WRBBS302B Hair Disorders Lessons 1 - 3

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  • 8/13/2019 WRBBS302B Hair Disorders Lessons 1 - 3


    WRBBS302B The Australasian College

    Provide Temporary Epilation &Bleaching Treatments



    $esson % Theory & Practical

    $esson 2 Practical Hot Wa'

    $esson 3 Practical Strip Wa'

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  • 8/13/2019 WRBBS302B Hair Disorders Lessons 1 - 3


    WRBBS302B The Australasian College

    Provide Temporary Epilation &Bleaching Treatments


    % "o draing o, the cross section o, the hair

    2 What are the three main sections o, the hair4 E'plain each

    3 What are the ,ive main chemicals that hair is composed o,4

    - 5ive the proper names ,or hair ,o6nd in the ,olloing parts o, the 7ody8a9 Head 79 Eye7ros c9 Eyelash d9!ostrils

    1 What are the three general classi,ications o, hair4 E'plain each

    + What are the three stages o, hair groth4 E'plain each

    What are the three ca6ses o, hair groth4 "escri7e each

    / What is Hirs6tism4

    . What is hypertrichosis4

    %0What are the three recognised methods o, depilation4 5ive an e'ample ,or each

    %%What is the e,,ect and 7ene,it o, 7leaching4

    %25ive ,6ll proced6re ,or a'ing8 a9 strip and 79 hot a'

    %3What are %0 contra indications ,or a'ing4

    %-What a,ter care advise o6ld yo6 give yo6r client4

    %1What are the cleaning proced6res a,ter the a' treatment ,or the ,olloing8a9 co6ch 79 spat6las c9 a' pot & stand d9 ,loor and all

    %+What is the hygienic proced6re ,or a'ing4

    %What are the correct times re:6ired ,or a'ing the ,olloing areas8a9 legs * 6pper; loer hal, and ,6ll 79 7i

  • 8/13/2019 WRBBS302B Hair Disorders Lessons 1 - 3


    WRBBS302B The Australasian College

    Provide Temporary Epilation &Bleaching Treatments


    Hair and Hair Disorders

    Hair#n o6r heads alone; e have appro'imately %00;000 hairs; that is i, yo6 are a 7r6nette=7londes have slightly more and redheads slightly less Whatever the case; this is a lot o, hairThe condition o, o6r hair ill :6ic

  • 8/13/2019 WRBBS302B Hair Disorders Lessons 1 - 3


    WRBBS302B The Australasian College

    Provide Temporary Epilation &Bleaching Treatments

    When ,ollicles cease to prod6ce a hair; they shrivel 6p and the loer part or 76l7 largelydegenerates; its role ,6l,illed ,or the time 7eing These resting :6iescent ,ollicles are simplerand m6ch shorter str6ct6res than active ones At the 7ase o, a resting ,ollicle the hair; i, still

    present ,orms a cl67 that is anchored 7y thin

  • 8/13/2019 WRBBS302B Hair Disorders Lessons 1 - 3


    WRBBS302B The Australasian College

    Provide Temporary Epilation &Bleaching Treatments

    Three Main Sections of Hair

    Hair is made 6p o, three sections8% Cuticle

    The c6ticle is the o6termost layer o, the hair and it is made 6p o, ,ine scales thatoverlap each other and provide protection and elasticity to the hair The c6ticles6rro6nds the pigmented cells o, the corte'

    2 CorteThis layer is made 6p o, elongated cells and melanin gran6les These cells give hairits pigment The corte' encloses the central cells o, the med6lla

    3 MedullaThe inner core o, the hair has loosely connected sheens9 7y the in,l6ence o, re,lectinglight The med6lla is a7sent in lan6go or primary hair

    !rofessional Ter"inolog#

    eratinisation process here cells 7ecome dehydrated; ,lat and elongated

    )ells lose their ater content

    )ell has no n6cle6s

    )ells 6s6ally shed ,rom the s

  • 8/13/2019 WRBBS302B Hair Disorders Lessons 1 - 3


    WRBBS302B The Australasian College

    Provide Temporary Epilation &Bleaching Treatments

    Cross section of a hair greatly magnified.

