my punishment, my mom came in and interrupted timeout by saying: "Honey, don't ever go out

again " "I know that mom." Mr. Wiggles was


course sitting besides me in a smaller chair. I wish he

could have taken the spanking for me.

Later that year something very disturbing happened. Mr. Wiggles was no where to be found

We searched every inch

of the house, we even drove around in the car looking for him. I was very sad

and those weeks were very lonely and tiresome.

One morning at around sunrise I heard very faint sounds. I followed the trail it lead me too, my

very own closet. I heard the distress call coming from under a pile of clothes. There he was, Mr.

Wiggles, he was saying, "What took you kid, I've been here for weeks, ain't there something to eat?"

I gave him a glass of milk and some homemade cookies, he gobbled them up. he didn't even leave a


But what interested me the most about Mr. Wiggles is that


can be bad at times, but he was

good at others, like when I had the chicken pox. He was the one that took care of me, after my mom of

course. He would scratch me in any itchy area. He would bring me chicken soup and orange juice. He

is my best friend.

I still have Mr. Wiggles, but he's not all there. He's missing his big banana nose. I hope

everybody has a best friend like Mr. Wiggles. He is the best toy ever made, at least to my standards.

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The Oak hair

hristina Monroe

Mr. Cajacob, Grade 7

My name is Woody.

I am

a dark oak chair.


surround the dinner table with other friends like

me. All day, everyday I'm being sat in or stepped on. And from my experience, let me tell you, people

should use stronger toilet paper or change their underwear more often.


used to be handsome once,

almost sparkling when I was taken away from my mother. Here children put crayon on me, stain me,

and scratch me up. Sometimes I'm never even used, so


just rot away collecting dust, which I'm

allergic to.

In fact, ·the people who own me are thinking of painting me a pepto bismol pink,

Ewww to

cover up my ugliness, if you ask me, that's just making me uglier.

I've seen woven chairs who always say, I wish we were as strong as you," it's the female

chairs who do that. They probably won't say that anymore though, they might think I'm one of them,

painted in pink. Haa. Pink is not a manly color, unless your a woven male chair. Their kind of

sensitive like our women oak. I don't mess with them, they might cry. Hard oak wood color is for me.

Just a few days ago, my father, the strongest yet oldest chair


knew past on. He broke his leg.

You'd think in the nineties, you'd have the technology to fix a broken chair leg. I mean, these humans

gloat about being able to clone people and animals, but they can't put a chair leg back on. Are we not

important? How much technology would be in


I can still remember it in the back end



chair. My father was standing on his four legs across from me, beaming. Then, all of

the sudden, a

very large man came to sit on my father. I yelled, "Dad, watch out," as the bottom of my feet screeched



was next to be sat in. But it was to late. Dad's leg had made a "snapping" noise and broke


The large man fumbled and hit his chin on the table with a loud "thud." He started bleeding and

ran out of the room to the hospital to be fixed. Dad on the other hand did not. He said, "Son, I love

you and


Good-bye," before


could say good-bye. He was off on his long journey to chair Heaven

which is better known as the dump. I was very gloomy until the next day. A new chair, a woman oak,

had taken dad's place. They called her Frenchie, because she was made in France. She's very cute and

delicate, I liked her. Us chairs only talk when we're being moved to a different place or being used

when humans make our feet screech as they pull us back.

There's one chair in the house that I dislike. The computer desk chair. She thinks she's all hot

and great, but some


her is made of plastic, which us chairs know is from"plastic surgery," so I try

to stay clear of that area, so I don't have to exchange words with her. I never was from America. I

remember I was carved by a very strong man in Europe. Then I was shipped on an airplane to

America, Florida really. Where


was put in a very chilly store with chairs


all kinds waiting to be

chosen and start my job. Finally, a couple with three children bought me. At first


loved being used in

all ways. When people sat on me it felt wann and cushiony except for a lingering stench that roamed

each person in a different way.

Now I really don't like it. But, hey you got to do something with your life. I'd hate to be the

only chair to go into the unemployment office and say


don't have a job, because us chairs all have the

same job, to be used, like the Americans are being used by the Government with all this tax business. I

mean, have you ever wondered why all government people get the high life and don't pay for a thing.

Well it's because tax money pays for it. I saw that on C.N.N. once while being sat on in the living


I love Frenchie and she loves me, despite what the computer desk chair has told her about me

being pink or old and ugly. We're thinking of having children of our own one day, if it's okay with

our owners. You never know when your going to break, so to all people out there, help live our lives

to the fullest and sit on us, but not to hard, because we might break

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On the Road to Success


D Souza

Ms. Alfonso, Grade 7

With the hardships that African Americans face, few become very successful


the world of

business. They have had very few opportunities because


racial discrimination. Because many

African Americans were so industrious, and have changed the world, it is our duty to acknowledge

them this month. We owe it to African Americans for many things including the invention of ice

cream, guitars, stop lights, etc. Some


the well - known African Americans who are popular and are

successful in business include Michael Jordan, and Puff Daddy. Today however, I will tell you about

someone very successful, who we don t hear about everyday. Her name was Sarah Breedlove, also

known as Madame C J Walker. Her biggest role in business and success, was that she was the first

woman of any race to earn a million dollars.

