WRITE TE FTRE Rules WIP - allornonegames.com

1 x Player Sheet Pad with 100 pages 1 x Rules in English, French, German 4 x Pencils 18 x Dice 42 x Mission Cards 5 x Neighbourhood Cards Decide which mode of the game to play based on the preferences of your game group: * TRADITIONAL MODE For 1-100 players that want a quick game, doesn’t want other players decisions to affect them and enjoys a game with the exact same opportunities. Continue reading the TRADITIONAL MODE section. - Simultaneously play - No impact of other players * DRAFT MODE For 2-4 players that enjoys drafting, a longer game and having to consider other players actions. Continue reading the DRAFT MODE section. - Turn based - Drafting of cards and dice SECRECY *optional* Decide before starting to play regardless of mode. When playing with secrecy, each player will immediately draw a secret Mission Card to keep throughout the game, only they are allowed to look at it. Before the end game scoring, a player may decide to score their own secret Mission Card instead of one of the public Mission Cards. This introduces hidden information to the game and will make each players goals more unique, but will also increase randomness in the game in the form of different scoring opportunities. “Our organisation is thriving more than ever! And credit where credit’s due, your exceptionally “stern” methods has not gone unnoticed! As we’re branching out we want you to establish a new network and lead your gang...ehrm.. ambitious team to prosperity! The most successful of the lot will become my successor! Well, you know, ”eventually”... After a few years, once you’ve learned the ropes by fetching coffee and mastered the art of foot massage... BUT first things first! Let’s write the future and get going with this soon to be EMPIRE of yours!” In WRITE THE FUTURE, all the players will create their own thriving criminal empire in a crime-infested cyberpunk future by cleverly filling their Player Sheet with beautifully (or less so) drawn agents, intel, weapons and money! Not only will you take on a big variety of missions, unlock different bonuses and create spectacular combos, you will also be able to manipulate the value of the resources at the black market! If playing solo you follow the rules of the Traditional Mode with the exception that you always play 15 rounds.

Transcript of WRITE TE FTRE Rules WIP - allornonegames.com

1 x Player Sheet Pad with 100 pages 1 x Rules in English, French, German

4 x Pencils18 x Dice

42 x Mission Cards5 x Neighbourhood Cards


Choose mode!

Decide which mode of the game to play based on the preferences of your game group:

* TRADITIONAL MODEFor 1-100 players that want a quick game, doesn’t want other players decisions to affect them and enjoys a game with the exact same opportunities. Continue reading the TRADITIONAL MODE section. - Simultaneously play - No impact of other players

* DRAFT MODEFor 2-4 players that enjoys drafting, a longer game and having to consider other players actions. Continue reading the DRAFT MODE section. - Turn based - Drafting of cards and dice

SECRECY *optional*Decide before starting to play regardless of mode. When playing with secrecy, each player will immediately draw a secret Mission Card to keep throughout the game, only they are allowed to look at it. Before the end game scoring, a player may decide to score their own secret Mission Card instead of one of the public Mission Cards. This introduces hidden information to the game and will make each players goals more unique, but will also increase randomness in the game in the form of different scoring opportunities.


“Our organisation is thriving more than ever! And credit where credit’s due, your exceptionally “stern” methods has not

gone unnoticed!

As we’re branching out we want you to establish a new network and lead your gang...ehrm.. ambitious team to prosperity! The most successful of

the lot will become my successor! Well, you know, ”eventually”... After a few

years, once you’ve learned the ropes by fetching coffee and mastered the art of

foot massage...

BUT first things first! Let’s write the future and get going with this soon to be

EMPIRE of yours!”

OverviewIn WRITE THE FUTURE, all the players will create their own thriving criminal empire in a crime-infested cyberpunk future by cleverly filling their Player Sheet with beautifully (or less so) drawn agents, intel, weapons and money!

Not only will you take on a big variety of missions, unlock different bonuses and create spectacular combos, you will also be able to manipulate the value of the resources at the black market!

