write up 2

Topic : How to decrease insurance fraud Definition : Insurance fraud is any act committed with the intent to obtain a fraudulent outcome from an insurance process. Types of fraud : Policy holder and claims fraud Fraud against insurer by policyholder and/or other parties in the purchase and/or execution of an insurance product. Intermediary fraud Fraud by intermediaries against insurer and/or policyholders. Internal fraud Fraud against insurer by employee on his/her own volition or in collusion with parties that are internal or external to insurer. Key fraud trends in insurance industry :



Transcript of write up 2

Topic : How to decrease insurance fraudDefinition :Insurance fraud is any act committed with the intent to obtain a fraudulent outcome from an insurance process.Types of fraud : Policy holder and claims fraud Fraud against insurer by policyholder and/or other parties in the purchase and/or execution of an insurance product. Intermediary fraud Fraud by intermediaries against insurer and/or policyholders. Internal fraud Fraud against insurer by employee on his/her own volition or in collusion with parties that are internal or external to insurer.Key fraud trends in insurance industry :

Impact of insurance fraud : Higher insurance premiums Rising cost of goods & services Jeopardize health, lives and property Lost personal income and savings Lost jobs Diverts government resources Personal costs Diverts from essential services Overall financial costFraud prevention measures : Every Insurance company to have a comprehensive Fraud and Abuse management policy Fraud and Abuse Management to be a company wide activity rather than a claims function activity Due legal process to be followed before reporting a case Sharing of knowledge and data like fraud patterns and case studies, fraud customer list, fraudulent intermediaries (agents), fraudulent investigatorIRDAI requirements on Fraud Monitoring : Anti-Fraud Policy: There should be an Anti Fraud Policy containing well defined procedures to identify, detect, investigate and report insurance frauds. Fraud Monitoring Function: There should be a Fraud Monitoring Function to ensure effective implementation of Anti Fraud Policy across all lines of business. Independence: Function of fraud monitoring should be either an independent function or merged with existing functions - risk, audit etc. Risk Management Committee: The Corporate Governance guidelines mandate insurance companies to set up a Risk Management Committee (RMC). The RMC is required to lay down the company-wide Risk Management Strategy. Periodic reporting to IRDAI: Insurance Companies need to put in place as part of Corporate Governance Structure, Fraud detection and mitigation measures and submit Periodic reports to Authority . Statistics on fraudulent cases need to be reported to IRDA within 30 days of the close of financial year. Anti Fraud Strategy :