WoSEC Update 2011 june€¢ Ct Adiitti Ptlf I titti lCustomer Administrative Portal for...


Transcript of WoSEC Update 2011 june€¢ Ct Adiitti Ptlf I titti lCustomer Administrative Portal for...





JUNE 2011

AGENDAR i W b f K l d V5 2 F db k• Review Web of Knowledge V5.2 -- Feedback

• New release Web of Knowledge V5.3

• Product Highlights• Book Citation Index

• ResearcherID

• Web Services

• ShibbolethShibboleth

• EndNote

• Research Analyticsesea c a yt cs• InCites

• Research InView

Web of Knowledge V5.2 g

Web of Knowledge V5.2• Web of Knowledge V5.2 (Released March 27, 2011)

• “Preview” environmentI l d t W K d t• Includes most WoK products

• WoS Chemistry available in a future release• Enhancements

• Search• Display• Analyze• Links• Cited References• Marked List• Mobile Option

Web of Knowledge V5.2 - Enhancements • Search

– Left hand truncationLeft hand truncation – “Lemmatization” expands query terms to include

variant word forms (e.g., “mice” or “mouse”) – “Stemming” expands address query terms to

include full and truncated address terms (e.g., “University” or “Univ”)University or Univ )

– Elimination of “STOP WORDS”Search using Full Author Name– Search using Full Author Name

– “Analyze” all items in results set– Summary List sorted by source cover dateSummary List sorted by source cover date– “Refine by product” in All Databases

Web of Knowledge V5.2 - Enhancements • Search (continued)

– Automatically expand query with US/UK variants uto at ca y e pa d que y t US/U a a ts– Powerful “Related Records” feature in all collections– Enhanced Author Finder in WoS

• Redesigned interface• Integrated Distinct Author Sets• Integrated Refine functionality

– ResearcherID • Integrated into General and Advanced Search

Web of Knowledge V5.2 - Enhancements • Display

– “Abstract Preview”: viewable on summary listsAbstract Preview : viewable on summary lists– Cited References: improved display, with links to

Full Text – Distinct Author Sets: includes author’s last

known institution– ResearcherID: viewable on WoS full record, with a

link to the ResearcherID profile

Web of Knowledge V5.2 - Enhancements • Analyze

– Analyze larger results setsAnalyze larger results sets– Export no longer limited to 500 lines

• Links– Integrated CrossRef DOIs improves Full Text


Web of Knowledge V5.2 - Enhancements • Cited References

– Dedicated search available in WoS, BIOSIS ,Citation Index, and Chinese Science Citation IndexE h d t h it’ Ti Cit d C t– Each product has it’s own Times Cited Count

– All Database Times Cited Count (De-duplicated)Citation Score Card displa s citations from all– Citation Score Card displays citations from all citation databases

– Citation Report available in each productCitation Report available in each product – Citation Report created from a Marked List

Web of Knowledge V5.2 - Enhancements • Marked List

– Full Text, OpenURL ,View Abstract links available on Marked Lists

– Mark up to 5,000 items at a time – Re-sort Marked Lists– Run Analyze from Marked Lists by product

C t Cit ti R t f it M k d Li t– Create Citation Report for items on a Marked List• Mobile Option

I iti l d l t f bil i f W K– Initial deployment of a mobile version of WoK

Web of Knowledge V5.3g• Web of Knowledge V5.3 (July 17, 2011)

– Becomes the PRIMARY environment for all users!eco es t e e o e t o a use s• Access

• All bookmarks and links will automatically redirect to the WoK 5 URL webofknowledge.com Th ld W K l tf b d• The old WoK platform can be accessed either through a link or via a newly created URL webofknowledgev4.comuntil 2012

• Proxy set up information is available at science thomsonreuters com/supportscience.thomsonreuters.com/support

Web of Knowledge V5.3 - Enhancementsg• Supports all remaining WoK functionality

• Alerting functionality including:• Standard Alerts saved from Search History• Citation Alerts • Table of Content AlertsTable of Content Alerts

• RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds• My Journal List in Current Contents Connect

C t Ad i i t ti P t l f I tit ti l• Customer Administrative Portal for Institutional management