Sarah Breedlove was born on July IS, 1867. Her life would soon become very tough only

because of the pigment in her skin. She became an orphan at the age of seven. Three years later, she

started to work as a laundress does . By the age


fourteen she had a daughter, and her first marriage

ended. After her daughter Lelia finished college, she started working for a hair product company.

In 1904 she found out how to make hair products that would correct hair loss caused by stress.

This was a common problem amongst African American women. You see, one evening, she noticed

that her hair was falling out in great amounts. That night, she had a dream that some man was mixing

some substances. The following morning, she concocted the same mixture and placed it on her scalp.

She realized that this mixture resulted in longer and thicker hair.

After this discovery, she decided to move. With only 1.50 in her pocket, she moved to

Denver. Here she married Charles J Walker, a newspaperman. This is how she got her official

business name Madame


Walker. She would go door - to - door, trying to sell her hair products .

With the help of her husband, they developed new marketing, and advertising tactics. They also

opened several outlets, and a beauty college.

In 1908, Mr. Mrs. Walker moved to Indianapolis, because of the access to rail lines in the

metropolitan area. Here


where they established a factory and lab to make their beauty devices. In

1913 she got divorced again, and soon after she moved to Harlem in New York City. She became

active in political and cultural issues. Not to mention, she joined the National Association for the



Colored People (NAACP).

During her childhood, like many other young African Americans, she faced racial

discrimination. Although she struggled, and had an exceptionally hard life, she has proved that

anyone can succeed. No matter what dismal things happened, she didn't let anything get in her way.

She is someone to be proud of, and is a role model for everyone.

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Narcisse Noukafou

awrenice Miller

Mrs. Krane, Grade 8

When asked to write on the theme


Black-Americans in business, many people probably

wrote their reports about celebrities, such


Bill Cosby, Barry Gorden, Quincy Jones, or Tracy

Edmonds. They all should be commended for this. However, many non-famous people who are our

neighbors, have worked hard, and have struggled to be who they are today, and have become great

business individuals. Those individuals don't get the proper credit they really deserve. That is why my

report is on Narcisse Noukafou.

You may be asking yourself, "Narcisse Noukafou, who is he


He is one


the most hardest

working businessmen of today. He was born in Keve Togo, West Africa, to Kodjo and Odette

Noukafou. As a child Narcisse always had a thirst for education. Because


not having many

educational opportunities in his country at the time, Narcisse took


for France. He went there as a

student to attend a college in Bordeaux, France. Finally, his dream came true, he came to the United

States in 1970. In New York he attended college, majoring in advertisement and journalism. He soon

married in 1974 to Janice Washington of Valdosta, Georgia.


then moved to Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, where he sold adds for "Pocket Yellow Pages".

This inspired him to start his own business. Therefore, he started his own business by publishing

magazines called, "The French Pages". This magazine was designed for French-speaking people.

After he shut down that publication he found that people had an interest

n Africa. Therefore, he

transferred the advertisers to "African-USA". Each month there is a different country in Africa and the

West Indies featured in the magazine.

Narcisse has kept this magazine publication going for over 7 years. His magazine has grown to

be one


the oldest black magazines in the area. African-USA is designed specifically for African

American and Caribbean consumers. Also this magazine is educational for other ethnic groups because

they may acquaint themselves with Caribbean and African culture. This is how Narcisse planned it. He

wanted others to know about his country, his continent and the continent where blacks come from.

Narcisse has taken a wide step in his life, from being a young lad in Africa, to being an owner


"African-USA" magazines in the United States. He has maintained an average


distributing 5,000



each publication, free


charge And is still working hard to accomplish more


his goals.

He believes that anyone can accomplish the tasks he has done if you work hard, and do the best in

school. That is why he attends different schools today, lecturing and informing children about his

country and how children can work hard in order to attain their goals in life. Narcisse Noukafou is one

of the hardest working businessmen known


today. Not only is he an entrepreneur, he is also

modest and balances his life, by devoting time to his family and his religion. He truly fits this year's

Black History theme: "African-Americans and Business: The Path Toward Empowerment."

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Madame C J Walker

Jennifer Hernandez

Ms. Alfonso, Grade 7

The person I chose was an African American woman, who, in spite of racial and ethnic

discrimination, succeeded in the world of business.


response to this years theme, African

Americans on the business path to empowerment, I chose to spotlight Madame C.J. Walker.

Madam C

l alker

was the fIrst African American to earn a million dollars. Other women had

been millionaires before her but they inherited it, she was the fIrst to really earn it. She made money by

selling hair products. Her company is still in business today.

When she was born, her mom named her Sarah Breedlove. Her parents were slaves. Everyday she

worked from sunset to sundown in cotton fIelds. Later on, she changed her name to Madame C.J.

Walker. After she was born, Lincoln passed a law freeing slaves. Even though they were free, they

weren t given any money to start with.

When she was small, she didn t go to school much. She got married when she was fourteen.

Her husband s name was Mr.McWilliams. They had a daughter named Lelia. When Lelia was two,

her father was murdered by a lynch mob. Afterwards, they moved to St.Louis, where she made

meager earnings.


