World of WordPress

Article# 1 How to Use WordPress for Web Design Since its inception in 2003, WordPress has been a free and open source content management system(CMS). As a WordPress user you will have many themes, plugins, and other features to choose from when designing your page. Your site needs to be designed in such a way that it communicates clearly what your products and services are. These are the crucial areas to focus on when designing your site becomes a struggle. Create a Template and Stick with It. Keep it simple. This is going to be a major key in mastering web design. Treating every page you design as if it’s a brand new page is a common mistake that many business owners, clients, and web designers make. One of the problems that can arise by treating every page and post as if it’s totally new is that you will quickly burn out. There’s no need for this, so avoid falling into the trap of re-inventing the proverbial wheel every time you post. You don’t have to try so hard. Do however take the time to create a template, or a series of them if you want more variety. Once you have this powerful design tool to your liking, stick with it! Many websites and their themes will support your template based system. Once you finish creating your template(s) you can export them to all your pages.

Transcript of World of WordPress

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Article# 1

How to Use WordPress for Web DesignSince its inception in 2003, WordPress has been a free and open source content management system(CMS). As a WordPress user you will have many themes, plugins, and other features to choose from when designing your page. Your site needs to be designed in such a way that it communicates clearly what your products and services are. These are the crucial areas to focus on when designing your site becomes a struggle.

Create a Template and Stick with It.Keep it simple. This is going to be a major key in mastering web design. Treating every page you design as if it’s a brand new page is a common mistake that many business owners, clients, and web designers make. One of the problems that can arise by treating every page and post as if it’s totally new is that you will quickly burn out. There’s no need for this, so avoid falling into the trap of re-inventing the proverbial wheel every time you post. You don’t have to try so hard. Do however take the time to create a template, or a series of them if you want more variety. Once you have this powerful design tool to your liking, stick with it! Many websites and their themes will support your template based system. Once you finish creating your template(s) you can export them to all your pages.

Top Level Navigation Your social media link tabs will be up here, including your

phone number or an email button is always a good idea. You will only need four or five navigation tabs at the most. Create an about us, what we offer, how to contact us, and a

blog tab. Your main tabs should be designed to lead a viewer to sale.

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A contact page may result in a bombardment of people messaging you to sell you SEO services, so consider a work with us form; like a client brief.

Avoid putting a home tab on your navigation site, as your logo will ideally bring you back to the home page.

Sidebar and FooterSidebars are great for engaging your viewers in different ways. For example, your sidebar may include a simple ad or free offer to your e-book/series which can direct the viewer to your landing page. These site wide links are a key part of web design, so put related links to your content in the sidebar. A WordPress testimonial widget will often be helpful at engaging with your audience, or you can try experimenting with social media links like Instagram for instance. Your footer is also a valuable resource and can include three or four boxes including a summary, about us, schedule with me, or latest and greatest blogs. Plugins are your friends and will help you design to your specific needs.

Main Page Your main page or top level design page is your main body. Aim for around 400 words and pay special attention to the

design structure. Put an image up at the top with some text next to it, adding

more text underneath the image and using bullet points. Everything you need to convert your viewer should be right

up there at the top of the page. Include a closing summary and insert another high impact

image; adding a couple of links to other sources is a good idea too.

When using WordPress to design your webpage it’s important to use those awesome alt tags for labeling any images you add, because this will help to boost your search rankings as well as

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improve usability. You want to make your website engaging and refreshing after all. As a web designer you will need to pay attention to word count, key word saturation, video placement, and outbound links. You don’t want people to move off your site, so design accordingly to capture the attention of your viewer’s eyes.

Article # 2

How to Become a Top WordPress Web DeveloperWordPress is by far the most user friendly open source content manager available for creating blogs, websites and e-commerce sites. However, WordPress is a difficult platform to master and demands that anyone attempting to do so successfully, become an expert.

What is a WordPress Web Developer?While WordPress is free and incredibly easy to customize, an experienced web developer will help you unleash the amazing potential of your site. WordPress web developers can help you shape the design of your content management system (CMS) using editable templates, as well as help manage the backend of your website. In addition to that WordPress web developers will be able to write original code, setup themes, widgets, and plugins, even launch sites for you. There is certainly much more to becoming the best web developer than installing, WordPress, skimming a tutorial, and tailor a few themes for you. Whether you want to become the best WordPress web developer or simply

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hire one, these are the keys that separate the average from the best.