    This is a healthy young hair shaft magnified 1000 times. Thecuticle, the outer visible layer, consists of shingles or

    imbrications that encircle the hair shaft.

    Here is the cuticle after one year, it has broken into smallerfragments and the imbrications are eeling away from the

    hair shaft.

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  • 8/13/2019 WRBBS302B Hair Disorders Lessons 1 - 3


    WRBBS302B The Australasian College

    Provide Temporary Epilation &Bleaching Treatments

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  • 8/13/2019 WRBBS302B Hair Disorders Lessons 1 - 3


    WRBBS302B The Australasian College

    Provide Temporary Epilation &Bleaching Treatments

    Hair Gro%th

    Hair gros at an angle to the s6r,ace o, the s

  • 8/13/2019 WRBBS302B Hair Disorders Lessons 1 - 3


    WRBBS302B The Australasian College

    Provide Temporary Epilation &Bleaching Treatments

    Telogen8 >Period o, rest9 The length o, time varies ith each hair type n some cases it doesnot even e'ist and the hair goes into the active Anagen stage to ,orm a ne hair As the nehair gros; the old hair is p6shed o6t

    Gro%th C#cle of Hair

    Stages of Hair Gro%th

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  • 8/13/2019 WRBBS302B Hair Disorders Lessons 1 - 3


    WRBBS302B The Australasian College

    Provide Temporary Epilation &Bleaching Treatments

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  • 8/13/2019 WRBBS302B Hair Disorders Lessons 1 - 3


    WRBBS302B The Australasian College

    Provide Temporary Epilation &Bleaching Treatments

    Classification of Hair

    Hair ,alls into 3 general classi,ications8

    % Lanugo8 Cine primary hairs hich are ,ormed on the ,oet6s in the om7 Ba7ies losethis hair a7o6t a month a,ter 7irth

    2 &ellus8 So,t; dony hair hich covers most areas o, the 7ody e'cept ,or the8 palms o, the hands soles o, the ,eet genitals > p67ic area 9They are 6s6ally pale in colo6r and gro ,rom a shallo ,ollicle They have a slogroth rate

    3 Ter"inal8 This type o, hair is coarse and deep seated ith ell developed roots and76l7s They are ,o6nd on the scalp; eye7ros; eyelashes; 6nderarms; p67ic areas

    and on maleDs ,aces and 7odies

    ?ost hairs 7egin as $an6go then vell6s hair and remains so; ,or the rest o, its li,e#ccasionally; hair 7ecomes terminal as on the ,emale ,ace; nec< torso and lim7s

    Causes of Hair Gro%th

    The ca6ses o, hair groth may 7e generalised 7y three main categories8

    % )ongenital pattern

    2 Topical pattern3 Systemic pattern

    '( Congenital !attern(

    The congenital pattern is inherited ,rom ones parents; each ith his or her on geneticstr6ct6re This determines hether the hair ill 7e dar< or ,air; ,ine or coarse; straight or c6rlyThe pattern ill also vary ,rom one ethnic gro6p to another AngloSa'on and !ordic gro6ps,rom !orthern E6rope generally have less hair than ?editerranean and Semitic people#riental and ?ongolian gro6ps have the least hair o, all Fs6ally hites

  • 8/13/2019 WRBBS302B Hair Disorders Lessons 1 - 3


    WRBBS302B The Australasian College

    Provide Temporary Epilation &Bleaching Treatments

    rritation may 7e ca6sed; ,or e'ample; 7y the cha,,ing o, a plaster coat on a lim7 or theconstant scratching or r677ing o, an area t can 7e prod6ced 7y Grays; too m6ch 6ltra violetlight and even s6n76rn Sportsmen and o6tdoor or se'hormones 9

    2 Thyrotrophin hich reg6lates the activity o, the thyroid gland

    3 Adrenocorticotrophic Hormone >A)TH 9 hich reg6lates the ,6nction o, the adrenalcorte'

    The adrenal glandsare divided into to parts8

    % Medullahich prod6ces adrenalin >epinephrine9

    2 Cortehich prod6ces hormones called steroids

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  • 8/13/2019 WRBBS302B Hair Disorders Lessons 1 - 3