St.Louis, Madame C.J. Walker, noticed that her Hair was falling out. That night she had a

dream, that this guy was mixing this concoction. She woke up and tried the concoction.

t made her

hair glow longer and thicker.

She then started to sell her hair concoction through newspapers. Over some years, her and

Mary McLeod Bethune became friends. They became such good friends, that she gave money to Mary

McLeod Bethune and charities.


Madame C.J. Walkers will, she asked that-her company be kept

alive, but run only by women.

In conclusion, business people such s Madame C.J. Walker, proves that determination can

overcome racism and discrimination. That one should keep their eye on the path


empowerment and

fInish the race.

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Christopher Wallace

a k a The Notorious B I G

Raul Campos

Mrs. Krane, Grade 8

Music is used to express feelings and sometimes beliefs each person has. One popular form o

music is rap. Rap is said to be bad music with offensive language and explicit content. To many people

it is just a way to tell everybody how you feel. One great example o these people was the great

Christopher Wallace a.k.a. Notorious B.I.G., who is a great rap artist. He is also an example



black American, who has made achievements in the world o business yet, his path to empowerment

was not an easy one.

Christopher Wallace a.k.a. Notorious B.I.G. was born and raised in the Brooklyn

neighborhood o Bedford-Stuyvesant in New York. He was the son


a preschool teacher. n high

school, young Wallace was an honor student but this did not last long. He dropped out o school t the

age o seventeen to sell crack. Although he did not need to sell crack for money, he still insisted. One

reason Wallace says is that crack dealers were his role models and dealing was a way for a young

black man to make a living in the ghetto.

Dealing drugs would later cost him a trip to jail in North Carolina for nine months. Wallace had



time to think during his time in prison. Becoming a millionaire musician was not even in his

mind. After his release, he borrowed a friend s four-track tape recorder and created basic rap tracks in

his basement. These tapes were Wallace s chance to be a musician and leave his drug dealing ways

behind. The tapes landed in the hands


Andre Harrell, president o Uptown records, who was

impressed with what he heard. This would begin Wallace s career in music.

Christopher Wallace s career would not last in Uptown records. He met Uptown s National

director and together with Wallace, they established Bad Boy Records. Here Wallace would begin his

empire and become one

o the most popular rap artists in the world. He would soon create two

albums, which would push him to the front o the rap business. These albums would also gain


popularity and B.I.G. would win many awards. He would now be at the peak o his success and be

idolized forever.

Tragedy would strike the rap business. Christopher Wallace would be gunned down in Los

Angeles. This would stir up rumors about the East coast - West coast war. This would also be the end

o the great Notorious B.I.O. and his music. He now serves as a reminder o what anybody could do


they work hard for it. Christopher Wallace went from the bottom o society to a multi-millionaire rap

artist who is looked upon as a great businessperson.

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Kenneth I. Chenault

African American Businessman

Christine Chang

Mrs. Krane, Grade 8

Kenneth 1 Chenault is one o the most highly respected entrepreneurs in the field o business

today. He was recently promoted to president and chief operating officer o American Express

Company, a credit card company which Fortune Magazine ranks as the 65th largest company in the

country, based on annual revenues. This promotion is clearly a great step for African-Americans

everywhere, as Chenault's achievement marks the first public anointment


a black executive



one o the country's biggest companies , as stated in an article from the Detroit News.

Chenault did not attain his high position overnight, he worked hard to get so far. He started at

the bottom, and worked his way up.

In 1987, at age 35, he was names the head


the company's

Platinum and Cold Card division. He had tripled the merchandise division's profits in three years. Not

only that, but Kenneth Chenault was also a lawyer and graduated from Harvard University, one



most prominent colleges in the nation.

Chenault has been praised by many magazines and newspapers, the Black Enterprise magazine

being one


them. His achievement is helping to encourage diversity in executive business divisions.

Chenault has been nominated to sit on the board o director and


in charge


all American Express's

business except for the Financial Advisors and the American Express Bank.

When Chenault arranged a multi year, multi million dollar deal with the golf superstar Tiger

Woods, he said that discipline, hard works and preparation are the pillars o American Express'

business . Chenault has definitely shown all these qualities with all his efforts and time he has put into

the company American Express and is an excellent example for all o us. Kenneth I Chenault is

unmistakably the top African-American business leader.

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Oprah Winfrey s Path Toward Business Empowerment

Chelsea Owens

Ms. Alfonso, Grade 7

There are many African Americans in business today, yet they have gone through all kinds


sacrifices to become successful business persons. As a reward, they have gained power over the

business world. One person who falls under this category is Oprah Winfrey. Today, Oprah is

considered one


the world's greatest business persons, in spite


the trials and tribulations that she

has had to go through in her personal life, as well as her life


show business, and certainly her

rocky path toward empowerment in the business world.

Oprah Winfrey has had a turbulent life. She has had to cope with the mother who abandoned

her when she was


a baby (whom she has since reconciled with). She had an impoverished

childhood on her grandmother's family the rural south. She has had to deal with the cousin, uncle, and



another relative who molested her. She was introduced to cocaine by her boyfriend



early twenties. After all these sacrifices, she has turned it all around, found strength and meaning


adversity and used it to become who she is today.

