Writing Bad News Messages

© Prentice Hall, 200 3 Business Communication Today Chapter 8 - 1 Writing Bad News Writing Bad News Messages Messages


Writing Bad News Messages. Three-step Writing Process. Planning. Writing. Completing. Purpose Audience Solid Evidence. Main Idea Relevant Points Right Approach. Revision Organization Overall Design. Strategies for Bad-news Messages. Convey the message Gain acceptance - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Writing Bad News Messages

© Prentice Hall, 2003 Business Communication Today Chapter 8 - 1

Writing Bad Writing Bad News MessagesNews Messages

© Prentice Hall, 2003 Business Communication Today Chapter 8 - 2

Three-step Writing Three-step Writing ProcessProcess

PlanningPlanning CompletingCompletingWritingWriting



•Solid Evidence



•Solid Evidence

•Main Idea

•Relevant Points

•Right Approach

•Main Idea

•Relevant Points

•Right Approach



•Overall Design



•Overall Design

© Prentice Hall, 2003 Business Communication Today Chapter 8 - 3

Strategies for Strategies for Bad-news MessagesBad-news Messages

• Convey the message

• Gain acceptance

• Maintain goodwill

• Promote a good corporate image

• Minimize future correspondence

© Prentice Hall, 2003 Business Communication Today Chapter 8 - 4

Audience-centered Audience-centered ToneTone

The “You” Attitude

Positive Wording

Respectful Language

© Prentice Hall, 2003 Business Communication Today Chapter 8 - 5

The The DirectDirect Approach Approach

Bad News

Step 1

Bad News

Step 1


Step 2


Step 2

Positive Close

Step 3

Positive Close

Step 3

Flow of the Message

Substance of the Message

© Prentice Hall, 2003 Business Communication Today Chapter 8 - 6

The The IndirectIndirect Approach Approach


Step 1


Step 1


Step 2


Step 2


Step 3


Step 3


Step 4


Step 4

Flow of the Message

Substance of the Message

© Prentice Hall, 2003 Business Communication Today Chapter 8 - 7

Begin With a Begin With a BufferBuffer

• Show appreciation

• Pay attention

• Compliment reader

• Be understanding

• Show sincerity

• Saying “no”

• A know-it-all tone

• Wordy phrases

• Apologies

• Lengthy buffers

Things to Do Things to Avoid

© Prentice Hall, 2003 Business Communication Today Chapter 8 - 8

Provide ReasonsProvide ReasonsThat Support the That Support the

RefusalRefusal• Cover positive points

• Provide relevant details

• Highlight benefits

• Minimize company policy

• Avoid apologizing

• Decision is justified, fair, and logical

© Prentice Hall, 2003 Business Communication Today Chapter 8 - 9

State the MessageState the MessageState the MessageState the Message

De-emphasize the Bad NewsDe-emphasize the Bad NewsDe-emphasize the Bad NewsDe-emphasize the Bad News

Use a Conditional StatementUse a Conditional StatementUse a Conditional StatementUse a Conditional Statement

Focus on the PositiveFocus on the PositiveFocus on the PositiveFocus on the Positive

Avoid Blunt LanguageAvoid Blunt LanguageAvoid Blunt LanguageAvoid Blunt Language

© Prentice Hall, 2003 Business Communication Today Chapter 8 - 10

Close With ConfidenceClose With ConfidenceClose With ConfidenceClose With Confidence

Maintain a Positive ToneMaintain a Positive ToneMaintain a Positive ToneMaintain a Positive Tone

Limit Future CorrespondenceLimit Future CorrespondenceLimit Future CorrespondenceLimit Future Correspondence

Remain Confident and SincereRemain Confident and SincereRemain Confident and SincereRemain Confident and Sincere

Be Optimistic About the FutureBe Optimistic About the FutureBe Optimistic About the FutureBe Optimistic About the Future

© Prentice Hall, 2003 Business Communication Today Chapter 8 - 11


Communication DiversityCommunication Diversity

Proper ToneProper Tone



© Prentice Hall, 2003 Business Communication Today Chapter 8 - 12

Writing BadWriting BadNews MessagesNews Messages

Routine Requests

Organizational News

Employment Information

© Prentice Hall, 2003 Business Communication Today Chapter 8 - 13

RoutineRoutineWorkplace RequestsWorkplace Requests

RoutineRoutineWorkplace RequestsWorkplace Requests



InvitationsInvitationsand Favorsand FavorsInvitationsInvitationsand Favorsand Favors

© Prentice Hall, 2003 Business Communication Today Chapter 8 - 14

The Status of OrdersThe Status of Orders

Ship Part Ship Part of the Orderof the Order

Ship None Ship None of the Orderof the Order

Work Toward an Eventual SaleWork Toward an Eventual Sale

Communicate ClearlyCommunicate Clearly

Be Confident and OptimisticBe Confident and Optimistic

© Prentice Hall, 2003 Business Communication Today Chapter 8 - 15

Claims and AdjustmentsClaims and Adjustments

Things to Employ Things to Avoid

Accepting Blame


Negative Language


Courtesy and Tact

Indirect Approach

Understanding and Respect

Positive Attitude

© Prentice Hall, 2003 Business Communication Today Chapter 8 - 16

Credit DecisionsCredit Decisions

RequestedRequestedby a Companyby a Company

RequestedRequestedby a Personby a Person

© Prentice Hall, 2003 Business Communication Today Chapter 8 - 17

Organizational NewsOrganizational NewsOperationsProducts

© Prentice Hall, 2003 Business Communication Today Chapter 8 - 18

Letters ofLetters ofRecommendationRecommendation

RequestedRequestedby Businessesby Businesses

RequestedRequestedby Individualsby Individuals


RecognizeRecognizeFeelingsFeelingsBe DirectBe Direct State FactsState Facts

© Prentice Hall, 2003 Business Communication Today Chapter 8 - 19

Employment Employment ApplicationsApplications

• Use the direct approach

• State reasons clearly

• Suggest alternatives

© Prentice Hall, 2003 Business Communication Today Chapter 8 - 20

Performance Performance ReviewsReviews

Provide Feedback

Review JobDescription

Set anAction Plan

© Prentice Hall, 2003 Business Communication Today Chapter 8 - 21

NegativeNegativePerformance ReviewsPerformance Reviews

• Confront the problem

• Plan the message

• Maintain privacy

• Focus on the problem

• Use Constructive Criticism

• Obtain commitment

© Prentice Hall, 2003 Business Communication Today Chapter 8 - 22

ExpressExpressthe Decisionthe Decision

Give SpecificGive SpecificJustificationJustification

MinimizeMinimizeNegative FeelingsNegative Feelings