Solo Player?If playing solo you follow the rules of the Traditional Mode with

the exception that you always play 15 rounds.

Traditional Mode

SETUPGive each player a Player Sheet and a pencil.

Place Neighbourhood Cards numbered 1-3 on display at the centre of the table. Place all the dice in an opaque container and randomly draw, roll and place 2 dice on each Neighbourhood Card.

Randomly draw 4 face-up Mission Cards and place them above the Neighbourhood Cards. Check to see if there are more than two cards of the same number (numbers are printed in the top right corner). If so, discard the most recent and draw a new one. Repeat if the same situation occurs until there are no more than two Mission Cards with the same number.

You’re then good to go!

RULESEach player will simultaneously choose a Neighbourhood Card (several players may choose the same card) and use the cards ability and dice to draw on their Player Sheet in the following way:

1. Tick of the matching Neighbourhood Ability in the leftmost available space on your Player Sheet. Mark the box with an X if it is an empty space or O if there is a symbol on the space. The Neighbourhoods has different abilities and once you reach a symbol, you may use it whenever you like. Once the ability has been used, mark the space with an X to show it’s no longer available.

Example of setup

NEIGHBOURHOOD ABILITIESCross over a resource symbol on the District section of your Player Sheet and draw it somewhere else. The crossed over space is considered occupied and can not be used for the remaining game. The crossed over resource still counts for row/column bonuses and surround & pattern Missions but is no longer considered a resource.

Change the number of a Die (only impacts yourself)

Change the color of a Die (only impacts yourself)


2. Use the dice to draw matching resource symbols in the District Section (the big square grid) of your Player Sheet. The dice colors represent the different resources in the game. You’re only allowed to draw the resource in the column or row matching the number of the Die.

ROW/COLUMN BONUSESShould a player complete a full row or column in their District, they will immediately gain the depicted bonus! If it’s a resource symbol, the player gets to draw it anywhere in their District. If it’s the symbol for the Black Market, the player may tick off a Black Market square of their choice. If it’s a Victory Point symbol (a star with a number) they player will receive the points during the end game scoring.

When reaching an ability symbol, the player marks the space with a circle. The ability is now

ready to be used!

3. A player may decide to not use their dice to draw resources in their district, and instead use them to manipulate the Black Market.When manipulating the Black Market, only the number of the Die is used (the color doesn’t matter). Tick off a Black Market square of a Resource following the rules below. This will increase the value of your resources during end game scoring!


AgentsCross over the top leftmost space. The value of the dice doesn’t matter.

InformationCross over the top leftmost space. Only uneven numbered dice can be used.

MoneyCross over the top leftmost space. Only even numbered dice can be used.

WeaponsCross over the same numbered space. Only the exact number can be used.

END OF ROUNDWhen all players are finished with their drawing, the round ends, and all dice are returned to the opaque container. Randomly draw, roll and place 2 dice on each card and start a new round.

END OF THE GAMEOnce a player has completed 4 row/column bonuses or maxed out 3 resources at the Black Market. The players will play one final round, and then score points in the following way:

* Points for each Mission Cards* Points for the different resources based on a players Black Market.* Points for row/column Bonuses

The player completes their first row and receives a

Black Market Bonus!







Money Weapons



The player uses her blue die to draw an Agent in the 5th row.

She then uses her pink die to draw a weapon in the 4th


The different colors of the District represent different areas (used for Missions). The middle square is called the City, the square around it is the Suburbs, and the outmost square is the Wastelands.

Draft Mode

SETUPGive each player a Player Sheet and a pencil.

Place Neighbourhood Cards numbered 1-3 on display at the centre of the table if playing with 2 players (Neighbourhood Cards 1-4 if playing with 3, or Neighbourhood Cards 1-5 if playing with 4). Place all the dice in an opaque container and randomly draw, roll and place 2 dice on each Neighbourhood Card.

Randomly draw 4 face-up Mission Cards and place them above the Neighbourhood Cards. Check to see if there are more than two cards of the same number (numbers are printed in the top right corner). If so, discard the most recent and draw a new one. Repeat if the same situation occurs until there are no more than two Mission Cards with the same number.

