Writing Coach brochure

Coaching every student to be a winning writer! Interactive writing AND grammar program Personalized coaching for every student Customize instruction and saves time Perfect for English language learners


Prentice Hall Writing Coach brochure

Transcript of Writing Coach brochure

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Coaching every student to be a winning writer!

Interactive writing anD grammar program

Personalized coaching for every student

Customize instruction and saves time

Perfect for English language learners

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vi ResourcesInteractive


Writing Coach™VideoOnline



InteractiveGraphic Organizer



1 You, the Writer

2 Types of Writing

3 The Writing Process

4 Sentences, Paragraphs, and Compositions

5 Nonfiction NarrationPersonal NarrativeScript for a Personal NarrativeEvent Letter Writing for Assessment

6 Fiction NarrationScience Fiction Short StorySci-Fi Film TrailerDramatic SceneWriting for Assessment

7 Poetry and DescriptionFree Verse Poem and Lyric PoemMultimedia Presentation of a Collection of ImagesTravel BlogWriting for Assessment

8 ExpositionCompare-and-Contrast EssayHumorous SkitTechnical NewsletterWriting for Assessment

9 PersuasionOp-Ed PiecePublic Action Day at Your SchoolAdvertisementWriting for Assessment

10 Response to LiteratureReview of a Short StoryAdvertisement for a Story of Your ChoiceMovie ReviewWriting for Assessment

11 ResearchInformational Research ReportPress Conference ScriptOnline Consumer ReportWriting for Assessment

12 Workplace WritingFriendly Letter Letter of Opinion Letter of RequestResearch Report on Activities for KidsSet of InstructionsWriting for Assessment


Writing without grammar only goes so far. Grammar and writing work together. To write well, grammar skills give me great tools.



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Interactive Writing AND Grammar Program for 11–18 year olds

uniquely Organized for student successWriting Coach is organized into two distinct sections: one for WRITInG and one for GRaMMaR. This flexible, two-part organization makes it easier to focus on the instruction students need.

Writing Chapters In the WRITING section, students learn strategies, traits, and skills that will help them become better writers.

Writing Coach OnlineStudents receive personalized guidance and support for their writing.


Color-Coded Writing Process The highly visual organization makes it easy to find information.

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21 Using Verbs

22 Using Pronouns

23 Making Words Agree

24 Using Modifiers


25 Punctuation 26 Capitalization


13 Nouns and Pronouns

14 Verbs

15 Adjectives and Adverbs

16 Prepositions

17 Conjunctions and Interjections

18 Basic Sentence Parts

19 Phrases and Clauses

20 Effective Sentences





Grammar without writing is only a collection of rules, but when these rules are put into action as I write, the puzzle comes together.


• Grammar Tutorials• Grammar Practice• Grammar Games







Find ItFIX IT 20 Major Grammatical

Errors and How to Fix Them

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turn the page to find out more about


Grammar Chapters In the GRAMMAR section, students learn the rules and conventions of grammar, usage, and mechanics.

Writing Coach OnlineStudents view grammar tutorials and practice grammar skills.

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Personalized Writing Coach for Every Student

essay scorer gives specific feedback at the essay level on the six traits of writing.

Writing tutorials provide helpful videos from the authors of Writing Coach!

Paragraph feedback is exclusive to Writing Coach. Students get individual feedback at the paragraph level and can submit drafts more than once.

tips from Your Writing Coachoffers advice and strategies to improve writing.

extend Writing Instruction support OnlineWriting Coach Online is a fully digital system that stands alone or supports print materials.


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target Just the right Grammar skills students need

Grammar tutorials give students one on one tutorials to help them with develop their grammar skills.

Grammar CenterProvides personalized grammar instruction, practice and tutorials.

Based on the results of online diagnostic tests, Writing Coach Online automatically assigns targeted instruction and practice for grammar, usage, and mechanics. Each student receives right amount of instruction.

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sing Feature Assignment Revising Feature Assignment Revising

Focus on Craft: Consistent Point of ViewYour audience will be confused if you don’t have a consistent point of view in your review of a short story. Many reviews are written in the first-person point of view, using words such as I and we. Other reviews are written in the second-person point of view, using you and your, or in third-person point of view, using he, she, and it.

Think about point of view as you read the following example from the Student Model.

