Writing a Student Absence Excuse Letter for School is More of an Art Than a Science

Writing a student absence excuse letter for school is more of an art than a science. You want to tell the truth without providing too much detail or making the teacher suspicious of whether or not the content of your letter is legitimate. I strongly urge you to tell the truth and not to write lies. Often, a student will write down a medical emergency as an excuse, only to find out later that the teacher requires him or her to get a doctor’s note. You do not want to find yourself in this situation. Lying will only make matters worse. Schools nowadays are placing a higher emphasis on attendance and counting them as a factor when determining grades. The samples provided below will help you write your own absence excuse letter. Sample Absence Letter due to illness Dear Jane Doe, My son, Adam in your homeroom class was absent on Thursday and Friday because he caught a severe cold. Thankfully, his fever has subsided and he has stopped coughing. I am sending him to school today because he feels much better and I do not want him to fall behind in his studies. Please give him all the assignments that he missed, so that he can work on them when he comes home today. I have also enclosed a doctor’s note for your viewing. Sincerely, Mary Smith



Transcript of Writing a Student Absence Excuse Letter for School is More of an Art Than a Science

Writing a student absence excuse letter for school is more of an art than a science. You want to tell the truth without providing too much detail or making the teacher suspicious of whether or not the content of your letter is legitimate. I strongly urge you to tell the truth and not to write lies.Often, a student will write down a medical emergency as an excuse, only to find out later that the teacher requires him or her to get a doctors note. You do not want to find yourself in this situation. Lying will only make matters worse. Schools nowadays are placing a higher emphasis on attendance and counting them as a factor when determining grades. The samples provided below will help you write your own absence excuse letter.Sample Absence Letter due to illness

Dear Jane Doe,My son, Adam in your homeroom class was absent on Thursday and Friday because he caught a severe cold. Thankfully, his fever has subsided and he has stopped coughing. I am sending him to school today because he feels much better and I do not want him to fall behind in his studies. Please give him all the assignments that he missed, so that he can work on them when he comes home today.I have also enclosed a doctors note for your viewing.Sincerely,Mary SmithSample Absence Letter due to Death in the Family or FuneralDear Jane Doe,My daughter, Abigail in 6th grade, was absent on Monday because her grandfather passed away. Abigail was quite close with her grandfather and was very sad to hear the news. My husband and I thought it would be a good idea to stay home with her. The funeral is expected to be this Friday and so she will have to leave school at 1:00 pm after lunch.If you could send her the missing assignment from Monday and any work that she will miss on Friday, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you very much.Sincerely,Mary SmithSample Absence Letter due to a Religious HolidayDear Jane Doe,My son, Sam, in your homeroom class, will be unable to attend classes on Friday in order to observe the Chinese New Year. I understand that the school does not recognize it as an official holiday, but it is an important day of celebration for our family. I hope you can understand and I would greatly appreciate it if you can provide Sam the assignments that he will miss on Friday. Thank you very much.Sincerely,Mary Chung

Just any type of real problem that doesnt let you attend ( you cant use the excuse stuck in traffic because that is NOT a real excuse or problem that concerns them).For example lets suppose that you missed school for 2 days because you had a fever or cold and could not attend school, so your letter would be written like this:To whom it may concern:Please excuse (your name here) for being absent on (the dates here) I had a fever of (X number of degrees).Thank You for your understanding,(Your name and signature here)And its done, this is a very simple letter of excuse but you get the idea on how it is written and depends on you how formal you want to write the letter, also if you have a doctors note you should include a copy of it in the letter of excuse so that the letter is backed up by what the doctors told you and prescribed you.It adds credibility to your letter because anyone can write that they are sick but when you have a doctors note then they have no choice but to excuse you or at the very least take in consideration that you had health problems and could not assist those days that you were sick.