At the age of 44, Oprah has her own book, her own TV show, and a $20 million film and

television production complex in downtown Chicago. Most of Oprah's programs are inspirational and

uplifting. Her focus has been on the celebration, rather than the degradation,


the human spirit.



Oprah's toughest moments came when Oprah was to greet celebrities


the Academy

Awards. She had never done this before, and she wanted to make her good friend, executive producer

of the Oscar show, Quincy Jones, proud. Jesse Jackson asked African Americans to boycott the event

and that's when all the complications began. Although Oprah basically agreed with Jackson that blacks

were not properly recognized by the Academy, she believed that the ceremony (with Quincy Jones

producing, Whoopi Goldberg hosting, and other black actors presenting awards) was not a place for

such a protest. " At one point, torn between the protest and her duties, Oprah just slipped away saying

she needed to meditate," recalls an observer, "when she came back, she was completely at peace; a

changed woman."

Oprah has been able to forgive relatives who've gone to the press to settle old scores. Over the

years her mother, father, sister, and brother have all given hurtful interviews to the tabloids. But Oprah

always takes the high road. Her colleague explains it, "Her shows are about forgiveness, and her life

is about forgiveness."



only one of the many African-Americans in business. I hope you have learned that

Oprah is a very successful business woman and a role model for many people. She overcame many

sacrifices to get where she is today. She has accomplished many goals such as her own book, her own

V show, and a $ 20 million film and television production complex. Her mirror reflects honesty,

stamina, and certainly hard work.

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Helen Fleitas

Miami Dade County

Hispanic Heritage Month Winner

Mrs. Krane, Grade 8

A writer, a poet, a patriot that is what most


us think


when we hear someone mention Jose

Marti but the truth is that he was all this and much more. His full name is Jose Julian Marti and he was

born on January 28, 1853 in Havana, Cuba. Marti grew up with his parents Don Mariano Marti y

Navarro who was born in Valencia and his mother Dona Leonor Perez y Cabrera who was born in

Santa Cruz de Tenerife (one of the Canary Islands). He also had two smaller sisters Antonia and

Amelia. Marti said that he looked and found love, refuge and comfort in his mother and little sisters

that he could not find in his father due to his father's strict and strong character.

Marti obtained his primary education in Havana until he reached the age of sixteen. He was

imprisoned as a revolutionary then banished to Spain. While in Spain he wrote pamphlets influencing

the Independence of Cuba (from Spain). He attended the University of Zarragoza and in 1874 he

eamed his degree in law.

In 1878 he returned to Cuba after going to France, Mexico and Guatemala. Again,in 1879, he

was banished from Cuba. He went to live in the United States from the year 1881 to the year 1895.


1892 he was active in the Cuban Revolutionary Party and founded its journal known as Patria.


1894 Jose Marti planned to invade Cuba. He got together with a group



revolutionaries. The group was intercepted in Florida and decided or had no choice but to tum back. A

year later, in 1895, Marti reached Cuba with the independence hero, General Maximo Gomez y Baez

and his army.

A month after the revolution began, on May 19, 1895, Marti went into battle at Dos Rios.

Unfortunately Jose Marti died


the battle while searching for the independence and freedom of his

beloved country and homeland.

Marti was not only a revolutionary, he was a writer and poet. His writing includes poetry,

essays and a novel. He


mostly given credit for his vivid descriptions, unique, fluent and simple

style. Many books have been published after Marti's death. One of the most known being a Edad de


which was especially written for children. Jose Marti dedicated most of his work and writings to

the children. His stories had very important morals behind them that taught children to be kind, willing

to share, and most importantly to be grateful with what they have and to pursue their dreams. Obras

Completas or

Complete Works as it


called in English was published from 1936 and 1953 and

contains all


his work in 73 volumes. That's a lot

Although Marti has dedicated most of his writings to the children he also had strong views on

other subjects. Subjects like liberty, government, politics, morality, human behavior and many others.

Marti had many things to say on the subject

of liberty but one of my favorite thought


his was when

he said how terrible it was to live without liberty. He also compares what it feels like to be without her

(liberty) to other things

"One's spirit writhes inside the body, like a man who has been poisoned". He

then goes on to say how those that have liberty do not appreciate it and that it is worth. On morality

and human behavior Marti said things like "We light the oven so that everyone may bake in it. f I

survive, I will spend my whole life at the oven door seeing that no one is denied bread and, so as to

give a lesson of charity, especially those who did not bring flour." And "Like stones rolling down

hills, fair ideas reach their objectives despite all obstacles and barriers.


may be possible to speed


hinder them, but impossible to stop them."

Jose Julian Marti a respected, honest man who gave his life for his country. He will always be

remembered in Cuba and shall remain in our hearts forever. What he has taught our children can never


replaced or forgotten. His hard work will never be overlooked and will always be appreciated. A

writer, a poet, a patriot that is what most think of when the words Jose Marti are spoken or overheard

but as I said before the truth is that he was all


this and so much more. He has left behind many

heartfelt thoughts that shall not be lost from memory as time and life goes on and has taught us that

liberty is essential in life. "Like bones to the human body, the axle to the wheel, the wing to the bird,

and the air to the wing, so is liberty the essence of life. Whatever is done without it is imperfect." And

with these words given to us by the great man that was once Jose Marti, I depart.

