wozzop issue 41, Oct. 11, 2012We love hearing from you!! Editor: Daniel Jansson Graphic Designer:...

41 wozzop issue 41, Oct. 11, 2012

Transcript of wozzop issue 41, Oct. 11, 2012We love hearing from you!! Editor: Daniel Jansson Graphic Designer:...

Page 1: wozzop issue 41, Oct. 11, 2012We love hearing from you!! Editor: Daniel Jansson Graphic Designer: Dimitrios Ikonomou Contributors: Daniel Jansson, Ayse Gökce Bor, Dimitrios Ikonomou,

41wozzop issue 41, Oct. 11, 2012

Page 2: wozzop issue 41, Oct. 11, 2012We love hearing from you!! Editor: Daniel Jansson Graphic Designer: Dimitrios Ikonomou Contributors: Daniel Jansson, Ayse Gökce Bor, Dimitrios Ikonomou,



APD1CAID - Advanced level, step 1

APD2Technological Innovation

BA1Design as Emotional Experience 1

BA2Design as Emotional Experience 2

BA3Design Presentation 3

IDIBasic Workshop 1

IxD1Graphic Design 1

IxD2Form Workshop 2

TD1Skills and Techniques

TD2Project 3: Vehicle Interior




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Check out the UID vimeo pages: vimeo.com/uid & vimeo.com/ixdumea


Hansson & Hammar are having problems with their porcelain mugs disappearing. We have found a number of mugs at the school so it seems that people forget to return them to the restaurant.

If you want to take your coffee into the school/to your workplace, please take a paper mug instead.

CREDITSThanks for your contributions. Future articles & photos can be sent to: [email protected] by Thursday evenings. We love hearing from you!!Editor: Daniel JanssonGraphic Designer: Dimitrios IkonomouContributors: Daniel Jansson, Ayse Gökce Bor, Dimitrios Ikonomou, Jesper Målsten

©2012 UID


http://www.gentlemansgadgets.com/ : The daily source of inspiration for Modern Menhttp://www.drawn.ca/ : your daily source of inspiration for illustration, animation, car-tooning, and comic arthttp://cardesignnews.com/ : The leading online resource for automotive design

Do you have any inspirational sites or blogs that you want to share with the rest of the school? Send them in to [email protected]




Jojje Wadenius is a Swedish guitarist and composer who has played with both ”Blood, Sweat & Tears” and ”Backstreet Boys”; a pretty damn good guitar player in another sense... Since he started a recording studio in Norway he also has a quartet in which he plays. The album ”Interloop” is a nice piece of advice for those who like jazz or/and Funk. Check him out: www.wadenius.com/


Written by: Jesper Målsten



Dan Gilbert, author of "Stumbling on Happiness," challenges the idea that we’ll be mis-erable if we don’t get what we want. Our "psychological immune system" lets us feel truly happy even when things don’t go as planned.Watch it at: http://www.ted.com/talks/dan_gilbert_asks_why_are_we_happy.html

Page 3: wozzop issue 41, Oct. 11, 2012We love hearing from you!! Editor: Daniel Jansson Graphic Designer: Dimitrios Ikonomou Contributors: Daniel Jansson, Ayse Gökce Bor, Dimitrios Ikonomou,


Page 4: wozzop issue 41, Oct. 11, 2012We love hearing from you!! Editor: Daniel Jansson Graphic Designer: Dimitrios Ikonomou Contributors: Daniel Jansson, Ayse Gökce Bor, Dimitrios Ikonomou,


Two students from Umeå Institute of Design are favourites in an Italian competition for a new, environ-mentally friendly, Pope mobile, Dagens Industri writes.A specially constructed vehicle that Pope Benedictus XVI can travel in is required to be able to wave to the crowds and at the same time be protected against attacks. Currently a remodelled Mercedes-Benz is used but in the future it could very well be something designed in Sweden.The spare parts manufacturer Berman has launched a competition among twelve design schools with the goal to create an environmentally friendly variant of the special vehicle.The Swedish contribution was created by Eric Leong and Yong-Fei Han who recently graduated from Umeå Institute of Design, and has, among other things, solar cells on the roof and bullet proof tires. The contribution was received so well by the jury that the odds of a Swedish win are fairly low, writes Dagens Industri.“It was a fun and, to say the least, different competition since the object is so different” says Eric Leong to Dagens Industri.Read the article, in Swedish, here: http://www.di.se/artiklar/2012/10/4/paven-tror-pa-svensk-bilde-sign/