Top WordPress Web Developer Requirements They’ve spent time with the best WordPress developers

already: reading their blogs, following them on Twitter, offering feedback on their ideas, attending interactive WordCamps, reading interviews on CodePoet etc.

They’ve read the material on how to master WordPress including: The WordPress Codex, semantics, theme design, and plugin development.

They understand the technology including PHP/MySQL. They’ve explored the WordPress codebase on Trac and Xref

and understand the structure of WordPress. They’re up to date with WordPress as it’s being developed,

and follow the discussions happening on

They’ve done their homework familiarizing themselves with WordPress API’s, Ajax in WordPress, and WordPress PHP.

How a WordPress Web Developer Gains ExperienceAs important as education is to the success of a WordPress Web Developer, real world experience is also absolutely crucial. One of the best ways to getting to the top will involve doing work for others, either paid or free. After working a few thousand hours on WordPress, yes that’s right a few thousand, web developers will be ready to take on their first clients. Gaining experience can also be achieved by developing a public theme, plugin, contributing a patch, or mastering debugging in WordPress. These may seem like daunting tasks, and yet they have enormous potential to accelerate the experience gaining process critical to becoming a top WordPress developer.

The Next Steps a WordPress Web Developer Takes Join the WordPress Community by sharing what they know.

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Write tutorials so others may reap the benefits. Contributing to the Codec and improving the quality of

documentation. Participating in forums and eventually becoming an active

member of the WordPress stack exchange community Presenting at WordCamps and giving value to the

WordPress community.

The Benefits and Responsibility of a WordPress Web DeveloperAchieving mastery of WordPress is an ongoing process requiring years of commitment and continuous education. The rewards are worth the effort and the hard work pays off for those who stick with it. The top 20% of web designers are on average able to charge upwards of $50/hour for their services. These 20% of WordPress web designers are responsible for 80% of the work within their organization. The best way to become a top WordPress web developer is to focus on education, real world experience, and dedication to the WordPress community.

Article # 3

How to Optimize Your WordPress Website DevelopmentThe success of your website depends on more than just a few pretty pictures, and your design choice. Google is far more interested in things like alt tags, file names, and keywords. Google and your viewers will also click away from your site if they perceive a slow load time. You may not even be given the chance to show off your amazing website before they click the back button and are onto to the next. Let’s explore a couple of strategies to optimize your Wordpress Website development and avoid the common mistakes many people overlook.

Common Mistakes of Website Development

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Let’s start by addressing the issues that are going to prevent your website from running at its highest potential. Hosting is something to pay close attention to if you want your website to run smoothly. If you are using a shared hosting plan you are more likely to face slow loading times. Your hosts server literally has hundreds of other websites to power, which can result in poor response time. Don’t be cheap! Make sure you pick a hosting plan that can accommodate traffic spikes effectively. Next issue we’ll be covering is the WordPress theme you’re using for your website. A badly coded design theme will add weight to your loading time so choose a theme that is optimized for desktops, tablets, and mobile devices. Next issue we’ll be sure to address is the use of plugins. Take a hard look at each plugin and determine which are truly essential. If you have installed plugins, without researching how much of your CPU they gobble up, it will most likely result in your WordPress website being slow.

Additional Tactics to Improve Your Website Development Empty your trash as failure to do so clogs your website’s

data base, although WordPress will automatically delete your trash every 30 days.

Eliminate old posts, drafts, spam, unwanted pingbacks, and trackbacks.

Optimize any images before you upload them to your site as they take up a lot of storage.

Test the speed of your website before and after adding any third party advertisements.

Consider other options when it comes to using official social media links as they can add immensely to your load time.

Enable Gzip compression as this will allow a website page to be transferred to a browser at a much smaller size.