Randomly decide upon a First Player and then you’re good to go!

RULESEach player will in turn order draft a Neighbourhood Card (that card can not be used by another player) and use the cards ability and dice to draw on their Player Sheet in the following way:

1. Tick of the matching Neighbourhood Ability in the leftmost available space on your Player Sheet. Mark the box with an X if it is an empty space or O if there is a symbol on the space. The Neighbourhoods has different abilities and once you reach a symbol, you may use it whenever you like. Once the ability has been used, mark the space with an X to show it’s no longer available.

Example of a 2 player setup

NEIGHBOURHOOD ABILITIESCross over a resource symbol on the District section of your Player Sheet and draw it somewhere else. The crossed over space is considered occupied and can not be used for the remaining game. The crossed over resource still counts for row/column bonuses and surround & pattern Missions but is no longer considered a resource.

Change the number of a Die (only impacts yourself)

Change the color of a Die (only impacts yourself)








Money Weapons


2. Use the dice to draw matching resource symbols in the District Section (the big square grid) of your Player Sheet. The dice colors represent the different resources in the game. You’re only allowed to draw the resource in the column or row matching the number of the Die.

ROW/COLUMN BONUSESShould a player complete a full row or column in their District, they will immediately gain the depicted bonus! If it’s a resource symbol, the player gets to draw it anywhere in their District. If it’s the symbol for the Black Market, the player may tick off a Black Market square of their choice. If it’s a Victory Point symbol (a star with a number) they player will receive the points during the end game scoring.

When reaching an ability symbol, the player marks the space with a circle. The ability is now

ready to be used!

3. A player may decide to not use their dice to draw resources in their district, and instead use them to manipulate the Black Market.When manipulating the Black Market, only the number of the Die is used (the color doesn’t matter). Tick off a Black Market square of a Resource following the rules below. This will increase the value of your resources during end game scoring!


AgentsCross over the top leftmost space. The value of the dice doesn’t matter.

InformationCross over the top leftmost space. Only uneven numbered dice can be used.

MoneyCross over the top leftmost space. Only even numbered dice can be used.

WeaponsCross over the same numbered space. Only the exact number can be used.

END OF ROUNDAfter all players have taken a turn, the round ends and cards are put back on display, and all dice are returned to the opaque container. Randomly draw, roll and place 2 dice on each card and start a new round. The player to the left of the current first player will be the new first player.

END OF THE GAMEOnce a player has completed 4 row/column bonuses or maxed out 3 resources at the Black Market. The players will continue to play until everyone has been first player an equal amount of times, and then score points in the following way:

* Points for each Mission Cards* Points for the different resources based on a players Black Market.* Points for row/column Bonuses

The player completes their first row and receives a

Black Market Bonus!


The player uses her blue die to draw an Agent in the 5th row.

She then uses her pink die to draw a weapon in the 4th


The different colors of the District represent different areas (used for Missions). The middle square is called the City, the square around it is the Suburbs, and the outmost square is the Wastelands.


Players will receive the point value for each of the depicted resource in their biggest group of that resource (orthogonally

adjacent) in the District of their Player Sheet.

Players will receive the point value for each depicted resource that is surrounded by resources or crossed over resources (orthogonally adjacent) in the District of their Player Sheet.

Players will receive the point value for each depicted resource that do not have any resources (crossed over resources are not

considered resources) around it (orthogonally adjacent) in the District of their Player Sheet.

Players will receive the point value for each pair of orthogonally adjacent depicted resources (a

resource can not exist in more than one pair) in the District of their Player Sheet.

Players will receive the point value

for each set of the depicted

resources in the District of their Player Sheet.

Players will receive the point value for each of the depicted resource that is in the depicted area in the District of their Player Sheet.

Players will receive the point value for each depicted pattern consisting of resources or crossed over resources in the District of their Player Sheet. The red X can not contain a resource (a crossed over resource is not considered a

resource) and a pattern may not overlap another pattern.