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Cats Cats

Daisy Sanchez

Mrs. Green, Grade 6

Cats sleep anywhere

On a table, or on a chair

They sleep on a piano,

Windo-Iedge, in the middle,

Or on the edge, open

Drawer, empty shoe,

Anybody's lap

Will always do, in a cupboard,

In a card box, even

With your frocks

Anywhere They

Don't care they'll

Sleep anywhere


Jacqueline Gonzalez

Mrs. Green, Grade 6

Greek commander


the Trojan War .

Not only a soldier he was more ...

Battled for pride and also peace ..

Coming from his homeland known as Greece. 

The goddess Athena put him in a mess...

As he treated very harsh the Trojan Princess ..

All these problems brought him stress .

But nevertheless, he used his cleverness .

Also put to the test by the mighty sorceress ..


Yvonne Lopez

Mrs. Green, Grade 6


Secret, Unexplained

Predict, Solve, Tell

Difficult to be solved


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All this underwent the great Odysseus ..

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Sunflower Bottle

Scratch Art





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Jamie Gurliaccio

Mrs. Green, Grade 6


Flying, Killing

Softcore, Spontaneous, Gentle

No one knows truly



Shreya Agrawal

Mrs. Green, Grade 6


Scary, Adventurous

Capturing, Solving, Fighting

Something you cannot understand



Intelligent, Kind

Playing, Helping, Studying

Girl who likes learning



Haiku Poem)

Sherry CuItera

Mrs. Quinones, Grade 7

The beach smells the same

Its drifting waves fonn ripples,

that make it seemed filled with life

Air Balloons

Asif Haiderali

Mrs. Kemp-Green, Grade 6

There's the man who sells balloons

Rowers Artwork


Shirley Lu

Grade 6

With golden suns and white full moons,

Pale green grapes and purple plums

On his shoulder, here he comes

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Sherry Cultera

Mrs. Quinones Grade 7

My people treat you right

We give you no harm

Our fear o you is greater.

For the peace between us you treat wrong.

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We have something



and offer for you to share

the greatest treasure



the peace and friendship we spare.

Wind Song

sif Haiderali

Mrs. Kemp-Green Grade 6

When the wind blows

The quiet things speak.

Some whisper some clang

Some creak.

Grasses swish.

Treetops sigh.

Flags slap

And snap at the sky.

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Literal)  Magazine


Yvonne Lopez

Mrs. Green, Grade 6

Robin Hood

Strong, Brave, Bold

Resident of Sherwood Forest

Killing the King's Forester

Brave, Angry, Regretful

He killed a Forester

He became an Outlaw

Crossing the Narrow Bridge

Tricky, Slippery, Wet

Robin challenged Little John

Robin stumbles into Head First into the Water

Robin's sweetheart, Maid Marian

Noble, kindhearted, Romantic

Robin and Maid Marian are disguised and did

not Recognize one Another.

Robin asked her to be in his band and

that is when she recognized his voice.

Robin Hood's Death

mournful, Heroic, tearful

Got an uncured fever after the war

Robin Hood died.

For helping the poor

and people in danger


is a HERO

Some of


Kristina Diaz

Mrs. Quinones, Grade 7

Some of us are kind



us don t mind

Some of us are shallow

And some of

us are hollow

Some of us are greedy

Some of us are needy



us are cruel

And others think they rule

For in which were all the same

We all grow up to love

We all grow up to learn

We all grow up the same

We all have goals

In which we often hold.

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The Sinking

Kristina Diaz

Mrs. Quinones, Grade 7

There once was a huge ship.


name was Titanic.

There were poor people and rich,

small people and large people on this huge ship.


was the ship


dreams " people would say.

But for all

It was the ship of death.

No one would think

that this ship would sink.

"Unsinkable " the whole world said.

But they were proved wrong.

On April


1912, this ship would sink.

No one could believe it.


on the ocean floor?


No "

Men, women, and children fell asleep in this terrible of graves.

~ .





, .

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Literary Magazine

Titanic would sail no more.

First Day of School

Asif Haiderali

Mrs. Kemp-Green, Grade 6

I wonder

I f my drawing

Will be as good as theirs.

I wonder

I f

they' 11 like me

Or just be full of stares

I wonder

I f my teacher

Will look like my mom or Gram.

I wonder

I f my puppy

will wonder where I am.

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Attention Jews

Vickiana Lopez

Mrs. Quinones, Grade 7

Terror, Horror and annihilation are near,

ATTENTION JEWS: please fear.

One night a message came to the community,

Jews were not to have equal opportunity.

The next morning they were taken away,

To a far place to slave day-after-day.

This is what more than 6 million Jews faced ,

In that horrible terrible place.

From old men to young babies were being killed,

Believe me, none o them were thrilled.

They saw friends, relatives and strangers fight each other,

When at one point they were all to be considered brothers .

For them t was survival at the best,

Not remembering or thinking o the rest.

Every man on his own it was said to be,

Due to the circumstances, they were blinded  and couldn' t see.

Hitler brought forth so much misery,

Any conscientious person would agree.

And though they physically suffered a lot,

The Jews were emotionally distraught.

Having lost family and friends in this terrible nightmare,

Not many express their story to share.

Over 6 million Jews died,

And we all want the perpetrators to be justified.