• Content Enhanced Links – provides a record view for non-subscribing users linking from partner organizations

Web of Knowledge V5.3 - Enhancementsg• New for WoK V5.3

•Cited References: Improved cited reference lookup; cited reference title display; direct export to Excel

•ResearcherID: Import directly from WoS to ResearcherID publication lists

•Citation Report: Average citation counts; Times Cited w/o self-citations

•Author Search: Weekly updates to Distinct Author Sets

•Access: Mobile optimization; Anywhere/Anytime access; new and updated APIs

•User Interface: ADA level 1 compliant; visually distinct ALL Databases pages; automatic data fill for correction page

•Search/Browse/Sort: WoS Subject Areas; search DOIs; sort results by processing date

• WoK Usage Reporting: COUNTER Code of Practice 3 compliant; new custom reports; new customer administrive portalprocessing date customer administrive portal

Product Highlightsg g

NEW! Book Citation Index

• Comprehensive cited reference searchAnalyze the citation t k b t b k

NEW! Book Citation Index

Comprehensive cited reference search• Times Cited counts for books and book chapters• Full bibliographies from books and book chapters

network between books and the wider world of

scholarly research

• Coverage of over 30,000 editorially selected books, starting with publication year 2005

• 10,000 new books added each year

Access more complete social sciences and

humanities coverage as well as critical coverage 10,000 new books added each yearwell as critical coverage

in the sciences

• Book-level records with bibliographic information and DOIsand DOIs

• Direct links from book and book chapter records to full text and library catalogs

• Easy navigation from book records to book chapter records and vice versa within WoS

Connect the library’s book collection to

powerful discovery tools

New Book Citation Index

Book Citation IndexBringing together scholarly

book, journal, and conference proceedings literature

maximizes the benefits of powerful citation navigation

features available within Web of Science and Web of

Knowledge. g

ResearcherID – Update

Global participation of 120,000 Researchers


Global Participation



Top 10 Countries - EMEA









ResearchersAP32% 0

ResearcherID Membership – UK

Cardiff University

University College London

Cardiff University

University College London

University of Sheffield

University of Oxford

Imperial College London

University of Cambridge

University of Manchester

Imperial College London

University of Cambridge

King's College London

University of Edinburgh

University of Nottingham

University of Manchester

King's College London

University of Nottingham

University of Sheffield

Loughborough University

University of Oxford

0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000

Top 10 Institutions (2010) Top 10 Institutions (2011)

ResearcherID – What’s New

Coming in July:• Ability to make Publication List 1, Publication List 2

publically availablepublically available• Usability updates• Increased number of fields available as part of

ResearcherID Upload and ResearcherID Download

Coming later in 2011:g• Administrative User Interface for proxy access• Further integration with Web of Science and End Note

Web and Research In ViewWeb and Research In View

ResearcherID Web Services

Increasing adoption worldwide: Over twenty institutions have created accounts and uploaded profiles using ResearcherIDcreated accounts and uploaded profiles using ResearcherID upload service!

Hong Kong UniversityHong Kong University

Created 1,400 ResearcherID profiles and have incorporated ResearcherID data into their online pInstitutional Repository called Scholars Hub.

A Research – Intensive North American Institution

Integrated ResearcherID into their performance review process using ResearcherID download service to ingest

bli ti i f ti i t th i i t l i tpublication information into their internal review system.

Web Services Support for WoK 5.3pp• Web Service API access to the Web of Science

• Updated to access WoK 5.3 platformp p• Available in Q3 2011• Includes additional XML fields:

• Current: Author, title, source, keywords and UT• New in 5.3: ISSN, ISBN, DOI, IDSS• Web Service API access to WoK databases

• Updated to access Web of Knowledge 5.3 platform• Thomson Reuters is working with customers• Thomson Reuters is working with customers,

federated search providers and other partners to ensure compatibility with the new platform

• Available second half of 2011

Anytime / Anywhere Access to WoKy y

• Available with release of WoK 5.3

• Enables remote access to the Web of Knowledge

• Requires personalized WoK access (email/password)

