Write down a question that related to last night’s reading that you would like to discuss.

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Girolamo Savonarola Becomes leader of Florence, leads a theocracy Thought Italy was being too pagan, eventually burned at the stake when France expelled Oligarchy under Cosimo Theocracy under Savonarola

Transcript of Write down a question that related to last night’s reading that you would like to discuss.

Write down a question that related to last nights reading that you would like to discuss. Decline of city-states French invasions in beginnings of foreign invasions into Italy Florence tried to appease the French, but the foreigners overthrew the Medici family Girolamo Savonarola Becomes leader of Florence, leads a theocracy Thought Italy was being too pagan, eventually burned at the stake when France expelled Oligarchy under Cosimo Theocracy under Savonarola Venice Spain + France were enemies at the time Spanish fears of an Italy aligned with France led them to an alliance with Venice Machiavelli The Prince is best political treatise of 16th century Observed Pope Alexander VIs son, Cesare Borgia, who attempted to unite Italy ends justify the means Rulers had to be practical and cunning Sack of Rome in 1527 ends Renaissance (by Charles V of H.R.E.) Erasmus From Holland, more influential towards the start of the Reformation Emphasizes inner religion without outer (i.e. sacraments, saints, relics, etc.) The Praise of Folly - Erasmus best work, humorous criticism of church Erasmus portrait by Hans Holbein