Injustice, discrimination and prejudice took place,

All because o the one man who wanted to become the ACE.

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Lauren rzewicki

Mrs. Quinones, Grade 7

Two years ago

in a fine morning

a tiny visitor came to my door

Big back spots covered his body

a long wagging tail, said hello

I begged my mother

Please can I keep him

She said yes, and I called him Scruffy.

He was neither obedient or kind

He snarled and bit at every chance

But he was my dog and I loved him so

And I didn't care


he bit or not

This morning a careless man

Opened the gate and let him out

We screamed and shouted

But he ran out

After him we ran

But it was no use

His instinct called him to be free

Now, I don t see him jump on the door

Now, I don t hear hi chains on the floor

His food bowl hasn't been touched

and now my heart feels so alone

His wagging tail greets no more

my empty arms feel so sore

and as I lay myself to sleep

I discovered something deep

Life will give you, then will take

so of each day be sure you make

a special memory for you to keep

You never know what each day will bring

or the changes in your life

so treat each friend with special kindness

in case today is your last chance.

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veryday Occurrences

Nicholas Waters

Mrs. Quinones, Grade 7

I hear about guns and drugs every day

I bet it 's not even safe to go out and play

Children crying and fearing for their lives

Husbands mad, and shooting their wives

Desperate women selling their bodies for money

Men who are drunk and trying to be funny

People on the comer with needles in their arm

Very confused thinking it does no harm

Well known role models telling us no pain, no gain

Then 4 hours later they get busted with crack cocaine

So as this poem comes to close

Always remember to stay on your toes

Don't be a dummy,

don t

be a fool

always remember to stay in school.

Friend Who

Katherine Izaguirre

Mrs. Quinones, Grade 7

Friend who laughs like n explosion

and asks can you keep a secret

Who is kind and caring

Who is a pearl shining brightly

Whose hair is made of strings

Is too sad to come and play

Who tells me in slang you are my sister

Who tells me in sign you are my friend

Whose eyes are watery

can t seem to tell me why

Sleeps in her room all night and day

Who used to laugh when you said hi

is sick

I hear your mom calling you

It s

just the wind and shut the door

Doesn't share her secrets anymore

Can t be cause I told her secret????

Who talks to me inside my head

Her stories and thoughts and big laughs

Who laughs with hiccups: hiccup, hiccup.

Is the secret I told

Asking you to cry

Who keeps a secret, who?




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Why Do We Strive

Sasha Muradali

Mrs. Perkins, Grade 7

A goal is a goal, as we are told

We write, we run and we have fun

We work, we shout, we play

for we never waste our day

For us time is an essence, or so it seems

We shan't give up our dreams

To the end of time, to the break of day

our dreams will be there or so they say

Our hearts are full, our brains are big

and so on we start this Dino Dig

Motivation we need, Motivation we have

and so it comes to when time comes pass

We are the future, the wind and the rain

and through it all we cease all pain

Forward on to the future now,

No awaiting, and no Conciliating.

To win over trust, this is our time, our world, our day, our night

and this is out fight

We may win some and we may lose some

but this is the time when all corne undone

For the future is near and all becomes clear

Forward on now, forward on

to the world we can make

to the world that we cannot ever forsake

This is our time,

This is our day, time comes to us now and will do away,

My time and yours, all into one

Dream on now, for the fight has just begun

This is the moment, This is the time

Be forth, Be blunt, be everything and anything you want to be

Our time is now,

A goal is a goal, as we are told ..


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Crayola Artwork


Natalie Angulo

Grade 6


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Rudolfa the mpowered



Viviana Velandia

Mrs. Krane, Grade 8

Rudolfa the empowered nose reindeer,

fought for all the humanitarian rights

As well as elves

Rudolfa the empowered nose reindeer,

An angry pre-adult reindeer in a fight

For rights

All of her fellow reindeers

bothered her in unfriendly ways

But hey, guess what?

Rudolf never wanted to play those games -like monopoly

Monopoly- which creates greed in children's fragile minds

Then one foggy Christmas Eve,

Santa the enslaved came to beg and bragg

but nothing worked cause Rudolfa knew,

she had to stand for her deer rights .

Yeah (Cheer)

Finally an hour later,

Rudolfa accomplished her goals

She won stuff like: free holidays named after her, salaries, payment

for medical bills and HMO plans.

She also got to lead in flight


Unfortunately for Rudolfa,

her plans seemed to have gone away,

her friends became ignorant, selfish, and fat

they cried

You'll go down in history"

altough in a fractured and fragmented way

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My Life

Michael Rodriguez

Mrs. Krane, Grade 8

Yesterday seems so far away

ridiculous to think ahead

At my age remembering your thoughts

everything is different

wanting to be somebody.

Could it be a lawyer

too young to tell

Could it be a doctor?

too young to care

So much responsibility

So many thoughts

For now I just want to

live and when I die know

that I have accomplished something in life.

