World War I 1914-1918 Schlieffen Plan This plan was intended to defeat France on the Western quickly...

World War I 1914 - 1918

Transcript of World War I 1914-1918 Schlieffen Plan This plan was intended to defeat France on the Western quickly...

World War I


The Schlieffen Plan

This plan was intended to

defeat France on the Western

quickly so they could get to the

Eastern Front before the

Russians could fully mobilize.

The Schlieffen Plan

Alliance System Alliance- an agreement between two

or more countries.

Before WWI begins several

countries begin forming alliances

with one another.

Alliance System

Triple Alliance- Germany,

Austria- Hungary, Italy

Triple Entente- France, Great

Britain, Russia

Alliance System

Central Powers-Germany,

Austria- Hungary, (Italy),

Ottoman Empire

Allies-France, Great Britain,

Russia, (Italy), United States!/en/Subsites/Timeline/World-War-One-1914-1918/Theme-1/1914/MAP---World-War-One-is-a-conflict-between-the-Central-Powers-and-the-Allies/

A New Kind of Warfare

Early on, the French army was not

prepared to fight against the German


The French were fighting in a traditional

18th and 19th method.

A New Kind of Warfare

The German army was equipped with

the newest technology in warfare: The

Machine Gun.

A German machine gun had 50 to 100

times the firepower of one French rifle.

The French had nearly 15,000 deaths a


WWI German Machine Gun

German U-Boat

Birth of Modern Warfare


The Germans began a program of

“unrestricted submarine warfare” sinking

any ship they could with their u-boats

The tank invented in 1915, was used to

level areas in “no man’s land” and to enter

enemy trenches.

Poison gas- invented in Germany and first

used in WWI.

Chlorine gas would destroy the lungs of


The use of the gas masks would make

poison gas less effective.

Birth of Modern Warfare


The tank invented in 1915, was used to

level areas in “no man’s land” and to enter

enemy trenches.

Poison gas- invented in Germany and first

used in WWI.

Chlorine gas would destroy the lungs of


The use of the gas masks would make

poison gas less effective.

Birth of Modern Warfare


Flamethrowers--The results were

horrifying. Carried by specially trained

assault teams, German flamethrowers were

highly effective weapons that would either

drive men from their defensive positions

… or simply incinerate them.

Birth of Modern Warfare


Planes would get in air battles known as


They would also harass the trenches by

throwing bricks and other heavy things.

Airplanes were later mounted with

machine guns.

The Red Baron

The United States Prior to WWI

The United States had a strong

tradition of isolationism.

When the war broke out America

began leaning towards the allies

because of the harsh war tactics of


German U-Boat

US Entry into WWI

In February of 1917, Germany reassumed

unrestricted submarine warfare forcing the US

to cutoff diplomatic relations.

--On 7 May 1915, German u-boats sank the liner RMS Lusitania.

--The sinking claimed 1,198 lives, 128 of them American civilians, and the attack of this unarmed civilian ship deeply shocked the Allies.

-- The sinking of the Lusitania was widely used as propaganda against the German Empire and caused greater support for the war effort

The Lusitania

The Lusitania

US Entry into WWI

The Zimmerman Note would become

another sticking point for the US to go to War.

The Zimmerman note was a proposal by

Arthur Zimmerman to Mexico to declare war

on the US.

Mexico was to reacquire its old provinces of

Texas, New Mexico and Arizona.

It was intercepted by the British and

published in American newspapers.

US Entry into WWI

US Entry into WWI

The Zimmerman Note and unrestricted

submarine warfare, along with the

uncertainty of Russia remaining in the

war, pressured Wilson to ask for a

Declaration of War on April 2, 1917.

The United States joined the Allied

Forces on April 6, 1917.

The War Comes to an End

In 1918, The Germans began to suffer

crippling defeats in France.

The war had crippled the German

economy and people began to suffer

from starvation.

These same problems began to happen

throughout the Central Powers and

armies began to surrender.

The War Comes to an End

On November 7, 1918, peace

negotiations began between both sides.

On November 11, 1918, the armistice

was signed and the war was over.

“Peace Without Victory”

Before the war had ended Woodrow

Wilson wanted a “just and lasting

peace” so that the Great War would

never happen again.

In January 1918, he gave his famous

Fourteen Points speech, which

outlined his plan for peace.

Wilson’s Fourteen Points In the fourteenth point, Wilson called for the

establishment of a League of Nations.

Paris Peace Conference

The Paris Peace conference began on

January 12, 1919.

It had leaders from 32 countries including

the Big Four.

The Big Four consisted of President

Woodrow Wilson, British Prime

Minister David Lloyd George, French

Premier Georges Clemenceau, and

Italian Prime Minister Vittorio Orlando.

Paris Peace Conference

Eventually the Allied Powers reached an

agreement and presented their peace treaty to

Germany in May 1919.

The Treaty of Versailles (1919)

The Treaty of Versailles called for Germany

to accept sole responsibility for the war.

It also called for Germany to pay massive

reparations for damages caused during the

war and it limited the size of the German


It called for the establishment of a League of


It called for the Central Powers to give all of

their colonies to the Allies.

The Fight over the Treaty

The United States would not join the newly

created League of Nations.

The United States also signed a separate

peace treaties with Germany after the

Treaty of Versailles was rejected.

The Impact of WWIAt the end of WWI, nearly 14 million

people had lost their lives.

7 million people were permanently


It was the most expensive war in

world history to that point in time

($280 Billion).

Impact in Europe- Countries had nearly

lost entire generations of men. France was

in ruins, Great Britain's debt to the US was

great, and the reparations imposed on

Germany crippled their economy. It left to

many issues unresolved in Europe. It would

not be the “war to end all wars. ”

The Impact of WWI