World War II - Final Exam Review

World War II – Final Exam Review You are allowed one 3x5” index card to use on the exam. The following concepts will be on the exam. You are not required to submit this paper for a grade. 1. What is total war? 2. What are the causes of World War I? 3. Who was involved in the alliances of World War I? 4. What was the official German strategy for fighting the French in World War I? 5. What is a stalemate? 6. What are other (nick)names used to describe World War I? 7. How was Germany affected by the Treaty of Versailles? 8. What new military technologies were used in World War I? 9. What was the German economy like following World War I? 10. How was America initially and ultimately involved in World War I? 11. How did each country view / interpret the Treaty of Versailles? 12. What preventative measures did the French take against a new German invasion after World War I? 13. What is the Kellogg-Briand Pact? 14. Why did the US Congress reject the Treaty of Versailles? 15. What are the characteristics of fascism? 16. What is the Great Purge of 1934? 17. What is the title of Adolf Hitler’s book which blames the Jews for Germany’s problems? 18. Why were the German people attracted to Hitler? 19. When and what military action sparked World War II in Europe?

Transcript of World War II - Final Exam Review

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World War II – Final Exam Review

You are allowed one 3x5” index card to use on the exam. The following concepts will be on the exam.

You are not required to submit this paper for a grade.

1. What is total war?

2. What are the causes of World War I?

3. Who was involved in the alliances of World War I?

4. What was the official German strategy for fighting the French in World War I?

5. What is a stalemate?

6. What are other (nick)names used to describe World War I?

7. How was Germany affected by the Treaty of Versailles?

8. What new military technologies were used in World War I?

9. What was the German economy like following World War I?

10. How was America initially and ultimately involved in World War I?

11. How did each country view / interpret the Treaty of Versailles?

12. What preventative measures did the French take against a new German invasion after World War I?

13. What is the Kellogg-Briand Pact?

14. Why did the US Congress reject the Treaty of Versailles?

15. What are the characteristics of fascism?

16. What is the Great Purge of 1934?

17. What is the title of Adolf Hitler’s book which blames the Jews for Germany’s problems?

18. Why were the German people attracted to Hitler?

19. When and what military action sparked World War II in Europe?

20. What was involved in the German Blitzkrieg strategy?

21. What were the pros and cons of the Maginot Line?

22. What is the Miracle at Dunkirk?

23. What major advantage did the British RAF have over the German Luftwaffe?

24. How long did Hitler think it would take to conquer the Soviet Union?

25. What was a major naturally-occurring adversary of Hitler in Operation Barbarossa?

26. What did Zhukov suggest as a strategy for defeating the Germans in their invasion of the Soviet Union?

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27. What resource was Germany seeking when it invaded the Soviet Union?

28.What legislation was issued on March 11, 1941, which first involved the US in WWII?

29. Why did the Allies invade North Africa?

30. What was Erwin Rommel in charge of in North Africa?

31.What did FDR and Churchill agree to at the Casablanca Conference?

32.What was the operational name of the Normandy invasion?

33. When and where was D-Day?

34. What is Operation Dragoon?

35. What was Hitler’s strategy in The Battle of the Bulge?

36. Who defended Berlin against Soviet attack?

37.What did German women face from their Soviet captors following the fall of Berlin?

38.By what means did Hitler die following the Soviet capture of Berlin?

39.When did the Allied celebrate Victory in Europe Day (VE Day)?

40.What were Hitler’s anti-Semitic fundamental beliefs based around?

41. What were the details of the Nuremberg Laws?

42. What was the Einsatzgruppen?

43.What type of camp would house able-bodied prisoners who could perform work?

44.Which law enforcement agency ran the concentration camps?

45.Which German official was in charge of administering the Final Solution?

46. What elements were included in Operation Reinhard?

47. How many deaths did the Holocaust produce (including Jew and other non-desirables)?

48. What does “Arbeit Macht Frei” mean in English?

49.Why was the WAAC established in America?

50.Which agency helped develop the atomic bomb within the Manhattan Project?

51.Where did Japan’s offensive war begin in World War II?

52.What is the major reason that the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor?

53.What was the primary target of the Japanese aerial attack on Pearl Harbor?

54.Which ship was the most severely damaged during the attack on Pearl Harbor and took 1,178 to the bottom of the harbor where it still sits today?

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55.Which American officer commanded the U.S. and Filipino forces on the Philippines before the Japanese took control in 1942?

56. What is the Bataan Death March?

57.What is the focus of FDR’s Executive Order 9066, on February 19, 1942?

58.Where was the first battle waged purely from aircraft carriers?

59.What was the Americans main advantage at Midway that helped them win the battle?

60.What was the result of the Battle of Midway?

61.What was sought by the Americans when certain islands were invaded by the Marines while others were skipped over in the Pacific?

62.What made the Marine landing on Tarawa difficult?

63.What happened to captured American civilians on Wake Island in 1941?

64.What was the strategic significance of capturing the Mariana and Palau islands?

65.Which of the Palau islands gave the Marines experience to the Japanese techniques that would be seen at Iwo Jima and Okinawa?

66.Which battle saw the first major use of large-scale kamikaze attacks?

67.What did the Japanese do citizens of Manila while Americans were invading the Philippines?

68.Which best describes the Japanese strategies at Iwo Jima and Okinawa?

69.What was the use of the flag raising photograph on Mt. Suribachi on Iwo Jima?

70.Which battle of World War II yielded the most American casualties?

71.When were the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki (respectively)?

72.Why was Hiroshima a target of the atomic bomb?

73.Which city was the primary target of the second atomic bomb?

74.When and where do the Japanese sign the official terms of surrender?

75.What was the outcome of Hermann Goering’s war crime trial?

76.Who was the United States lead prosecuting attorney in the Nuremburg Military Tribunal?

77.Which Allied power took control of eastern Germany (half the country) and led to the Cold War?

78.How did the United States try to repair the damage done from Japanese internment during World War II?

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79.What was Stalin ordered to do under the Yalta Agreements in his own land following World War II?

80.Which man spoke the phrase: “blood alone moves the wheels of history,” in 1921?