How to Ensure Your WordPress Site is Developing Using search engine optimization(SEO) is the way to go if you want to drive more visitors to your site. So how do you do that exactly? Well let’s explore a few of the best ways we can get

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your website noticed. First off the content has to be high quality and 100% unique, so write for your audience instead of the search engines. Using back links to other high quality sites (Ones that rank highly already) related to your topics is a great idea. You can even use links between pages although use with caution as this can be redundant. Next try to pick a good name for any images you upload for e.g. Indiana-Jones-and-the-Raiders-Of-The-Lost-Ark.jpg instead of LUHJ6754.jpg as Google’s search result page will show both image and text. Also I encourage the sharing of your posts on social media although if you also bring other people’s posts and sites besides your own people will be more likely to link back to your site. One more thing to avoid is to just stay away from Flash, as it’s totally invisible in the search engines. WordPress is your best bet. No exceptions.

Article # 4

WordPress Website Companies: Designers and DevelopersThanks to WordPress, building your company’s website has never been easier or more affordable. Created in 2003, WordPress is a free open source content management system that uses PHP & MySQL and makes up more than 26% of the top websites in the world.

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Web Designers vs. Web DevelopersWho Works at a WordPress Website Company?There are many, many great website companies using WordPress to design, develop, and market amazing products and services these days. Choosing the best WordPress website company for you will largely be determined on your specific needs. Let’s get started by identifying the types of services WordPress website companies, agents, and studios provide. Typically, businesses are searching for a company to either design their website or develop it, all using WordPress of course. On the surface these may sound like interchangeable terms, but the skillsets required to perform each job vary significantly.

WordPress Website Company “Designers” Web designers handle the aesthetics of your website (the

look and feel of the site) They may use programs like Adobe Photoshop,

Dreamweaver, and Photoshop to influence the layout and other visual aspects of your site.

The main focus of a web designer using WordPress is to create balance, contrast, emphasis and consistency in order to create the best user experience.

A good web designer will know HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Web designers typically require less education, and are less

sought out in the market than web developers. The median salary for a web designer $47,820 compared to

$85,430 for a web developer.

WordPress Web Company “Developers”Companies who hire web developers to use WordPress for them understand that they are in much higher demand and command almost twice the median salary as a web designer. The job of the web developer is to focus on creating the inner workings of a website. A web developer has a competency in programming languages like PHP, .NET, Python, C, and Ruby. Web Developers

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are generally more logical, relying on their left brain to take them through the very technical and linear thinking required for their work. Website developers using WordPress are like builders whereas designers focus more on the architectural side of the website. Every developer must know how to code because without this key ingredient the plans of a WordPress website company would never come to life.

5 World Class WordPress Website Companies WebDevStudios: A team of 30 members priding themselves

on their WordPress design expertise. They specialize in mobile applications, maintenance, developing plugins, and leading training sessions at WordPress conferences worldwide.

Tribe: A team of develops and designers with 400 built sites to their credit that attract millions each month. They specialize in WordPress, custom layouts, live streaming and more.

Human Made: A design agency partnered with the WordPress VIP Partner program. They do WordPress network development, full site builds, and code and hosting management.

Daddy Design: These WordPress experts have been in business since 2006 and their clients include such giants as: Nike, IBM, TNT, Universal, and Spotify.

WordPrax: Focusing on custom WordPress development including plugins, themes, and SEO optimization they have over 350 WordPress Professional clients.

There are so many amazing website companies who use WordPress with incredible expertise, and every-one of them employ a design and development team. Website companies who use designers are most likely on a team with other designers and web developers likewise. While it is possible that a person may possess both skillsets it is unlikely that given the high demand for web developers an individual would choose to stay as a web designer.

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Article # 5

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The Best WordPress Website Design Companies AroundWith over 75 million results likely to greet your search command for WordPress Website Design Company the question of who’s the best of the best?

The Best WordPress Web Designer CompaniesThe criteria for finding the best designers the web has to offer is as simple as starting with google. If the designer is easy to find in the search engine that’s a start but only the beginning. After that we can head over to check their Alexa rating, and notice if they rank in the top 10,000(this is what we want,) or are closer to 10,000,000 range (we’ll avoid). Now that we’ve qualified them let’s go a little further and actually look at their WordPress site. We want to feel intrigued, so a fast load time and that little spark are going to be a must have. If there’s a feeling of all shine with no substance however, then this is not an ideal candidate. The goal is to find a web designer with a site that works well and gives us the information we need. The last few things that are very important to investigate are the portfolios, client base, and the team that each web company has assembled.

