World Religions. Introduction All world religions do the following: Set down basic ______________...

World Religions

Transcript of World Religions. Introduction All world religions do the following: Set down basic ______________...

Page 1: World Religions. Introduction All world religions do the following: Set down basic ______________ principals Use _______________writings Offer a message.

World Religions

Page 2: World Religions. Introduction All world religions do the following: Set down basic ______________ principals Use _______________writings Offer a message.

Introduction All world religions do the following:Set down basic ______________ principals

Use _______________writingsOffer a message that appeals to __________groups of people

Page 3: World Religions. Introduction All world religions do the following: Set down basic ______________ principals Use _______________writings Offer a message.

Introduction Location:J_________, C______________, and I_____________ arose in the ___________________

H_______________and B____________arose in I______.

C________________developed in C____________

Page 4: World Religions. Introduction All world religions do the following: Set down basic ______________ principals Use _______________writings Offer a message.

Introduction Belief in God(s)M______________– The belief in one god. - Judaism was the first religion to use the concept of monotheism

P___________________– The worship of multiple gods

Page 5: World Religions. Introduction All world religions do the following: Set down basic ______________ principals Use _______________writings Offer a message.

MonotheismJudaism, Islam, ChristianityBelief in one all-powerful godBelief in P________________–

people who reveal the word of godA_____________________is an important prophet to all three of these religions – Father of Judaism

Page 6: World Religions. Introduction All world religions do the following: Set down basic ______________ principals Use _______________writings Offer a message.

JudaismDecedents of Abraham were known as I______________(also known as H________________).

The first 5 books of the Hebrew Bible is known as the T________. Judaism's most sacred text.

Page 7: World Religions. Introduction All world religions do the following: Set down basic ______________ principals Use _______________writings Offer a message.

JudaismAccording to scripture (ATS) – God

revealed his laws to M______________written on stone tablets.


Israelites settled in C____________– their “Promise land” on the east edge of the Mediterranean Sea

Page 8: World Religions. Introduction All world religions do the following: Set down basic ______________ principals Use _______________writings Offer a message.

JudaismDavid made

J_________________the capital of the Jewish Kingdom. His son S_________________built

the Temple in Jerusalem. This is the most holy place in JudaismWhen Solomon died, Israel separated into two kingdoms (I___________ and J_____________)

Page 9: World Religions. Introduction All world religions do the following: Set down basic ______________ principals Use _______________writings Offer a message.

JudaismIsrael was conquered by the

Assyrians in 722 BCE

Judah (and the capital city of Jerusalem) fell to the B____________________ 586 B.C.E.This began the Jewish

D_______________Diaspora – Removal or fleeing of one

group of people (Jews)

Page 10: World Religions. Introduction All world religions do the following: Set down basic ______________ principals Use _______________writings Offer a message.

Jewish Teachings

10 Commandments 1st Commandment – Reminds Jews to

worship only one God - MonotheismSet aside a holy day – SabbathHonor your Father and MotherOther commandments forbid lying,

stealing and murderingConsider the kind of person you become if

you abide by these

Judaism also stresses equality and social justice

Page 11: World Religions. Introduction All world religions do the following: Set down basic ______________ principals Use _______________writings Offer a message.

Jewish Teachings

With no homeland following the Diaspora, Jews had to find ways to maintain their religionP_____________________together in

synagoguesObserving the S________________Studying the T_________________

Judaism has spread around the world.

Page 12: World Religions. Introduction All world religions do the following: Set down basic ______________ principals Use _______________writings Offer a message.

ChristianityChristianity developed in what

the Romans called J_____________. (formerly part of the ancient kingdom of Israel)

First Christians were Jews who maintained many Jewish beliefs

Christianity soon developed its own D_________________ and a much larger following.

Page 13: World Religions. Introduction All world religions do the following: Set down basic ______________ principals Use _______________writings Offer a message.

ChristianityOriginLies in the life of J_________–

Considered by Christians to be the ____________________The story of Jesus is contained in the N_________________________

Jesus was born in 6 B.C.E. in Judea and was a Jewish teacher.

Page 14: World Religions. Introduction All world religions do the following: Set down basic ______________ principals Use _______________writings Offer a message.

ChristianityJesusAt age 30 he began teaching

the word of God.God is merciful and lovingLove your N___________________People can be forgiven of their sins

Page 15: World Religions. Introduction All world religions do the following: Set down basic ______________ principals Use _______________writings Offer a message.

