World Rise

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Social writing.

Transcript of World Rise

As the World Rises... The physical world is good, beautiful, trilling and vast. I didn't find this answer on a book, despite my love for reading. I walk and live on this Earth. its wooden paths, hard metal surface, meadows field. Mars or any other planet is mysterious, nonetheless, I am concerned and invested on the Earthly challenges. On any other part of the Galaxy (oxygen unfriendly) I will a fish out of water. Thus, the most important organization I belong to is humanity. As I walk Earth, my voice echoes becoming clearer, stronger, and louder advocating for the things that transcend time and space. This allows me to recognize that living is not an standardized test of specific answers (please let me breath, live). In the contrary, living appears to formulated more questions along the way ( love it). My good-doings are not televised or photographed, I am personally motivated by my beliefs. In this unique position in which I am taking a higher call, a task of being aware how the system works, what my position is. Knowing the difference between public duty and my own principles. Being an advocate for many worthy cause, such as: environmental conservation, education, equality, social justice and (why not?) a joyful, merry life. While respecting everyone else's position, doing my best to represent my role and fulfill expectation within my own individuality. As opinionated as I am saying what I mean. To make this story shorter, I got to this time and place trying to defend and take back my own voice. My singing voice stolen and mimic by different people by lip-syncing. I been a singing bird since the day I was born. I sing out of joy and for thee. The entertainment industry is a business, unfortunately in my case a heartless business that has been making millions and taking advantage of my talent without paying what I earned. I am sure you enjoyed a good old fairy tale and a Disney Princess. Most of this "stories" what the reality of them are based on my personal journey and life's challenges, pictures made without my permission or knowledge. My body has been used on magazines, websites, and I been on numerous moving pictures, my ideas too stolen and credited by others. Television televised my life from the start to this point. It is important to remark that any award, money, or gain from all this are distributed and enjoy by someone else. Someone who did not do the job, doesn't have the talent or the body they claim. When I list all this achievements I does not do so trying to brag. My intention is for all of us to be empower by what we really are and get the credit we (too) deserve. I got the music in me...That cannot be taken away regardless of numerous of effort to extinguish my essential and everyday treats. Thus, the point that I am trying to make is that I am not the first or only person affected by this form of dishonesty and scam. There are many others too abused and taking advantage of by the some other industries. I am speaking to you now of this truth, since I know you can make a different by being aware of what and who you support. As I speak of entertainment a bigger picture comes to mind, Home, our Earth. Our habitat too has also been overlooked and affect by many unethical behaviors. We all complain when we have extreme weathers. Yet, Do we do enough to make sure that the Earth's climate and habitats remain balance? The smell of trees, open air, are memories of a happy place not that it blinds me to inequalities of this unbalance system. To help positively impact this world many of us wait for the things we don't like to change. However, to change our actions, small as they might appear, contribute of the formation of the world we envision. if we think about it, 90% (or higher percent) of the Earth population do the same things. Think the same, live in similar houses, dress the same, have the same or similar eating habits. Just to mention an example, one day someone screamed, "Gold" yes gold, shine and beautiful but unnecessary and unpractical. By the masses people started to collect, buy, own, and sell gold. We all know what happens when we dig to obtain gold or any other elements from near the core of Earth. We do this disregarding that water, food, and shelter are what is needed to survive. All these are too are affected by this form of "common blindness." To recognize that the things we eat, support, listen to, watch, etc, have a big impact is essential. Most countries are democratic lands and it is the who people have the power to elect all of their officials. Sadly, it is universally known that most politicians never do what they promise to do when in power. In the history of humanity, did any politician won an election without wearing a suet? People are casting their votes with ideas of improving our lives using false elevated image. As if elegance determines a persons ability to do a job or tell us about their moral standards. Before an election what percent of the people research if their candidates have any affiliations with corporations? When in conflict it can affect their decision making creating bias. Why are political campaigns so expensive in the era when reaching the majority of the population to express one's believe is relative easy with modern technology. Then, there is the fact that politics is divided by branches instead of improving the world. The issues face by a society tend to change with time. If one cannot change political denomination it does not leave room to solve modern, the current challenges of a society during a giving time. And the list goes on. In all this, there are many other systems that are broken and have a direct impact in our lives. Take the education systems as another example. The majority of schools do not teach human anatomy. Most people don't know the inner working of the machinery they depend upon. In the contrary, body shame is promoted everyday. We disregard our bodies until the day the body has enough and start to malfunction. This can all be avoid by teaching us to know how our body works, what to eat in order to take better care of our selves. Too, if the body was elevated and view as a temple it could pretend sexual abuse and many of the misconceptions between men and women. Sometime ago, I heard men say that the worse illness of the body is apathy, apathy is transmitted by the spreading of fears, looking around you. it is internationally grown, distributed and incubates. By now, I am sure to your own mind many other social challenges are highlighted. However, I am taking this opportunities to go back to my very first words, the world is good, beautiful, we are the world. These sentences are not formed by gullible and nave thoughts but by knowing the power of us, our history, innovations, and the old challenges were already overcome. now, being 7 billion of us makes me believe that despite these imperfections and unethical practices the world is run by love, hope, and faith. We believe, we are in this for the long run, committed to the challenges. We are connected to each other visible and by the invisible. This magical Earthly Fairytale commonly share by us too shall met a happy ending. World rise, stand up for you. You are the heroes. Everyday you do heroic actions illustrate the unwritten arrangement with the functionality of this family when you rise with the sunset. This action isn't useless nor it goes to waste.