Questions to Consider Before Choosing a WordPress Web Design Company

What causes do they support within their community? Are they providing open source code available for all to use? What training programs do they offer at their conferences

and schools? Are they developing the WordPress core by donating their

time? Does their blog have a section with tutorials? How are they giving back and investing in others?

WordPress Web Design Leaders

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Number 1, WebDevStudios is an amazing team specializing in WordPress expertise. The multisite, migration, and custom design they are known for lead them to author 7 books on WordPress design & development. The clients that work with WebDevStudios include: Microsoft, MSNBC, and Time. Number 2, 10up is a WordPress development team of 108 people ranging from engineers, managers, strategists, and designers. They donate their time to open source projects like WordPress and have 21 free and active plugins. A quick peek at their client base and portfolio shows that 10up has projects ranging from blogs, mobile apps, and entertainment websites to doing business with ESPN, AT&T, and Wired. Number 3, Tribe is a community of WordPress designers that have been in business for over 14 years and have won 6 Webby Awards. Their client list includes: CNN, NBC, Motorola, Ask, eBay, and more. Tribe has 4 blogs that highlight their work rather than a traditional portfolio. Number 4, Crowd Favorite is a team of WordPress specialists working from 6 different offices around the globe. Their contributions have mainly been in the realm of data migration, software integration, and performing heavy customization for clients including: Monster, Starbucks, Walmart, and Yahoo!

Qualities the Top WordPress Design Companies Have in Common

The top web design companies are all using WordPress They provide the highest levels of service possible Their client list is impressive They have a very attractive portfolio They contribute to the community or give back in some way

Final Thoughts Web designers know how important WordPress is to their livelihood. Contributing to the core by building WordPress plugins and themes are some of the ways developers like to show their appreciation. Organizing WordPress meetups in their

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respective areas, teaching or speaking at WordCamps are also ways to spread the love better to everyone.

Article # 6

10 Companies with the Best WordPress Website DevelopersEvery serious business who wants to build a successful website is at some point going to need to hire a high quality WordPress website developer company. With literally thousands of WordPress development companies to choose from it can beg the question “how would I choose?” First decide what your needs are and then choose a company that will make the best match. Here are ten top level companies, all specializing in design, all using WordPress.

5 Leading WordPress Website Developer Companies1. WordPrax: Over ten years of experience and a solid

reputation, this WordPress web development company is known for their brilliant team. They focus on sidestepping inaccuracies, while bringing the best aesthetics, merging what is practical and what is achievable.

2. Ossmedia: This WordPress web development company thrives on their potential to deliver top quality website development. Their cutting edge customer support team has put them on top of the market.

3. Satvik Infotech: This company has been a leader in WordPress web development with offices in India, Canada, UK, and The USA. If you’re looking for a team that does it

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all they also offer IT services, mobile app development, and ecommerce web development, SEO, and internet marketing.

4. Blue Fountain Media: Looking for stunning results? This WordPress website company is known for their top level efficiency and effectiveness. Startups as well as fortune 500 companies will benefit from their all inclusive services.

5. Pixel Crayons: Whatever your challenge, this web development will deliver fast, top quality, affordable services. From SMEs to fortune 500 companies, Pixel Crayons has serviced more than 4000 satisfied customers with their WordPress development expertise.

The Top WordPress Web Development CompaniesWordPress has been a pivotal player in the evolution of web development and will continue to enable developers to build outstanding websites. With thousands of free plugins, widgets, and themes available, the (CMS) of WordPress has greatly reduced the need for business owners to rely exclusively on development companies. The global WordPress community has increasingly contributed to a site owner’s ability to edit, tweak, and control the content of their site using the admin panel. Never the less, a professional WordPress web development company will be essential to building an effective online presence. Here are five more outstanding WordPress Web Development companies that have what it takes to meet whatever your web development needs may be.

5 More Leading WordPress Website Development Companies

6. WPCanvas: With over 1000 successfully completed projects this is a company highly accomplished in PSD to WordPress conversion. They are the best at taking any design format and converting it into a W3C approved, WordPress theme that is cross browser ready.