ChristianityJesusThe Christian Bible says that

Jesus healed the sick and performed M_________________

He gained many followers12 special followers are known as the A_____________________.They were given the task of

spreading Jesus’ message

Page 16: World Religions. Introduction All world religions do the following: Set down basic ______________ principals Use _______________writings Offer a message.

ChristianityPeople started calling Jesus the

M_____________________.The Romans thought that Jesus might

raise a rebellion so they charged him and C_____________________ him

Christians believe that Jesus was raised from the dead three days later… this is known as the R_________________________.

Page 17: World Religions. Introduction All world religions do the following: Set down basic ______________ principals Use _______________writings Offer a message.

ChristianityBeliefs –

Christians believe that Jesus was the holy saviorIf people believe in him, they will go to


Eventually Christianity became the official religion of the R_____________ E_________________This allowed the Roman Catholic

Church to gain power.

Page 18: World Religions. Introduction All world religions do the following: Set down basic ______________ principals Use _______________writings Offer a message.

ChristianitySacred Text The ____________is the Christian

holy book2 parts – _________________ and _______________________The 4 G_______________contain

the telling of Jesus’ life

Page 19: World Religions. Introduction All world religions do the following: Set down basic ______________ principals Use _______________writings Offer a message.

ChristianityThe T_____________– God, Jesus,

and Holy SpiritGod – Father and creator of the

universeJesus – Son of God H_______________– God’s

presence and power on Earth

Page 20: World Religions. Introduction All world religions do the following: Set down basic ______________ principals Use _______________writings Offer a message.

ChristianitySalvation –

People who believe in Jesus can be granted eternal life in heaven – Called S________________________________Salvation is granted through God’s


Page 21: World Religions. Introduction All world religions do the following: Set down basic ______________ principals Use _______________writings Offer a message.

ChristianityPracticeGoing to C_______________ on SundayFollow the

M_______________teachings of the church

Observing customs and ritualsS_________________ such as B___________, H___________________

Holidays – C___________ and E______

Page 22: World Religions. Introduction All world religions do the following: Set down basic ______________ principals Use _______________writings Offer a message.

ChristianitySpread/DiffusionChristianity is the __________________

practiced religion in the world___ Billion followers (of 7.2 billion people)

Most people converted by choiceSome were forced to convertC________________– Christian v. Muslim

fight for control of Jerusalem

Page 23: World Religions. Introduction All world religions do the following: Set down basic ______________ principals Use _______________writings Offer a message.

ChristianityImpactChristian ethics have influenced

_____ in many countriesChristian C____________has helped

poor and suffering people across the globe.

Influences G__________________and politics

Page 24: World Religions. Introduction All world religions do the following: Set down basic ______________ principals Use _______________writings Offer a message.

IslamOriginsMiddle East around _____ C.E. (After Judaism and


Taught by M_______________ who was born in M________________There is a shrine in the heart of Mecca

called the K___________ LinkAccording to Islamic teaching, in 610

C.E. The word of God was revealed to Muhammad by an A___________.

Page 25: World Religions. Introduction All world religions do the following: Set down basic ______________ principals Use _______________writings Offer a message.

IslamOriginsThe Angel told him that he had been

chosen as a messenger for A________.He began to tell Arabs to worship the

one true God, Allah.The word Islam means “S___________”Followers of Islam are called Muslims

“Those who submit to God”

Page 26: World Religions. Introduction All world religions do the following: Set down basic ______________ principals Use _______________writings Offer a message.

IslamOriginsEarly Muslims were persecuted.In 622 C.E. Muhammad and his

followers left Mecca for M____________In 630 C.E. Muhammad and his

followers took Mecca backIn _____ C.E. Muhammad died.

By 750 C.E. Islam had become a major religion.

Page 27: World Religions. Introduction All world religions do the following: Set down basic ______________ principals Use _______________writings Offer a message.

IslamBeliefsRecognize Jewish and Christian

prophets such as M__________, A__________, and J________ (Jesus is not the son of God)

Regard Muhammad as the last great prophet.

The Q___________ is the word of God revealed to Muhammad

Page 28: World Religions. Introduction All world religions do the following: Set down basic ______________ principals Use _______________writings Offer a message.

IslamBeliefsRevere the S_________(The example Muhammad set how Muslims should live)These examples are recorded in the H___________

Page 29: World Religions. Introduction All world religions do the following: Set down basic ______________ principals Use _______________writings Offer a message.