Revising 213

Fine-Tune Your DraftApply It! Use the revision suggestions to prepare your final draft after rethinking how well questions of purpose, audience, and genre have been addressed.

• Use Consistent Point of View Avoid changing point of view within paragraphs or from one paragraph to the next.

• Improve Sentence Structure Break or combine sentences to achieve a variety of sentence structures such as simple, compound, and complex.

Peer Feedback Show your final draft to a group of your peers and ask if your evidence supports your main idea. Listen carefully to their ideas and make revisions as needed.



VideoLearn more strategies for effective writing from program author Kelly Gallagher.

Online Journal Record your answers in the

online journal.

Interactive ModelRefer back to the Interactive Model as you revise your writing.

InteractiveWriting CoachTM

Revise your draft and submit it for feedback.

Try It!

Try It! Now, ask yourself these questions:

• What point of view does the author of the Student Model use? Why might that be a good choice for a review of a short story?

• Why might a change in point of view confuse the reader?

STUDENT MODELfrom Gary Soto’s “Seventh Grade”: Something We Can All Relate To page 202; lines 5–8

You’ll laugh as you read about the things Victor does to get a girl named Teresa to notice him. This story is about what happens when you pretend to be something you are not.




Strategy for Below-Level Students If students need to revise simple retellings in order to include analysis, ask them some of these questions: What does the character’s action tell you about the character? How does that action make you feel? How would the story be different if the character made a different choice here?

Enrichment for Gifted/Talented Students Challenge students to deepen their reviews by referencing other works that relate to their short story in some way. For example, they might refer to other stories by the same author, stories in the same genre, or stories with similar themes, settings, or plotlines. Have them comment on the strength or weakness of their story by referencing how these other stories use the same elements.


Differentiated Instruction

Personalized SupportInteractive Writing CoachTM

Below Level Students complete the revising process by submitting their writing for scoring and feedback.

On Level Students complete the revising process by submitting their writing for scoring and feedback.

Above Level Students finish revising their drafts. They have the option of submitting their revised drafts for scoring and/or feedback.

Teacher or Peer Feedback

To provide feedback to students as they continue to revise their first draft, ask or have student partners ask one another the following:

• What are you trying to say here? What part of the text could you replace to make your meaning clearer?

• Is there a more precise word you could use here?

• How does the rhythm of these sentences sound to you? Could you make the length and structure of these sentences more varied?

• How could you include transitional words and phrases here to help your reader understand these ideas?

• Are there details you could add here to make this part come alive?


3Using Writing Coach Online™ or the student book, students refer back to the Mentor Text or Student Model for examples of writer’s craft.

4 WritingJournal

Students submit revised drafts to the Interactive Writing Coach™ for scoring and feedback, or share their work with their teacher.

5Students record answers to questions about writer’s craft in their online journals or notebooks.

Students receive customized feedback from the Interactive Writing Coach™ or feedback from their teacher.



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Differentiated Instruction and Practice for EVERY Student

scaffold learning and challenge students in your classroom.

Additional instruction and scaffolding for:• Below-Level Students• English Language Learners• Spanish Speakers

Rigorous enrichment and extension activities for:• Above-Level Students• Gifted and Talented Students• Pre-AP Students

Differentiated Instruction

Perfect for spanish speakers

Differentiated instruction and practice means better learning for all levels with targeted resources and teaching strategies.

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Perfect for english language learnersThe program offers support for all four levels of English Language proficiency.

Contributing author Jim Cummins: Widely acclaimed author Jim Cummins, has written numerous books on teaching English, working with ELLs.

support for all language levels

audio and visual support Visual outlines and audio recordings are perfect for ELLs.

language Development Oral and written language production occurs in every lesson with listening and speaking, partner talk, and word bank activities.

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Revising Feature Assignment Revising Feature Assignment Revis

Kelly Gallagher, M. Ed.

Revisingggggg Featu

184 Persuasive Writing


Have I included persuasive arguments? Have I anticipated and answered reader counter-arguments?

Does my thesis statement clearly identify the issue and my purpose or opinion?

Does the introduction grab my audience?

There Is Something You Can Do About TRAFFIC

When I asked my mom about the traffi c she encounters on her daily commute to work, she told me that it’s an avoidable inconvenience that she needs to put up with. The traffi c is not only an inconvenience for her as she sits in her car waiting, but also for our family as we sit at home waiting for her. Frequently, we end up eating dinner on our own because she gets home too late to join us.