    WRBBS302B The Australasian College

    Provide Temporary Epilation &Bleaching Treatments

    There are over thirty di,,erent types o, steroids divided into to gro6ps8

    % Corticosteroids hich incl6de cortisone and hydrocortisone hich are re:6ired 7ythe 7ody so that it can ad@6st itsel, to stress conditions

    2 Se Hor"oneshich incl6de 7oth male hormones >androgens9 and ,emalehormones >oestrogen and progesterone9

    The androgens >male hormones9 are the ones responsi7le ,or stim6lating the groth o, hairon the ,ace and 7ody A high amo6nt in a man ill prod6ce a good groth o, hair hich is:6ite accepta7le A high amo6nt in a oman ill also prod6ce a good groth o, hair; 76t thisis not 6s6ally desira7le )ertain dr6gs may inter,ere ith hair groth )ortisone and somecontraceptive pills may increase groth hile other steroids may red6ce it

    At the time o, p67erty the anterior pit6itary lo7es prod6ce an e'tra secretion o, the

    gonadotrophic hormones These act on the ovaries in a oman and the testes in a man Theadrenal gland ill also 7e prod6cing e'tra steroids incl6ding androgens; oestrogen andprogesterone Wor

  • 8/13/2019 WRBBS302B Hair Disorders Lessons 1 - 3


    WRBBS302B The Australasian College

    Provide Temporary Epilation &Bleaching Treatments

    +a"es for Hair in Different Areas of the ,od#

    Head )apilli

    Eye $ashes )iliaEye7ros S6per )iliaEars Tragi!ostrils (er7rissaeCace Bar7aArmpits HirciP67icRegion


    Gro%th !attern of Hair

    Hair gros %1cm per month or + inches per year

    $i,e span o, hair is 2 to - years

    Hair sheds every 10 to /0 days

    Ecessi-e Hair Gro%thAs e have seen; it is normal ,or omen to have hair; 76t hat is normal to some omeno6ld 7e considered s6per,l6o6s 7y others A large n6m7er o, omen ill; at some stage intheir lives; s6,,er ,rom hat they consider to 7e an e'cess o, hair n most cases; it ill 7es6per,l6o6s hair that is normal additional groth ,olloing p67erty; pregnancy or menopa6se

    The t%o "ain disorders of ecessi-e hair gro%th are.% Hirs6tism a condition here there is e'cessive hair groth o, hair on parts o, the 7ody

    not normally covered 7y hair in the ,emale This groth is terminal hair 6s6ally seen inthe male ad6lt se'6al pattern

    2 Hypertrichosis 5roth o, terminal hair considered e'cessive ,or that se'; age or race

    This type o, hair groth is stronger and more proli,ic and a,,ects 7oth se'es

    Another hair disorder is Alopecia hich is the loss o, hair that is primarily ca6sed ,rom stressor tra6ma This disorder is not 6s6ally ca6sed 7y hormonal im7alances This disorder is not6s6ally 7ro6ght to the salon ,or treatment= hoever; some cosmetic companies have prod6ctshich are ,orm6lated to treat this pro7lem As Bea6ty Therapists; e cannot promise to treatthis condition s6ccess,6lly; 76t e can o,,er treatments or recommend treatments that illhelp them rela' 7eca6se o, their stress levels

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  • 8/13/2019 WRBBS302B Hair Disorders Lessons 1 - 3


    WRBBS302B The Australasian College

    Provide Temporary Epilation &Bleaching Treatments

    Hirsutis"Any type o, hair disorder; hether on the 7ody or the scalp; ill a,,ect o6r looHirs6tism9 is an em7arrassment toomen as it s6ggests a certain degree o, masc6linity

    Hypertrichosis is e'cl6sively a ,emale disorder; here there is an a7normal development o,terminal hairs on parts o, the 7ody here yo6 o6ld normally ,ind only ,ine ,air hair This mayeither 7e localised; in the ,orm o, a hairy mole or ide spread