• Users must renew access to WoK from within their institutions’ network every six months

Real-Time Linking to the Web of Science

Article Match Retrieve ServiceReturns record information such as title, authors, source information

Obtain most current WoS times cited counts

Link to WoS Full Record, Related Record and Citing Articles

Widespread adoption of the Article Match Retrieve Service • Johns Hopkins University online catalog

• Lattes database – CV database of Brazilian Researchers

• UKPMC Grant Funding Software

• HighWire Press (publisher)

Upcoming Links Development

• New Document Delivery Service for all WoK Content

• Smart OpenURL –

• Dynamically checking an institution’s electronic h ldi i t ti O URL li kholdings prior to presenting an OpenURL link.

• Improved system for uploading links holdings

• Linking to full text book aggregators for Book Citation Index

Shibboleth DevelopmentsShibboleth DevelopmentsJuly, 2011

E d h b t Shibb l th d IP if b th– End users can choose between Shibboleth and IP if both are valid (setting can be remember)

– Better debug information for IdP testingg g– Relabeling “Shibboleth” to “Institutional Login”


EndNote: New features for Summer 2011 • Version X5 available in June/September

• Add and Move file attachments between the desktop and Web

• Search online for updated record information

• View and annotate PDF files in the EndNote library

• Select a new citation style –Author (Year) available witin theFind & Insert Citations dialog inMicrosoft® Word.

• Save time with conditionalformatting in journal styles –substitute data if a field is empty.For example use URL if DOI isFor example, use URL if DOI isempty.

EndNote Web: Recent Advancements• EndNote Web 3.1 available June 12.Another release to follow in July

For X5 customers:• File attachment support• 25K record limit• 1GB file attachment storage

All web accounts:U d t d b b d• Updated web browser and

plug-in support • Firefox 4 plug-in and Safari 5 browser compatibility in July

• Word 2011 Cite While You Write• Word 2011 Cite While You Write• New logo treatment – better feedback about your EndNote Web access (e.g., EndNote X5, Web of Knowledge, ResearcherID)

SA continuum of products, tools, and services supporting strategic research

Research Analytics Solutions

supporting strategic research decisions and the evaluation and management

Custom Data

Custom Research and Analysis

of researchWeb of Knowledge: The

most trusted scholarly content discovery tool.

Research Studies,

Analysis and Reports

Grant Portfolio

Management System(eSPA)

content discovery tool.Science Wire: A global platform for aggregating

content and relating people, products, organizations and


Enterprise Systems


Research In View

Web-Based AnalyticsInstitutional


Web Based Analytics and Benchmarking


InCites: New Analytic Perspectives

• Rank and compare countries and institutions • Drill down to a specific research discipline• Data aggregated to the national and

Global Comparisons Data aggregated to the national and

institutional levelComparisons

• Custom-built set of articles based on your needs

• Analyze a researcher’s performance, or a research group

Research Performance esea c g oup

• Detailed citation metrics on every paper in your datasetProfilesA normalized set of data points on nearly 500• A normalized set of data points on nearly 500 global research institutions

• Quantitative and qualitative data on research staff and funding, and indicators of

f d t ti

Institutional Profiles performance and reputation

• Easy to use visualizations and reports for comparison and trending analysis


InCites – Institutional Profiles: Comparing Institutions

Compare Institutions through Creation of Research Footprints

Select up to five institutions.Individual Indicators -- Use this

option to generate a radar graph thatoption to generate a radar graph that shows the size or strength of a

single indicator across all subject areas.

InCites – Institutional Profiles: Comparing Institutions

Compare Institutions through Creation of Research Footprints

Select up to five institutions.generated for each subject area.

InCites – Institutional Profiles: Comparing Institutions

InCites – Institutional Profiles: Comparing Institutions

Compare Institutions through Creation of a Scatter Plot.

Each circle or datapoint on a scatterEach circle or datapoint on a scatter plot represents the relationship of two indicators for one institution or

country average. The large green circles represent theThe large green circles represent the relationship of two indicators for the

institutions you selected.