Traffi c is more than an inconvenience. As a result of all the time drivers spend on the road, we are using up too much fuel and polluting the airways.

By showing people what they can do to decrease the amount of traffi c and giving them incentives to make changes, we can probably lessen the traffi c problem.

First, each of us can explore mass transit options, and use them. Employers can help by promoting four-day workweeks and staggering working hours. If we write to our legislators, we can make this happen.

Read part of the first draft of the Student Model “There Is Something You Can Do About Traffic.” Then look at questions the writer asked himself as he thought about how well his draft addressed issues of audience, purpose, and genre.

Revising: Making It BetterNow that you have finished your first draft, you are ready to revise. Think about the “big picture” of audience, purpose, and genre. You can use your Revision RADaR as a guide for making changes to improve your draft. Revision RADaR provides four major ways to improve your writing: (R) replace, (A) add, (D) delete, and (R) reorder.

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vising Feature Assignment Revising Feature Assignment Revising

Revising 185


InteractiveWriting CoachTM

Use the Revision RADaR strategy in your own writing. Then submit your draft for feedback.

Added a possible counter-argument and a response to it

Deleted the word probably and

replaced the word lessen with the word fi x in order to make my thesis statement more forceful

Added a fact about the commute time to bett er explain the issue to my audience

Replaced a dull secondhand description with a more interesting quotation and an explanation of it

Apply It! Use Revision RADaR to revise your draft.

• First, determine if you have addressed the needs of your audience, explained your purpose for writing, and included the characteristics of the op-ed piece genre.

• Then apply Revision RADaR to make needed changes. Remember—you can use the steps in the strategy in any order.

There Is Something You Can Do About TRAFFIC“Traffi c is just one of life’s inconveniences.

Sure, it’s frustrating, but what can you really do about it?” This was how my mom responded to my question about the traffi c she encounters on her daily commute to work. The traffi c not only is a frustration for her as she sits in her car waiting, but also for our family as we sit at home waiting for her. Frequently, we end up eating dinner on our own because she gets home too late to join us.

Traffi c is more than an inconvenience. The average commute time one way has expanded from twenty or thirty minutes to as much as three hours per day. As a result of all this time on the road, we are using up too much fuel and polluting the airways. By showing people what they can do to decrease the amount of traffi c and giving them incentives to make changes, we can fi x the traffi c problem.

First, each of us can explore mass transit options, and use them. Employers can help by promoting four-day workweeks and staggering working hours. People object to carpooling, but many will not if there is a tax incentive involved. If we write to our legislators, we can make this happen.

Now look at how the writer applied Revision RADaR to write an improved second draft. W






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Organized for Ease of Use with Targeted and Effective Strategies

learning strategies such as the RaDaR revision and aBCDs of writing on demand helps students through difficult parts of writing such as drafting and test writing.

Make Drafting and revising easy to apply and rememberWriting Coach provides a visual outline to get students started with their drafts. The Revision RaDaR strategy helps writers tackle the most challenging part of the process – revising.

raDar stands for —Replace —add —Delete —Reorder

Online Writing CoachStudents can review the Revision RaDaR strategy online and then resubmit their paragraph or essay for instant feedback.

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essment Writing for Assessment Writing for Assessment Writing forg g

194 Persuasive Writing


The prompt directs you to write a persuasive essay. Be sure to include an introduction with a clear thesis, body paragraphs with supporting evidence, and a conclusion that reinforces your opinion.

Persuasive Prompt

Your school board has announced that it will fund a new sport next year. Write a persuasive essay telling why a sport you choose should be funded. Support your opinion with examples and facts.

Academic Vocabulary

Remember that an opinion is a personal belief about something. A fact is something that actually happened or can be proven.

Writing for AssessmentMany standardized tests include a prompt that asks you to write a persuasive essay. Use these prompts to practice. Respond using the characteristics of your op-ed piece. (See page 172.)

Try It! To begin, read the persuasive prompt and the information on format and academic vocabulary. Use the ABCDs of On-Demand Writing to help you plan and write your essay.

The ABCDs of On-Demand WritingUse the following ABCDs to help you respond to the prompt.