    This may develop in omen ,olloing treatment ith the male se' hormone prescri7ed ,orgynaecological reasons or a nat6ral over prod6ction o, the male se' hormones


  • 8/13/2019 WRBBS302B Hair Disorders Lessons 1 - 3


    WRBBS302B The Australasian College

    Provide Temporary Epilation &Bleaching Treatments


    '( Mechanical $rocedures(

    a( Sha-ing8 most commonly 6sed method o, hair removal

    !dvantages o This method is cheap; :6ic

  • 8/13/2019 WRBBS302B Hair Disorders Lessons 1 - 3


    WRBBS302B The Australasian College

    Provide Temporary Epilation &Bleaching Treatments

    o Terminal hair may 7ecome ,iner; 76t vell6s hair 7ecomes coarse



    o Fncom,orta7le

    o )an 7e e'pensiveo Have to ait ,or regroth to 7e %cm

    o )an distort hair ,ollicle and ca6se ingron hairs

    )( Che"ical !rocedures

    a( De$ilator# Crea"s8 )reams or lotion ,orm6lated that allos a chemical reaction tota

  • 8/13/2019 WRBBS302B Hair Disorders Lessons 1 - 3


    WRBBS302B The Australasian College

    Provide Temporary Epilation &Bleaching Treatments

    *( Electrical $rocedures

    a( Electrol#sis8 This destroys the hair papilla via a chemical reaction >sodi6m hydro'ide9t destroys the dermal papilla ie destroys 7lood and n6trient s6pply to the ,ollicle

    0( Ther"ol#sis8 This destroys the papilla via coag6lation ie thro6gh heat

    c( Electrical T%ee1ers8 ntrod6ction o, thermal radio ,re:6ency >not as e,,ective as !os% and 29

    o Fses saline sol6tion as a cond6ctor on hair

    o Proced6res are progressively permanent

    o Regroth in / to %+ ee

  • 8/13/2019 WRBBS302B Hair Disorders Lessons 1 - 3


    WRBBS302B The Australasian College

    Provide Temporary Epilation &Bleaching Treatments

    !ely ,ormed o'ygen or nascent >ne 7orn9 o'ygen is a poer,6l 7leaching agent 6nlicolo6red9 >,rom hydrogen


    Bleaching is an e,,ective ay o, disg6ising 6nanted hairs With age e'cess hair tends to7ecome slightly dar

  • 8/13/2019 WRBBS302B Hair Disorders Lessons 1 - 3


    WRBBS302B The Australasian College

    Provide Temporary Epilation &Bleaching Treatments

    Contra 6 indications8

    % S

  • 8/13/2019 WRBBS302B Hair Disorders Lessons 1 - 3


    WRBBS302B The Australasian College

    Provide Temporary Epilation &Bleaching Treatments


    % Repeated at reg6lar intervals

    2 ngron hair can res6lt

    Note:"f you have been shaving for a long time, shaving romotes different hair growth cycles#more than one hair growing out of each follicle and coarser$, whereas when wa%ing only onehair will grow out of each follicle. &ake sure you tell your client it may take '() wa%es beforethe hair grows back in its normal cycle.

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  • 8/13/2019 WRBBS302B Hair Disorders Lessons 1 - 3


    WRBBS302B The Australasian College

    Provide Temporary Epilation &Bleaching Treatments

    HOT 2A7Traditional hot a' consists o, 7ees a' and resins; pl6s soothing ingredients Theseminimise the reaction to the heat o, the a' and prevent irritation a,ter hair removal The a'

    is solid hen cold and has a high melting point ith a or

  • 8/13/2019 WRBBS302B Hair Disorders Lessons 1 - 3


    WRBBS302B The Australasian College

    Provide Temporary Epilation &Bleaching Treatments


    % !o s6n the ,ollic6lar ori,ices are ide open and a little tender and there,ore ill