7. Old City Press: These WordPress website development experts are highly skilled in offering cutting edge

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conversion strategies. They pride themselves on their ability to adapt to even the most innovative development.

8. Maxburst: These developers have used WordPress to create an impressive portfolio that is sure pique your interest. If next generation sites are your thing you will be in for a treat as their work speaks volumes!

9. ValueCoders: Dedicated to offering expert WordPress website development, this team offers a plethora of solutions including but not limited to: custom plugin development, custom theme developments, PSD to WordPress conversion, and excellent maintenance and support

10. Lead to Conversion: Based out of Ohio, these WordPress web development specialists offer affordable rates, making them a one stop shop for all of your online needs.

Choosing a WordPress website development company can be as easy as pie once you know what you want. As soon as you know what your needs are for your businesses website the choices are much more clearly defined. With a little research and some trial and error you will find the best fit and with that comes all the expertise, specialization, and benefits of hiring a top level WordPress website developer company.

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Article # 7

How to Grow Your Online Marketing Company Using WordPressWhile it’s certainly exciting to create your very first website the elation period quickly turns into a “How do I attract visitors?” Unfortunately, just because you build it doesn’t mean they will come.

Vital WordPress Keys for Your Online Marketing CompanyLet’s get down to brass tax and talk about how to best promote your WordPress site using the amazing power of marketing. Blogging is a huge piece in your marketing puzzle so the keys to your online success will be built upon combining quality content with an innovative strategy, all while maintaining a uniquely

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valuable narrative. Photo and infographics are powerful tools and not likely to diminish in value as most of the way our brains process information is through visual transmission. Video production is easier than ever to learn, even for the most average WordPress user. Long-form content like Vlogs have become very trendy and themes like Divi are becoming popularized by WordPress users. In general, long form content using WordPress may just replace the ever popular e-book. Simply adding a plugin that decides who gets to access a bloggers material will remove the need to download and view the content as a pdf file. The beautiful and dynamic creations will be viewable to all devices who have the plugin. Now that we’ve talk about content management let’s continue to add to our online presence.

SEO, Email Marketing, and Social Media Marketing Google is very skilled at detecting empty content that has

no value and is only full of keywords. Moz and Yoast are two great resources to catch you up on

how to implement the best SEO practices that you will then combine with your already awesome content.

Email marketing is here to stay, so take the time to pick through the many articles that have been written on optimizing your email marketing campaign.

WordPress users should build social outposts on the major networks: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Google+

Be open to learning the social network game, while building a community/following around your WordPress site.

There are many books, articles, and resources available to help guide your strategy to market your online company using WordPress.

Affiliate MarketingUsing WordPress to create high quality long form content that eventually you can turn into a product will be a viable way to create a program that drives insane amounts of traffic to your website. Offering a higher rate to your hired affiliate marketers

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(say above 80%) will create an upsurge of affiliates all driving traffic to your website and your cool product. Check out,,, for some of the best resources available on how to master affiliate marketing.

Essential WordPress Plugins for Online Marketers Jetpack: Offers an all in one WordPress plugin with features

ranging from analytics to mobile themes. Just Writing: Created to help bloggers focus on writing

without the constant need to drop out of WordPress’s DFWM (Distraction Free Writing Mode) required to implement formatting.

WordPress SEO by Yoast: This plugin is focused on driving the right traffic to your site by requiring you to choose a keyword before you start writing.

Google Analytics by Yoast: Using this plugin to monitor the progress of your blog within your WordPress account is a perfect way for marketer who requires an easy solution for extensive reporting.

A Growing and Changing MarketWordPress users marketing their company’s products and services will need to be aware of the developments in categories that continue to expand and grow. Learning how to get the most out of the resources available will be the responsibility of the online marketer. WordPress can help your company thrive, but you must do the work!

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Article # 8

How to Find the Best WordPress Webmaster for Your CompanyA web master is an expert in WordPress who helps a company develop, maintain, and promote their website. Their skillset lies in their expert ability to multitask in a creative way. Before you hire a webmaster to design your site for (SE0) and maintenance

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however, there are some important questions to ask the aspiring applicant.