Loving You lways

Marcelo Garcia

Ms. Rodriguez, Grade 7

I love your smile

I love your hair

That s why I stare

I would like to have you

As my girlfriend

But as you have chosen

Just to be friends,

I wonder i

You d ever say yes,

But I will always love you


(Dedicated to Nicasia)

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Perseus on Performance

Jamie urliaccio

Mrs. Green, Grade 6

Perseus was a brave, brave man

Always taking the weak in mind

Fought five tasks with just one hand

And won them all in time

His first task was the challenge

By King Polydectes himself

To bring back Medusa's head off her neck

And that took the courage of a man not an elf

But before off on his quest he must find

The Graeae and take their eye

Persuade them to tell him where

f he should and why

They told him where, grudgingly, in mind

Then h was off to the islands where the gorgons stood

He went looking through the caves

Sword, shield, and wings on foot

Battle won, he went galumphing back to his hood

On his way back he saw a beautiful girl

He fought with all his might

Thrash, thrash the blood was shed

Then Medusa's head was unfurled

And the monster was dead

You are brave my son, Zeus said

There are many more quests

that h went on

But this is THE END

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True Tall Tale

Kateland Bell

Mrs. Green, Grade 6

A son was born to Danae

From her father she hid away

The great fisherman, Dictys

Found a chest from the sea.

He took the chest, lay it rest

On the beautiful sugary sand


made a sound: he opened, and found

Perseus in his mother's hands.

Danae married a king

And with her brings

Perseus a young man.

But the king hated him ,"

He wanted him to end

The death o him would be grand

Polydectes said

"Bring Medusa's head

She you must slain

She is terrible vain

You will possess winged shoes cap

And fear you will lack

You will be bombarded

For her skin has hardened."

So o he went

Perseus was sent

"Medusa will die." He said.

For his stepson

Was the only one

To bring back Medusa's head.

Medusa was a beautiful woman

But now she is an ugly gorgon.

Perseus can not win

She knew that when it all began.

So he stopped up on the mountainous range

And saw a shadow


something strange.

So as she slept on the rock

Perseus came to her in shock.

"You will die," Perseus said

Later had Medusa's head.

But soon he had another task

Will these adventures always last?

Now o away he went

To save Andromeda from the serpent.




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Andromeda cried "Look what's in the sea

The ugliest serpent;


ever seen.

Kill the serpent, kill this thing.

And happiness to you. I will bring ."


will kill it," Perseus said

And drove his sword into its head

Blood had splattered,


smelled really bad

But at the death


it, no one was sad.

The marriage feast of the beast

Was very happy to hear.

For Andromeda felt good, that she should

Have a hero near.

Phineas was serious

He also wanted Perseus dead

And told his mama,


marry Andromeda

And their happiness would never end.

Perseus heard Phineas

But instead, he was a genius.

Since he had heard, he said no word

And took Medusa's head

He raised it high, heard a cry

But Phineas was now dead.

He took his wife

From pain and strife

He took her home

With Medusa's head shown

Perseus said, taking out Medusa's head

"What I say is true, Polydectes is cruel.

Cover your eyes, my friends "

And then Polydectes was dead

Yes, Perseus, Medusa's head shown

Polydectes was dead, yup, turned to stone

With the

joy of his death, there was laughter

And then they lived happily ever after




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I Like

Saddie Dones

Mrs. Green, Grade 6

Perseus Courageous Acts

Christina Martinez

Mrs. Green, Grade 6


Strong, courageous, and smart



Danae and Zeus

Resident of Greece

Kills Medusa

Snake head,ugly, and hard to beat

Perseus kills Medusa, without turning to stone

Medusa gets her head chopped off

Saves Andromeda



Cepheus, and Cassiopia, and very beautiful

Perseus saves her from the Sea god

He gets married with Andomeda



killing Phineas

Shouting, screaming, and weapons were hurled

Perseus got a spear and fought Phineus

Phineus died

Kills Acisius

King, Granfather, and very strong

Prophecy says no one will be born, but will have a grandson that will kill him

Acrisius died

Perseus was a very courageous God

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His Kiss

Nicasia Carmenatty

Ms. Rodriguez, Grade 7

His first kiss was just a gentle brush of my lips.

He bent his head and kissed me.

It was so tender, yet gentle.

As he took my breath away

My heart pounded for more.

I felt electric.

He put his arms around my neck

And pressed my body next to his.

We stopped for a second,

His eyes held mine for a heartbeat.

I saw a secret hidden in their depths.

Could he be cheating on me?

Is this kiss a goodbye?

What does it mean?

My heart bums for his love

But his burns for desire.

What' s going on?

Is it just my imagination?

Or is it just his kiss?

An African American Dream

Nicasia Carmenatty

Ms. Rodriguez, Grade 7

They were beaten,

They were threatened,

They were put as slaves.

Why they went through so much trouble,

Was because no one cared for

A different race.

Until one day a man rose high .

And stood up for what he believed in.

And he had a dream,

He had a dream,

that one day this nation

Would rise up to the true meaning of its creed

That all men are equal.

All they wanted was to be free.

Why did everyone have to be so mean?

They all gathered in Washinton D.C.

To see Dr. Martin Luther King

Demand them to be free.

Free at last, free at last

Thank God Almighty, we are free at last.

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Literary Magazine


Helen leitas

Mrs. Krane, Grade 8

She has no-one to talk too

There's no-one she can trust

And things have happened in her life

that she can never tell

She comes around and brightens

your day

When hers is falling down,

She's never really happy

but she never shows a frown

She s never been proud

but yet she holds her head high

She smiles through a thousand tears

and keeps inside a million fears,

She dreams of all that she can

never be.