    76rn and may even 7lister

    2 !o solari6ms ,or at least 2- ho6rs a,ter

    3 !o simming in chlorinated pools irritation

    - !o hot shoers heat treatments may irritate the seg 7i

  • 8/13/2019 WRBBS302B Hair Disorders Lessons 1 - 3


    WRBBS302B The Australasian College

    Provide Temporary Epilation &Bleaching Treatments

    )( TEM!ERATURETemperat6re o, the a' in the heating pot is very important as crystalliing ill happeni, the temperat6re is 6nder /0 ) The temperat6re o, a' drops appro'imately %0 )

    ,rom the time it is ta

  • 8/13/2019 WRBBS302B Hair Disorders Lessons 1 - 3


    WRBBS302B The Australasian College

    Provide Temporary Epilation &Bleaching Treatments

    ,I:I+I 2A7



    U+DERARM 2A7

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    WRBBS302B The Australasian College

    Provide Temporary Epilation &Bleaching Treatments



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  • 8/13/2019 WRBBS302B Hair Disorders Lessons 1 - 3


    WRBBS302B The Australasian College

    Provide Temporary Epilation &Bleaching Treatments

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  • 8/13/2019 WRBBS302B Hair Disorders Lessons 1 - 3


    WRBBS302B The Australasian College

    Provide Temporary Epilation &Bleaching Treatments

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  • 8/13/2019 WRBBS302B Hair Disorders Lessons 1 - 3


    WRBBS302B The Australasian College

    Provide Temporary Epilation &Bleaching Treatments


    % "ispose o, a' strips and disposa7le items

    2 "isin,ect 7ed and spat6las 6sed ,or a'ing3 Remove any soiled items ,rom 7ed and a'ing area


    )6ts or a7rasions Bacterial in,ections

    (aricosities Br6ising or recent scar tiss6e

    B6rns incl6ding s6n76rns ?oles or arts

    Allergies to a' Any in,lammation


    Avoid s6n ,or 2- ho6rs

    !o ma

  • 8/13/2019 WRBBS302B Hair Disorders Lessons 1 - 3


    WRBBS302B The Australasian College

    Provide Temporary Epilation &Bleaching Treatments


    The operator is dealing ith clients s

  • 8/13/2019 WRBBS302B Hair Disorders Lessons 1 - 3


    WRBBS302B The Australasian College

    Provide Temporary Epilation &Bleaching Treatments


    Preparation o, Bea6ty Therapist

    !eat and tidy appearance ith apron and gloves on

    Wash hands 7e,ore starting

    !re$aration of Model

    5ive yo6r model a gon and sho her to the change room


    Bed Wa' Pots Spat6las

    Plastic ,or R677ish Tiss6es Talc

    "isin,ectant A,ter Wa' $otion 5loves

    Wedge )ompress Trolley

    Teeers Wa' 5on


    % Assess the area chec

  • 8/13/2019 WRBBS302B Hair Disorders Lessons 1 - 3


    WRBBS302B The Australasian College

    Provide Temporary Epilation &Bleaching Treatments


    Preparation o, Bea6ty Therapist

    !eat and tidy appearance ith apron and gloves on

    Wash hands 7e,ore starting

    !re$aration of Model

    5ive yo6r model a gon and sho her to the change room


    Bed Wa' Pots Spat6las

    Plastic ,or R677ish Tiss6es Talc

    "isin,ectant A,ter Wa' $otion 5loves

    Wedge )ompress Trolley

    Teeers Wa' 5on

    Tong6e "epressors Paddle pop stic

  • 8/13/2019 WRBBS302B Hair Disorders Lessons 1 - 3


    WRBBS302B The Australasian College

    Provide Temporary Epilation &Bleaching Treatments

    HAL/ LEG 2A7


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    Wa'ing ,ront o, loer leg

    Wa'ing 7ac< o, loer leg



  • 8/13/2019 WRBBS302B Hair Disorders Lessons 1 - 3


    WRBBS302B The Australasian College

    Provide Temporary Epilation &Bleaching Treatments

    )6ts or a7rasions Bacterial n,ections

    (aricosities Br6ising or recent scar tiss6e

    B6rns incl6ding s6n76rns ?oles or arts Allergies to a' Any in,lammation


    Avoid s6n ,or 2- ho6rs

    !o ma