Essential tasks of a WordPress WebmasterMaintaining the advertisements and setting guidelines within the sites structure is a key element within the job description. Issues that arise will need to be debugged to prevent the loss of revenue and conversions. Any IT partners your company may be partnered with will be in regular communication with your webmaster to tweak hardware and minimize downtime. Providing an in depth analysis of your sites health while mapping conversion paths will help the marketing team stay up to date on statistics as well as analytics.

Questions for a Potential Webmasters Where can I find links to your past and current projects? May I see a list of clients you have worked with in the past?

Are currently working with now? Do you have a favorite website from your past work and if

so why that one? If hired which technologies, publishing, and design content

would you use to create and upkeep my company’s website? My site needs to be optimized for (SEO) how will you boost

my ranking in the search engines?

Qualifying a Webmaster for your CompanyYour company needs a webmaster who will ensure a responsive design and be up to speed with the latest technologies the web has to offer. Maintaining a mobile-friendly and multi-platform ready site is crucial to promote your products and services. The success of your company will depend on the many technical aspects of your website, so the webmaster’s job is to know the latest software/hardware trends.

Additional Questions for the Would Be Webmaster

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What kind of video, social media, banner ads, flash animation can you integrate into my site? What would the delivery time be for each special feature?

How would you respond to a site crash, hack, or other security issues that would be a problem for the website?

Where will you obtain the photos, graphics, and media to be used on my company’s site?

Once the site is designed, who will own the site? Are you willing to sign an agreement that makes this a work for hire position?

Would you prefer to be paid by the hour or monthly? Are there overtime charges for working after hours, weekends, or holidays?

Hire the Best WordPress Webmaster for your CompanyA WordPress webmaster’s responsibility must be to build, manage, and maintain your site at all times. Working with WordPress has made the heavy lifting easy for your webmaster. Assign your tasks to them with confidence as it is their job to know your company’s site inside and out. WordPress will continue to dominate the market for the for-see-able future. Running your company is more important than trying to stay in the loop of the constantly shifting trends in WordPress development. Leave the site maintenance, updates, and malware issues that need to be handled on a daily basis to a skilled WordPress webmaster. Your business will thank you.

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Article # 9

Top 10 WordPress Web Design CompaniesAll the best web design companies recognize the amazing simplicity, ease of use, and cost/time effectiveness that the WordPress platform has to offer.

WordPress is the Most Used Platform by Web Design Companies PHP and MySQL have gifted designers to freely create marvelously innovative websites for their clients. Web masters will be greatly appreciative of the ease to edit the sites content. Here is a list of the ten most highly regarded WordPress Web Design Companies offering their valuable services today.

Top WordPress Design Companies1. Big Drop Inc: Based in New York, New York they are

considered to be the best WordPress web design company in their industry despite the legions of other competitors. They offer their clients services ranging from branding, marketing, and video animation.

2. Blue Fountain Media: Known for their ability to launch affordable websites for their clients, these New York City based web designers use the powerful open source system to save money and effort. They encourage their customers to tap into the amazing perks associated with WordPress web design like free themes and extentions

3. Maxburst: If you’re someone who values the particulars when it comes to technology used for domain development this Farmingdale, New York firm may be for you. They use Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP, or (LAMP) to create custom websites specifically designed to acccomadate WordPress.

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4. Old City Press: Known for their expertise for custom designing websites powered by WordPress, this Washington D.C. based firm is known to optimize mobile and desktop browsers. A subscription to WordPress is included by the agency for ongoing projects.

5. Eight25Media: Based in San Francisco, California their superior open source design agency is located in the heart of Silicon Valley. They offer custom WordPress templates, widgets, extensions, and their user base is growing all the time.

Why Web Design Companies Love WordPressWordPress was a bit of a game changer in that it offered a platform that went far beyond blogging. Essentially WordPress changed web design forever by making it possible to build versatile and dynamic websites, without the hassle of learning how to code. With WordPress there is a multitude of themes, plugins, and customizable options at a designer’s finger tips; it’s no wonder so many of them LOVE IT.