The point size refers to the size of th i l Th t iblthe circle. There are two possible values: .001 and 3. A datapoint of

size 3 is a datapoint for an institution you selected. The size of all other

datapoints is .001.

Why these results?


Note that values, not scores,form the datapoints.

I CiInCites

Understand your funding sources with funding acknowledgement reports

Which funding relationships result in the most papers? The most citations? View the topics Look for pfunded by org specific grant


Drill down to papers funded by


Global Comparisons new subjects, groups ranking options


InCites Research Performance Profiles – Custom Reports

Develop and customize reports on your publications, authors,

collaborations, funding


InCites• IP Authentication – July 2011

• API for data exchange – Q3 2011

• Visualization updates – Q3 2011p

• Research InView integration – Q4 2011


OUR LATEST SOLUTION: RESEARCH IN VIEW• An enterprise-wide solution for collecting,

connecting, and managing scholarly activity information… across your entire institution


RESEARCH IN VIEW PROVIDES• Faculty Tools include an interactive CV with

d ti i f j l ti l frecommendation engine for journal articles, conference papers & proceedings, patents, and grants.

• Administrative Reporting Tools provide an overview of scholarly activities across the institution, and at the group and individual level.

• Internal and Public Search allows public visitors to search for faculty by name, keyword, discipline, or university group.

Faculty profile data sourcesFaculty profile data sources

Integration with your current

Thomson Reuters data sources

minimize manualsystems minimize manual input from faculty

Full and extensible activity types to reflect all departments across campus

TeachingUndergrad / Grad /

Published WorksB k & M h

Creative WorksA kBiographical Information

• Positions• Degrees

• Certifications• Bar Admissions

• Licenses

• Undergrad / Grad / Professional Courses Taught

• CE / Extension Courses Taught

• Advising and Mentoring• Awards for Teaching

• Undergrad/Grad Courses

• Books & Monographs• Edited Books

• Book Chapters• Journal Articles

• Conference Papers & Proceedings

• Technical Reports

• Artwork• Musical Works &

Performances• Audiovisual Works• Software & Online

Multimedia• Equations and FiguresLicenses

• Clinical Interests• Languages

• Preferred Personal Information

• Media Contact Subjects• Biographical Narrative

U de g ad/G ad Cou sesTaught

• Continuing Ed/Extension Courses Taught

• Student Advising• Postdoctoral Advising• Approach & Goals to

T hi

Technical Reports• Reference Works/Entries

• Legal Proceedings• General Press

• Pre-publication Items• Internet Communications• Scholarly Presentations

Equations and Figures• Inventions and Patents• Other Creative Works

• Creative Works

g p• Focus of Work Teaching

• Evaluation of Teaching


• Data Sets• Published Works• Quality Indicators

Service• Editorships

• Professional Societies• Consultant Services

• Clinical ServicesC

Civic Engagement & • Funded Grants/Contracts• Pending Grants/Contracts

• Training Grants• Clinical Trials Support

• Scholarly Awards• Research Funding

• Clinical Trials• University Committees

• Advising Student Groups• Strategic Initiatives• Awards for Service

• Student Life Activities• Service Activities

Partnerships• Outreach Initiatives

• Community Partners• University Partners• Civic Engagement

• Partnerships & Collaborations

Facilities & Instrumentation

Service ActivitiesCollaborations

We will alert the user of new items to consider for 

their profile

Example of faculty profiletheir profile.

Publication records are linkedPublication records are linked to more information, e.g. 

Web of Science. Users decide which activities cannot be viewed by the publicviewed by the public.

Detailed views of all activitiesE.g. Funded Grants:

H h f di f thi d t tHow has funding for this department changed over time?

Where is the funding coming from?Are collaborators involved?Are collaborators involved?

How does funding for this department compare with other departments?

THANK YOUCurrent Web of Knowledge environment


N W b f K l d i tNew Web of Knowledge environment WebofKnowledge.com

For information about Web of KnowledgeW KI fnow WoKInfo.com

Real Facts, Real Numbers, Real KnowledgeWoKInfo.com/realfacts/



Article Match Retrieval ServiceWoKInfo.com/realvalue/


Research Analytics http://researchanalytics.thomsonreuters.com/