Write The A+ Anaylsis Paper[1]



PowerPoint discussion on the elements of a Literary Analysis paper. There is a quiz included for review.

Transcript of Write The A+ Anaylsis Paper[1]

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Write the “A+” Analysis Paper

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There Are Two Types of Literary Paper

Let’s Get Started ! Popular Style

Guides typesWriting the PaperFormat the Paper

The thesis statementSupporting

ParagraphsWays to present

supporting evidenceInformation for

formatting the paperFinishing TouchesDo you remember?

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Thesis-DrivenThesis-Driven Process PaperProcess Paper

Thesis-Driven paper is structured around a central thesis (idea) or argument about the text you introduce at the beginning of the paper.

The Process paper explore how you are processing the text and arrive at the thesis or argument by the paper’s conclusion.

This approach involves exploring and interacting with the text.

There Are Two Style Types of Literary Paper

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Let’s Get Started ! Let’s Get Started !

Brainstorm your ideas and constrict your focus to one component or topic of the text.

Begin your research. Some literary analysis papers require secondary

sources. Try utilizing online journals, literary criticism, and other resources to acquire additional information. Take notes and always keep track of your sources in MLA or APA format. Be consistent with your style guide. Popular Style Guides

If you only need to use the text itself, go through the piece again, making notes of where you plan to draw from for textual evidence in your paper.

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Popular Style Guides

Starting points

NCSU Citation Builderhttp://www.lib.ncsu.edu/lobo2/citationbuilder/citationbuilder.php

Simply enter the citation information in an online form and, Presto!, your citation is automatically generated

Documentation Guidelineshttp://www.lib.duke.edu/libguide/cite/works_cited.htm

Samples of APA, Chicago, MLA and Turabian style citations of articles, books, book reviews, government documents, newspaper articles, primary sources, and web pages.

Knight Citehttp://www.calvin.edu/library/knightcite/index.php?op=newCitationCitation Generator (He-man Library, Calvin College)

APA (American Psychological Association)

APA Style by OWL (scroll to bottom of page for links)http://owl.english.purdue.edu/handouts/research/r_apa.html

APA Research Style Crib Sheethttp://www.docstyles.com/apacrib.htm

APA Style.orghttp://www.apastyle.org/elecref.html

APA Style (Citing Business Databases)http://www.ecu.edu/cs-lib/reference/instruction/CBD-in-APA-Style.cfm

APA Style Guide to Electronic References (PDF)http://jproxy.lib.ecu.edu/limited/style_reference.pdf

MLA MLA Citation Guide


APA, MLA Style by OWL (scroll to bottom of page for links)http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/

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Writing the Paper

Begin writing your paper. If your paper is thesis driven, be sure you present it clearly early on in the paper.

Write in a style and voice that feels natural and works for you. A literary analysis paper does not have to be dry and boring. Include a variety of sentence styles and structures. Use first person if it's allowed.

Literary analysis is not a book report. If you create a summary, let it support your thesis. The use of literary terminology can help you to write more precise. Remember it is important to reflect what the author is doing in his/her piece. Keep your focus on the analysis.

Quotes accurately and use parenthetical documentation rather than footnotes. Keep all quotation in line with MLA or APA style. Remember, poetry requires line breaks.

Introduce quotes in the paper, but do not drop them at random. Offer an explanation after each quote. It will strengthen your position.

The position of points are important. Do not begin with the weakest or strongest

points. Remember the goal is to convince the reader that the points are viable.

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Standard Literary Paper Format

According to Purdue Owl:General APA GuidelinesYour essay should be typed, double-spaced on

standard-sized paper (8.5" x 11") with 1" margins on all sides. You should use 10-12 pt. Times New Roman font or a similar font.

Include a page header at the top of every page. To create a page header, insert page numbers flush right. Then type "TITLE OF YOUR PAPER" in the header flush left.

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Thesis Statement

The thesis statement for both the thesis-driven or the process paper is the main point of the paper. It is one to two sentences usually located at the end of the introduction to the paper. The thesis statement should indicate the paper’s purposes. Therefore, be sure of what you want to discuss.

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Supporting Paragraphs

A supporting paragraph should be at least four to five sentences at length.

Write a topic sentence. summarize your paragraph by introducing its main idea. Be concise and understandable.

Follow topic sentence with evident supporting sentences. Generally, the evident placed in a paragraph can be strongly stated within four to five sentences. Paragraphs can be longer as long as you stick to the main topic.

End a paragraph with a concluding sentence, which transition to the next paragraph. Using different words, restate the main idea and smoothly transition to the next paragraph.

Finally, edit the paragraph. Check spelling, grammar, verb tense, and for relevance of details.

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Ways to Present Supporting Evidence

Supporting Evidence should be the main idea of a strong cohesive paragraph.

If you are arguing a point, you may want to state other oppositional views. This gives the paper creditability.

Compare and contrast two theories or opinions.

Highlight similarities and differencesMake sure each point supports the thesis.

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Proof ReadProof Read Choosing a TitleChoosing a Title

Your paper requires time for proofing. Reread your paper several times. Make at least one of the rereads aloud, so you can hear mistakes.

Scan the paper from the end to the beginning to catch typographical mistakes.

Always give your essay a title.

Select a title that conveys what the essays is about.

Try to select a title that will not only convey the meaning of the essay, but that is catchy or will provoke interests from the audience.

Finishing Touches

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?Do You Remember?

1. What are two types of Literary papers? There Are Two Style Types of Literary Paper

2. Literary analysis is can be a book report?True or False Writing the Paper

3. Unless otherwise instructed what is the standard literary paper format? Standard Literary Paper Format

A+ A+

4. What is a thesis sentence? Thesis Statement

5. What are five components of a supporting paragraph? Supporting Paragraphs

6. Name three ways to present supporting evidence? Ways to Present Supporting Evidence

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Citation Page

1. Cite My Sources http://media.lib.ecu.edu/reference/howdoi/display.cfm?id=33.02. How to Write A Paragraph http://www.ehow.com/how_2002018_write_paragraph.html3. Partyka, Jaclyn 9/2010. How to Write a Thesis Driven Paper