Top WordPress Design Companies Continued6. Ruckus Marketing: One of the best firms known for their

excellent web design and marketing. Ten years in the business this New York, NY company is qualified to assist in designing and fully maintaining a WordPress platform

7. Dotcomweavers: Portfolio wise, this New Jersey based company holds a truly amazing deck of cards. Highly skilled in launching new WordPress websites they also make an excellent resource for WordPress webmasters with their simple modules and dashboards.

8. Forix Web Design: Based in Portland, Oregon they offer the best WordPress web design for local clients, as well as organizations, academic institutions, and small business enterprises.

9. Isadora Design: Their low cost annual plan will benefit small business’s looking to save money on services like IT. This

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Manhattan Beach, California based business is great at creating online stores with their open source system, that will effortlessly create electronic payment processing options and external shopping carts.

10. Konstant Infosolutions: NYC, New York is home to this WordPress web design agency that offer clients many helpful strategies for managing their very simple WordPress CMS.

Final ThoughtsWhichever company you choose to design your website is up to you. The top firms in design and many areas of web development are all super excited about how amazing WordPress is. There is almost nothing you will find impossible to do with WordPress and that is what makes it the most user friendly content management system ever.

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Article # 10

World of WordPress: A Hunt for the Best Web Developer Company AroundFinding a reliable web developer to aid you in your campaign of marketing your products and services doesn’t have to be next to impossible, if you know where to look.

The Problem of Trying to Develop Your Site AlongIf you’ve tried to do the job alone and felt disgusted with the results don’t despair. You will want to pick a Company who’s resume goes beyond “I made a rad Myspace page in high school.” Avoid worrying your head trying to figure out how to reach your viewers, consider choosing from among the following WordPress web developers as they can help you bring your audience a more objective perspective.

10 WordPress Web Developer Companies Too Good Ignore

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1. Toptal: Less than 3% of applying web developers make it past the brutal screening process. Rest assured that the talent pool is top level and is a highly reliable option.

2. Pivotal Labs: With over 2 decades of WordPress experience, the bar is set high for their Ruby on Rails web development. They will leave you with a top level finished product and if you have a team that needs a little more expertise and education they will most certainly get it.

3. Thoughtworks: Quality and quantity in one place. Tough to believe I know, but with 30 offices across 13 countries and team of 3000 you may want to check them out. Their published open source solutions are focused on sustainability-driven and business is the social economics realm.

4. NYC Dev Shop: Known for their integrity and strong communication skills, the agile Ruby on Rails methods they utilize make them a customer favorite. They also won’t try to increase the price of the contract in the middle of the project.

5. Silicon Valley Group: If you need to build a viable product rapidly, consider this WordPress web developer group that specializing in outsourcing. With their services ranging from high tech consultancy to ensuring your digital team is ready for long-term stability this a team of MVP’S.

A Web Developer Can Be One of Your Most Critical HiresIt’s very important that you hire the right talent the first time around, so you don’t waste your time and money trying to replace them if things don’t work out as planned. Making sure that your web developer will fit in with the unique characteristics of your company is something you should value over their work experience.

WordPress Web Developer Company Top Picks Continued6. Coalesce: If you might want a longer term relationship than

just a single project, then this NYC web development

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company might be for you. They offer some great options for your website or mobile app. Check out their impressive portfolio of past development projects.

7. Thoughtbot: With 11 locations in the USA and in Europe their open source contributions and publications on WordPress web development make them a smart choice.

8. Neo: They may not be the cheapest, but they deliver quality results. Just ask Time Inc. who required them to build an entire solution far beyond a simple website, although they can do that too.

9. Cirtrusbyte: This group will put a team of “A list talent” together for your project. Expert in all things WordPress and totally dedicated to the success of your project. They employee such tools as: Ruby, Python, and Vagrant.

10. Hashrocket: This Ruby on Rails based web development company has high standards and is based in Chicago/Florida. You can thank them for their amazing code which allowed them to lower their web application cost significantly.

Ways to Identify Your Ideal Web DeveloperOnce you make your decision try giving a small project to your web developer first to be sure they are a good match. Observing them in action will give you an idea of how well they work with a team. If it’s not a good fit don’t hesitate to find a replacement. At the end of the day no matter how good their skillset is, if they are disruptive in any way let them go. Look to make sure they are going above and beyond to get your product and services delivered on time and offering creative solutions to problems that may arise.

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