Before you write your draft:

ttack the prompt [1 MINUTE]

• Circle or highlight important verbs in the prompt. Draw a line from the verb to what it refers to.

• Rewrite the prompt in your own words.

rainstorm possible answers [4 MINUTES]

• Create a graphic organizer to generate ideas.

• Use one for each part of the prompt if necessary.

hoose the order of your response [1 MINUTE]

• Think about the best way to organize your ideas.

• Number your ideas in the order you will write about them. Cross out ideas you will not be using.

After you write your draft:

etect errors before turning in the draft [1 MINUTE]

• Carefully reread your writing.

• Make sure that your response makes sense and is complete.

• Look for spelling, punctuation, and grammar errors.





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for Assessment Writing for Assessment Writing for Assessment

Writing for Assessment 195


InteractiveWriting CoachTM

Plan your response to the prompt. If you are using the prompt for practice, write one paragraph at a time or your entire draft and then submit it for feedback. If you are using the prompt as a timed test, write your entire draft and then submit it for feedback

WCHMore Prompts for Practice

Apply It! Respond to Prompts 1 and 2 by writing persuasive essays that influence the attitudes or actions of a specific audience on a specific issue. As you write, be sure to:

• Identify an appropriate audience

• Establish a clear thesis or position

• Anticipate and respond to the views, concerns, and counter-arguments of others

• Logically organize your arguments and evidence so that they support your viewpoint

• Differentiate between fact and opinion, and support all your opinions with facts

Prompt 1 Imagine that your school has a new program. Students who ride their bicycles to school receive points toward a service award. Write a persuasive essay stating your position on this program.

Prompt 2 Imagine that your school principal is planning to require that all students participate in cleaning up litter around the building. Write a persuasive essay stating your position on this issue.

Prompt 3 Sleep is essential for all humans. Write an essay about the effects of not getting enough sleep.

• A clearly stated purpose, or controlling idea

• A logical organization, including an effective introduction and conclusion

• A variety of sentence structures and rhetorical devices

• Clear transitions to link ideas and paragraphs

• Appropriate facts and details without any extraneous information or inconsistencies

• Accurately synthesized ideas from several sources

ABCDttack the prompt

rainstorm possible answers

hoose the order of your response

etect errors before turning in the draft







Spiral Review: Expository Respond to Prompt 3 by writing an expository essay. Your essay should include:

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teach students the abCDs of On-Demand WritingMore and more assessments require students to produce On-Demand writing. The quick aBCD strategy helps students internalize this skill and gets them ready for tests.

the abCDs of On-Demand WritingThis easy-to-remember strategy aids students with timed-writing assignments. ttack the prompt rainstorm possible answers hoose the order of your response etect errors before turning in the draft.




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Customize Instruction and Save Time

successnet Plus offers an online system that makes teaching more manageable.

• Sets individual learning levels• Delivers instant content to match each student’s ability level• Updates learner levels based on performance• Assigns remediation activities• Customizes lesson plans and assessment

Find out more about Successnet Plus at www.mypearsontraining.com

Writing Coach Online is your teaching partner, supporting everything you do – from planning and writing assignments to assigning personalized practice. It saves you time so you can teach, inspire and advise.

save Hours reviewing Papers and Planning lessons

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spend More Hours

teaching—not reviewing essays!

If you have 105 students, then

105 x 8 essays

x 2 drafts

x 20 minutes per draft



Mastery reports are highly visual with clear and precise formatting to help you view results and track progress for each student.

Online Planner supports instruction and planning through:

• Customized online lesson planner• Paragraph scorer• Essay scorer• Personalized writing feedback• Interactive graphic organizers • Instructional videos• Diagnostic tests• Animated grammar tutorials • Instant reporting

essay and Paragraph scorer allows for instant feedback and scoring of student work.

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Prentice Hall Writing Coach (Grades 6–12)

www.pearsonglobalschools.comContact your local Pearson representative to find out more. If you are unsure of who to contact, email [email protected] Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Visit www.pearsonglobalschools.com/writingcoach to find out more!

What’s Included?

Student Editions

Teacher’s Editions

Writing Coach OnlineIncludes an online lesson planner, essay and paragraph

scorer, writing feedback, videos, tests, and more!

Examview test generator CD-ROMWorkbook