She has no one to love her

There's no one who cares,

She has not a single friend just

a million pretenders .

There's no one to help her,

or hold her

or tell her they care

Yet she seems to be the

Perfect girl in the

Perfect world.

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Original Myth Urn


Jeannie Prieto

Jennifer Mendez

Grade 7


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Literary Magazine

Soon t Will nd

Viviana Velandia

Mrs. Krane, Grade 8

I am writing this poem to teach the world


the pain I suffer and will suffer,

And to let them know

About the many lives murdered,

By no reason at all.

My long lustrous hair had flown free,

Now is short and caged.

At nights I hear screams,

Belonging to the old and young.

The days are always cold

And I can t

feel my hands,

I ve been working all day

All I see are the malnourished looks


my race and kind.

Sometimes I wish I could run,

But wishes are impossible

They are only dreams.

This frightens me

Because I am being forced to grow up

Faster than the speed of light.

For every second n innocent person dies,

And every minute many are forced to starve.


How come?

I see no reason

Why this should be happening to me

or to any other soul

I ve attended church,

Prayed, and respected God.

I know this is too much,

I need some strength to keep me attenttive


my life ... for once which I can t own

I wish I could rest in peace.

But I just can t take upon oneself anymore ..

The hard times my community is going by,

My only hope is for tomorrow

That the sun would shine.

And my shadow would keep me company,

For the new day is full of darkness,

And the hope that this would end

Keeps the flame of my heart active

Deep .. deep down inside

And illuminates.

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Literary Magazine

l m

orylie Suarez

Mrs. Quinones, Grade 7

I am unique and cheerful

I wonder i I have a twin in the world

I hear the waves


the ocean murmur to me

I see myself graduating from high school with a scholarship

I want a B.M.W when I graduate

I am unique and cheerful

I pretend I am old enough to drive

I feel that all my dreams come true

I worry about my grades and my homework

I cry when I remember Selena

I am unique and cheerful

I understand I have to work hard to achieve my goals

I say, I know a lot

I dream o being a famous singer

I try to be all that I can be

I hope for a special call

I am unique and cheerful

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Henry Avendano

Grade 6


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o Fire

Judith Rodriguez

Mr. Cajacob Grade 8

From Within Your Soul

Heat Burns Through

Becoming Tears o fire

Surrounding Your Wrath

Gliding Slowly Down

t Mingles with your skin

A drink



Full o ecstasy.

Red flames afflict

The tormenting waves from the sea

Groaning in a blinding fury

Waiting to be freed.

Deep within n your soul

Lives a fountain o


Bitter and sweet

The sea o fire.

Far eyond the Moonlight

Judith Rodriguez

Mr. Cajacob  Grade 8

Far beyond the moonlight

Shimmering silver crystals are seen

Becoming fresh teardrops

Across an abysmal horizon.

Far beyond the moonlight

Mystical chants are written

Dreaming for reality

To prevail above all else.

Far beyond the moonlight

Rainy nights last forever

Leaving a sea o


Behind n a fever pitch darkness.

Far Beyond the moonlight

Forbidden castles lie atop

Everlasting pyramids leading

To the road o your dreams.

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Gustavo Bolanos

Mrs. Quinones, Grade 7

The beach is a place

to relax and have fun

where you swim in the ocean

and get tans in the sun.

The beach is a place

where the seashells collide

and the crabs run away

and wait for the tide.

When the sun fades away

and the moon starts to rise

the beach is a spectacle o lights in your eyes.


As you watch the moonlight

reflect in the water

as you feel the weather change

when it s no longer hotter.

The beach is a place

to relax and have fun

but it still isn t boring

when there is no sun.




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Mrs. Quinones, Grade 7

We were at a party

Happy and having a good time

When all of a sudden

We heard the doorbell chime.

It was a man in a mask

All dressed in black

It was a murderer with a gun

About ready to attack.

He told us to lay down

To not make a sound

For he will pull the trigger

And put us away, so we can t be found.

My friend tried to get away

But he tripped and fell

The man heard

And out burst hell.

My friend got shot

The man took the life of an innocent boy

For he only was sixteen

And his life was full of so much joy.


What a dreadful thing

It s like a boxer.

Confessing 2 You

Michael uanache

Mrs. Quinones, Grade 7


can you see that without you there is no me.

Literary Magazine

My love for you will always be.

From the start to the end.

My love for you will never part .

My arms are opened wide,

you can t imagine how I feel inside.

You fulfill my inner desire,

you filled the empty hole in my heart .

You are my everything and I love you.

without you I will be so lonely.

I thank God that I have school

Seeing you is a blessing

so I m confessing my love for you

because it s true.

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The ight Way

ory ie Suarez

Mrs. Quinones, Grade 7

Violence is terrible

Violence is harsh

There will never be love when violence takes part

Love is the key to all mankind

Keep it clean and keep it conserved

Don t let violence get in the way

Unless you want the love taken away

Love is the one who opens the door

While violence keeps it locked

With nothing to store

We all want love

We don t want hate

Now we know which road to take

The one


love and not






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