______________________________________________________________ – There is

no God but God and Muhammad is his prophet”

_______________________– 5 times a day__________________ – Sharing of riches with

poor____________________– Encourage self control_____________________ to Mecca

Page 30: World Religions. Introduction All world religions do the following: Set down basic ______________ principals Use _______________writings Offer a message.

IslamSpread of Islam

Spread throughout Asia and AfricaTried to convert people, especially in

areas that subscribed to P_____________Have waged war to convert Christians

and JewsWith over _________________ followers,

Islam is the world’s ________ largest religion.

Page 31: World Religions. Introduction All world religions do the following: Set down basic ______________ principals Use _______________writings Offer a message.

IslamWay of life

Islam is more than a religion.It is a way of life.

Affects culture, society, and politics in Muslim lands.

Shari’ah law based on the Quran guides all aspects of life______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Page 32: World Religions. Introduction All world religions do the following: Set down basic ______________ principals Use _______________writings Offer a message.

Hinduism & Buddhism

OriginsBoth founded in __________Common roots in the _________ (a collection of hymns, poems, and prayers written in ________________)

Page 33: World Religions. Introduction All world religions do the following: Set down basic ______________ principals Use _______________writings Offer a message.

HinduismOriginsBased on the Vedas

Known as a ___________ religionVedic teaching incorporates 4 main social

_______________ __________________ – The top class made

up of priests_______________ – Rulers and warriors_______________ – Herders and merchants_______________ – servants, and laborers

Page 34: World Religions. Introduction All world religions do the following: Set down basic ______________ principals Use _______________writings Offer a message.

Hinduism_____________systemThe division of people into

social classesToday there are thousands of groups within the main 4 groups.

Page 35: World Religions. Introduction All world religions do the following: Set down basic ______________ principals Use _______________writings Offer a message.

HinduismPractice_________________ is importantUsed to gain a _____________

religious experienceBrought a new set of texts known as

the _____________ (very important today)One of the main texts of the


Page 36: World Religions. Introduction All world religions do the following: Set down basic ______________ principals Use _______________writings Offer a message.

HinduismBeliefs Has a set of basic elements but

not a strict set of practices______________ – Belief multiple

godsEach god controls a different aspect

of the _________________People may devote themselves to

one of these gods.

Page 37: World Religions. Introduction All world religions do the following: Set down basic ______________ principals Use _______________writings Offer a message.

HinduismBeliefs Hindus may believe that all of

these gods are a part of one great force called _____________________.The __________ of __________ is to

____________ their soul with Brahman.

Page 38: World Religions. Introduction All world religions do the following: Set down basic ______________ principals Use _______________writings Offer a message.

HinduismBeliefs Hindus believe that time moves in a ______________ .This leads to __________________When you die, your soul is

______________ into a different body.

Page 39: World Religions. Introduction All world religions do the following: Set down basic ______________ principals Use _______________writings Offer a message.

HinduismBeliefs _______________ – Stands for law, duty, and obligation.A person’s Dharma reflects their

________ in Indian societyPeople live honorable by observing

social values like _________________ and _______________

Page 40: World Religions. Introduction All world religions do the following: Set down basic ______________ principals Use _______________writings Offer a message.

HinduismBeliefs ____________– refers to a persons actions and the consequences of their actionsIf you live properly you will have good

Karma and be reborn into a _____________ caste.

If you fail to live a proper life you will have bad Karma and be reborn into a _________ caste

Page 41: World Religions. Introduction All world religions do the following: Set down basic ______________ principals Use _______________writings Offer a message.

BuddhismOriginsArose from the teachings of

____________________ 563-483 B.C.E.He became the ___________ or “_____________

______________”He lived a privileged life in the ruling family.

At age 29 he went outside the palace and saw suffering. He then left the palace and wondered across

India searching for “__________________________”

Page 42: World Religions. Introduction All world religions do the following: Set down basic ______________ principals Use _______________writings Offer a message.

BuddhismOriginsSiddhartha Guatama

Tried to achieve a higher consciousness through meditation and by giving up worldly pleasures (ascetic practice). One night he sat under a tree and meditated. He did this for days. One night he reached a new level of consciousness where he saw his past lives and the effects of karma. He shed his desires and became enlightened. Continued next slide …

Page 43: World Religions. Introduction All world religions do the following: Set down basic ______________ principals Use _______________writings Offer a message.

BuddhismOriginsSiddhartha Guatama By morning he had reached ________________ (a state of happiness and peace). He had become the Buddha.

Page 44: World Religions. Introduction All world religions do the following: Set down basic ______________ principals Use _______________writings Offer a message.