Ladies and gentlemen, we have completed our very first Exquisite Corpse, and I have to say, the end result is, if not museum worthy, a pretty cool decoration for my bedroom. The final artist for our Inaugural Corpse was James Hur. I interviewed him on the day of our (extremely success-ful) Midsummer Party, and, not to spoil the contents of the interview, but let’s just say James had plenty of opportunities to show off his perfect pitch:What’s your name? My name is James Hur. I was born in 1983, in Doosan South Korea, and I lived in Vancouver for the last fifteen years.Do you know that Victor picked you for the next interview? I know. Why did he pick me?I was going to ask you! Because I’m the only Korean in the school? (laughs) Is that why?He said that you seem like a very cool guy, in both senses: You’re very calm, as well as stylish. Do you consider yourself a calm person? Sometimes, when I’m sober!What about when you’re drunk? Yeah I sing a lot when I’m drunk! I sing a lot of 90s rock.Victor wanted to know what your hobby is outside of Industrial Design. Drinking beers after a round of golf with friends; it’s the best feeling. After 4 hours of walking and swinging, just to sit in the shade and talk sh*t to each other about our games...

What’s your favorite thing about golf? That I actually have to pay to walk around! (laughs) It’s just a sensitive sport, sensitive to the environment, your condition each day; every millimeter counts, every degree counts. And your mental state is 50% of the whole game...You have to forget about your mistakes and think of your next move; you’re always thinking ahead.How did you find out about car design? I went to this art academy for foundation skills, and I was looking through all these magazines and found an auto design magazine. I won’t ever forget that first feeling that I had reading that magazine; the cool renderings and the illustra-tions of the cars, how a concept was developed from scratch. Ever since then I’ve been drawing cars… I built up a portfolio there, and went to the Rhode Island School of Design. I thought I was good at drawing, then I went to RISD and everyone was so good. My big head popped (laughs)! And then I started learning for real. The first time I tried to draw with charcoal with my fingers, I remember it was a great sen-sation… I appreciated that first year.After RISD? I didn’t get a job right after I graduated, because in 2008 the world econ-omy collapsed, people got fired, my friends got fired, nobody could get a job. We all got depressed!I got back to Vancouver, I met an old friend of mine who also studied Industrial Design, and he recommended me for a job at a company that produced Lifestyle Magazine and Car Magazine, so I worked there for a while, but the company went under, so I started doing freelancing jobs.

HEAD: Oscar WembeBODY: Victor Woronowicz

LEGS: James Hur

Was that successful? If it was successful, I would still be in Vancouver! I did a lot of graphic design jobs, but it wasn’t my style. My passion was still cars.What do you think of the school here? The school is a very giving school. They give a lot to their students in terms of scholarships, work materials, and the teachers spend a lot of time with each student individually. I appreciate that.So what is one thing that is really cool about you? I have perfect pitch. That’s awesome! Do you sing, except for karaoke? I used to sing in high school choir, I was the bass section leader. We sang at a concert in Hawaii, another in Banff, a resort in Alberta, Canada. Who would you like me to interview next, and what would you like me to ask them? I would like you to interview the owners of the cafeteria, Hansson and Hammar. What’s their specialty food?Thanks for the interview, I appreciate it! No problem!Things just took a crazy turn. Next week, I interview my first non UID student! I have a feeling Exquisite Corpse will be going places…

Interviewer: Dimitrios Ikonomou

Page 5: wozzop issue 41, Oct. 11, 2012We love hearing from you!! Editor: Daniel Jansson Graphic Designer: Dimitrios Ikonomou Contributors: Daniel Jansson, Ayse Gökce Bor, Dimitrios Ikonomou,