BuddhismBeliefsThe __________________________

– core of Buddhism1.__________________ is present in all

things and nothing lasts forever. Death, suffering and loss are inevitable.

Ignoring it leads to more suffering. Offer __________________ to those who suffer

Page 45: World Religions. Introduction All world religions do the following: Set down basic ______________ principals Use _______________writings Offer a message.

BuddhismBeliefsThe Four Noble Truths – core of

Buddhism2. The cause of suffering is _____________

Pleasure, power, and desire cause suffering

3. _____________________________________ _____________________________________

4. The way to remove desire is the _____________________ (Eight guidelines)

Page 46: World Religions. Introduction All world religions do the following: Set down basic ______________ principals Use _______________writings Offer a message.

BuddhismEightfold Path

1. Right _________________________ – Deeply understand the Four Noble Truths

2. Right ___________________ – Live a life of selflessness, love, and nonviolence

3. Right ____________________ – Be careful and truthful in what you say

4. Right ____________ – Do not kill, steal, or hurt others

Page 47: World Religions. Introduction All world religions do the following: Set down basic ______________ principals Use _______________writings Offer a message.

BuddhismEightfold Path

5. Right ____________________ – Earn a living in ways that do not harm

6. Right ________________ – Promote good actions and prevent evil actions

7. Right ______________ – Be aware of, but not attached to your emotions, thoughts, and feelings.

8. Right ____________________ – Focus your mind with practice such as meditation

Page 48: World Religions. Introduction All world religions do the following: Set down basic ______________ principals Use _______________writings Offer a message.

BuddhismAt the heart of Buddhism is that _______________________.Pleasure does not last and one suffers when it

is gone.The Eightfold Path offers a way to end

suffering and find peace

Page 49: World Religions. Introduction All world religions do the following: Set down basic ______________ principals Use _______________writings Offer a message.

BuddhismSpread of Buddhism

Became more popular with the Emperor ________________.

Hinduism is the main religion in India. However Buddhism spread to Southeast Asia, Central Asia, and China.

Today, Buddhism is the world’s _____ largest religion.

Page 50: World Religions. Introduction All world religions do the following: Set down basic ______________ principals Use _______________writings Offer a message.

ConfucianismSpread of Confucianism

Confucianism is more a way of life than a religionBecame an official religion in


Page 51: World Religions. Introduction All world religions do the following: Set down basic ______________ principals Use _______________writings Offer a message.


Based on the teachings of a man named _____________ – his western name was Confucius – 551-479 B.C.E.

He became a great teacher and affected the lives of millions of people.This occurred at a time of civil warPeople believed the Emperor had lost the

______________________________ (Ruling with the support of heavenly spirits)

Page 52: World Religions. Introduction All world religions do the following: Set down basic ______________ principals Use _______________writings Offer a message.


Confucius wanted to affect the government of China

He had little support for his ideas during his lifetime.His ideas grew after his death.

Page 53: World Religions. Introduction All world religions do the following: Set down basic ______________ principals Use _______________writings Offer a message.


He believed in many gods as did the Ancient Chinese.This included dead _______________

looking down from heavenHis teachings focused on earth“If we are not able to understand life and

to serve humanity, how can we understand and serve spirits”

Page 54: World Religions. Introduction All world religions do the following: Set down basic ______________ principals Use _______________writings Offer a message.


Believed that building a more harmonious earth brings us closer to _____________________

People should live a life of ____________ (good)Most important virtue is _______ (Benevolence)

KindnessWhat you do not want done to yourself, do

not do to others

Page 55: World Religions. Introduction All world religions do the following: Set down basic ______________ principals Use _______________writings Offer a message.


5 basic relationships1. Parents and ______________2. _______________ and wife3. Older sibling and younger sibling4. Friend and friend5. Ruler and subject

The most important is parent and child______________________ – respect shown

by children for parents

Page 56: World Religions. Introduction All world religions do the following: Set down basic ______________ principals Use _______________writings Offer a message.


_____________________________________Elders should set a good example

Kind, honest, helpful, wise and faithfulRespect _________________________

Page 57: World Religions. Introduction All world religions do the following: Set down basic ______________ principals Use _______________writings Offer a message.


After his death, his students collected his teachings in a book called _________________This help spread his teaching throughout ChinaChinese rulers later adopted Confucianism as a

state __________________________A set of basic ideas, beliefs, and values

Knowledge of his ideas became the basis of the civil service exam

School children memorized his sayingsSome people worshipped him as a god.